The Maupin times. (Maupin, Or.) 1914-1930, June 11, 1915, Image 1

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Devoted to the Interests of Southern Wasco County
VOL. I, NO. 35
THE YEAR $1.50
T7 nrm
T7 V r?T7J
Wamic Items.
Geo. Magill aud family
gone to Hood River for a
stay to visit relatives,
Eminet Zutnwalt made a trip to
Dufur last week for A, M. Pati
bou's household goods.
Willis Norval and crew of men
have beeu repairing the flume of
the Badger creek ditch.
A little boy came to brighten
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Floyd
Johnson last week. They named
him Elmer ClarL
Although it has been a very
cool rainy spring," the crops here
are looking fine, and by the way
Brent Driver was using an "arm
strong mower" in his fine alfalfa
field, would say, "haying time has
come once more."
The Geneva Locke Co., who
played three nights in the Wamic
hall, were good and well worth
has s many, can you blame them ?
Mrs. E, H. Rosecrantz and Mrs.
A. H. Gillis visited with Mrs.
Clara Schwalel Tuesday. Won
der if Mrs. G. caught the rabbit
she ran Hp a tree.
A. E. Lake is having his resi
i dence put in repair and will move
N his family out from the Dalles this
Week. They have many friends
here and we are pleased to have
them with us once more.
Mrs. Wilbur Wing hunt her foot
by stepping on a nail and Dr.
Shannon was called to lance it;
The sheep shearers will soon be
home again.
Ab Griffis made 'trip to Tygh
Valley on business Tuesday.
Strawberries are ripe and all the
fall grain is out of the boot here.
Maupin baseball team vs Wamic.
Manpin mopped Wamic, but John
says for Lester and Ernest not to
worry. His boys were so bashful
they could not play ball and look
at the pretty girls too, and Maupin
Tygh Valley Items
We are in sympathy with Mr.
and Mrs. Geo. Foster who lost
their baby girl which was born
Sunday morning at 9:30. The
baby was buried at the Houser
cemetery Monday morning.
We are sorry to say that Noah
Flinn met with a serious accident
near Walkersville, resulting in a
broken limb. Dr. Shannon was
called Tuesday afternoon and took
the patient to The Dalles that ev
ening! Monday and Tuesday evenings
the Madison Square Theatre C,
appeared at the hall in the plays,
"My Old Kentucky Home," and
"The Morning After." All were
well pleased with the plays, and
we expect to enjoy the one to be
given tonight, "Ten Nights in the
Bar Room.
'f Arthur Morris has returned
home from The Dalles where he
has been attending business college
the past winter. Arthur is well
known and liked by every one here
and his many friends wish him the
best success in his future wo.rk.
Pierce Mays is remodeling his
old home near the Tygh Creek
bridge into a modern bungalow.
John Muir and Raman Doreing
spent last week in The Dalles.
Fairview District i
A very enjoyable party was giv
en at the Fairview school house
last Saturday evening, June 5th, at
which ail of the eighth grade grad
uates who were present, were pre
sented with their diplomas. All
six of the graduating class passed
with high averages, with honor to
Tygh Valley, Special to Times.
At 11 o'clock a- m. Wednes
day, June 2nd, the wedding bells
rang clear and bright, when Rev.
Nathan Evans, pastor of the
Methodist church of The Dalles,
spoke the words which made
Alice Beckwith, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. William Beckwith, and
Glen Morris, son of Mr. and Mrs,
Milt Morris, wife and husband.
The bride was gowned in a
dress of white lace, and the
groom wore the conventional
suit of navy blue serge.
The bride and groom have
grown to womanhood and man
hood in the vicinity of Tygh Val
ley aud are the first and best
young people of the county.
The bride had charge of the
telephone office in Tygh Valley
for one year to the entire satis
faction of every one. To say
she had many friends is not nee
essary. . ilV::
Glen Morris is one of Wasco
County's best base ball players
He is now pitcher for the Maupin
team, but June 2nd he was
catcher, and surely caught theft
The many friends of these
young people wish them all the
joy that this old world can give
to anyone.
hemselves -ahd: credit ito their
teacher, Mr; G. W. Brown of
Tygh Valley. Refreshments were
served by the patroils of the school
and Mrs; T. E; Mbrgenseu pre
sented each member bf the class
with a beautiful boquet of flowers.
About thirty-five peope were pres
ent. Miss Verna Martin will leave
Pioneer M
ile Fir
km Rate
Friday, June 18, 7:30 p. m., at
the band hall at Maupin the United
Artisans will hold a meeting. Ev
ery Artisan should be present.
n.uer me Dusiness session ice
cream aud lemonade will be serv
ed with cake which the ladies will
contribute. The doors will be
opened after supper and every one
is invited to a band concert at 8
Not to be Found
A chivarari party including
Jake Davidson, Calvin McCorkle,
Ruf McCorkle, Chas. E. Crofoot,
L. D. Kelly and their families,
three autos and a buggy from
Tygh, went up to Milt Morris'
Friday evening, but were so
much in evidence in the action of
getting there that the newly-
weds became aware and escaped
to the fields. Search thoutrh
they would, Mr. and Mrs. Glen
Morris were not to be found.
next week for Monmouth where
she will take a short course in pre
paration for teaching nekt school
Joe Chastain, Jr., has several
men at work pulling mustard on
hisrandh north of Maupin.
v-'.'J.j. Chastain has started work
011 fl reservoir lately. Mr. Chas-
tain had a well drilled last .summer
Aid will soou have a first class
water system in' order.
