The Maupin Times Published Every Friday at Maupin, Oregon, J. E, Disbkow, Publisher Subscription: One Year, $1.50, JEntered in the post office at mail matter. Friday afternoon A. A. Disbrow iiud Jessiline Disbrow motored to the home of the latter's mother on Upper Smock, returning Sunday evening. Before returning, company with Mrs. E. H. Dis. brow, Blaine and Vina Disbrow, a trip through the woods along the Keep's ditch survey was enjoyed. Mr. Disbrow left in his car Tues. day morning to visit Hood River relatives. While here he proved a valuable assistant in setting type for and getting out one issue of the Maupin Times and made the editor the proud recipient of handsome Oliver typewriter, Robt, Knox loaded a car with household goods at the 0. T. de pot Tuesday to be shipped to jop I'm, Montana, Mr, and Mrs. Knox have had charge of the Sim- nasho Indian school but have se cured a transfer to the Wind River reservation on the Wyoming bor der. Dr, J. A. Fellows and son of Rochester, New York, arrived the first of the week for a visit with his brother) Dr. 6. O. Fellows of this place. This Is the first meet ing of the twd brothers in 43 years. Uncle Doc says his brother wants him to return with him, but he has not fully made up his mind to do so. A transactisri todk place the first of the month whereby G. L. Har phan bought the confectionery fix tures of B. J.Styer arid will d'ccu fiy the entire building Mr. Styer has moved his barber shop into part of the building occupied by Ray Smith's meat market. That wonderful driuk, Tallcott's nectar. n-ftikftftft&ftft&ftftftftftftft a ft ft a n ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft to HUNTS FERRY WHSE. GO, KERR GIFFORD & GO. Ate aire SELL. ft ftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftft A. F. Martin HAS 0ENED Htt BLACKSMITH SHOP IN MAUPIN AND IS NOW PRhPARED TO DO ALL KINDS OF Blacksmithing, Horse shoeing' and General Repairing' All work done neatly and promptly at a reasonable price A FAIR SHARE OF THE PATRONAGE IS SOLICITED Six Months 75cts, Three Months 50 Maupin, Oregon, as second class J. E. Overman and- wife of Mid lfflcl, Arkansas were guests at the hi m ' of their niece, Mrs. Bert E. DaviSt on the Mays ranch last week. Mr. and Mrs. Overman are on a three mouths' trip in the West, visiting the Exposition city and other points. They expect to I arrive home about the middle of September. The Times would like to have a correspondent in every community of Southern Wasco county. If your locality is not represented send us at sample letter, with your name and address, We will send you stationery. E. J. Fjscherand Miss Dorothy arrived home Friday from their trip across the mountains accom panied by Miss Troutman of For est Grove. Mrs. Fischer and Miss Phillis are visiting in the Grove. Why hot send the Times to n, 1 ti i 1 some distant rrienar u win beat writing letters all hollow an d would be highly appreciated bv the person receiving it. It only costs a dollar and fifty cents a year and will go to him or her 52 times. Mrs. C. ti. Francis wrote July 30 from Toronto, Canada, where she arrived that morning, "Everything fine; lots of rain all the way through Wy.. Neb., Iowa, Illinois and Mich'; not a bit tired. Shattuck Bros, received three carloads bf supplies this week; one each of gasoline, flour aud farming implements. This speaks well for the prosperous condition of the uieacantile business of Maupin. Don't blame flour clock It needs cleaning. Emmons will do it for you and guarantee it. ft ft ft m ft ft ft ft u ft ft ft ft ft 'B ft ft ft ft AS fas3 wise ! LOCALS All Around Town The Tiiues,$i.v5o a year. Ed Mays was a business visitor in Mavpiu Monday. lire settings. 