ANNOUNCEMENT to our patrons throughout the Pacific Northwest: PORTLAND'S ropuui HOTEL OREGON bu been placed under the management of N. K. Clarke, who was for many years connected with the Portland. Cornelius and Seward Hotels, and who will always extend to all a cordial welcome. Commencing November lit we shall In augurate the American plan in connection with the European plan. We solicit your patronage. American Plan, $3 to $5 per day. European Plan, $1 per day np. N. K. CLARKE, Mgr. "USE THE RIVER" Dalles -Columbia Line State of Washington, for The Dalles dally ex. Sunday 11 p. m. Leave Dalles daily ez. Monday 12 M. Steamers J. M. Teal, Inland Empira and Twin Cities for Upper Columbia and Snake river points. Taylor St. Dock. Tel. Main 613. Wlaaettt and blaatii Hirer Tsin Cs, Partite! 55 Valuable Formulas. Tricks. Illusions. and Household Hints in our interesting magazine tor two issues, sent Complete for Jackson & Co., 328 Chamber of Commerce, Portland, Ore. 10c NO MEDICINE If you are ailing In anyway, and want help, write me. DR. h. M. DAVIS, 129V4 Runnel street, Portland. Oregon. Great Discovery. "Some of the grandest discoveries of the ages," said the great scientist, sonorously, "have been the result of accidents." "I can readily believe that," said the fair lady. "I once made one that way myself." The great man blinked his amaze ment. "May I ask what it was?" "Certainly," answered the fair one. "I found that by keeping a bottle of Ink handy you can use a fountain pen just like any other pen without all the trouble of filling it." Christian Register. Lumber, Shingles, Lath, Moulding, Doors, Windows and other Building Ma terial from SamConnell Lumber Co. Portland, Oregon. Send us a list of what you require for your buildings and we will name you prices delivered at your station and Guarantee to save you Money. Pained His Thrifty Soul. "Ye'll excuse me, captain," said O'Harrity, addressing the commander of the battleship, "but is ut thrue that ut costs sivin hundred dollars to fire wan o' thim big guns?" "Yes, O'Harrity," said, the captain. "Why do you ask?" "01 fought 01 might save yez some money, sorr," said O'Harrity. "Sure, and Oi'll fire 'em for yez for tin." New York Ttlmes. WRITF STARIFSI For Moving Pictures. Pro- niuiL aiuniu: duceni pay (rom to $100 each for Photoplays. Interesting and fascinating. No experience necessary. Work in spare time. Full particulars Free. Purack Specialty Co., S28 Chamber of Commerce, Portland, Ore. Born Diplomat. "Harry, I am beginning to believe the baby looks like you." "Are you, dear?" "Yes, I notice it more and more every day. I'm so glad." "Do you really want him to look like me?" "Of course I do. I've been sorry ever since we had him christened that we didn't give him your name." "Sweetheart, you dou't know how happy you make me by saying that." "And, Harry dear, I found the love liest hat today. I don't believe I ever saw anything that was so becoming to me. It's 25. Do you think I ought to pay that much for a hat?" A Superfluous Question. "In that new servant girl," said Mr. Testy, as he discovered the sugar in the salt shaker, "it seems to me you have found the possessor of stupidity in its unadulterated double distilled form. May I ask where you obtained her?" "Why," replied Mrs. Testy, "at the intelligence office, of course." Judge. C Gee Wo Successful Horn Remedies Hit successful herb al remedies cure all kinds of ailments of men and women with out operation, used from the wonderful Chinese herbs, roots. buds and vegetables, which are unknown to the medical science of this country Write for blank and circulars. Send stamp. CONSULTATION FREE. Address Hie C. Gee Wo Chinese Medicine Co. 16214 First St., Portland. Ore. Mention Paper. 