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About The Maupin times. (Maupin, Or.) 1914-1930 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 17, 1915)
s OF CURRENT WEEK Brief Resume of General News from Ail Around the Earth. UNIVERSAL HAPPENINGS IN A NUTSHB' Live News Items of All Nations and Pacific Northwest Condensed for Our Busy Readers. Lloyd-George says British workmen are not yet doing their best. Berlin declines to grant indemnity for lives of Americans lost on the Arabic, but offers to arbitrate. A wealthy New York widow was murdered In her own home and robbed of about $10,000 in cash and jewels. Raiding Zeppelins reached the hotel district in the heart of London, killing 20 and doing much damage with bombs. The bodies of thirteen men taken from the hull of the wrecked sub marine F-4 are on their way to San Francisco on thejsteamer Supply. Official circles in Washington be lieve that diplomatic relations with Germany will be severed without no tice upon any further Invasion of the rights of American citizenB. One enlisted man was killed and two injured In an explosion on the de stroyer Decatur at the Cavite navy yard, Philippine Islands, according to a cabled report to the Navy depart ment. At a meeting of the Women's Home stead association at Boston Mrs. Charlotte Smith, the president, de manded a law requiring that girl sten ographers be kept in wire cages while at work. General Friedrlch von Bernhardt has been assigned to a field command at his own request by Emperor William, and is now at the front. He is one of the best-known military writers of Germany. A prize Berkshire hog raised by the Delaware College experimental farm, Newark, Del., known officially as Duke of Sussex Sixth, was sold for 1000 in cash the world's record price for a registered porker to C. H. Carter, of Westchester, Pa. An Amsterdam dispatch to the Ex change Telegraph company says: "A Zeppelin which left Brussels in the direction of Antwerp lost a propeller over Stockem, and later fell and was entirely destroyed by an explosion. JThe members of the crew were killed." Ambassador Penfield, at Vienna, has been Instructed by cable to inform the Austro-Hungarian government that Dr. Constantin Dumba no longer is acceptable as envoy to the United States and to ask for his recall. Am bassador Penfield was instructed that Mr. Dumba has admitted that he pro posed to his government plans to Insti gate strikes in American manufactur ing plants engaged in the production of munitions of war. The informa tion reached this government through a copy of a letter of the ambassador to his government. The bearer was an American citizen named Archibald, who was traveling under an American passport. The ambassador has admit ted that he employed Archibald to bear official dispatches to his government. A dividend from Coeur d'Alene mines amounting to $6,699,879 has been declared. Judge Willis S. Knowles, of Rhode Island, is shot from ambush in his home in that state. Italy has declared cotton contraband of war, a Rome dispatch to the Havas News Agency announces. , An earthquake in Central America has detroyed Jutiapa. The city had a population of about 12,000. Three jailbreakers at Pendleton, Ore, were captured by the Bheriff, who was Boon on their trail. A British squadron bombarded all the positions along the Belgian coast as far as Ostend Wednesday. Rear Admiral William F. Fullam, superintendent of the Naval Academy at Annapolis, has been removed. An unskilled laborer with a family of five, living in New York City, can not maintain for his family a standard of living consistent with American ideas on a wage of less than $840 a year, according to a report of the bu reau of standards of the board of es timates. Hundreds are in peril by floods in Kansas because of torrential rains, Many persons have taken refuge in trees and on housetops. Major General Goethals, builder of the Panama canal, and who la visiting Pacific Coast cities, was elaborately entertained by the Panama-Pacific off cials. A dispatch from Berlin sayB: "The autumn floods already have started all along the Eastern front. The rivers everywhere are overflowing their banks and the German advance has been checked." General Funs ton has taken control of the border line in the entire Rio Grande country because of the raids made there by the Mexican brigands. M. Dumba, the Austro-Hungarian ambassador in this country, has admit ted inciting strikes in munitions plants and his conduct has caused anxiety among diplomats both here and abroad, Wm. M. Johnston, a San Francisco vouth. has won the national tennis championship from Maurice E. Mc Louirhlin. also of the same city. The tournament was held at Forest Hills, tt INCH AND ENGLISH WOULD BORROW BILLION IN AMERICA New York The present plan of the joint Anglo-French financial commis sion, it