The Maupin times. (Maupin, Or.) 1914-1930, July 23, 1915, Image 2

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"A Modern Business Training School." Thorough,
practical, axpsrt, reliable. Nw buildinjr. lara-e,
Well-liirht4 noma, complete modern equipment
Write for fret lesson in Bookkeeping and Short-
tentral Building, romana, ura.
Be Independent Trade taught In eight weeks;
tools free. Commissions paid while learning:;
positions aecured. Write for free catalog-.
MOI.ER COU.KCKS. Portland, K N. 2nd St.:
Spokane, K'Z'Zli Main Ave.; Seattle, K109 Main St
to Ranchea, Hop Yards. Berry and Fruit Farms.
Milkers, land-clearcra and wuodVhoppers on short
est notice. Phone or write Hartley Employment
Agency, 28 N. 2i St, Putins, Or. K Mail 111 us U2'M
HOWARD K. BITRTOH - aimtyer an memlrt,
Leftdvtlls, Colurndo. Bpeciuiaa prKiesi tiold,
gller, Lid, fl. Oold, Silver, 16o; Gold. Olio: Zino
orOopper.Sl. Mulling enrelopes Sid full price hat
Sent on application. Uontrol and umpire won aw
Uolhfti. llefeienoet Oaruonat national
Dalles-Columbia Line
Rljite of Washington, for The Dalles daily ex.
Sunday 11 p. m. Leave Dalles daily ex. Monday
12 M. Steamers J. N. Teal, Inland Umpire and
Twin Cities for Upper Columbia and Snake river
points. Taylor St Dock. Tel. Ham Bid.
Willamette and Columbia River Towing Co., PortlinJ.
ZttZ&r ornamental, convsn-
tM lent, clieap, I.aitiall
soil or
I Guaranteed eRectivda
Sold by dealers, or
6 ii-nt hr excrcii '
paid far (1.
BA10LD I0ULK8, ISO DKib Ar.. Brooiljn, V. T.
rT7Tir( Xi'TI "eason. Made
x 'flW''B ov win not sui
ni i rxr losses surely preventeb
Irvl HI M h r.uttar'i Blaok a Pill. Low-
IflriWU. priced, fresh, rellnlil-; preferred bj
Westorn nt(n:lunin beciu tnoy pro
toot whart other vatclnrt tall.
W7 M Write for booklet and teM!moninli,
IT H 0-itau okaa. 0 lack ! fill! II. UU
JJ JiVJi Jtn.iliiM nbaa. HUoklM Pill 4.00
Tt .n inWtr hut Ciittur't best.
The iiiperlorlty of Cutter products la due to o?er K
intra of ipadalliilriK in viooinei no inruma omy.
I.slst n r.Atru If unnlitalnnhlat nrrlur dlrPPt.
T'JE CUTTER LABORATORY, Birkiliy, California
Bell j1.e1.!1Li
V iW J
iMothing contributes
more to life than a
fc-a v', nne sec oi leem. a goiu
jLI if -J "'Sand porcelain bridge or
P v me examine your mouth
. - Vv- 'I f ' 1 and tell you in advance
I what it will cost
Dr. Elof T. Hedlund
456-459 Morn Buildlnu. Washington Near Broad'
way, Portland, Ureiron.
Dangerous Method.
"What are your usual modes of pun
Ishment?" was among the questions
submitted to a teacher in a rural dls
trict In Ohio. Her answer was, "I try
I moral suasion first, and It that does
not work I use capital punlBhment.
As it was a neighborhood where moral
I suasion had not been a success, and
the children were scarce, the commit
tee took no risks.
Easy Case to Conduct.
Soft snaps are comparatively few,
but the attorney for the defense when
a good-looking woman is the defend
ant shouldn't worry much. Atchison
How It Sounded.
Bason "What Is your daughter do
ing at the piano?" Egbert "Sounds
as It she wus setting her class yell
to music."
