The Maupin times. (Maupin, Or.) 1914-1930, June 18, 1915, Image 8

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l imes
Published Every Friday at Maupin, Oregon,
J. E, Dishkow, Publisher
Subscription: One Year, $1.50, Six Montis 75cts, Three Months 50
Entered in the post office at Maupin, Oregon, as second class
mail matter.
A number of Maupin people
would attempt,, were it within
their reach, to consume the
whole Deschutes river in their
yards and gardens, keeping the
sprinkler busy at all hours of
the day and night. Tuesday
morning so much was being used
that water could not be obtained
at some of the faucets for do
mestic purposes.
While we very much appre
ciate being able to print the
news this week, we have still
nearly a column of good newB
which neither time nor space
will permit of publication this
week. So if the item you con
tributed is omited, that is the
Estray Notice.
(Concluded from first page)
evenings the Madison Square The
atre company appeared at the I. 0.
0. F. hall iu the plays, "The Old
Kentuckey Home," "Ten Nights
in a Bar Room," and "The Moun
tain Wave." All were well pleas
ed with the plays and we expect to
have the pleasure of seeing them
again this fall.
David Sharpe returned home
from Saletn last Tuesday where he
has been attending the U. B, con
ference, being sent as a delegate
from this place.
Wamic Items.
One bay horse 4 years old,
Vhite stripe in face, blocky built
branded P on right stifle. One
sorrel horse; trim built, star in
face, 6 years old, branded P on
right stifle. Both broke to work
and ride. They were last seen
on the Flat near Woodruff's. A
reward will be given for any in
formation leading to their recov
ery. T. A. Connolly, Maupin,
Ore. 18t3
' Ice cream, Ice cream sundaes,
Ice creanl Sodas, at regular city
prices at the Maupin Candy Shops,
There is some talk of celebrating
the Fourth at this place or at
Smock. Some favor a joint cele
bration of Smock, Wapinitia and
Wamic at Gate creek. Others
want a picnic and ball game at
this place. As yet, no definite
plans have been reached.
Mr. and Mrs. Don Miller, Fres
tus Swift and Charlie Marlin wit
nessed the ball game at Maupin
Mr. and Mrs; John Eubanks and
Floyd were Maupin visitors Sun
day, Miss Olive McMurray ac
companying them,
A. K. Lake returned Friday
from The Dalles with his family.
Jack Fraley and Tom Swift mov
ed the household furniture of A.
G. I. Harphan, Prop
It You Want to While Away an Hour br so There is
no Better Place Than Here. A Nice, Clean and En
joyable Amusement. -- --
E. Lake from The Dallas last
week, making two trips each.
Belvie Patisou made a flying trir.
to The Dulles Saturday, accompa
nied by his mother, Mrs. E. Camp.
bell and Misses N. Harvey and
Crystal Trait, the latter ladies be-
ing enroute to Monmouth Normal.
Mr. Patisou returned in time to
take a party consisting of A. M.
Patison, Eugene and Carl Pratt
and Percy Driver to Maupin to
witness the ball game. ' v
Miss Katie Spath is employed at
the Floyd Johnson home,
Mrs, Katie Carson wuo has been
a guest of her father, Edgar Pratt,
returned to her home ut Boiling-
ham, Wn,, Sunday.
Chas. Yockey is engaged in
picking his strawberry crop just
now. beveral iroin Mere are em
ployed there, among those at woik
are Mrs. Ann Wing, Mrs. Hffie
Swift and Mr, and Mrs. James
Several parties from Moro passed
through here last week soing to
Badger creek,
Mrs. B. Shadley, Mrs M. Car
ter, and Prof. McCoy arrived Sat
urday from Hood River.
A number of berry pickers ar
rived home from Hood River Sunday,
The Times, $1. 50 a year.
Go to Fischer's Oarage for all
your automobile accessories! gaso
line and storage of machine.
Ben Cook was a Saturday night
caller at the 11, Johnson home.
State bank,
work at the Maupin
Tygh Valley Items
m state
General Banking Business, Loans, Wheat Buying, Safety
Deposit Boxes for Rent, Notary Public,
Collections, Money Transmitted
Cheaply Drafts
Your Patronage Solicited and Yoar
.... Interests Cared for . . . .
Mrs. L. K. Oakley brought to
this office the other day a brand
well filled with goose berries about
as large as fair sized cherries,
However, they have a tendency to
come off of their stems quite easily
when approached, and are certain
ly fine.
' See Fraley and Vaiidcrpool for
auto accessories.
D. A. and A. C. Moad, R, F.
Smith and Ed Brown returned to
Maupin Thursday from up river
country, where they have been
shearing sheep, leaving again Sat
urday evening for Shelby, Mon
faua, where they will continue
shearing, E. J. Fischer taking
them to The Dalles.
Have you tried the latest drink,
Celro Kolo.
J. R. Marvin and wite of Amity
were guests of the former's father,
at Hotel Moad Saturday til! Mon
day. See those penny school tablets at
Tallcott's cash store.
0. B. Derthick and family at"
tended the game here Sunday.
Don't forget Fischer's Garage
at the end of the bridge. Tires,
tulies and all accessories.
Plauk was delivered on the steel
bridge Wednesday to replace that
in present use which is becoming
somewhat worn.
I have moved my jevvlry and re
pair shop to my residence one door
from the hotel and am prepared
to wait on my customers iu the
same old way. H. L. Emmons,
Church Notice.
Services as follows. Sunday
school 10, preaching 11 a. m.
Song service 7:30, preaching 8
o'clock p. in. Singing practice
Thursday evening at 8 o'clock'.
Every body cordially invited.
0, R. ELLIS, Pastor.
