The Maupin times. (Maupin, Or.) 1914-1930, September 24, 1915, Image 7

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    A TIP FOR 13
ft t n 11 nn
i& aRailroad
Survey in Alaska
' Tag Jnamaralfejiii
You can help your Stomach
on, I
back to a normal condition
induce liver activity and bowel
regularity by careful diet and
proper exercise, to which you
should add the toning and
strengthening qualities to be
found in a fair trial of
f fes
It 4tm - - . . v , , l-viStr ( 'AWS fi
Rebuilt Federal Trucks
A Bat Uied Truck to Buy.
value for the money as a new truck. By
rebuilt we meun that the truck Is entirely
taken apart, each part examined gnd If
necessary replaced by a new part made
at the Federal factory, the entire truck
repainted and reflniahed, and everything
neceasary done to make the truck practi
cally as food as new In every detail.
When you buy a rebuilt Federal you
are protected by the same policy and In
terest that we five to all Federal owners.
We operate a repair department, In which
the workmen are specialists on Federals,
our supply of Federal parts Is complete,
and the stork room oreunization hlffh
class, which Insures the prompt filling of
all parts orders. We also operate a serv
ice department, which Is open day and
night, "always at your call." The Federal
being; a rood truck In the first place and
protected by a company which Is equip
ped and has the disposition to rive you
service is conspquemiy
If you are In the market for a truck
fpnm tinnn tn suoi). we nree vou to com
pare used Federals with new trucks at
similar prices. We think we can convince
you of their superior value.
Cor. E. Third and Oregon SU., over Steel Bridie.
A SEASON S experiences wlta
a locating crew on the first
government railroad In tbe In
terior of Alaska would fill a
dook. riuw wo rau uuwu
monster black bear In mid-stream with
a river steamer; tbe everyday trials
in our work; tbe wading and actual
swimming of swamps, and tbe con
stant attendance of tbe "little singer,"
the Alaska mosquito; methods of bath
ing; floods on the Tanana river these
are only a few of the occurrences tbat
befell one of eleven engineering par
ties on this herculean government pro
ject, writes George Mayo, assistant
United States engineer.
Tbe first 400 miles of railroad, the
part only of the great system that
now Is to be a reality, has Its initial
point at Seward, a thriving town on
the southern coast of Kenal peninsula;
follows the now Inoperative Alaska
Northern railroad around Turnigan
and Knik arms, and then follows the
Susltna and Chultina rivers to Broad
pass, from where the projected rail
road runs down the Nenana river to
its Junction with the Tanana, and up
thU river to Fairbanks.
In order to reach the Fairbanks end
the line, where our work lay, we
took a coast steamer from Seattle to
Skagway on June 3; over the White
If you are thinking of buying a Plane, do
not fail to write us for CATALOGUES AND
PRICES. We sell on Easy Terms.
My Maryland!
One reader claims that Maryland is
the state above all others for richness
of comestibles and genius in their elu
cidation. Chesapeake, home of the
Boft-shelled crab and of his hard
shelled brother! Diamond-back, com
posed as only Philadelphia cooks, or
he of Baltimore, can blend thee!
Maryland Fried Chicken! What an
Elysium to spend one's days fishing
on the western shore and one's nights
feasting at the Baltimore Club! That,
that were quite enough to Induce
hlooaprl fnreet fulness of BWOrdfish and
halibut to the north, of tarpon to the
south, of tunny ana saimon to me
west. "Is it any wonder," demands
the Baltimore "American," "that Mary
land girls are fair?" No, no a thou
sand npcative noes and here we are.
rnnrtfimned to slave in a desert of
table d'hotes in that city of strangers
alien Manhattan! Collier's.
Economic Determinism.
An Atlanta man tells of this conver
sation between two darky bucks of
hat town:
"Bill, I heahs dat yo' was courtin
dat Botts Eal down my way."
"Sho' I was. An' I was in love with
dat gal, too; only I heahs dat she ain't
got a cent. So I says to myself: 'Bill,
be a man.' An' I was a man, Henry;
an' now I passes her by with silent
Verv Grewiome.
Col. K. M, House, discussing his
peace mission In Europe, said:
"Th FVonch anldlers. bv the way
are called poilus whiskers, as we
micht say. In tbe trenches, you see
tvio cv French soldiers all grow
.beards. To see a slender lad of 23 or
ii with cnnrmmm black beard cover
ing his chest well, It's like the story:
wniifi.' said an etvmoloKY teach
er, 'give me a sentence with the word
"grewsome" in it.
"'The soldier Willie answered,
'stopped shaving and grew some whis
kers." rhiladelpnia Bulletin.
Dalles-Columbia Line
State of Washington, for The Dalles dally ex.
