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About The Maupin times. (Maupin, Or.) 1914-1930 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 24, 1915)
s THE ft M mm h e& TT I Devoted to the Interests of Southern Wasco County VOL, I, NO. 50 MAUPIN, SOUTHERN WASCO COUNTY, OREGON. FRIDAY. SEPTEMBER 24, 1915 THE YEAR $1.50 MA --' ii 11 i x w m mm 1 SENT IN BY OUR Criterion Chronicles Mr. and Mrs. D. L. Rutherford are the proud parents of a sou who arrived a few days agp. Dale Botiuey has been helping fill the big; silos on his father's Tygh Valley dairy ranch, Mrs Young, Jr. , has been visit ing for several days with her sister in.lawt Mr a. Dale Bouncy . Miss Bertha Herrling is having lumber hauled for Inside finish on her bungalow. Peter Kirsch has gone to the Willamette Valley to stay for a few weeks with borne folks; Bates Shattuck tame with two experts Friday last to adjust the hew threshing rig brought oltt by Wilson Bros, to Ridgewayi Ed Herrling recently purchased FISCHER'S Auto Passenger Service Auto Delivery Truck Prepared for Ltirig Trips or Outing Parties A Complete Line of Automobile Accessories MAUPIN. in ' WASCO GODNTY FAIR The Dalles, Oreg'on Sept. 28, 29, 30, and Oct. 1; Free Street Exhibitions Daily Stock-Poultry-Farm and Garden Products, Art and Fancy Work, School Industrial, Triple Parachute Drop, Street Skating Contest, Stock Parade1 Stre'ei Dance, Vaudeville, Band Concerts Aeroplane a'ud Amusements at Fairground Champion Aviator of Northwest. Motor Cycle Races $75.00 Daily .Purse, Thrilling Exhibitions 6f Bugalo . Vernon, of World's Fame, Kelatf Races, Running Races, Farmers' Saddle . Race, Scjuaw Races, Bulldogging, Trick 'and Fancy Roping. War Dance. U. S. Rice, President LUMBER meht and Lime All Kinds of Build ing MbteHals. Coal. Why is it that some men will hustle to get their crops uijder cpver and never give a thought to the machinery that dnables them to harvest those crops? , .Wear with care is easier on machinery than rust and asglect. Jup.t to satisfy yourself, give In a fist "of macTiihsry yqu $ave, and let us suggest a plan for a shed which will protect that machinery for you this winter. TUM-A-LUMBER a fine young mare from Mr. Blake ney of Bakeoven. Some of the present activities around Criterion are wheat haul ing, seeding, potato digging, fruit canning, corn harvesting, etc. Mr. and Mis. Bert Knight re turned from Kingsley a few days ago to remain on the homestead. John Whitten and father were here recently from Kingsley. Chas. Skogsberg is nursing a badly crushed foot caused by a wagon loaded with wheat stopping upon that member. Vera Canfield is making satis, factory progress in convalescing. Wapinitia Items Revs. ' Stains and Wood have completed the moving of the seats and pulpit from the Dufur church to the church here and ' the Work of putting them 'in has. been com pleted. ' Everybody is cordially in vited to attend the meetings and may come with the assurance of GARAGE OREGON T; B. Philips, Secretary and treasurer. To Local Warehouse Wheat is still arriving at the warehouse iit large quantities, Wednesday's total being 1241 sacks. About ten or eleven thousand sack are expected yet to arrive. Up to date twelve carloads of grain have been ship ped to outside points. In an examination of the chart in the warehouse office we note that the first day's receipts showed 18G sacks; the' least amount brought in any one day was 37 sacks, the 28th of July; from which figure the scale var ies up arid down until the high est mark was reached August 27 when 20G0 sacks were placed in storage, although on the previous day only 1149 sacks arrived. The last three weeks .shows a somewhat varying scale averag ing about 1300 sacks a day. The present total is 58,002 sacks. The following names have been added to the books since the first of the month: L. C. Henneghan, M. S- Miller, A. W. Fargher, Edwin Mays; Frank Dick, Lewie Leweei P, J. Kirsch, eo. Thompson, Ida McCoy, Thomas Flanagan, D: L. Rutherford", : C. A. Duns, Otto Herrling, J. B. Kidder, R. W. McCorkle, W. N, Snelson, W. W. Weber, F. S. Fleming, Roy Castor, D. P. Crabtree, C- E. Tunison, Mrs. S- A. Camber, G. R. Crofoot, Marion Huston, W. A. Davis, F. M. Church, Jerome Buzan, John D. Powyowit, J. M. Powell, 0 D, Bethwell, D- D. Wi'iaoti, Ed Hinton. J. E. Davis, C. J. McCorkle, Ewen McLennon, Bert E. Davis, E. k Fine. resting comfortably during their time there. Jackson Rice and son Arthur went to .The Dalles for a load of fruit last Monday, returning Thurs day. Sam Brown and wife were trans acting business and