( ANNOUNCEMENT to our patrons throuchaut the Futile Northwests PORTLAND'S POPULAR HOTEL OREGON has been placed under the management of N. K. Clarka, who waa for many years connected with the Portland, Carneliua and Seward Hotels, and who will always extend to all a cordial welcome. Commencing November lit we shall In aug urate the American plan in connection with the European plan. We tollcit your patronage. American Plan, $3 to $5 per day. European Plan, $1 per day up. N. K. CLARKE, Mgr. FOUNDATION OF BUSINESS SUCCESS I for your ion ordauijhter U Behnk W.lkec Education. Often hv had all th chlldrtm of amily-ana ter another enrolled to acquire a fiufineva Education proo o the value o Behnke- Walker Educa tion. Count. In BuiIdm!, Shorthand, Penmuiiblp, Telegripby. Day and nlubt school, Pc-iiiioni wbeo compeunc. Write for catalo. 11 BUSINESS" COLLEGE JNOjR MEN'S AND WOMEN'S Shoes $2B $3B ALL STYLES AND ALL SIZES We also carry a complete line Men's Work Shoes, Royal Shoe Co. 229 Morrison Street, Between First and Second Sts. PORTLAND, OREGON NO MEDICINE If you are ailing in anyway, and want help, write me. DR. L. M. DAVIS, 129,4 Russel street, Portland, Oregon. WEEKS' BREAK-UP-A-COLD TABLETS A guaranteed remedy for Colds and La Grippe.' Price 25c of your druegist. It's good. Take nothing else. Adv. We pay cash Remit at once and deduct no commis sion. Ship us your veal, hoira. noultrv. eggs, etc. CITY MAKK.C.T, 107 Front St. Portland, Oregon 55 Valuable Formulas, Tricks, Illusions, and Household Hints in our interesting magazine tor two issues. Sent Complete for ... Jackson & Co., 828 Chamber of Commerce, Portland, Ore. lQc Double Tread Puncture Proof Tires Made from your old ones. Last long as llrand New TIKES Write us. OREGON VULCANIZING CO., 650 Washington St., Portland. Ore. LEARN WATCHMAKING Pleasant, profitable work not overdone; few months' learning; positions guaranteed; write for references and particulars, Portland Watchmak ing, Engraving and Optical School, 218 Common wealth Building, Portland. Oregon. Dalles-Columbia Line Winter Schedule, Nov. 25 to Mar. 15. Steamers J. N. Teal and Twin Cities for Kenne wick, Pasco, Wallula, Umatilla, Arlington, The DaUeS, Lyle, Hood River, White Salmon, Carson, Stevenson, Cascade Locks. Leave Portland Tues days and Fridays at 11 p. m. Freight and passen gers. Landing Taylor St. Dock, Portland. Letter for Letter. "Why does a poet begin so many of his sentences with 'O'?" said the poli tician. "There's no answer," replied Mr. Penwlggle. "Why does a speechmaker begin so many of his sentences with 'I'?" Washington Star. Outclassed. "Were you much impressed by the majestic roar of Niagara?" "I was at first, but later on, when my husband put up a roar about our hotel bill, Niagara sounded like a rip pling brook." A Good Actor. "Hamfat Is out of a job. You re member that fellow who used to play the part of a butler bo well." "I remember him. He was good. I should think he could get a job as a real butler." Kansas City Journal. Way to Win. "I have always been unlucky in life." "Me, too." "Yet you are very successful." "Well, as soon as I got the idea that nek would do nothing for me I began to hustle." Louisville Courier-Journal. Then the.Rlot Call. Once In a great while you hear a vaudeville joke that is probably not more than 40 or 60 years old. Put Pepsin In It. Miladl says did you ever stop to think how hard everybody would try to get religion if it was good for Indigestion. O jjSaoeaooo Try this easy way to clear your skin with si no! Soap Bathe your face for several minutes with Kesinol Soap and warm water, working the creamy lather into the skin gently witli the finger tips. Then wash off with more Resinol Soap and warm water, finishing with a dash of clear cold water to close the pores. Do this once or twice day, and you will be astonished how quickly the healing, antiseptic Resinol medication soothes and cleanses the pores, re moves pimples and blackheads, and leaves the complexion clear, fresh and velvety. A Practical Application. "Wlien Josh got home from his edu cation," Bald Farmer Corntossel, "ho started right in Instructin' me about agriculture, So I didn't lose no time to try him out." "What did you do?" "Sent him out to round up a swarm oi Dees.' "Was the experiment successful?" "Some. It didn't hurt the bees none, an' kep' Josh from gettln' In the way fur 'most two weeks." New York Post. Narrow Escape. "See here, you. You were talking in your sleep last night about a