The Maupin times. (Maupin, Or.) 1914-1930, October 22, 1915, Image 7

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why NOT?
It is one of the most im
portant functions of the
)ody and has a direct
: nfluence on your general
lealth and strength. .
A reliable first aid Is
Stomach Bitters
V i. """in. a I I t AS 1
im klhudlu
Dalles-Columbia Line
State of Washington, for Tho Dal 1m dally ex.
Sunday 11 p. m. Leavo Dalles daily ex. Monday
12 M. 8tanwrsJ. N. Teal. Inland Empire and
Twin Citin (or Upper Columbia and Bnako rlvor
points. Taylor St. Dock. Tel. Main 613.
WiUiBdli isi CoMit Rhrcr Towin Co., ftrtltai.
Wanted Propoial of Marriage Made
On Sunday Renewed Because It
Waa Not Legally Binding-
"George," said the beautiful girl as
the nestled close to Dim, "the last
time you called you proposed."
"I did, sweot one."
: "And I accepted you."
"You did, love."
"I presume, George," she went on,
In her most fascinating manner, "that
you look upon me merely as a foolish,
thoughtless girl, but but
'How can you think so, pet? he in
"But," she went on In a more busi
nesslike way, "I have something of the
business instinct of the new woman In
me, and and I shall have to ask you
to repeat the proposal again tonignt.
The last time you called It was Sun
day, and contracts made on that day, I
learn, are not legally binding." New
York Times.
AGENTS Handle hlirh-clasa staple article!, city
r country: full particular!. SELLERS SPE
CIALTY CO., 26 Montgomery, San Francisco. Cat
Not a Fair Test
Ever since they came to school that
morning two of the boys had been
persistently naughty. At last, there
fore, the teacher, now thoroughly ex
asperated, turned to them angrily, and
said that they must stay In during
playtime until each had written hia
name 1000 times.
Playtime duly came, and, as the rest
of the class rose and hastened from
the room to enjoy a spell of freedom,
the two miscreants settled down to
their Irksome Imposition.
Five minutes later the teacher re
turned to see how they were getting
on, and found a heated argument In
"Come, come," she asked. "What's
the matter now?"
Whereupon one of the boys burst
Into tears.
"'Taint fair, mum!" he gasped.
"His name's Tim Bust and mine'.
Alexander O'Shaughnessyl"
Father' Idea.
Gertrude was home for the Christ
mas holidays and In her honor the
old folks were holding a reception.
And in their honor Gertie brought
forth her new garments.
Picking up a beautiful creation she
held it up before the admiring crowd
and said: "Isn't this perfectly scrump
tious? Just think, all this silk came
from the little Insignificant worm.1
Her hard-working father looked a
moment, his brow furrowed.
"Gertrude," he said, "that Is not the
way to refer to your father."
Best He Could Do. .
"The lady shot a man "
"I can't star her on that basis," In
terrupted the busy manager. "After
I have weeded out my applications
from lady murderers, I might possibly
put her In a sextette." Louisville (Jou
Fixing Her.
"That vivacious Miss Oldgirl Isn't
friendly to you, is she?"
"No, I think she and mother quar
ried over something one time when
mother was a girl."
loves a
The Way of It
"You know, when a man
eirl he Is simply mad?"
"Yes. and when he finds out that
someone else loves her, too, he is sim
ply madder."
We have the best facilities in the
. Northwest for doing your Repair
work. Why throw your old tires
away? Send them to us and let
us repair them. We guarantee
every repair we make. Our prices
are reasonable. A Western repair
is a permanent repair. Let us
convince you.
Tube punctures repaired, 25c
HAT the European war has dis
turbed the economic and com
mercial situation In practically
every civilized country In the
world Is a fact well known to
everyone at all conversant with
International trade conditions. Natu
rally the republics of the western
hemisphere are no exception. Every
one of them has felt the disastrous ef
fects, but not In equal nor even In
proportionately equal measure. Nearly
all of them have experienced a large
diminution in their export trade, and
consequently a decrease in purchasing
power and a resultant diminution In
their imports. One remarkable ex
ception Is the Dominican Republic,
says the Bulletin of the Pan-American
union.! That little country enjoys the
distinction of having sold more of
its products, In point of value, to the
outside world during the year 1914
than It did during 1913. The in
creased value of Its exports was only
9118,840, but that It should have in
creased its sales at all Is an astound
ing fact. Its purchases from other na
tions during the year were consider
ably less, but the net result is that
the country has made a material
financial gain.
