The Maupin times. (Maupin, Or.) 1914-1930, December 10, 1915, Image 4

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Brief Resume of General News
from All Around the Earth.
Live News Items of All Nations and
Pacific Northwest Condensed
for Our Busy Readers.
Northwest lumber mills receive big
orders for railroad ties.
A combination of six million farmers
of the United States is proposed in a
meeting in Chicago.
Senator Borah, of Idaho, declined to
permit his name to appear on the Min
nesota state primary ballot as a candi
date for the presidency.
Ohio C. Barber, millionaire match
manufacturer of Arkon, Ohio, aged 75,
sometimes called the "Match King,"
married Miss Mary F. Orr, aged 44,
for 12 years his private secretary.
Lamont M. Bowers, of Binghamp
ton, N. Y., until recently manager of
the Colorado Fuel & iron company,
will resign on January 1 a 130,000
post with the Rockefeller interests be
cause he believes that men past 60 are
"either foolish or irritable." Mr.
Bowers is past 70.
Reports received by the London
board of trade during November tell of
the Binking of 63 British steamers,
with a total net tonnage of 61,072,
with the loss of 646 lives. In the
same period, the loss was reported of
35 British sailing vessels of 4977 net
tonnage with six lives.
William O'Reefe, a pioneer theat
rical manager and actor, known all
over the Northwest, shot himself
shortly after midnight on the steps of
the county jail in Helena, Mont., dying
instantly. O Keefe, who was 65 years
of age and a bachelor, left a pathetic
note, declaring his efforts to give up
liquor had resulted in torture.
John H. Fahey, president of the
Chamber of Commerce of the United
States, told President Wilson that bus
iness men want congress to establish a
non-partisan tariff commission and pro
vide means to strengthen the merchant
marine. Mr. Fahey declared there
was great need for more ships to carry
the exports of the United States.
Official announcement that the Amer
ican steamship Hocking had been re
quisitioned by the British government
without the formality of prize court
proceedings, was received by the State
department in a dispatch from Halifax,
where the ship was being detained
since she was seized by a British war
ship while on the way from New York
to Norfolk.
Three high officials and subordinate
officers of the Hamburg-American line
were found guilty in the Federal Dis-
trict Court of New York of having
violated the laws of the United States
In sending coal and other supplies to
German cruisers in the South Atlantic
in the first few months of the Euro
pean war. The jury returned a ver
dict of guilty on each of two indict
ments. The specific charge against
the defendants was conspiracy to de
ceive and defraud the United States.
The maximum penalty for each indict
ment is two years' imprisonment and
$10,000 fine.
Senator Works, of California, will
not seek re-election in 1917.
The reichstag is considering a bill to
tax war profits and incomeB.
The French government is reported
seeking a large loan in England.
Nineteen miners are killed by an ex
plosion in a mine at Boomer, W. Va.
A police census of Greater New
York gives that city 6,253,888 inhab
itants. Winston Churchill, who has gone to
the front for England, will Boon be
made a general.
Two hundred and twenty acres of
wheat land near La Grande, Ore., was
sold for 16,000 cash.
Jane Addams, settlement worker and
noted peace advocate, has been sent to
a Chicago hospital. Her illness is re
ported as not serious.
Shipbuilders at Hoquiam, Wash.,
are constructing one of the largest
schooners on the Coast, which will
transport lumber when finished.
A collie, locked out of the house at
Binghampton, N. Y., leaps through a
window and alarms the occupants in
time to save themselves from death by
The order calling the youth of
France to arms ia being bitterly op
posed In the chamber of deputies on
the ground that shirkers still avoid
war duty.
Ex-Pressident Roosevelt requests his
name withdrawn from the Nebraska
state primary ballot as a candidate for
president before the National Republl
ean convention.
Publication of the new charter of
Warsaw University shows that under
German control the official language of
the university will be Polish, in which
11 lectures must be delivered.
Henry Ford, who has chartered
ahiD to convev nacificista of thla eoun.
try to Europe, denies sending cable
gram to ine t ope on peace matters.
According to witnesses In the con
piracy case at New York, it ia shown
that Germany was behind the plan to
id in supplying her ships at sea from
vessels leaving American ports.