dear and a perfect love." "It refers," explained her husband, "to a perfect love of a hat I am think ing of buying for you." She looked at him suspiciously, but told him to have It Bent up. Louis ville Courier-Journal. Beauty and Wealth $2riz attain.both. Full instructions, Scores of valuable formulas. Beautify yourself. Start a Beauty Shop. Start manufacturinir Beauty Specialties. All of these opportunities are open to you. Com plete system $1.00 per copy. Particulars FliEE. IJ uracil Specialty Co,, 328 Cham. Com., Portland of High Tope, Loggers' and at Cut Rate Pricea. The Main Difficulty, The management of a factory re- cently engaged a new man and gave instructions to tho foreman to instruct him in his duties. A few days after ward the manager inquired whether the new man was progressing with his work. The foreman, who had not agreed very well with the man In question, exclaimed angrily; "Progressing? There's been a lot of progress. I have taught him every thing I know and he is still an ig norant fool." Chicago Herald. Yon Can Get Allen', Coot-Case TREE. Write Allen 8. Olmsted.Le P.oy, N. Y for a hoe sample oi Allen's Foot-liase. It cures sweating. h,H swollen, aching feet. It makes new or tight shoes easy. A certain euro (or corns, Ingrowing nails and bunions. All drug gisli elllt. 26o. Don't accent any mbstltute, That's So. "What were the Janizaries?" "Soldiers maintained by the ancient Turks. They trained them to be sol diers from boyhood." "I'll bet they had no trouble in re cruiting, either. Everybody wants to be a soldier at 10." Louisville Courier-Journal. Campus Invitations. Femade Voice over the Wire Hello George! Can you come to a little party this evening? George (absent-mindedly I'd like to, but I'm on the wagon. Chaparral, Fears Confirmed. Carraway was craning his neck for a better view of the turkey. "Rubber!" said the landlady. "I feared as much," said Carraway with a sigh. Judge. Let as tell you FREE of 24 new wtoys to make money. It may be the beginning or financial in dependence. Address, Purack Specialty Co., 828 Chamber ox Commerce, Portland, Ore. One Profession Tabooed. "I suppose you have high ambitions for your boy? "Well, I wouldn't say that, exactly. but I do hope that he won't turn out to be the male assistant to a female dancing teacher." Error Confounded. Conductor We're traveling In twp sections tonight. Intoxicated Passenger Thatsh right. Justh whash I've been trying to tell m' friends. I can see both shections of you, too, co'ductor. Machinery Better Than Men. She A clock is different from man. He In what respect? She When it strikes It keeps on working. No EntemrisA. Junior Partner I think Mars Is In habited. Senior Partner Until this war is over, Jake, we will Btick to our regu lar customers! Philadelphia Bulletin, A Prepared Speaker. "Mrs. Judkin read a paper before the suffrage club yesterday after noon." ' "Did it show careful preparation?" "No; but Mrs. Judkin did." Birm ingham Age-Herald. If the skin is In bad condition through neglect or an unwise use of. cosmetics, apply a little Resinol Oint ment and let it remain on ten min utes before the final washing with Resinol Soap. Resinol Soap is not artificially colored, its rich brown being entirely due to the Resinol balslma it contains. Sold by ail druggists aod deaieis la toilet loods ft or tree sample cake and trial of Resinol Ointment, write Dept. J-P, Resioot, Chemical Co., Baltimore, ltd. Physicians have prescribed Resinol Ointment for ojer twenty years in the treatment of skin and scalp affections. 1 I 1 1 YOUTH OF BASEBALL Before Game Had Attained Present Perfection. Its 8port In the ''Thirties' Wat by No Means What It la Today, Though Doubtless It Was as Gen erally Enjoyed. Back as far as the thirties of the last century probably even further back certain localities called the grand old game of today, baseball, by the name we do now. The rules of the pastime have undergone many changes, although some of the rules today are the same as those In the first set got up by the Knickerbocker club in 1845. Fourteen rules com prised the first set, as compared to the hundred or more of today, to say nothing of the' many sections of the different rules. The following is a description of "Massachusetts Baseball" as played on the Boston common In the early thirties: The number of players on a Bide might vary from six to twenty, but eight was the regulation number. Th-i Held was an irregular polygon. There o scour QBItOflL ease. I i