1,1 "WsL' ' -1 A POSITION FOR YOU TRAINED Oor graduates are always In demand. There Is a good position ready for yon Jnat as soon as you can prepare for It HOLM Ik, Training means MONEY, POSITION, POWER. There are B227 REASONS WHY TOU gITOl'I,D ATTEND IIOLMR3 Eight thousand two hundred twenty-eeven satisfied students hsve passed through HOLMES during the past twenty-eight years. Hundreds of them are now successful business men with independent incomea. Our graduates start at aalaries ranging from $40 tot 100 a month. Write for catalogues Start NOW. Elate 1S87. Holmes Business College "Tht School that gets you a good position." Wuaiaflas at Testa, Fortius', Or. MEN'S AND WOMEN'S Shoes $2B $3g ALL STYLES AND ALL SIZES We also carry a complete line Men's Work Shoes, Royal Shoe Co. 229 Morrison Street, Between frst and Second 5U. PORTLAND, OREGON You Can Get Rid of That Itching Rash There is Immediate relief for skins itching, burning and disfigured by eczema, ringworm, or similar torment ing skin-trouble, in a warm bath with Resinol Soap and a simple application of Resinol Ointment. The soothing, healing Resinol medication sinks right IntO the Skin. Stfins itphinp' InetonHv and soon clears away all trace of erupl uuu, even in severe and stubborn cases where other treatments have hadno effect. After, that, the regular use of Resinol Soap is usually enough to keep the skin clear and healthy. You need never hesitate to use Resi nol. It is a doctor's prescription that has been used by other physicians for years In the treatment of all sorts of skin affections. It contains absolute ly nothing that could injure the ten derest skin. Every druggist sells Res inol Ointment and Resinol Soap. The Light That Failed. The audience held their breath and simply thr-r-r-illed as Jack Bravehoy, the hero, killed the last of the Indians. He staggered- about; he almost fainted with loss of blood. Then he gazed about him, and sud denly his voice rang out with hope: "See!" he cried. "The dawn breaks bright upon yon topmost heights!" The stage remained in darkness. "See!" he yelled again. "The dawn breaks bright upon yon .topmost heights!" Still darkness reigned. "The dawn! The dawn!" he scream ed, raging about the stage. "It breaks, The dawn." A head popped over the mountain top: '"Old 'ard, guv-nor!" said the head. "Don't be in sich a bloomin' 'urry! Some one's bin an' turned the gas off!" Tit-Bits. KiUHS PflrlfaffOC. Our pnekaro contains 88 pieces Allldj TdbUdgtlo 0( Christmas and holiday nov elties, Including post cards, folderB, gift cards, stickers, tags, seals and cutouts, making a repre sentative package which is a rare value at 10c. Jackson & Co., 328 Cham, of Com., Portland, Ore. Bravery. The teacher had been reading to the class about the heroes of ancient times. "Can any boy in the class tell of a deed of daring performed by one of his acquaintances?" Bhe asked as she closed the book. Raymond's hand shot up. "Well, Raymond." "I saw the first baseman of our team give the big bootblack on the corner a wallop on 'the jaw." So To Speak. "How's that young man I see calling on you lately?" "He's a pill, but he brings me lots of candy." "Trying to sugar-coat himself, as it were." Louisville Courier-Journal. K Cures While You Walk. Allen's Foot-Ease Is a certain curator hot, sweating, call us, and swollen, aching feet. Sold by al Druggists. Price 25c. Uon't accept any iubstltute. Trial package FREE. Aodrea, AllenS.01msted,LeItoy,N. y. " Paw's Version. Willie Paw, is it proper to say that a man was given in marriage? Paw No, my son. A girl is given In marriage. The man always gets sold. Maw Willie, you go out in the back yard and stay there. Milwaukee Sen tinel. HOWARD E. BURTUH - Mayer, anS demist, Leadville, Colorado. Sponimen prices! Gold, eilier. Lend. (1. Geld, Silver, 15o; Gold. 60c; Zino or Copper. It Mnlllag enrelopes aid full price list sent on application. Control and Umpire work so UoItadT Iloferenoei Carbonate National Bank. . His Vocation Clear. Young Arthur, the pride of his Bea con street home, had been attending school all of six weeks, and his devot ed parent thought it was high time he should find out how things were run ning. So he asked one afternoon: "And what did my little son learn about this morning?" "Oh, a mouse. Miss Wilcox told us all about mouses." "That's the boy.' Now, how do you pell mouse?" It was then that Arthur gave prom ise of entering the diplomatic service. He paused meditatively for a moment, then said: "Father, I guess I was wrong. It wasn't a mouse teacher was telling us about; it was a rat." Dr. Pierce's Pellets, small, sugar coated, easy to take as candy, regulate and invigorate stomach, liver and bow els and cure constipation. No Worse. "Say, old man, lend me ten dollars, will you?" "Why should I? You'd only buy whisky with it." "What if I do? You subscribed to the war loan, didn't you?" "I don't see what that's got to do with it." "Do you think it's any worse to lend me money to buy whisky with than to lend money to the allies to spend on guns and ammunition?" An Ingenious Soul. Blithers entered the dining room with a pair of yellow automobile gog gles on. "Hello, Blithers," said little Binks. "Going motoring?" "No," said Blithers. "I'm sort of hungry for a grapefruit, and I want to keep the juice out of my eye." Blame the Elephant. Customer (annoyed) I wish to re turn the paper-cutter. It la not ivory, as represented. Clerk Not ivory, madam? I can't understand that, unless the elephant had false teeth, Boston Transcript of High Tops, Loggers' and at Cut Rat Prices. l'-.'.-.-'"1 LJ RUINEDJYTHE VI Famous Russian Watering Place Is Deserted. Jalta, Known All Over the World for Its Marvelous Climate, Hat Had Practically No Visitors This Season. "Jalta, the Newport of Russia, to which even such favored regions of the world as the garden lands of Call fornia and the Riviera must yield when climates are compared, Is today a stronghold of ..ociety utterly eclipsed by war, a lonely, unvlsited little village whose prestige and fame have departed overnight, a Newport untenanted, forgotten by the press and by all the people who, In peace times, eagerly read about all the so cial splendors there," begins a state ment given out by the National Geo graphic society. Jalta, normally, would Just be on- tering upon the height of its season, its gayest, most important two months of the year, had not a world war closed It, together with Monte Carlo, Karlsbad, Interlaken and scores of other places of 'good-tone,' beauty and amusement. The imperial court, the statesmen, diplomats and members of the great Russian command, now car rying the intolerable burdens of the war, would be gathered there in times of quiet, and social Russia would fol low their course. 'Jalta Is a beautiful place built on the shelf of a mountain whose foot bathes in the bluest and mildest of wa ters to be found all around the coast of the Black sea. This little seaport, In the government -of Taurida, on the southern coast of Crimea, thoroughly deserves the distinction of being the vacation home of celebrities. "Behind it and between it and the north the solid mountain greens, which merge Into deeper and deeper shades until at the bare summits they are greenish brown, rise to heights of from 2,500 to 3,000 feet. These are the southern fringe of the Jaila moun tains. The tops of these peaks are often covered in icy mists while in Jalta and on its bay rests the mildest of spring weather. Snow never 'alls in Jalta, which boasts an annual mean temperature of 66 degreees Fahren heit. Its climate Is said to be supe rior to that of Nice. Its summers are not so oppressively hot, there Is less rain In autumn and winter, the cool is leBs crisp in winter and the sunshine of autumn is said to fall balmier than anywhere else In the world. "There IS'no industry and little trade carried on by th people of the village, who !ive almost entirely by catering to vacationists and regular visitors. It has a population of 14, 000. It Is an ancient city and .8 thought to have been a place of great importance in a remote past. At one time it belonged to the patriarchs of Constantinople.", . ' ,, . World's Pencil