The Dominican Republic is one of
the smallest of the American repub
lies, with an area of about 19,325
square miles. This is nearly equal
to fho combined areas of New Hamp
shire and Vermont. It has a popula
tion of between six and seven hundred
thousand inhabitants. Haiti Is the
adjoining republic and the two to
gether comprise the Island called by
the first Spanish discoverers "Isla Es-
panola" and now sometimes called
"Santo Domingo" and sometimes
Haiti." Within the limits of what is
now the territory oi tne uominican
Republic was located by Columbus the
first settlement of Europeans loathe
new world. This settlement was
called "Isabella," after the queen of
Castile, the friend and patroness of
Columbus. The first Spanish settle
ment, like Jamestown, the first Eng
lish settlement no longer exists ex
cept as a ruin. In fact, "Isabella"
disappeared a few years after its
foundation. The modorn city of Puer
to Plata Is located near the former site
of the old settlement. The oldest ex
isting settlement of Europeans in the
western world Is likewise located in
the Dominican Republic. This is the
capital city, Santo Domingo.
One of World's Richest Spots.
The Dominican Republic, in fact
the whole island, Is naturally one of
the richest spots In the world. The
soil Is remarkably fertile ana . pro
duces luxuriously. On the north
coast, in the province of Monte Crlsti
near the Haitian border, the soil
well adapted for cotton raising, and
there is a very considerable acreage
devoted to this industry, backed by
American and English capitalists. The
cotton Is of a fine quality, and the
yield per acre is much greater than
that in our southern states.
Puerto Plata, an important port of
the north, is a town of some 10,000 or
12,000 inhabitants, connected by a
railway, running south, with the
towns of the fertile Calbo region-
Santiago de los Caballeros, La Vega,
and Moca. These towns are located
in the great agricultural regions of
the republic, where the famous cacao
bean is cultivated. Tobacco also Is
grown, to a considerable extent, and
has had until recently a ready market
in Hamburg. "Other ports of impor
tance are Samana and Sanchez, In the
FOR OUT-Of-TOWN PEOPLE beautiful Samana bay. This bay is
. rrole from all Darts of Ittmuua im ivo "u
scenery. It is aDout 25 miles tong ny
S miles wide, with a depth of
water sufficient to float the largest bat
tleships. Our North Atlantic squad
ron has frequently gone there for ma
neuvers. At the entrance to the
bay is the town of Samana, and at the
head Is Sanchez, connected with the
interior by the Sanchez & Moca rail
way, a Scotch enterprise, for a dis
tance of 40 miles.
San, Pedro de Macorls is the sugar
oort of the republic. In and around
Macorls there are thousands of
acres ; of land devoted to the raising
of sugar cane, and millions of dollars
of American capital are Invested In
this enterprise. The plantations are
all equipped with the most modern
machinery, and the cane Is cultivated
and gathered by colored laborers from
the English and Danish West Indies.
Relict In the Capital.
Seventy miles from La Romana and
40 miles from Macorls Is Santo Do
mingo City, the capital of the repub
lic. In Santo Domingo we find our
selves In the midst of modern civiliza
tion, surrounded by innumerable relics
that carry us back to the fifteenth
century. Here can be seen the ruins
of the first church, San Nicolas,
built some time in the early part of
1500, and three or four years ago the
mahoKanv taken from these ruins
was in a perfect state of preservation.
Here, as claimed by the Dominicans,
can be seen the bones of Christopher
Columbus, left by mistake by the
Spaniards when they evacuated the
Island, and who removed from the
crypt In the cathedral to Havana the
remains of a brother of Columbus,
thinking they were taking the bones
of the irreat discoverer.
The ruins of the house of Diego co-
lon, the son of Christopher, are
still standing, where, according to
history, a court was established
whose entertainments rivaled in
splendor those w read of in the
Arabian Nights. On the bank of the
river still stands the massive ceiba
tree to which were tied the caravels
of Columbus. In Santo Domingo City
Columbus was put in chains and sent
home to Spain a prisoner In disgrace.
