V I THE MAUPIN 0 Pivoted to the Interests of Sputhern Wascp Cpynty VOL 2, NO. 6 MAUPIN, SOUTHERN WASCO COUNTY, OREGON, .FRIDAY, -N9YEMBE,9,;I9I5 THE YEAR $1.50 n ii ii .. j fllli GOOD ROADS ICTII AI THE DALLES NOVEMBER 271 $o the Voters of .Wasco County : ' The Wasco County Foo'd Roads association promised the people of Wasco county that as soon- as jes.timatjs of the proposed im provement os the 1 trunk line toads pf Wasco county could be secured that a meeting of repre sentatives of the entire county would be' held in The Dalle's fpr purpose of discussing the amount of the proposed bond issue, and amount to be apportioned j;p the 'different sections of tjje road. The estimates have been' se cured by the county court from the state highway engineer, and the good roads association has set Saturday, November 27, 1915 at 2 p. m, as the time for holding this meeting in the circuit court chamber in the- court house at The Daljes. Every voter of Wasco county is invi,ted to attend this good roads meeting November 27. It will be impqssjble for all Jtp, be present 'and the good roads asso ation suggests that any district whjch cannot be represented by a Jarge number, select delegates to represent the district. The Wasco County Good Roads Assopiatjon js npt fostering any priyate propagandas; it is not representing ny one district. It believes that the greatest need of Wasco pounty is better roads, and it is doing all in its power to bring about such an end, but it does not propose to go ahead with any plan of bonding until it is assured that a majority of the voters of this pounty are behind Panama-Pacific International xpOSitiOH San Francisco Closes Dec. 4th Read That Again Then go-now. The opportunity of your life, California at her best, the greatest expositions you will ever see in their prime, and low round trip fares via many different routes- DON! MISS IT. You'll be sorry! Iqday's the day you can gp jf you will Plume E. B. BELL, Agent A. C. EGAN traveling freight and Passenger Agent BEND OREGON-WASHINGTON Railroad & navigation company UNION PACIFiq SYSTEM and your travel wahU will be immediately attended Ask for your papy of "How to. Go and What to See." It's an interesting aixty-fovr page book. We pay the postage. tnzzxz CETTT DENTIST Dr, HATFIELD Now at Maupin Modern Dentistry at Moderate Prices H Now is the time to re pair those bad teeth Painless Extraction Guaranteed the move, ior that reason the November 27 meeting has been called. All districts should "be represented and heard and then the association can be advised what plan to place before the voters for their finaj ' decision. Therefore, the .association hopes to see the largest and most rep resentative meeting of voters that has ever free;) Jje,ld in Wasco county. S. Benson. 'Oregon's leading citizen,." the man who ha3 given Hundreds of thousands of dollars for the improvement of Oregon's roads, and who has done so much towa.d securing state aid for Wasco county's roads, his son, Amos Benson, who is also devot ing his time and money to good roads; L. B. Coovert, an attorney who is employed by Mr. Benson for no other purpose than to look after road matters the man whp attended to the legal end of the Multnomah county road bonding and whose valuable ser vices jiave been offered to. Wasco county by Mr. Benson without one cent of cost; J. B. Yeon, a retired capitalist of Portland, who fs roadmaster of Multnomah county without pay; Rufus Hol- man, county commissioner of Multnomah county, and many others will attend the November 27 meeting and offer their expert advice. Be sure to attend this meeting. Wasco County Gqod Roads Association. By J. L. Kelly, President. School Notes SENT IN 6) 01 THE UNIVERSAL CAR Performance vs. Feasibilities, Ford cars ate giving satisfactory service to more than 900,000 owners representing all classes in business and professional life, on the farm and for pleasue it is ''The Universal Car." Sturdy and reliable,, easy to understand and drive, and eco nomical to operate and maintain. Prices lower than ever. Runabout $390; Touring Car $440; Town Car $640, f, o. b. Detroit. Why pay more? On sale at FISCHER1 GARAGE, MAUPIN The school board has decided that there shall be vacation on November 25 $nd 26, Thursday and Friday on account of Thanks? giving and December 25 to Janur ary 2, Christmas and New