The Maupin times. (Maupin, Or.) 1914-1930, December 10, 1915, Image 1

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Devoted to the Interests of Southern Wasco County
VOL 2, NO. 9
THE YEAR $1.50
Wapinitia Items
Roy Crabtree and family of
Criterion, formerly of this place,
were guests at the home of his
.Bister, Mrs. Seltz Miller, last
Peter Olsen and little son
Ivan were business visitors at
The Dalles last week. i
N.-W. Flinn had the misfor
tune of losing a valuable colt a
few days ago.
David Sharpe made a trip to
Walkersvijle last Friday.
Frank Huston went to Dufur
last Thursday to purchase a Span
M horses.
Mrs. Fred Laughlin and moth
er were Wapinitia visitors Thurs
The Wapinitia Otterbein Guild
" Was entertained St the home of.
Mrs. M. H. Stains last Saturday
afternoon. After the business
paftof the meeting was held
delicious ref reshmeiitfl were serv
ed by Mrd. StainS. '
Guy Douthet who1 has been en
gaged as chaufeUr for if. P. Ab
bott thi past jtear, returned to
his home in The Dalles Saturday
as the rdads here are getting too
muddy for fltttos.
Emil Hegklef bfdUgtit in a fine
bunch of cattle lafit week from
the Indian Reservation.
Lem Gresham who is engaged
fit the 1 P. Abbott ranch this
Winter, rdtdrrKJd last Friday
from a visit with his family at
The Dalles.
Some fog, "a big rain and a lit
tle sunshine is the order of the
weather here this week.
Grandpa Evick is on the road
to recovery but is still confined
to his voom.
Dee Woodside butchered eight
ffne big hogs Tuesday.
Earl Barzees are moving into
their new hotel this week.
' Sid Wilson was on the sick list
the latter part of last week. .
N. W. Flinn and Lincoln Hart
man started for The Dalles Wed
nesday morning. Mr. Flinn
went to receive treatment for
his limb.
York Wilson and his brothers
Len and Sidney went to White
River last Monday to put in
York's fall crop.
Ernest May hew brought up a
load of people from Maupin Mon
day. Miss Celia Flinn is a guest of
Mrs. G. E. Wood this week dur
ing Mr. Wood's absence.
5. I. West started, for The
Dalles last Sunday to receive
medical treatment, fie has been
sick for some time.
It is reported that A. F. Evick
has rented his place to Phil Mott.
Co. RudL C. T. Bonney visited
the schools here last week.
3. P. Abbott has been quite
siek the past week. Dn Shan
non was called to see him the
first feart df last wfeek.
Vincent Tapp was a visitor at
the Gabel home SundaV-
The heavies rain of the season
so far fell here Saturday night
The following report has been
received by Librarian W. H.
Tallcott from the commission.
Books missing from traveling
library May, 1915: Balch; Bridge
of the Gods, Davies; Melting of
Molly, Goss; Jack Alden, Grover;
Overall Boys, O'Henry; Four
Million, Scott; Talisman.
Books missing from traveling
library November, 1915: Bower;
Good Indian, Cobb; Back Home,
Daniels; Bronze Buddah, Glas
gow; Miller of old Church, Hope;
Heart of Princess Osra, Lang;
Alladdin and the Wonderful
Lamp, Liljencrantz; Ward of
King Canute, McCutcheon ; Trux
ton King.
No book cards: Ford; Honor
able Peter Sterling, Kennedy;
Joacelyn Chesire. .
These books must be returned
to Mr. Tallcott at the post office
before the Commission will send
another assignment of books to
Shaniko Thursday for a short
visit with relatives.
Last Sunday a number of our
people spent a pleasant and
profitable day at the school house.
Rev. Ellis delivered three excel
lent sermons and a basket dinner
was served. large number
were kept at home on account of
the sform which lasted through
out the day.
The Criterion correspondent
takes this opportunity to con
gratulate the several correspond
ents of The Times for their good
work, loyal support and results
therefrom in the last contest just
closed. We do not feel an super
iority over our co-laborers, as a
chronicler of neighborhood gossip
but are much pleased to know of
your merited rewards and trust
that you will continue your zeal
to make The Times a bigger,
newsier and better journal, de
serving of the support of all
Southern Wasco.
and Sunday. In fact it was a
continual down pour all day,
The farmers say that during no
period of last winter was there
so much moisture in the ground
as there is now
A. F. Evick made a trip to his
Victor place Monday.
