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About The Maupin times. (Maupin, Or.) 1914-1930 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 29, 1915)
1 I A POSITION FOR YOU tS I , , n I why he discarded fur cap I- ' POWFR There fc 8227 REASONS WHY YOU Eiirht thmiuii I twn k. HlM. JIT Ti, l aunn ine oast twenty-eisrht years. Hundreds . f them are now successful business men with indenennent mmm fin- rr.j..u from $40 to $100 a month. Writefor catalogue. Start NOW Since 1887. Holmes Business College "The School that gets you a good position." "USE THE RIVER" Dalles-Columbia Line State of Wmhlrurton. for The Dalles daily n. Sunday 11 p. m. Leave Dalles daily ex. Monday 12 M. Steamers J. N. Teal. Inland Empire and Twin Cities for Upper Columbia and Snake river Bointa. Taylor St. Dock. TeL Main 613. WiHuMltt tai Columbia River Tswiaf it., Pertlaal TYPHOID la no more necessary ' than Smallpox. Army eniTlnr hat ri.niiM.Hl uk wutun DiliatUIOUl CHI Caey, and hannlessness, of Antityphoid Vaccloatlod. Be vaccinated NOW by your physician, you and tour family. It la more vital than bouse Insurance. Ask your physician, druggist, or send for "Have yon had Typhoid?" telling of Typhoid Vaccine, results from use, and danger from Typhoid Carriers. THE CUTTER LABORATORY, BERKELEY, CAL MosuctNe VAcciNis a stauas vasts it. a. aov. ucsas It Needed Explanation. A KariBas Citian relates that recent ly while ou a trip about the environs of San Diego and Coronado beach In a sight seeing motor car, the driver pointed out various land holdings, buildings, hotels, etc., as the property of J. D. Spreckels Jr., the sugar mag nate. Even the road over which they bowled was privately owned by Spreckels. As the car, following the winding road, drew near the bay, a little girl asked: "Mama, who owns the bay?" Mama smiled and said, "Why, dearie, God owns the bay." "Well," said the puzzled child, "how did he get it away from Mr. Spreck els?" Judges' Wigs. The wig is only worn by English barristers to give them a stern, judi cial appearance, and no one can say that. It fails in this respect. The cus tom was originated by a French judge in the seventeenth century when, hap pening to don a marquis' wig one day, he found it gave him such a stern and dignified appearance that he decided to get one for himself and wear it at all times in court. This he did, and the result was so satisfactory from a legal point of view that not only the judges, but barristers also, took up the custom throughout Europe. Lon don Graphic. Constipation causes and seriously ag gravates many diseases. It is thor oughly cured by Dr. Pierce's Pellets. Tiny sugar-coated granules. Explanation. "Willie, did you tie that tin can to the dog's tail?" "Yes, sir," replied the small boy. "I'm trying to do a kind act every day. That dog chases every rabbit he Bees. I tied the can to him so that it will make a noise and warn the rab bit." Washington Star. Elevating. "I asked the boss for a raise to day," said the elevator boy. "What did he say?" asked his friend. "Going up!" Patent Office Documents. If all the documents stored in the patent office at Washington could be placed end to end they would form a strip that would reach around the earth three times. Disguised. Customer I'm going to a masked ball, and I want something that will completely disguise me. Costumer Certainly, sir. I will give you some thing nice. Pele Mele. Lumber, Shingles, Lath, Moulding, Doors, Windows and other Building Ma terial from Sam Connell Lumber Co. Portland, Oregon. Send us a list of what you require for your buildings and we will name you prices delivered at your station and Guarantee to save you Money. DENTAL HEADQUARTERS FOR OUT-OF-TOWN PEOPLE Teopte from all parti of Oregon and Washing ton constantly visit our office for dental treat ment. Our skill Is ac knowledged, and our promptness In finish ing work tn on day when required io appre ciated by out-of-town patrons. Dr. Wis la a false tooth expert. There Is "ALWAYS ONE BEST" in every calling, and Dr. Wise lays claim to this distinction in Ore gon. 28 Ytsn' etriiaca What we can't guar antee wa don't do. LOW PRICES FOR HIGH-GRADE WORE. Good Red Robber Plato, each $S.M The Best Red Rubber Plates, each 7.50 21-Karat Gold or Porcelain Crowm MO WISE DENTAL CO. RELIABLE PAINLESS DENTISTS. Phones-Mai. t02, A 192. 