Years coming on Saturdays. At the special school meeting last Saturday it was unanimously voted to levy an eight mill tax for all school purposes. Amyng the twelve require? ments for a standard school is the oue that the attendance shall be not less than $2 per cent and the punctuality not less than 98 per cent- Our attendance the past month was 89 per cent and the punctuality was 96 per cent, Try, try again. A new regulation of the school board requires that pupils for being absent shall bring a writ' ten excuse from their parents, The state law knows no excuse for absence of pupils from nine to fifteen years inclusive except on account of sickness of the pupil or in his family- This school, as usual' and like many other schools, is arranging to send, this week, to the Boys' and Girls' Aid Society of Port land a Thanksgiving donation of cash, canned and fresh fruits, and jellies, which the railroads carry free. Lesle Hainss, who has come here with his parents from White Riv3r has entered school here in the grst grade. Lawrence Harphan and Orvel Fraley have been absent from school this week on account of sickness. Ridgeway Notes Freeman Barlow ,has .returned ,to his home in Portland after a short vist wi.th hie s,is.$r, ss Dolly Barlow. Walter Brown, wtiose home is ,in the Bakeqve.n country, has rented the Swock place, and has been busy fpr the past few weeks seeding. Mr. B,rown says ha still has a hundred acres to seed. Mrs. J. A. Toothman of Jersey spent the week in Ridgeway vis itjng with relatives.' Mrs. Walter Brown has return ed to her home in Bakeoven af ter spending some jtimo here. Mr. aud Mrs. Harrison Gray haye returned to their home here after having spent three months in Klamath. county, Henry Cooke has finished haul ing hi grain to Shaniko. Hen, ry has been busy hauling grain for the past month. Ed. Fritch has moved his fam, jly to Barton, Oregon, where they wjjl make their . future home. Mr. Fritch has rented his ranch to Harry Nelson of McMinnville. Last Saturday the legal voters of school district 55 held a school meeting at which a special dis trict tax w&$ voted. George Albright has returned to his ranch aftar working in the harvest fields near Kent.. Hermann bandmann made e business trip to Portland in the early part oi the week. Among thse who attended the school meeting last Saturday was John Farre, of Jersey. Upon the resignation of Ed Fritch, chairman of the school board, Mr. Fapre wasjnamed by Supt. Bonney, as chairman, George Albright has purchas ed a fine new Van Brunt drill. Quite a bit of snow has fallen, which with some cold weather, somewhat interrupts plowing and seeding. John Singer seeded for W. H Cooke this week. Miss Beryl Robinson spant Monday as the guest of Mrs. S. C. Richardson of Antelope, A number of the homesteaders are making final proof op their claims. Mrs Jos. McClellan is in the hospital in The Dalles. It is re ported that Mrs. McClellan is very low with typhoid fever. that with the present prices of grain, hogs cannot be fattened with any profit. Jewel and Elmer Henderson entered school for the first time on last Wednesday. A ypuig citizen came to make his .home at H. M. Green's on Wednesday last. Mrs. Green n.d little $on areqing well. Pale Bonney is moving the barn .nd iysnary from the J. A., Gamber place tp his hpmestead. H F. Sjndair is building a house op bis place north of Cri terion. H. Kramer has built his house and expects to .moveJiis family from Vancouver, Wn.. ,to the homestead in a few days. Chas. Skogsberg was severely bitten on the hand Jast week by dog that was hasmg his chick ens with intent to kill. C. A. Duu lost 25 chicken ;last week- They were evidently killed by the sane dog that bit Tjjlr. Skogsberg and attacked his chickens, Said dog has done his last mischief. TO BUILn ADDITIONAL RAILROADS The Central Oftogon Develop ment League was .reorganised at Bend Wednesday night. A ban quet was served to R. . Strar horn and party by the .Commer cial club of cnd, at which $50 guests participated coming from Portland, Seattle and Central Oregon points. At this meeting three differer- ent railway projects to be put through by the Qregon, .Califor nia & Eastern R. R were dis enssed: A line from Bend to Klamath Falls to connect with the S. P. at that point; one from Bend tp Lake View and Water Valley whjch will later extend