The Maupin times. (Maupin, Or.) 1914-1930, November 19, 1915, Image 7

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    ANNOUNCEMENT to our patrons
throughout the Pacific Northwest:
has bn placed under tho management of
N. K, C'arke, who wei fnr many yenn
connecb-d with tht Portland, t'-ornuliue
and H i -d Hotels, and who will aiwaye
txtnd Ui nil a cordial welcome.
Commencing November 1st wo shall In.
auguretn i he American plan In connection
with the Kuropean plan.
Wo solicit your patronage.
American I'ltn, $3 to $5 per day.
European Plan, (1 per day up.
N. K. CLARKE, Mgr.
Platot ind bridges mad In
my own laboratory.
Office absolutely clean.
Instruments thoroughly iter
Prices reasonable.
Work guaranteed.
Constant endeavor to do work
Nurse in attendant.
Dr. Elof T. Hedlund
456-459 Morgan Building, 4th Floor, Washington
Near Broadway, .Portland, Oregon
Up pike's peak
Dalles-Columbia Line
State of Wflsh'njrton, for The Dalles dally ex.
Sunday 11 p. m. Leave Dalles dally ex. Monday
12 M. Steamers J. N, Teal, Inland Kmpir and
Twin Cities for Upper Columbia and Snake river
folr.U. Taylor St. Dock. Tel. Main 613.
WUIimettt ind Columltb River Twia Ce., PtrlUai
Valuable Formulas, Tricks, Illusions,
and Hou Behold Hints In our interesting
masrozine for two issues, stent
Complete for
Jack Ron & Co., 328 Chamber
Commerce, Portland, Ore.
e"f iOc
Little Johnny was in bed with
"Won't you please ask my teacher
to come and see me?" he asked his
mother one day.
"You dear, good boy," exclaimed his
mother. "Do you really love your
teacher so much?"
"It ain't that, mother' replied John
ny. "I want her to catch the measles
so the other boys can stay away from
school, too."
YmsQ Papvao-OG Our package contain, 88 pieces
Alllcia rflgnfl&GS of critme and holiday nov.
cities, Including post cards, folders, gift cards,
stick ra, tags, seals and cutouts, making a repre
sentative package which is a rare value at 10c.
Jackson & Co., 328 Cham, of Com., Portland, Or.
She Was 8o Gladl
There Is a man who used to be no
toriously egotistic. Some of his ac
quaintances were one day speaking of
him before an old woman who was not
"up" la the slang expressions of the
The next time she put out a congra
tulatory hand.
"Oh, Mr. Smith," she cried, "I am
so glad you are better. I heard last
week that you bad a swelled bead!
Bound to Come.
The Inexperienced He says he can
hardly restrain himself from falling
down and worshiping her.
The Rejected Tell him not to get
nervous; she'll throw him down soon
enough. Puck.
KING MOTOR Is conquering
Pike's Peak. More than a
century ago Lieut. Zebulon
Montgomery Pike discovered
the mountain which now
bears his name, end, accompanied
by bis little band, made a de
termined effort to -each its summit.
It cost him ten days of marching to
reach Its base, and after a laborious
ascent which brought him only to the
crest of one of the nearby mountains,
he was forced to give up the attempt,
predicting in his diary that no human
would ever scale Its rocky heights.
Thirteen years later, however, Dr. Ed
win James with a portion of the ex
ploration party under Maj. S. H. Long,
found an easier approach from the
eastern side and after a hazardous
climb reached the summit on' July 14,
Then came the United States gov
ernment engineers who constructed a
winding trail from Manitou to the top
of the great mountain and built there
an experimental station that study
might be made of weather conditions
three miles above sea level. This
led to the building of a carriage road
from Cascade In Ute pass to the top
of the mountain; and almost simul
taneously there came the cog railroad.
It was built In 1890, making the ascent
in nine miles from its Manitou depot.
This Is one of the most famous of the
world's mountain railroads.
And now in 1915 comes the supreme
conquest of the mighty peak. The con
structive ability of the American en
gineer has won another triumph, for
since September 1, automobiles have
been traveling on the "World's High
est Highway" to a point within rive
miles of the pinnacle of the mountain:
and construction gangs are pushing
rapidly the grade of this road through
bowlder fields way above timber line
to the summit. On the first day of
September there was opened to travel
the first twelve miles of the highway,
which connects with the Pike's Peak
Ocean-to-Ocean Highway In Ute pass
at Cascade, ten miles west of Colorado
Springs and five miles west of Man
Built by Private Capital.
