lilJ,IHliU' i 7W The Maupin Times 'Published every Friday at Maupin, Oregon ' ' J. E. Disbrow, Publisher Subscription: One year, $1.50; six ' jionths, 75 cents; three months, 50 Entered in the rostoffice at Maupin, Oregon; as .second class matter. ' TIMES ON FILE W, OREGON "iAN OFFfCE. ' In the columns of the Crawfish department f the Oregonian of er of the ,(jjrawfish,V is quoted -'our apology of June 18, tfor being finable to get all the local news in the colurnns of the yimes of that date. ' .While we are "glad for our own and our friends' oc casiona! reference, to be able to ,have the Qregonian on file in the ,"iimes home, we sureiy appreci ate the distinction shown our lit- 'tle sheet in being accounted worthy of a two months' resi dence in the Oregonian office. There has been Borne talk of graveling the road leading through and out of Maupin from the steel bridge to the F. M. Confer place on the Flat. As the present wheat hauling Beason js drawing to'a iplose, if each one would donate his services with a team and wagon for a week an 3 Jay gravel, t'he roads at this time of next year wo'uiij not be such clouds of dust and cftuck holes &a is the case at present, and no one would have reason to, regret having confuted to bo jgood a cause. , Prof. Irle is having printed in this office a home credit record plank, by which, mefhod each pupil of his room who desires to take advantage of the plan can jeam credits in his schopl work as well as experience in manuel training at home. The home credit method is proving success ful in many schools, and parents and teachers who have not yet adopted it, will find it worthy consideration. The artiple in Saturday's Morn ing Sun on the retirement of H Miller from the ownership oi the Chronicle is spicy and frank I Machinery to FfowSo All kinds of Farm ing Implements. which we wish tOvdose; out THLS FALL, will be put down to Gall on us Om W. H. ly worded, but to one unac quainted with further facts in the matter, it would seem that more charity might have been hibited by the Sun in its farewell sermon for the gentleman Report of the Condition of the Maupin State Bank ' ' No. 224 at Maupin, in the'state of Ore gon', at the close' of "business " September 2, 1915 ' RESOURCES Loans and discounts ,$$,706.64 Uverqratts, secured and unsecured 81-24 Bondsand warrants 33(5 00 Banking house " ,2,000.00 Furniture and fixtures 2,077.10 Due from approved re serve banks ' 4,212.78 Checks jind other cash items " .732.02 Cash on hand .2,617.77 Total ' 5,763.45 LIABILITIES Capital sto'eje rjaid in' $ 15,000.00 Surplus fund " '.' ' 1,000.00 Undivided profits less expenses paid" ' . 145.49 Individual 'deposits sub- ' ject to check' "33,979.06. Cashier check's out standing ' 166. S0i Time certificates of de- ' ., :i'-t- 1 T' posit Bills payabl.e for money 1 borrowed ' ' 5,000.00 Total 55,763.45 State of Oregon, toun.ty of Wasco S3 I, F. D. Stuart, Cashier of the above named bank, do solemnly swear tnat the above statement is true to the best of my knowl edge and belief. jL', u. cituart, (uaonier. Subscribed and sworn to be fore me, this 8th day of Septem ber, 1915,. J. M. Conkljn, Notary Public. Correct Attest: J. M. Conklin, D. M. Shattuck, Directors. Beat it, beat it Little Car, How I wonder what you are, Climbing up the hills on High Passing all the others by. As it passed, the first man "fussed," While the second mildly ' 'cussed" But the last man yelled and , roared, "You can't stop it, it's a Ford." Wis. GuiMwtoir. M amiOT. for Prices before you Purchase Elsewhere Prices will fee RigM OTAAS CO. v.'SS Local Happenings See Fraley and Vauderpool for auto accessories. Mr. Philmlee arrived home Tues day iroin Grass Valley. , Make final