12254 Third Street. Failing Bhif ., Portland, Oregua & E. Car. Third Mid Washington. C Gee Wo Successful Horn Rented tea Hli tucceosfuT herb al remedies euro all kinds of ailments of men and women with out operation, used from the wonderful Chine her be, roots. buds and Yegetable. which are unknown to the medical science of this country. Write for blank and circulttra. Send stamp, CONSULTATION FREE. Addresa Tie C. Gee Wo Chinese Medicine Co. 102 First St. Portland. Ore. Mention Paper. P. N. U. No. 43, Mil iWBEN wrlllnf to tfvsjrUaw. aleaaa mm tia this Mner. in """""w inumng mevu uunti, ruMllUN SHOULD ATTEND HOLMES . a... . , , 7 - y n 8ans'1M Btuuenra Wuitfsa at Tentl, PtrtlaaJ, Or. CONSUMPTION TAKES 359 PEOFLE DAILY Over 350 people succumb to con sumption every day in the United States. Science proves that the germs only thrive when the system is weakened from colds or sickness, overwork, confining duties or when general weakness exists. The best physicians point out that during changing seasons the blood should be made rich and pure and active by tak ing Scott's Emulsion after meals. The cod liver oil in Scott's Emulsion warms the body by enriching the blood ; it peculiarly strengthens the lungs and throat, while it upbuilds the resistive forces of the body to avoid colds and prevent consumption. li you work indoors, tire easily, feel languid or nervous, Scott's Emulsion is the most strengthening food -medicine known. It is totally free from alcohol or any stupefying drug. Avoid substitutes, 14-U Scott & Bo true. Bloomficld. N. I.. J He Could Wield an Ax. The skill of the old Maine shlpbutld era In the use of the adz and broadax was wonderful. One old time yarn is or a carpenter who applied very drunk at a shipyard for employment. In or der to have a little fun with him the foreman set him to give a proof of his skill by hewing out a wooden bolt with no chopping block but a stone. The carpenter accomplished his difficult task without marring the keen edge of the broadax and showed the foreman a neatly made bolt. ,Then he brought the ax down with a terrific blow that shattered its edge upon the stone. "I can hew fust rate on your chopping block," he hiccoughed, "but I'll be blamed if I can make the ax stick in it when I git through." The story runs that the foreman lost no time in em ploying such a workman. How to Heal Skin-Diseases A Baltimore doctor suggests this simple, but reliable and inexpensive, home treatment for people suffering with eczema, ring worm, rashes and similar itching, burn ing skin troubles. At any reliable druggist's get a jar of resinol ointment and a cake of res inol soap. These are not at all ex- pensive. With the resinol soap and warm water bathe the affected parts thoroughly, until they are free from crusts and the skin is softened. Dry very gently, spread on a thin layer of the resinol ointment, and cover with a light bandage if necessary to pro tect the clothing. This should be done twice a day. Usually the distressing itching and burning stop with the first treatment, and the skin soon becomes clear and healthy again. Sample free i Resented. "What I want to see," said Diogenes, "Is an honest man." "And when you see him, what will you do?" "I'll simply go my way. A thorough ly honest man generally has positive opinions of his own, and, therefore, is liable not to be very good company.1 Washington Star. Satisfactory Correspondence. "Your husband sends you very few letters: "That's all right. He sends me his pay envelope every week." Louis ville Courier-Journal. An Achievement. "Are you sure you thoroughly under stand that question you attempted to decide?" "No," replied Senator Sorghum: "but I fancy I expressed myself In terms sufficiently obscured to prevent anybody else from taking enough in terest to call me down." Washington Star. WOMAN REFUSES OPERATION Tells How She Was Saved by Taking Lydia E. Pink ham's Vegetable Compound. Louisville, Ky. " I think if more suf fering women would take Lydia E. ble Compound the; would enjoy better health. I suffered from a female trou ble, and the doctors decided I had a tumorous growth and would have to be operated upon, but I refused as I da not believe in onera- tions I had fainting spells, bloated, and could hardly stand the .pain in my left side. My husband insisted that I try Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, and I am so thankful I did, for I am now a well woman, I sleep better, do all my housework and take ; long walks. I never fail to praiso Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound for ! my good health. "-Mrs, J. M. Resch, ; 1900 West Broadway, Louisville, Ky. j Since we guarantee that all tsstimc , Dials which we publish are genuine, is it not fair to suppose that if Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound has tha : Virtue to help these women it will help ' my other woman who is suffering in like manner T If you are 111 do not drag alone until in operation Is nececsary, but at once take Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. Write to Lydia E. Plnkham Medicine Co(confldentlal) Lynn, Mass. Your letter wil be opened, read and Answered by a woman and held la strict confidence. vJ 9 i Br i - , - - LJWilliillBHillHl est wt sm:twmm 1 1 THE WINTER THE famed winter palace of the Russian czar probably has seen more romantic history In the making than any other build ing In Europe. The dramas that have unfolded within