SCOUT or eiVEK. IS fCS SCOUT SCOUT Diagram of a Ball Grounds in the Early "Thirties." were really five bases, for the homo base and the batter's base were not coincident. The ball was made of any soft and elastic material, such as wound yard, a sturgeon's nose, and later, hollow rubber. The pitcher known as the "thrower" or "giver" stood midway of the polygon. The catcher stood up close behind the but, but he had a "scout" to assist him, since this game, like cricket, made no distinction between fair and foul ballB anything off the bat was a hit, There were no basemen, for a runner off base was put out just as in round ers by being hit with the ball. Fivo scouts assisted in fielding balls and "soaking" the runner. Hence the soft ball. A ball caught off the bat or Ou first bound waa out. Even after real baseball came this game had long sur vived. Then afterward there came an evo- lutlon of baseball in New York. One- o-cat, two-o-cat and three-o-cat were the most popular kinds of baseball in' dulged in by the New York boys un til 1840, whon one-o-cat became the fad. One sumn.er afternoon in 1842 as the boys were playing around the famouB Murray Hill grounds In New York city, Alex J. Cartwright hap- pened along and told the youngsters he had a better game than the one-o- cat affair. The boys were willing to find out what the new contest was and at once proceeded to ask Mr. Cart' wright about it. Mr. Cartwright scratched oft the diamond in the Murray Hill dust with a stick and the boys watched with open eyes and listei-ed with open ears as he laid oft the diamond, using stones for the bases and home plate. He set a player at each base and three scouts, as they were called then, In the outfield. So with eight players on a side, no shortstop, the New York lads played their first real game of baseball. It was a matter of ten years after ward before "Dicky" Pearce made the position of shortstop a regular place on a ball team, Pearce's ability to get infield grounders and his throwing arm giving him the honor. The yarn ball then gave way to a heavier and larger ball than the one used today, The ball at that time cost two dollars, The "pill" was covered with she6p skin, the cover being sewed on in four sections by the village shoemak er. The Knickerbocker club was the first ball club to be formed and held the honor of being the only one of its kind until the Gothams put in their ippearance. Back to Colonial Days. The announcement that a certain section of Philadelphia Is to be paved with cobblestones will, no doubt, received with joy by jesters in other cities, but when It is known that this is merely one of the details In re storing the colonial atmosphere to the grounds surrounding Independence hall, residents of the Quaker City will give a sigh of relief. The hall Itself was restored years ago, and a committee of the Philadelphia chap ter of the American Institute Architects appointed lor the pres ervation of ' lstorical monuments, has undertaken to restore the exterior of the famous building to the exact condition or as near so as possibl that existed when the fathers met to promulgate the Declaration of Ind pendence. Philadelphia Inquirer. Change in Farming Methods. The most characteristic feature of the Swiss agricultural Industry since the outbreak of the war, is the lncllna- tion in all parts of the country to more diversified cultivation of the land, and the raising of more grains and vegetables instead of the one-sided systems obtaining heretofore of hay, live stock, dairying and cheese making or of grapes and other fruits Glass Coffin Used In Russia. . Wealthy Russians are burled In gluf eofllns. For a Galled Horse Keeps Him Working HAN FORDS Balsam of Myrrh A LI N I M NT 'or Calls, Wire Cuts. Lameness, Strains, Bunches. Thrush, Old Sores, Nail Wounds, Foot Rot, istula. Bleeding, Etc., Etc. Made Since 1846. JOT y Pric 25c, 50c and $1.00 All Dealers sysM?