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About The Maupin times. (Maupin, Or.) 1914-1930 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 29, 1915)
The Maupin Times Published Every Friday J. E, Disbrow, Publisher Subscription: One Year, $1.50, Six Entered as second class mail post office at Maupin, Oregon, A. M. Young leaves Tygh Sat' urday to take charge of the Flour ing mills at Scio, Linn county, this change haying been caused by the death of Mr. C. A. Warner, Mr. Young's brother-in-law. Mr. Young expects to be absent until July i, 1916, Mrs. Young and daughter Naomi will in a'1 proba bility follow later on. Mrs. H,. A. Jessy of Memtrod, Colorado, who has been spending the summer with her mother, and Bister, Mrs. R. Joonson, left on the Wednesday morning train with her sister, Mrs. Rice, will go by the Way of Spokane and there spend a few weeks and then on to her daughter at Raulis, Wyoming. The Isis Stock Co, were unable to get the hall Saturday night it being already engaged for a dance, and the Times was not apprised of the fact in time to change the no tice. However, they will not dis. appoint their friends tomorrow night when they will be here and put on the popular stock produc tion, "The Trail of the Lonesome Pine. This play was put 011 bet fore large houses twice in Port laud last week, Mrs. 8. E. Ride of Spokane who has been visiting her mother, ..Grandma Cook, and her sister THE PORTLAND CHAMBER Of? COMMERCE INVITES YOU to tun MANUFACTURERS' and LAND PRODUCTS EXPOSITION Portland, October 25-NoVember 13 2nd Annual Show of All-Oregon and Southern Washington Agri cultural Products and Manufact uring Resources. ftouud Trip Tickets Sold bh a Reduce Basis from Central Oregon Points, Oct. 28 and Nov. 4 and ll frrtal Return Limit Seven Days after dare of Sale A. LOCKE, Agentj Maupin. CALOFORWIA DIRECT ROUTE THROUGH THE COLUMBIA RIVER GORGE -TO Portland OCEAN LINER -011 SHASTA ROUTE RAIL SERVICE , Tp . Sm Francisco STEAMSHIP COAST LINE OR ORANGE GROVES RAIL TRIP SAii Diego ever LIBERAL . STOPOVER ,4 PRIVILEUGES DIVERSE ROUTES BOTH WAYS IF DESIRED FARES: San Francisco $31.85 -Both Expositions $53.85 1! at Maupin, Oregon, Months 75cts, Three Months 50 matter September 2, 1914. at the under the Act of March 3, 1879. Mrs. R. Johnson, returned to her home Wednesday. Smock Items 1 Lewis Yockey moved to his homestead on upper Smock. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Driver and daughter Faye were visitors at the home of their daughter, Mrs. Bud Harvey. Mr. and Mrs. Jacokes returned from the Warm Springs to their home at Ontario, Oregon, stop ping at Marion Farlows on their wav home. Mrs Lillian Farlow went to The Dalles this week. C H. Yockey and A. F. Rus sell bought a load of barley this week from Ollie Weberg. Mrs. M. P. Thornton and Mrs G. E. Noble picked apples for F. E. Spoor this week. Blaine Disbrow made a trip to Wamic one day this week, bring ing home a load of potatoes. F. E. Spoor made a trip to The Dalles this week, C, A. Bargainholt made a trip to the Flat Monday. . Mr. and Mrs. Geo, Bargain holt went to The Dalles Tuesday to be gone a few daysi CENTRAL CKEGCN LINE Tm? Y f ar has held taore . . fa . . of interest, of Wonder, of beauty, of pleasure, than before possibly ever again; The world-famous v. Expositions are now at their test; The opportunity to Visit them is Hear ing its end---go now. Male 'all arrangehie'nts Vith R. B. BELL, Agent A. C. EG AN. T. F. & P. A; Bend, Ore. OREGOfi-WHSHINCTON RAILROAD NAVIGATION CO. tNION PACiriC SYSTEM Goodlnvestment An investment thoroughly worth while is offered for sale for a short time at $22.50 au acre. Farm of 200 acres ou part terms; 50 acres in cultivation and 75 more can be cultivated and the balance is good pastue and woods laud. Good buildings aud fences and right to plenty of irrigation water. All kinds of fruit. On rural mail route and telephone line and reasonably close to school and church. Call at the Times office. Outside Mention Mrs. Wm, Endersbv and s Will are visiting at Wapinitia. Dispatch. C. A. Kiucaid of Anteiope