was reported Tuesday night is to borrow $1,000,000,000 in the United States on straight British and French government bonds without any col lateral whatever. If this vast sum of money is ob tained, it was said, it is to be spent to the last cent in the United States in payment for cotton, wheat and meat and many commodity shipments, in cluding munitions of war. It will, therefore, in the opinion of financial authorities, be classed as a commercial loan. Whether the neutrality of the Unit ed States would be questioned in case the bankers financing the mammoth loan should accept straight British and French government notes as their se curity has been given serious consider ation. It was said that the financiers familiar with the plan had every rea son to believe that the Washington ad ministration would not interfere. The foregoing was the unanimous opinion of many of the scores of prom- nent bankers from New York and the chief cities of the country, who have visited the commission at its headquarters here during the three days of its stay in this city. As to its correctness, the members of the com mission declined positively to com ment. All that'the commission cared to publish as authoritative was voiced by Lord Reading, its chairman, who received newspapermen for the first time. "We are not in a position to make a statement at the present time," Lord Reading said, "because we are study ing the conditions in New York and elsewhere in relation to American ex change on London and Paris. We have received a considerable number of per sons, prominent bankers and other gentlemen who are Interested in the stability of exchange. The one thing that is striking about it is that everybody is agreed, as one would expect, in the great import ance to be attributed to regulating the exchange so as to provide more stable conditions than has been the case re cently. The sudden and considerable drop in the exchange naturally disturbs and must disturb commercial relations be tween the countries the United States and Great Britain and France inasmuch as it makes it so difficult to see ahead what the rate of exchange will be, and moreover, because natur ally it makes such a material differ ence in the prices to be received by the American and the prices to be paid by the Englishman and Frenchman." Canada to Make Big Guns. tittawa, Ont. Canada is to take up the manufacture of field guns and howitzers for the British government, it was announced here. This was de cided on at a meeting of prominent statesmen and bankers with General Sir Samuel Hughes, minister of mili tia, and General Mahan, of the British war office. No artillery ever has been made in Canada, but a committee was appointed to organize factories to handle the business. The manner in which Canada has rilled orders for shells led to the proposal that artillery be fabricated here. ; Belgian Relief Ship Sunk. London A dispatch to Router's Tel egram company from Muiden, Holland says: Ihe steamer Pomona reports that at 10 o clock Tuesday morning it witnessed the sinking of a British steamer which was flying the signals of the Belgian relief committee. Ten of the crew of the steamer were res cued by steam trawlers." The staff of Herbert -C. Hoover, chairman of the American Belgian re lief commission, is investigating the report, but has not been able as yet to confirm it. Russian Attack "Serious." Berlin Leonard Adelt, the war cor respondent of the Tageblatt, with the Austrian headquarters, in a dispatch reports that the Russian resistance on the Sereth river has assumed a most serious aspect and indicates that the new commander has been ordered to hold the remaining Russian positions in Galicia. The Russians, the corre spondent says, are resorting to counter attacks, which are giving General Count von Bethmer's army much hard work on both flanks on the upper and lower Sereth river. Roumania Is Mobilizing. Athens It is reported in diplomatic circles here that there has been a heavy mobilization of Roumanian troops, including several regiments of cavalry, to face an unexpected concen tration of Austrians, which is directed presumably against Roumania. Rai road traffic in Northwestern Roumania is declared to have been suspended favor of troop movements. All horses have been requisitioned. The Becond series of reserves are now with the colors. Turkish Town Is Aflame. London The town of Phooaea, Asia Minor, 25 miles northwest of Smyrna, is reported to be in flames. A Renter dispatch from Athens Bays it is in ferred that the Turks are destroying coast towns and retiring into the in terior in expectation of the fall of the Dardanelles. Dr. Dumba Packing Goods. Lenox, Mass. The ambassador Of Austria-Hungary, Dr. Constantin Theo- dor Dumba, whose recall was request ed by President Wilson, is preparing to leave his summer home here within o