Didn't Matter to Old Darkey In Ken
tucky Whether Watch Was Regu
lated by Sun or Railroad.
A prominent lawyer tells this tale
of the hills of Kentucky. He naa
been in Jackson during the hearing
of a big land case, and after the
strain of several weeks in the court
room had decided to take a trip up
In the mountains and enjoy the quiet
ine influence of the hills. He trav
eled the paths and narrow mountain
roads till he found himself at the
end of several days' Journey about
forty or fifty miles from the railroad.
It was about noon, the lawyer judged,
for his watch had run down and he
could not be exact But in the midst
of this deep contemplation the law
yer came upon an old darkey sitting
upon a bowlder alongside the road.
"What time have you?" he asked
of the old darkey.
"Well suh, boss, the old Water-
berry says she's about 10 minutes to
12," was the reply.
"Is that sun time or railroad time?"
again questioned the lawyer.
"What dlftunce does that make?
One am about as fer from here as
the other." Louisville Times.
Hold Fast to the Feelings and the
Spirit of Youth and Beware of
. Irritability.
The writer once saw an amusing
picture In a magazine. It represented
a woman, standing before a mirror,
rouge bruBh in hand, adding roses to
her cheeks, and it was entitled "Beat
ing Time." That is the great trouble
with most men and women who have
passed the halfway house in the jour
ney of life. They try to retain youth
by painting up the outside, putting re
pairs where the casual eye beholds
rather than reconstructing the bodily
interior and bracing mental founda
tions. They borrow color from the
rouge brush, exhilaration from the
stimulants and vivacity from the tan
go, perhaps, while the stalking ghost
of lost youth that gives them dead
away Is their Irritability,
Young people, genuinely young peo
ple, possess a sunnlness of spirit that
endows them with exceedingly lovable
qualities, of which patience Is one
most to be desired. Youth may have
occasional brainstorms of wrath or
t,vatarta fcur nn tho whnlp.. the VOMie
DOES YOUR SKIN are sweetly equable, entranclngly
ITCH AMD BURN? hopeful and wonderfully patient. They
If your skin Itches and burns with have a delightful way of refusing to
eczema or any such tormenting, un- take things tragically. The young are
sightly skin disease, simply wash the generally imposed upon, frequently de
sore places with resinol soap and hot celve(ji Beiaom praised in proportion to
water, uiy ami aVn iy a their efforts (and occasionally their
deserts), but the Angel of Patience
and scratch, sleep becomes possible, stands ever at tneir ngni nana anu
and healing begins at once. That Is they do not make themselves nor oth-
because the soothing, antiseptic res- ers miserable by irritable tempers,
inol medication strikes right into the a Biblical proverb tells ua: "He
surface, arrests the action of the dis- hat iB Blow to anger is better than
ease, and almost always restores the ... . ..
tortured, inflamed skin to perfect luu"6.ul". . . .
health quickly, easily and at little spirit than he tnat taitein a city,
cost. both slmllies indicating that control
Prescribed by doctors for twenty of temper is Indicative of Increasing
When Wo Work Best
Autumn and spring are the best sea
sons of the year for all kinds of work.
At a very low temperature both men
tal and physical work are depressing.
Mental work reaches Its highest effi
ciency at a temperature of 38 degrees,
while physical work reaches its maxi
mum at 69 degrees for men and 60 de
grees for women. Recent Investiga
tions show that weather variations are
distinctly good for us and promote our
mental efficiency.
m Mi
All , VV .:jvr35i
A i 1 FIT i m - JV
eng Powder
years, and sold by all drugglsts.-
Means that, you keep
the middleman's
profit in your pocket
when you buy
Lumber, Shingles,
Lath, Moulding;,
Doors, Windows and
other Building Ma
terial from
Sam Connell
Lumber Co.
Portland, - Oregon
Send us a list of what you require
for your buildings and we will name
you prices delivered at your station
and Guarantee to save you Money.
Write for our
Illustrated Catalog.
