OF CURRtNT WEEK Brief Resume of General News From All Around the Earth. UNIVERSAL HAPPENINGS IN A NUTSHOL Live News Items of All Nations and Pacific Northwest Condensed for Our Busy Readers. Mayor Hi Gill, of Seattle, hag learn ed to dance. Wilson finished writing his message Thanksgiving Day. London trade unionists refuse to work without their customary allot ment of beer. Detectives in Tacoma frustrated a scheme to defraud a firm of grain brokers of $7000. Fire horses of Portland, retired by auto apparatus, will be purchased by the State National Guard. It is predicted that the administra tion's ship purchase bill will be de feated in the next congress. A miBchievious lad liberated several mice in a Portland moving picture house. A near-panic followed. General Villa and his troops are nearing the border and more trouble is expected for the United States. Representative Witherspoon, of Mississippi, known as the "little navy" leader, dies suddenly at his home. A tornado in a thickly settled farm ing community near Hot Springs, Ak., killed ten and injured about thirty. Death sentence has been passed upon 668 rebels in Formosa, and most of them have already been carried out. It is reported from Berlin that Rus sia is planning to move on Bulgaria, but the point of attack is Btill a mys tery. Mexican bandits dynamited a train on the National Railway and it Is re ported about eighty persons were killed. Most of the Oregon exhibit at the San Francisco fair, will be permanent ly planted in the Chamber of Com merce at Portland. Jacob S. Coxey, commander of the historic idle army which stormed Washington, D. C, in 1894, will run for the senate from Ohio. The Democratic National committee is planning to hold the presidential convention much earlier than usual, probably the firBt of June. A man in Seattle kills himself In crowded street to attract publicity to a book he had written and expected it to be published in the newspapers. Rancher near Prairie City, Or., gives each of his three small daugh ters cyanide pellets and takes one him self. All four died from the effects. Three gold medals will be bestowed on as many American women by France, because of their great devo tion to the work of aiding the needy. CiX-rresment Tart declared in a speech before the New York Teachers' association, that he believed the Fed eral government could and should give aid to education in the several states, France has given order calling youth of classs of 1917 to arms. These boys are from 17 to 19 years of age, and the order requires a minimum training of five months before entering active duties. A prisoner In a Tacoma jail on a charge of smuggling offers to discoBe extensive operations of a gang of Ger man sympathizers, who he claims set fire to Pier 14 at Seattle recently and also exploded a scow-load of dynamite awaiting shipment to Russia. Another munitions plant is blown up at Parry Sound, Unt. The British empire capital wealth is estimated at $130,000,000,000. The world's corn crop Is estimated t three and a half billion bushels. Assistant bank examiner of Califor nia is arrested charged with embezzle ment. Seattle experiences wind velocity of 44 miles an hour, besides a fierce thun der storm. Olympia officials are Investigating an alleged theft of $15,000 from the state Industrial insurance fund. The keynote of President Wilson's message to congress will be prcpnred ness for war arid coast defense. Brand Whitlock, minister to Bel glum, accompanied by his wife, Is pay ing a nying visit to Washington, and other cities In this country. British capture another American vessel, the Kankakee, at Uuenoa Ayres. This steamer is listed by the British government aa "suspected" as to her ownership. Assurances of King Constantlne of Greece, are given the entente powers that he has no intention of disarming or interning allied troops, mainly the Serbians, who are attempting to escape into that country. A tidal wave off the Oregon coast dashes the Hotel Bar View into the ocean and does considerable damage to other property. Expenditure of large sums of money used against the neutrality of the United States, are traced by govern ment official to attache of the Ger man embassy. . Sinking of a Turkish transport which was carrying 600 soldier acroa the Sea of Marmora 1 reported In a me' sage from Zurich. The message say the transport struck a mine and nearly fOOD AND WAR CONDUCT ARE PARAMOUNT TOPICS OF REICHSTAG Berlin, via London The Reichstag assembled for its sixth war session a sessoin which takes place under the in fluence of two absorbing topics of the present moment, namely, the regula tion of the food