visiting in The Dalles the first part of the Week. J. P. Abbott made a trip to The Dalles Monday. Clyde, Bennie, Celia and Ivy Flinii and David Sharpe left here last Wednesday for n trip to The Dalles for a visit wi'h Mr. and Mrs. N. vV. Flinn. They expect to be gone about a week. Mrs. Austin Dei thick w as taken to The Dalles Hospital Monday to be operated Upon for appendicitis. She tindeiwent the operation suc cessfully and is getting along nice- N. W. Flinn of this place, who who bas been in the honpital for the last two and one-half months, is'gettfng along nicsly ar.d expects to be able to leave The Dalies soor. Miss Irene Doyle left here a few- days ago for The Dalles Hospital, where she will enter trainirg for a nurse. A Tiffany wedctinp ring can be bought of Tmnions the Tewe'er, Maupin. School Notes Hi-cause at' tin.- icaclicr's ii"-liiiiu ut The I tulles, thtie will In- mi school here next week. Kail Smith i-nUiul here in the third uraile Monday. A basket of beautiful and deli cious Bartlvt pears and Concord and Sweetwater grupes was brought to the teachers Monday by young Raymond Yaiulcrpool, These fruits and the .strawberries and tomatoes are making the Yaiutrrpocl place famous. Lda Chastain comes five miles to school, Lewis Derthick four, Charley Martin six and Guy Fry man eight. All come on horse back. Thirty-seven out of the 41 pu. pils in the school have voluntarily and eagerly adopted the system of of 1906-7, while making our school credit for home work. The home with Mr.- and Mrs. Shep plan seems a success and benefit herd in Tygh Valley that the right from the start. ! present Times management ac Church Notice, Services as follows; Quarterly meeting. W. N. Coffee, elder in charge. Preaching- Friday and Saturday evenings at 7:30, Sunday school, September 26, 10 a. m,, preaching 12 a. nn, 2 p. m. and 7:30 p. m., song set vice begin ning half hour before each evening service. Come to the morning scrvict Sunday, bring your lunch and sta all day. Prayer meeting every iTliussday evening 7:00. livery jone welcome. 1 ' " G, K. ELLiS, 4'astor. ' I 1 I Mrs. C. H. Ciofoot and Velma left Wednesday for Pendleton, where they will visit Mrs. Cro foot's niece, Mrs. Jake Marine, and will also see the sports of the season. Geo. Cunningham came home from. Sherman county Monday for a few days' vacation. A. L. Barnes, who was proprie tor of the Ma'up in .Times piinliug plant for about thiee months last Spring, came in from the moun tains Monday evening, ret inning Tuesday afternoon to his mines. Mr, and Mrs. G. L. Harphan returned Sunday evening from Portland, where they received little .encouragement regarding Mrs Harphan's eye Avliith has -been so enflamid. . - II a 11 it- S. Rice and Frank II. Watts of '1 he Dalles were calleis in Maupin Wednesday in the in terestbf the Wasco Countv Fair to be held in The Dalles next week Ed. Roberts and Dr. To ld m d wives, friends of Shattuck Bros, from Welches Camp, are spending the week 'camped at the mouth of Bakeoven canyon and fishing in the Deschutes. Tad Haston motored over from Dufur Friday evening, returning Sunday with his father and sistet who had been visiting relatives here for a week. Friday, Saturday, and a few days the first of the week were busy scenes on the streets of Maupin, many people from the surrounding vicinity coming to trade with local merchant.'-. Mr. I '.gHii wa.i in Maupin ester day in the intetest- of the O. W. R. & N, Co. and is optomistic ov er the improvement in conditions, and Central 'Oregon especially. He informed the press of the .ship ment ot is carloads or iambs nuni- berin 4,ioo.-by Ivwen McCU-llan to Faezno, California, having passed through here Wednesday. Mr. Egaii also stated that neither of the railway companies are giving prizes at the Southern Wasco Co. fair this 'year. The Isis Stock Co. litre tonight and tomorrow night. M.'s, Thos. Flannagan and s,: ii lame: were business 'visitors hi town Tuesday. E. 0. At Hazel Green The Sherwood News-Sheet was last week taken chartre of bv! Roy S. Bloilgett, several years ajro a graduate of The Dalles high school. A reception was tendered. Mr. and Mrs. Shepherd by about fifty of their friends, when they were each presented with a rocking chair. They have been assigned a pastorate at Hazel Green, near Chemawa, Oregon, where they will be lo cated within a few days- It was during the school year quired our ardent desire to be a printer,' which we have never regretted. We extend our hearty congrat ulations and best wishes to Mr. and Mrs. Shepherd in their new, work, not without regreting