"Are you going to your
party?" asked the old friend.
"No." replied Mr. Cumrox.
last time we had a party I attended
and couldn't find anybody to talk
"Then you are not a success la
"No. The most I can do is to stay
in hiding and not injure the prospects
of mother and the girls."
rather than decreasing strength
The "irritability of old age," what Is
that but panic disclosing weakness?
Old people feel unequal to things.
Youth feels so strong, so capable, so
glad and assured, that it will tackle
To Appreciate Color.
Only a few of the great palnter.i
have been great "colorists," for the re
grettable reason that they could not the seemingly impossible and find it
divinely see color, ana to sucn paini- noogihie. Youth is the fool that rush
ers the master colorist has been called eg ftn(1 wlnSj wnere angels (and the
crude and garisn. 'me nne tning ioi agedj ear to treaQ-
everyone is to cultivate the eye to a Hence the only successful way to
close and ever observation of all hues beat tlme lg by noiaing fast to the al
and shades in nature, for in that way truistic outlook and the pleasant qual
The patrons of our 'first class hotels and restaurants are exact-Ing-they
demand the best Women go. where the pastry and cakes
are noted for their excellence. Men are attracted by hot bread and
biscuits when fresh and moist and light.
The pastry cook with a reputation uses K C Baking Powder
because he knows that results arc certain; every time everything
is as good as his best.
Then, too, with K C Baking Powder he can mix the various
kinds of batter before the rush of the meal begins and bake as
needed so that every order goes to the table fresh and hot, yet the
last he bakes are just as good, as tne nrst.
The reasons behind these reasons is that K C is
really a blend of two baking powders. One commences
to give off leavening gas as soon as moistened. The
other requires both moisture and heat to make it
active. Dough or batter will remain in a partially
leavened condition for hours, and when put in the oven,
will come up as light as if mixed a moment before.
Fnr rookies, pancakes, douchnuts and the like,
M which cannot all be baked at once. K C is indispensa-
0m ble. For all baking thedoubleraise makes doubly certain.
iSffiSl Fnllnw th vxnmole of the Drofessional
cook and your baking will be equal to his.
A Versatile Man.
"I. couldn't get along without my
"No?" i
"When I'm sick he tells me a funny
story and I get well."
"Does he make out his bill 'to pro
fessional service' or 'entertainment'?"
only one can have the pleasure of the
highest appreciation of nature, splen
did as the wondrous revelations of the
Bpectrum is in Its divination of thi
composition of rays of light.
ities of youth. Build up the health,
compose the nerves, clasp hands with
Patience, revive faith in men and an
gels and look upon life with eyes of
hope and love. Baltimore Sun.
All Have Three Forms.
All things in the world have three
forms; these are gaseous, liquid and
solid. Everything is moving from one
of these forms Into another. For in
stance, the Bputum is a liquid. Dried
in the open air, it soon becomes a
Psychology cf Speed.
There are many sins of civilization,
but speed 13 one of them and the
latest born, laments the Ohio State
Journal. Except in a courtroom,
speed is an obstacle. It is in the way
of true success, for It is indifferent to
Creating That Impression.
"I see it again stated that eating
onions regularly will make a person
live a long time, Do you suppose
there is any truth in that theory?"
"I can't say, but eating onions regu
larly will probably make a person's
life seem long to other people with
whom he comes in contact."
A Candidate for Reform.
"What are you bo gloomy about?"
aBked the warden. "The offense for
hlch you were Bent to this prison
might have been much more serious."
'That's what depresses me. I m
afraid they ain't goln' to let me stay
here long enough to finish me education."
