The Maupin times. (Maupin, Or.) 1914-1930, October 22, 1915, Image 8

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    The Maupin Times
Published Every Friday at Maupin, Oregon,
J. E, Disbrow, Publisher
Subscription: One Year, $1.50, Six
Entered as second class mail
poBt office at Maupin, Oregon,
Local Markets
Potatoes, i. as to 1.50.
Cabbage, Sc.
Onions, 2C.
Tomatoes, 2 t-2 to 3c,
E;;gs, so to 25.
Sugar, 6.25 to 6.50.
Apples, fancy 1. 25 box, cooking
Peaches, joc.
Bacon, 17 12 to 25.
Salt, dairy 65 per sack, fancy
table 90.
Flour, bbl 5 40, 5.80,
Bran, $29 per ton,
Shorts, $31 per ton.
Salt, $15 per ton,
Wheat, forty-fold 84, club 82;
blue stem 85,
; Hogs, best light 6.25
Outside Mention
Frank Gumin of Shaniko, was a
Dalles business vlsitdr Monday.
M. L. Collins of the Tygll Val
ley district was a Dalles business
Visitor Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. Di 0. Jonts are
leaving this week in an automobile
for Oklahoma, going by way of
California and the Southern routei
They expect to make their home
Portland, October 25 November 13
2nd Annual Show of All Oregbri
and Southern Washington Agri
cultural Products and ManufacU
uring Resources,
Round Trip Tickets Sold on a Reduced
Basis from Central Oregon Points,
Oct. 28 and Nov. 4 and 11
Final Return Limit Seven Days after date of Sale
A, LOCKE, Agent,
ocean liner
Sun fBsco
San Francisco
Both Expositions
$53.85 :
Months 75cts, Three Months 50
matter September 2, 1914. at the
under the Act of March 3, 1879.
iu Okluhoma. Their many friends
in Wasco county are sorry to see
them leave the country, but wish
them well in their new home.
A marriage license was issued
yesterday afternoon to Marion A.
Duncan of Kent, and Mrs. Ethel
Elizabeth ' Driver of Wamic.
Chronicle, the 15th.
Tlios. Flanagan of the Bake
oveu country was visiting friends
in this vicinity last week. Dis
patch. Smock Items 1
Marion Duncan, a well known
youug man of Smock Prarie was
united in marriage to Mrs. Ethel
Driver of Wamic at The Dalles
the 15th. They will reside on a
homestead in Sherman county.
Miss Vina Disbrow has been
on the sick list, but is improving
M. P. Thornton With the aid
ofG-E. Noble is cutting down
his house and building it warmer
for winter.
F. E. Spoor is putting him up
a cozy house on his place( near
the old house.
G. E. Noble and family were
This Year has held more
interest of wonder, o
. - I v . . .
beauty, ot pleasure, than
berore---possibly fever
ft 0 J, ftl 1
The world-famous
are how at their best.
The opportunity to
Visit them is near
ing its end go hoW.
Make all arrangements with
R, B. BELL, Agent "
A. C. tGAN T. F. & P.
Bend, Ore.
fJ A ! L 1 0 AD & N A V G A 1 1 U
visiting Mr. RuBsell's last Sun
day, all going bear hunting but
without much success. ,
Protracted meetings have be
gun at the Baptist church with
the Revs. Waterhouse and Sam
ple conducting the services.
Geo. Thornton is working fo'i
Marion Farlow againr
Blaine Disbrow made a trip to
Wamic thia week.
Albert Russell made a trip to
Wamic Wednesday to dispose of
a butchered hog.
Chas. Ross, our local ranger,
made a trip to Lookout Moun
tain and Camas Prarie this week.
. Mr. Russell's folks have enjoy
ed several dishes of fresh straw
berries and cream recently.
Walter Ledford caught a coy
ote in a trap this week.
Miss Ipha Howell, who is suf
fering from an- abscess caused
by a scratch, was taken to Tygh
to the doctor and is at the hotel.
Chas. and Lewis Yockey made
business trip to Maupin Wed
Geo, Thornto mape a trip to
Maupin Saturday bringing home
three barrels of flour bought
from that 50-barrel order.
Good Investment
An investment thoroughly worth
while is offered for s-ate for a short
ime at $22.50 an acre. Farm of
200 acres on part terms; t acres
11 cultivation and 75 more can be
ultivated and the balance is good
pastue and woods land. Good
buildings rtiid fences and right to
plenty of irrigation water. All
nds of fruit. On rural mail rouie
and telephone line and reasonably
close to flehool and church. Call
at the Times office.