The famous statue of "Smile
Rheims" in Paris, which was shattered
during the bombardment of the Rheims
Cathedral, has been mended. The frag
ment! broken from the figure have
been collected and replaced.
Washington, D. C. Congress assem
bled and organized Monday for the ses
sion, which is expected to be the
greatest , within the memory of the
present generation.
Four hours' work in the house saw
Speaker Clark returned to the chair;
Representative Mann returned to the
leadership of the Republican minority;
the introduction of 2000 bills and reso
lutions, many of them proposing meas
ures of National defense and many
more in opposition; the reappearance
of constitutional amendments to en
franchise women and a miniture rules
fight that flickered out with the adop
tion of last year's rules with a few
In the senate practically the same
was done, except the election of Sen
ator Clarke, of Arkansas, as president
pro tempore. Vice President Marshall
was absent because of the illness of
his wife.
Both houses then, after sending a
Elected Speaker of the House of
Representatives for the third time.
joint committee to the White House to
give official notice of the opening of
congress, adjourned until Tuesday,
when the real business of the session
began with President Wilson's address
to a joint session in the hall of the
house at 12:30 o'clock.
The greatest budget of expendiures
ever placed before any American con
gress in times of peace was brought
in from the various branches of the
government, the total being some
$170,000,000 more than was asked for
last year.
Explanation for Recall of Attaches
Refused Germany by Lansing
Washington, D. C. The state de
partment's formal refusal to give its
reasons for asking recall of Boy-Ed
and von rapen, German embassy at
taches, was forwarded Tuesday night
to Berlin and given to Ambassador von
BernBtorff. The embassy interpreted
this action as "very unfriendly." The
embassy explained, too, that the Ber
lin foreign office had asked that Amer
ica's reasons be given Becretly, if the
state department did not care to make
them public.
Secretary Lansing, however, the env
bassy said, refused any information.
State department authorities did not
minimize the effect the refusal reply
would have on Berlin, but they pointed
out that Landing is merely abiding by
a Btrlct cuBtom,
The refusal has the effect of calling
for a showdown from Berlin.
Germany probably will ask that
Bernstorff now confer further with
Lansing on the subject.
With these developments giving a
new tinge of seriousness to German
American relations, it was admitted
torpedoing of the liner Lusitania will
be hopelessly muddled if Germany
makes good any diplomatic bluff she
may be attempting in the Boy-Ed
von-Papen case. For, either breaking
off diplomatic relations or a complete
acquiescence in America's demands
are Germany's only alternatives, un
less the state department permits a
long series of conferences which would
keep Boy-Ed and von Papen here in
definitely pending outcome of the ses
sions. African Contingent Recruited.
Capetown Gen. Jan Christian
Smuts, minister of defense in the
Union of South Africa, announces that
the force asked for the East African
expedition has been recruited and that
the imperial government had been in
formed that the Union was increasing
its forces. Explaining the decision of
South Africa to send an expedition to
East Africa, Gen. Smuts said this ac
tion was taken because of danger aris
ing from arming natives by the Ger
mans and the preaching of a holy war
against Christians.
Spanish Cabinet Out.
Madrid The cabinet of Edurardo
Dato resigned owing to the leaders of
the opposition serving notice of a' pro
posed motion to give economic ques-
tions in parliament priority over cer
tain military measures which were de
clared unnecessary. Count Roma
nones, ex-premier, supported the mo
tion, which Premier Dato declined to
accept and left the chamber of depu-
ties to present his resignation and that
of the ministry to King Alfonso. Se-
nor Dato'a cabinet resigned June 22,
last owing to a failure of large loan,
Citizenship Bar Upheld.
Washington, D. C The Supreme
court Wednesday affirmed the decision
of the California court interpreting the
Federal expatriation law of 1907 as
constitutionally applicable to women
who continue to live in the United
States after marrying foreigners as
well as those who marry foreigners
and live abroad. The case was brought
by Mrs. Ethel C. Mackenzie, who was
denied registry because she married
subject of Great Britain.
Permission Given Reichstag to
Consider Ending of War.
Letter to Wilson Said to Be Under
Contemplation War of Exter
mination Is Alternative.
London The momentous decision
reached by the German government to
permit the discussion of peace in the
reichstag is regarded here as the clear
est indication that Germany is prepar
ed to lay down her arms if acceptable
conditions can be obtained.