Sunday 1 1 p. m. Leave Dalles daily ex. Monday
12 M Steamers J. N. Teal. Inland Empire and
Twin Cities fur Upper Columbia and Snake river
points, iaylur SI. use. mmia gia.
Willamelleuil Colsmbii River Ttwiai Cs., Pertliei.
We have the best facilities in the
Northwest for doing your Repair
work. Why throw your old tires
away? Send them to us and let
us repair them. We guarantee
every repair we make. Our prices
are reasonable. A Western repair
is a permanent- repair. Let us
convince you.
Tube punctures repaired, 25c
Portland! Best Business Trmininff School
Bookkeeping. Shorthand. Typewriting and
Penmanship taught by eipert teacher.
Fid Tern epens Wednesday, Sept. 1, 1915
Many ttodenta have already enrolled. Ask
for Catalog. Enroll early.
A. T. LINK, General Manager.
Phone MAIN 503
through White pass, Bennett, Caribou,
down Into White Horse in the ghost
ly midnight of an Arctic day.
Down the Yukon.
It was 4 a. m. when we tumbled Into
our bunks aboard the river steamer
Yukon, and we were well across Lake
La Barge before I awoke, several
little incidents occurred to break the
tedium. We beard one morning an out
cry on the forward deck. Leaving
our bridge game, we rushed out to dis
cover a huge black bear swimming not
far ahead. With the helm. shifted a
little the steamer bore down directly
upon the swimmer and In a moment
had passed over It. Running aft, we
saw the bear bob up unharmed, and,
after shaking himself like a dog, swim
serenely on his way.
We arrived at Fairbanks on the af
ternoon of June 16. Fairbanks, a thriv
ing town, Is the market place and dis
tributing point for a placer dlstrt t
that turns out from 13,000,000 to 14,
000,000 annually. Then, too, it Is the
agricultural center of the Tanana val
ley region, where, despite the general
Idea to the contrary, large crops are
grown of potatoes and other root prod
ucts, besides a great deal of barley
and oats.
The country along the Tanana river
has a weird sort of monotony. On the
Look at the cars, consider the values, and when your astonishment has somewhat abated, ask for a
copy of the "advance catalog," and read the story or how these prices for these quality cars were made
possible. 1 . '
For without that explanation you could not understand, could not accept these values as genuine.
It's an interesting story, too-absorbingly interesting and of vital import to you if you contemplate the
purchase of a car this year.
It explains why, when it was impossible for the maker to materially reduce the prices of Reos without
reducing the quality, Reo dealers found the solution, and by dividing their profit with the buyer, placed
these remarkable values within your reach. ' j u
It gives you a glimpse into the inner workings of Reo when you've read it you'll understand and the
better appreciate the policy that has made the Reo success the most substantial and in many ways the
greatest success in this industry. . j ,
As you read you'll feel as if you were talking with the Reo Folk and when you've finished you 11
feel as if you knew them personally. '
And, finally, when you learn the facts that, Reo Dealers having learned, made it possible for them to
co-operate with the factory to make Reo values the greatest values, you'll conclude that a Reo is the car
for you "Reo the Fifth," the "Incomparable Four" at $875; or the new Sheer-line Reo Six at $1250
your purse and your preference must decide which. -
REO MOTOR CAR COMPANY, Lansing, Mich., U. S. A.
PHONES: Broadway 887; A 4959. ,r
DISTRIBUTORS FOR OREGON, WASHINGTON AND IDAHO. A limited amount of territory open to agents. Write us quickly.
pass and Yukon rauroaa 10 wnue
Horse, and from there by river Bteam
er down the Yukon river and up the
Tanana river to Fairbanks.
As the days went by the more won
derful grew the scenery. At times we
would pass through a channel so nar
row that It seemed as If we were trav
ersing a great deep and green river,
and the echoes from the screw were
thrown back from both shores. The
shores were precipitous walls, spruce
clad and tilting down from snow-capped
summits. .Little waterfalls trickled
down every slope.
We touched at Ketchikan and
Wrangel, and at Juneau spent a part
of a very pleasant afternoon. Skag
way, the breaUlng place for many 97
and '98 pioneers who crossed the Chll-
coot and White passes, and which lies
at the extreme end of Lynn canal, a
narrow channel with many small
glaciers on its Bhores, Is almost deserted.
