The Maupin Times Published Every Friday at Maupin, Oregon, J. E, Disbhow, Publisher abscription: One Year, $1.50, Six Months 75cts, Three Months 50 Entered in the post office at Maupin, Oregon, as second class mad matter. LOCALS AllAroundTown After nine years of continuous fighting in the courts of New York, Harry Thaw has been declared sane by a jury which listened to testimony for three weeks. The Thaw case is well known to every newspaper reader iii the country as he has almost continuously been in the lime light since he shot Stanford White because of a woman affai During all those years Thaw's persistent and insistent friend has been his mother who has spent untold wealth and given her undivided time to saye her son, her efforts now being re warded. So far as Thaw himself is concerned he was one of those pampered sons of fortune with little else to do save to cut a Vide swath and spend the money that was furnished him without effort on his part. The mother, however, who reared this spoild ed child has shown the sort of metal she is made of in a quiet but forceful wav, and while the public is glad to be rid of Thaw and his troubles it is to be hoped he will profit by the example set him by his one mighty friend his mother'. Ex. Newspaper campositors and men who edit copy, no matter how eagle-eyed they may be, Sometimes allow errors to "get by" that are either laughable or humiliating. A Chicago paper in reporting a political meeting, said that the audience rent the air with their snouts. Another Chicago paper reported that the propeller Alaska was leaving port with a cargo of 40,00 cats. A Buffalo paper, in describing the scene when Roosevelt took bath of office as president, said 1 it was a spectacle never to be forgotten when Roosevelt, be fore the chief justice .of the supreme court and a few wit nesses, took his simple bath. A ship to meet a fatal accident may not always strike an ice berg; may not suffer the ravages of a torpedo, bom or infernal machine, as has been emphatic ally demonstrated by the lament able catastrophy of the Steam boat Eastland which capsized at the Chicago docks in the Chicago river with over two thouaancl on board. In the case of the arrest made here last week of the man breaks ing into the Fitzpaterick store at Tygh VaTley the county will be put to an expense of nearly $200. A. At Disbrow, fomerly of S. Dakota arrived Sunday In his auto and is spending a few days in Maupin the guest of his niece Jes- siline Disbrow ; Mr. Disbrow left Portland a few weeks ago, going north to Setitjle then across the state of Washington coming here via. The Dalles; after a trip to Up per Smock will return over the Columbia Highway to Portland and Southern Oregon points, stop ping some time with relatives at Hood River. W, H. Staats was about sick last week. Tire settings, 75 cents per tire at A. F. Martin's. Johuie Moad was a guest at the Abbott home last week, See Fraley and Vanderpool for auto accessories J. P. Abbott was a county seat business visitor Monday Mate filial proof before Com missioner Stuart. Clarence Fargher was a business visitor in The Dalles last week. Fine watch repairing at Emmons, one door down from-hotel Maupin. - Geo, and Andrew Cunningham are harvesting in Sherman county. Post cards from ic to 5CS at Tallcott's, Some fine views of Maupin. Annie Henderson is here from Portland visiting her aunt Mrs. D. A. Moad. A couple from Aberdeen. Vnt, motered through here Monday On their way to Hay Creek. Don't forget Fischer's Garage at the end of the bridge. Tires, tubes and all accessories. Ernest Doty of Freewater, Wn., T. E. Morgenseii was in fioin his fine fruit ranch near Tygh Valley Tuesday with some black berries and before leaving Maupin subscribed for the Times. Mr. Morgensen expects to be here again today with sonle more bf the black beauties. That wonderful drink; Tallcott's nectar. arrived Friday and will be employ ed in the Hunt's Ferry warehouse Mr; Hiutou Of Portland and a large land owner ot the Bakeoven district was a Maupin caller Tues day. Yesterday morning Mrs. job Crabtree brought to the Times office a green cucumber measuring 8 1-2 inches around and ten inches long. Mrs. L. K. Oakley invited a Times representative into her bean rows this week where we had the pleasure of pluckiug a lot of fine tender pods averaging nearly a foot in length Mr. Fraley of the Fralev and V.,,,,!.. 1 1. . , .-.lucipi s,uagc uas oeen doing some very practical and satisfac tory work in the line of adjusting la new car 111 town this week. H . Meat job Work Done Quickly Butter wrapers, Envelopes, Letterheads, State merits, Bill heads, Cards, Receipts, Booklets, Small sign cards, Bills, Dodgers Circular let ters. We have a nice line of Old English and script, slant ahd Vertical, type and can get out invitations or announcements in correct stylei . bail at the M 1 lines Omce when in Maupin The Times, $1.50 a year Clubbing rates with the Oreg'onian Advertise in the Times it brings results Our Subscription list has enlarged woder fully the last six weeks still growing Prof. Irle was in Maupin a few days the fore part of the week. Horseshoes 75 cents per set at A. F. Martin's. Mrs. G. L. Harphan came home the first of the week and is much improved. Mr. and Mrs, W. T. Vanderpool came over Wednesday from Dufnr and are visiting relatives. Go to Fischer's Garage for all your automobile