short time. Snow Falls in Montana. Trenton, N. D. Snow from two to six inches in depth has fallen in North Dakota and Eastern Montana, much of it melting as it fell through the night, Most of the grain in this region still is unthreBhed. Heat Kills Six In Ohio. Cleveland, O. Four persons were prostrated and the death of six chil dren was attributed to heat Tuesday, The temperature was at 97 degrees. GERMAN ATTACHE TO BE SENT E German Minister at Washington Will Clean House. WILL ASK SAEE CONDUCT FOR AGENT Act of Embassy Believed Will Show Genuine Desire of Teutons for Friendship of Uncle Sam. Washington, D. C. These highly important developments took piace Monday in connection with the events consequent upon the revelations in the Dumba case: Count von Bernstorff, the German ambassador, will call on Secretary Lansing and will intimate that Cap tain Franz von Papen, German mili tary attache, will be sent home, if a safe conduct for him can be obtained from the British government. Ambassador Penfield has cabled his personal impression that Austria Hungary will comply with the Ameri can request for the recall of Dr. Dum- leaving her interests here in charge of the counsellor of the em bassy. Count von Bernstorff will explain the exact connection of Captain von Papen with the Dumba strike plans. There is no question that the ambassa dor feels that members of his staff should have no connection with strikes or the creation of disorders in indus trial factories. He does hold, how ever, that Germany, as well as Austria-Hungary, has the right to warn her subjects that employment in fac tories making munitions for the allies a crime against the laws of their country and that if they should return home they will be punished. Germany, it is pointed out in Ger man circles, had the right to call home all reservists in ' the United States. She was unable to exercise this right because of the British command of the sea and they have been forced to re main in this country. The right to tell these men that they must not work for the allies the German ambassador holds to be as sound as the right to tell them to return to fight. However, it is apparent that the ambassador has no intention to make an issue in respect to Captain von Pa pen. If this government will obtain a safe conduct for the officer he will be ordered to Beriln. Such action would obviate a demand for his recall, It would do more. It would show con clusively the desire of Germany to re main in friendly relations with this country. It would also mean that the Dumba incident with Austria-Hungary will, in the end, be adjusted satisfac torily to the United States. Washington Administration Thought Will Yield to Carranza's Views Washington, D. C. General Car ranza's counter proposal to the Pan- American diplomats for a conference with him over international phases of the Mexican problem probably will be approved, according to opinion ex pressed here by officials in touch with the administration. Although Carranza refused to yield to the appeal of Secretary Lansing and representatives of six Latin-American republics that he join his adversaries in a peace conference, it was pointed out here that military conditions in Mexico had undergone marked changes in the last few weeks, and in some quarters it was contended that Car- ranzsa s claims for recognition were entitled to investigaiton. Since the Pan-American appeal was issued, Carranza's armies have pressed pacification of territory in Central and Northern Mexico, while some reports to the State department have declared that General Villa's forces are disin tegrating. From authoritative sources advices have reached Washing ton that it would be difficult to con duct a convention to select a provis ional government in Mexico without the participation of Carranza and his military commanders, who assert now that they control nearly all Mexican territory. Russians Score Victory. Petrograd, via London Near Tarno pol the Russians have defeated the Third German division, the Forty-fifth Reserve division and an Austrain bri gade. Eight thousand prisoners and 30 guns, besides many machine guns, were captured, according to an official statements issued at the war office, Further south, near Trembowla, about 2500 Teutons, three guns and 12 ma chine guns were captured. Near Voriatyntze more than 1000 Austrians and several machine guns were captured. Liner Offered Japanese. Honolulu, T. H. Sioohiro Asano, president of the Toyo Risen Kaisha, who arrived here Saturday on his way home to Japan, announced that the Atlantic Transport company had offered to sell him the liner China, one of the first vessels recently bought by the At lantic Transport company from the Pacific Mail company. Mr. Asano said that if the deal went through he would keep the China on the trans-Pacific run. The China is a