was in The Dalles Monday, A. A, Bonney os Tygh Valley has returned to his home after spending several days at the county seat. C. W. Fargher, Arthur Fargher and Ora Bnzan weee business visi tor in the city yesterday. Chroni cle, 2jrd, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Canvass of the Tygh Valley district were in The Dalles today, 23rd. The U. S. secret service men in- foru us that the Coast is flooded with counterfeit $3 gold pieces that are so nearly perfect that it re quires ail expert to distinguish them, tf you happen to get hold of one puss it lip to the Press on subscription and receive some per fectly good silver coin as change. Bend Press The Circuit Cotirt for Wasco county granted a divorce to W. D. Mooreltottse ftom Leora K. Mcore house, on the grounds of desertion. -Sun Olarance fargher of Dufur trans acted business today In this city, Suit, the 21st. Frank Flemmlne died at the Come of Charles Lotigren at Eight Mile yesterday aftertiUdti following an illness of several weeks dura- ion. The remains will be sent to- iglit to Marion Ind., tor inter ment. The deceased leaves a wid ow in Marloin Chrdnlcle list. Mr. and Mrs. R. R. Hinton, Miss Mary Lou Hinton and Master Bob Hinton came to the Dalles today in their autdlnoblle from Shaniko, returniug home this aft ternoon, hrdtlicle, 2jrd. J. t. Harper of Tygh Valley transacted business at the bounty seat Saturday. W. II. Patterson wlib hns been been thakliig his headquarters at Warinc was1 a bcsiness visitor to the county seat Wednesday. Lawrence Wilson of the Wapini uitia district transacted busiuess here Tuesday . tlhrduicle. George W. Vandelpbol of Mau pin is a lbcal business visitor. Ed". ward Wakerlig, a Shaniko resident spent today in The Dalle.. Chrou. tele, the 27th. School NoteS Thirteen of the pupils cbrh'e nn average ot three and one-half miles'. The encyclopedia Is answering tnauy questions'. The attendance Is excellent as It should be this beautiful Centner, but the caws of tardtuess In a few families prevent the sCliool from becoming standard. Dr. llatceld has kiliity pVortiis- ed the scholars a talk lu the bear future on the care of the teeth. County Superintendent Bo'riticy visited the school Monday, In a talk to tile nttWls her asked how many wanted to take $10 in lieu of a flag offered the school two yeais ago by a Dalies firm. All Wufs came up am Mr. Bonney promised to send the $10 this week. Heal. so sum mm on monuay, Novem ber 8, he would be herfe again with t. P, Perrintoh of tlie Oregon Agricultural College aud M. I,. Fitiuau of the Sute.Norntal sctfool who would occupy the whole fore noon in address 16 tlie khool ami the public; , Bout 'lire well worth liearin't' n!id it Js hoped tlie whole community will attend. The pupifs had.'ttVhance 'for sev eral days this week to see Lester (Jjroloot's excellent prize map of I Wasco county. Local Happenings Harry Gabel was in Maupin Sunday, . Peaches and pears, 3 gallons for 10 cents, A. A. Bonney, Tygh. Jack Staats went up to Mc Clennon's today. -Tire settings, 75 cents per tire at A. F. Martin's. AlPhilamlee went to The Dalles last Friday to receive special treat ment for his eyes. Mr. ana Mrs. wm. Uavts were business visitors from the Bake oven district Wednesday, Thos Moss made a trip to Dufur the fore part of the week, bringing home a load of apples. E. A. Chandler and wife were in Wednesday from their Criterion homestead. York Wilson was looking after business interests here Wednesday. F. M. Walters of Wapinitia brought a load of chickens in Wed nesday for shipment to market. W. 0. Wilson and E. L. Nelson of Wapinitia were Wednesday busi ness callers at the city on the De schutes. Wm. Beck with, the accommo dating central man of Tygh was a caller in our city Wednesday. For SAttt Pure White Wyan dotte Cockerels $1.00 each. C. H. Crofoot, Maupin, Ore. 22tf Mr. Kurtz shipped three car loads of hogs from her to the Port land market Sunday Roy Castor shipped a car of goads to Isadore, Oregon, this week over the 0. W. A. C Egan of the 0. W. R. & N. was in Maupin a short time Sunday. Go to Fischer's Garage for all your automobile accessories, gaso line and storage of machine. . , , Mr, and Mrs. Glenn Morris were Maupin Callers Wednesday. 