supply and the aims and the conduct of the war. The session will, it Is understood, be marked by the introduction of a new vote of credit for the war, presumably for the accustomed amount of $2,500, 000,000, although no definite announce ment in this respect has been made. The actual items already announced for the working program of the session include a bill for the modification of punishments for minor offenses under martial law, discussion of the govern mental report against the reducition of the age limit for old-age pensions from 70 to 65 years, and minor legislative projects. It is generally expected, on the other hand, that the members of parli ament will take this occassion to WALTER SCH0LZ Walter Scholz Is one of the men held In New York on charges of con spiring to blow up munitions and steamships and damage American mu nition factories. He Is a brother-in- law of Robert Fay, the alleged chief plotter. launch a general criticism of the meas ures for the regulation of the food sup ply, on which the government - has promised to submit a memorandum to the reichstag, and that certain ele ments, notably the radical wing of the Socialists, will insist on bringing into the discussion the ultimate aims of the war and the terms on .which Germany could profitably make peace. Whether Chancellor von Bethmann- Hollweg will be drawn by this discus sion Into a statement more or less defi nite on the subject is uncertain. A newspaper statement coming from Major Ernest Basaermann, one of the parliamentary leaders, who has been in preliminary conferences with the chancellor, asserts that the chancellor will deliver an important speech on the foreign and internal policies and food supply question. It Is anticipated that the chancellor probably will make a speech probably two but it seems uncertain whether he will touch at all on the delicate sub ject of the German peace program. English Soldiers Use Gas On London Peace Meeting London Canadian and Australian soldiers, with a Bprinkling of British territorials, Tuesday took charge of Memorial hall, where the "Union of Democratic Control," an organization which Is opposed to conscription and favors peace, waB advertised to hold a meeting, and unceremoniously threw the speakers from the platform and turned the gathering into a recruiting meeting. ihe soldiers succeeded In gaining admittance with tickets other than those circulated to the members of the union, and forming themselves at the top of the staircase leading to the great hall and galleries, forcibly took possession of the building. Bombs that contained "asphyxiating gaBes were launched and then the boI- diers took the platform by storm, Several of the speakers, Including the leader of the union, sought refuge in an anteroom, aa did the women who were distributing leaflets. Suit to Regain Bet Lost. Little Rock, Ark. John H. Rump- ing, of Helena, Mont., was denied a county judgment of $3788 against the Arkanass National bank of Hot Springs, which he charged he lost in the fake horse-racing schemes operat ed three years ago. Rumping put up a draft for $3788 on a horse entered In one of the fake races, made payable to toward Spear. Spear collected the draft through the bank. The Supreme court affirmed a verdict of recovery aganiiit Spear, but held the bank was not cognizant of the fraud. Road Earnings Grow. Chicago Gross earnings of the Unit ed States railroads making weekly re turns continue to show steady expan sion, the total of all roads that have so far reported for the first two weeks in November amounting to $18,400,000, an Increase of 15.9 per cent as com pared with the corresponding period a year ago. One or two roads continue to report smaller earnings than last year, but the loss in every instance is small and the comparison of these lines is not particulary unfavorable In these cases. Aeroplane Sink U-Boat. London A German submarine, at tacked by a British aeroplane off Mid- delkerke on Sunday, waa sent to the bottom according to the official report to Field Marshal French which was given out by the Press bureau. ' The submarine, says Field Marshal French was seen to break In half. The British commander further reports much aetiV' ity on the part of the artillery and th air craft, no less than 15 encounter in WHEAT IN STORAGE IS Canadian Government Suddenly Seizes Cereal Crop. GRAIN REQUIRED BY GREAT BRITAIN Order Affects 20,000,000 Bushels in Eastern Elevators Price Not Yet Fixed by Dominion. Ottawa, Ont. The Canadian govern ment has commmandeered all high grade wheat in elevators from Fort William, on Lake Superior, to the At lantic coast. The action was taken under