The Maupin times. (Maupin, Or.) 1914-1930, July 16, 1915, Image 7

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    S . .
Rifles Shoot Straight and Strong
The name "Winchester on a rifle barTel is the hall-mark of accurate
and strong shooting. This is due to the excellence of Winchester
lmlo tVi tnnwUdo-B nnrl nrinri mhrii rv in tha; manufacture
and the care taken in targeting them. Only good guns ever leave f
our xacioiy. rur results luwavs use wmcocmer guns tax u your
Knntina anA Winehisti"r malfft nf immunilinn for all vour runs.
FREE: Stnd nam and addrtss on a postal card for our large illustrated catalogue,
Be Independent. Trails taurht in eisrht weeks;
tools free. Commissions paid while learning:
JOSlUonH Becurru. itiius lor xirrm tau.(.
Spokane, K226 Main Ave.; Seattle. K109 Ham St!
Dalles-Columbia Line
State of Washington, for The Dalles daily ex.
Sunday 11 P. m. Leave Dalles daily ex. Monday
12 M. Steamers J. N. Teal, Inland Kmpire and
Twin Cities for Upper Columbia and Snake river
points. Taylor St. Dock. Tel. Main 613.
Willamette us Columbia River Tawing Cs., Psrtlul.
Merchants, Attention!
Will trade eleeant Portland. Or., home
all new and modern, value $5000, for
Btock of Shoes or General Merchandise,
Royal Shoe Co., 229 Morrison St.
German 8yetem So Perfect That Des
perately Wounded Men Are ks-
tored to Service in Compara
tlvely Short Time.
Means that you keep
the middleman's
profit in your pocket
when you buy
Lumber, Shingles,
Lath, Moulding,
Doors, Windows and
other Building Ma
terial from
Sam Connell
Lumber Co.
Portland, - Oregon
Send us a list of what you require
for your buildings and we will name
you prices delivered at your station
and Guarantee to save you Money.
Write for our
Illustrated Catalog.
Family Portraits.
Thorn la a. beautiful home on Long
Island that the owners wished to lease
or the summer. Two parvenus with
social ambition thouEttt this residence
might be the means of launching them
Into local society, so they went to look
It over. Upon entering the boudoir of
a voune woman member of the family,
their eves fell uoon a beautiful Ma
donna on the wall. They also ob
served a Beatrice. One of the party
said, "Well, If we do take the house,
will you please remove the family
portraits !" Judge.
Dr. Fierce's Pleasant Pellets regu
late and invigorate stomach, liver and
bowels. Sugar-coated, tiny granules,
easy to take, uo nor. gripe.
Such Is Fate.
"He had braved a thousand dangers
In the land of savage strangers, war
and famine, flre and tempest, epidem
ics and the rest." (This was in met
rical form in the London Chronicle.)
"Rut vemtardav at five (and It's lucky
he's alive), he was hurt in a collision
with a boy on roller skates.
nujH Miinr.ieT u.' M F TP.I.f. Yflll
Try liurine Kje Remedy for Red, Weak, Watery
Eves ana uranuiawa jj-yeuaa,
iuat-Kye Comfort. Write for Book of the Eye
by mail Jre. Murine Bye Remedy Co., Chicago.
Doctors and Drugs.
A laree number of physicians ars
themselves addicted to the use of mor
phine. This is no wonder, consider
ing the strenuous life they lead, and
the fact that they are continually
handling the drug. Conscientious
physicians have for some time past
refused to administer It, but then,
what was the use, while there were
so many others willing to do so?
C. Gee Wo
Successful Home
His successful herb
al remedies cure all
kinds of ailments of
men and women with
out operation, used
from th wonderful
Chinese herbs, roots,
buds and vegetables, which are unknown to
the medical science of this country.
Write for blank and circulars, bend stamp.
The C. Gee Wo Chinese Medicine Co.
First St., Portland, Ore.
Mention raper.