- Headlight on Fountain Pen. An inventor conceived the idea of making an electric lamp to be carried in the vest pocket, which had muni the appearance of a fountain pen, the lamp being very slightly larger than the other. This probably offered a tip to a rival inventor, who proceeded to make an article which is both lamp and pen. Llttlo is added to the proportions of the implement, and the ink reservoir shares space in the cylindrical case with a tiny dry battery. The lamp is mounted lust over the pen point, with a tiny reflector, which directs tho full strength of the lump's glow down on tho manuscript at the point where the pen is gliding over its surface. Dr. Pierce's Pellets, small, 9 usrar- coated, ea-iy to take as candy, regulate and invigorate stomach, liver and bow els. Do not gripe. WPITP TllRITO For Moving Pictures. Pro II! HE, JlimilJi due nay from ftS to $100 poch for Photoplays. Interesting and fascinating. No experience nc'ssary. Work in spare time. Full particulars Free. Purack Specialty Co., &i Clinmber of Commerce, Portland, Ore. What She Needed. Lady What will you charge me for the use of a horse and buggy for a few hours? Liveryman It will cost you S2 for tho first hour and $1 for each addi tional hour. Lady Well, I'll use It for two ad ditional hour3. I've got some shop ping to do, and will not require it for the first hour. timve you Is nasal breathing impaired? Does your throat get husky or clogged? Modern science proves that these symptoms re sult from run-down health. Snuffs and vapors are irri tating and useless. The oil-food in Scott's Emulsion will enrich and enliven the blood. aid nutrition and assist nature to chock the Inflammation and heal the sensitive membranes, 5Apn Alcoholic mixtum and imitt upon SCOTTS. Slaughter. European Our war is terrible. know of a colonel who commanded a regiment of 1000 privates and lost half of them in one battle. Mexican That's nothing compared with our war. I know of one private who was commanded by 1000 generals and lost 750 of them In one battle. LIVE AGENTS For new Houselold Necessity. Easy Beller. Big profits. Exclusive territories open. BO MA SYSTEMS CO., Sedalla, Mo. The Turning Point. "Pr, what does it mean when a pub lic man Is said to be at the zenith of his popularity?" "It. means, my son," replied the de- feated candidate ruefully, "that he is about ready to hit the toboggan." Birmingham Age Herald. Vm4e Dnlrrae Our package contains 88 nieces fllllOO lUlnu&l:,) 0f Christmas and holiday nov elties, including post cards, folders, gift cards, stickers, tags, seals and cutouts, making a repre sentative package which is a rare value at 10c. Jackson & Co., 328 Cham, of Com., Portland, Ore, The Family, "I see that the Smiths have been divorced," remarked Brown. "That so?" asked Jones. "Did they have any family? "Yes," replied Brown. "She gets the custody of the poodle and he gets the custody of the motor car," Quick to Act. "Did Alice take her husband's ure in the right spirit?" fall. "Oh, yes. Just as soon as she knew he was going under she went out and bought her entire summer outfit.' Endless Chain. "I don't see how that politician can Issue a Btatement every day." "Why not?" "What can he issue a Btatement about?" "About his last statement." Nothing Lost The beauty of reading a tiresome book is that you can skip a few pages without realizing the difference. The Neighbors Know It Evil communications corrupt good telephones. C Gcc Wo Saceeaafnl Bona Beaediea Bis successful herb al remedies cure all kinda of ailments of men and women with out operation, used from the wonderful Chinese herbs, roots, buds and vegetables, which are unknown to the medical acience of this country. Write for blank and cireulara. Send stamp. CONSULTATION FREE. Address The C Gee Wo Chinese Medicine Co. mVw First St. Portland, Ore, Mention Paper. Other. fr-WHJ N I seorra tnyuioH y coo'iitao, '''''- sUTt,MinC ' 1 1 ms. ';- f &. . . . CAP f &JTlCt JOKE ON CURIOUS NEIGHBORS Young Wife Was Scolding Curly Haired Black Pup and Not Her Husband, at Was Supposed, His name was Charlie and they had been married only a week. She was particularly affectionate end their thln-walled apartment concealod little of Import from curious neigh bors. One night the neighbors gasped in amazement and then suspended all other things to listen, says Columbus Dispatch. "She" was speaking In stri dent, angry tones. "Charlie," she was Baying imperi ously, "if you ever come into this houBo again and muddy my carpets wilh your foot, right back home you go!" "Gosh! A divorce," breathed the neiit-door man to his wife. They spent most of tho night wondering whether the newlywedB could live together another week. Well, he had no right to spoil her carpets," commented the wife with a finality that ended the discussion. Next morning a curly-haired bbek pup was cavorting over the lawn of the newlyweds. 