the spe cial war act by the Canadian Grain commission. The wheat seized was of grades No. 1 hard and Nos. 1, 2 and 3 northern. It was the property of grain shippers and millers. That taken is all which on Saturday night was in the public elevators at Fort William, Port Arthur, Midland, Tiffin," Port Mc Nichol, Collingwood, Coderich, Kings ton, Fort Colborne, . Prescott, Quebec St. John, Montreal and Halifax. A revised estimate places the amount at about 20,000,000 bushelB. A considerable amount is the property of American grain dealers. The grain was taken Saturday night, so that grain exchanges should be affected as little as possible. It is officially announced that the price will be fairly adjusted and the graingrow- ers paid promptly by the Canadian government. It Is estimated that there still is in Canada, in the hands of farmers and dealers west of Fort William, 150,000,000 bushels surplus of wheat available for export. It is expected that most of this will be taken in the future for the use of Great Britain, France and Italy. The domestic supply of Russia is more than sufficient to meet the needs of that country. Had the Dardanelles been forced, the surplus of Russian wheat would have made the present action unnecessary. wnue the wheat just taken was commandeered to fill an oder from the British government for a large quan tity of wheat, it is understood that most of it will be shipped to Italy. Ihe Canadian government will look after the transportation of the grain to the Atlantic seaboard and from there its shipment across the Atlantic will be undertaken by the British gov ernment in the same way that ship ments of oats and hay have been hand led for the past year. German Object in Serbia Gained and Operations Close Berlin, via London With there oc cupation of Rudnik, the capture of 2700 prisoners and the flight of the scanty remains or the Serbian army into the Albanian mountains, Ger many's operations against Serbia have been brought to a close, Bays the offr cial statement issued at the headquar ters of the general staff. The object of these operations the opening of communications with Bul garia and the Turkish empire has been accomplished, it is asserted. London The greater portion of what remains of the Serbian northern army is believed to have crossed into the mountains of Albania and Monte negro, where the Serbs are continuing, with the aid of King Nicholas troops and supplies, which are reaching them from the Adriatic, to offer stern rests tance to the AuBtro-German and Bui garian invaders. Like the Belgains, however, the Ser bians hold only a fringe of their coun try, which widens as it reaches the southwestern corner, of which Monas- tir is the center. For Borne reason, variously1 ex plained, the Bulgarians have halted their march on Monastir. it is said in some dispatches that, having reoccu pied part of Macedonia, largely in habited by their fellow nationals, the Bulgarian people and government are disinclined to push any farther west Oil Men Join in Prayer. Taft, Cal The oil men here took refuge in prayer and practically every. body connected with the oil industry in this vicinity went to church Sunday to hear a sermon preached by Rev, Luther A. Rice on the subject of "False Conservation." The sermon dealt with the order of ex-President Taft withdrawing certain oil lands and the effect on the California industry and this district, where the withdrawn lands are situated, in particular. The congregation was asked to pray that congress pass remedial legislation, $1,042,743 In Postal Bank. Washington, D. C Only six cities in the United States have greater de posits In postal savings banks than Portland, and Portland' deposits are more than double those of any other city in the Northwest. The statement just itmed gives Portland' deposits at $1,042,743, only $100,000 less than that of San Francisco. Other North western postal banks having more than $100,000 in deposits are: Seattle, $420,975: Tacoma, $418,207; Astoria, $135,748; Bellingham, $121,236; Spokane, $112,184. T. R.' Aid Held a Spy. New Britain, Conn. Th Rev. Fred erlck Kreiger, of this city, who hat been engaged in miscionary work in East Africa for many years, i being detained in a British prison camp in India on the suspicion that he it a Ger man spy, according to information re ceived by relative here. During ex-President Roosevelt' hunting trip In Africa, th Rev. Mr. Kreiger accompanied him on several NEWS ITEMS Of General Interest About Oregon Certificates to Be Granted to Successful State Teachers Salem The public recognition may be given to teachers of Oregon who have proved themselves