The Maupin times. (Maupin, Or.) 1914-1930, September 03, 1915, Image 8

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1 1 i i i i a i 1
The Maupin Times
Published Every Friday at Maupin, Oregon,
J. E, Disbrow, Publisher
5ubscriron:Pne year, $1.50, Six Months 75ct?, Three Moiiths 50
Entered in the cost office "at MauDin. Ore-con. as second Hass
mail mat-la. "' 1 ' ' - i.i.
To the Taxpayers
NOTICE ig hereby given that the
Board " of ' Itqualizatioii ' 'for
Wasco Couuty, Oregon', will cou
yene in annual' session, 'in the
County Court Jfioomrat the Court
'House in The Dalles, ' Oregon, on
EMBER, 115, being the 13th day
lUCicuK a 1 me iivu vw- viwft
nereof, wenour o and Mr. and Mrs
..!.! -Lii .1.1, ,.,1 children returned from the molin-
puuii';auy exiwuiu$ ijc cvnj , r fi 7r7T r Jr w
FAolls for Sfrisdb' County; niajcing tains $uuday evening, bringing
rrpofi'nti6'pitpr iti rlpsprintious or
valuation; hearing and passing on
complaints as ' to assessments, and
equalizing said Rolls so 'that all
property shall be assessed a); its
tiue value.
' Slid boad wjU remain jn cession
one week or longer if necessary; but
'all complaints must be made dur
ing first week of sajd session, and
may be made either in person or
by agent, and on proper forms as
provided' by 'law.'
Do not fce deceived in the time
and place; ajl complaints must be
piade to this pbard, or no adjust
ments can' afteriyard be made; ap
pear on time, : or else your assess
ments will stand sis' made by the
County Assessor.
The County 'Board pf Equaliza
tion is composed, of : The County
Judge, chairman; The County
plerk, secretary, and the County 1
Assessor'. ' ' '
We desire; that all should have
absolute justice; sp govern your
selves accordingly.
Cqwnty Assessor.
Mr. and rs. W. P. Ireland pf
Corvallis, iffoq pwn large farms
near ent an4 enf, while out
looking after their interests, stop
ped for a few days' visit at thp
home of Mr. nn4 Geo. Cro
foot. The party were maupin
sightseers Friday evening.
W. O. Wilson was a business
"SJfi."uPin Wednesday, and
while in town, -canea-, a; me nines
office and advanced. hi subscrip.
tion. ,
Parties coming from the uioun
tains say that rain is drizzling up
there and although the fires con
tiuue, out having broke (c-ut be
tweeh Clear creelc and Salmon riv-
er and come down to about four
miles of the Summit house, they
will soon be within control.
Mr. and Mrs. G. h. Harphau
Tindall and four
home respectively, sixty and loo
quarts of buckle berries. Wednes
day they spent the day up the De-
Semites a rew ijines on a filing
R. Johnson brought in a lot of
beautiful Sweet Water grapes,
Crosby and Golden Drop peaches
yesterday, with which the Times
was favored. Mr. Johnson says
he will make a trip to the vyamic
and Smock territory it orders are
sufficient to justify it,
Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Staats
and Mr. andJVJrs. R. & Slusher
spent Sunday at the Andrew
Dufur farm home, near the city
of that name, where with sever-i
al pthers they enjoyed swim
ming and divngr in a large ireeh
water fish pond on tl,e '
The harvest is almost through.
Bring your watch to Jvmmqnj the
Jeweler, Maupin.
Bruce BothwelJ a)d Oscar Ham-
mer went to The Dalles Monday
for some dmtal work, returning
that njght.
Messers Miller and Caufield
passed througl) here last night en-
toute to Criterion
Verne Stesrs and Clyde Will
iams are campins: at the Summit
houso, and will join the firefight
ers as sopn as Clyde's foot,
which he had cut with n piece
of flafls while in the river a
Bhort time ago, gets well.
Local Happenings
John Muir was in town Tues
day. See Fraley and Vauderpool for
auto accessories.
Mrs. Bell returned Tuesday
from a trip to Vancouver.
Make final proof before Com
missioner Stuart.
Judge Bennett of The Dalles
passed through town Tuesday.
Notarial work at the Maupin
State bauk.
Mrs. Job Crabtree was among
the sick the first of the week.
Tire settings, 75 cents per tire
at A. F. Martin s.
U.S. Eudersby was a .business
caller in Maupin Monday evening.
That wonderful drink, i ailcott s
Bud Smith and Ray Aubrey
went to the mountains Monday
morning to .fight fire.
Miss Hazel Carson left Tuesday
to resume her .duties in the Osto
mist office.
W. C. Vaiiderpool and family
returned Sunday from a several
days vacation trip.
Horseshoes 75 ceii.ts per ;ft at
, F. Martin's.
Mrs. Dee 'fallcott ,.vs taken
very sick again and Mrs. Donald
son was called to care lor her.
Mr. and Mrs. Johnson made a
trip toShanik.o Wednesday of last
A Tiffany wedding ring call be
bought of Emmons the Jeweler, 1
Matipiu. :
TJie Staats Mercantile Co, have
been stocking up tjuite nolicihly
this week.