accessories, gaso- me and storage of machine. Hazel Brown and a girl friend from White River were Maupin visitors on horseback yesterday. Mr. Vogt, of The Dalles., broth er of the Dalles First National's president and Mr. Matthews werr visitors in Maupin Tuesday. B, D. Fraley and family with Mrs. Summon motered to Tygh Valley Sunday and spent the day with Mr. Fraley's father. Randy Cook returned to his home at Mosier last Friday after a few days' visit with Grandma Cook and Mrs. Johnson. The Dalles Morning gun has re duced the number of its columns to hve and taken on a more newsy apperance the last week, A number oi our worthy citizens made a trip to Sliauiko Saturday evening returning in tne wee hours of I he morning. Mr, and Mrs.,G. R. Crofoot and little daughters were Maupin visit ors Wednesday, calling at this of fice: and subscribed for the Times. Mn and Mrs Bates Shattuck and Mr. and Mrs, i. A. Moid went up to Pachetts gulch among the firs Friday night in Mr. Shat tucks car. I have moved my jewlry and re pair shop to my residence one door fjnm the hotel and am prepared to wait on niv customers in the same old way. II. L. Emmons, Correspond znisl Correspondents get ready for the contest to commence with the nex issue of the Times and continue for four months. Cash prizes will awarded, credit being given actor.', ing to newsiness and regularity f f letters, special news stories sent in, subscriptions secured, and general interest in the welfare of the Tin es displayed by the correspondents. Statement of prize amounts to be given in next week' column's. . Make land filings and final proof before United States Commissioner Stuart. Church Notice. Church Notice, Aug. 1, 1915, Sunday School 10 a. m,, preach ing, 11 a, m. ana 8 p. ni. The evening service will be held on the lawn at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Staats. Song service wiil start at 7: 30 P. M. Everyone is cordially invited to attetid all ser vices. Prayer meeting Thursday evening 8 p, m. G. E. ELLIS, Pastor. OREGON TRUNK1 RY. CENTRAL OREGON LINE SPECIAL t ARES OH From Central Ore-Ron point t- the Seashore UesorH thtsop leach, Eastern Cir: a';-' the California Exixwinom. COOL. GAV (jiLAK.i AK r AND SEASIDE, CLATSOP BEACH Inexpensive Hotel, Camp and Cot tage Accommodations. .Mani fold Amusements and Surf and Natatorium' Bathing, Round trip from Maupin $10.15 ROUND TRIPS EAST Direct or Circuit Routes to Aov Point Daily until September 30 Return Limit October 31. Chicago Direct$72.50. Min neapolis, Si. Paul, Dulvth or Winnipeg, $00. Si, Louis $71.20, Wew York $110.70. One way via California, with stopover to see Expositions, at slightly high er rates. NORTH "Pride cf the Pacific" is the place to forget summer's heat And dust, also The Cares and Worries of the day- to enjoy life at its best, down the sea where ocean eezes blow. All optical work repaired bv IL L. Emmons, at his office-residence, Maupin. Formerly the parcel post admit ted no parcels when combined length and girth exceeded seventy two inches. This limit has now been raised to eighty-four inches, and the usefulness of the parcel post has to that extent been in creased , Dr. Francis was sick the last two davs-. CALIFORNIA Oregon Trunk, North Bank and tne floating, iSS Great Norther and 'Northern cific," Sailing every Tue?-' day, Thursday and Satur day from Portland, and from San Francisco. $36.25 round trip from Maupin, i n c 1 u d i rig meals and berths cn ships. Rail rate same without meals and berth. Ask for Expo sition Folder; A. LOCKE Agent. Maupin Notarial work at the Maupin Statu bank. artin HAS OPtlNfEU HIS BLACKSMITH SHOP IN MAUPIN AND IS NOW PREPARED TO DO ALL KINDS OF $ky br ' Reached only via the DREGGY WASHINGTON Railroad & Navagation Co, Tickets on sale daily at low fares for the round trip Ask R. B. BELL, Ag'ent Maupin iaciismithing', Horse shoeing and General Repairing' All work done neatly and promptly at a reasonable price A FAIR SHARE OF THE PATRONAGE IS SOLICITED , - DflmaosfD'!caiDdlaD(ii(aBiDan)iiiaBeD(iD(iaaiDaai Blacksmithing, Wagonmaking and Auto Repairing Fraley H Vanderpool Horseshoeing, Blacksmithing and Wagonmak ing Share grinding and sharpening. All kinds bf Repair Work that will suit, With a Guarantee That Will Stick. Try us If your wagons, bug gies or hacks need overhauling, bring them in, we'll save you money, We carry a full line of Automobile Supplies and are prepared"todoall kinds of Auto repair work Maupin, Ore. CHAS.H. FRANCIS, M.D.;C.M MAUPIN, OREGON Hi a n Mem. Coll, Fhys. & Surg., Ontario Licentiate Minnesota and Oregon Prompt Service ori Either Day or Night Calls Eyes tested, Glasses Fitted Can Ydii Do It? TEST TYPE. scat. gnmiiMf agr'nuuiM n mufiiMr aim i illi V-i -. - 7! Fischer's Garage Readily adaptable to all situations, with its ability to meet and overcome the unusual, the Ford is the car for your tours and camping expeditions, as well as being a genuine utility in the demands of every day life. Averaging about two cent per mile to operate and maintain; Barring the unforeseen; each retail buyer of a new Ford car, between August 1914 and August 1913. will receive from $40 to $60 as a share bf the Ford Motor Com pany's profits. Runabout $440; Touring Car $490; Town Car $690; Conptlet $750; Sedan $975, f. 6. b. Detroit with al! equipment. On display and sale at E. J. FISCHER'S. 1 i hrl ('. II; FMncrv Ortii-ipn