Growth of Industry.
In ten years the fountain, stylo
graphic and gold pen Industry of the
United States has almost trebled,
whlls that of the steel pen has
Dally Thought.
Too austere philosophy makes few
wise men; too vigorous politics, few
good subjects; and too hard a religion,
few religious psrions whose devotion
Is of long contlnusnce.-St. Brremont
rv icsr I"l V VII I r laa
IV Aid I r L.1 1Y11.1.L.I
attracts kill.
alliu...n.i., come.
lot. '-
e.a.n. Ud..l
rcrt will .l '
lal.r. .yth!r-
Sold br !",
t ..t hrMarwar..
paid loi 1.
KABOLD s,o,Ul, IM B rUT' Tl
Arsenic Not. Fatal to Birds.
Investigations by government scien
tists show that the spraying of trees
witVi r,rennr&Hons of arsenic to elimi
nate the gypsy moth is not necessarily
fatal to birds. The scarcity of birds
In regions where much spraying is
done can be explained by the fact that
the spraying diminishes the supply of
Insect food and the birds are obliged
to seek it elsewhere.
Many people believe that a child
may be born near-elghted, but this is
not the case. Near-eigtiteaness al
ways results from strain, ana in iue
great majority of cases can be pre
vented, or at least kept down to low
Manufacture of Ghee.
Ghee, the native butter of India,
which has been known to keep for cen
turies without becoming rancid, Is
h hnilin butter until all the
watery particles and curds have been
removed by skimming.
Well, What Do They Dot
ir-mor. .... that writers to the con
trary notwithstanding, bullets neither
whine, hiss, howl, hum nor whisper.
Very well. Majority will tans tne ex
pert's word for it New York Evening
Grtat City's Sswags.
Every 14 hours there Is poured Into
the Harlem river 89,006,000 gallons of
n. York rltv's sewage: into the
North river 131.909,000 gallons and
Into the Kt Ht.v it pa nop gallons.
Artist (showing latest picture) "M
object was to try to express all the
horrors of war." Friend MI have
never sees anything mors horrible."
Bostoi Transcript.
With their characteristic thorough-
nana tho Rsrmini have set themselveB
tn ih tank of savin every wounded
soldier sent back from the front who
Is not beyond their aid. They are ac
niuhlnsr wonderful results and
thousands of disabled soldiers are
mn rootnrecl tn health ana sent Dacs.
tn thA ftrlnr line, who miarht have per
ished miserably were it not for the
scientific management or. uerman nos-i
pital work.
Thera la no neelect of tne wounaeu.
Prnm the time a man is hurt on the
horriofioii until he is Installed in a
hospital, perhaps far away from the
scene of his Injury, all war. oram
TmanihW Vu rlnnn for him before he
tfVVBiVJ "
raaKhca tViA hosnital has been accom
plished by skilled hands and wnen ne
ronoVien hla destination competent
surgeons, who specialize in the kind
of wound he has received, begin the
final work of healing. Instead of being
oneration In war
nro-onr nmnutation is not practiced
now, except as the last resort. Anti
septic treatment has so mlnlmiiea tne
r nf infnetinn that the most des
perately wounded soldiers are saved
and dismissed from the hospitals with
Hintr full nomnlement Of limbs.
Not only are German surgeons ao-
lng splendid work, but American,
French. English and Austrian sup
geons are every day performing re
markable operations. Recently an op
eration was performed by rror. AiDerc
TieUe on a soldier who had a serious
in his head. After a large frag
ment of shell had been removed the
X-rays showed that a small piece of
shell remained. Professor Tietie saia
thin nartlcle could not safely be left
In the skull because It might become
dislodged in future years and cause
inntAnt death.
It was suggested that a magnet be
used to draw out the splinter, 'mere
nn instrument of the sort avail
able, but engineers of the telegraphic
division soon made an electro-magnet.