1 . 1 Herman liesii ot Wamic was a caller in town Wednesday. Mrs. W. It. Staats returned home Sunday afternoon after a several day's visit in tile Metropo lis. Section foreman Nick Barbarte los and crew of this section of the 0. W. R. & N. have moved their camps up to Maupin, Fd. McGreer and wife ahd four lady friends or Antelope stopped at the Hotel Moad Wednesday ndoh being enrbute to" the county seat; f he fi riles would like to have a correspondent in every community of Southern WaSt!d county. If your locality Is tibt represented seud us a sample letter, with your uariie and address. We will send you Stationery"- See frraley and Vanderpool for auto accessories. We lead-Others follow. Lis ten! At enormous expense we hive secured a limited number of larere hand Daintrjd 61L PAINT- ING'S 6f Landscape att'd Marine Views, which we are giving ab solutely Me to bur 'customers- See bs about it. W. H. Staats & Co. Correction' The item reading I. S. Brown i houle from the fair with bis race hordes and reports a good season, id last week's local?, refers to James Brown of Tygh Valley. CHAS.H. FRANCIS. M.D4C.M MAtiPlN OREGON Mem. Coll, Phys; & Surg., Ontario Lnjenliute Minnesota and Oregon Prorttpt Service on EithV Day oV Night Calls Eyes tetterf, GTatsei Fitted Can You Do tet type; , .Mm . m Aw. mm i. . 1 im. it 1X w totwMt MMMMtM Ml hi Dr. C. H. Francis, . Optician The Times, $1. 50 a year. Quite a bunch of old papers have again acumulated at the Times of fice. Mrs. A, W. Fargher returned Saturday from an extended visit with her brother, Dan Baker ot The Dalles. A. A. Britton purchased a new grain drill last Friday of W. H. Staats & Co., bringing it home the first of the week. Win. Buidett of the Oliver Chil led Flow Co., W. H. Staats, and Roy Slusher made a flying trip to Shaniko Tuesday. A man's linen duster found near Staats' store, owner may have by calling for same. Peaches and prunes at Bon neys' 4 cents per gallon. Notarial work at the Maupin State bank, Jacob Tischuer from Portland this week purchased the ranch of Tom Hollowman near Wapinitia. Jim Fisher of Antelope passed through here Tuesday. He trad- ed his old Ford car in on a 1916 Studebaker. Goldie Fleinuilug and Grace Tunison were in town yesterday W. R. Westbrook came in yes- terday for a load of lumber. John Confer and wife were down fishing ou the river yesterday and caught 14 nice trout, B. Iv. Foreman was down from Wapinitia yesterday after a load of freight. Ed Mays' team was in yesterday for a load of lumber. The Dalles Chronicle Weanesday came out with a fine new headline. The carpenters are home todav from the Gable ranch. havihg completed their work, Several pranks are in the air for tomorrow night in commeratloh of the witch and the black cat. Wm, Hunt passed through here Wednesday reluming home from a visit to his Tygh Valley, propery. A Tiffany wedding ring call be bought of Emmons the Jeweler, Maupini Dr, Elwood was in Tuesday evening and Wednesday from The Dalles, with a view of possibly making this city h(s place of resi dence I. T. CbUrtflgllt in eonibany with a gentlelhan roril Portland passed through here Monday en- route to Smock to look at solhe real estate. Mrs. Ray Aubrey was lit froln her homestead a couple days the first of the Week. J S Browh aud a nephew, Mr. Hill, who ow'h a ranch at Fort Rock. Ore.. vtrc Maupin Visitors Wednesday, Donk bldM ybXir clock ft needs cleaM)ig. EmvibfCs Mil do it fdr jOtt AM iMHMee it. Paul Smith and fanvly who have been residing on the jack Fraley place the last two VeatS left Tbes. day for korili CaVoliniiv, Shattuck Br'os. are iaVtng their oil house baliited this week bV Mr. Davis, who also painlecl the new sign for the Times building. Mrs-. R-. Tomison returuVd hofiie Monday alter a pleasant boat trip down the toluinbia river to Port land and return and a few days' . .. .. v. u .. v ... u. 1. visa in me uaues witn menus. Mrs". Vm. Eudersby