Leaving Skagway on the world-fa
mous White Pass and Yukon railroad,
the train started the heavy climb al
most immediately. There were places
on the climb, where looking down an
enormous depth, we could see the tum
bling Skagway river, like an uneasy
streak of molten silver, and then, look
ing up, met only the overhang of a
granite cliff, with the glare of snow.
covered peaks across the canyon. We
shortly tipped the summit and rushed
south' side the country is one vast flat,
mostly tundra, swamp. In this lati
tude the ground seldom thaws beyond
a tew feet In depth; consequently
there Is little or no subdralnage. This
Is the swamp country through which
our portion of the preliminary line
A great deal has been written of the
Alaska mosquito, but nowhere have I
seen acoounts of the little Insects ex
aggerated. During the period from
May to August It was necessary that
one wear constantly a head net that
drooped from a stiff-brimmed hat to
a bottom taken in and securely tied
around the chest. To protect one's
hand '. one had to wear heavy canvas
gauntlets, which wen tied tightly
about the wrists. The little pests
would sting right through an ordinary
cotton shirt, so I found it necessary
to wear an additional flannel shirt, At
lunch "on line" we would build
smudge, and, somewhat relieved at
least from the attack of the "bugs,
would eat our sandwiches In a bath
of smoke.
The matter of baths was difficult
Often tn the evening we would pad
dle out to a bar In the middle of the
stream, build a smudge of drift, and
take a hurried plunge In the Icy Ta
nana waters. We would be nearly eat
en alive by the persistent little "bugs'
before we could get back Into our
clothes and to camp.
Hia Unsteady Night
A woman of East One Hundred and
Eleventh street is touting her servant
girl as a real humorist, and asks a
place for one of her jeuz d'esprlt In
this column. So here It is:
The girl had a caller the other
night a girl caller who worked for
a family further down the street And
the woman of the bouse overheard
this conversation it was about "fel
lers," as usual:
"I seen Joe out with you last night"
accused the caller.
The other girl admitted It
"He's your steady feller now, ain't
he?" pursued the first speaker.
"1 guess he Is that is, on Thursday
"Aw, I seen him with you on Satur
day nights, too."
"Yes, but he ain't never steady on
Saturday nights." Cleveland Plain
Kerosene Extinguished Fire.
Kerosene to extinguish fire was re
cently used with good effect at Callex
lco, In Imperial valley, Cat The Are
tn question somehow started In hales
of cotton. Now a cotton bale Is sub
jected to a very heavy pressure; wa
ter will penetrate It but an Inch or so,
whereas kerosene will go clear to the
center. A fire In a cotton bale does
not blaze, but simply smolders and
eats It way Into the bale. At the com
paratively low temperature at which
cotton burns, and where there fs no
flame, kerosene does not Ignite, but
smothers or extinguishes the slow,
creeping fire. After the fire Is extin
guished the bands are removed from
the bale and burned portions of the
cotton stripped off. It Is said that the
use of kerosene has practically no
detrimental effect on the cotton, and
after it has been spread out and aired
for a few days all odor of the oil dis
Rivers' Sources Differ.
The Bprlngs of tbe Missouri, which
proceed southeast to the Gulf of Mex
ico, and those of the Columbia, which
flow northwest to the Pacific ocean,
are only a mile apart while those ol
some of the tributaries of the Amazon,
flowing north, and of the La Plata,
flowing south, are closely contiguous.
the dough
You may use an old favorite recipe and the best of materials and make it
carefully, the oven may be just right, yet you will have a failure if
"The Power behind the Dough" is not the right one to leaven it properly
and make it light, digestible, wholesome.
Good baking without good baking powder is out of the question.
A t Oavnf rowrfer hu wonderful leavening powef. end the double ecnoo
la tbe bowl and in the oven makes good iciullt doubly ceil
jtAW Cl
7aA no chancmt of failunuia K C
and havm "good lack" tfry (una.
At all Grocer.
Johnny Had the Proof.
In instructing a youthful class In
mathematics the teacher turned to
John Jones.
Johnny." she remarked, "can you
tell me what an average Is?"
"Yes, ma'am," was the prompt re
sponse of Johnny. An average is
what a hen lays eggs on."
What?" exclaimed the amazed
teacher. "What on earth are you
talking about?"
That's right, Miss Mary," was tne
rejoinder of Johnny. "Most every les
son in our 'rlthmetlo starts off 'If a
hen lays three eggs a week on an
average.' "
Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets resru
late and invigorate stomach, liver and
bowels. Sugar-coated, tiny granules,
easy to take. Do not gripe.
Eloquent Omission.
"That second speaker was quite ex
traordinary." "I thought his speech was about the
dullest I ever heard."
"His speech didn't amount to any
thing, but he failed, when he got up,
to say that the toastmaster's Introduc
tory remarks reminded him of a
story." New York Sun.
He Found Out
"And what has become of Jennie
Smith, the village belle?" asked the
man who was visiting hia old home
"Oh, I married her," replied the resi
"Then I suppose she is still the vil
lage belle," gallantly remarked the
"I reckon she Is, agreed the resi
dent "She Is ding-donging from morn
ing till night and I can t shut her up."