The government's decision, follow
ing the authorization given to the Ger
man press for a free discussion of
peace possibilities and the discussion
of an almost unanimous desire to end
the war, along with the governmental
sanction of the Socialists' plan to
bring about peace debate in the reichs
tag, lends to Monday's session of that
body an importance which it is impos
sible to overestimate.
The entire world is awaiting eagerly
the speech of the imperial chancellor.
Meanwhile the wildest rumors are cur
The latest of these, coming from The
Hague and obviously from a German
source, is to the effect that the kaiser
intends to proclaim peace on his arriv
al at' Constantinople. It is asserted
on the "highest authority," according
to the rumor but the name of this
highest authority" is not given
that the kaiBer will send a letter to
President Wilson urging him to accept
the role of mediator. The letter, the
rumor goes on, will declare that Ger
many did not want the war, which, the
letter will say, was forced by England
and Russia. Atrocities will be denied
energetically. The hour is at hand,
the letter will continue, to stop the
bloodshed and permit Europe to heal
her wounds with a bountiful peace.
Germany will offer, through Presi
dent Wilson, to evacuate the invaded
departments of France and all of Bel
gium except Antwerp and to negotiate
with Great Britain regarding the pos
session of Antwerp. Poland will be
declared autonomous, the invaded
provinces of Russia will be restored
and Serbia's independence will be
On the other hand, the freedom of
the seas" is to be guaranteed, and spe
cial privileges are to be granted to
German commerce.
In case of a refusal of these terms,
according to the rumor, Germany is
determined upon a war of extermina
tion. Fair Seen by 18,871,957;
Closing Day Brings 458,558
San Francisco So great was the at
tendance at the Panama-Pacific expo
sition December 4 closing day that
it took the department of admissions
until late at night to figure out that
458,558 persons passed through the
gates and took part in the farewell
This was the largest attendance of
any of the 288 days the exposition was
open, and brought the total attendance
to 18,871,957.
The republic of Panama participated
in the exposition to tho extent of
erecting a handsome building, but be
cause no funds were appropriated by
the republic to keep the building open
to visitors, it was learned, it remained
closed throughout the exposition.
Postal Receipts Grow.
Washington, D. C A statement by
the postmaster general shows that the
receipts of the Portland postoffice dur
ing November amounted to $96,116,
as against $92,119 for November last
year. This is Portland's record for
November business. Seattle receipts
this November were $113,143, against
$109,229 for November last year. Spo
kane's receipts this November were
$42,479; last November, $39,714. The
statement shows for 60 offices, produc
ing about half the postal revenue of
the country, an increase of $2,033,138,
Doctors Practice on Monkeys' Eyes.
Baltimore Two monkeys at Johns
Hopkins hospital are being fitted with
eye glasses in an effort to discover a
cure for various diseases in the human,
The glasses will entail a severe strain
on the eyes, causing imperfect vision,
and in other ways will confuse the re
cording nerves of the eyeball. The
direct result expected is serious re
action of the thyroid glands of the
monkeys, with a consequent develop
ment of a disease found in human be
ings to have their origin in the thy
roid gland.
Head of Boy Scouts Resigns
New York Ernest Thompson Seton,
naturalist and writer of books on na
ture, announces his resignation as
chief of the Boy Scouts of America,
In a statement explaining his action,
Mr. Seton said he resigned because of
gradual change to policies to which he
is opposed, and for which he blames
James E. West, of this city, the pres
ent Scout executive. Militarism now
comes first and woodcraft, the original
purpose of the movement, second
German War Plant Lost.
London Destruction of large am
munition factory at Halle, Prussian
Saxony, by an explosion with the loss
of several lives, is reported in mes
sage from Holding, Denmark. Dis
contented workmen are suspected, the
message says : It is said similar dis
aster was narrowly averted at Bogden,
Silesia, where the ammunition factory
was saved by the discovery that it had
been undermined.
Portland Wheat Bluestem, 95c;
fortyfold, 94c; club, 91c; red Fife,
88c; red Russian, 89c.
Millfeed Spot prices : Bran, $23
per ton; shorts, $24; rolled barley,
Corn White, $35 per ton; cracked,
Hay Eastern Oregon timothy, $15
16; valley timothy, $1213; alfal
fa, $13.6014.60; cheat, $910; oats
and vetch, $1112.