progressive and successful in their work, J. A. Churchill, superintendent of public in struction, announces that all instruc tors who meet the five requirements as specified by him will be given pro fessional teachers' certificates. These certificates will certify that the hold ers have not only taught successfully during the preceding year, but that they are progressive and have shown a proper professional spirit in their work. The certificate will be issued by Superintendent Churchill upon the recommendation of the county superin tendent. While the certificate will not en title the holder to teach, it is expected to be of assistance to school boards in helping them to choose efficient teach ers. Ihe hve requirements necessary for obtaining a professional teachers' certificate follow : First Having taught successfully for at least eight months during 1915- 1916. Second Having met all the require ments for a teacher in a standard school and having complied strictly with the laws relating to fire dangers and fire drills. Third Having sent promptly to the County superintendent all reports re quested by him or required by law. Fourth Having attended the annual teachers' institute or teachers' train ing school and at least one local insti tute. Fifth Having read during the year, under supervision of University of Oregon or Oregon Agricultural college, at least two books on the teachers' reading circle list. Cut-over Land Opened to- Settlers. St. Helens The solution of the logged-off land question has been sat isfactorily Bolved by the St. Helens Lumber company. The first unit of its land, embracing 1500 acTes, has been opened to settlement and will be sold only to actual farmers and home builders. The tract is a choice section of till able land and four main roads traverse the entire property. Yankton Center, less than a mile from the center of the firBt unit, has a good school, church, store and postoffice. The company Is the first large tim ber concern in the Northwest to at tempt to dispose of its cut-over lands in this manner. This unit of land has been surveyed and subdivided into tracts to suit the small farmer. Art Work Soon Released. Ashland G. S. Butler and D. Peroz- zie, benefactors of Lithia Park in this city, have contracted for a Frill! mas terpiece from the exposition grounds in San Francisco with which to adorn park surroundings. The cost will be $3000, and the work of art will be re leased from the Italian exhibit In De cember. G. S. Butler, in behalf of his stepfather, Jacob Thompson, a pioneer of Southern Oregon of 1847, has also purchased a statue of Abraham Lincoln at a cost of $2500, at present in the Italian exhibit which will be released in order to be placed in the old set tlers' cabin, Southern Oregon pio neers, before the next annual reunion of the old-time element In 1916 in Ashland park surroundings. Swinging Dial Scale Best. Salem To avoid misunderstanding concerning the kind of scales it is per missible to use in weighing commodi ties for the sale at public markets es tablished in different towns of the state, Fred G. Buchtel, deputy sealer of weights and measures, announces that scales with the ordinary swinging dial, would be allowed. He said: "Do not buy scales commonly known as 'family scales' or of a similar type; as the name implies, they are not nor never were intended for use in trade, are generally inaccurate and will not pass inspection. Furthermore, scales should be purchased subject to the ap proval of the office of weights and measures, with the privilege of re turn if inaccurate." Grant Cattle Starving. Baker Because of the lack of feed, caused by the early winter, many cat tle are reported to have died in the Hamilton country in Grant county and ranchers expect .that many more will be lost before relief it found. The hay crop in that vicinity was short this season and when the bad weather made feeding impossible. The condition has to affected the cattle market that the prices are dropping, milch cows being offered for as low as $40 head. Cat tlemen in other parts of this district also are having trouble in feeding. Klamath Mining Activity Gaining. Klamath Falls The Klamath Min ing Milling company, an organiza tion incorporated under the laws of Ne vada, whose stockholders are business men of this city, is making extensive arrangement to continue development work on its claims in the Jumbo dis trict, near Virginia City. O. W. Rob ertson, of this city, it president of the company, and he declares that about $10,000 hat been expended in develop ment work. A crosscut has been driv en at a depth of 500 feet, with some thing like 100 feet yet to