,The Times would like to have a
correspondent in every community
Southern Wasco County. If
your locality is not represented
send us a sample letter, with your
name and address, We will send
you Btatidnery.
See Fraley and Vanderpool for
atito accessories
Maupin, Wasco Countyi Oregon
Public Sale
At 10 o'clock a. m., October 30th
1915, I will offer for Bale at pub
lic auction at my premises 3 1-2
miles north east of Wapihitia
one sorrel pony 7 years old which
was lest in my hands by one L
L. IWbinsoii for pasturing Sept
ember 1, 1911.
She will be sold to the highest
bidder to collect a pasture bill of
8t3 W. O. Wilson.
We lead Others follow. Lis:
ten! At enormous expense we
bav'e secured a limited number of
large hand painted OIL PAINT
INGS of Landscape and Marine
Views, which we are giving ab
solutely free to our customer's.
See us about it. W. H, Staats &
Church Notice.
Oct. 24: Sunday-school to
in; preaching 11 a. ni. ana 7:30 p.
m.. song service beginning 7 p.
m. Song practice Tuesday 7)30 p.
111. Services at Criterion every
Wednesday evening. Prayer meet
ing every Thursday evening 7:30,
Everyone come and make these
services a success..,
G. ft. ELLIS. Pastor.
PhOtOS Lay or Night Anywhere
Send usybtir Kodak WOK
We pay postage back
Photo Supplies
The Welcome Studio
Tlie Dalles, Ore.
Mrs. B. V. Forch of Victor; Col
orado, who is 611 her way to the
Panama Situ F,raiici?co Fair, came
up from The Dalles Friday after -
noon to spWd, Sunday wllll her
mother, Mis. Jessy", Grandmother
Cook, aunt, Mrs, R.Johusou, and
olher aunts and uuclea,
Tl'e G.ibcl residence oil Natural
Pustule liicli Contractor 'ilhelni
' and ssi ; .nts have hern building
this sumiu'ei'ls now completed and
ii heaiiiil'il piece of aicbitecture
The carpenters re wot king on the
tit-iv bum Mid expect 10 complete
t ,.cil WOtk t ltl4l JilrtCe- MtXt Week.
Local Happenings
Harry Gabel was in Maupin
Notarial work at the Maupin
State bank.
Jack Staits went up to Mc
Clennon's today.
Tire settings, 75 cents per tin
at A. F. Martin's.
Bert Hammer and family wert
in town yesterday. '
Make final proof before Com
missioner Stnart.
Mrs. R. B. Bell is visiting hei
mother in Portland.
Peaches and prunes at Bon-
neys' 4 cents per gallon.
Bert Davis was in yestcrda)
from the Bakeoven territory.
Mr. and Mrs. Bob Davidson
were visiting in town Weduesuay.
Uncle Tommy Norval was a call
,, er 111 town yesteraay to sen mm
Make land filiugs and final proof
before United States Commissions
Mis. R. Johnson accompanied
her niece, Mrs, Forch to Portland
Tuesday. .
A man's linen duster found neai
Staats' store, owner may have by
calling for same.
Ernest Troutman of North Plains-
is a guest at the h. J- irsclier
home this weeki
Claud Wilson and Mrs. Oikspy
mace a trip to fiena sunaay le
mming Monday.
Miss Phyllis Fischer came home
Friday, returning to her school at
Wapinilia Sunday.
Fok Salk Pure White Wyan
dotte Cockerels $1.00 each. C. H,
Crofoot, Maupin, Ore. 22tf
Go to Fischer's Garage for all
your alitdtnobile accessories, gaso
line and storage of machine.
C. H. Crofoot How drives a
handsome new Ford car purchased
this week of E. J. Fischer.
Little Felix Chouinatd, who was
so badly scalded a few weeks ago,
is now able to sit up ar.d play.
Don't blame you? clock It
needs cleaning. Emmons will
do it for yoil and gudrantee it.
Clyde Oliver stopped here Tues
day evening enronte home to Tygli
Valley frOm Davis Bros.' ranch.
Dee Tnllcott brought in two
wagons loaded witli wood yester
day for his father, W. H. TallcBtt.
Merilda Chouinard ai rived home
Saturday night afier a couple
weeks' stav With Mrs. Burke at
J. G. and Ray Tunison and
Luther Haines Were" over from
White River WeduasdaV, on hdrse-
A. C Moad built a
neat little
Muir's lot
tent house 12x14 tor
Jory Saturday, on Mrs.
iiettr the spring.