Production. According to a recent article by Mr. H. S. Sackett of the forest service, the world's production of lead pencils probably amounts to 2,000,000,000 a year, half of which are made from American-grown cedar. The United States makes about 750,000,000 a year, or more than eight pencils tor each of its Inhabitants. Owing to the growing scarcity of red cedar and the fact that many other trees now little used appear to be more or less valuable substitutes for that wood In pencilmaklng, the forest service has carried out a series of tests which show that, next to the two species heretofore used for this purpose, the best trees for pencils are, in Order of merit, Rocky Moun tain red cedar, big tree (Sequoia), Port Orford cedar, redwood and alligator Juniper. Vital Statistics of Australia. Australia's male population Is shown by registration figures to be as fellows: Citizen soldiers,. eighteen to twenty-six, number 336,000; be tween eighteen and thirty-live they number 330,000, while the number li able for mobilization between thirty- five and sixty Is 614,000, or a total of 1,310,000. While 100,000 mon have enlisted there will still be 596,000 available between the ages of eight een and thirty-five, loss the medically unfit. About 70 per cent of the cltl zen forces, according to the latest fig ures, are physically St. The est! mate of the male population between eighteen and forty-nine Is approxi mately 1,000,000, and of these based upon the results of the citizen forces, 700,000 would bo medically fit for ac tive service in the Jeld. Seize Much Opium. Acting on a tip that a large quan tity of opium had been transferred from the S. S. Korea when It was in Hong Kong, the federal authorities gave the Chlyo Maru one of the most thorough searches a liner has beon subjected to In San Francisco. Thirty inspectors were put to work, and went from stem to stern, from top to bob torn, and found about $2,500 worth of the contraband drug. An inspector found In a cbest belonging to Loo Wing a false side, which opened when one of the screws In the lock was pressed. In this false side $600 worth of opium was found. It Is said that more opium is finding its way into the country than ever before. War Wedding Rings. English girls becoming engaged to soldiers make a special point of ac quiring out-of-the-common engagement rings. These bave been very success fully and artistically mado from the bands of shells melted down and Inset with the prospective wearer's favor ite stone. On the Inside is inscribed the day on which the fragment was originally picked up, and a few par ticulars. Shell bands are also made up Into brooches and bracelets. War brides have a fancy for rather wide wedding rings, and for the momont the smaller size, the popular one be fore last August, i I" the background -Tit-Bits. To Cool a Bum and Take the Fire Ou B Prepared For Accidents A HowhoU RtmaJy HAN FORD S Balsam of Myrrh AllNIMINT For Cuts, Burns, Bruises. Sprains. Strains, Stiff Neck, Chilblains. Lame Back, Old Sores. Open Wounds, and all External Injuries. Made Since 1846. Price 25c, 60c and $1.00 is OR WRITE A I Dea firs -c-H(n,ord M,- c& fall SYRACUSE, N. T. Speaking Softly. A Virginia farmer was driving a re fractory cow down the road, and cow and driver came to a cross road. The man wanted the cow to go straight ahead, but the cow picked out the cross road. A colored man was com ing along the cross road. "Haid her off! Haid her off!" yelled the driver. "I's trying ter!" replied the colored man. "Speak to her! Speak to her, and she'll stop!" "Good mawnin,' cow good mawn in'!" said the other, politely. Pitts burgh Chronicle Telegraph. TOO MANY CHILDREN are under-size, tinder-weight with pinched faces and poor blood ; they do not complain but appetite lags, they have no ambition and do not progress. Such children need the rich medicinal nourishment in Scoff's- Emultion above everything else ; its pure cod liver oil con tains nature's own blood-forming, flesh