No Doubt That Resinol
Doe Heal Sick Skin
When you know physicians have
prescribed Resinol for 20 years in the
treatment of eczema and other Itch
ing, burning, unsightly skin eruptions,
and have written thousands of reports
saying: "It Is my regular prescription
for Itching," "Resinol has produced
brilliant results," "The result It gave
was marvelous In one of the worst
cases of eczema," etc., etc., doesn't it
make you feel that "this is the treat
ment I can rely on for MY skin-trouble?"
The moment Resinol Ointment
touches itching skins, the itching
stops and healing begins. With the
aid of Resinol Soap, it almost always
clears away every trace of eczema,
ringworm, pimples, or other distress
ing eruption quickly, leaving the skin
clear and healthy. Sold by all druggists.
Smokeless Powder Shells
The Patent Corrugated Head on Win
chester "Leader" and "Repeater" sheila
absorbs the shock of the powder explos
ion instead of localizing it, as the old
English wayofmetalliningdoes.That's
why Winchester shells, with their
modern patented construction, are so
superior to ones made according to
the English method of times long past
If you want the best shooting sheila
He Knew Right Enough.
The famous botanist was pacing
slowly along the country road, his
eyes, as usual, roaming from side to
side for new plants to study.
Suddenly an eager look swept across
his features, and he leaned over the
low fence enclosing a cottage garden.
He had found a plant he did not know.
What could it be? If only he had a
specimen of It to study!
At that moment a shock-headed lad
strolled along the road and Btopped
to gaze open-mouthed at him.
"I say." called the botanist urgent
ly. "See that plant there that pale
pink one in the corner? Do you know
"Uhuh!" said the country boy brief
ly. "What's its name? Do you know
what family It belongs to?"
The lad jerked a grubby thumb over
his shoulder toward the little cottage,
as he spoke more briefly still:
At of Old.
Fond Mother Bobble, come here. I
have something awfully nice to tell
Bobble (age 6) Aw, I don't care. I
know what It ia. Big brother's home
from college.
Fond Mother Why, Bobbie, how
could you guess.
Bobble My bank don't rattle any
more. University of Nebraska Aw-gwan.
HOWARD K BtTRTOM - Aiwer "nemlrt,
Leadville, Colorado. Bpwiimen prlosei Gold,
Silver, Lead II
or Uopper. II,
Gold, torn
Hulling envelope! eld loll prloeliil
lent on ajiplltlon. Control end umpl
bolted, llelannoei Oarboiute Nation!
Silver, Ibu;
trol and Umpire work eft
mXLi Just a Word WithYou!
Daughters !) .
A woman's organism Is a very delicate thing it very easily
gets out of order just like a delicate piece of machinery, it
requires more than ordinary care and attention.
There are many i(fn which pointtodiaorder.euchan headaches, nnacconnt
ahle paina in varioue parte of the body, listlessneae, ncnrounea, irritableneu,
diziineaa, faiotnena, backache. Ions of appetite, depression, and many o there.
Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription
baa been the meana of restoring thouaands of suffering women to natural health
andatrength. For more than forty ycara it has been eocceenfully carrying tn
this great work. Today it ia known throughout the length and breadth of erery
land. Women everywhere look upon it as a helpful friend. Let it aid you.
Sot J In liauij or tabttt form by draggiitt, or trial box mailed
yom tor SO cent from Dr. Piorct't Uitptntaty, Buffalo, N. Y.
Dr. PUrco'a Pleasant Pellets refulate Stomach, Liver and Bowels
Mean Brutel
"A woman has to give up a great
deal after she gets married," sighed
Mrs. Gabb.
"'And a man does nothing but give
up after he gets married," growled Mr.
No Need to Write.
All was confusion and bustle. Wlfey
was preparing to take a longlsh holi
day. As hubby was bidding her an af
fectionate farewell, she said:
"You can expect a little letter from
me during my absence."
How hubby's expression of face,
which had hitherto been one of ex
treme gladness, doubtless at the pros
pect of being left alone for such a
long period, took a decided change.
"But, my dear," he remonstrated;
"surely I have given you enough
money to see you through until you
come back."
If you are goins to cut cordwood, clear land or uw up losa for any purpose,
write for Bulletin and Prices.
Light f Jk
Weight including 6-foot Sew, 265 lbe. Gasoline Engine 3Mi Horsepower.
Six-foot logs can be sawed as easy as two-loot.
Little Fred I'm awfully hungry. I
didn't get half enough dinner.
Little Susie What did you have for
Little Fred Why, we had company 1
P. N. U.
No. 38. 1911
WHEN writing to advertisers, plesse bmb
" Hon this paper. I