7s cents per tire at A. F. Martiu's. R. Johnson made a trip to Wap' luitia luesday taking a load of peaches. See Fraley and Vauderpool for auto accessories. H. P., Jas., aud Miss Nelll larphau leave this week for a trip to the Mountains. Make final proof before Com missioner Stuart. Mr. aud Mrs. B. D. Fraley and Mrs. Donaldson motered up to Bear Creek Sunday. Post cards from ic to 5CS at Talkott's. Geo. Bargainholt took a load of fruit to the Flat Saturday from his Smock ranch. Go to Fischer's Garage for all your automobile accessories, gaso line aud storage of machine. Emil Heckler is shipping out a carload of cattle this week over the 0. VV. Horseshoes 75 cents per set at A. Fi Martiu'si A marriage license was issued in 'Pi.n r' 11 c. . 1 . ... . meuaiies oaiuruay 10 unaries Gable aud Miss Jennie E, Crane oi Wapinitia. Make laud filings aud final proof before United States Commissioner Stuart; Mrs. A. F. Evick of Wapinitia was a business visitor in The Dalles yesterday. The harvest is almost through. Bring your watch to Emmons the Jeweler, Maupin. Leigh Oliver came down from the uiountsins Monday night and lus gone to work on the Flat. Clem Matthews put a race horse on an O. T. car Tuesday night to go to Centralia for the races. i Oscar Hammer came in from Wapinitia Monday night for a vis it with his sister, Mrs. Job Crab tree. Mr. Fisclier was very busy Mon day unloading auothet car of Ford Machines just arrived from the factory. The article iu last week's Times on the Beavis-May oil well, Dufur, should have been credited to The Dalles Chronicle. Mr. Frank Gable, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Gable and Harold Gable of Wapinitia were business visitors in The Dalles Monday. Dr. J. A. Fellows led the pray er meeting at the church last night. There was good attendance and all enjoyed the ksou. E. J. Collins, wife and son of Dufur were Maupih visitors VVed-1 nesday iu company with Eastern relatives. Edgar Wendle, wife and friends from Portland passed through Maupin Wednesday on their tour of Central Oregon. Mr. and Mrs. Bates Shattuck will leave tomorrow for a trip through Bend and Brighton Hot Springs and home around by way of Portland. I I have moved by barber shop from the llarplian building to the building opposite the Moad hotel and am prepared to serve my pa trons as before. E. J. Styer. Mrs. Elmer Hammer came down from Wapinitia the first of the week and after a couple day's visit with Mrs. Job Crabtree left for her home nt Coldcndale, U'n. Fire caught near Geo. Wood tuff's threshing machine Tuesday with tbt result of loss of bedding for Mr. vVoodruft and Walter Sharp. ' Dolph Moad this week bougiit a ear of Biuk Tapp, of Wapimt'a, ud iu company , with his frow is enjoying some little spins again. C3 0 4F?3 ake Fkal re U. S. Commis sioner Stuart i-i-t-t- A Tiffany wedding ring can bt bought of P.mmoiis the Jeweler, Maupin. Win. Burk returned from Port laud Tuesday. Mrs. Burk is now at their Davton home. C. H. Yockeys and guest.