'Charlie," the young wife was say ing to the nevv pet, "I'm Borry I Bcold ed you last night, but your feet were terribly muddy." And She Believed Him. "Hubby." "Yes, my love." "You UBed to seem glad when I telephoned you at the office, but when called you up today you were as cross as an old bear." That was only a pose of mine, An, gela." "Oh?" "Our confounded office boy as grin ning so I had to conceal how delighted I really was." Overestimated Them. A man should stop every now and then and take stock of himself, re marked the philosopher. I don't agree with you," said the pessimistic person. "Why not?" "It is Impossible for a man to re main always twenty-one. And that is about the only time In life when tak ing stock of hlmBelf 1b apt to give him any considerable amount of satisfac tion?' Rapid Progression. "Well, sir?" said the judge, sternly. "Me an' my wife had somo words, your honor," began the prisoner, "an' one thing led to another." "What do you mean by that?" "You Bee, sir, she started by throw ing the salt shaker at me. Then she shied a few cups an' saucers, then few plates an' wound up by hlttln' ma over the head with the coffee pot." TIGHTWADDO. She I understand that young De Pinch has been operated on for ap pendicitis. He Yes, it's the first time anyone was known to get anything out of him But you see they had to give him chloroform to get that. Playing to the Galleries. "Senator Bluffum seems always anx ious to fight the battles of the peo ple." "In a strictly oratorica) sense, of course." "Oh, yes. He represents a constit uency who believe that the more noiBe be makes the harder he is working to protect them from bis unscrupulous issoclates." Faint Praise. "What did the critics seem to think of -Scribson's. latest novel?" "They didn't seem to think much of It" "No?" "One said it might be a good book to read on a tram, ll were were plenty of charmln; scenery to look at along the route." Melancholia. "If I were to offer you a job, what would you think?" asked the practical philanthropist. "Indeed, sir," replied the mournful- looking tramp, dore am t notbln you could say to me dat would add to de mental depression I've been laborln' under fur many years. WHY FAMOUS PASTRY COOKS USE I Baking Powder The patrons of our first class hotels and restaurants are exact ing they demand the best Women go where-the pastry and cakes are noted for their excellence. Men are attracted by hot bread and biscuits when fresh and moist and light The pastry cook with a reputation uses K C Baking Powder because he knows that results are certain; every time everything is as good as his best Then, too, with K C Baking Powder he can mix the various kinds of batter before the rush of the meal begins and bake as needed so that every order goes to the table fresh and hot, yet the r. last he bakes are just rVa mi . , , i ne reasons Denina mese reasons is mat i u is really a blend of two baking powders. One commences to give off leavening gas as soon as moistened. The Xm f l other requires both moisture and heat to make it 1 active. Dough or batter will remain in a partially ust a leavened condition lor For cookies, pancakes, doughnuts and the like, which cannot all be baked at once, K C is indispensa ble. For all baking thedouble raise makes doubly certain. Follow 1h example of the professional mm cook and your fTave Healthy, Strong, Beautiful Eyes Oculists Hud tuysicluue used Murine Kye- Remedy many yeare before tt waa offered as a Domestic Eye Medicine. Murine Is Still Com ponuded by Our Physicians and guaranteed by them as a Reliable Relief for Eyes that Need Care. Try it in your Eyes and in Baby's Eyes No Smarting Just Eye Comfort. Buy Murine of your Druggist accept no Substitute, and if interested vmta for Book of the Eye Free. MUKINE EV'B ltUJUUDY CO., ClilOAUO Bullets and Juggernauts. Chlpner They say that In battle 100 bullets are fired for every one that takes effect. Chauffeur Very likely. I some times pass aB many as 200 pedestrians before I hit one. Paw Knows Everything. Willie Paw, Is echo masculine or feminine? Paw Feminine, my son. Echo al ways has Wig last word. Maw Willie, you go and take a dose of castor oil. Unexpected. Bill Did you ever try to stand on an egg? Jill Oh yes. - "And what did you learn?" "That the Inside of the egg was stronger than the outside." Philadel phia Record. Correct Teacher (the subject being trees) Now, who can name the pine that has the longest and sharpest needles? Bright Boy I can, miss the porcu pine. Competition Necessary. "Jack, I wish you'd come to see me occasionally." 