The city is built on the west bank
of the Ozama river and Is under the
administration of the department of
public works. A magnificent macadam
boulevard, bordered on either side
with native elms, interspersed with
tropical foliage, extends from the cen
ter of the city for 20 miles in the di
rection of Banl, the birthplace of the
famous Cuban hero, Maximo Gomez.
On this same boulevard can be "seen
the well-preserved ruins of the Fort
San Geronimo, which In early days
withstood an attack of the English
under Drake. The entrance from the
town to this boulevard Is through an
arch constructed by the government
in memory of those who fell fighting
for the Independence of the country,
and the arch bears the Inscription
Dulce et Decorum est pro Patrla
Life at the capital, while not as fast
and eav as at the larger cities of
the South, Is still very agreeable.
There are two well-equipped and con
ducted clubs, Club Union and Casino
de la Juventud, where there are fre
quent social entertainments. Auto
mobiles are plentiful and tho ride
from the capital to San Cristobal
along the new macadam boulevard is
most attractive. Automobiles can be
procured for $4 an hour. There are
several hotels In the city, of which
the Hotel Francis is the best known.
There is quite a large foreign colony
at the capital and In Macorls and
Puerto Plata. The whole trip from
New York, including a stop at all
ports. Is about eight or nine days,
A very erroneous impression pre
vails that the climate of Santo Do
mingo is unhealthy. From Its geo
graphical position it cannot be un
healthy. The winds have a clean
sweep across the island, and there has
been no serious epidemic there since
the cholera outbreak some time in the
early sixties.
A Veritable Solomon. ,
"How Is it," asked the young man
"that of all the people who come to
you for advice, none ever appear to
go away dissatisfied?"
"It Is probably because I am a stu
dent of human nature," answered the
Shelbyvllle sage. "When a man comes
to me for advice, I proceed to find out
what kind he wants, and then give it
to him."
Fair, But Not Fare.
"What line are you on now?" asked
the fair maid In the parlor scene, ol
her admirer, who chanced to be
street car conductor.
"Just at present," replied the regis
ter manipulator, as he slid toward the
other end of the sofa and his arm
stole around her waist, "I'm on the
Belt line."
KC is pure. KC is health
ful. It really does make
lighter, nicer biscuits, cakes
and pastry than the old
fashioned single acting
baking powders.
And you pay only a fair price for it.
No baking powder should sell for more.
Argument Between Hogan, Casey and
O'Brien Progressed 8moothly ,
Until Stranger Butted In.
When a man Just naturally wants
trouble It Is mighty easy to find an
excuse for making it. According to
Mike Hogan, Casey and O'Brien were
having an argument of their own.
It had progressed to the extent that
each had forgotten what it was about
originally, and they were wholly ob
livious of the gathering crowd until
an urbane and genteel person In a
frock coat put in,
"Come, come, my man," he said,
gently plucking Casey by the sleeve.
"You don't want to fight. I can tell
it by your looks. Your face is too
benign "
"Two be nine! Two be nine, Is ut,
ye scut?" bellowed Casey. "Me face
is two be nine, is ut?"
And there was where tho real
trouble began. Louisville Times.
BaWvj' iVM,',v,ai lialM
Consider the Success or Failure of its Graduates in
the World of Service. The Bebnke-Walker Business
College Radiates Success the School Meeting Every
Test of This Character.
Mora than 2600 Behnke-Walker itudenti employed by the
leading-Arms of the Northwest; 163 In banking position,
alone; an average of three call, per day the year round. Why
not enroll In a .chool approved by the tound judgement of
our leading business Arms?
A catalogue (or the asking.
I i.-
Since 1887.
rtnr ornnuates are always in demand. There la a good position ready for you just
as soon as you can prepare for it HOLMES Training means MOIttlY, POSITION.
POWKR. There are
Eight thousand two hundred twenty-seven satisfied students 1
have passed through HOLMES during the past twenty-eight
wt Hundreds of them ard now successful business men with
independent Incomes. Our graduates start at salaries ranging
from S40 to 1 100 a month, write lor catalogue, start nuw.
Holmes Business College
" The School that gets you a good position." Wuiwgtoi al Talk, fortius, Or.
I- i
1 -''1
Important Inquiry.
"Father," said the small boy,
"couldn't George Washington tell a
"That statement has been seriously
made, my son."
"Well, what did he do when his
folks had unexpected company and ho
was told to say he didn't want any pie
for dessert?"
' Wlredge Do you think she will re
turn your love?