Bob Sheppard made a tf ip to
Maupin Wednesday, taking Mr.
Flinn and Lincoln Hartman to
meet the train.
Dr. Hatfield wishes to an
nourice that he will leave
Maupin About December
18 to remain away some
time Pefsons wishing Dental Work
Done, Please make appointment now.
The Idal Christmas Gift
You can make a selection from my stock that will be
suitable for anyone on your Christmas list, from Baby to
Grandpa or Grandma.
Select your gifts here aVid thev will not only be a
pleasue at the time they are received, but by their every
day, genunine. service, a constant reminder of your gener
osity for many years to come.
"Pendleton Present! for Practical People"
Lad Has Narrow Escape
Last Sunday while a number of
boys were playing on the bridge
over Wapinitia Greek. Kalph
Delco, who was leaning over the
bannister, lost his hat in the
water. Thinking he could get it,
he waded out into the efeek after
it, and might have succeed, had
he not stepped into a deep hole.
The current being so swift from
the heavy rains, carried him off
his feet and down the stream.
ine boys on the bank seeing
that he could not get out decided
to try to rescue him, so Bennie
Flinn plunged inW the water
and succeeded in getting hold of
his arm and pulling him to shore.
He was quite sick Monday, but
alright atfd able to Attend schoo!
again Tuesday.
VXble covers
- fairy article guaranteed to be a genuine bargain.
Your- Christmas allowance vill buy more here than
elseynne...;, , .t . ,, 4i f , .' .,
. Every article guaranteed to come from the Pendfeton
Woolen, Mills.
ifcecial Orders taken for extra fancy articles.
Let me wive the Chriafniai Problem for yo'u.
ft. e. J6RY 6. Bld&
BrW Rifles Vnd ottfunVand
'Sfto&t Cor TurkeyV
jj clnesaay. Defcemker 22
Correspondents must, on each
manuscript sent into the Times,
have their names written, in or
der to receive credit in the con
Tygh Valley 1
We ere glad to see J. T. Harper
Up and arouud again,
Mrs, Harper is now reported on
the sick Ht.
Mrs. Johnson moved to her home
at Wamtc Wednesday, Mrs. Mollie
Morrow moving into the hotel oc
cupied formally by Mrs. Johnson.
Mr. Redman, accompanied by
Mr, Monger, has been in this
neighborhood this week looking
for hogs.
Tom Swift was hauling hay
through here for Mr. A. Lake at
Wamic. Wednesday.
The girls are all making baskets
for the basket social at the I. 0.
0. F. hall, Friday night.
The dance at the Hi Jinks hall
Saturday flight was well attended
and all report a jolly time.
The primary grade Under the
supei vision of Miss Bonney are all
delighted with their new pencil
sharpener gotten by their united
efforts No more borrowing knives
in that room.
1 lie Lsis crock Uo, failed to
put tsa their play here as there was
some fnisuuderstanditlg in regard
to procuring the hall.
Mr. Stillwell has purchased the
Oliver Bros, property here hi town,
grandpa britteu who has been
sick for Some titfne ts rtfcorted to
be no better.
Aft wtsJhrilg rid fti the new
jitney, please hail ije'iie Watkins.
Leaves town in me morning return
ing in the evening. Zetie is very
proud of his new mule since Ire
can work him single.
ed. Ykfir SWrae became frttfit-J tee and Clyde Wivet Veep theft
enedat a sack filled WM hayfta btfg tfusjs 'tis a fosicl hum
she makes too,
Mrsi, Rachel Driver was dow
from Wamfc Tuesday, getting he
house ready for wintes, that she
rented here in t6wi.
HarVey MdClahie was rushing
through 'our streets with bts new
red cutter fedlliJay. t)on't 'rUsih
the season Harvey, she will slide
better in show than tnud.
