The Maupin Times Published Every Friday at Maupin, Oregon, J. E, Disbrow, Publisher Subscription: One Year, $1.50, Six Months 75cts, Three Months 50 ' Entered as second class mail matter September 2, 1914. at the vpost office at Maupin, Oregon, under the Act of March 3, 1879. Tygh (from page l) , frank Morrow of Vmlc is work ing on it. Ilarvev McClain and wife re- turned to Tygh Valley aftor a long ojoutn with Harvey's people who live in the valley; all were glad to -Bee them back. Dr. Brown went to The Dalles Saturday, morning returning Sun day very late, Zene Watkins mak ing a trip to The Dalles for him. Did the boys chivari ton Wiug when he was married here a short time ago? All joy to Mr. and Mrs. Wing. Roy Morris and wife have moved down on White river in Vince Steers' house. Mrs. Morris has asthma and the damp atmosphere is much better for hen They con. template moving to the Valley, Geo. Morris returned home Mon day night from Sherman county FISCHER'S GARAGE , Auto Passenger Service Auto Delivery Trudk Prepared fdr Long Trips or Outing Parties A Complete Line of Automobile Accessories MAUPIN, OREGON -mid. Blacksmithing, Wagonmaking ftftJ Auto . Repairing fraley & Vahdrfrpool Horseshoeing, Blacksmithing and Wagonmak ing. Share grinding and sharpening. All kinds of Repair Work that will suit, With a Guarantee That Will Stick. Try us If your wagons, bug gies or hacks need .overhauling, bring them in, we'll save' ybu money, We Sar'ry a full line bf Automobile Supplies and are prepared to do all kinds 6f Auto repair work Maupin Ore. CENTRAL OREGON LINE THE PORTLAND CHAMBER OF INVITES TO TI1H Manufacturers' and land products EHPOSITldft li October 25--NoVembet 13 2nd Ahnukl Show 'of All-Ore$ri and Southern Washington Agri cultural Products frod MimufacV uring Resources, fecund Tr& Mets . b'ol'J on a Red, luce Bas)s fori Cenral Oregon Ppints, , (Oct. 28 and r4ov4 ana u , . !eturn Ltout Seven lJay after 'datfe ol Safe A. LOCKE, Agent, Maupin. where he has been at work. , How can parents expect theii chiidren to be dutiful and obedient and stay at home when the parent never think anything is going the child's way. Children have rights that parents are bound to respect. Let them have their amusements at home and their company too. Some people think it is some thing dreadful to see a young man or woman work their way through school or college, but Elmer Mun ier is working at the hotel and Mrs. Johnson says splendid help he makes. Elmer is a boy of fine address, pleasant, affible and oblig ing and cau play as good a game of Whist as the next person. Tuesday night was solo night. Now is the time to begin work on the fair. Don't go to sleep bui be up and doing next meeting to vote for officers. Why not invite the ladies to votej thsy are interest ed too. Smock Items 2 Miss tda Duncan was a guest of Miss Vina Ayres Wednesday. A few Changes in real estate las! week, T. E. Farlow ilo acres to John Gordollj David Moorebouse 160 acres to G. W, Bargainholt. Chas. Duncan and son George are seeding the Walter Ledfora ranch. The Duncan Srds. dud Mulvaney Bros, killed two wildcats last week. Roy Fleck and wife are in The Dalles having some repair work done on their residence in that city in the form of paitlt!ug paptriug, and the construction of a chimney. John Farlow Sbld a team of horses a few days ago, Grant Ledfdrd purchased a Spaulditig buggy of the a'g'eht last week . F. E. Spoor rhade a business