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About The Maupin times. (Maupin, Or.) 1914-1930 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 12, 1915)
X1 7 TT TT" MAUPIN W ; VI .4 Sim DeypteJ to tthe Interests of Southern Wasco County MAUPIN, SOUTHERN WCO COUNT OREQN, FRIDAY, NQVE?jTpER(12, 1915 VOL,, 2. NO. 5 THE YEAR $1.50 Fairview Winners The children of District Jtfo. 48 who were awarded premiums at the Southern Wasco County Fair .'held at Tygh N alley were; , Dorothy Martin. 1st on marine apron $1, 1st on plain cake $1. ' Roy Martin, 2nd on cake $-50, 2nd on pen chickens II. Viola Martin, 1st on jelly $1. Grace Woodruff, 1st best arti cle of embroidery $1. May Kinyon, 2nd on pig $1. Max Woodruff, 3rd on plain cake $.23- 1 Georgia Crofoot 1st on layer cake $1, 1st on bird house $1, 1st On sewing project $2.50. Rabbit Hunt SENT BY 01 CORRESPONDENTS L. D. Kelly. L. K. Oakley, B. Shattuck and Clyde Williams, joined at Shaniko by Roy Logan left Friday noon for a week end rabbit hunt at BencJ, returning Sunday night bringing abrjrjt $0 of the little animals home as proof of their success. Wapinitia Items Mrs. h M. Woodside return ed home Sunday from ? two weeks' visit to Woodburn, where she has been visiting her parents Mr. and Mrs. McKee. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Riggles and son Omar, returned nome last week from tyle, Washington, where they have been visaing their daughter and aon-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Hammer. The Woman's Missionary so ciety and the 0(tterbein Guild of this nlace held a very enjoyable program at the church Sunday evening. Mrs. Minnie Hartman is Visit- incr nr. trie home of Mrs. L. D. Kejly at M.auDin this jyjjejs. Mr. and Mrs. II W- Ftinn and family returned home from Hood They Said: "You Can't Raise Corn ' in the Northwest. But corn is grown here-gpod corn, small cobs, deep kernels, solid ears, and plenty bushels per acre, Everv farmer every live stock owner- every dairyman knows what com means Whether or not you know that corn is a successful crop in this conn try go and see the results of a campaign for more pork and better pork, more cattle, more dairies and silos, and better t.mes-at the PREGON. WASHINGTON RAILROAD ,NVICATION CO. VMON PACiriC SYSTEM CORN SHOW Walla Walla, pecember 2, 3,4 ' Information and Premium List Free upon application to R. B. BELL, Agent Maupin A.p EpA.T. F. &P. A.t Bend LOW FARES FQR THE RQUJO TIRP River where thev have been for the past month working during apple harvest. They are glad to get back and 'Old V?aP' lks pretty good to them. " A .huainAsa meptine' nf t.hp 7. " - 0 Christian Endeavor was held at Rev. tains' Friday night. Clyde Flinn made a trip to Maupin Wednesday .after a load orajjiRies. Mrs. M. Huston started for Parkdale laat Friday for a two weeks' visit with her daughter, Mrs. -Rollan Meyers.' Lu Hennichan m&de a trin tol The Dalles last Friday, returning Saturday bringing If r and Mrs. N. W- Flinn home with him. A basket social was given at'. the Upper Oak Grove school house last Saturday night. About $61 was taken in which will go toward getting a ne bejl for the: school house. Julius Shipflin's new plastered" eight-room house is nearing com pletion. " ' j Two inches of the Beautiful' fell here Monday morning. A murder is reported to have occvrred on the Indian reserva tion recently. Nothing definite is known at present. Officers and blood-hounds have been sent for. The planning of the Ladies' Bazaar is coming along nicely and a chicken pie supper will be served during the evening. The people of the community will meet at the church Saturday November 13 for the purpose of completing the painting and re- namnor ot the buildin. ine ladies will serve dinner, Come, one and all. The baud boy8 are planning on irivine a basket social here the last of the month for the benefit of their band. Mr. and Mrs, King from Port land are visiting at the home of their daughter, -Mrs. Herman Knopf. N. W. Flinn who has been laid ud for the past five months with a crushed limb, is Betting along very nicely, but it will be several months yet before he will be able to get along without the rid of his crutches- Mr. Dodge is up at Cedar Swamp at present