proof before Couw. missioner Stuart. A. W. McLeod a prominent land' 1 . owner o.f Keut is here this week. 1 : ' Tire settings, 75 cents per tire at A, F. Martin's. Mr. Heckmau put a 1001' on his tent house the last of the week Mrs. tStutnp (is confined to her bed tins week with rheumatism. ' 1 is Mr, and Mrs. John MeCorkI were Tuesday callers jn Maupiu. A Tiifany wedding r;ng can be bought of Emmons the Jeweler, Maupin. Fred Townsend will soon move his family into the,0. T, section nouse. Prof. Iile arrived Friday and has been making preparations for school. F. E. and Wayne &poo,r were in town Monday, having tajcen some friends Jo meet the Jrain. Louis Emrnons has been engag ed for janitor of ,the school and is already hard at work cleaning the rooms. Mrs. J. l. Kistner pnd Mrs. Vince fitters were Manrjin callers Monday, the former iibwcribing for t'ie .Times. Mrs. Shannon left yesterday to visit a daughter who lives near Early, on the John pay river in Sherman pouuty. A. C. Egan, traveling freight and passenger agent for the p. W. R. Sf N. was caljijijr o;i Maupin friends Wednesday, Fred MHgill and farnjjy left for their home in Poitjau.d Friday morning after a short vf sit at the C. II. C.orfopt home and with rela tives at Wamjc, Verne Steers arrjyed hpme Wed nesday from fighfing fire in the mountains and report things as very quiet up tlwre except for the patter of the rain, ' The Times office is getting out some dodgers, stationery and cards for the sis people who will be heie in about tefi days. See their ad in another column. Horseshoes yg pents per set at A. F. Martin's. Sell 1$ H ft OREGON TRUNK RY. Central Oregon Line SPECIAL FARES FOR SUMMER TRIPS From Central Oregon Points to the Seashore .Resorts, Clasoij" Beach. Eastern Cities and the California Expositions. COOL, CAY CEARHART AND SEASIDE", CLATSOiP BEACH Inexpensive Hotel.Ca'mp.and Cot tage Accommodations.' Mani fold Amusernen.ti and Surf and 'atatoriurrf Bathing.' Round trip from Maupirt ROUND TRIPS EAST Direct' o'r Circuit Routes to Any Point Da,ily untjl September SO Return Limit October 31. .Chicago Direct $72. 5Q, Min ' jieapolis, St. Paul,' Duluth ' ,or Winnipeg, $60. St. ' Louis $71.J0, 'New York $110.70. One 'way viaCalifornia, with stopover to see Expositions, p.t slightly .high er rates. CALIFORNIA Oregcn Trunk, North Bank and the b loating Palaces, bs Great Norther" and "Northern Pa cific," Sailing every Tues day, Thursday and Satur day from Portland, and from" San Francisco, $36.2$ round trip from" Jlaupin, including rneals and berths on" ships, ftajl rate same w i t h 0 u jt meals and berth." Ask for Expo sition Folder. A; LOCK Exigent, Maupin .Go to Fischer's fJafage for all your automobile atcesiiories, gaso. line and storage of machine. CHAS.H. FRANCIS. M.D.;C.M MAUPIN, OREQPN Mem. GqII, Phys. $ Sirf., Qntario Licentiate Minnesota and, Oregon Prompt Service 011 Either Day or Night Calls Eyes tetted, Qlassef Fitted Cart You Do It? TESiT TYPg.. Dr. C. II. Francis Optician That wpiiderfu) drink, Talicott's neciai. Mr. a i,d Irs. Staats and Mr. and Mrs. R. S: SI usher motored up l'achette's (mlch Sunday. Don't blame your dock It needs cleaning. Emmons will do it for yo'i md guarantee it. Burt Hammer and family and Oscar Hammer started Wednesday across the mountains for listacad.i, where il.ey will viMt their moiliei, Mrs. Duis. Notarial work al the Miitipiu State bank. School bepius next Monday. All should be present the firsi day, anyway, the better to determine the grades, and the books needed, September 3K to October 1 is teach-1 eis Institute at i tic Dalltv, so there will be uo school that week. Mrs. Oakley treated a number of her friends to melons this week. She picked one