Feathertop Probably. She told m
she had no use for It.
Hopeful Future.
"To tell you the truth," said the
man who is ostentatiously cneeriui,
'the hotter the climate is the better I
like it."
'I envy you and your calmness of
mind," replied the sardonic person,
"and trust, for your own comfort, that
your ideas of future punishment are
strictly orthodox."
Only One.
"No, I didn't come up to business
yesterday," said the stout man in the
corner of the carriage. "The last of
my daughters was getting married so
I had to give her away."
"Really? Who was the happy man?'
Inquired a polite fellow passenger.
"I was," said the parent em
The Eternal Feminine.
Fretty Daughter Papa, l a like to
give a party next week.
Papa Why, my dear, you gave one
only last week. Do you think it nece ,
sary to entertain your friends so
Pretty Daughter But this Is not to
entertain my friends; it's to snub my
Expectations Fulfilled.
Lucille, a carefully brought up little
girl of 5 years, returned from her first
party in glee. "I was a good girl,
mamma," she announced, "and talked
nice all the time."
"Did you remember to say some
thing pleasant to Mrs. Appleby just
before leaving?" her mother asked.
"Oh, yes, I did," was the enthusias
tic reply. "I smiled and said, 'I en
joyed myself very much, Mrs. Apple
by. I had lots more to eat than I
'spected.' "
Sad Days.
Big sister was reading In her book
of poems:
"The melancholy days have come
the saddest of the year."
"Say, sis," broke in her schoolboy
brother, "don't you pull any of that
'saddest of the year' stuff. With nine
examples and a page of grammar to
do I know what time of year it 1b.
An Easy Way to Heal
Your Skin-Trouble
Restnol ointment, with resinol soap,
stops Itching instantly, quickly and
easily heals the most distressing cases
of eczema, heat-rash, ringworm or
similar tormenting skin or scalp erup
tions, and clears away pimples, black
heads, redness, roughness, and dan
druff, when other treatments have
proven a waBte of time and money.
Physicians have prescribed this res
inol treatment for twenty years, while
thousands who have been cured say,
"What resinol did for us it will do
for you." Every druggist sells resinol
What Mother Eve Missed.
"The thirst for strong drink," said
the man with the crimson beak, "is
due to the original sin."
"How do you figure that out?" asked
the party of tho dense part.
"I haven't time to go into details,"
answered he of the auburn nose, "but
anyway strong drink Is good for snake
Only Difference.
'One of my daughters has tonsllltls,"
exclaimed Mr. Growcher, "and the oth
er has sprained her wrist."
'That's hard luck."
'Yes. Nothing seems to work out
the way it ought to. The girl who
sprained her wrist sings, and the one
with a sore throat plays the piano."
HOWARD K flPKTUN - Asssjer ami meinlst,
Tj.iuivi)!n. Cnliiriuto. Hntmimeu Driccsi Uola.
Silver. Lid, 11. Uold, Silver. Iba; Gold. Wet Zlno
or Copper. II- Mulling envelope, a ,d full price 114
sent on. application, uontrol ana umpire worasv
Ueited. Ileterenoei Uuiboaate national
Limiting HI Field.
The head of a certain well known
family was recently approached by his
son, just nearing his majority.
"Father," said he. "I want to have
a talk with you concerning my future
I have decided to become an artist
Have you any objections?"
The old man scratched Mb head, re
flectively, and replied: "Well, no, my
son provided, of course, you don't
draw on me."
Couldn't Disappoint Him.
The Interviewer Why did you as
sassinate all your wives as soon as
the honeymoon was over?
Bluebeard You see, I'd promised
to love each one as long as she lived,
and no matter what other sins I've
committed, I never disappoint a lady.
Philadelphia Bulletin. .
Tap, Tap.
Bon was showing the old folks from
up country through the financial dis
trict. "The street we just passed is Cedar
and this is Pine," said the son guide.
"You see, everybody wants to knock
wood before he reaches Wall street"
The Aggrieved Pedestrian,
"Confound Chugson! The
necked upstart!"
"Why, he bowed politely to you
when he passed just now in his motor
"Sure I Bowed and then put on
speed before I could ask him for a
The Two Ordera.
Business Manager Well, how many
orders did you get yesterday?
Traveler I got two orders In one
B. M. That s the stuff! What were
T. One was to get out and the
other was to stay out
Choral Confession.