Vegetables Artichokes, 75c (a) $1
dozen; tomatoes, California, $11.60;
cabbage, 90c hundred; garlic, 15c
pound; sprouts, 9c; horseradish, 8Jc;
cauliflower, 75c$1.25; celery, 60
65c dozen; beans, 1012Jc; lettuce,
$2(512.75 crate; peas, 10llc.
Green fruit Apples, 75c2.25 box;
pears, $11.50; grapes, $1.86(5)1.50
crate; casabas, 2Jc pound; cranber
ries,. $911 barrel.
Potatoes Oregon, buying price, $1
f. o. b. shipping point.
i.ggB Oregon ranch, buying prices:
No. 1, 42c; No. 2, 30c; No. 3, 20c per
dozen. Jobbing priceB: No. 1, 42
44; Oregon, Btorage, 2628c.
Poultry Hens, 1213c; springs,
12c; turkeys, 17c; turkeys dressed, 20
22c; ducks, white, 12c; colored, 10c;
geese, 810c.
Butter City creamery, cubes, ex
tras, selling at 311c; firsts, 29c;
prints and cartons, extra. Prices paid
to producers : Country creamery, 24
28c, according to quality; butterfat,
premium quality, 33c; No. 1, average
quality, 31c; No. 2, 29c.
Veal Fancy, 99Jc per pound.
Pork Block, 7Jc per pound.
Wool Eastern Oregon, 1826c;
valley, 2526c; fall lambs' bool, 25c;
mohair, Oregon, 28c pound.
Cascara bark Old and new, 34c.
Cattle Choice steers, $6.857.25;
good, $6.506.85; medium, $66.60;
choice cows, $5.255.75; good, $5
5.25; medium, $4.605; heifers,
$3.506; bulls, $2.605; stags, $3
Hogs Light, $66.10; heavy, $5
Sheep Wethers, $4.766.50; ewes,
$45.60; lambs, $67.35.
Wheat Outlook Not Clear.
Portland grain dealers see no reason
to change their attitude toward the
wheat market, and consequently bus!
nesB is inactive all along the line, with
prices more or less stationary. Where
there was a change in quotations it
was in the nature of a reduction.
No one is able yet to figure out what
will be the effect of the Canadian em
bargo, but the feeling prevails that if
it influences the American market in
any way it will be adversely. The net
result of the operations at Chicago was
a decline of cent, and it would occa
sion no surprise if the Eastern mar
kets would continue to sag for several
days, or at least until the situation
clears. The influence of the Canadian
government's action, it is expected,
will soon be felt in the freight market
on the Atlantic side, and that should
furnish a cue as to the probable course
of wheat values. In the meantime,
the trade here seem disposed to stand
by and await developments. ,
No trading is reported at country
points. At the exchange in Portland
there was a sale of 5000 btrshels of De
cember club at 92 cents, the same
price that was bid the previous day.
Offers for January club were lowered
1 cent. December bluestem bids were
also down 1 cent, and fife offers were
1 to 2 cents lower than last week.
Other varieties and deliveries of
wheat Were unchanged'in price. There
was nothing doing in the coarse grains,
the former prices were posted.
Growing Contest Ends.
Chehalis, Wash. The Chehalis Na
tional bank has just closed an interest
ing farm products contest. The judg
ing was done by Professors E. G. Sha
fer and J. N. Price, of the State col
lege. They were unstinted in their
praise of the quality of the various
products on display. An especially fine
corn exhibit was made. Owing to the
fact that the Southwest Washington
Fair was held the last week in August,
before much of the late vegetable crop
had developed completely, some ex
ceptionally fine specimens of various
kinds were shown.
Spuds and Rutabagas Arrive.
Tacoma Big, yellow rutabagas
from North Yakima are in heavy de
mand on the local produce market, ac
cording to commission men. . Dealers
say the quality of the vegetable is "su
perb," being fresh and sweet. The
price now is said to be uncommonly
low, $1.25 per cwt. An advance, how
ever, is expected later. Yakima Net
ted Gem potatoes have gone up again,
the prices now being $2122 a ton.
At these prices the vegetable ia said to
be very firm and further rises would
not come as a surprise.
"Fruit Sellers" to Cease.