cantaloupe which weighed 7 pounds 9 ounces and measured 28 and 26 1-2 inches in circumference. They are delicious too. ' Miss Lillian M. Downing a lead tug W. C. T. U. representative will be 1km e from Portland a week from Tuesday night to give an en. tertaiiiinent nt the church. Free, all are invited. k Fern May hew returned home from The Dalles Saturday, where she spent the summer with her urandmother. Dolphus went to The Dalles Monday to continue high school. Mr. and Mrs. L. Jackson arriv. ed here Monday to spend a part of their vacation with Mrs. Jackson's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Daye Crab. itree. Mi. Jackson is well known traveling man for the nd ,ribka coods of Masou cSi Ehrman. They lrn Ilit th-ll fflt -II h clpUf j: Ibli piuil tbld be ft.rt will Jl MKtii .t.rb- ,1 -if f.r l) wHu,nlJl JS ?-c lTLo 1 . ! UI KjUc!. -tm dpi y n pfr Irtt .,!..' thry M,in lf -Viol IIrXh. dUmt Uu of fv "i. w I .Imtni'p'i nd injmr it ejtiiij( .Whr It it wrmrf M ni'WjA j-i oiillu j-(hc Ihn (ifituti iutLw tt rjm in In -IM Jj t- flit rfgtl H (ni.'lHf hl..O. murh UIDOftm ilneonfe. I j til w.l; U (KfKJ by b'.st rt (lutt iui Ijft Wednesay with L, I) Kelly! Sunday; had baths and luncheon jn,Hv ft, l0,tkiif. ,Bnd were home bgittn before dark, To the Taxpayers MOTICE is hereby given thai the Boara of Equalization for Wasco County, Oregon, will con vene in annual session, in the County Court Room, at the Conn House, in The Dalles, Oregon, 011 t,he St;CON;P MOf DAA' in SEPT EMBER, 1915, being the i.vh day thereof, at the .hour of 9 o'clock A M. of said clay, for the purpose of publicallv examining tne severa Rolls for Wasco County ; making corrections either in descriptions or valuation; lieanng aim passing on complaints as to assessments, and equalizing said Rolls so that 'property shall be assessed at its t; ue va,lue. jSaid boad yviW reniaiu ij session one week or longer if necessary.; but all coinplaiuts in list be made lur ing first wee of said session, and may be made either in person or by agen.t. and 611 proper forms as provided' by law. lk iio,t be dpccivecj in the time and place; all complaints mus,t be made'to this Board, or no adiust- men,ts can afterward be njade ap pear en (time, of else yo.ur assess mei,i.ts wjU stand as .made by the County Assessor. The County Board of Kqyaliza tion iscomposed of: The County luilge, chairmai; Th,e Count) Olerk,' necretary, ami .he .County Assessor. desire that all sho.uld have absolute justice; so govern your selves accordingly. JAS. A. pAVI3, County Assessor. NQ I'lCV, b'QR PUBI,(JATIQN jf!,'rRI.I,SIjlEKj Qepurtnient of the Interor, United States Iinid Qffjce at The Dalles, Qregju,' ' September 3rd. 195.' ' NOTICli is hereby given that San ford Wf 8'jck, uf ghaifiko, Or. egou, vlj,", on June 13th, 191 1 made Moinestend tijtiy, 'No. 09116, for'NWY, yection'ip, T.qwn.s'jijp 7 South, Rapue ii IJast, Willamette Meridian, has filed notice pi ))j lention tij ii)a(e Final 'urge year Proof, to establish ,clajt) tq tljt land above described, before -J. G. Rooper, U. S. Commission r, at Antelope, Oregon, ci) the iStli day of October, 191s. Claimant naipes as yiti)cs,ses; William I. Johnson, Laurence L. Sjpklt's. Villfatp l. Wornstaff, Arch L, Manna, all of Shaniko, Oreg'iiij H. fUANK WOOUC.OCK, Rt-giiitirr. NOTICE h'OR PUBLICATION (I'l'RJ.ISHKK) Tjepartnient of the Interior, United States l,and Offjce at The Dalles Oregon. .September 3rd( NQTK'K is hereby iven that Clarence Vr Ifrghec, of Mmtpin, Oregon, who, on IJeceinljer vo'.h, 1910, mada Desert Land Entry, No. 07841. for SV SLv, Sec. ii NWi NH, Section 14, Township 4 South, ll.inge 14 East, Wil lamette Meridian, has filed notice of intention to upikb Final desert Proof