CHANGES IN WARFARE Vacationists! MODERN GENERALS ARE UNLIKE THOSE OF NAPOLEON'S TIME. 0 t. W "eeTC 0 As $ure io rise the$unj You can't always make everything "just o." Sometimes you will get in more shortening than usual; or make the batter a little thin; or it may not be convenient to put a cake in the oven the moment it is mixed; or your oven may not bake evenly and it is necessary to turn the pan around none of these little uncertainties make the slightest difference in results If you use AKING Powder ! 'limit rniiiiu This modern, double-raise baking powder has unusual strength and Is absolutely certain to raise your biscuits, cakes and pastry light and feathery. It generates an abundance of leavening gas both in the mix ing bowl and in the oven. The, raising Is sustained until the dough is cooked through. Housewives who use K C never have "bad luck" with their baking. Try KCot our rink. Your grocer will refund your money If you are not pleased in eve-y way. 67 1 Means that you keep the middleman's profit in your pocket when you buy Lumber, Shingles, Lath, Moulding;, Doors, Windows and other Building Ma terial from Connell Lumber Co. Portland, - Oregon Send us a list of what you require for your buildings and we will name you prices delivered at your station and Guarantee to save you Money. Write for our Illustrated Catalog. Sam Shopping Again, "There's a delivery wagon driving up to our door," said hubby. "Been shopping again." "Well, I didn't have anything to do" replied wifey, "bo I went down to Wan acoopor's and listened to the concert in their auditorium. It was just splendid, too. After that I went up to the grocery department and tried some new cereal they're demonstrat ing, I managed to get three helpings, so I didn't need to spend any money for luncheon. Then I looked at the fashion parade and spent the rest of the afternoon In the art gallery. After that I didn't feel as if I ought to leave the store without buying anything, so I had them Bend me up a spool of thread." Oangsrous Topic. "You are in favor of peace, are you not?" "So much In favor of it that I de cline to make It a subject of discus sion." Washington Star. Resemblance. "Why do you call him the human pinwheel?" "Because he gets up so much spec tacular speed and always finishes just where he started." Washington Star. Why She Was There. Judge (of divorce court) Aren't you attached to your husband? I'lntntirf Certainly. I came here to be detached. Boston Transcript. (TO 4IH9fW-vVflu BAR VIEW TENT CITY On S. P. R. R. in Tillamook, Co. Or. Train arops at our door. Place to spend your vacation here this summer. You will Ami It deltxhtful ai well a Inexpensive. We have fully furnished Housekeeping Tenta, Including electric litfhta and water, from $5 per week up. Dance every niirhc. Rowl(n. Pool and Bil liarda. Surf Fishlns enl Safe Bathlnu. Kor particular! write or cull on WISH DKNTAL, Co.. Rooms 211-112 Failing: Bldir.. 3d at Wash ington, Portland. Ore., phones A or MTJOJs); or Bar View, Tillamook Co., Ore. A Dull Life. "I don't know how we'll get along without you, Nora." "Thank you, ma'am." "You've been with us a long time.1 "Yes, ma'am. Nearly Beven months.' "And you still refuse to tell us why you are leaving?" "Well, ma'am, if you insist on know ing, It's because I can't stand the conv pany here." "The Idea! Our house Is frequent ed by the best people." "It's not that, ma'am. I was speak lng of my own company. Where I used to work most of my friends were chauffeurs, ma'am. The only man who has asked me to take a ride with him since i ve been here was a vege table pedler." Birmingham Age-Her aid. NEW MODERN DANCING. E. Fletcher Hallamore, the leading Danclnir Ex. Eert and Instructor in New York City, writea: "I ave used ALLEN 'S FOOT-EASE, the antiseptic powder to be shaken into the Bhni. for ten veara. and recommend it to all my pupils." It cures and prevents soro feet. Sold by all Drug and Depart. ment stores, Zftc. sample Address, Allen o. uimstea, L,e ioy, ft. X. It Seemed That Way. The farmer, wearing a long face, entered the country drug store. "I've got something wrong with my stom ach," he announced, "and I want you to give me something lor It. "All right," replied the apothecary, cheerfully; "what are your symp toms? "Every little while something seems to rise up and settle back and then by and by rises up and settles back again." The druggist stroked his chin, re flectively. "Look here," he said, gravely, "you haven't gone and swal lowed an elevator, have you?" Ladies Home Journal. Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets first put up 40 years ago. They regulate and invigorate stomach, liver and bow els, bugar-coated tiny granules. Woman's Place. First Abie-Bodied Male Woman's place is in the home. As I was tell ing my wife Second Abie-Bodied Male Bv the bv. Bill, what's ver wife rioin' now? lrst Able-Bodled Male Workln' in the cannery. Puck. All Up. "Well, Jones, did your suburban garden come up to the scratch?" "It sure did after my neighbors' hens got into it." Baltimore Ameri can. C. Gee Wo SucMwafttt Hon Rented ifl Hit iucpfwaful herh I retnMiwi cur all kind of ailmenta of mttn nd wonvm with out operation, fi-om th wonderful Chineae herb, root. bKU and veawtaoltia, which unknown to tlw medical science of thu country. Writ for blank and circular. Send stamp. CONSULTATION FKKK. Addraaa The C Gee Wo Chinese Medicine C. 16UH Ftmt St.. Portland, Or Mention Paper. P. N. U. No. 31, 191S WBRN wrttltiff la adTtrtUera, pleaaa mm " tloa thta paper. UGH PAIN WOMAN CRIED Suffered Everything Until R stored to Health by Lydia L Finkham's Vegeta ble Compound. Florence, So. Dakota. "I used to be very sick every month with bearing aown pains and backache, and had headache a good deal of the time and JVVfrV ' Vry little aPPetite yi f The pains were so ,S hmA thot T vv V..UW a IUGU W sit right down on the floor and cry, be cause it hurt me so and I could not do any work at those timnfl An aU wa- man advised me to try Lydia E. Pink ham's Vegetable Compound and I got a bottle. I felt better the next month so I took three more bottles of it and got well so I could work all the time. I hope every woman who suffers like I did will try Lydia E. Finkham's Vegetable Compound." Mrs. F.W.I-anseno, Box 8, Allyn, Wash. Why will women continue to suffer day in and day out or drag out a sickly, half hearted existence, missing three-fourths of the joy of living, when they can find health in Lydia E. Finkham's Vegetable Compound? For thirty years it has been the stand ard remedy for female ills, and has re stored the health of thousands of women who have been troubled with such ail ments as displacements, inflammation, ulceration?, tumors, irregularities, etc If yon want special advice write to I.jdU E. rtnkham Medicine Co. (confl. deutiall I.jrnn, Mass, Your letter wilt be opet.d, read and answered by a woman ind held la strict confldenos I I fit :ll If Now Do Their Work Out of 8lght of the Armies They Command, and Move Men as Would a Chess Player. Generalship today is about as much like generalship of Napoleon's time as two-old-cat is like a major league game, writes Frederick Palmer in Col lier's Weekly. The general who watches the battle from a hill will be blown to bits by artillery Are. I've never seen a general on a horse in this war. If he travels, it is in a mo tor car, and he travels very little. He sits in front of a map covered with blue and red penciled lines of the trenches and the enemies. A dozen experts are around him each a spe cialist. He is but the chairman of the council, the silent man who lis tens. The others plan and organize; he nods. Photographs from aero planes tell him the change each day in the trenches. He works with a card-Index system of lives and mate rial. An expert in a brigade com mand decides whether it's practicable to gain a few trenches; the division staff decides to let the brigade com mander try, or perhaps carries it up to the corps staff, which may in turn pass it on to the great staff. A Joffre or a Von Hlndenburg sits on the lid. He must keep his mind on the great main object; he must not bother with details; and he must never, never lose his head. Of Joffre they say that when re-enforcements are demanded he Is always slow to respond. Ye- they always ar rive if they are needed. In one day I have seen 60,000 French troops pass over a single line of railway, for they may be sent very rapidly when necessary. Joffre