K. J. Fischer, A. F. St Dennis,
Li D. Kelly and Wi H. Williams
went to Madras Tuesday for it few
days hunting trig;
Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Vanderpool
weie guests at the G. W. Vender.
pool home Saturday bight; touting
over from Tygh.
L, D. Kelly, Dr. Hatfield, E. A
Mayhew, John Donaldson, anJ
their families were among the fai
visitors at Tygh last week.
Mem. Coll, Phys. & Surg.,
Licentiate , Minnesota and
Prompt Service ,on Either
Day or Night Calls
Eyes tinted, Glasses Fittc'd
Cari You Do
turtuWii b tb at n
tat iki Iki
HyiteA. rfetteai ilwwJlw r4w
It M
Hi If 1 ol rwi
w ti4 Mth at n.i:t m fuiW Um tm ttm k
ffcB HI kt tIMA Stitl ! ts.
Dr. C II Francis. - Opticia
Department of the Interior,
United States Land Office at The
Da'les, Oregon, September I r . 1915
NOTICE is hereby given that
Ralph T. Buzan of Criterion, Ore
sron, who, on October 28th, 1910,
made Homestead Entry, No.
07620, and on July 2nd, 1914.
made additional Homestead Entry,
No. 013565, for NE1-4, Ni-2 SF
1-4, See-9 VV1.2NW1-4. Section 10,
Township 6 south, gauge 15-East,
Willamette Meridian, has filed
notice of intention to make Final
liree year Proof, to establish claim
o the land above described, before
F. D. Stuart, United States Com
missioner, at Maupin, Oregcn, on
the 19th day of October, 191 5.
Claimant names as witnesses:
H. M. Green, C. A. Duus, C. G.
Skogsburg, R. H. DeCamp, ail of
Criterion, Oregon,
Department of the Interior,
United States Land Office at The
Dalles, Oregon, September 3rd,
NOTICE is hereby given that
San ford M. Black, of Shaniko, Or
egon, who, on June 13th, 1911,
made Homestead Entiy. No. 091 16,
for NW3. Section to, Township 7
South, Range 16 East, Willamette
Meridian, has filed notice of in
tention to make Final three yeai
Proof to establish claim to tin
land above described, before H.
C. Rooper, U. S. Commissioner,
at Antelope, Oregon, on the i8tl
clay of October, 19I5.
Claimant names as witnesses:
William F. Johnson, Laurence
L. Sickles. William H. Womstaff,
Arch L. lianna, all of Shaniko,
Department of the interior,
U'. S. Land Office at The Dalles,
Oregon, October ji 1915.
NOTICE is hereby given thai
Carrie Si Wilson, formerly Carri
S. Austin of Shaniko, Oregon
who on September S7, 1912, made
homestead entry No. 010765 and
on August 27, 1914, made addi
tional homestead entry No. 0138 10,
for W t-2 NE 1-4, E 1-2 NW
4, Sec. 18, E i-l Sw 1.4, SE
4 NW 1-4, SW 1-4 NE 1.4,
Section 7, Township 7 S., Range
li.. Willameite Meridian, ha:
filed notice of inttntion to make
final three vear Proof, to establish
claim to the laud above described,
before F. D. Stuart, United
States Commissioner, at Maupiu
Oregon, on the 20th day of No-
vembei, 1915.
Claimant names as witntsses
E. E. Fine, J. J. Wilson, J. M.
Wilson, D. D. Wilson, all of
ShauikOi Oregon.
R. Johnson tddk in tile fair at
Tygll Friday,
Horseshoes 75 cents per set at
A, F. Martin's.
Dr. and Mrs-. Hatfield are at
Wapinitia this wsek.
Good organ for sale cheap, Mrs.
Castor, Criterion; Ore,
L. D. Rutherford was a business
caller MondaV from Criterion.
Peaches and pears, 3 gallons tor
10 cents, A. A. Bouncy, Tygh,
Mrs, Di A Moad has beeh some
what indisposed the past week.
Mr C'bklin returned after
ipeudl'hg the week end in Pottland.
F'ressy Martin has been liatiling
hav to his Criterion homestead this
week. . ' .
A Tiffany wedding ring can be
bought 'of iWriloiifi the Jeweler,
Little Eva Slusher was quite ill
Saturday night and the fore patt
of the week. . , .