On S. P. II K, in Tillamook, Co. Ot
Train itopi tt our door. Pl to ipnd yout
vacation her thli aummer. You will find it
delightful ai wU aa Inexpensive. We have
fully furnished Housekeeping TenU, Including
electric light and water, from 95 per week up
Danoe every night, Bowling. Pool and Bil
lianla. Surf Fishing and Safe Bathing. For
particular! write or call on W18K DENTAL
Co., Rooms 811-12 Failing Bldg., 3d at Wash
ington. Portland, Ore., phones A or M 8029; or
Bar View, Tillamook Co., Ore,
C. Gcc Wo
Successful Home
Hit successful herb
al rerun! iee cure all
kinds of ailments of
men and women with
out operation. usd
from the wonderful
Chinese herbs, roots,
buns and vegetable, which are unknown to
the medical ncience of this country.
Write for blank and circulars, Send stamp.
The C Gee Wo Chinese Medicine Co.
U&H Pint St, Portland, Or.
P. N. U.
No. 29, 1915
U7HKN vrlUai t aanrtisrs, aUaaa Mat-
solid. Then, pulverized, it is taken up all the laws of life. A man wno goes
by tha air and circulates in minute B0 fast that he falls to see the quiet
dust particles, some of which are too and beautiful things along the way is
small to be seen.
Brooklyn Navy Yard.
The Brooklyn navy yard was estab
lished February 23, 1801, when the
first land, twenty-three acres, was
bought from one John Jackson for $10,
000. The yard now comprises 144
acres and has a water front of nearly
three miles, protected by a sea wall
ot granite.
nave Healthy, Strang, Beantlfnl Eyes
Ocullatu ftud Fhyalciuua used Murine tye
Remedy many years before tt was offered as a
Domestic Eye Medicine. Murine is bliti i;onv
Dounded by Our Physicians and guaranteed
by them aB a Reliable Relief for EyeB that Need
Care. Try it In your Eyes and in Baby's Eyes
No Smarting Just Eye Comfort. Buy Murine
of your Druggist accept no Substitute, and if
Interested write for Book of the Eve Free.
Expert In Silver Linings.
Hall "Blythe is a pretty optimistic
character, I hear." Wall "I should say
so. If he failed In business, he'd thank
heaven he had his health; if he failed
in health, he'd thank heaven he had
his business, and if he failed in both,
he'd say there was no use having one
Without the othpr
The inventor seldom profits by his
production. The Chinese invented
gunpowder. South Bend Tribune.
Optimistic Thought.
The gnerou8 man grows rich In
Relief In Novel Way.
Mrs. Henry Peck You used to say
that I looked good enough to eat.
Peck I haven't as good an appetite
as I had then.
Not Much Argument.
Have you chosen a name for your
little daughter yet?"
Yes. We've decided to call her
'That's a pretty name. How did you
decide on it?"
"My wife said that was the one she
"What does this talk ot commercial'
lied baseball refer to?"
"The fact, possibly, that to many
players have gone into vaudeville or
on the lecture platform.
Not a Sincere Dancer.
"What is your reason tor wanting
to learn to dance?"
"Well, It looks foollsher to sit still
and look foolish than it does to get
injuring his mind and breaking up
his nerves. If we had a family of sev
eral children and put them in an
automobile and raced them oft at
20 miles an hour, we would regard
ourselves their mortal enemy, for they
will never grow up with their nerves
steady or their intellects lively.
The alienists say that in 200 years
the human family will all be lunatics.
It won't be that long, if the speed of
autos is kept up to over twenty miles
an hour. Indeed, many of these wild
and reckless drivers are getting that
way now, and they are pulling every
body down with them. But save the
children, and if the old lunatics must
have their way, take the children out
and keep them at home.
To Make Bandages.
Bandages can be prepared from the
good parts ot worn sheets or pillow
slips if perfectly clean. Rolls six to
eight yards in length are most con
venientone inch wide for fingers, two
inches for feet, two and one-half to
three Inches for head and arms and
four inches for legs. A good way of
keeping them in condition for use is
to seal the rolls in a perfectly clean
glass fruit Jar.
Dr. Fierce s Pellets, small, sugar-
coated, easy to take as candy, regulate
and invigorate stomacn, liver ana Dow
els. Uo not gnpe.
Hidden Virtues.