Those sweet, juicy leaves and stalks, swelling with
Sugary sap(soft and palatable, and easily chewed
what a feast they would make for a hungry steer!
How thev would distend the udder of a gentle
Take a hint from the cattle themselves and preserse
all the goodness and all the suceluent food values of
the June forage together with, the body building
corn for winter feed by storing the entire crop, from
stem to stem, in the air tight walls of a
, Low- cost
" TUM-A-LUM Stock Lumber SILO"
"See Feter Kilburg about it"
at , .
L. D. Kelly, .and family passed
through Tygh Tuesday on their
way to The Dalles.
C. H. Yockey was in Tygh sell
ing ' strawberries Tuesday. His
berries are fine.
FiUpaterick & Son now have
their summer home completed, and
surely have a cool place to spend
the hot days.
While driving in the cows Mon
day evening, Stella Pitcher's horse
fell with her hurting her epiite
badly. 'Dr. Shannon was called
and says she will be alright in a
few days.
A. J, Black and family spent'
Sunday with Chet McCorkle and
family at Smock, Mrs, Pierce ac
companied them home and will as
sist Mrs. Black with her house
hold work during the summer.
Grandpa McCorkle is very poor
ly these days.
Glen Morris and wife and Arth
ur Morris are spending the week
at Warm Springs.
Mrs. Black's gooseberry party
proVfcd so pleasant and profitable
that Mrs. Johnston entertained the
ladies at her home Monday after
noon for the same purpose-. All
report a good time and lots of
goosberries cleaned. After the;
wOrk was done cake and lemonade
were served.
Milt Morris is hauling wood for
his mother this week.
Van Woodruf is very ill. Dr.
Klvvood was called from The Dalles
Solomon Hauser ran a piece of
steel in his finger. Dr. Shannon
was called and lie was soon relieved.
Grace Mui'r frequently assists
Mrs. Beckwith with the phone of
fice wook.
Zene Watkins and Harvey Mc
Clain attended Geo. Harth's sale
Mr, Fraley moved from the Geo.
Burlingame place into the A- Ml
Young house this week. j
Mrs. Kellogg autoed over to J
Maupiu '' Monday and back the
same day.
John Muir is iu The Dalles with
hoises this week,
Mrs. Beckwith was on the sick
list a couple of days this week.
Mrs. Will Harper and son who
have been visiting J. T, Harper
and family the past two weeks,
have returned to their home at
Chealis, Wn.
Roy Morris is digging a well at
his home and 'is 'getting along fine.
That wonderful drink, Tallcott's
W, II, Stnnls sold a wngon mid
several harvesting implements
See the line of late fashion hats
hanlded by Mrs. L. D. Kelly.
U. S. Endersbv and sons, Volly
and Teddy were M aupi n visitors
Fine watch repairing ut Emmons,
one door down from hotel Maupin.
Ira Greshnm and wife were
down Sunday to the ball game.
The latest drink out, for sale at
the Maupin Candy Shop's new
Mr. and Mrs. JUm rvMMiM
Portland, were out last week for a
visit with the hitter's mother Mr?.
W. H. Cunningham. Mm, A. B,
Ashly returned home with them,
Make final proof
missioner Stuart.
before Com-
Mrs. Rauey, who has been visit
ing with her aunt, Mrs. Johnson,
went over to Jim Cook's for a
short visit Sunday and will soon
return to her Spokane home,
E. J, Fischer says he has about
sold out his last carload consign
ment of autos and is nearl ready
for another.
All oplicrtl work repaired by
II, L, Emmons, at his of!ice-re;-i-
denee, Maupiu.
Mr. and Airs. R. F. Smith luive
taken charge of the Kivervi'.'W
hotel, having opened for business
the first of the week and are sei v
ing meals at all hours.
We carry all of the latest drinks,
Celro Kolo, Coco Colo, and all of
the other most popular drinks, at
the Maupin Candy Shops.
Mrs. I D.Kelly has the most
up-to-date stock of millinery ever
brought to Maupin. You should
call and get your choice early.
ave your
shines." That is what Tillotson,
Black and McAtee are doing. -
Lem Grisham and lamily visit
ed Wm, Beckwiths and Grandma
Morris this week. Mrs. GVisTiam
and Mrs. Beckwith are sisters.
Grace Muir and Rayman Doer
imr scent Sunday afternoon with
Mr. and Mrs. Kellog.
Mem. Coll, Phys. & Surg;,
Licentiate Minnesota and
Prompt Service on Either
Day or Night Calls
Eyes tested, Glasses Fitted
Blacksmithing, Wagcnniaking and Auto
Horseshoeing, Blacksmithing and Wagonmak
ing. Share grinding and sharpening. All kinds
pi Repair Work that will suit, With a Guarantee
That Will Stick. Try us If your wagons, bug
gies or hacks need overhauling, bring them in,
we'll save you money, . .
We carry a full line of Automobile Supplies and
are prepared to do all kinds of Auto repair work
Maupin, Ore.
Give me Your Order for Anything in the Harness Line,
Sadies, Bridles, Chaps, Spurs. Harness Dressing that
will last, and, most anything else you want we will order
for you and save you time and money. Bring your old
harness in for those repairs they need, have it done right
Can You Do It?
Earring the 'unforeseen, each retail buyer
of anew Ford oar, between August 1914
'fend August 1915, will receive from $40 to
$60 as a share of the Ford Motor Com
pany's profits.
For strength, light weight arid dependable
power, the Ford car is without 0 peer.
Economical, too, averaging two cents a
mile for operation and maintenance.
Runabout $40; Touring Car I490; Town
Car $690; Coupelet $750; Sedan $975, f. o. b.
Detroit with all equipment.
On display "and sale at E. J. FISCHER'S.
"Tvtake hav while the sun Dr. C. H. Franci3,