Is not caught napping, though he always sleeps his eight hours a day. Von Hlndenburg seems never perplexed, never rushed, though he has struck such telling and sudden blows. Where Napoleon threw In 10,000 re serves and from his horse watched them double past to change the tide of battle, Von Hlndenburg throws 300,000 men on railroad trains in the night into East Prussia, and everlast ingly surprises and overwhelms the Russians. Meanwhile, in what seemed a fierce and desperate attempt to break through In front of Warsaw, he was only feinting. But he did not make a half feint. It cost him twen ty or thirty thousand casualties. The allied newspapers were rejoicing in his repulse before Warsaw when he was preparing his coup in East Prus sia. Some Germans who were taken prisoners In front of Warsaw had on their persons copies of orders indi cating that the frontal attack was to be pressed. Perhaps those Germans fell prisoners very easily. Frederick Palmer in Collier's Weekly. Eminent Scholar to Retire. Dr. Basil Lanneau Gildersleeve, who is to retire from Johns Hopkins uni versity at the end of the scholastic year, Is, with the exception of Dr. Ira Ramsen, the last man of the orig inal university faculty. His reason tor retiring Is his age, he having passed the eighty-third milestone. Doc tor Gildersleeve, a native of Charles ton, S. C, Is recognized as one of two greatest Greek scholars in the world, and has been at work on a Greek Syn tax, said by Greek scholars to bo the most wonderful work of its kind ever attempted, and which he haB himself said he never expects to live to com plete. His associates In the depart ment of Greek of the university, Dr. C. W. E. Miller and Mr. Edmund Speik er, will probably finish it. Honors con ferred on him by the scientific institu tions of the world are many, and his treatises on classical languages are in general use In educational circles. Dirigible for the Navy. It is announced that the navy de partment has ordered a dirigible air craft from a Connecticut company, which Is to be delivered within four months and will cost $45,636. This craft will be 175 feet long, 55 feet In height and will accommodate eight men. The speed will be 25 miles an hour. This craft cannot be seriously regarded as a fighting machine, but is probably Intended merely for practice purposes and for training operators for possible future craft. The battle cruiser North Carolina, which has be come superannuated. Is to be remod eled to serve as an aviation ship, and will be sent to Pensacola, which is to be made a station and school for train ing aviators. As soon as it Is finished the new airship will be sent to the same place and a floating hangar is to be provided to shelter it Scientific American, Russian Newspaper In Stockholm. A Russian newspaper under the name of SkandlnavsklJ Llstok is now being regularly published In Stock holm. It is estimated that there are 15,000 Russian subjects residing la that city, and It is the intention of this paper to meet the needs of these people. One reason for establishing the paper is the difficulty of receiv ing Russian papers regularly in Stock holm, owing to the uncertainty of mall deliveries. It Is also the Inten tion ot this paper to devote a large part of its space to commercial inter ests and attempt to join Scandinavia and Russia more closely in this re sprct It will he nonpolltlcal as far Take a Talking Machine and Latest Records to the country with you, from Eilers Music House. The jolliest thing for dancing under the trees, on the veranda, at the sea side Here are some used ones: Several, regular price $25.00, reduced to $18.60 Reduced price includes one doz. of best records (24 selections). Two, regular price $35.00, reduced to 92-1.40 Reduced price includes 28 selections of best records. Two, regular price $100, Machines reduced to S65.00 T" 1 J ? n n xveuucea price mciuaes 3U selections of best records. Quite a number of others, some old-style ones for $8, $10 and $12, records included. All of these and other machines sent by mail upon receipt of price. Will also be sold on the well-known i Eilers easy payment plan. 2d Floor Eilers Bldg. 3g PORTLAND, OREGON FOR SALE AUTOMOBILES Rebuilt Federal Trucks II A