vessel of 6060 gross tons register, is a single-Bcrew steel vessel and was built in 1889. Everett,, Wash,, Runnaway'i Goal. Chicago Richard Alpine, 15 years old, Pittsburg, an orphan, walked into the detective bureau Monday and asked Lieutenant Benjamin Enright to help him reach Everett, Wash. "I lived with an aunt in Pittsburg," he said, "but she abused me so I ran away. I am going to Everett to live with an other aunt. My parents died several years ago." Lieutenant Enright sent the boy to the Juvenile Home and will OREGON STATE NEWS Anti-Fire Fight Begun. Salem In an effort to curtail fire losses Harvey Wells, state insurance commissioner, has issued a bulletin giving the various origins of fire and means of prevention. Mr. Wells urgesthat the way to ob tain cheap insurance is to stop the enormous fire losses. Now the non burning, careful business man, he says, pays for the careless, indifferent, reckless builder and occupant. He de clares : "The fire loss in Oregon, most of which may be termed 'fire waste,' is greater in proportion to the population than in most states. In 1914 the value of property destroyed is esti mated at more than $4,000,000, and the insurance companies paid $2,736, 000 of that amount." The commissioner insists that the state should enact a fire marshal law, and that there should be fire-prevention associations in all communities. The duties of these organizations, he says, should be to create sentiment for solid buildings, clean premises, fire prevention laws, and ordinances gov erning flues, electric wiring, etc. We have our efficient fire depart ments in the cities to attack fires," continues the bulletin. "Now, after we have built and organized these de partments to their maximum strength and efficiency, what is our next step n combatting the immense fire waste? Why should we not have a department known as 'Fire Preventers 7 Mr. Wells estimates that $2,000,000 of property is destroyed and 600 lives lost yearly through the careless use of matches. Rubbish and ashes are giv en as other cuases of fires. Careful use of matches, kerosene, the cleaning of cellars, closets and attics are urged as means of fire prevention. The bulletin is filled with useful in formation regarding the preventing and extinguishing of fires, and Mr. Wells will give it as wide distribution as possible. insurance Balance Is Big. Salem Balance on hand in the State industrial Accident commission is $365,186.89, according to a report of the commission. Of this amount $210,' 168.19 has been set aside for the pay ment of pensions. Receipts Bince the pension feature of the workmen's compensation act became operative, July 1, 1914, are as follows: Contributed by the state, $90,345.22; employers' contributions, $51,507.18, and contributed by work men, $89,098.35. Disbursements were as follows Balance in reserve to guarantee pen sions, $210,168.19; compensation for time lost, $151,847.94; first aid to injured workmen, $84,299.44; pen sions paid, $10,132.09, and adminis trative expense, $78,484.39 There was a deficit of $18,441.54 for July this year because of an exemp tion of fees. The commission still has a good working balance and it is prob able that exemptions will be granted for at least another month. Coyote Attacks Hunter. Hood River Al Cruikshank, a mem ber of the Hood River County Game Protective assoication, while hunting in the Post Canyon region, west of this city, was attacked by a wounded coyote. As the animal leaped from its bed, Mr. Cruikshank fired. Maddened by the pain, the coyote turned on the hunter, who had to wield his gun to ward of its attack, directed at Mr. Cruikshank's throat. A well aimed blow knocked it to the earth. Mr. Cruikshank then jumped on the fallen beast, killing it with his gun- stock. The coyote weighed 40 pounds, Klamath Logging Probed. Klamath Falls Representatives N, . Sinnott, of the Third Oregon dis trict, arrived here Wednesday on his second official tour of this district this year. Mr. Sinnott visited the Williamson river district with the idea of later possibly taking some steps looking to the reopening of the river to logging operations. The river was closed two or three years ago to logging in order that it might be preserved for fishing, Mr. Sinnott continued his trip south ward, visiting Merrill, Malin and the Tule Lake section. River Activity Is Great. Hood River With three boat lines now seeking local business, the great est activity ever displayed on the local water front is now in evidence. Apple growers are shipping large blocks of fruit to Portland by boat lines, and shipments of bags are being made weekly. The Dalles-Columbia line, operating the steamer State of Wash ington, is constructnig a macadamized road this week from the terminus of a city street on the east side of Hood River to its dock several hundred rods up