Before congress closed its sixty'
To Clear Bad Com
plexions Use Resin ol
Bathe your face for several minutes
with resinol soap and hot water, then
apply a little resinol ointment very
gently. Let this stay on ten minutes,
and wash off with resinol soap and
more hot water, finish with a dash of
cold water to close the pores. Do this
once or twice a day, and you will be
astonished to find how quickly the
healing resinol medication soothes
and cleanses the pores, removes pim
pies and blackheads, and leaves the
complexion clear ahd velvety.
Resinol ointment and resinol soap
stop itching inBtantly and speedily
heal skin humors, sores, burns,
wounds and chafing. Sold by all drug
gists. Golden Rule in Business.
Tou get your money's worth every
time. Hanfords Balsam is guaran
teed to cure ailments and Injuries that
can be reached by external application
or your money will be refunded by the
dealer. Getting a bottle now is like
taking out insurance. Adv.
Animated Drawings Illustrate Lecture!
In illustrating a lecture in which
armor plate and armor-piercing pro
jectiles were discussed not long ago
at the British Institution of Mecnam-
cal Engineers, an interesting employ
ment was made of motion pictures. A
number of drawings in which a shell
was shown leaving a gun, hitting a
plate of armor, the cap then breaking
Into pieces, the projectile passing
through metal protection and subse
quently detonating, were filmed. The
pictures when projected on a screen
showed graphically what original
photographs could not have portrayed.
The drawings had been carefully exe
cuted and the resulting effect was
good. From the November Popular
Mechanics Magazine.
when you decide to help Na
ture overcome that stomach
weakness and bowel irregu
larity with the aid of
Stomach Bitters
P. N. U. No. 46, t15
I WHEN srritb to aduatlesss. please urn-
tiaa this paper.
It Is 27 miles from Colorado Springs
to the top of Pike's Peak by the new
road. The actual highway Is 17 miles
in length from the point where it runs
into the Pike's Peak ocean-to-ocean
highway In Ute pass, at an elevation
of 7,415 feet, so that its total rise is
6,746 feet. The average grade is six
degrees with a maximum of ten de
grees, and there are only two places
where the grade does not rise.
Safety and Convenience.
The road bed is 20 feet wide and
this Is increased to 26 feet on curves,
making It possible to be double
tracked all the way, with frequent
"turnout" or stopping places provided
In case of tire or engine trouble. The
bridges, with concrete parapets, are
located on tangents, so they may be
seen at a distance of 300 feet They
are built of steel and concrete.' Signs
conveying cautions have been erected
along the route. Six water stations
have been established at intervals of
three miles for cooling and refilling
purposes, and gasoline stations are lo
cated at the road's terminals. Expert
repair men are always at hand for
duty and telegraph and telephone serv
ices are installed, insuring communi
cation along the entire trip.
The highway will be open to any
motor car, and automobile men
claim that any good driver will be
able to make the trip.
Undoubtedly the Pike's Peak high
way takes its place as the greatest
and highest in the world. Stelvio
pass, the highest carriage road in Eu
rope, in the Alps between Italy and
Austria, has never been opened to the
While there were many difficulties
the construction of this highway was
not a hard task for the modern engi
neer. For part of the way from Cas
cade it follows the general line of the
old carriage road built in 1888.
Scenery Is Unexcelled.
Every mile of the highway to the
summit is crowded with scenic inter
est. From Colorado Springs the
route goes through beautiful Manitou
and then into Ute pass, a 30-mlle cleft
in the mountain down which the Ute
Indians used to come to Manitou
to drink of the mineral waters there.
Youngster of 80 Is Told by Man of
.. 92 He Will Never Be Old Man on
Account of Habits.
The Inte John Blgelow, the patri
arch of diplomats and authors, and
the no less eminent physician and
author, Dr. S. Weir Mitchell, wore to
gether several years ago at West
Point. Doctor Dlgelow was then ninety-two
and Doctor Mitchell eighty.
The conversation turned to the sub
ject of age. "I attribute my many
years," said Doctor Blgolow, "to the
fact that I have been most abstemious.
I have eaten sparingly and have not
used tobacco and have taken little exercise."