A motor, formerly used for running
a threshing machine, and a dynamo
were requisitioned. The pnyslclan wok
an lrnn wand, highly polished, and.
connected it with a coll. The wand
was inserted in the soldier's skull and
tho frairment of shell was easily with
drawn as It clung to the end of the
Its Creation Is Wholly the Art of
Woman, and Really Her
Life's Best Work.
A hom is not merely a house; It Is
an atmosphere; it is a place of be
loved associations, where you can
wear old clothes, and think old
thoughts, and hear familiar voices
without hearing them. You can o
happy there, and be comfortably un
happy, be thoroughly unpleasant
even, and know that tboBe you love
will think no worse of you than they
do already. Luxury cannot make a
home, nor can books, or pictures, or
nie nr hrir-a-hrae. A cat a canary,
two geraniums, a Bible and an old
rocking chair may make one ox me
lnvnlleat hnmea In the World. At the
same time a home Is not necessarily
happy because It is the house of pov
erty, as some would have us believe.
Tha art of creating home atmo
sphere Is wholly the art of woman,
and she has none more charming.
Mere care will not do it, or mere
neatness and tidiness; indeed mose
thinrs sometimes work the other way.
The love of prettiness will not do
It; good cooking will not do it, ai
thnuph It la a miirhtv help. Kven be
ing gay and merry, and kindly yourself
Is not quits enough, although h neiyi
even more than the cooking. Suc
cess in homemaking, as in everything
else, requires that you shall leei a
real joy in your work. If it is a drag,
if it is an irksome duty, if your mind
la on a thousand outside things tnai
in nnt horns, vou cannot make boms
what it should be. Not that the home-
maker should think of nothing else.
That la neither desirable nor possible.
But the woman whose first pleasure
Is to create that beautiful thing, noma,
will be a precious and permanent in
fluence not only to her own family,
but to all her household, to an ner
guests, to the whole community in
which she Uvea. Youth's Companion.
i a i 'v ft w w
aaa (aBfa fiaat
You may use an old favorite recipe and (he best of materials and make it
carefully, the oven may be just right, yet you will have a tauure it -
"The Power behind the Dough" is not f he Tight one to leaven it properly
J tfi. i- .-u ...ii
ana make u ugni, aigesuuic, wnoiesome.
Good baking without good baking powder is out of the question.
fC Raktna PniilApr ha. wnnrlerfnl leawnino nnwr nrl tr rlrMtki .r-hnn
; .u. U..,i J L. l i j ku
Take no chance of failun use K C
and has "good luck" every time.
ac au urocara.
. . Properly Named. - -Not
all of the good negro stories
come from the South. For instance,
there 1b the one told by John Poucher,
Jr., now of Omaha, though formerly
nf theRB narts. who has been visiting
Ma hrnthnr-ln-law. "Heathen" Wood,
in Louisville recently. John was a
newspaper man once, but he Is preach
ing now.
Hb save there is an old darkey In
Omaha, who, strange as it .may seem
In that latitude, never was a slave.
Th nld man does odd jobs of haul
ing, for which purpose he uses a
odontic, mule of tremendous strengtu
and equal deliberation and determina
tion. One day John asked the old
man the mule's name.
"Dat mule am name Co'poration.''
was the answer.
"What on earth ever made you give
him such a name as that?' Jonn
"Jes 'cause dat am re nachel name
to' im," said the old man. "Dat ar
mule he kin stan' mo' 'buse an' go
riht ahald havln 'is own way dan
- T -
any w'ite pusson yo eber see.
Louisville Times.
Te Attain Best Reeults, These Worth-
While Observances Should Ba r-epi
Strictly In Mind.
1. Use the freshest vegetables that
can be procured.
2. All fresh green vegetaDies snonia
be placed In boiling salted water.
3. All dried vegetables, sucn as
beans, haricots, lentils, etc, should be
placed in lukewarm water.
4. The use of plenty of water in
the cooking of all sorts of cabbage
and sprouts is not only preservative
of color; It is also advantageous in
reducing the disagreeable smell wnicn
rahhara water always has.