' t, O. Uinlc Was a business visit
or Wednesday from his Buck Hol
low hottifestead'.
Rot) Cantwell and wife were
Maupm callers Wednesday, going
on to Bend that mght.
Flovd Eubanks was a business
visitofjn Maupin yesterday from
his Juniper Flat farm. ,
Mrs. Julia Driver, a well known
resident of Wamic for many year?,
was taken sick wiih. pneumonia
at her home iu Th" Dalles Satur
day evening'.
J, S. Brawn is. home from the
fairs with his race horses and re
ports a good season.
Department of the Interior,
United Slates Land Office at The
Dalles, Oregon, September 20th,
NOTICE is hereby given Urn
Ernest Howard Taylor, of Criter
ion, Oregon, who, on May 26th,
1 91 1, made Homestead Entry No.
39007 and on ul 2nd, 1914, made
in additional Homestead Entry
0. 013563, for W 1-2 NW 1-4
Sec 17 E 1-2 NE 1-4, NW 1-4
NE 1-4, Section 18, Township 6
South,' Range 15 East, Willamette
Meridian, has filed notice of inten
tion to make Final three year Proof,
to establish claim to the land above
lescribed, before F. D. Stuart, U.
S. Commissioner at Maupin, Ore
gon, on the 23rd day of October,
'915- .
Claimant names as witnesses, D.
L. Rutherford, C. G. Skogsburg,
O A. Duns, H. M. Green, all ot
Criterion, Oregon.
Department of the Interior,
United States Land Office at The
Dalles, Oregon, September 20th,
191 5.
NOTICE is hereby given thai
Charles S. Gabel, of Wapiiiitia,
Oregon, who, on May 7th, 19 10,
nade Homestead Entry No. 06708,
for N 1-2 SW 1-4, N t-2 SE 1-4,
Section 31, Township 5 South.
Range 13 East, Willamette Meridi
an, has hied notice of intention t
nake Final five year Proof, t(
establish claim to the land abovt
lescribed. before F. D. Stuart, U.
S. Commissioner at Maupin, Ore
gon, 011 the 6tll day of November,
Claimant names as witnesses:
Herbert Hammer, Frank Gabel,
Ben H. Gabel, tallies H. Hartman,
all of Wapinitia, Oregon.
Department of the Interior,
U. S. Laud Office at The Dalles,
Oregon, October 12, 19 15.
NOTICE is hereby given Hiat
William T. Purcell, of Shaniko,
Oregon, who 011 March 4, 191 1,
made Homestead entry No. 08252
ind on May 20, 1914, made addi
tional Homestead entry No. 013234.
for S 1-2 NE i-4 K "a SE 1-4.
SW 1.4 SE 1-4. E i-2 SW 1.4, SE
t-4 NW 1 4, Section 32, Townshi)
7 S., Range tj E., Willamette
Meridian, has filed notice of iuten
tion to make final three year Proof,
to establish claim to, the land abov
lescribed, befoie H. C. Rooper.
United States Coniinissioner, at
Antelope, Oregon, on the 29th da
of November, 1915.
Claimant naiiies as witnesses:
Mrs. Cora C. Mitchell, Mrs. Etta
Henton, William F. Ikemati, Ed
ward Hehton, all of Shaniko, Ore
gon. it FiUNii Woodcock,
Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Aldridge
motored in from their Bakeoven
farm Tuesday; bringing A. C. and
D. A. Moad and the latter's car
from the Fleiumlne place where
their machine refused to 'get tij
Sixteen mail bags containing a
ranger's outfit arrived on Wedues-
rlnV's afttemoon mail and went to
Wapinit'.a yesterday nibrViiug.
G. C. Alien M10 has been farm.
ing the Stephen True iace near
Wapinitia is moving W his Criter
ion hdiilesteM and Mr', True will
move batfc to his farrtl sooiv,
Mrs. Jessie H'tfllis, Mr. and Mrs.
John Williams, Mr. ftnd Mrs
Westbrook and Ralpli Weslbrook
came in Tuesday from their Cri
terion homesteads;
J. T. Harper, G. W- Brown and
Frendi Sutler were over tiom
Tygh Valley Saturday evening and
deposited, the Soutuern Wasco
County Fair Association fmids in
the Maupin State Bank.
Several frnu here attended tin
public sale at the M. '0. Routl
farm south of Waijiic yesterday,
among then? being C. II. Crofoot,
Mr. and Mrs. Fle'n?min aiid Jessie,
O. B'. Derthick, Mr. aiid Mrs. J.
S.-1 Brown'.