Its walls would overshadow, if told, the most highly colored imaginings of politi cal Hctionlsts, and the huge building appears worthy of all the fascinat ing memories which cling to it. For generations Russia has reached out from this home of the empire toward ever more distant frontiers, toward overy compass point, building the sreatest of states. .The winter palace, 3 symbol of the empire, mayhap en dangered by the present Teutonic In vasion, is described in the following statement Issued by the National Geo graphic society. Among the many palaces of Petro grad, a city wherein dukes, grand dukes, diplomats and millionaires dwell in abundance, the czar's win ter palace, a structure of truly Impe rial Immensity, stands out unapproach able. It is one of the world's largest and most imposing buildings, and the air of Its rooms and corridors Is sur charged with the romance of history. During the capital seasons In peace times, the most brilliant court In Eu rope could be seen here, when the great rooms were ablaze with lights and jewels, and filled with a splendid display of gowns and uniforms. Completed by Catherine. The winter palace stands on the left bank of the Neva, on a site bequeathed to Peter the Great by bis high admiral, Count Apraxin. The Empress Anne first made her residence in the ad miral's house, which ras pulled down In 1754 and the foundations of the winter palace laid. The building was first completed in the reign of Cath erine the Great. The whole Interior of the palace was destroyed by Are In December, 1837, when valuables estimated at 120,000,000 were consumed. It was restored on an even more elaborate scale in 1839. The structure is four stories high, or about 80 feet, with a frontage of 455 feet and a width ot 350 feet. The principal entrance, the "Perron des Ambassadeurs," is from the Neva river. ' Connected with the winter palace is the heritage of Cath erine the Great, where the renowned queen played first Bohemian in a Bo hemian throng. There Is a table hung on the walls of tin palace, draped with a green cur tain, which contains Queen Cath erine's by-laws for the Hermitage soci eties. They were: "1. Leave your rank outside, as well as your hat, and especially your sword. 2. Leave your right of precedence, your pride, and any similar feeling out side the door. 8. Be gay, but do not spoil anything; do not break or gnaw anything. 4. Sit, stand, walk as you will, without reference to anybody. 5. Talk moderately and not very loud, so as not to make the ears and beads of others ache. 6. Argue without an ger and without excitement 7. Nei ther sigh nor yawn, nor make any body dull or heav;-. 8. In all innocent games, whatever one proposes, let all join. 9. Eat whatever is sweet and savory, but drink with modera tion, so that each may find bis legs on leaving the room. 10. Tell no tales out of school; whatever goes In at one ear must go out at the other before leaving the room." Good rules all, but rules difficult for any but a queen to hold before her friends. The penalty for breaking the rules was the drinking of a glass ot cold water for every offense. The queen was most severe with those who broke the tenth commandment; they were never again admitted to the hermitage, after being once found guilty oi tittle-tattle. When the Birds Wake Up. An enthusiastic omltrfologlst has amused himself by Investigating the question at what hour In summer the commonest small birds wake up and sing. He says: "The greenfinch Is the earliest riser, as it pipes as early as half-past one In the morning. At about half-past two the blackcap be gins, and the quail apparently wakes up half an hour later. It Is nearly four o'clock and the sun Is well above the horizon before the real songster appears in the person of the blackbird. He Is heard half an hour before the thrush, and the chirp of the robin be gins about the same length of time before that of the wren. Finally, the house sparrow and the tomtit occupy the last place on the list" This Investigation bas altogether mined the lark's reputation for early rising. That much-celebrated bird Is quite a sluggard, as It does not rise till long after chaffinches, linnets and a number of hedgerow bird, have been up and about for some time. Japta Is the only orleatal country l which sheet (lau Is manufactured. PALACE An Immense square before the pal ace gives It the proper dignity of set ting. Within, it is Bald, 3,000 people can dance under the blazing light crys tals at one time, while 2,000 people can be seated at the great dinner gather ings. The palace Is a treasure house of relics, jewels and paintings. One of the finest collections of pictures in Russia is hung on tin palace walls, among them numerous excellent war pictures. Among the jewels stored here there Is a scepter with one of the largest diamonds In Europe, 19 carats, the great Orloff diamond, which was