North Yakima, Wash. The direc
tors of the Yakima County Horticul
tural union, which last summer joined
with the Richey & Gilbert Co. and the
Yakima Fruit Growers' Exchange in
organizing the Yakima fruit shippers,
In an effort to establish a get-together
selling agency for this valley, have di
rected their representative in the Fruit
Sellers, W. W. Nelson, to take imme
diate steps to dissolve that corporation
and have directed him to see that no
more fruit is shipped by, or under the
name of the Fruit Sellers.
Cranberry Prices Are Advancing
The cranberry market is steadily ad
vancing. Several of the jobber quot
ed $11 on late Howes, and this price
will probably be general soon. The
decline a few weeks ago was not war
ranted by the conditions in the East,
where cranberries are in smaller sup
ply than last year and are very firm in
Hop Market Quiets Down.
Portland The hop market quieted
down at the cloee of the month, as the
last of November sales had been taken
care of last week. Most of the busi
ness reported ia between dealers. H,
L. Hart purchased 90 bales at 10 to
18 cents, and Julius Pincus bought ISO
bales at 8J to 10 eenta. ,
ii ... i ii j... i.j iiiiiiin ii ii II 1 1 ; n mmmimmmmmm
r Y 0, 4 ' : ! rl l"J 1 ! l"fl
"Jr Tri. v if v
A scene outside St. Paul's cathedral, London, after the memorial services for the British nurse martyred In
Belgium. Among those present who came to fay homage to the memory of Mies Edith Cavell, representatives of
every Btatlon in life, from the coster to the king and queen of Great Britain, were present. A group of British
Red Cross nurses acted as a guard of honor.
One of tho first pictures of the Germans on Serbian soil. It shows a Teuton invading division halting for the
Hoon meal and rest. The horses and
goulash cannons," the portable field
Among the many devices with which the Gorman army la equipped is
this portable searchlight, small but powerful, which, when not iu use, Is
taken apart and distributed among five men.
Frank J. F. Thlel, assistant treasurer of
the United States, in his official capacity Is
called on to sign nearly 500,000 checks a
year. Recently a check-signing machine
was Installed, and the other day Mr.
signed 100 checks in 64 seconds. .
Lucullua sometimes spent more
than $8,500 on single meal.
To save firemen carrying hose high
Into buildings standpipe has been in
vented from which water can be
turned on at any Boor by valves at
the street level.
A Swedish scientist has advanced
the theory that bearded grain, such as
wheat, draws electricity from the air
and that the plant Is aided In Its
growth thereby.
pack mules are left to graze, while
The antltreatlng order went Into ef
fect In London on the 11th of this
month. "Don'ts," which are really
commands, ta.e been plentifully post
ed about the city. Here they are:
Don't order any Intoxicating drinks
for another.
Don't pay for drinks for a friend.
Dut t lend cr advance money to buy
Dont consume any drink which
somebody else baa ordered or paid for.
the men lie down or gather about the
This is a French official cinemato
graph operator at work in the first
line trenches. In nuiklne nmviricr nlo
tures of the fighting the operator has
to take as many chances a,i the sol
dier. ,
A Place for Him.
While at lunch with William Ah.
blngdon and William Collier, the ac
tors, a young Englishman, also an
actor, Indulged in numerous criti
cisms of America and American in
stitutions. It became very distaste
ful to Abbtngdon, who is a British
subject and was not permitted to join
the army, even though he applied.
"If you don't like America and her
people." suggested Abblngdon to his
younger fellow-countryman, "why
don't you go over to England and help
fight for your own country T You
could get in the army."
"No, I couldn't," the younger Eng
lishman hastened to explain. "1 tried,
but they wouldn't let me in because!
they said, I had a floating kidney."
"Well," suddenly interjected Collier
With a bit of sarcasm, "that wouldn't
keep you from Joining the navy, woul
It?" Saturday Evening Post.
These -don'ts" apply to licensed
premises and clubs, highways, open
spaces, railway stations adjoining oi
near to licensed places in which thi
liquor was sold or supplied.
However, tho sale of whisky, brand
and rum, reduced to between 26 and
36 degrees under proof, and of gin re
duced to between 35 and 45 degrees
Is permitted. The advisability of cIm
ing all-night clubs U being consid
ered by Scotland Yard.