The Maupin Times Published Every Friday at Maupin, Oregon, J. 15, Disdrow, Publisher Subscription: One Year, $1.50, Six Months 75cts, Three Months 50 Entered in the post office at Maupin, Oregon, as second class man matter. A little book entitled the World's Crisis, which came to ur desk a short time ago, con tains a couple well condensed paragraphs on the cause of the present European war, which is worth of note, and we quote as follows: For the more immediate cause of the conflict we have only to go back a period of six years. The fatal fire was lit, Bays Leon Dominian, in the New York Evening Post, 'in 1908 in the heart of the mountains of Macedonia, when a Turkish of ficer sent tt telegram to Sultan Abdul Hamirj. demanding the reestablishment of the form of constitutional government in turkey.' Dllt of that event came Ttirhish parliament. To that barliment Bosnia and Herzegb Vina claimed the right to send delegates, for by the treaty bf Berlin they were left suzerain to Turkey although turned over to Austria-Hungary for administra tion. This claim caused ah em barrasmeht in Vienna that was ended by the high-handed annex ation of Bosnia and Heriegbvina The Serbsj Who constitute the main part of theBe two provinces, were enflamed to the p'oiut of war then, but Russia restrained then)! Her resp'once to the move on the chessboard, came later in the shape of the Balkan Alliance, which excelled the Turks and Ithen went to pieces in trying to 'divide the spoils. The Serbs, who have their Own dreams of national grandeur, felt cheated Wee more by Auatriai and out of Irace hatred that has smouldered and flamed for centuries came the assiriatn 'of the Austrian archduke, on the 26th of last 'June, by a Serb lad of nineteen resident in Herzegovina. On July 21 Austria-Hungary sent her premptory note to Servia de manding that she crush out the agitation against Austria and punish those accused of complic ity in the murder of the arch duke. Servia's reply was not considered satisfactory, and on July 28 war was declared upon her. Austria says she could not wait longer because Servia was already mobilizing, Russia says that she had to begin mobilizing at once because Austria was mo bilizing. Germany declared war because she found Russia mobil izing and did not dare to wait for Russia to strike first. France began mobilising1 because Ger many had begun. Belgium was forced into war to resist the in vasion of German troops, and Great Britain went to war be- cause she had guaranteed the neutrality bf Belgium and Ger- rhany refused to respect it. Tygh Valley Itetas Mrs. Jimiule johnson is on the sick list this weekv Tile ladies of Tygh met with Miss McKay Wednesddy afternoon and Organized a Ladies Aid. Thei-e is t'6 he a lair in tygh Valley the 13th, ith and ljth of October. Miss Weber Is visiting With Mrs. Burtner this Week. Dr. Shannon is a very busy Wan these days. Arthur and John Morris are hauling wood for Grandma and Mrs. Glen Morris and her parents, Mr. and Mrs, Win. fieckwitli. Dr. Short has beeil in Tygh Val ley 'tne past few days. Mr. and Krs. fe'rne'r.t tTartmato and 'daughter Crystal passed through Tygh Wednesday on their vay to Portland. Local Happenings Hud Smith came home Monduy, See Fraley and Vanderpool for auto accessories. F. U. Stunrt went up to,,Wudrn Wednesday. Horseshoes 75 cents per set nt A, F. Martin's. C. II. Yockey was over from Smock Monday, Notarial work at the Maupin State bank.'; Mrs. Job Crabtrce is visiting on the Flat this week, Make final proof before Com missioner Stuart. Mr. Klla and Mrs. J, 0. Chas- tain wore in town Monday. Tire settings, 75 cents per tire at A. F, Martin's. Mr. and Mrs, Bates Shattuck made