down through the Surprise Valley iu California; another jto Crane Qap to connect with the 0. S. L. the line to Lake View to conneqt with the Nevada, California & Oregon. The 00 .miles ,pf these project. ed lines will cost sty ,millipii dql ilars which will be raised by Portland and Eastern capitalists with .the assistance of Central Oregon people. . Mr. Strahom promised the people of Central )r;egou Wed nesday night to build the project ed railroads. A. F. Mills, president of the First National Bank of Portland and of the Oregou Life Insurance Co., put himself on record to support the Jioe ia a financial! way, Criterion Chronicles Earl Tunison lost a valuable new milch cow last week. Mrs. W, E. Hunt has been in poor health for two weeks. J, E. Miller has bought a new horse for use on the mail stage. Consequently a strict observance of the schedule is expected. H. M. Green marketed a load of hogs last week receiving $5.35 per cwt. Every farmer knows Wapinitia Items JSob Sheppard made a trip to Maupin Saturday after freight for E. A- Hartman. Ora Maynard took a load of hogs to Maupin Wednesday. P. J. Qlsen, (pur road supervis or is runnjng the "drag" over our roads. Good for you, Pete. Chas. Delore and family have returned from an extended trip through Washington and Oregon, having been as far north as the Canadian line and west to Seat tie. Clyde Flinn made another trip to Maupin Thursday, ; Lewis Walters and R. W. Mc Corkle made a trip to Maupin Thursday, each taking down a load of hogs. Mrs. J. I. West, who has been in California for the past few months, returned to her home here last week, Messers Robert and Vincent Tapp and Misses Winnie and Ruby and Sidney Wilson were guests at the Qabel home Wednesday. Frank Spoor was over from Smock Friday with a load of apples. G, G. MagiH came over from Wamic Friday to seed his juniper Flat ranch, Len Wilsen was a Tygh visitor last week, The Christain Endeavor socie ty held a business meeting at the home of Rev. Stains B'riday ev ening after which refreshments were served and a social time was enjoyed by all. Bert Hammer is hauling lum ber from the saw mill this week. Walter Woodside is hauling posts out from the reserve this week.,, Mrs. Bruce Driver was taken quite sick last week; Dr. Shan non from Tygh was calld twice. H- N. Dodge is employed by G. E. Wood this week. What promises to be one of the bigest events of the season AT Bring Rifles nd Shotguns and iShoM for Turkeys Tuesday, November 23 W. H. WILLIAMS DDBaDlD)Mal rrzzn II Special Sale Bed Blankets, Auto Robes, Couch Covers, Table Covers, Shawls, Baby Blankets, Flannel Shirts, Flannel and Fancy Caps. I have just received an assortment of the above direct from the mill. This lot is what the mill calls "seconds," that is, goods that have become slightly soiled, have imperfections in weaving, are of oil size, etc. For this reason I have secured this assortment at much re duced prices and offer them to you as genuine Bargains, Bemember these goods are only slightly damaged and will be just as SERVICEABLE for every day use as if they were perfect Investigate soon. The supply is limited. R. C JORY, POSTOFFICE BLDG. FISCHER'S GARAGE Auto Passenger Service Auto Delivery Truck Prepared for Long Trips or Outing Parties A Complete Line of Automobile Accessories MAUPIN, OREGON J 35 V.M'ft Hllfo HI ! A-B-S-O.L-U-T-E-L-Y The HIGHEST PRICE FOR WHEAT AT MAUPIN STATE BANK PAY YOUR! TAXES AT MAUPIN STATE BANK AND SAVE ALL EXPENSE. EVEN POSTAGE. WE ARE A COUNTY DEPOSITORY AUTHORIZ. ED TO COLLECT TAXES II 4 . ' . .' . S Thanksgiving Specials g 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 For this week only Fancy Stock Sweet Potatoes - 141bs for 50c Blue Ribbon Celery-the best 10 cents per bunch Extra Choice Fancy Packed Apples - $1 35 the box Cranberries '' -Finest White Comb Honey - -Cluster Rasins in fancy cartons Seeded Rasins in Packages Full pound pkg. Currants Red Ribbon Asparagus extra fine Red Ribbon Hawawian Pineapple Walnuts 15c quatt 2 frames for 35c - - 15c 3 for 25c - 2 for 25c 25 cents per can 5 cans for $1.00 71bs for $1.00 Mixed Nuts (Peanuts Walnuts Almonds) 61bs for $1.00 Candies, the best stock in town At Special Prices Fancy mixed - 2 lbs for 25c, 41bs 45c Rock mixed French mixed Chocolates 15c the lb 20c the lb 20 the lb SHATTUCK BROS. ID44444 4444444444444444444 44