trip to The Dalles last Wednesday, Frank Magll wa$ at Mulvaney's mill recently aud took away some of their product. Ton! Farlow and molfter were business visitors at The Dalles last week. . Mrs, Wiir, Stakely and Mrs, Pierce were visitors at the John Howell home Thursday"; Chas', Ross is lWing on the Jar- low gate t&ncft. Ffed Bichsel was a Dalles busi ness Visitor a feV days last week. Harkl wedding bells sdou may ring. Toe Kisttier of TvWli Valley took a load of finishing Winner from the Mulvaney mill for Dr. Brown's residence ftt Tygh'. Tohn Farlow Vuled some fine porkers Friday. Willis Farlow was absent from ichool Monday on account of sick ness. Raise Corn shial YouGant a the N9rwej?.u Siai.eornjfl flpwn here-good .torn, cobs, deep kernelo, solid ears, and plenty bushels per acre. F . v -" -",': '., , " ,.very, fotrery, lve,8tocf owoer ' every dairyman knows what corn means 1 - - .t t. . ... ,. .ii i i.,. i i X' , '.' n...i.. ,.f ... ir'nAM, .w rnm Is a successful crop in .this conn .. j 4i,...UMiiu a pflmnaKTii for more oorlt and, uettei ltrv. VJ HI1U K uis'ivouuj w. o . pork, more cattle, more dairies and jijos and better tinies-at the OREGON W A9HIN QTON RAILROAD & NVldATION CO, Union PAtifrifc SYStfcM ' CORH SHOW . Walla Walla, December 2, 3, 4 Information end Premium List Free 1 ii'i sippllcaliou to ,i iiiil.L, Agmt i r. &. V, A. to, nu ilOV FAKtbtOK i Hi ROUND HRP Local Happenings The Times, $ a year. Mrs. J. M. Conklin is spending a few days iu Maupin. Potatoes for sale by Mrs. E. Rowan, Tygh Valley $1.25 pei sack. n5 After today there will he 6 laundry basket at the 0. T, de- pot- L. D. Kelley, Bates Shattuck and L. K, Oakley went to Madras this morning for a couple days' rabbit hunt, , John Farlow and Geo. Ledford were over from Smock Tuesday. J. S. Fraley moved over to his Juniper Flat ranch recenty. John V. Martin Shipped a car load of hogs to Portland Sunday, P. A. Coale lias taken a home stead over across Stag hollow. Quite a bunch of old papers have again acumulated at the Times of fice. One red roan cow brand C t on left side, 1 red sucking calf; owner identfy aud pay charges at mouth of Bakeoven creek, Mrs. Alex McMullen, Maupin, Ore. Mr. and Mrs. Harper were over from Tygh today JU their neVV Car. Notarial work at the Maupin State bank. Go to Fischer's Garage for all your automobile accessories, gaso line and storage of machine. See Fraley and Vanderpool for auto accessories Mr. and Mrs. - Mell Sigmond of Dufur spent the week end wilh Mr. and Mrs. A. C Moad In the Tillies building. -' 'yi' J ' )dn t blame your clock It needi cleaning. Emmons will do ii fdr ydu and ffu&rantee it. U. S. Representative N. J. Sin- not honored our little city by a call Monday. For , Sale Pure White Wyan dotte Cockerels, $1.00 each. C. H. Crofdot, ftt'aupin, Ore. 22tf The Isis Stock Go. appeared in The trail tif the Lonesome pine Saturday lght before of the larg- est houses fever congregated in th's city, aud flayed The Rose ot the Rancho, bundav night. Local Markets Potatoes, 1.25 to I 50. Cabbage, 2c. Onions, 2c. Tomatoes, 2 t-2 to 3c. Eggs, 25 to 30. Butter, creamery 40; dairy 35, Sugar,' 6.50. Apples, choice 1.25 box. Peaches," 50c, Bacon, 17 1-2 to 25. Salt, dairy 65 per sack, fann table 90. Flour, bbl 5.60, 6.00. Bran, $29 per ton. Shorts, $31 per ton. Salt, $'15 per ton. Wheat, forty-fold 83, club 80; blue stem 84, Hogs, best light 6.S Foot Mashed Last Monday D, A. Moad took the Isis