"It Is Just the reverse in my case,"
explained Doctor Mitchell. "I have
eaten just as much as I wished, if 1
could get it; I have always used to
bacco, Immoderately at times, and I
have always taken a great deal of
With that, Ninety-two Years shook
his head at Eighty Years and said:
Well, you will never live to be an
old man!" Pittsburgh Chronicle-Telegrcph.
A Hearty Welcome.
"And who are you?" asked St, Petoi
as he peeped through the slats of the
pearly gate.
Why, I'm of the earth earthy," re
plied the new arrival. "Just out of college."
Good!" exclaimed the old man. "We
need somebody to tell us how to run
this place, so come right In and give
us the benefit of your advice."
The Hospitable Board.
"Your wife's dinner parties are al
ways beautiful affairs."
'Yes," replied Mr. Cumrox. "At
first people didn't soem to want to
come to 'em. I guess mebbe the high
cost of living is making a difference.1
third session, it granted the right-of-way
for an automobile road that would
traverse the Pike national forest and
wind its way up the northern slopes
to the top of the peak. When the
government granted this right-of-way
through a national forest for a toll
road, It did an unprecedented thing.
But there were good and sufficient
reasons. It was shown tnat sucn a
highway would be a big asset in de
veloping the nation's scenic wonders
and it is becoming Uncle Sam's hobby
to advocate "See America First" and
to keep within this country some of
the millions of dollars that have been
going to other corners of the world.
The building of this highway was so
stupendous an undertaking and in
volved so large a financial outlay that
it was certain it could not be under
taken In many a year unless by pri
vate capital. And so the government
gave Hb consent and Its cooperation,
reserving the right to purchase the
road at any time at its actual cost,
and imposing strict regulations with
reference to the usage, tolls and man
agement of the highway.
Amid a profusion of wild flowers,
through groves of pines and aspens,
the highway proceeds. Often, as the
motor climbs, it will be enveloped in
a fleecy cloud. ' Higher and higher the
car climbs, but the grade is so easy
that one does not realize that he is at
the summit until he can see the world
about him, east, west, north and south,
Sixty thousand square miles of scen
erywild, massive, awe-inspiring can
be viewed from the seat of the motor
car. There below is Colorado Springs,
its broad avenues and boulevards
gleaming in the sun. Far out into
eastern Colorado are the farms, little
green patches upon the drab prairie.
Back In the chasms west of the peak
are grotesque formations, and on the
western horizon are the snow-capped
Sangre de Christo and the giant peaks
of the great continental divide. At
the summit one can snowball in Au
gust as well as in December. Pike'
Peak just scrapes the snow out of the
frosty clouds as they pass by.
In the Pike's Peak region the motor
ist will find a variety of trips so great
that he can suit any day's mood,
Icelanders Have Reason to Congratu
late Themselves on the "Catches"
They Have Made.
The Icelandic fishing season has
been a very good one this year, ac
cording to the report of the acting
British consul at Reykjavik. He says
that the fishing smacks have probably
never had such a good year, fine
weather and the undisturbed state of
the banks favoring them. Motor boats
and rowing boats obtained average
results off the Westmann Islands,
where fishing was very poor at the
beginning of the season, bht improved
in April, At ..andgerdl, which is said
to be becoming one of the largest fish
ing stations in Iceland, the fishing was
carried out by about thirty large mo
tor boats, and the results were proba
bly a record. The line and net fish
ing off the south and southwest coast
was very fair and the fish of good
quality. The fishing in the western
fjords has been rather poor this year,
but may lmpro' e. Only small quan
tities are said to be available In that
district this year, owing to exporta
tion In wet condition. Practically
no nsning Das as yet taken nlaca
the North owing to the prevalence
polar Ice. Altogether It can he alH
that tho catch has been a good one,
but it Is maintained that there Is
fish at present In Iceland than
been the case at this time in norm
years, owing to the unusually large
port of wet fish. From a local point
ol view tne year Is probably a i
ord one. There does not annear
have been very much business done
In dry fish as yet, but prices have
ruled high, and appear likely to
tinue so.
i less
Turpentine and Vaseline,
Equally effective and probably more
convenient to apply than the familiar
mustard plaster Is a mixture of equal
quantities of vaseline and turpentl"
tbe vaseline melted in a saucepan
over the fire and nixed well with the
turpentine. It should be applied
warm and rubbed well Into tbe skin,
the clothing being protected, as the
liniment leaves aa oily stain.
Held Upon Ground That Was Ob
i tained by Trick.