Apropos of the discussion on
George W. Perkins and the Harvester
trust, Representative Qulnn said:
'If George W. is to be believed, his
trust is ot a goodness such as Is
scarcely seen oq this poor earth ot
ours. The trust, like old Wash White,
rVf. n,b. U WooL- Tii.M undoubtedly has hidden virtues.
Not Do Her Work Found Calhoun Clay entered, you know, a
dancing competition. But age was
against Wash, and his boots, a pair
Arf.n MiM, T.nff.ro1 terriMv of cowhides six or seven sizes too
.,sii,mlimaVnonHWWl,. and large, were againBt him, too. The
got so weak that I P"z M awaraea to ws youu8r
could hardly do my nn-
ljOOK-a-yere, ausio umpire, uuvio
Wash growled, 'whaffor yo' give de
prize toe him?
'"Kase he done mo' beats 'n yo'
"'Go Ion, man,' said Undo Wash
'I done a lot o' steps in dese yere big
boots what yo' never see.'"
work. When I
washed my dishes I
had to sit down and
when I would sweep
the floor I would get
so weak that I would
have to get a drink
every few minutes,
n and before I did my
(I dusting I would have
to lie down. I got
so poorly that my folks thought I was
going into consumption. One day I
found a piece of paper blowing around
the yard and I picked it up and read it
It said 1 Saved from the Grave,' and
told what l.ydia E. Pinkham s Vegeta
ble Compound has done for women. I
showed it to my husband and he said,
Why don't you try it ? ' So I did, and
after I had taken two bottles I felt
better and I said to my husband, 'I don't
need any more,' and he said 'You had
better take it a little longer anyway.'
So I took it for three months and got
well and strong." Mrs. Alonzo E.
Baker, 9 Tecumsen St, Adrian, Mien.
Not Well Enough to Work.
In these words is hidden the tragedy
of many a woman, housekeeper or wage
earner wno supports nerseu ana is oi tea
helping to support a family, on meagre
wages. Whether in house, office, fac
tory, shop, store or Kitcnen, woman
should remember that there is one tried
and true remedy for the ills to which aU
women are prone, and that is Lydia E.
Pinkham's Vegetable Compound It
oromotes that visror which makes work
asy. -The Lydia E. Pinkham MediciM
1. urns, uaiav
Criticism of a Weekly.
The late Jacob A, Rils, the eminent
sociologist and author, waa an ardent
supporter of Colonel Roosevelt and It
was In this connection that he once
uttered a very cruel bon mot
On Colonel Roosevelt's last vielt to
London it was rumored in American
literary circles that he was to be hon
ored with an invitation to one of
Punch's famous weekly dinners those
dinners at which Thackeray and Du
Maurler and Burnand and other
notables sat down.
But Mr. Riis contradicted this ru
mor at a dinner In New York.
"It is not true," he said, "that Mr.
Punch is to entertain Colonel Roose
velt Mr. Punch never entertalne anybody."
Rebuilt Federal Trucks
A Safe Used Truck to Buy.
value for the money as a new truck. I-fy
rebuilt we mean tnat tne trticK is entirely
taken apart, each part examined and If
necessary replaced by a new part mad
at the Federal factory, the entire trunk
repainted nnd retinlsnea, and everytrnna
necessary done to maKe tne trucK practi
cally as pood as new In every detail.
When vou buy a rebuilt Federal yott
are protected by the same policy nnd in
terest that we five to all f ederal owners,
We operate a repair department, in which
the workmen are spet lalists on Federals,
our supply of Federal parts Is complete,
and the stock room organization high
lass, which insures the prompt lining 01
all parts orders. We also operate a serv
ice department, which Is upen day and
night, "always at your can." Tne eeaerm
being a good truck in the first place and
protected by a company which is equip
ped and has the disposition to give you
service is consequently
If you are in the market for a truck
from $1000 to $H00, we urge you to com
pare used Federals with new trttcks at
similar prices. We think we can convince
you of their superior value.