Stock people to Shanikc, finding that Mr, Howland's cat was not repaired, consented to take them on to Madras. Seventeen miles out of Shaniko he had a puncture. Tile tire was off when one of the boys started the motor; The breaks were not set tight, the car started and let the rim of the wheel on Mr. Moad's right foot. He returned home Tuesday night and with the doctor's care is ex pected to be mit in a few days. School Nfltts J. R. Lewis and Geo. Claynilre in the capacity of a Committee SeiH from the t. 0- 0 F. lodge of ap initial W took after the prospects Of the lodge at this place., were vis itors here Tuesday . The meetings this winter will be held in the Donaldson balk which G. L. Har- phan has Vented for the season. Done Neatly at this office PhOtOS D4y or Night - Anywhere Send os yo'ur Kodak Work We fray postage back Photo Sunrfits The Welcome Studio The Dalfbs, "Ore. Harold tock has bWn Wpt out of school this week on ac count of the arrival of a b'bv baby in his horhe. Harold has ilso a route for The "Dalles Rjodel laun- . 1 ! . II' . dray ana is a good worker. T.fon iinrl Merilda Ch'ouinard. 12 and . 10 years, old, walked out to Mr. Woodruff's last Sunday, six miles, and brought 'b&k with them five little pigs. Special school meeting at trie school house .,on Saturday, Ma vember 13 at 2 ri. m. Examination 'papers were re turned to the pupus last Monday The statuling ranged 'from ,'28 to 1UU. . Jjouis nmons got, uu in Literature, Zohn Moad 100 in Composjiiorl,. Guy., Fryman and ClydexViHiatna 1Q0 Jip Medieval History, waomi mun iw in Grammar, Wni Fisclwr 100 in Indrodujctiry . History, Thomas Cook 100 in Geography. Co- feupt. Bonney, sends word that the date, of, Hjarrjngton-Pit-man lectures' Have been changed to Tuesday. evening Nov. 9. Mr. Harrington's lecture will be il lustrttM with stereoptican views and Mr. Pittman's will be a ae lecft'd keWre.;, Both,, are yny iiit'rvstiritf spesKersand h 'is i .. t!, tin- i tire cuhimunitj- 1 a, . '! ;! ht'c. darce will i. 8llO' US pprfCi-iw. or. int'he able meiijand of the'pepartr)ient of Public Instruction which they The Tiftes WoVild ftke id have a correspondent 'in eVe'ry c'o'i'iiUiunity of Southern Wasco cotinty. II your locality is iic-'t presented send us a sample letter, With your uame antt address. We will send you stationery. We lead-OtheYs Mlow. Lis ten! At endi'tfiotis expense we have secured a liraifed nilmber of large harid painted OIL PAINT INGS of Landscape . and Marine Views, which we are giving ab solutely free to 'cur Hist6mers, See us abotit it.-W. H. Staats & Co. LCI: FRANCIS. M.D. CM SIAVrtN, OREGON Men. 6611, Phys. & Sur., Ontario Licentiate , Minnesota and Oregon Prorhpt Service on Either Day or Might Calfs tyts'tsCca, Glasse. Fitted Odd Fellows Visit Good Investment An investment thoroughly wtiVth while is ofrer'ed frtV nle for a short tune ar$ ah acre. Farm of 200 acres rih JiaVt teVnis- '6 acVe in cultivation and 7)5 Wdre'c'an Vie cultivated ftnd the baani'e 'is 'goo1 pastul aVid wo'Ads i- l'4tid. feoVm buildings and Ten'c'eS ahd riftVit Vd plenty ' of iVri&aUdh 4Vater. . All kinds of fruit. 