to esl.iblish clrfini to the Und above described, brforeTJ. S. Lund Office, at The Dalles, Oregon, on the 2 1st day of October, 1915, Claimant nanus as witnessus: White, Kenneth Miller, A. W. Fargher. John Mannion, Ara Biman, all of Maupiu, Oregon. II. FIUNK WOODCOCK, Reijiiler, A Snap An invstinent thotouglily north while is ' iTt-h d I'oi- ill- for :i slhTt time at $ .'2 so an acr. Fat 111 if 200 acre-, mi part terms; 50 nerts' in culti.'Uion and 75 more cun be cultivated and the balance is good paitue find ",d land. Good buildings and fences and right to plenty of irrigation water. All kinds of fruit. On rural mail route ind telephone line and reasonably close to school aud church. CaJI at the Times office. The Times would like to bnve a correspondent in every community of Southern Wasco county. If your locality is uot represented send Us a sample letter, with your name and address. We will send you stationery. Church Notice. Services as follows:. Sunday ser vices, Sunday School 10, preach ing, II a m. . Evening song ser vice 7:.V, preaching 8 'o'clock. Midweek piayer meeting Tliursdaj evening Come and bring others with you , to these services. Rev. Y..N.. Coffee, district elder will pr.eside O K. ELLIS. Pastor. W. Ira Messers artd Mes;latnes R, aud Frank McCorkle and .Gresham motored to Warm Springs 1 if-1 V Th? lollpwiog prices f. 0. b. Detroit, effective A,ug-2, 1915; Ford Runabout . . . 90. Ford Touring Car . . . 44 No speedometer included iii this j er's etjuipmeut, otbc,rwse cars fully equippej,!. 1'ht? -e can be po gssurnce given against an a,dyance in . these prices at any time. We guarantee b,, that ' thjre will be no reduction in these prices pr,ior to August l 1916. Prcfit-Shariiig With Retail Buyers On August 1, 1914 we mad? the announcement that if p cotid make and sell at retail 300, 0Q0 Ford car? between August i, 1914 and August 1, 1915 we would share profits with, the retail purchasers, to the extent of from $40 to $60 on t?ach car. We have sold over 300,0,00 F.ord cars in the t;me specified, and profit-sharing checks of ) each will pe distributed as rapidiy as possible after August 15, lll. Retail purchasers who havij not yet mailpd us their profit-sharing coupons, properly endorsed shoul,d do bo without delay. Qur plan to profit-share with retail purchasers of Ford cars during 1914-e5, has been most successful. We jthor oughly believe in it, but realizing tlie up,ge4ainty of con ditions generally makes it advisable to defter any nn rjpuncemenjt of future profit-sharing until a latisr daU', We are, however, (confi,dent ,of our inability tp riii.i-e cosjts for seyerjaj months, an4 therefore can offer no profit shaving f,qr pars deljvgrad during Augupjt, ptejji.bpr and Q.ctoher, 1915. DETROiT r.yn flK at W Cow Gills fll in piuuvuu uuju1 g 1 n V mi ' ft rim am MMlMtStrvttrmto. 1W Voritfa Hod (.litmii Ritltn Htl Rfn nil 1m Pro. M It) Ctftttl lor tW fill I lniil Bf oi rrit in . opot, h Wm SHQW mil EXCURSION $ ffi M M & H 5 ASK A'',. HUNTS FERRY WHSE. GO. fit KERR GIFFORD & GO, DftaMff M B. J' i The harvest is almost through. Bring your watch to Emmons the I Jeweler, Maupiu. , ! Messers Kutherford from Criter. ion, W. A. Davis of Bakeoven, Ira Grisham. Will Connolly. T. O. Cbastain and Wallace Fargher weie allots i-, M.f..iiD Tuesday. i -fat A mprmliMUp! olStirrintCvutf SwW Early Iif ib me 4 fir irvesi '1m Wjum WAH!lviGTPN SEPT. 16-17-18, 1915 the HEAL THIH5 FARES S U B B M M M M u n a fit n ti ti a ti a a tor wlhaait SURE ELL Make land filings and final proof before United States Commissioner Stuart. W. H. Aldrich and family and Miss Southerlaud, who has charge of the school that section this yea were in town Monday. SchcJ Opened Tuesday. I 1