a trip to Duftir Sunday. Art Fargher visited in Maupiu a few daes the first of the week. Mr. Goetjen's mother arrived from Grass Valley Wednesday for a visit. A Tiffany wedding ring can be bought of Kminons the Jeweler, Maupin. The DeMoss family will be in Wapinitia tonight on their 4iid annual tour. 0. VV'i and W. C. Vanderpool went to Prineville Wednesday to be absent a few days; Mrs. W. B. A. Temple accom panied the Messers Vanderpool to Dnfur Friday and Mrs. W. C Vanderpool came home with them Sunday. Remember Tuesday evening Miss Dowuing will be in Maupin, The harvest is almost through. Bring your watch to Emmons the : Jeweler, Maupin. " Editor Hopkins tit the Chront-' cle Hlul Miss Anita V. Bennett, daughter of Judge A. S. Bennett were united in marriage Sunday morning, D. A. Mdad made a found trip to The Dalles Wednesday faking John Muir, Stanley Morris, Art Fargher and E. J. Stye'r, the lat-j te'r two gentlemeni returning with j hint Jim Eastoi) an'd 'daughter, Agnes accompanied them here on the return. tVip iOr a few days' Vis it. OREGON TRUNK RY. Central Oregon line California Tours Expositions Now At Their Host $36.25 Round Trip From Maupin Oregon Trunk Ry The North Bank Road and the Palatial 0 Deck Steamships, "North ern Pacific" and "Great Northern" between Port land anil San Francisco evory Tuesday, Thurs day and Saturday. Fares include meals and berth on ships. Rail rates same without meals and berth. Church Notice. Sept, 1 ), ijh, Sunday school ro a. 111., iircaehing 11 a, in. No services in the evening. Everyone prepare to come Sun day September j6 to an all day meeting. W. N. Coffee, District Eliler, will preach three limes, Come and bring your lunch. Prayer meeting every Thursday evening 7:30. All welcome to any or all of the services. G. U. EI.US, Pastor. Come Tuesday evening 7:30 p. in. to 1 lie chiirifli at Maupin, and In-iir Hiss Lillian Downing give her interesting temperance program. No admission charged but a free will of., ring taken. The '! hues, $t,,so a year, The Times would like to have a correspondent in every community of Southern Wasco county. It your local'ty is not represented send us a sample letter, with yum name and address. We will sen 1 you stationery. Round Trip Rates East Direct or Circuit 'Routes to Any point in United States or Canada Daily Until September SO-Return Limit October 3lst. ' Chica go, direct, 572.50, Minneapolis, t. Paul. Duluth or Winnioeir. $00. St. Louis, $71.20. New York' $110.70. Go one-way via California at slightly higher rates. Stopovers on through one-way or round trip tickets to see the Expositions. SALEM Sept. 27 STATU to Oct. 2nd , FAIR Plan Now to Go Daily Round Trip Fares From Central Oregon Points via Oregon Trunk Rv-, in Ef fect Sept. 23 to Oct. 2. A. LOCKE, Agent, Maupin, Oregon, GO to Fischer's Garage for all your atttomohile accessories, gaso line and storage of machine. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION ('UIH.IS1IEK) Department of the Interior, United States Land Office at The uaues, Oregon, heptemher 1 1, 1915. NOTICE, is hereby given that Ralph T. Ilu.ati of Criterion, Ore gon, who, on October 2Hth, 1910, made Homestead Entry, No, 07620, and on July 2nd, 1914, made additional Homestead Entry, No. 013565, fr NEi-4, Ni-2 SIC 1-4, Sec-9. VV1-1NW1-4, Section lo, Township 6-south, gane 15-East, Willamette Meridian, has filed notice of intention to make Final three year Proof, to establish claim to the land above described, before F. D. Stunrt, United States Com missioner, a' Maupin, Oiegcn, on the 19th day of October, 1915. Claimant names as witnesses: II. M. Gn-en. (!. A. Duns, C. G. Skogsburg, K. II. DeCaiup, ail of