and' fcoli Willie With b. . Eudersby, fli'o was having lift car overhauled, were In Maupin. Monday, the former beillfc a guest it tile Times office-. PhOtOS L'ay or Night Anywhere Send is your fXml WOfk We ay pokafee batk . Phntn Snnnlif! The WelcoWfe Studio TfUs Dalfes, t)r'e. $v. Sunday-school 10 a. m; preaching i a", m. VoVt'ng People's meeting 7:30 p. m, Songi practice Tuesday evenihg iiov. 3, 7:30s, preaching at Criterion Wed nesday 7:0 p. m.; prayer meeting TllfirstJay 7:36 n. m. Everyone coidially invited lo attend any or all rruir,' I G. R. ELLIS', Pastor, Tuesday, A. C Moad built a easing over the ram of the local waterworks. The dance given iu the hall Sai urday night by John Muir an Everett Wilson was well attei:de . Mrs. W. B. A. Temple ar daughter Ernia, came over froi: Dufur yesterday with G. W. Vai derporl who returned from a busi ness trip UThe Dalles, All library books are wanted ii by the first of the mouth and in more will be takeu out until tin new books arrive. A. A. Bonney and son Arthur passtd through here VVednesdaj evening taking some cattle to their Criterion ranch. K. L. Hauser was over yester day from his Tygh Valley hop ranch. Mrs, J, M, Conklin is expected here tomorrow for a visit, Ralph Buzan wife returned Tues day from a trip to The Dalles. Harry Harvey and family were guests of Vernie Roberts Sunday, motoring in from the Bakeoven country, Done Neatly at this office LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION (PUntlSHRR) Department of the Interior, United States Land Office at The Dalles, Oregon, October 26, 1915. NOTICE Is hereby given that Edward W. Hollenbeck, of Tygh Valley, Oregon, who, on Decem ber 14th, 191 1, made Homestead Entry No. 09756, and on Novem ber loth, 1914, made additional Homestead Entry No. 014038, for Lot 4, Sec. 1 T 4 S, R 15 E and NE 1-4, SE 1-4 NW t-4, Sec. 12, SE t-4 SW i-4. SW 1 i SE 1-4. SeCtlbU t. Township 4 South, Range 14 East, Willamette Meridi an, has filed notice of intention to make Final three year Proof to establish claim to the laud above described, before United States Land Office at The Dalles, Oregon, on the 10th day of December, 1915. Claimant names as witnesses. James L. Osborn, Moses Webb, John M. Conrov, Charles Connolly all of Tygh Valley, Oregon. H. FrAnK WbODcqcK, Register, Make final proof misslmier Stuart. before Conv mtlCt FOR PUBLICATION, (Publisher) Department of the tiiteriofj U. S. Land Office at The Dalles, Oregon. October 7. tals. NOTICE is hereby given that Cafrle &. Wilson, formerly Carrie S Austin of Shaniko, Oregon, who on September 7, rotij made hothestead eutrV No. ttto?'6s and ou August 27, it4, made addi tional homestead entry No. oi J8to for W 1-2 NE 1-4, E 1-2 NW i-41 Set!. 19, E t-4 Sw t.4, SE 1.4 NW i-4, SW t-4. NE 1.4, Section 7, TouUlsliip' 7 S... Range K., Willamette Meridian, has filed notice of intention to makt final thtee year Proof, to , establish claim to the Una above described, before F; ,D. Stuart, United States Coinmlssioiitr, at Maupin Oregon, 011 the iotlt day of No- ven)bei, lgtj. . Claimant Halites &9 witlitsses E.E. Fiiie, J.J. Wilson, J. M. Wii3bu, D'. D; WilsDn, all of Shaitikn. Orptrnn. H. FRAtfK WOODCOCK, Register. ' - Make.laii filiug'S a'l'd final proof. before United SUt'es CdnViViksipner Stifart. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. '(ptrattsinVR bepartment of the interior, S. Land Office at The Dalles, brjifc'oti. October , i, 915. NOTICE liereby given that Willum T. PutcetU of Slinniko, Oregon, who bn March 4, 191 1, majde Homestead entry No. 08252 and on May !c, il&i,. made adcii. tioual Homestead entry No. 0I3234. for ft 1-2 NE i-4',. K 1-2 SE 1-4. SW4 SE i-4, E M SW 1.4, SE 1.4. fSW 1-4, section. 