'On WrM hmll Ml atid tel phoi'ie liiu' ,and Vt;tlsVii. cloe to sHWffl and ' clniMt, Cull at the Times office. " il Homestead Entry, no. 013513 for K 1-2 NK 1-4, SW 1-4 XR 1-4, S t-4 nw r-4, nw 1-4 SE 1-4, N I sw t-4, sw 1-4 sw I 4, Sixtio't 28 Township 7 Smilh. Range 15 Ivj'. Willameite Meridian, has filed notice of intention to make I'lm three year Proof, to establish cldii to the land above described, be fore H C Rooper, V. 8. Com '''.s sioner ;it Antelope, Orcop, on iv 13th day of December, iqi.s. Claimant unities us witnesses Bert E. Davis, JSdward A: Fri ch Silas C. Richardson, Char'es C Robinsor, all of Shaniko, Ortgnn H. Frank Woodcock, up Register. NOTIOE FOR PUBLICATION (publisher) Department of the Interior, United States Land Office at Tlit Dalles, Oregon, November 2, 1915. NOTICE, is hereby given thai Rrnest Howard Taylor, of Criie ion, Oregon, who, on May 26th. i8n, made Homestead Entry no 09007, and on July 2nd, 1914, niarli additional Homestead Entry no 013563, for V 1-2 NW 1-4, Sec. 17, B 1-2 NE t-4, Nw t-4 NE 1-4, Sec tion iS, Township 6 South, Ratios 15 East, Willamette Meridian, ha filed notice of intention to niak. Final three year Proof,: to establish claim to the land above described, before F, D. Stuart, U. S. Coin inissioner at Maiipii'i, Oregon, on the lath day of December, 1915, Claimant names as witnesses: D. L Rutherford, C. G, Skogs burg, C. A, Duns, H. M. Green, all ol Criterion, Oregon H.. Prank Woodcock, ttegiste'r, NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION (HthUshkr) bepaVtntent of the Interior, United States Latid Office at The Dalles, Oregon, October 26, 1915. NOTICE is hereby given that Edward W. Hollenbeck, of Tygh Valley, Oregon, who, on Decem ber 14th, tit, marie Homestead Entry No. 09756, aild on NdVenu ber 10th. tOu. made additional Homestead Entry No. of40jt foV Lot 2, Sec. 7 T 4 S, R 15 E and NE 1-1, SK 1-4 NW t-4, Sec. 12, SE 1 4 SW t-4, SW 1 4 SE 1-4, Section . Township 4. South, Range 14 ttasl, WillanV'tre Meridi an, has fik-il Untice of Ini'eVit'iBii to iiiake Final ihree year Proof Vo esiablish c'ttim to .'the land above desp'rilk'il. hvfore United States Land dftit 'At the Dalles, Oregoh, on the icith (Va of iWcertJber, 1915-. Claimant VumVM A1 witnesses. 1 Ames L. Osbnni, Ntose's Webb, fohii M. Conrov, Charles Connolly iA of Tvgh Valley, OrfgrtU ! rA.vK Wooncqci', Ri-jjisii-r. .TOnCE FOR PUBLICATION (itblisher) Department of the Interior, United Stalt-sLand Oifice at I' e '.lies Oregon, September 20th, lNOTICE is hereby given th t Jliarles S. Gabel. of Wapiniti , Dregon, vln, on May 7'h. 191 , nade lloin-stcad Entry No. 0670. , r N 1-2 SW 1-4, N 1-2 SE i-j, Section 31, Township 5 South, taiige-r.i Eat, Willamette Merjd;. i-i, has nled notice .if imenri n 0 nake Fin d five year I'r f . o siahlish cl dm to the land above Inscribed, lielore F. I). S.ii't. , , i. Commissioner at Maupin, On ion, on the 6th day of N .venib-., '915. Claimant 11 tnu-s as witnesses: Irrhert llaminer, Frank (ialiel, len H. (ia iel, Jaihe-H. Ilartniui, ill of Wapinitia, Oreon. H. FRNK WOODCOCK, p Register. NuTIClv FOll" PUliLIC ' L (I'ttliUSHKll) Doprtrtnl -nt of the Int rioi', U. S. Land Office at The DalleV, Oregon, October jnd, 1915. (. NOTICE is hereby given .that Beryl Robinson, of Shaniko, Off" gon, Wild on -October 25th 191;, made Homestead E itry M i. 006. vl aud 011 M iv 1st, 1914. made "mUlU tional HonHstead Iviirv No, 012994, for NE 1-4, NW 14 Sr; 1 4. NE t-4 NW 1-4. ; Sec. 21, S 1-2 NW i 1, Section 22, Town ship 1 South, Range ts Kasl, W.i) lauiette Meridian, has filfd notiqe of ..intention to make Final three year Proof, to establish claim to the land above described, before' H. C, Rooper, U. S. Cotmniss.ionef at Antelope, Oregon, 011 the' 15th day of