Our local merchant, W. H
Staais.drove out of town W7ednev
day aTternoon with a big water
tank and four horses. He appears
to be ui"te at home in the store
than on llie farm.
The Times, $1.10 a year,
Department of the Interior,
United Stales Lmd Office at The
'Mes, " ( iit-j.'iiii, .September jkI,
rtJ'f ICE is hereby given that
Jlareuce W. Farglier, of Maupin,
Dregon, who, on December aoth,
1910, made Desert Land Entry, No.
07841, for SW SK,' Sec. ti
SWi NE, Section 14, Township
t South, Range 14 East, Wil
unette Meridian, has tiled notice
f intention to make Final desert
'roof to establish claim to the land
.hove described, befoie U. S. Land
office, at The Dalles, Oregon, oil
he 21st day of October, 1915.
Claimant names as witnesses:
Asa White, Kenneth Miller, A,
W. Fargher. John Maiiiiion, Ara
Buzan, all of Maupiu, Oregon.
Department of the Interior,
U. S. Land Office at The Dall -t,
Oregon, October 2nd, 1915.
NOTICE Is hereby given that
Beryl Robinson, of Shaniko, Ore
ion, who on October 25th 1911
nade Homestead Entry No. 0960S
ind on May 1st, 1914, made addi
'ional Homestead Entry No.
512994, for NE t.4, NW 1-4 SE
t 4, NE 1-4 NW 1-4. Sec. 2i,
1 1-2 NW t-4, Section 22, T"Wn
diip 7 South, Range 15 Hast, Wil
laniette Meridian, has filed notice
if intention to make Final three
vear Proof, to establish claim to
he land above described, before
FI. C. Rooper, U. 8. Commissioner
it Antelope, Oregon, on the 15th
lay of November, 19 15.
Claimant names as witnesses!
J. C. Robinson, George D Al
bright, Jailles M. Push, Edward
A. Fritch, all of Antelope, Ore
Department of the Interior.
U, S. Land Office at The Dalle?,
)regon, October 12, 1915,
NOTICE is hereby given that
J!ora B. Mitchell, of Shaniko, Ore'
'on, who oil Marcli 4, 1911, made
homestead entry No. 0S253 and on
May 25, 1S14, made additional
homestead entry No. 013266, for
E i-a NE t 4. Sec. it. N 1-2 NV
i-4, NW 1.4 NE1.4, SW i-4 NW
t-4, NW 1-4 SW 1-4, Section 32,
rownship 7 S. , Range 15 E Wil'
amette Meridian, has filed notice
of intention to make final three
year Proof, to establish claim to
the land above described, befort
H. C. Rooper, United States Com'
uissioiier, at Antelope, Oregon, oi
the 29th day of November, 1915,
Claimaut il allies as witnesses!
Mrs. Etta Heutoiii Edward Hen
ton, William T. Purcell, William
F. Beemau, all of Shaniko, Oregom
H. FANfc Woodcock,
Henry Peterson of Wapinitia
was a business calferin town Moiij
lay. While here he called at the
Times office ud Advanced his sub
scription another year.
County Engineer Moore and son
of The Dalles were out here recent
ly and surveyed a number of the -homesteads
On the east Side Of the
Evans Parfish from near Wainid
purchased a hexv car this week
from the 16'cai Ford Motor Com'
pauy representative) E. J. Fischer,
GraYt Mays aud wife passed
through here Sunday enroute to
f heir home ii The Dalles after 8
visit to Piine'ville ptdperty. They .
stopped for a slioh thiie at their
Tygh Valley ranch. ,
Janies Cook was over from his
home among the foothills of Tygh
Ridge Sunday, visiting his niece1
Mrs. FMrch ho $!s spending a
few days at R. Johnson's residence
on the Deschute$v. -
Mr. and Mrs. Bates Shattuck',
Clyde Williams and Van Moad
motored to Shaniko Sunday even
ing, making the round trip in onU
four Mollis.
Mr. and Mrs. Larson fron!
Prineville arrived here Satutday
)ii their tVay to the Valley, Mrs:
Larson Is a sister of W. H. Wil
liams and this is their first meeting
for a long time,
, , i . "' ' .. '
Mrs. W. H. Staats went no Port'-
1 nd Monday aVjil is expe'eted home
this afternoon. Roy Slusher and
family ate stopping at the StaatS
home dtirhig her absence.