"Fido, sit up and Bhow the gentle
man how to kiss me, and I'll give you
some nice dinner."
"I'll do the same thing, and I won'
ask for any dinner as a reward
Christian Missionaries Take Advan
tage of Gathering to Preach the
Gospel to Crowds That Collect
to Buy and Soli.
Persons who find a delight In tho
"county fair" will appreciate a little
story by Miss Rose Alice Mace, in the
Woman's Missionary Friend, of "The
Mlntsing Fair," held in Mlntslnghslen,
China, on February 15, says the Chris
tian Work. This fair has the distinc
tion of being the only one of Its kind
held in China. It Is held on the spot
where a temple once stood. A
wealthy old gentleman, who admired
the spot and coveted It as a burial
place for his family, by a clever ruse
got the temple moved, and tombs for
his ancestors safely erected, when the
deception he had employed was dis
covered, and the people determined
upon revenge. There is a superstition
prevalent there that if the grave ol
an ancestor be trodden upon his de
scendants will suffer through life.
Thereupon it was decided that on
February of each year the people of
the surrounding neighborhood should
meet and tramp on the graves of this
man's friends. Later they began tak
ing a few articles with them to ex
change or sell. This gradually in
creased until now thousands of peo
ple meet there and bring all kinds of
things for sale. The people seem to
have about forgotten the original pur
pose of the gathering, and now think
of it only from a social and business
But the interesting thing to us is
that the missionaries have taken ad
vantage of the opportunity of so large
a gathering for spreading the Gospel.
Benches with awnings are erected
near by, a large Chinese sign placed
in a conspicuous place extending a
cordial Invitation to the people to
come and listen to preaching and sing
ing. Large Sunday school lesson pic
tures are exhibited and smaller ones
distributed containing the Scripture
texts in Chinese, and so interest Is
maintained. "The people In general,"
says Miss Mace, "seemed pleased to
have an opportunity of learning some
thing of our belief and doctrine. Many
seemed favorably Impressed, and sev
eral seemed really interested and anx
ious; to learn more about the great
truth presented to them.
1177 TV
UK l to bake, oi
i iK to provide,
When Yon Want Something
Particulary Nice
You can always depend upon K C not to
disappoint you. The double raise makes
doubly certain nothing is lett to luck. It the
batter is a little thin, K C will raise it light and
feathery and it will be all the better. Jarring the
stove or turning the pan around makes no differ
ence K C sustains the raise until baked.
When there's a birthday or wedding cake
refreshments for reception or party
Use K C
Knew the Business.
The leading druggist in a certain
suburb wanted an apprentice. One
applicant for the situation had been
employed in a fish store, but he seem
ed a likely lad.
"Your handwriting's good enough,"
said the druggist. "Can you do men
tal arithmetic?" ' ,
"Yes, sir," replied the lad.
"What would 34 pounds of salmon
at 8 cents a pound be?"
"Bad, sir!" was the prompt answer.
Philadelphia Public Ledger.
Let us tell you FREE of 84 new ways to make
money. It may be the beginning of financial in
dependence. Address, Purack Specialty Co., 828
Chamber of Commerce, Portland, Ore.
Constination causes manv serious
diseases. It is thoroughly cured by
Doctor Pierce's Pleasant Pellets. One
a laxative, three for cathartic.
For thrush use Hanford's Balsam.
Get it into the bottom of the affected
part. Adv.
What He Would Like.
Hobo Please gimme a nickel
Old Lady Didn't I see you coming
out of a saloon a moment ago?
Hobo I guess mebbe you did.
Old Lady Well, I wonder you are
not ashamed to own it.
Hobo I don't own It, ma'am. I only
wish I did.
Manipulating the Scales.
"Your daughter Is doing fairly well
with her music," said the professor,
"but somehow she just can't run the
scales properly."
"Oh, I suppose that's an inherited
trait," rejoined the fond mother. "Her
father made his money in the grocery
Had Practice.
The Coed I don't see how you can
read Chaucer so readily. The spelling
is so queer.
The Professor of English I've had
lots of experience while examining the
sophomores' papers. Harvard Lam
No Diplomatic Concession.
"So Willie Binks blacked your eye,
said the small boy's father.
'And hasn't he apologized?"
'No. He won't even refer to it a.
an unfortunate accident."
Great Men.
"Has your town any great men?"
"Well, I don't know how great they
are, but three of our citizens have
their pictures published in patent
medicine ads every day." Detroit
Free Press.