Safe Used Truck to Buy. A REBUILT FEDERAL is as eood value for the money as a new truck. By rebuilt we mean that the truck Is entirely taken apart, each part examined and if necessary replaced by a new part made at the Federal factory, the entire truck repainted and refinished, and everything necessary done to make the truck practi cally as good as new in every detail. When you buy a rebuilt Federal you are protected by the same policy and In terest mm we give to an f ederal ownerB. We operate a repair department, In which the workmen are specialists on Federals. our supply of Federal parts Is complete, and the stock room organization high class, which insures the prompt filling of all parts orders. We also operate a serv ice department, which is open day and night, "always at your call." The Federal being a good truck In the first place and protected by a company which is equip ped and has the disposition to give you service Is consequently A SAFE USED TRUCK TO BUT. If vou are fn the market fnr n. triirk from 11000 to JHOO, we urge you to com pare used Federals with new trucks at similar prices. We think we can convince you of their superior value. GERL1NGER MOTOR CAR CO., King and Washington Sts. Playing Safe. "What are your views on the mod ern dances?" "Well, my wife thinks they're out rageous, and my daughter says they're just too sweet for anything; so, of course, I have to preserve a strict neu trality." St. Louis Post-Dispatch. A Largs Order. Modest Suitor I have only $5500 a year, sir, but I think I can support your daughter on that. Father (enthusiastically) Support her, my dear boy? why, you can sup port her entire family on it. Who Will Care? Who will care if my hair is gray? Who will care what I have to say? Who will care if I go or stay? Who will care when I'm 50? Who will care If I'm fat or thin? Who will care if I frown or grin? Who will care if my toes turn in? Who will care when I'm 60? Who will care if tears I shed? Who will care if my nose is red? Who will care' if youth Is fled? Who will care when I'm 60? No one will care, so I've been told; No one will care if my feet are cold; No one will care my hand to hold; Oh, I'll just hate to be 60. Jane. He Wasn't Hissing the Show. One of the ushers approached a man who appeared to be annoying those about htm. "Don't you like the show?" "Yes, indeed!" "Then why do you persist in hissing the performers?" "Why, m-man alive, I y-wasn't h hissing! I w-was s-s-imply s-s-s-aylng to S-s-s-sammy that the s-s-slnglng is s-s-s-uperb." WONDERFUL HOW RESIN0L STOPS SKIN TORMENTS The soothing, healing medication in resinol ointment and resinol soap penetrates the tiny pores of the skin, clears them of impurities and stops itching instantly. Resinol positively and speedily heals eczema, heat-rash, ringworm and similar eruptions, and clears away disfiguring pimples and blackheads when other treatments have been almost useless. Resinol is not an experiment. It is a doctor's prescription which proved so wonderfully successful for skin troubles that it has been used by other doctors all over the country for twenty years. Every druggist sells resinol ointment and resinol soap. Adv. No Fight. "Don't you know, Johnny, that if you refuse to strike back there can't be any fight with Tommy Bifkins?" "Yes'm," replied the small boy. "There wouldn't be any fight. Tommy would have it all his own way and I'd get a plain licking." , The Real Test. "I don't see how that little Mrs. Grumpy can seem so well satisfied with her husband. He never kisses her or shows her any mark like that of affection." "Maybe not, but he gives her spend ing money without her ever having to ask for it." Putting It Accurately. "Have you got any mosquitoes around here?" "No," replied Farmer Corntossel. "We haven't got them. They've got us." Washington Star, Loans Valuable Lands. Vincent Astor has lent land worth $1,000,000 to New York city children for a playground. Lisps. Father-What did you and John talk about last night, dear? Daughter Oh, we talked about our kith and kin. Small Brother Yeth, pop, I heard 'em he seth, "Kin I hev a kith?" and she seth, "Yith you kin!" Yale Rec ord. Three In One. "Now, this typewriter is equipped with all the summer