making posts. ment. Rev. Ellis expects to ;begin special meetings at this place on next Wednesday evening. Among those who have recent ly jfinished fall sowing are D. B. Appling, Ed. Herrling, W. M. Snelson, Dale Bonney, D. L. Rutherford, R. H. and Laco De- Camp, C. A. Duus, W. E. Hunt and.Qhas. Skogsberg. " t C. A. Duus has gust completed a building to house his threshing outfit. He wijl also build a tool and wagon house. Such im provements $v,ill pay any farmer large dividends. C. E. Tunison and wife came over Saturday for a short visit with the family of their son Earl. Pleasant Gathering. Our neighborhood had another of their famous good time gath erings at the school house on Monday. The occasion was .especially Dleasixe to our citizens and the schoal .as County -Supt. Bonney in a suitable address, presented to Miss Herrling and her pupils the banner for being the first standard school in the county Prof. Harrington gave a very fine stereoptical lecture on indus trial club work by Oregon pupils. At noon every one tried to out do his neighbor in filling to their capacity of the splendid banquet which was furnished by the ladies of the district. After dinner the time was spent listening to a program of recitations, songs and impromptu SDeaches. All present voted the day very profitabjy spent. ' expects to ride the goat. We ! hope she arrives home with no broken bpnes jjr e.(.her minor in juries. is something going tp happen in our neighborhood to two of our most-highly respected pioneer citizens, that i if ex changing' photographs at church is any sign, wierelore we au in due time gqin in wishing them many years of peaceful bliss. Mrs. Acmes Pierce is taking care of the Whitcomb babies dur ing Mrs. Hull's absence at Tygh Valley.. Bob Yonce was Sunday ealler at the-Btakely heme. Mrs. Stak- ely has been taking lessons in tatting from him. EDUCATIONAL MEN HEHETl)ESDAY Industrial Subjects Dalles Mention H. dentist Dr. HAtFIELD B M NOW AT MAUPIN Better Have Your Dental WorJcDpne Now rrrrn B THE UNIVERSAL CAR A Ford on the road for every car of another make. More than 900 O00 now in use everywhere. This could riot be if the Ford car had not, and was not proving its snperiorityevery day, in all parts of the world. The sturdy, light weight, ecomoical Fprd car, useful to everybody, saving money for everybody at a price within reach of everybody. Runabout $390; Touring Car $440 Town Car $640, f. o. b. Detroit. On sale at FISCHER1 GARAGE, MAUPIN Criterion Chronicles Arthur Henderson and family came home from Yakima on Fri day. Misses Bertha Herrling and Gertrude Mattes visited Maupin Saturday last, At a special school meeting Saturday evening, a motion was carried to paint school house white and the roof green. This commendable, as a building well painted with a good quality of paint is always a goodinvest- Smock Items 2 RJrs. John Howell and Mrs, Minnie Bargainholt were Wapni- tia visitors last Friday. Chas. Ross and bride have tak en up theij? abode at the Barlow Gate ranch. The writer and many friends extend best wishes and the future bows wny bright years tor jtftjem- fJlv, Ross is yery much respecled by all who jpow him. As usual, John Ayres made a mistake Monday morning by go ing horseback when he might have enjoyed a sleigh ride, Mr, and Mrs. Roy Fleck are at The Dalles where Mrs. Fleck Went to the hospital to undergo an operation. Her many friends in hopes of speedy recovery and her return home. N. E- Whitcomb is taking care of Mr. Fleck's stock during his absence. The Optomist) Mr and Mrs. Edward McGreer ! of Antelope were business visit ors Jd X.he jPallefl last week. Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Patison and Belvie Patison of Wamic were visitors in The Dalles Friday. W. H. McAteeof Tygh Valley transacted business in this city Tuesday. John Karian of Bakeove-n was, looking after business affaire in The Dalles Monday, James Baxter of An.teiope was a business visitor Tuesday. A.,J. Conroy of Shaniko trans acted business in this city Satur day. W. D. Walker. James Walker, and F. M. Kelney of Antelope visited The Dalles Tuesday. Chas. Dodge of Tygh Valley is looking after business affairs in The Dalles- A. M. Young of Tygh Valley was a visitor in The Dalles Mon dav on bis way to Hood River to attend the Odd Fellows' District convention. Frank B- Clock of Shaniko is Visiting his family in The Dalle?, Henry Miller of Wamic is spending a few days in The Dalles. W. E. Hunt of Maupin was ooking after business affairs in The Dalles the first of the week. Mr. and Mrs, R. R. Hinton, Miss Mary Lu Hinton, and Mast er Bob Hinton of Shaniko are visitors in The Dalles. J, T. Harper, M. M.. Morris, C. M. Joles, A. A. Bonney, and G. R. Burtner were in The Dalles Monday from Tygh Valley on their way to join the Odd fel lows who went to Hood River on the special train Monday night to atted the Odd Fellows' Dis trict convention (School Notes) To anyone interested in the improvement of ,the community, it was quite gratifying .Tuesday, evening to see the fine audience at th school house, the new schoolroom being filled beyond seating capacity. - County Supt. Bonney gave an interesting account of work be ing done in various schools of .the .county, especially in stand ardizing and industiial subjects. Mr. Pitman of the State Nor mal School lectured on Commun ty Conversion along five lines: Good roads, improved methods of work, changed political and religious views, and changed schools. His main thought wins, get out of the old ruts and onto new and better ways, and was replete with wit .and good humor throughout. Mr- Harrington of Oregon Agricultural College, aided by Mr. Bonney. gave a stereopticon lecture,, showing views from all parts of the state, chiefly of in dustrial project exhibitions at lo cal county . and See Page 8 The Times is this week print ing its first full page, ad vhich is on the lat page of the paper in usual place for the locals which appear this week op the third page. This page, eight, which is de voted to the Tum-A-Lum Co., containsrfive half .tone,cuts, on which much care has been taken to make them look as well as i,t is possible for them to, (.printed on an Armory hand press. Hav ing now demonstrated "that a full paire advertisement i pas sible even for the Times, we will expect others ere long. Mr. and Mrs. L. B. Haiues are now residents of Maupin and, plan to in the uear future erect a cot tage on the lot adjoining the parsonage. of groups of project workers and individual prize winners wnp an came form rural or village schools . All ioined in singing The Star Spangled banner at .the opening. The Battle Hymn of the repub lic betwen the lectures and Home, Sweet, Home at the close, and seemed to feel hey had profitable spent a pleasant and state fairs, and! evening. FISCHER'S GARAGE ' Auto Passenger Service - Auto Delivery Truck Prepared for Long Trips or Outing Parties A Complete Line of Automobile Accessories MAUPIN. OREGON J 1 S3 mi m m n -B-S-O-L-U-T-E-L-Y The HIGHEST PRICE' ' FOR WHEAT AT MAUPIN STATE BANK. PAY YOUIf, TAXE AT Blaine Disbrow was a Sunday caller at the home of T. J. Whit comb. , Mr. and Mrs. Ray Aubrey and The ground is covered with Emma Aubrey have secured work snow. ' ; at a hotel in Bend. Mrs. Aubrey Mrs. Hull left Monday after-'is' here .until tomorrow, getting noon for Tygh Valley where she! rea(1v or their sa? "P tliere' as MAUPIN STATE BANK. AND SAVE ALL EXPENSE, EVEN POSTAGE. WE ARE A COUNTY DEPOSITORY AUTHORIZ ED TJ COLLECT TAXES muznriniiiii Special Sale Bed Blankets, Auto Robes, Couch Covers, Table Covers. Shawls, Baby Blankets, Fannel Shirts, Flannel and 'i. tV Fancy Caps. I have just received an assortment of the above direct from the mill. This lot is what the miir calls ''seconds," that is, gpods that have become slightly soiled, have imperfections in weaving, are off size, etc. For this reason I have secured this assortment at piuch reduced prices and offer them to you as genuine Bargains. Remember these goods are only slightly . damaged and will be just as SERVICEABLE for every day use as if they were ptrfect. Investigate soon. The supply is limited. R. C. JORY, POSTOFFICE, BLDG. f! 1 m 25 The famous Red Ball Brand Overshoes, Pacs, Rub bers, Arctic SocKs and FeltShOes See our "Himiner" jnow on display! with the leather and nailed soles the Greatest Rubber Shoe ever made An Exceptionally Good Line of Flannel Shirts 5HATTUCR BROS. m m rrnn fiT;n::iiTTr Q 0