5. Never allow vegetables or any
kind to remain soaking in the water in
which they were boiled; drain them at
once when they are cooked.
. It is waste of money to buy old,
dried vegetables, and a waste of time
to try to cook them.
Lost Curls Are Found.
In a picture ; Bhow at a Madison
street theater one evening a little girl
and her mother were seated near me.
A comic picture was on, showing a
lady "making up" with paint, powder,
false hair, etc. The climax came when
the interested little girl cried out:
"Oh, mamma, there's the curls you
lost at Aunt Bell's party. Where do
you 'spose she found 'em?" Chicago
Told Her About It.
Eugene attended the wedding of his
Aunt Nan, which took place in church.
The bridegroom and best man were
waiting at the altar for the bride, who
was slowly advancing up the aisle, to
tr, a-nlna nf the wedding march,
h.. ir:iiirfna'H childish treble sounded
clearly; "Hurry up, Aunt wan, ar, .
Abbot's waiting for you.
You don't have to WONDER if
.nDnnl nlntmnni Inl rlninQ VOU gOOtl.
You KNOW it is, because the first
application stops the itching and
your tortured skin feels cooi ana com
fortable at last, Why don't YOU try
this easy resinol way to heal .eczema
or Bimilar skin eruption; nwiuui
clears away pimples, too, and Is a
valuable household remedy for sun
burn, poison-ivy, cuts, sores, Durns,
chafings, etc. It has been pre
scribed by doctors lor zu years kiiu
contains nothing that could Irritate
or injure the tenaeresi sitm. ouiu
by all druggists. Adv.
Located at
Bar View, Tillamook Co.. Ore
. a . nni orm f AAf fmm
Train siop. at. our uwi.
high tide. Flank drive to beautiful beach.
Safe bathing; comfortable beds. AU the
clams, crabs & chicken you can eat Rates II
d nn. For oarticulars write or call
on WISE DliNTAL CO., Rooms 211-12 Failing
m,i rH at Wah . Portland. Ore. Phone A
or at 129, or Bar View, Tillamook Co., Oregon
Dance Every Night. Pool, Billiards Bowl
Ing. Burl Baining; sea r isning.
Her Waist Measure.
A teacher in one of the city schools
who, to say the least, is of rather
generous proportions was trying to
explain to her scholars the correct
mfiRBursments of the human frame.
"For example," she said, "twice
around my thumb, once around my
wrist; twice around my wrist, once
around my neck, once around my
neck, once around my waist, men
she paused, and a Bhrill voice from the
back of the room exclaimed, "Twice
around yer waist, once around the city
Sizing Up Baby.
"Which side of the house do you
think the baby resembles most?"
proudly asked young Popjoy. "Well
h'm!" answered Smith. "I can't see
that he looks so very much like the
side of a house." Woman's Home
Some progress, Anyway.
There are still many discourage
ments and backsets along the path ol
progress, but our memory goes back
to the time when frequently one oi
the chief worries of a campaign man
ager was how to keep the candidate
sober. Columbus (Ohio) Journal.
Jelly Jumbles.
One-half cupful butter, one cupful
sugar, one egg, one-half teaspoonful
soda, one-half cupful sour milk, one
quarter teaspoonful salt, flour, currant
Jelly. Cream the butter, add sugar
,rn rill allv. n well beaten, soda mixed
with milk, salt and flour to make a
soft douga. Chill and shape, using a
mund cutter. On the center of one-
half ths pieces put currant Jelly. Make
these small openings in remaining
halves, using a thimble, and put pieces
together. Press edgeB slightly and
bake In a rather hot oven, that jum
bles may keep In good shape.
Maltre d'Hotel Sauce.