Criterion Chronicles
Last Monday night while driv
ing home from church, MiSs
Bertha Herding &nd Gertrude
Mathes had an experience which
they db Vfot tare to have re'p'eat-
which they tial lost while drivmgi
tbUcWlfn tKie rnotrir?ng. The
horse b61tdfl and ran over the
brush arid 'rflcks, demolishing!
their road cart, and both young
ladies suffered sprains ami bruis-i
cs Which incapacitated Miss
Herling for school duties for the
H. Kramer is enjoying ? the
'experience of moving his house
'tfbid effects on the MmMrrrferft
plan afid in relays which seems
'Snbssible t6 !rmedy owing to
ihe'cbndifjib'h'b'f fffe'n&dB, 'caused
by the recent'heaVyVttina.
"Much r&l 'good 'Has resulted.
from the 'hfteiirrgs "held'ttere.
and interest is still at a Wgh
point. .
'Last weeTc 'Bert 'Knight and
Wtte'madeli trip 'to "Kingsley to
cTbTheir' butchering.
Pefer Krrsch came hottta'fcYi-
Jday"frbm Stayton, where 'fietoas
been for several weeftYhattlinff
with typhoid fever.
T.O, Miller came over from
Tygh Valley 2 .
The climate df tUis bUrg contin
ues to be mdist dhd sloppy.
. judd'Dborliig'madeu unrtp'ict
ed trip to the pdwer HWihA1!?
clays ago.
The arrangemdtit of tedclllng in
the high grades of 'this school lias
been changed 'f6r hie purpose of
bitter management' of the pupils.
Mr, David Danaldson is still
Ashing in an energetic endeavor to
get a barrel BllW 'With fish before
the season -&oki which it does
The Mosier Bulletin in its is
sue of December third, published
an account of the County Road
meeting held in The Dalles, Nov;
27, which forces us to believe
that the Bulletin either is misin;
formed as to what transpired at
that meeting or is endeavoring to
prejudice the minds of its read
ers upon the question of road
bonds. The Bulletin's "fairy
tale" report of this meeting is so
full of misinformation and its
attempts at comedy are so far
afield from the truth that, per
haps, a short resume of the facts
in the history of this entire mat
ter will be of service to the vot
ers of Wasco county.
Shortly after September 30,
last, which wa3 the date- of the
letter of the Wasco County Good
Roads Association to the voters
of Wasco county, the precincts
south of The Dalles held meetings
and organized local good road
associations; and on October 6, a
convention of delegates from
these local associations was held
at Tygh Valley where the entire
bonding question was discussed
and it was then unamiously de
cided to support the bond issue
providing $200,000.00 should be
allotted for the Dalles-California
highway leading from The Dalles
through the center of the county
for about 80 mileB to the Jeffer
son county line.
November 8, a second conven
tion of delegates from precincts
north of lhe Dalles was held at
Dufur, where the same stand
was approved and, in the even
ing of that day, these delegates
met with the County Association
at.The Dalles and was assured
by officials of the latter associa
tion that they would favor this
expenditure of $200,000.00 upon
The Dalles-California highway
At the convention held in The
Dalles Nouember 27, it was pro
posed to bond the county for
$340,000.00, this with the $45,000
Wasco county allotment from the
State Highway commission funds
would make a total of $385,000.00
available for building permanent
We wish to call the attention
of the taxpayers of WascO county
to the tact that this $45,000.00 oi
state aid is only our just part of
the money which we are entitled
to, providing we vote this bond
issue and enter upon an era of
building permanent roads. An-
nuall, we are paying one-quarter
mill into the state highway fund,
or approximately $4400.00 per
year. Any person . conversant
with the law creating and govern
ing the State Highway Commis
sion will readily understand that
it is as much within the province
of that body to allot this money
to The Dalles-California highway
as to the Columbia River highway
The northern tier of precincts
in Wasco county would pay one
half of the proposed bonded in
debtedness and the remainder of
the county, south of a point on
The Dalles-California highway at;
Eight Mwe, would pay there-;
mainder, $170,000.00. The ad-;
herents of the 24 foot 'highway,
over the more expensive river
route proposed to se $173,000.00
between Mosier and The Dalles,
a distance of not over 16 miless
and $35,000.00 from The Dalles
to Fairbanks, a distance of about
U miles, and the $45,000.00 of
state aid from Hood Kiver coun
ty line to Mosier, a distance of
about 4 miles, making a total ofjl
road, leaving only $432,000.00
for the enure 'length, about 80
miles of The Dalles-California
highway fro The Dalles through
the center of Wasco county to
the Jefferson county line. This
amount would leave about amount
-$13V00:00-'Woukl leave about
M5,W0.00 for the latter high
way from the above mentioned
pdint at -Eight Mile to the Jeffer
son ouH8v ne inTeturn for the
il7t:000 Vt wWch 'the 'taxpayers
of Southern Wasco county would
kosy ff tr 'bond -issue were vot
ffcd, "rtbt including 'their share of
tht $45,000.00 of the state funds.