Criterion Chronicles
Can't be Followed
1 YEAR, $8
Daily without the Sunday with Maupin Times
1 year, $6
Afewe prices are of itla Oregoiaiam aloike
TIMES 1 YEAR $3.20
Weekly Oregonian and Maupin Times $2.40
Tina Manila Times
Supervisor a Fryman, ;Messers
Kidder and .Tuuison and balanee
Piihftwtkigd . crew.,, deserve much
praise for their good work on the
Criterion-Maupiu boulevard.
C. M. McLennan last week calU
ed at Criterion on .his rounds of
the sheep camps, preparatory to
shearing, Which began Saturday,
Owing to the lateness in shear
ing the fleeces are much heavier
aud of a finer quality than com
mon. J. E. Miller and h. B. DeGamp
attended Artisan lodge at Maupin
Friday night.
Edwin Kidder is at his parents'
home, having finished 15)14-15 term
of high school at The Dalles,
Criterion citizens visiting Maup5-
in recently, are J. B. Kidder, L.
B. DeCamp, I. N. and J. O. Win-
free, B. O. Nosker, Dale Bonney,
J. E. Miller and C. A. Daws.
A. A; Ca'nfield went to the Mc
Lennan ranch Friday last to cook
for the shearing crew.
C. A. Daws made a business
trip to The Dulles last week'.
Mr, and Mrs. Frank Buzan have
returues to their homestead after
several months' absence at Bake
oven, where Mrs. buzan taught
school. j
All growing crops are making
excellent progress and owners are
optotnistic as to the out come'.
Jus. H. Baxter made two busi
ness trips to Tygh Valley last
J. E. Miller took in the ".shear
ing sights" at the McLennau
ranch Sunday last, incidenlly stop
ping for dinner. The 'machine
method of shearing, which is rath
er a novel sight to some, is quick
ly and carefully executed by the
present crew, who also took the
clip at Hay Creek.
Many are looking to an early
harvest of ciops this year; be that
as It may, owing to providential
weather, we will surely have plen
ty fo do at harvest time.
The following article with re
gard to Portland school elections
may be of some value in solving
local problems that will come up
at elections to take place this
As the impossible cannot be
expected in connection with an
election, Attorneys Nicholas &
McCoy have advised School Clerk
Thomas that certain provisions
of the new law governing school
elections will have to be ignored
at the election to be held June
This provision is to the effect
that when voters register thev
must state whether or not they
are taxpayers. Only taxpayers
are eligible to vote at a school
election. The law further nro-
vides that the registration books
shall be delivered to the election
officials in the various precincts
for the school election and be
used the same as in other elec
This caused the question to be
raised as to what proceedure
should be adopted for the school
election June 19, as the registra
tion books do no show who are
taxpayers! and registration time
is pasti The board's attorneys
advised Clerk Thomas that the
school election should proceed as
in the past. The election offic
ials can ask the "voters if "they
are taxpayers. If doubt exists
the voters may be required to
make an affidavit that they are
In past school elections a citi
zen voter could vote at any poll
ing place in the, district, but at
the forthcoming election all must
vote in the pt'ecihets in which
theo aire registered. The nchool
board is given authority; howev-
ever, to groupe precincts aCeord-
ing to convenience and have but
one polling place for each group
of precincts.
When the new laws go into
effect the corrupt practices act
will also apply to school elections.
Temperance Big Point
Sunday's Oregonian gave space
to some excellent pictures and a
writeup of nearly a column on
theAdventist camp meeting in
Portland which clpsed Tuesday.
The Times editor was on the
grounds Saturday and Sunday
and was present at a number of
interesting meetings, one of
which the Oregonian said:
"In the afternoon the whole
period will be given over to a
specially prepared temperance
program. The various temper
ance organizations wjll be repre
sented. There also will be spec
ial sinking, recitations, solos, a
chorus of 100 voices accompani
ed by a large and fine orchestra.
The Adventists as a people are
especially strong prohibitionists
and worked hard during th last
campaign to help the amend
ment to carry. They are deter
mined to work until the whole
nation is dry, To aid in this
purpose they arrange an elabor
ate program on the subject of
temperance each year jn all the
100 camp meetings that" are held
in the United States." '
f i V
There was art old man and he
had a wooden legj
He had "hp money and he would
n't be; '
He had a piece of pipe and a 12
inch board,
And he said to himseif ; "I guess
I'll make a Ford."
With a gallon of gas and a quart
of oil, '
And a piece of wire to make a
Four great big spjuols and an old
tin can;
lie hammed them together an
the thing ran .
-. -.1-Wk1
A partial list of satisfied
s wonderful
Mrs, Chas. Crofoot,
Mrs. L; D. Kelly,
Mrs. F. M. Confer,
Mrs. L. C. WilhehvV,
Mrs. G. Woodruff,
Mrs. E. Si. Snodgrass,
Mrs. L. B. Kelly,
Mrs. John V. Martin,
Mrs. E. J. Styef .
11 .in 11 ii.
Mrs. Job Crabtree anil cIMiYdn
went up to Herb Hammer's yester
day morning for a few days' visit.
Auto Passenger Service Auto Delivery Truck
Prepared for Long Trips or Outing Parties
A Complete Line of Automobile Accessories