be cut Railroad Builder Coming. Roseburg S. A. Kendall of the firm of Kendall Brother, of Pittsburg, Pa., and one of the principal stockholders in the proposed Roseburg & Eastern railroad arrived her this week. About 75 per cent of the right of way hat been procured, and assurance have been received that the remaining right of way will be obtained without trouble. Th investment of Mr. Ken dall and hit associate her will total SUFFRAGISTS Cameron house, in Washington, Ma t wJtI xf 1 m I 'Q ill 11 ' i L X 6ave occupied It, which has been rented by the Congressional Union for Equal Suffrage as its headquarters for the great suffrage rally to be held in' Washington beginning the day congress convenes and lasting for a week or more. This house Is just across Lafayette square from the- White House. The "little White House" will be the scene of many conferences, mass meetings and social functions during suffrage week, and Mrs. O. H. P. Belmont of New York, whose portrait Is Inserted, has already arranged to hold a big reception there on the eve ning of the day that congress convenes. LANDING This Is the first photograph to reach America showing the arrival of the allied expeditionary force at Sa Ionlki for the relief of the Serbians. The boats loaded with British soldiers are about to be towod ashore. FOR ANOTHER 1. i , ,. ,;1iTSi'' ntl ,H UNDERWOOD I :v;.:v-:.v.:sftTfl. . v.....s-.;i.m.-...JA-.AW.-..v.,...w.-.v.. t.v.,jiAA..uw.aiiasaajM:;... During the cold weather the new sleeping bags of sheepskin will be a great boon to the soldiers of the allied troops. The lower photograph shows one of the men comfortably incased. The upper photograph shows how the bags are examined and folded before shipment. Urgent calls for more and more of such bags are made In England. BEING INOCULATED WW rj The Austrian army Is up to date In metheds adopted to prevent disease. Surgeons are here teen Inoculating soldiers against typhus, which ha been epidemic In Serbia aud part of Austria. ITEMS GATHERED UP Young titmice are o greedy that their parent sometimes provide them with no lest than (.000 caterpillar a day. English eloctrlclan have developed a thoroughly waterproof tolephone cable that weight only teven pounds to the mil. For refrigeration purposes a Call forntan hat Invented machinery that pump warm air out of ,a freight car and replace It with cold- TAKE "LITTLE WHITE HOUSE" fWMnv,, . rimy, iki$!!MWiwm sometimes called the "little White House," because so many famous people BRITISH TROOPS AT WINTER CAMPAIGN AGAINST TYPHUS Visiting cards made of sheet Iron were one of Baron Krupp't specialties. From 16 to 50 Brazil nuts grow In one teed vessel, which It aa big at a man't head. Although Egypt's Irrigation works have cost about IS3.000.000, they have Increased the land value from 11,000. 000,000 to $2,000,000,000 In lest than two decades. A New Jersey inventor bat patented a cuspidor' with a removable' Inner shell to hold Ita content!, surrounded by a space tor disinfectants. SAL0NIKI NEW PREMIER OF FRANCE Aristide IJriand, who has succeeded Vivianl as French premier, hat held various cabinet positions and was pre mier for two months early In 1913. He la known as an exceptionally strong man in national and interna, tl.jal affairs. Valuable Chinese Coins. An American, who recently arrived in Peking from the far Interior of Chi na, had with him when he reached Pe king a string of copper coins with holes through the center such at b had been using on his journey. Th whole string, two feet In length, waa deemed to be worth about ten or flf. teen cents, for the colnt were only the ordinary "cash" in current use In the province of Shensi, from which the traveler came; but upon examination by a member of the American legation who knows the Chinese language It was found that some bore the marks of emperors as far back as the year 284 B. C. On the string were "tasb" representing every reign tlnce the be ginning of the Chlng dynasty, many of the Ming dynasty, and even th dynasties that precede th latter. New Japanese Industry. The establishment of blast furnacea at Penhalhu. Manchuria, China, by a Japanese company, the Penhalhu Col liery and Mining company, may be th beginning of a great Industry. Th hills northeast of that center are known to contain large deposits of iron ore, while coal and lime are abundant and water power easily de veloped. The producing capacity of the furnaces Is planned to be 150 ton per day. One furnace has already been put Into blast, and the product i helng shipped to Kobe, Japan.. 9 all on board were drowned. th air taking place on th 28th. occasion. approximately $1,125,000.