F.OR sai.K-3 r-4Xf f-4 Seneca
folding camera, $ 10; cost $20. in
quire at Times office, 7t?
A handsome new acpesspry cab
inet has been instajlpd in the office
of Fischer's garage.
I have a good stubblefleld, plenty
of straw and good running water.
Will take horses to pasture.- Jas.
Cook, Tygh Valley, rjU
E. J. Fischer started Wednes
day morning for Welrhes Cninp
and returned yesterday bringing
home the family of D. M. Shat
tuck, who have been enjoying the
mountain atmosphere tie last two
Central Oregon line
From Central Oregon Points to
the jSeashore Resorts, Clatsop
Beach. Eastern Cities and
the California Expositions.
Inexpensive Hotel, Camp and Cot
tatre Accommodations. Mani- !
' fold Amusemeats and Surf
and Natatoriuro Bathing.
' Round trip trom M?up;rt
Direct or Circuit Routes to Any
i'oint Daily until September 30
' - Return Limit October 31
Chicago Direct $72.50, Min
' neapols, St. Paul, D.uluth
or WiD'nip(cjr, St.
Louis $71.'20, New'
Jfork $110.70. One
way vja .California,
wiih st'opoyer t(j
see Expositions,
at slightly high
er rates,
Oregon Trunk, North Bank and
the Floating Palaces, bb Great
Norther" and "Northern pa
cific," Sailing: pvcry Tues
day, Thursday nd Satur
. day from Pfirtland, and
from San Francisco.
$30.25 round trip from'
Maupin, including
meals and berths on'
.hips. Rail rate
same without
meals and berth.
; Ask for Expo-'
siHqn Folder-
A. LOCKE Agent, Maifpin
Go to Fischer's parage for all
your automobile accessories, gaso
line awl .slurasit; pf machine.
Criterkn Chronicles
Roy Castor and family spent
Sunday pn the home place.
j. B. Kidder is home from thf
harvest fields.
Bruce Rrice has moved his
family to Antelope.
Dale fionney, who has been in
poor health for the last two
weejis 43 improving.
Wpva .Canfield is making a slow
fou steady gajn tpward recovery.
The local threshing outfit have
completed work in this vicinity
and have moved tp Ridgeway
where they have several good
jobs engaged.
A. A. and Harold Caiifield
d of wheat to Isbell &
Tillstson's dill n,ear Tygi and
returned wjth a U,ad of fi,our last
.1. R. MJler is breaking sod
and reports moisture ciear to the
top, making wort comparatively
Several filtering oflfcrj h?ve
Iwpn niH((a recently to land own
ers at Pri'r'f9n- foF r 'old'
Chas. Skoicshcfg, ja.'ph Bu
zan and H. M- Green ijir.e hauling:
wheat fo Maupin,
n R. Annlintt, P J Kir&ch, j
Laco DeCamp; Miss Ida Kidder
and W M. Snelson visitpd Maupin
last week. Mr. Kirsch hfppght
home a new grain drill
Joe Gray is ablp tp bg up again
after l)is cicierft jn heading.
Numerous deals in hojs and
r.t.h(r livestock have been
lately among local people-
P Machinery to Sell
Mem- Coll, fhys. 4 Stjrg.,
Licentiate Minnesota and
Prompt Survjce on Either
Day or Night Calls
Eyes t$ted, Classes Fitted
Can You Do It?
of tm'trht -t)ii'rinjr etattcton (tit w 0' ffttdtiitt
Mirtlltrti mil tr'yqlnutH) 1bi piil nbn'i i f(i Ul'iy
y- Pi liifbLH
Dr. C. H. Franciu, - Opticia
Hw5 Drill
All Kinds of Farm
ing' Implements
which we wish to close out
THIS FALL, will be put down to
:dlEn)clk Pirk(
Gall on us for Prices before
you Purchase Elsewhere
i if
hi " Owt Prices m Right
I W. li. STAAS . CO.
Make land filings and final proof
before United States Corimii.SMonei
The IjeschuleK river waters are
nuulcly again. Evidently up river
points hud more rain than we did
the first of the week,
Mr. mid Mrs, McCabe art ovei
from Tygh, the guests of Mrs.
McCabe's sister, Sirs. R. Johnson.
Mrs, Oakley's rewdunbe was the
scene of it select candy and ice
cream patty Wednesday night to
the great pleasure of those present.
Clyde Oliver came home last
night from Sherman county, VV.
C. Vauderpool mectinir him at
Sbaniko with his car.
A. Disbrow went to Cowiche,
Wn., Sunday, from whence he
writes) there is plenty of work on
Mrs. Dyer was culled away on a
case Monday morning and Mrs.
Oliver has had charge of the Riv-
erview hotel this week.
Don't blame ymir clock It
needs cleaning. Emmons will
do it for jiii and guarantee it.
A, Crabtree and J. O. Chastain
of the Flat and W. H. Aldrich and
Vm. Davis of Bakeoven were
atuont! Mttumn business, tailers
Tygh Valley Iteps
Mrs. Black has been very .sick
the past week. Ur- 01
Grass Valliiy and Dr. Shannon are
attending ler.