originally the eye of a lion that crouched before the throne of the Great Mogul. When the czar Is In the vicinity of his capital, the imperial standard floats from the winter palaco flagstalf. Petrograd, the City made to the or der of Peter the Great to serve as Russia's political capital, now prob ably at higher tension than any other city on earth, performing, as ever, the work necessary to the administration of church and state over vast dis tances, from the Gulf of Finland to the Black sea and the far Pacific, and, be sides, taking care of a great war busi ness, which includes planning for the defense of more than 30,000 miles ot frontier. This 30,000 miles of frorf tier, of course, does not take Into ac count the vaguely known northern boundary of the empire. Petrograd 's High Tension. Petrograd has always been a high tensioned city. It was constructed upon islands and swamps at the be hest ot a high-tension ruler; built with wide, straight streets upon a perfect ly flat country, with no softening nat ural beauty except that of its dividing Neva, a river that has often been com pared to the English Thames. Even the architecture of the city Is repres sive, almost wholly of sternly chaste classic Roman and Greek. And in this city the primary business has been that of caring for a vast empire, embracing in its far-reaching sweep many peoples, numerous religions, di verse traditions, a confUBlon of tongues, and widely varying Ideals. The responsibilities of government have held the city as tense as when Its founder, with 40,000 workmen, drained the Neva swamps and builded overnight his capital hard upon the lands of the Finns. Petrograd la the greatest importing center of the empire, A great part of the products of Europe which find their way to the bleak northern plain are entered at the mouth of the Neva, and this despite the fact that the port Is icebound five months of the year. It has, too, some Industry, though its surrounding region Is not rich in any of the raw materials of Industry, Some 200,000 ot Its men and women normally are employed In manufac ture, In the machine and Iron works, in the ship yards, in the cloth fac tories, shoe factories, and cigarette factories, that stand on the outskirts of the city, around the Finland sta tion. There Is a certain stern beauty In the capital. The broad, arrowlike Nevsky Prospect Is fully as Interest ing as any ot the world's famous thor oughfares. It Is a business street, some three miles long, lined with shops ot average appearance, churches representing Greek, Protestant and Catholic religions, bank buildings, the public library, the Imperial theater, a garden, and some dark red palaces. The remarkably diversified life of the remarkable empire flows In a never ending stream along this avenue. What Did She Care? Cleopatra dissolved the pearl. "But," we warned her, "think how many oysters you will have to eat to find another." Judge. Lack of Education. Tou are not really well educated If you do not possess the knowledge which Is essential In making a home what It ought to be. The girl who would stand aghast If asked to build a fire In the kitchen range, and would be as helpless to prepare a dinner or Iron a shirtwaist, as If she were called upon to translate from the Hebrew, bas serious lacks In her education Exchange. Rings of Saturn, Kecont spectroscopic analysis of Saturn's rings Indicates that they are composed ot solid matter, probably dust, that Is, nebular matter which has passed through Its liquid to solid form, and Is now furnishing that planet with a duBtllke material similar to that of the earth during the quaternary pe riod. The Reason Wherefore. "Do yon notice that these royal people always have their pictures taken carrying an umbrella?" "That Is probably because theyre accustomed to a continued reign." Veteran Gamekeeper Abandoned Ex pensive Headgear Because It In terfered With His Hearing. A Brockville man, who has a home In Scotland to which he returns in the winter, bought an expensive fur cap in this country to give to his gimekeeper. Two years ago last win ter he took it over and presented it to the old man who was delighted vith it. The cap was very serviceable, hav ing flaps that came down over the ears, and would wear about a life time. The next winter the American returned to Scotland and noticed to his surprise that the old man did not wear the fur cap. "What is the matter with the cap I gave you last winter?" he asked. 'I haven't worn It since the acci dent," replied the gamekeeper. The man from Brockville pondered. "You didn't write me concerning any accident, he said. 