Maka a teacupful of drawn butter;
add to It the juice of a lemon, two
tablespoonfuls of minced onion, tnree
tablespoonfuls of chopped parsley, a
teaspoonful of powdered thyme or
summer savory, a plncn oi cayenne
nri aalt Simmer over the flre and
stir welL Excellent with all kinds of
P. N. U.
NO. 2S, 1H
WHEN writing t. adversers, leae sua-
' ' 41.. III. Mar.
tome Cemfsrt.
A dispute between a nurse and a
patient isn't likely to be nearly so se
rious for the ,aUent as a dispute be
tween his doctors. Spokesman Review.
Rari Onera Kills Good Hound.
Held before a canned music ma
chine, a big collie belonging to Miss
Ton. TWrlrir nf New Market. Md was
called to dog heaven. The dog died
In an hour after being forced to lis
n tn the. music. Miss Detrick had
Just purchased the machine and was
win. it nut with a aeven-dollar grand
opera record, made by several great
inp-r Rh wanted her net to hear
tv,. nil v,M the animal before
tho instrument The dog whined pue
ously and finally wriggled from ths
LU Sf KL 11. D uiiui.ivw.i
After getting loose the collie raced
through the house, chewing its paws.
Thinking that the dog had gone mad,
Miss Detrick sent for a veterinarian,
who announced that the dog, wnicn
was a high-strung animal, had died
from excitement and fright.
nammwuiLI'Ifll i'i'rV ""'J'i
That Weak BsGhli
i. si am-lLU If III IWiii'UHiiin'iiri ! . Jaaaaaaa I
. . . . .i - nervousness
accompanied by pain tie or,.T7rmi-iiBresignalsof
aleeplessneea-may be 'Pe"t -?nr ft?m eirlhiod into
distress for a woman. She may be "'0nEd-, later
womanhood-pusing f rom !,'t!i so-many
utf ering from that chang. into sniddle ' ""J Jf , WOB,an-, jf .
wrecks of women. At any or all "''"JSSfrr jost such cases
she should take a tonic and nervine prenbe4 JTrf
by a physician of vast experience In the oiseaec.
r7rwvw.;rt irpscritttrlOIl
- -- - other kii0WB rmti u
ba. successfully treated more esssjta jjstfa T 7" ,iquld bj mtilcM
... k. hail In suyar-coated, tablet lorra ..
can now be had in susaeoated. tablet r-i
dealers or trial box Dy r Tat in a recent letter Dr. Pierce aaia: -
Mis. Elisabeth Lord.hUf rW"7L,VC.ribodrdwMn
broken downln blth,l-asb,.dj
If anyone Ulked to me. but I had U is n,ut a physician .i ace-am In eaceUau Seaiui.
rinUnn. 1 have never tad aa occaim" - I
.o.lleta rt-nlat stoma
Dr. Pierce's 'T"-" " r.,.lel. Ilsu- trmm
.. . aaweai-.".
a .. - ...a aaweai-.". .
A Sure Thlnn About Wive.
C. N. Nilcs, the Rochester aviator
who captained Carranza's flying Btaff
in Mexico, said in a New lora lutor
"Buccessful! I should say we were
.iir-rBBRful. Aeroplanes are just as
sure to be successful In warfare as
viv.i urn sure to be jealous.
"I know a Rochester man who said
varm v to his wife one evening:
" 'I saw Mrs. Brown today. By jingo,
what a beauty! She doesn t look thir
tv.flvn does she?
" 'No, not now,- his wife answered,
coldly, 'though I guess she did once.
Prettv Well Fixed.
. "I was surprised to hear that you
had married a man witn no provisions
fne trip future " said the bride s auni.
"Oh, but we have, auntie," replied
her brldelets. "We have nine cases
of canned goods in the pantry.
Vegetable Ragout.
Put one cupful each sliced turnips,
nntatnea an d carrots into boiling wa
ter. Cook till tender. Melt two ta
blespoonfuls of butter In another pan.
stir Into It one-half cupful of minced
onion and fry brown. Add two table
spoonfuls browned flour and gradu
ally one pint of hot water. When
smooth turn contents of saucepan Into
it season to taste with salt and pep
per, cook slowly 20 minutes, aisn ana
serve. Just before sending to table
sp'rlnkle a tablcspoonful of minced
parsley over.