building fats which quickly show in roey cheeks, better appetite, firm flesh and sturdy frames. If your children are languid, tired when rising, catch cold easily or find their studies difficult, give them Seoff'i Emultion; it supplies the very food ele ments that their systems lack. Seott't Emultion contains no alcohol and is so good for growing children it's a pity to keep it from them. U-47 - Scott &Bowne. Bloomfield, N.I. Beauty and Wealth ItSnSSSS attain both. Full instructions. Bcorei of valuable formulas. Beautify yourself. Start a Beauty Shop. Start manufacturing Beauty Specialties. All of these opportunities are open to you. Com plete system $1.00 per copy. Particulars FREE. rurack specialty u a Cham. Uom., Portland BMXkiaplit StmtTtatf TiliiraBhy-liaUtf !1 t ntfastes NOW la Siaks 2.5SS other! la leas pwltless 11 CIS Mceslr-lSl Ifidtarf Ceniacatesoalctraiilaajaa, auways a aeeiuaa far IM wnea competent. Theory and Practice. She talks of great musicians And of knowledge makes a show Till she leaves you with suspicions That your taste Is very low. But when she sings for pleasure ' On an idle afternoon She will hum a reckless measure From the latest ragtime tune. Of the drama she discourses With an erudition vast; She'll describe its classic sources In the dim poetic past, But when for sheer diversion Unobserved she means to go, She sets out on an excursion To the nearest movie show. : Washington Star, More Than a Hint. He was a shy young man. For two long years he had been paying her attention and had not yet even squeez ed her hand. One evening as they lingered in the shadow of the trees by her gate he asked timidly: "Florence, would you might I er would you mind if I placed one rev erent kiss on your fair hand tonight when I leave you? ' Florence thought he wanted speed ing up. So she dropped her head coy- ly on his shoulders, lifted her face temptingly to his and replied: "Well, George, I should think it de cidedly out 0 place." H H H H THIS LETTER STANDS FOR H H OSTETTER'S H FDR HVFR firt VFARC. WFI I KNOWN AS A "FIRST AID" H TO 11 Health h APPETITE POOR? u DIGESTION BAD? il BOWELS CLOGGED? YOU SHOULD TRY IPTOSTETTER'S STOMACH BITTERS r. n. u. No. 47, Ittl TCHZN rrlUag U Utrnti-O. (iaaM aa(a " tail ajafar. la rrLfA -af X. 1 w am TRUE FRIENDSHIP OF YOUTH Engages Gamekeeper In Long Chase That His Companion, Without Permit, Might Escape. Two boys, one the possessor of a permit, were fishing on a certain es tate when a gamekeeper suddenly darted from a thicket. The lad with the permit uttered a cry of fright, dropped his rod and ran off at lop speed. The gamekeeper was led a swift chase. Then, worn out, the boy halted. The man seized him by the arm and Bald between pants: 'Have you a permit to Ssh on this estate?" 'Yes, to be sure," said the boy, quietly. "You have? Then show it to me." The boy drew the. permit from his pocket. The man examined it and frowned in perplexity and anger. "Why did you run when you had this permit?" he asked. "To let the other boy get away," was the reply. "He didn't have none!" Pittsburgh Chronicle-Telegraph. Obliging. The hotel keeper, hearing of the whereabouts of a guest who had de camped from the hotel without going through the formality of paying hla bill, Rent him a note: "Mr. . Dear Sir: Would you send the amount of your bill and oblige?" etc To which the delinquent replied: "The amount Is $13. Yours respect fully." The Relationship. Mrs. Swiftly and her former hus band were still friends. Noting the similarity of names and their familiar manner toward each other, a lady who was a guest with them at a week-end party thought they must be cousins. 