Not Safe.
"Safe burglars do not boast abou.
their work."
"Why should they?"
"Yet they are always blowing about
their business."
Classy Conversation.
"Gee, that barber shop must have a
fashionable patronage."
"Why so?"
"Follow that shaved me actually
started to talk golf to me."
Brown's Home Life.
Jones I don't see your husband at
the club of late, Mrs. Brown!
Mrs. Brown No. He stays at home
now and enjoys life In his own way
as 1 want him to.
"I don't believe the woman who has
the next apartment to ours ever
touches her parlor carpet.
"My dear, that's a sweeping arraign
Made In the Form of a Wrist Watch
and Guaranteed to Awake the
Soundest Sleeper.
Designed as a silent alarm suitable
for use by deaf persons, a wrist watch
which is capable of awakening a per
son without disturbing the other occu
pants of a house, has been Introduced.
It has concentric dials, the Inner of
Wrist Watch That Serves as Alarm
which is used for setting the alarm,
A small-sized cord that encircles the
wrist or ankle, when the watch Is
strapped In place, tightens at a prede
termined time and awakens the sleep
er. The device performs an especially
convenient function when traveling.
Popular Mechanics.
Bees 8 warm on Bicycle.
A bicycle standing at the curb in
front of a confectionery store on a
business thoroughfare In Whlttlur,
Cat., recently served as a settling
place for a large swarm of bees. For
more than two hours the insects suc
ceeded in turning shoppers to the op
posite side of the street and crowding
vehicular traffic well into the middle
of the pavement. Oddly enough, the
bees in settling chose the seat of the
cycle as a clustering place and piled
themselves nearly a half-foot deep
upon it, also thickly covering part of
the frame and rear wheel. Subse
quently a hive was procured and the
bees transferred into it by a police
man. Popular Mechanics.
Driving Out Swindlers.
Francis P. Gibson, secretary of the
National Fraternal Society of the Deaf,
says that 85,000 bona fide deaf persons
are working to drive swindlers, sup
posedly deaf. Into other lines of bust
ness and to uphold the reputation of
deaf persons for shunning charity. He
says that deaf persons have no need
of charity because of the numerous
schools, in almost every state where
trades are taught. In Chicago 2,009
deaf persons are engaged in gainful
Of Course Paw Knew.
Little Lemuel Say, paw, what Is an
Paw An upstart, son, la a self made
man who isn't your friend.
Now Lemuel Know.
Little Lemuel What's an auction,
Paw An auction, son, Is a forbid
ding place.
Smokeless Powder.
Smokeless powder dates back soma
fifty years, but It was not until about
1886 that It attained Its real efficiency
and sprang Into general use. It must
be understood that even, the beat of
this powder Is not absolutely smoke
less. It is not smoky enough, bow
ever, to "do any harm," and as com
pared with the old powder may well be
called "smokeless.
Elllne Isn't young Boodle awful
Henrietta Yes. but since be got
that touring car you'd hardly notice It
Beauty and Wealth Xrn
attain both. Pull Instructions. Score, of valuable
formulas. Beautify youraelf. Start a Beauty
Shop. Start manufacturing Beauty Specialties.
All of these opportunities are open to you. Com
plete system 11.00 per copy. Particulars FREE.
Purack Specialty Co,, 328 Cham. Com., Portland
, A Perfectly Good Husband. .
Two small boys belonging to the
divorce colony in Reno, Nev,, met on
the street one day. Billy's mama, a
divorcee, had just married the ex
husband of another divorcee.
"So you've got a new papa, Billy,"
remarked Harry.
"Yes," rejoiced Billy, "Mama found
a perfectly good husband that some
other lady threw away." Judge.
For bunions use Hanford's Balsam,
Apply it thoroughly for several nights
and rub in well. Adv.
Taken at His Word.
He (passionately) I would go to
the ends of the earth for you!
She (calmly) Goodbye! Judge.
I Recommend I Penina To
All Sufferers
SSEpjl Do
r Not
Think I
Ever Felt
H i Much
Of Catarrh
Mrs. William H. Hinchllffe, No. 20
Myrtle Bt, Beverly, Mass., writes: ''1
have taken four bottles of Peruntt,1
and I can say that It has done me
a great deal of good for catarrh of
the head and throat. I recommend
Peruna to all sufferers with catarrh.