Criterion, Oregon, II. FRANK WOODCOCK, Register, UL2 man J DENTIST N H. V. HATFIELD, D. M. D., j WILL LEAVE MAUPIN SEPT. 20, FOR SHANIKO H Watch this soace for return date Hrsumns CHAS.H, FRANCIS. M.D.:C.M MAUPIN, OREGON Machinery - to Sell Mow Ml furrows. All M Rinds aw of Farm Implements ing "which We wish to close out TH 1 FALL, will be . fcut down to Gall on m lor frices before -you Purchase Elsewhere Mem. Coll, Phys. & 8urg-. Ontario Licentiate Minnesota and Oregon Pr6mpt Service on Either Day 0 Night Calls Eye tented, Glasses Fitted Can You Do It? Test type Itain lint tli'ir Htfcti mil Ik talk tl fitttn Iiicbct (1-111 ihi -m II II la-i uot fki 10 buy ttifi" pnUt ilrj. Tim l-tinl tlwulil I rej .-inly If. Tlirv il'finutc i Dr. 'C. H. Francis, Optician That wonderful chink, TMIcott's nectai. Will Cook came over from Mosler Saturday for a visit with h'is moth er and sister, Mrs. R. Johnson. D'onH Udme your dock It needs cleaning., Emmonn will do it for pou and guarantee 'it. A Snap An'invi'tment tliovouglilv worth while is oifered for sale for a short time at $22.50 an acre., "affci of 200 acres on part terms o'AvresI in cultiva'iion and 75 tnore can be cultivated and the balance 'is' good pastue iiud woods laud. Oood buildings and fences amFriglit'to plenty of 'irrigation "water. .Ml kinds of i'mit. On niml mail vouie and telephone line and n-asoiinhly close to school and church. 'Call at the Times office. IZ . Make land filings and final proof before Vn'f.ted States Cbintm'sfhoiier Stuart. NO riCF, FOR PUBLICATION (huhIjshkr) Department of the Interior, United Slates Land Office at The Dalles, Oregon, Septemh r 3rd.. 9 ' 5- NOTICK is hereby given; that Sanford M 'Black, of Shaniko, Or egon, who, on June 131I1, igu, made Homestead Kntiy. No. out 16. for NW4, Section to, Township 7 South, Range 16 Last, Willamette Meridian, lias filed notice of in lention to make Final three year Proof, to. establish claim to the land above described, before H, C. Rooper, U. S. Commission! r, at Antelope, Oregon, on the 18th day of Oclolier, 191s, Claimant names as witnesses; William V Johnson, Laurence L. Sickles. U illiaiU H. Wornstaff, Arch L Hunna, all of Shaniko, Oregon, ' H. FRANK WOODCOCK, Register, SZs.- NOTICK FOR PUBLICATION (r'fiii.isiiKK) Depirtmeiit of the InteVior, ttrtited Stares Land Office at The Dalles, Oregon, September 3rd, 1015. NOTKU', is heieby given that Clarence W Fargher, of Maupin, Oregon, who, 011 December 20th, 1910, made Desert Land Entry, No. 07841, foi SWj- SK.j, Sec. 11 NWi Nli.h Section 14, Township "4 South, t'ange 'i 4 Ivit, Wil lamette Meiidiiin, has filed notice of intention to make Final desert Proof to establish claim to the land above described, before U. S. Land Office, at The Dalles, Oregon, on the 2 1 st day of October, 19 15. Claimant names as witnesses: Asa White, Kenneth Miller, A. W. Fargher. John Mannion, Ara. Ruzan, all of Maupiu, Oregon. , H. FRANK. 'WOODCOCK, ! Register. Explanation" Demanded, from p. 1 all times, and unctcr all circum stances." Further cbrhment upon this paragraph is useless as it speaks for itself 111 no doubtful terms. In closing this communication, we, a? residents and taxpayers of Wasco county, ask you to disavow publicly, this newspaper article from Sherman county, to repudiate the inderhauded removal of" our sign by having he same set in place agdin (we will place sign in ton for ttv.U purpose. tv route r ilhe'r than Vasco coun ty's shorti-t and. scenic Mt. Hood route to iiueiior points in Centra'", Oregon and oil to California, and lastly 'to assure (he residents and taxpayers of Wasco county that you ate lesidenls of Wasco ''County . in spirit as well as in body and that you intend t(p aahere, strictly 'o yourpYirfte'.l diih, "To develop" the natural Yesntifre's bf The'Dalles and WasiV) 6'V'ntv.1' . , , ! Gs.. V. Jdlmston.'Fli W. fi'in mati,. T. J Cafsoii, P. E. Temple, W. L. YWi'derpool, Owen Joos, T. C Fren. h, W. N. Eyans, T. C. ".Iivt-v, ) ''v'. Moore, Waldo Rrig. Ir nn. O. il N.