On the basis of the estimate of
tho state engineer 'for the first 15
miles 'df tfhe 'Dalles-California
highway, 'the expense of building
this highway from The Dalles to
the point at Bight Mile would be
about $27,000vO0, now adding this
amount to the $170,000.00 which
the county south of that point
would actually pay, together with
Southern Wasco county's propor
tionate "share of the $45,000.00
state aid, the total would be
$219,500, or more than the dele
gates from Southern Wasco coun
ty at the meeting on Novembei
27, requested for expenditure up
on the entire length of The Dalles
California highway, a distance
of about 80 miles.
November 27, prior to the public
meetings in the court house, the
delegates from the precincts south
of The Dalles met and unamiously
reaffirmed their stand npon this
matter of the $200,000.00 for The
Dalles-California highway, and
selected Mr. H. R. Richards, ol
The Dalles, president of the Was
co county Farmers' Union,' a
spokesman for them in the meet
ings at the court house.
The Bulletin's repeated refer-
enc to Dufur in varied terms of
alleged comedy, satire and scorn
is entirely aside form the facts, as
the Dufur delegates took no action
aside from their membership in
(lie southern Wasco County Associ
ation, and the spokesman, Mr.
Richards, lives nearer The Dalle.
than Dufur mid receives his mail
through The Dalles postoffice
Again, at no time has Dufur, or its
delegates, ever by word or deed re
quested the expenditure of one cent
upon the road from The Dalles to
Dufur, as such, but has always
maintained, and now maintains,
that the entire road south from The
Dalles to the Jefferson county line
is the one which merits this expen
diture, it is the main trunk line
road leading through the county
and the one which is traveled by n
arge per centage of its people and
its tax payers.
In the light of the facts above
stated, the delegates from Southern
Wasco county were justified in pro
testing the proposed allotment of
only $182, ooo.oo for the entire
Dalles-Cnhfornia highway. We
A very credible home talent
performance was put on Saturday
night at the hall in the form of
a Darkie Minstrel show, compos
ed in part of musical numbers
and a burlesque act on the per
formance of Dr. Francis' office
boy and stenographer during his
absence for a couple of weeks at
New York. , '
Five of our local boys, Van and
John Moad, Louis Emmons, Ray
Smith and Clyde Williams with
the assistance and direction of
Mr. and Mrs. Ted Howland of
the lsis Stock Company compos
ed the cast and should have been
seen by all citizens of Maupin
and surrounding territory.-
This was to have been staged
last night again at Tygh Valley
under the auspices of the I. O.
O, F. lodge, but owing to the
double booking of the hall for
that night, . it was necessarily
given up.
quote from the Bulletin as follow
"After an hour wasted in vain aU
tempts to convince by common sense
arguments and good sound logic;
that their claims were out of all
reason and not consistent with tUe
best interests of Wesco county, the
meeting adjourned, the reference
here being to Dufur. As a sample
(concluded on last pagf) .
Auto Passenger Service Auto Delivery Truck
Prepared for Long Trips or Outing Parties
A Complete Line of Automobile Accessories
maupin state bank
pay your;
at '"
nrr 11 n i r ni i n iatii no O
rfch,Caps, Shots, Be3maxs,
Sweaters, Scarfs, JMflers, liss,
Stationery in Fancy Boxes, Gcss,
Pocket Kmro, Silverware, Watches,
Clocks, Percolators, Fancy Candies
in hoxes ws3 csmy trther suitable
Xmas difensgs will e on display.
Don't fail So see tis be
fore December 25th
O 44O444C34C44440444C0