I do not think I ever felt much bet
ter. I am really surprised at the work
I can do. I do not think too much
praisa can bt said for Peruna."
Our booklet, telling you how to keep
well, free to all.
Those who object to liquid medi
cines oan now proours Peruna Tab
It Doesn't Mix With Business.
In an Interesting but unlndexed
book, called "How to Deal with Hu
man Nature in Business," written Dy
Sherwin Cody and published by Funk
& Wagnalls, we read on page 401 :
Formerly It was thought that for
sociability a salesman must drink with
his customers. Scientific investiga
tion has shown that there are far more
customers who do not care for that
kind of sociability than who do, and
now the vast majority of salesmen on
the road make It a special point never
to call on a customer with a breath
that smells of alcohol. Those who do
not mind it are not repelled by a clean
breath, and those who do mind it are
saved from something that disgusts
The last two sentences could be re
written to advantage, but they state
an important fact: booze and business
do not mix. This fact has been seen
and tested by the keenly Intelligent
men who want more business, and
they are acting on it. Colliers,
The Reason.
"This dog of ours," said Mrs. Jones
to the Sabbath dinner guest, "is a
most peculiar animal. He runs away
very often and stays for dayB but he
always comes home on Sunday."
"Why Is that? Why does he choose
Sunday to return?" asked the guest.
"I really don't know," smiled Mrs.
Jones, tenderly stroking the dog's
sleek brown head. "Some strange,
canine Instinct, I suppose."
"Canine nuthin,'" sniffed little
Johnny Jones. "I 'sped he knows that
Sunday's the on'y day we have a de
cent meal." Judge.
The'Amerlcan Plan.
Well, old chap, do you think Miss
Van Billion Intends to buy you?" asked
the first duke.
"My deah boy, I really cawn t tell,
don't you know? Some days I think
she does; then at other times, old top,
I fear she is merely shopping," replied
the second duke.
Apt Retort.
At a reception in Paris a traveler,
who was a strong "anti-Semite," was
talking to Rothschild on the beauties
of the island of Tahiti and sarcastical
ly remarked:
"There are neither hogs nor Jews
"Indeed!" retorted Rothschild, "then
you and I should go there together,
we should be great curiosities." Chi
cago Herald.
WRITF CTflDlFCt For Moving Pictures. Pro-
nruic jiuruu: ducerl pay tmm w to uoo
each for Photoplays. Interesting and fascinating.
No experience necessary. Work in apare time.
Full particulars Free. Purack Bpeclalty Co.. Sit
Chamber of Commerce, Portland, Ore, .
His Awakening.
The sick man had juBt come out of
a long delirium.
"Where am I?" he said, feebly, as
he felt the loving hands making him
comfortable, "Where am I? In
"No, dear," cooed his devoted wife,
"I am still with you." Kansas City
Raising and Lifting.
"Does your suburban neighbor raise
his own vegetables?"
"No, he comes In the night and lifts
mine." Baltimore American.
'What were you going Into that
pawnbroker s for the other day?"
"Why, Ethel said Id have to re
deem my past before she'd marry me."
II lit SI
for Motherhood
time for experiment, but for
proven qualities, and nothing
exceeas tne vaiue oi g-ooa
cheer, needful exercise and
SCOTT'S EMULSION charges the
blood with life-sustaining richness,
suppresses nervous conditions, aids
the quality ana quantity oi rniut
and insures sufficient fat
Its COD LIVER OIL feed the very "
life cells. Its UME and SODA help
aToid rickets and make teething easy.
!-) AvoiiSutttitutM. No Alcohol
Naval Defense Essential.
The best naval authorities declare
that our sea power has declined most
deplorably in the past year or two,
European navies, in spite of their
losses, are growing more powerful and
efficient, through building submarines
and other types of warships faster
than they are sacrificing them. With
rigid economy, and some changes in
the revenue laws, our national income
will reach the level of our necessary
outgo for ordinary purposes. The ex
traordinary bills, for national defense,
might in view of essential facts be
met by an issue of bonds. An Amer
ican public that has money to lend to
European governments would much
rather lend to Uncle Sam. Whatever
may be thought of a large army, there
Is a clear and definite demand for a
navy that will enable this country to
help secure the freedom of the seas.
We have reason to invest in a navy
as a protector of our coasts and a
guarantor of our commercial interests.
From "The Progress of the World,"
in the American Review of Reviews
for November.
To stop bleeding use Hanford's Bal
sam. Adv.
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