Two men were discussing the serv
ice as they made their way home from
"Whi't was that sentence the choir
repeated so often?" asked one.
As nearly as I could make out It
was We are all miserable singers,'
replied his companion. London Tit-Bits.
The Loser.
Little Bobble listened with deep in
terest to the story of the Prodigal Son.
At the end of It he burst into tears.
"Why, what's the matter, Bobbie?'
exclaimed his mother.
"I'm I'm sor-ry for that poor 111
ca-alf," he sobbed. "He didn't do nut-
On I"
A Correction.
Friend (Intending to compliment)
I heard somebody say the other day,
Mr. Naggs, that your wife was a fine
Naggs She's nothing of the sort
Friend No?
Naggs She hates conversation.
She's a monologlst.
Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets regu
late and invigorate stomach, liver and
bowels. Sugar-coated, tiny granules.
Easy to take as candy.
Home, Sweet Home.
"Home is where the heart Is," re
marked the sentimentalist.
"That's right," replied the ordinary
person. "You can always tell what
town a man is from by observing what
ball club he roots for." Washington
Over 350 people succumb to con
umptiou every day in the United States.
Science proves that the germs only
thrive when the system is weakened from
colds or sickness, overwork, confining
duties or when general weakness exists.
The best physicians point out that
during changing seasons the blood should
be made rich and pure and active by tak
ing Scott's Emulsion after meals. The cod
liver oil in Scott's Emulsion warms the
body by enriching the blood ; it peculiarly
strengthens the lungs and throat, while it
upbuilds the resistive forces of the body
to avoid colds and prevent consumption.
If you work Indoors, tire easily, feel
languid or nervous, Scott's Emulsion is the
most strengtheningfood-medicine known.
It is totally free from alcohol or an
stupefying drug. Avoid substitutes, -"
14-41 Scott Bownt. Bloomficld.N. I.
Ortfon and Washing
ton constantly visit our
office lor dental treat
ment. Our skill is ac
knowledged, and our
DrotnDtneBB in finish-
ing work in one day
when required is appre
ciated by out-of-town
Dr. Wis Is a false-
tooth expert. There is
in every calling, and
Dr. Wise lays claim to
this distinction in Ore
gon, 28 Ton
What we can't guar
antee we don't da
sfLrxul 19mA Rnhhir Plates, each S5.M
The Best Red Rubber Plates, each 7.50
22 -Kant Gold or Porcelain Crown t.W
PhutM-Main 202. A mi.
Sensitive Measurement
Minute bendlngs of a steel bar three
feet long and three and one-half feet
In diameter are accurately measured
1HH ThW strt. Faiiiiw Bidr- Portia.. 0W. by a curious but very sensitive device
S. E. Cor. Thirl ana WasMBfWa.
P. N. U.
No. 42, 181J
WHEN writlns to alrartlKra, ploaa sasav-
" tioa this paper.
Portland's Best Buslneoi Train! nf School
Bookkeeping-. Shorthand. Typewriting" and
Penmanship taught by export teachers.
Fd Ten (pen Weitotsilq, Sept 1, 1915
Many students haro alreadr onrollooV. Ask
for Cataloc. Enroll earlr.
- A. T. LINK, General Manager.
T1LF0M UN. ratlUM, OlESffl
of the United States bureau of stand
ards. The bar, supported at each ena,
has a small mirror fixed at its center
and above this is a frame holding an
other mirror partially silvered. As
tho light of a sodium burner Is re
flected In each mirror the lower mir
ror shows a series of black and yellow
concentric rings. A very small weight,
even that of a pin, deflects the bar
and causes the circles to expand out
ward. Each circle Indicates a move
ment of one hundred-thousandth of
an inch, the pressure of a finger, torm
ina: five or more new circles, showing
a bending of one twenty-thousandth of
an inch.
Distinctly Northern Bird.
The world's migrating champion,
according to Prof. Cooke, is the arc
tic tern. It nests as far north as land
has been discovered or a bird can find
anything stable on which to build lta
nest. A nest of this bird has been
found within seven and one-half de
grees of the North pole, and It con
tained a downy chick surrounded by
a wall of new snow that had been
scooped out of the nest by one of the
parent birds.