'Why, Vanessa, I thought you were engaged to Algernon Wombat?" "No; but I think I could be if I could get up a little brisk competition." SMOKELESS POWDER SHOTGUN SHELLS There are more "Leader" and "Repeater" loaded shells used than any other brand. Their superior shooting la the reason why. For pattern, penetration and uniformity they are unequalled. They hold all important records and trophies. ASKJYOU R. DEALER FOR THE ff BRAND. I avTsbSn. Objected to Paying Twice. "Look here, waiter. Eighty cents is an outrageous price for a portion of asparagus." "Yes, sir, but you see, sir, we're put ting on a very expensive cabaret show, and " "I know all about the cabaret show. I paid for that with the soup." Kan sas City Times. Are Boils Dilionsness Malaria L" Constipation Perhaps this case may be similar to yours . Waleg Tilly of Wax 673.) Stlma, Col., writtu Gentlemen: "It gives me much pleasure to be able to send you a testimonial, if by its reaching some sufferer your medicines wiU do as much for him as they have for roe. At the age of fourteen 1 waa troubled a great deal with malaria and biliousness, accompanied With the worst sor',of large boils. 1 was persuaded by my parents, who have always been sti-cie oelievers In Dr. Pierce's remedies, to try the GoldVn Medical Discovery. I took one bottle and the boils all dis appeared, but I did not stop at one botMe, I took throe) and ths maliria all left me and 1 have had no more boils to this day. thanks to the 'Golden Medical Discovery' for my relief, "Followint an operation for appendicitis two years ago I was troubleil verv much with conntipation and I have rjoen trying lit. Pierce'a I'leaaant Purgative Pellet and they hav. id me of the troublesome gas snil Have ail) me in conquer ns tht whole trouble; ttianaa airnln fur tho 'I'ellcte' ami for the a,ii ire 1 hav. ob'alneil from The Poo, ! a Common Snse UeOicAdviaer." bond only 81 eenU fut this 1UOH pti- book. Important Teacher (relating an experience with a tramp) And then I fainted. Small Hoy (excitedly) Wld yer cLKht or wid yer left? f I ' lU ' ' e S S Jer-J.. $ as good as the nrst , s ai - , ir i , - hours, and when put in the oven, baking will be equal to his. LOSSES SURELY-PREVENTED by Cuttir', Blaoklig Pills. Low priced, frenh, reliable: preferred by Western stockmen because Ihay pro- ' leet where other vaoelnel tail. Write for booklet and testimonials. 10-dolt pkga. Blaekleg Pills l .00 50-dose pkge. Blsekleg Pills 4.00 Use any Injector, but Cutter! best. LEG The superiority of Cutter products la due to over : is yonra or speolallslnt in vaoelnss ana ai-ms oniy. Insist on Cutter',, If iinithtnlnnble, order direct. T'.E CUTTER LABORATORY, Berkeley, Csllfsrala Fortified Sentiment "Is your wife disappointed because she didn't get the vote?" "I don't think so. - The defeat of woman suffrage has merely strength ened her conviction that men are po litical failures and serves to praising the interest of the campaign." Wash ington Star. The Test. Medium The spirit of your wife Is here how. Do you wish to speak to her through me? Widower Ask her where the dickens she put my Bummer under wear. Philadelphia Public Ledger. 8uperflciallty. She Phyllis Featherweight Is go- ing to study geology. He Well, I am giad that she'll at last get beneath the surface of some thing. 'Battery Troubles. First war fan Well, what are the Russians doing? Second war fan Well, they put the czar In the box and shifted the grand duke to right field.. About Due. "Young lady, you are accused of giving a display of high kicking on Broadway." "Nothing to It, your honor. I wag just trying to see the time of day by my ankle watch." On Their Honeymoon. "Young man," said the magistrate severely, "the assault you have com mitted on your poor wife was most brutal. Do you know of any reason why I should not send you to prison?" "If you do, your honor," replied the prisoner at the bar, hopefully, "it will break up our honeymoon." Philadel phia Ledger. You Troubled? 1 Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery for over forty years has been lending its aid to just such cases as this. In our possession we have thou sands of testimonials of like character. , Perhaps you are skeptical, but isn't it worth at least a trial in view of such strong testimony? Isn't it reason able to suppose that if it has done so much for others it can do as much for you ? Tour druggist will supply you In liquid or tablet form, or you can send 60 one-cent stamps for t trial box. Address Dr. T. M. Pieree, Buffala, N. T. r. n. u. No. , 1911 VyHKN wrlttaa? to i " tiea this BMper.