Rev, Harper yjsjt.ed Tygh Val
ley Sunday and Moncay;
Mrs. Klwood aitfj sou Ogdea are
visiting and looking iwr
matteisthis uek ii) Tygh Valley.
Geo Wang and family are vis
iting with Grandma Morris,
The Winn bos fnntilieil Uieir
, . . , 1, Moire
season 's tiiresning .u ii-
ranch Wednesday,
Mr. and Mrs, Wallace Kellogp
a,l M- Mrs I. W, iJavioson
were visitors in The Dalles batur
day, biijt'K on tlieir w to Port
T K O'Neal aud J, O. Tunlson
os Tyfell alley came to The Dalles
yesterdav to Iranwict business. -
Mi. Ji, A. :ii!iid!f 1 and Mrs
(). Winifred and children fton
Priterion ci.w Wetlnehnay tveu
inu to R. Johnson's for a load of
peaches, returning Itmne yesterday
Mr. and Mis A. C- Muir, prom,
inent agriculturalists of Stockton,
Kalis.., were guesth the wek end.
of his brother. R. J- Muir. going
from hue to Mot-, to visit Join
Muir and family,
Dolph'-is M ivhew motored m
i.v from the Summit
house, bi inning Naomi Smith.
Mts. W. C. yanderpool and two
....... ,.l Mrs hiannon were
guests at the Geo. Knopf home
above Wnpinitu Tuesday.
Mrs. I. M. Tnylot and daughter
rcpsesent.iMv of tlie uooanti
Drug Co., who spent several dy
in Maupin, left for up river poini.'
Wednesday afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Brown wert
pleasant Cillers in Maupin Wed.
nesday and favoied the I linen witi
the price of a subscription
The Times would like to have 1
correspondent in every coinmunii'
of Southern Wasco county. It
your locality is not rfcpresentcc
send us a snmple letter, with you
name and ;ildress. We wi',1 sew
you stationery.
Blacksmithing, Wagonmaking and Auto
Fraley (L Vanderpool
Horsoshocing, Blacksmithing and Wagonmaking-
Share grinding and sharpcniiit;. All kinds
cf Repair Work that will suit, With a Guarantee
That Will Stick. Try us If your n-ajjons, bug
gies or hacks need overhauling, brim tlicni In,
we'll save you monev.
Wc carry a full tine of Automobile Supplies and
arc prepared todia!! kinds tf A::to rmir work
Maupin, Ore.
Th.e fpllowiog pri,ces f. o. ; Petroit.eTective Aug 2, 1915;
Ford Runaboiit . , , 390.
pord Joijiring Car . . .. 44
No pe.e.d.omjjtr included in tbii yer'S
eriptpent, otherwise cars .fully equipped.
TU'r.e can be n,o assurance gjven agajnst ap advance in
th,ese prices at jtny time. guarantee hpwever, that
there will be no reductign these prices prior tQ August
, 1316.
Profit-Sharing With Retail Buyers
Oij August 1, 1914 we made tke 3nnqun,cemer4 that if q
could njake anrl sejl at retail 300,000 ford cars between'
"August 1, 1314 r?nd 4rgust 1, 1915 we would share profits
with the retail purchasers, to the extent pf frorrj ,$40 to
$60 on each car,. We have SQjd'over 300, 00p ford cars in
the time specified, and profit-sharing checks of $50 each
will be distributed as rapidly as possible after August 15,
115. Retail purchasers who have not yet mailed jis their
profit-sharing coupons, properly endorsed should .do so
without delay.
Out plan J,o profit-share with reta-il purchasers of ford
cajs during 914-e6 has been most successful. We thor
oughly' believe in it, but realizing the uncertainty of Con
ditions generally makes it advisable to ijcfer any an
npuncement of future profit-sharing until a lajlpr dale.
We are, however, ponfident of our ir),afciliry to vcriuce
costs for several months, and therefore can offer no profit
sharing for cars delivered daring August, Sgptefliber and
October, 1915.
w mm
kjr J
migrant Train
Trail Blfjuri
Crcncho Busting V
o-w. I & II
0how!rifi Early Lif
i U') Tor West
SEPT. 16-17-18,1915
till 1 11 r - IteWerlftMMl
(MbmH V ui Rfrt will be Fr
nl ! CM lor. Oma&ak. AIM
I ri WD B SmI ty Anllaliu.
She '
I Mrs. Darnell and daughters were
visitiug Manpiti ' relatives and
friends this week. While here
7 J . . . . . .!
Suud-v SJ1....1 to ... 111.. pteacii-r"- o-"- 14 , .
ins- f, a n. Y. P. B. r,ogramj'--k'J5 iY designs, nnucr
7-,op ui. Midwetk prayer mei't- the supervision oi the local in-
Tlutrstk) tvtuhig 7:3". !tructor '" ,hc iUf MrS" K- T"
G k. ELLIS, latter. OA lev.
Church Notice.
Clliur.l. Vrlicc, Sept. J, 191 5
6 'ttt&&& ;