their loss from the field of Jour nalism. News Sheet: With this issue of the News-Sheet the under signed severs his connection with the business activity in the town of Sherwood. It has been 1 early four yeirs since this paper was launched on the journalistic sea, and the voyage at Times has been a rough one; many a storm has been encountered. As pilot I have stood by the wheel through calm and through storm. I have neither side-tracked nor back fit -pped, but have steered straight ahead. What has been accomplised through my efforts remain to tell the story. I have at all times aimed to be fair, end still believing I was right in the things I stood for I have no re grets or apologies to makev I have been a friend to everybody and tried to command their fi-ieniLdiip in return. In some instances I Jailed; very naturally so, and (bono whom 1 befriended most are my rsatest enemies, as is ho often the case. It is gratify ing, however, to know that my friends far out number my enemies, which is further proof; that the principles I stood for, were sound.. Because of these friends Sherwood will always 1 e a dear- spot to me and my family. ' We h; ve become to love the peo ple and w ill always feel a deep interes t in them. So it is with regret that we are 'compelled to lasve Sherwood by having accept ei a c, II to a higher vocation in life, that, of the ministry. In these few parting vttirds I wish to thauk the friends of the News-Sheet foV their generous support and their comforting words in times of dispair. Dur ing my career with the News Sheet it has, I believe, moulded sentiment in Sherwood that will go down in the town's history and tend to 'cause recollections of its strenuous career for perhaps a century to come- So in sever ing my connection with the busi ness activities of the town of Sher ' od -the place 1 'have learned to love because of its excellent people 1 feel tike say ing with the Apostle Panl, "I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the fpith " . Good-bve. E. O- SHEPHERD Mrs. Lillian M. Downing of pdrpaiid gave an entertainment Tuesday eveninc consistinc of drifmatic readings aiid pantotnines, at lie Maupin cihiirch 'under the auspices tA the local Yomig Peo pte's Branch of the Hv, C. T. , vych was thorougllly appreciated and given hearty applause. Tht T'-v.-s, it.Y' n venr. A fin- in the Masonic building in 1 tie Dalles Wednesday morning resulted in almost total destruction of everything on the lower floors and much damage to other parts of the building. T. W. Wilson, jan itor of the, building, , died that ev ening from injuries received, Miss. Lillian Kessinger arrived on Tuesday's afternoon train for a visit with llpr mint and imr1 Mine L., and A. A. Britton. A good run of repair work from outside has been keeping the me chanics at Fischer's garage very busv. Mr. and Mrs. O. C. Slusher are in Maupin this week. Grover is busy auditing the books of the Staats Mercantile 0. . Lu and Tom , Hennghan, Fen Hatty and Bud Smith ' were up the, river fishing Wednesday evening mid made a fair catch. A son arrived at the. home of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Fraley of Wnmic Wednesday morning. F.M.. Confer was a business caller in Maupin yesterday. Vv. O. Wilson and "family were Maupin visitors Friday. MONEY ADVANCED ON M M WHEAT SELL When You Please if your crop is not . ' INSURED LET US PLACE PROTECTION ON IT FOR YOU. WE HAVE THE MAUPIN AGENCY FOR ONE OF THE OLDEST AND MOST RELIABLE OF INSUR ANCE COMPANIES. HUNTS FERRY WHSL CO. If A B - S - O - I - U - T - E-L -X The HIGHEST PRICE WHEAT M. MAUPIN STAE BANK PAY YOUR .TAXES AT MAUPIN STATE BANK AND, SAVE ALL &&PENSE, EVEN POSTAGE. WE ARE A COUNTY DEPOSITORY AUTHORIZ ED TO COLLECT TAXES fM 9 5 ii I amid:, W mm s mm w Just In SHATTUCK BROS. L0CALCIT1ZENS The Past Few Days Last Friday the Staats Mercan tile Co. received a coiiHigiiment of . frtsli frtiit and vegetables which , were quickly disposed of. Look for more today and tomorrow. R. JcJtnson disposed of a loa of peaches on the k Flat Tuesday iinrt : says he , (Jidn't have enough, mul they wre all gone before reaching Wapinitia. G. W. Kennedy, an Oregon j1 oneerof 6i years ago, and 40 yeans a Methodist minister, having In charge of a church at Dufur soi years, jigo, but now making bin home at Hood River, was in, Maupin tjs week selling a boiilt on early Oregon life, entitled "Tht, Pioneer Campfire, '' of which lie is the author, ' ' Ray Smith, returned from PrineM ville Tuesday enening and v. Hi leave soon for Hepner. inn rr V o 1 i ml ft--. i-K : 0 - n a a n n a if .