Old-Fashloned Lemen Pie.
Fnur lemons, chop the rind fine,
then sdd the juice of the lemons, one
quart of molasses, one pound raisins,
chopped, t'se three crusts, makes three
pies. Bake in an old-fashioned brick
oven, if you can.
Good to Try.
When tha oil stove oven bakes too
mitrklv on tha bottom, as Is generally
the case, you can make it bake even
ly by placing a piece or asbestos tne
size of your pan In the bottom of
the oven.
Crafty Editor.
A Virginia editor threatened to pub
lish the name of a certain young man
who was seen hugging and kissing a
girl In the park unless his subscription
tn tha naner was oaid up in a week.
Fifty-nine young men called and paid
up the next day. while two even paiu
a year In advance.
Praise Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound
Women from the Atlantic to the Pacific, from all sections
of this great country, no city so large, no village so small
but that some woman has written words of thanks tor
health restored by Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com
pound. No woman who is suffering from the ills peculiar
to her sex should rest until she has given this famous remedy
a trial. Is it not reasonable to believe that what it did tor
these women it will do for any sick woman ?
Wonderful Case of Mrs. Crusen,
of Bushnell, 111.
TlrrsnNELL. III." I think all the trouble I have had since my
marrfwe was caused by exposure when a youn? g rL. . A y work has
W hoork of all lands, and I have done milking in the cold and
fnowX l TO tcx) young to realize that t would hurt me. I have
sXrcd very muchVith bearins down pains in my back and such
ffilTwins across mo, and was very nervous and generally run
down m heal h, but since f have taken Lydia E. l'mkhani'a Vegetable
SmwSnd my back never hurts mo, my nerves are stronger, and I
rninV in health every day. I thank you for the great help I
fering women I will be clad for you to print lU JUrs. JAMK3 jBuutsj.
Busluiell, Illinois. ,
A Grateful Atlantic Coast Woman.
noittinoN. Mb." I feel it a duty I owe to all suffering women to
tell what Lydia E. I'inkham's Vegetable Compound did or me. One
u-ii u" ...iTV.rr.r. I lnul rams in both Blilt)8
Snd sTh a soreness I could scarcely straighten up at tunes My
back ached, I had no appotlto and was so nervous I could not sleep,
then I w thafc 1 could scarcely get arouna.
It seemed almost impossible to move or do a hi of work and I
thought I never would bo any better until I submitted to an opera
ttorTS Lydia E. I'inkham.'s Vegetable ;ftmiunj
and soon felt like a new woman. I had uo pains, slept well, had good
apS and was fat and could do almost all my own work for a fam
R four. I shall always feel that I owe my good health to your
J .. . tt. cf.,.r.i,ia ilrwIcrHnn. rilnilift.
medicine, airs, iiaywauu uunaaoiuo-o
For SO years Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable
Compound has been the rented y t or te
male ills. No one sick with woiuan's aUments
does justice to herself If she docs Dot try this fa
mous medicine made from roots and herbs, H
has restored somany suffering women tohealtn.
liW (COSr'inESTIAL) LYJiN, MASS., for advice.
Your letter 111 le opened, rcail and answered
by a woman and held ia strict conildence.
.. , ,. a ,,. wT-, r,, mj Ml.. C.rAt ti hi boltlna. lOcents
Calat mt eoads fastst and bildhluco .nan
Wnu let fits booklet Ho te Dp
, Mho .v.. Ev P.cka,. (uarsntstd t. l Silk. Wool. Clton and Mli.d Good' on. bolllnf. 10 m
a Mia Odees." ealmaai. etos. sis. MONBOE BBUG COMPANY. D.tartawit Z. Quawv. Ultea)