the Columbia. Soudan Grass Good Forage Crop Gaston The new forage crop, Sou dan grass, is a success in Washington county. W. K. Newell and V. S Abraham have experimented with it on their farms near Gaston, this sum mer, and pronounce it valuable. Two crops of hay can be harvested in the Willamette valley, and the cattle eat it greedily. Mr. Newell's was a fine, luxuriant growth eight feet tall, and he harvested about six tons to the acre, He has just cut his crop for seed and will plant the grass much more exten sively next year for his Holstein herd, Marion Supervisors Named. Salem The Marion county board of education has elected J. W. L. Smith and J. E. Druillette supervisors for the coming year. Mr. Smith was su pervisor for the north end of the county last year, and will be assigned to the south end for the coming year. Mr. Druillette was principal of the Bunker Hill school at Marshfield last FRENCH & if if: ECB3SB This photograph, taken at an aero base in northern France, shows a number of celebrities in the French sport ing world who are serving their country as army aviators. The second man from the left Is Georges Carpentler, the famouB boxer, and the third Is Somes, French champion cyclist, who had brought down a German aviator Just before the picture was taken. MOHAMMEDAN TROOPS AT PRAYER IN ENGLAND . A picturesque scene which was Mohammedans, principally British each worshiper with his face to the PROTECTED AGAINST Group of French infantrymen In the trenches equipped with respirators and goggles as protection against the poisonous gases used by the Germans. DEAD AT THEIR POSTS IN A TRENCH trench suuitaiy officers inspecting an unbroken line ot dead soldiers who HAD FAITH IN THE PEASANT Great Russian Novelist Held Firmly to Belief In the Wisdom ef the Simple. Tolstoy, the great Russian novelist, spent his whole life In close commun ion with the peasants and was per suadsd that all the wisdom he might have attained concerning life, Us true meaning and Its true aim, was due but to this (act He knew the peasant soul; he spoke SPORTSMEN AS WAR AVIATORS 5ZISISSII3ZBaB3&B3C13ZD witnesed at the mosque at Woking, near London, when a large number ot Indian troops, assembled for prayer. The picture shows the "prostration," east. POISONOUS GASES a captured Uermau trench iu WQicfl is were killed as they (ought. and he wrote, especially in his re ligious and moral works, the language of the peasants. He always says, speaking of truth, that he means "the simple peasant truth;" he considers the work ot the peasant the only dignified labor and he never ceased to Investigate the simple thoughts and the clear Judg ments of the true workers, the peas ants. At the very end of his life, when he left his home he walked with his daughter through a village and said "tv ' ' THEY INFRINGED DISCIPLINE 1 rSSTfi 31 - 1 ui'U-tKi,' 1fyNTERHXtKlNAi. 3r - mmmrmmwmmmr.mnrmmiwmmffitii Discipline in the British military camps at Alexandria, Egypt, is very strict and those soldiers who have committed petty infringements are confined in a compound surrounded by barbed wire. Some of these of fenders are here shown leaving the compound for their daily tasks. SNAKE CHARMER IS BITTEN Circus Employee Breathes by Means of Tube as Result of Swollen Tongue. Pocatello, Idaho. George Horner, who is employed by the Campbell Carnival company as a snake charmer, went out Into the hills near here with a companion, and captured eight rat tlesnakes. Horner wanted to extract the fangs of the reptiles, and had succeeded by using his teeth on the first few, when a particularly squirmy one bit him on the Hp and tongue. As a consequence he is considering himself lucky to be breathing, even by means of a tube put through a hole in his windpipe. As soon as he was bitten, Horner was taken to Dr. A. F. Newton. The doctor administered antidotes and la bored with the man for three hours. Horner's tongue became so swollen that he could not breathe and Doctor Newton found It necessary to cut a hole in the man's windpipe. Indian Spear found. Eugene, Ore. An Indian spear, es timated to be from fifty to one hun dred years old, was found recently by forest service guards on the Mc Kenzle river, 60 miles east of here. The shaft is of cedar and in a good state of preservation. The shaft is about twelve feet long, and has a Up of flint. to her: 1 don't yet know our peas ants. I will take a stick and wander from door to door, knocking at each house. Then perhaps, listening to the answers they will give me, I will pener trate Into their true minds." Advancement "Have you made any progress to ward the betterment of municipal art?" . "We've made some progress with reference to statuary. All the wooden Indians have disappeared from in front of the cigar store." N. Y. the hottest day of the year. communicate with his aunt in Everett. year.