'No?" mused the gamekeeper. "A mon offered me a glass of whisky and I didn't hear him." Everybody's Magazine. Difficult. The adjutant was lecturing to the subalterns ot the battalion. "In the field," he said, "it is now In cumbent upon an officer to make him self look as much like a man as pos sible." Everybody laughed. "That is, I mean," he explained, "as much like a Boldler as possible." London Mirror. SO MEAN. Maude Jack Bays he loves to study my face. Helen But I thought he was a stu dent of nature. Flattery. "I've tried every way I can think ot to make friends with our Janitor, but he is still cruBty." "I'll give you a friendly tip." "Well?" "I happen to know that your janitor used to be a private in the army. Call him 'major.' " The New Way. "Officer, why don't you arrest this man? I told you he tried to pick my pocket." "Just a minute, sir. I have sum moned our precinct expert to look him over. We can't take chances on ar resting a man for picking pockets who may be merely suffering from para noia." Thorough. "I hope," said the earnest citizen, "that you will be careful not to rock the boat." "Rock the boat!" echoed the reck less person. "I'd never think of Buch trifling. It I want to play a trick In that line, I take an oar and stave a hole In the bottom." Often the Case. Smith Is your church supported by voluntary contributions, Brother Black? Elder Black (of the colored church) No, sah, by involuntary contribu tions. Bah! It's jes like pullln' teeth to get money outer that congregation, yas sah! The Female of the Species. "Without woman," remarked the fair suffragette, "this world would be like a sheet of blank paper," "How's that?" queried tin shoe clerk boarder. "Not even ruled," answered the fe male ot the spee'es. He Has It Coming. "She doesn't like the way her hus band is carrying on with those young girls." "What makes you think soT She seems pleasant enough." "I know, but she Just tossed him that 'wait till I get you home' look." Between Girls. "What are you reading so Intently?" "Balzac. I have to post up on Bal zac because my beau Is Interested In Balzac. Don't you ever post up on the things which interest your beau?" "I don't have to," answered the other girl. "My beau Is Interested In me." Explained. "What I dislike about Twobble is his lofty condescension." "He's not to blame for that." "I don't see why." "In his early days Twobble was a traffic cop." The Restorative. Madge So you feel better since yov gave up dancing and devoted yourBOlt to Red Cross work? Marjorle Indeed, I do, my dear. I've had my name In the papers nine times. Queer. "It seems paradoxical, doesn't It?" "What does?" "Time usually hangs heaviest on the hands ot people who woar wrist watches." Not In His Line. Nutley Doctor, there seems to be something the matter with my head. Doctor (after an examination)! am unable to locate the trouble. You hart better consult a wheelrlgbt. Purity Guaranteed under all State and National Pure Food Laws. You can pay a higher price, but you cannot get a baking powder that will raise nicer, lighter biscuits, cakes and pastry, or that is any more nealtnful. Your money back if K C fails to please you. 1 ry a can at our nsk. Women Triumph In Kansas. Out in Kansas where they strive to please, the women ought to have small cause for complaint if it Is possible to deprive the sex of that inalienable right. Here are some of the things a wo man of the Sunflower Btate may legal ly do: Can take back her maiden name af ter her husband iB dead, without any legal process or legislative act. Can keep her own name when she is married. Can persuade her husband to take her name and give up his family name if she does not like it. Can keep her maiden name and her husband can keep his. Can retain her maiden name for bus iness transactions and use her hus band's name for social affairs. If wife does not like either her own or husband's family name they can change to a name that does suit. A woman can wear men's clothing without any restriction except that she must not pose as a man. She can vote at every election. She can hold any office In the state and run for congress. As Kansas probably puts It, a wo man there can do almost anything a man can. That's so. The men's cloth ing provision even permits her to scratch a match as some men do. Only tning Bne seems debarred from is "pos ing as a man," which is Impossible, of course, for most of them, at least. To Breal: In New Shoes. Always shake In Alhm'it ft cures hot, sweating aeliln,;, swollen leet.' Luros corns, iiigrowinic nails and bunions. Al siiurugRisis anu snoeKirres, 2',r, Dont accept tnysubstitule. Sarapletnallcd FltLi; Address alien 8. Olmsted, Us W N. Y. uu Bishop in a Bad Fix. The well beloved bishop of a certain southern state Is so absent-minded that his family is always apprehensive for his welfare when he is away from home. Not long ago, while making a jour ney by rail, the bishop was unable to find his ticket when the conductor asked for it. "Never mind, bishop," said the con ductor, who knew him well, "I'll get it on my second round." However, when the conductor pass ed through the car again the ticket was still