-- were in the cascades last week for t lie pleasure of the sweet evergreen fragrance. Smock. Mr. aud Mrs. G. VV. Vauderpool eft with their car a few days ago for an up river trip and are now visiting in Bend. Mr. and Mrs. Will Vauderpool leave today for their Dufur home after a week's visit with W. C. Vauderpool aud family of this city. Leon Schouinard has been tak- ng Louis Emmons' place for a few days delivering the Oregoniaus while Louis is working out of town. , Mrs. Ida M. Overman and fami ly of The Dalles are spending their summer vaction at the home if Mrs. Overman's daughter. Mrs. Bert E. Davis on the Mays ranch. Violet Miller arrived home from The Dalles Tuesday afternoon and went to the Flat Wednesday morn ing to join her mother who is with Slusher's cook wagon. Mr. and Mis. W. II. Williams and Mr. niid Mis. II. D. Mollis left Wednesday morning for a mountain outing. VV. T. Vauderpool made his lit tle grandson, the youngest son of VV. C. Vauderportl, a present of his car and has purchased a new one of E. J. Fischer. Church Notices Church Notice, Aug.. 8, 1915. Sunday School 10 a. m., preach ing, 11 a, in. Rev, Fellows will speak. Evening service by the young people at 7:30 p. m. will be held on the lawn at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W II. Staats. Prayer meeting Thursday evening 8 p. iu. Come and bring "some one else with vou. G. It. ELLIS, Pastor. Blacksmithing, Wagonmaking and Auto , Repairing Fraiey (SL Vanderpool Horseshoeing, Blacksmithing and Wagonmak-ing- Share grinding and sharpening. All kinds of Repair Vork that will suit, VVith a Guarantee That Will Stick. Try us If your wagons, bug gies or hacks need overhauling, bring them in, we'll save you money, We carry a full line of Automobile Supplies and are prepared to do all kinds of Auto repair work Maupin, Ore, e FISHER'S Auto Passenger Service At to Delivery Truck Prepared for Long Trips or Outing Parties A Complete Line of Automobile Accessories I MAUPIN. OREGON j G. L. Harphan has purchased the lot between the Mayhew lesi dence and A. F. Martin's black smith shop and may in short time erect a fine two-story building one floor of which is to be a hall. Swat the fly! OREGON TRUNK RY. CENTRAL OREGON LINE SPECIAL FARES FOR SUMMER TRIPS From Central Oregon Points to the Seashore Resorts, Clatsop Beach, Eastern Cities and the California Expositions. COOL, GAY GEARHART AND SEASIDE. CLATSOP BEACH Inexpensive-Hotel, Camp and Cot tage Accommodations. Mam fold Amusements and Surf and Natatorium Bathing, Round trip from Maupin $10.15 ROUND TRIPS EAST Direct or Circuit Routes to Any Point Daily until September 30 Return Limit October 3!. Chicago Direct $72.50, Min neapolis, St. Paul, Duluth or Winnipeg, $60. St. Louis $71.20, New York $110.70. One way via California, with stopover to see Expositions, at slightly high- N er rates. CALIFORNIA Oregon Trunk, North Bank and the Floating Palaces, SS "Great Norther" and "Northern Pa cific," Sailing every Tues day, Thursday' and Satur day from Portland, and from San Francisco $36.25 round trip from Maupin, including meals and berths on ships. Rail rate, same without meals and berth. Ask for Expo sition Folder. A i LOCKE Agent, Maupin Notarial work State batik; Hi the Maliiiiil CHAS.H. FRANCIS, M.D.;C M MAUPIN, OREGON , i Mem. Coll Phys. & Surg., Ontario Licentiate Minnesota and Oregon Prompt Service or) Either Day or Night Calls Eyes tested Glasses Fittt d Can You Do It? . TkT Type. TV Mi el f7WaM nquhni fwrertioa br tfat utc of tpwwita ,Li? rhuiical uii bt " 'orr-cte i ! tbt f rjr mliiiifcn'Bi "J , it ' i.f !nt.i 'Jut ihfr etrrtt mJl he taiirtlt cbvuttd. Ve:i in1 v'nuuj It n ,j in tt hl-i whtt from tar vt. li rnu cinnol do w v -i ihitl ' -.-i..t '-i. sglt o nston. ca ptm uid ilitcwfert iad iijvt vht ftt!jV .V'li : -t Be miry Id boH "rt or tradug nurttr luitii t in f, Utti -- bt; !;rr 1M- trm n wl'r to M ilatiDi;!! if it wn tin pl.tuUg wnoe, 4 r.m;b .Ufc.i'iitt iiittahrt ind pio mil bt firtu! "7 hiMoj t pair ol jImk S'!d. Dr. C. H. Francis, Optician GARAGE .V