32, iownsni' . Ratige l,fe Willa'inette Rlervdian, lias filed notice of juteu tion to nuke final three year Proof,, to Vstablish claim to thejaud above'' described, befote, H. Roopef,. United Stales ConniiTsskioneV, it Aittelope1, crej'piij on the 29th day of Novemkr, 1. Claimant, naities a.1 witliesses: mVs. Cora Bj, Mitchelt, Mis. Etta Henton, lliiam F. Beeman, Ed ward Henton, all of Shaniko, Ore- ROM. H. Frakk Woodcock, Register. ; ... , :r. r: . . ,'OTICE FOR 1'l BUCATION (publisher) Department of the Interior, United States Land Office at The lalles. Ore 20th. 19 IS- NOTICE is hereby given Charles S. Gabel, oi Wapinitin, Oregon, who, 011 May 7th. 1910, nade Homestead Entry No. 0670S, or N 1-2 SW 1-4, N 1-2 SE 1-4, Section 31, Township 5 South, auge East, Willamette Meridi has nled notice ,of intention to nake Final five year Proof, 10 -stablish claim to the land above lescribed, before F. D. Stuart, U. uommtssinner at Maupin, ure- on, ou the 6th day of November, 1915. Claimant names as witnesses: Herbert Hummer, Frank Gabel, Ben H. Gabel, James H. Hartman, ill of Wapinitia, Oregon. H. FRANK WOODCOCK, Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. (pubuher) Department of the Interior, U. S. Land Office at The Dalles, Oregon, October 2nd, 1915. WOTICE is hereby given thar Beryl Robinson, of Shaniko, Ore gon, who nn October 25th 191 r, made Homestead E'ltry No. 0960 and on May 1st, 1914, made addi tional Homestead Entry No. 012994, tor NE 1-4, INW 1-4 Mi 14. NE 1-4 NW 1-4, Sec. 2i, S 1-2 NW 1-4, Section 22, Town ship 7 South, Range 15 East, Wil lamette Meridian, has filed notice of intention to make Final three year Proof, to establish claim to the land above described, before II. C. Rooper, U. S. Commissioner at Antelope, Oregon, on the 15th day of November, 1915. Claimant names as witnesses: C. C. Robinson, George D Al bright, James M. Pugh, Edward A. Fritch, all of Antelope, Ore gon, H. FRANK WOODCOCK, Register. NOTtCE FOR PUBLICATION. (PltHUSHKR)- Department of the Interior. U. S. Land Office at The Dalles, Oregon, October ia, 1915. NOTICE is hereby given that Cora U. Mitchall, of Shaniko, Ore gon, who on March 4, 191 1 , made homestead entry No. 08253 and on . May 25, 1814, made additional homestead entry No. 013266, for E 1-2 NE t-4, Sec. 31, N 12 NW t-4, NW t.4 NE 1-4, SW 1-4 NW 1-4, NW 1-4SW 1-4, Section 3. Township 7 S., Range 15 E., Wil lamette Meridian, has file'd notice of iutention to make final three year Proof, to establish claim to the land above described, before H. C. Rooper, United States Com missioner, at Antelope, Oregon, on the 39th day of November, 1915 Claimant names as witnesses: J Mrs. Etta Henton, Edward Hen-, ton, William T. Purcell, William F tieemau, all of Shaniko, Oregon. H. Frank Woodcock, Register. tfOfiCg FOR PUBLICATION (publisher) Department of the Interior, United States Land Office at The Dalles, Oregon) October 22, 1915. NOTICE is hereby gi ven that Claude G. Foster, of Tygh Valley, Oregon, who dii October 20, 19 u, nlade Homestead entry No. 09596 and 011 October lt4 1915, made ad ditional Homestead entry Noj 015038, for NW 1-4 NW t-4. 3 i-i NE i-4-, N i-J SE 1-4, S 1-2 NW t 4, Section 27, SW 1 4 SW t-4j Section 12, Township 3 S,i Kange I3 E. Willamette Meridian, has filed notice of intention to make final three year Proof, to es tablish. Claim to tue laud aboye de; scribed before Register and Re- oeiver of the United btates Laud Office at The Dalles-, Oregon, on the oth day of December, 19 15. ClaTrnatit names as witnesses: Lafayette Davis, Robert Osborn. Edward Faulty Alexander Rossj all of Tygll Valley, Oregon. H. FrAnk Woocock, Register. NOTICE FOlt i'tJBLICATION (PtUUSHER) ' Depart meii t 61 t he 1 11 terior, United States Land Office at The Dalles, Oregon, October 26, 1915. NOTICE Is huVehy given that James.L. Osbo'r.', 'if. Tygh Valley, Oregon) .who on February 27th, 191 r, tiiade ttp-u-tead Entry No. 0804 and on Ma tst, 1914, made advliiional Homesiend Entry N. oi3o't4. for NE 1.4. N i-a SE 1.4. N 1-2 SW -, Section 21, Town ship 3 Squth, .Range 14 F.ast, Wil lamette Meridian, has filed uotice of intention to make Final three year proof, to establish claim to the land above described, before U. '9. Land Office at The Dalles, Oregon, ou the toth day of Decern". KV1915. Ciaiinaiit names as whiles, Edward W. Hollenbeck. Moses Webb, John M. Conroy, Charles Connolly, all, of Tygh Valley, Or egon. H. Frank Wooncocr, Register.