missing. "Oh, well, bishop, It will be all right if you never find it," the conductor assured him. "No, it won't, my friend," contradict ed the bishop. "I've got to find that ticket. I want to know where I'm go ing." A Bad Stomach Is a Foe to Be Feared Nearly all illness has its origin in a weak Stomach and clogged bowels. Your food remains undigested and you are deprived of its health sustaining properties. Weakness and a general rundown condi tion soon overtake you Ba wise in time and pro vide proper aid, which suggests a fair trial of HOSTETTER'S Stomach Bitters His Mild Request. "My dear," he began mildly. "Well," she snapped. "I don't mind your borrowing my Panama hat. But when you return It please remove the veil and the hat pins. I don't care to wear such equip ment downtown again." Louisville Courier-Journal. The Reasonable Excuse. "You say you had your eyes open, with a good grip on the wheel and your foot on the brake?" "Yes." "Then how In Tophet did the acci dent happen?" "Easy. I bad to sneeze." Case and Comment. The Only Drawback. "The de Vorces would be ideally married If It were not for one thing." "What's that?" "The fact that they are married to each other." Judge. n PIMPLES If ACHES Fl M BOILS U CHILLS W CARBUNCLES E3 PAINS Are 'Danger Signals 'the human system's method of giving warn ing that the blood has become impoverished and circulation poor. In this condition the human body is nlmost powerless to resist the more senous illneta. Don't delay. You need BR. PIERCE'S Golden Medical Discovery It gets to work Immediately at the teat of your trouble tbe Stomaoh. It lends a helping hand. Helps to digest tha food. Tone op the stomach. Soon bring! back normal conditions. Fond la properly assimilated ami turned Into rich, red blood. Every organ la strengthened and every tiaau M-vitallted. ' Made from roots taken from eur great nmerlcan fnresU. Try this remedy now. Sold by Medicine Dealera in liquid or tablet form or laud Wo to Dr. Pierce's Invalids Hotel, buffalo, N. Y., for trial box. Ye ean lave ttie complete "Medical Adviser" ef IMS aseta-clottl wimmm u swsMuog ur. rierce Couldn't Forget It. "Saturday night some miscreant lug ged off a whole cord of my wood, and somehow I can't forget it," declared Silas. "Have you tried to forget It?" In quired his friend. "Yea. Sunday morning I went to church, hoping I could get it off my mind, and before I had been there five minutes the choir started in singing 'The Lost Chord' so I got out. "-Judge. Winchester Shotgun Shells Leader' 'and " Repeater' 'and Repeating Shotguns make a killing combina tion for field.fowl or trap shooting. No smokeless powder shells enjoy such a reputation for uniform ity ofloading and strong shooting qualities as "Leader" and "Repeater" brands, do, and no shotgun made shoots harder or better than the Winchester. THEY ARB MAD! FOR EACH OTHER He Saved the Patent Office. When In the war of 18)2 the British who had taken Washington, trained their guns upon the patent office Dr. Thornton, throwing himself directly before the guns, cried: "Are you Englishmen or Goths and Vandals? This is the patent office a depository of the Ingenuity and Inven tions of the American nation in which the whole civilized world is Interested. Would you destroy It? Then let the charge pass through my body." And the building was spared. Twenty-four years afterward, however, It was destroyed by fire, together with everything tn it. , The Tibetan penal code la curious. Murder Is punished with a fine vary ing according to the Importance of the slain, theft by a fine of seven to one hundred times the value of the article stolen. Here, again, the flue depends on the social Importance ot the person from whom the theft has been commit ted. The harborer of a thief is looked upon as a worse criminal than the thief himself. Ordeals by fire and by boiling water are still used as proofs of innocence or guilt, exactly as was the custom in Europe In the middle ages. And If the lamas never Inflict death they are adepts at torture. Knew the Business. The leading druggist In a certain suburb wanted an apprentice. One applicant for the situation had been employed tn a fish Blore, but he seem ed a likely lad. "Your handwriting's good enough," said the druggist. "Can you do men tal arithmetic?" "Yes, sir," replied Ihe lad. "W what would 34 pounds of sal mon at 8 cents a pound be?" "Bad, sir!" was 'the prompt an swer. An Old Accomplishment. "That wife of mine Is a great one for fads; her latest ts firing china," Bald the young married man. "That was one of the first ones my wife had," the older man said. Literary. "Oh, I Blmply adore Meredith and Browning and Henry James," said the gushing young person. "So do I," said little Blnks. "They are perfectly delightful. It's like send ing your mind to a gymnasium. Er do you read them In the original?" New York Times. h: sic lor wrappua aasi t