-al.'D. W. Phillips, If. T. Fk'"H, W. H. Sloan, L AV. Mack, V..'lave. Kellogg, J. H, Fitpaietick',. K. L Hauser,''0. M. Fralev, Dr. H. F. Shannon, L. M. Smitli, B. C. Brown, J-.D. Heisler, Gregoire Triidell,. W- H. Cantrell, 1 T, C '&men,.t. II, Johnston, C. W. Heisler, W. . Short, C. C. Cooper, .1. . !''. Brooks, VV. T. Van derpool, J. p. Bolton, Otto Setarei ber, M. W. Warner, A. A. Marvel, B. F WallstOn. , T. Harper, W. VV". H. McAtee, 'm, Beckwith, H. C. 'Dodds, Nlelvin Sigmati.T. W. KuJwles, L. B. Thomas, C. H. Stoughton, I'. B. Ingles, S. W. Dunn, Henry Menefee, J..C. John stou, M. M. Olavey, D. R. Car michael, Dufnr Lhmber Co. by C. Bliem, W. C. Nanna, D. Youne, p.. P. Balch, Monroe Heisler, A. A. Bonnev, O. R. Burtner, E. C. FfUpaterick, C. W. Wing. The Chronicle, and Optomist of 't bis we-k publish ih coiinection with this letter one about the same from The Dalles Business your posse upon ret'uesO, to see that various'. V-f-.gtli interests in The Dalles, who deal. Men disclaiming any thing to do with tourists, refrain ftom discrim- with the removing of the sign men- inating against us by advising jtioned and expressing their regret tourists to take the Sherman toun-:for 'tbW.isunderstamiitig. il ii vWvft. ';-' '-' 'i ioi'ilJ: w NMOUMCEMENT Th followiog prices f. 0. b. Detroit, effective Aug 2, 1915; Ford Runabout . . . $390. Ford Touring Car . . . 44o No speedometer included in this yer's equipment, otherwise cars fully equipped, There can be no assurance given against an advance in these prices at any time. We guarantee however, that there will be no reduction in these prices prior to August 1, 1916. Profit-Sharing With Retail Buyers On August 1, 1914 we made the announcement that if we co ild make and sell at retail 300,000 Ford cars between A'igdst 1, 1914 and August 1, 1915 we would shnrc profits With the retail purchasers, to the extent of from $10 to $P0 on each car. We have sold over 300,000'ford cars in the time specified, and profit-sharing checks of $50 eadh will oe distributed as rapidly as possible after August 15, 111.5. Retail purchasers who have not yet mailed us their profir-shariri; coupons, properly endorsed should do so without delay. Our plan to profit-share with retail purchasers of Ford cars during 1914-e5 has been most successful. We thor oughly believe in it, but realizing the uncertainty of con ditions generally makes it advisable to defer any an nouncement of future profit-sharing until a later date. We are, however, confident of our inability to reduce costs for several months, and therefore can offer no profit sharing for cars delivered during August, September and October 1915. DETROIT 1MI1IERBAIS VvJ , - '- w mm facing. Ropiftg -flroncho Bustins ' M.I .MNT' V U JZ&!!Z.. It. fniigtant Trains -Stage Coacnes Indians tral'Blaiers 'Cow'Bdys Cow Gils A Reproduction of Shrfih4Evt ! Pioneer Timet Showing Early Life in the Far West Walla Walla AAASHINGTON SEPT. 16-1748,1915 0 W. R. H UlnMHnadltwaibirM. Mt U CMhtl hr 01 111 linl AW l rriM WD Be Seal One Afekaibe. k WESTERN SHOW Tmrs the REAL THING EXCURSION FARES illliSil'iiiiilliil MONEY ADVANCED 5 O ft ON WHEAT When You Please IF OUft CROP IS 'NOT INSURED let us tuace 'protection on "it for you. we "have the maupin agency For one of 'Th?' Oldest and 'most Reliable of Insur ance COMPANIES. HUNTS FERRY WHSE. CO. il ii il 13 fi fi & ts & IS -fi -IS