November, 1915. Claimant names as. witnesses: C, C, Robinson, George D Al bright, James M. Piigh, Edward AvFritclr, all of Antelope, Ore gon", H. FRANK. WOODCOCK," p Register. Make l'!' il proof inissioner Smart. nVtiVe Com- NOTICE Foil PUBljcATior. ivn)t.i,hWR) Department of the "fiVte'rler, U S. tnd d'&c'e t "f We Kyttiles, Oregon', October 27, V-9V5. NOTTOT rs TierelV VeYl r.iat ArthurR. Minks, 'of IV X'-rIIvv,! Oregon', wilo 011 Tjovenmer a, rgii', made Desert Lana Entry no.' 09639, for oW - 1 If-, nv t-4 SK 1-4, Station lti', 'fow'nsli'ip 4 g., Range 14 East Willa'niet'fe NPcrid- ian, has filed notice of inttmlion to make FinaJ desert taiid JdoF Yo establish tlaiin to the laijfi adoVe desciibed, before Hie Ke'eisfer'aiid Receiver, J. S. 'Land 'Office, at The Dallesv'dreg'Oif, 011 the 14th Claimaiit iialn'es as witnesses' 111 W. Hollenbeck, of Tygh alle Oregon, ). o. fvimks, 01 Tygn ValLy, bregim, James obmi'. of Tygh Vfellev.regou, C A, PattersoiT, terass Valley, ftregom TJ.. VkKifk WddpcdClc, up feg'i'steV. j NOf ICli 'FOR PUBLtCATIOM, (PtirtUSHItR) DepafliUeilt of the Inierior. '; 0. Lmd Offic at Th DiiMei. Oregon. October 12, 1915 NOTICE is herabv given that Cora, II. MiOlWlh of Shaniko, Ore gon, who tin March 4, 1911, 111. U iionk-siead .-'n rv ?o. 08233 and on MaV 2$, fS-. a it additional hrtirtesteid 'enirV Sl'o,- ty2(i6, for ll t-J t 3'. N 1-2 NW 14, NW tr4 NE 1-4, SW 1-4 NW 1-4, Sf V . SW i 4, S-ction 3?., Township S,. Kuige tj E., Wil"; tnnWrt NteHaUiV. hAi filed notu-e t ini'eiilio'il to iiiftk'e final ihiee v Vr lr of, to s-ablish claim ti h ' l irfl aboe ilt-sci ill--il, uefoie H. t A.Mpe'rr U liied .S.ales Com ini.,l;)lVrt-,, at Vii'.1opv tirco i,. 011 the i'ih 1V iA' S'ove nb-'i'v i M5.' ClaiiiVaih't Ait'AcS- ii- witttse Mrs. EHi lli-nton, Edward lleir ton, 'Willi' n V.-' Pftrcel!, Willimn F. ft.-Liiu i, ill of Shaniko. OrcsiO h H I'BA'iK A'.llftCOOK, iHf . -Roister-. ... .. . -'in.. 1 1 NO r'i j Mr 'py.UvlcA ilijSi (I'Hl.lSlIKft). Dcpi'itiiunt of tin: Interii'r. KOTICE FOR PUBLICATION, uiu.ishek) Depa-'tViftYit of tTie IWerior, U, S. Llind Office n't TVie banes, Oregon, (October 7, 1 9T 5 . h;reby given I lint Ca'n'i S. W ilson, fonneilv Carri ft Xusl'iil of Shaniko, Oreu'in, vVlhrt'Au Sebtember 2;. 1913, iiiade Ko'mesieart 'entrV No. o!i"76v n.d fin Ahlmi 27. 'rAik in -lire addi tional honfestead entrV No. rrljo,'! for W i-J Nh t-4- iv -J.wj (t ., ,,lc.r,, 0f T.yg, Valley 1-4, Sec. 18, E 1-2 S;v 14 Hjv.ire),u wV.v Octob.-r a , 191 1, t-4 IU ,1-4, s -Vi ,11 ul-j H 1 n "S Section 7. lownship 7 , 1 V lift rivet fe Meridian, U iite'1 States Igand'Officc iit Tn 1 ille-,,Oi.on-, October 22. 191,5. .VriJ'E is hereby given that Range NOlici': FOR PUBLfcXTIolsf. litJBL''tSIIk,R) Peparttnetit of the-fiite'rior, U. S, Lmd dftScelit tlie "Dallet, Oregon, Qctobr "27U1, 1915. NOTICE. is hereliy given that Chas. A. Nels'it. 'of Tygh Valley, Oregon, 'who 011 March 29th, 1911,, made Hdilsestead Tiijtry NO. 08517, for N 1-2 NW 1-, section 6, Tpwn. ship 4 Smith, Range 13 East Y.i1-r lamette Meridiaii), has filed .notice of intention to ntike Filial ifTve year Proof, to establish claim Jo the land anove described, before F. D. Stunlft, V. S. VoimnissiotWr, at Maupiii, Oregon, on the 6th day of December. 't'J, . ,iaiU15ill iiaivies an mcocj 'A E; RVZk l)-'XV;.-i. 'Af i,fci,tirii In ftlu'I'p llV7Ll.V. Ul IILVV.Mli,... - fiiiftl three Vear Proof, to establish 'iihaVm to tiie limil afiiVvo'SeAcrilied, tiefo're . ff. D. St'fiar. Unin-d 5tafes C'TiiiiissMone'i', . 