'Is Mr. Swiftly a connection of yours?" she asked. "No," laughed Mrs. Swiftly. "A dis connection." Judge. Distribution. "The question of distribution is one of the most serious of our time," re marked the ponderous man. "It is," replied Miss Cayenne. "There is no telling what may happen to the simplest statement of Innocent fact after It has been passed around by gossips." ON THE BORDER. The Mexican Why are you here? The American Soldier We're here because we're here! Preliminary Discussion. "I offered her my hand," said the young man. "Did she accept It?" "Not exactly. She's a bridge player and what she expects of me as a part ner is to lay my hand on the table and be a dummy." Early Indication. "Doesn't that youngster of yours toe-in a little when he tries to stand up?" "Yes," replied the fond father. "We bave great hopes of him. It looks to me as if be were naturally built for an expert golf player." Presumption. "Those new neighbors have very presumptuous children," said he. "Yes," replied she. "They think they bave a perfect right to get out In the street and make as much noise as ours do." The Resemblance. "There is a great likeness between s glad telegram and a Japanese sui cide." "What might It be?" "The telegram is also a happy dis patch." Magnifying Powers. "Father," said the small boy "what Is a demagogue?" "A demagogue my son, is a barker who can make a passing crowd believe that a sideshow Is bigger than the main exhibition." A Yesrnlng for Poverty. "Does wealth bring happiness?" "I'm not sure," replied Mr. Cumrox. "There are times when 1 wish mjr fam ily didn't bare the price of a box at s Wagnerian opera." . aSW 1 . S T- V 1lP (u The Best at Any Price No other baking powder will raise nicer, lighter bis cuits, cakes and pastry, none is more pure and wholesome Then Why Story Tellers. "Do you find that set of books you bought Interesting?" "Not very," confessed the man who tries to improve himself. - "Do you regret your bargain?" "A little. I'd feel better about it if the man who comes around to collect the cash were as good at telling a funny yarn as the one who sold me the book." .':,-.! Always a Chance. i ' "Why don't you get married, old top?" "Can't find any girl willing to leave her happy home for me." "Then why not look around for some girl with an unhappy home?" Louis ville Courier-Journal. At the Ball Game. Mrs. Dents (excitedly) Isn't our pitcher perfectly grand, Tyrus? He hits the club nearly every throw. Joplln Times. Kill It. "Walter, take this egg away." "Yes, sir, and what would you like me to do with It, sir?" "Do with it? Wring its neck." Passing Show. SMOKELESS POWDER SHELLS Carefully inspected shells, the best com binations of powder, shot and wadding:, loaded by. machines, which give invariable results are responsible for the superiority of Winchester "Repeater" Factory Loaded Smokeless Powder Shotgun Shells. There is no guesswork in loading them. Reliability, velocity, pattern and penetration are de termined by scientific apparatus and practical experiments. Do you shoot them ? They are SATISFACTORY You Can't Feaze Paw. "Popper!" "Well, what is it, son?" "Where do they keep the street car at night, when it ain't running?" "Oh, in a barn." "In a barn, like a horse? Why, what do they feed it on?" "Oh, currents." Lat us tall you FREE of 24 new ways to Risks money. It may be the beginning of financial In dependence. Address. Purack Specialty Co., 128 Chamber of Commerce, Portland, On, Not Driven, Coaxed. ' "I understand that you have a new motor car." "Yes." "Do you drive it yourself?" "Nobody drives it. We coax It." Washington Star. She Didn't Like It. "So Miss Passay is angry with her doctor. Why Is that?" "He tactlessly remarked that he would have her looking her old self again." Boston Transcript. Mm sewer if closed up. All life consists of building up and tearing down and just in the same manner that the blood carries to the various parts of the body the food that the cells need for building up, so it is compelled to carry away the waste material that's torn down. These waste materials are poisonous and destroy us unless the liver and kidneys are stimulated into refreshed and vigorous life. DR. PIERCE'S Golden Medical Discovery is the balancing power a vitalizing power. It acts on the stomach and