attachments." "Summer attachments?" "A Bmall mirror, a miniature clock and a thermometer; everything a girl has to consult frequently." Louisville Courier-Journal, Woe of a Card Player. "Sitting up with your sick friend again, eh?" "Exactly, my dear." "Now tell me the truth, is that friend really sick?" "He's sick-this time, all right. He held an ace-full against my four sixes." Houston (Tex.) Post. Courtship and Boredom, "I don't see how you can tolerate that man." "Oh, but he is a foreign nobleman, my dear." "I don't care," said the American girl. "I'll be jig gered if I'd marry a man who does his courting with a bored air." Louisville Courier-Journal. Sure Thing. "Never sneer at anybody, Rollo," "No, uncle." "Some people poke fun at vegetar ians here. But you'd be mighty glad to meet 'em if you were cast away in the Fiji Islands." Louisville Courier-Journal. CENTRAL COMMERCIAL COLLEGE. "A Modern Business Traininpr School." Thorough, practical, expert, reliable. New building, lanra. well-lighted rooms, complete modern equipment. Write for free lesHon in Bookkeeping and Short hand. Central Building, Portland, Ore. YOUNG MAN, BE A BARBER. Learn a Tradai Be Independent Trade taught in eight weeka; tools free. Commissions paid while learning; positions secured. Write for free catalog. MOLER COLLEGES, Portland, K48 N. End St. Spokane, K22li Main Ave.; Seattle. K109 Main St. "USE THE RIVER " Dalles-Columbia Line State of Washington, for The Dalles daily mc, Sunday 11 p. m. Leave Dalles daily ex. Monday 12 M. Steamers J. N. Teal, Inland Kmpire and Twin Cities for Upper Columbia and Snake river points. Taylor St. Dock. Tel. Main 613. Willamette and Columbia River Towing Co., Portland. DAISY FLY HLLER - ffiSL-Sfta aiilUAa.Neat.cUaa. ornamental, con r to lent, cheap. Lasts all teuton. Made o metal, can'tiptllorttp over; will not ioil or Injure anything. Guaranteed tffectiT. Sold by dealers, o 6 tent by expru pr paid loi Si HAXOLD 80KEK5, 100 DtKalb .. Brooklyn, X. . TYPHOID fa no more necessary than Smallpox. Army experience has demonstrated the almost miraculous effi cacy, and harmlessness, of Antityphoid Vaccination. Be vaccinated NOW by your physician, you ano) your family. It ll more vital than bouse Insurance Ask your physician, druggist, or send for "Have fou had Typhoid?" telling of Typhoid Vaccine, results from use, and danger from Typhoid Csrrlert THE CUTTE11 LABOBATOIIY. BEIIKELCY, CAL raooucise vaccinis a sisuas uaoas u. a. sov. ucssst Taking Precautions. A rosy-cheeked youngster dressed ia his best clothes entered the village postoffice and carefully laid a huge slice of iced cake on the counter. "With my sister the bride's compli ments, and will yer please eat as much as yer can?" he said. The postmistress smiled delightful ly. "How very kind of the bride to re member me," she cried. "Did she know of my weakness for wedding cake?" "She did," answered the youngster, coldly, "and she thought she'd send yer a bit of it this afternoon just to take the edge off yer appetite before she posted any boxes off to her friends." London Tit-Bita. Not a Doctor. While little Dorothy was visiting; her hostess' dog came running up and stopped before her, panting. Seeing his tongue hanging out, Dorothy Baid: "I'se not a doctor, doggie." Boston Transcript. Hit Status. "Were you a bull or a bear in WaH street?" "I wasn't either. I was the man who has to run for atree when the menagerie breaks loose." Washing ton Star. Strength Beauty Come With Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery This is a blood cleanser and alterative that start the liver and stomach into vigorous action. It thus waists the body to manufacture rich red blood which feeds the heart nerves brain and organs of the body. The organs work smoothly like machinery running in oil. Yon feel clean, strong and strenuous instead of tired, weak and faint. Nowadays you can obtain Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery Tablets, as well as the liquid form from all medicine dealers, or trial box of tablets by mail, on receipt of 60c. Address V. M.Pierce, M.D., Buffalo, N.Y. Dr. Pierce's Great 1008 Paav Ultutrateal Common SesM Medici Adviser will be sent FR. CVrth Bosusd lor 31 One-cral Stupe, as possible.