'l -WinpiM, Orefeon 'ffi the 20th f,,:v ot No- vembei, I if 5. Cla'iinant naliles V., IVn-'', V. If. Pin,". T. T. Wilso . 1. M Wilson lV D. Wilacil. ffi 'of! l5liiikol(Vegoii. ...... 'ii. Frank vv66dcock, 'p iJeister. L-ntrv N 1. 09590 an 4 Ai .W A.-rt1!". IU. mid:ad- ' a S. I 1 ; . . j. , !,.. I ..,,. ISJn rtll l-in il I I ' nil. -n.v-.ivi viivi j ,4.v. 115 138, f II' 1-2 NK I -4, .IW l; if, '-i.-cu.'.fi 27, 'SW t 4 NW 1-4 NW 1-4. S -J 1-2 SE 1 -4, S t-2 SW 1 4, 5ccu !i 2i-s lovnsliip 3 .,, Range 5'"', lilielle Aletidiali, lias iilvil' of intention to make final lb ee vear Proof, to es- tabfivtveiifim t6 fhe laud above de- Make Pa'iid filings and final proof iiefore fted StaBiCCihintss'iolter guila't. .: Ckn You Do'tfft Vest tvp. V, vh. m. W M nvt M ttwtlti iwjvw jrm t. h. rr tflUulMt.,.b.H It'liW v"vW pnlMJ, kM via, u. mv. u b. w,..,:, n , tfwWJ b..JlT M dVM. h. ,k. , tl WlU,lfflMf'f"W L. WM.S l lvw.Wti.. WlK.lB,fWVM V M n V ... .tV I "I- I, ...... hj ..J l .,.i-V cribed, l, fore Register and Re leiveT 01 -United St,iU.s Land OffieS' III s'He 'Dalle, Oregon, on the 6th of D.velliber, 1915. Claiiiul Unities m's witnesses: Lttflfyi-Hft: l?rWr, Rbbert Osboril. Edward 1' iiiH, Alexander Koss, all of Tyi ( Valleu, Oregon. R. TK'K Woocock, p ' Register. Nf6-ncf' V6'k- PlUliLfi-CATIO'N. 'Depariment of the lliteridr, Ux S..'tLand'6ffice at The Dalles, Oregon. October 12,1915. ) Vn'r'F. is hertlh- Viven lhat WilliVm T. T nreeU, of Shiitifib, Oregon, who on March 4. iQH. made Homestead entry N'o- 0:52' and on May 'CO. IJ 14. .made addi tional ttomesiead entry Nootji34, iW '1:2 NEta, I'. 'PSM.Vi-4 r. Bennett. E. V. McCorkle. J. T.rsw'r.R 1--1. E Ki bw 1-4. SE r. McAtee, all of Harper, W. ,vH. T.Th-K ru1lnt. rVrvnrrvrt II. FfiANK WOODCOCK, 'Register. t-4 NW t'4, Section 52. Townshit H ..iKe'5 K- Willamette NOflC.H FOR " PUBLICATION Deparr-.ueut of the l.iterior, U. S. Land office .'.t the-Dutles.! Dr. C. H. Francis, Optician Oregon "October" 23th, 11)15 NOTICE is berbv given thai Tames M. i'uch, of Antelope, Ore gon, v ho on April' 15th,, nwdejt!oft Hojiwsteiii! Liilry Ko. 08688, and on juiW 13rd, 1914, made addition- terVaian iias'filed'lictice of'inten. tVon't i.ikelinal three year Proof; to estabbsh claim to the laud Bbove described, b&ie H. C. "Rooper, fUnited 8t1aieN.; CommisMoner, at ; AnteTp 'Oi'on. te he"3Dlli day of Ntinlier, T913.; Cl.tii'm'iiit Tiariies s ; Mrs. Co. a ti. MiteluH, Mis. liita ILntpn naiu lleliloil Witel F'teenian, Ed- All li .Shaniko, Ore- tip H. lKANK U'lVltiCOCK, Register. NOTICE 'f feR TOLICATION (i'VifijrsnKk") Depart theht.of -the Interior, United State.-.Lnii'd Office at The Dajles, Oregoi.October, 26, 1915. NtlfK'E ts hereliy given that a die's t,. ' soirn','Hf Tygh Valley, Oregon, .wljo. on February 27th, 191 1, made Houie'stead Entry No, 08204 snd feii fey 1st, .'1914, 'marie addr(, Homesteiid ntry JNp. 0134. for NK i-'.i'N'i-? SE 14, N 1-2 SW 1-4, Section 2 1, Town sliip. South, Range 14 Hast. WiU r&Taer,.e.:'Meri'dtaii,'has filed notice of intention to make Final three year 'proof, to establish claim tb the laud above described, before U. S. Land Office at The Dalles, Oregoh, on the 16th day of Decem ber, 'I'gr.S. vCiaimant names as witnesses: EdwaAl 'W. Hollenbeck, Moses Webb, loliu M. '-Conrov, Charles Connolly , all, of Tygh Valley, Or egon. . . - . H. Frank Wooncocr, p Register. represent.