King and Washington Sts.
Killing Insects in Seeds.
Injurious Insects found in seeds
may be 'killed without affecting the
germinating qualities of tne seed Dy
treatment with hydrocyanio acid gas
in a vacuum chamber.
Deserved Tribute.
"You see. we have done everything
possible to preserve the Plymouth
Rock." "And I don't blame ye. New
England owes a heap to that breed
of hen."
You Can Get Allen's foot-Case FREE.
Write Alfrn 8. Olmsted. Le Rov. N. Y.. for a
free sample of Allen's Foot-Ease. It cures
sweating, hot swollen, aching feet. It makes
now ur tigut biiucb easy, a ccnam cuio 1UI
corns, ingrowing nails and bunions. All drug
gists sell it. 2&o. Don't accept any substitute,
Her Own Business.
The charming young woman who
expected to be married soon, went ta
the registration book for the first
time. The man in charge asked:
"With what party do you expect to
be affiliated?" "That's none of your
business," she replied. "If I have ta
tell his name I'm; not going to' regis
ter, so there.t
Merchants, Attention!
Will trade elegant Portland, Or., home,
all new and modern, value $5000, for
Btock of Shoes or General Merchandise.
Royal Shoe Co., 229 Morrison St
Insect Kelgns Death.
The deathwatch beetle has the is
variable habit of feigning death wheal
seized or disturbed. The simulation
is bo persistent that when lmmerseS
In water, or even in alcohol, the ln-j
sect remains perfectly immovable, and
will allow itself to be burned aliv
rather than betray itself. The tlclt
made by the deathwatch resembles!
that made by tapping the finger nail
upon the table so much so that tha
insect may be led to recommence hl
sounds by doing this.
Did You K-now That
As a rhyme In St Nicholas points
out, the owl is most ungrammatical
in saying "To who? to who?" instead
of "to whom? to whom?" But then
you can't expect much from an owl,
and even less from a boiled owl?
He Comes.
"Where do we find the most mlsetJ
able of men?" exclaimed the exhorter
fervently. "You don't have to fin4
him," responded the man in the fourth
row, center, "he hunts you up and tell
you all about it." Philadelphia Publia
Show Respect fur Bee.
Attention is called to the fact that
no one ever seems to think of a be
as a bug. Insect is about the worst
thing they are ever called.
Uncle Eben. ,
"A well-fed hoss," said Uncle Eben,
"is a better recommend foh de man
dat owns him dan fancy harness."
Little Gold Found In Arkansas.
Arkansas' gold boom la fast sub
siding. Prospecting was most' active
in the district south of BluSton and
Gravelly, two small towns on Fourche
river. Several hundred claims have
been staked In this district, although
on only about a doten has any devel
opment work been attempted.
Lion FlgM On Their
f5ftITtStfltlS Napoleon so said. A man
4aiUAIiia'll with a weak 8tomacn j,
J pretty sure to be a poor fighter. It is difficult
W almost impossible for anyone, man or woman,
li aigesuon is poor, to succeea in Dusiness or
socially or to enjoy life. In tablet or liquid form
Dr. Pierce's
Golden Medical Discovery
helps weak stomachs to strong, healthy action
helps them to digest the food that makes the good,
rich, red blood which nourishes the entire body.
This vegetable remedy, to a great extent, puts
the liver into activity oils the machinery of
the human system so that those who spend their working hours at the desk,
behind the counter, or in the home are rejuvenated into vigorous health.
Baa broattht I1W to many thonaaads every year for orr forty years. It can
reliera yo and doubtless raatora to too your former health and strength At
least yon ow It to yourself to live It a trial. Sold by Medicine Dealers or send EOe for
trial box ol Tablets Dr. Kerca'a Invalids' Hotel A Surgical Institute, BuffakM..
Yw tan kavi Dr. Pisres't Common Sans Mtdteal Advtesr of lOQt sg for It.
on your feet and look foolish,"