organs of digestion and nutrition on the purifying Alters which clean the blood. Thus fresh vitalized blood feeds the nerves, heart and brain. This well known altorative relieves catarrh of the stomach and accompanying same, and has been successful for more than a gen eration as a tonic and body-builder. It builda up the rundown system. You seed it if you are always "catching cold" or have catarrh of the nose and throat. The active medicinal principle of Americaa-Native-roots are sHiractea wimout alcohol and you can obtain this tonic in liquid or tablet form at any drug store or send 60 cents io 1-ccnt stamps for trial box of tablet. 5enf 31 one-rent ramps fo pay toil at mailing ana? wrapping for from copy of Tha common Sense Mtdieai Ado, nr. by Dr. V. M. Pimrea, elath boanj. IOOO fwges, Addrm INVALIDS' 110 ILL, Uullilo.ti.t. Needed a Cure. "Mr, Jones, you will either have to marry at once or leave our employ." "But why are you so anxious that I marry?" "While you aro In love you do not half attend to your duties, and you must either be cured or fired." Houston Post. In Practice. Hobson I never in all my life saw a man who could so readily guess rid dles and conundrums as that Henry Peck, Dobson No wonder! Just think of the practice he has. Ills wife keeps him guessing all the time, Puck. Mistaken. Fat And you alBO said I hadn't the manners of a hog. Lean Oh, no I didn't. I said you had. Philadelphia Evening Ledger. Not Cray Hairs bat tired Kyee Make us look older than we are. Old age and Dull fcyee tell-isle. Doritlell Marls Ifa lesudy Oemsaay, Oalsate. teaes tee f tae tye aeeajHaest. If Pay More? The Old and Reliable Or. Isaac Tnompson s EYEWAtER la both a remedy for weak, Inflamed eyea and an ideal eye wash. Keep ym cju wtll aid titer wlLI help keep yon. r 9C-i.JI fautitt w tea-ly JC Ml mwpl if price, WRITE FOR FREE BOOKLET JOHN L. THOMPSON SONS & CO. He Knew. The teacher was giving the geogra phy class a lesson on the cattle ranches. She spoke of their beef ail coming from the west, and, wishing to test the children's observation, she asked: "And what else comes to us from these ranches?" That was a poser. She looked at her shoes, but no one took the hint. She tried again. "What do we get from the cattle be sides beef?" One boy -eagerly raised his hand. "I know what it is. It's tripe!" he answered, triumphantly. The Youth's Companion, MU;, 1 ' Repeater" SHELLS TO SHOOT TYPHOID b no mora naceuar thanSmallpox. Aran? experience bu demonstrated the almost miraculous erfl Sacy, and harmleisnen, of Antityphoid Vaccination. , Be vaccinated NOW by your physician, you and fair family. It is more Yltsl thsn hours insursnce. Ask your physiclsn, druggist, or send for Have oil had Typhoid?" telling of Typhoid Vaccina, results from use, end dsnger from Typhoid Carriers. THC CUTTtl LA50BATOBY, BCMCUY, CAU MoaucjN yacciass a sssuas usssi . s, son. ucsasa Remembered, But Not Paid Broad By the way, old man, do yon remember borrowing $10 from me six months ago? Short Yes. Broad But you said you only want ed it for a short time. Short And I told the trutb. I did n't keep it 20 minutes. Correct. "What is one of the characteristics of the Indian race?" asked an Instruc tor in city college. "They play football to beat the band," replied a former De Witt Clin ton boy. Is the canal of life but it becomes a Does So. "Here's a startling item." "What is it?" "It says the oyster has not increas ed in price In 25 years." "Hum. Looks like culpable negli gence somewhere." Kansas City Journal. Same Tone. "Oh, mamma, the lady next door has a trained monkey, and when It doesn't behave you better believe she gives it a good talking to; and say, mamma" "Yes, my child." "It sounds Just like when you're talking to daddy." Some Class. "Where did you get all the second hand furniture, old man?" "Those things are not secondhand. They're genuine antiques," -V After the Movies go home and Murine your "iyee, Two Drops will real, end cleans. Have) handy. if