In the vestibule the wife was met
by a kind-hearted steward, who, after
giving her a hearty welcome and a
hymn book, conducted her to a com
fortable seat. At the close of the serv
ices the same kind-hearted steward
gave her a hearty shake of the band,
adding bow pleased he would be to
see her at the services each Sunday.
Then, whispering, he said: "But let
me tell you, we don't get a duffer like
this In the pulpit every 8unday."-
New York Journal.
Just the Thing.
"Here's a news item says the United
States is to turn out a submarine
which can travel 6,500 miles and cross
the ocean twice on one supply of fuel.
It is the G-3."
"I'd call a submarine like that the
Gee Whiz!"
His Answer.
"Did you ever go to a military ball?"
asked a lisping maid of an army vet
"No, my dear," growled the old sol
dier. "In those days I once had a I
military ball come to me, and, what d
you think? It took my leg off."
Good News for the Wife.
A local preacher who was in the
habit of taking his wife with him to
his preaching appointments, said on
arrival at the chapel: "My dear, you
a-o in there; you will be all right I
Diuat go round to the vestry."
Couldn't Fool Him.
"My dear sir," said the magazine
publisher, our circulation Is by far
the largest In America."
"Oh, I don't doubt it, replied the
prospective advertiser. "I never sup
posed for a minute that you naa much
of a circulation In foreign countries.
He Was Pretty Hungry,
Little Willie's mother sent him
bed without any supper.
At 8 o'clock, as Willie lay dismally
in his little bed In the dark, his father
appeared at the door and whispered:
"Son, could you eat some honey in
the comb?"
"Jiminy, dad!" Willie answered, "I
could eat it in the brush."
That Was It
"There's a gentleman In the parlor,
sir," said the maid.
"Did he give you his name, Katie?"
asked the man of the house.
"Oh, no, sir; but I think It's the one
who wants to give his name to your
daughter, sir. " Yonkers Statesman.
Encouraging Them.
"Why don't you buy an automo
"I've heard a rumor that there may
be a subsidy granted pedestrians by
the next congress." Louisville Courier-Journal.
' Grateful Papa.
Miss Curley kept a private school,
and one morning was interviewing a
new pupil.
"What does your father do to earn
his living?" the teacher asked the lit
tle girl.
"Please, ma'am," was the prompt
reply, "he doesn't live with us. My
mamma supports me."
"Well, then," asked the teacher, ,
"how does your mother earn her liv
ing?" "Why," replied the little-girl, in an
artleBS manner, "she gets paid for
Wanted Medal.
The man Lemme go! I'm all right;
I can swim.
The Girl I don't care. I'm going to
save you. I want a medal. Chicago
Nelghborly Attention.
He This plant belongs to the
gonla family.
She Ah, and you are taking care
of it while they are away?" Chicago
Dally NewB.
Ella He says that he shall never
forget me.
Stella No; you have one of those
Indelible faces.
. Bed Table for Invalid.
If a bed-table is not available for the
invalid, the leaf of the sewing ma
chine will make a good substitute, or
a sewing table, two legs resting upon
the floor, the other two turned under.
A few books placed upon the bed will
prop up the other end of the table and
prevent It from pressing upon the pay
A Vain Yearn.
"We must be nice to my rich uncle.
He may leave ub some money. He says
that be yearns for a slice of home
made bread."
"That's easy," responded the young
wife. "Our baker sells it"
Quite a Few,
"I have just been reading the Con
stitution of the United States."
"And I was surprised to find out
how many rights a fellow really has."
Cause Enough, at Timet,
A woman loves her home and her
housework, but her favorite occupa
tion is that of pitying herself. Top
ka Dally Capital
Doesn't Go Quite 8o Far.
Hlggs Crooke is a criminal lawyer,
isn't he?
Diggs He's a lawyer, but at to hit
being criminal, I think he's too care
ful to quite overstep the line.
At Paw Had It Doped.
Little Lemuel Say, paw, what Is an
impressionist I
Paw An impressionist, son, Is an
artist who tries to give one the Impres
sion that he sells more pictures than
be can paint
Wherein They Differ.
Helny They say that a camel can
work seven or eight days without
Omar That't nothing. Many a
time 1 have drank for seven or eight
days without working.
No Cause for Alarm.
Omar Death loves a shining mark,
they say.
Hazel Oh. well, don't be uneasy
You're not so brilliant
In the Expectant Period
Before the coming of the little one women need to be pos
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Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription
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