The Maupin times. (Maupin, Or.) 1914-1930, June 04, 1915, Image 8

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The Maupin
Published Every Friday at Maupin, Oregon,
J. E, Disbrow, Publisher
Subscription: One Year, $1.50, Six Months 75cts, Three Months 50
Entered in the post office at Maupin, Oregon, as second class
mail matter-
To those who are lovers of
Vocal music, here is our oppor
tunity. We have with us a good
Binging master in the person of
the new pastor, G. R. Ellis, who
is conducting chorus practice at
the church Thursday evenings.
You couldn't spend an evening
more pleasantly and profitably,
What about the Fourth of July
W. J. Patterson, principal of the
Wapinitia school ths past year,
and who has been asked to take
charge again this fall, called at
this office Tuesday morning and
subscaibed for the Times. Prof.
Patterson will spend a few days in
Portland and then go to San Fran
cisco for the summer.
The people of Maupin have been
warned to keep hogs up, off the
streets, and it is now announced
that any more found thereon are
liable to be penned up at the ex
pense of the owners. And what
about the cattle and horses? The
latter are of such numbers as to be
a perfect niiiSance.
A car of men came in from Peri
dletou Monday night and express
ed themselves as very much put out
with being unable to get any supper
here that eveniug, one man saying
he was going to see what could be
done toward au additional resort in
Maupin for the benefit of the trav
eling public;
Church Notice.
June 6, Church services as fol
lows; Sunday school io, preach
iug ii a. in. Song service 7:30
preaching 8 p. m. You are earn
estly invited to attend all these
G. K. ELLIS, Pastor,
Representatives J. A. Hays and
II. W. Comstock of the American
school of music, Portland were in
Maupin this week signing up stu
dents for correspondence courses.
Quite a croud of visitons here
Sunday for the ball game went
down 011 Chouinand's island below
the big spring for a picnic dinner.
It is indeed a cool and beautiful
Several Maupin gentlemen) oth
erwise unemployed, are very en
thusiastic over the outlftok for a
gold mine supposed to be located
up the Deschutes a few miles.
Tuesday morning Messers Lacey,
Drake, J. Staats and Barnes went
up to Nathan on the early train.
H, G. Harphan intended going,
but the toot-toot pulled but too
Mrs. Bell Stirnweis, Miss Agnes
and Tad Eastou came over Tues
day of last week for a visit with
relatives here; The former lady is
still visiting at the hotel.
All Around Town
G. L. Harphan, Prop.
Ii Yoti Want to While Aay an Hour or so There Is
rio Better Place Than Here. A Nice, Clean and En
joyable Amusement. - - -
Maupin State Bank
General Baukiug Business, Loans, Wheat Buying, Safety
Deposit Boxes for Rent, Notary Public,
Collections, Money Transmitted
Cheaply by Drafts
Your Patronage Solicited and Your
1 . . ; Interests Cared for . . .
The Ideal Home
Every man has his ideal of what he would like to have in Ins
home the sort of home that he can build for the money that he
has to .spend. You have your ideal even if you cannot draw it out
ou paper. ,. , , , .. ; .
Tb assist home builders and place the latest ideas within the
reach pf everyone, our Lumbermen's Association, through its regu.
nt department, has prepared aud published at an expense of .some
twelve thousand dollars a most beautiful and, complete Plan Book
of Modern Homes step-savers, they are termed, coiy, convenient
and economical. , , .., ...
We Jiave these plan, books containing over 200 designs of
Jfforthwest homes. Drop into our office or write us a card and we
.will see .that you get a copy of these books from which to choose
your ideAl.home.
t , Thrpugh our Engineering Dept. we can make any practical
changes Inthese plans for you. We will furnish complete plans
and specifications FREE., - , . ,
, ., The special "Tum-A-Lum" Plan book contains many sugges
tions for that new barn, hogshed, silos, schools, churches, etc.
"See Peter kilburg about it"
Flag day, June 14.
Get your drinks at Styer's new
Frank Gable was in The Dalles
Fine watch repairing at Emmons,
The Portland Rose Festival next
Notorial work at the Maupin
State bank.
Some heavy blasting has been
done up the river this week.
All optical work repaired by
H. L. Emmons, Maupin.
Wednesday's southbouud freight
on the O. V. consisted of 27 cars,
Try the ice cream sodas at
Earl Crabtree was badly liurt-at
the ball game Sunday.
See those penny school tablets at
Tallco'tt's cash store.
Fonce Evick aud his father were
in town with their car Tuesday.
Try the sundaes aud icecream at
Mrs. Li D. Kelly received ant
other large stock of hats last week.
That wonderful driuki Tallcott's
Miss Phillis Fischer is home now
after the close of school at Wapinitia.
See the line of late fashion hats
hanlded by Mrs. L. D. Kelly-.
Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Ilentieghau
of the Victor district were business
visitors Tuesday.
Don't forget Fischer's Garage
at the end of the bridge. Tires,
tubes and all accessories.
Mr. aud Mrs. G. L, Harphan
returned the latter part of the
week with a fine new car.
Mrs. L. D. Kelly has the most
up-to-date stock of millinery ever
brought to Maupin. You should
call and get your choice early.
The Morning Oregonian is ou
file in the Times office. If you
want td lobk up somtlhiug of re
cent issue; call nr.
Mr. Foreman was 111 from the
Flat Wednesday for some materials
for the fixing up of his residence
which he is having plastered.
Albert Britton and his sister,
Miss Britton were oVer in the
Shnniko Country looking at nome
steads the first of the week1.
A neat commencement an
nouncemetit and invitation tor
Time 6 to 8. has - been received at
the Times office from 0. A. C
Arthur Fargher of Maupin was
visiting 111 Dufur Saturday.
Carl Pratt and Belvie Patison came
over from Watnic Saturday. Dis
Mrs. T. Connolly of Maupin is
1 spending a shoit time 111 lue
Dalles. . H. H. Kn'cx of Tygh
Valley, was a business visitor here
today. Cromcle, May 27.
Mrs. G, R. Ellis, wife of the
new pastor here is still in the hos
pital at The Dalles, but hope to be
well enough to come to Maupin
the fore part ol the week.
Mr. and. Mrs. W. Ii. Staats
Mr, and Mrs. Roy Slusher and
daughter Eva, and Mr. Lacey
were in attendance Sunday at the
memorial services held at Dufur.
A party of emigrants from the
coast with a couple of rigs and a
number of. cattle passed through
here Monday enroute to Crook
county. A particular feature was,
that the ladies, who were driving,
were garbed iu overalls and a
small boy driving cattle rode a
cow wearing a saddle.
We lead Others follow. Lis
ten! ., At, enormous expense we
have secured a limited number of
large hand painted OIL PAINT
INGS of Landscape and Marine
Views, which we are giving ab
A. F. Martin is expected home
Make final proof before Com
missioner Stuart.
Mrs. Lewis Walders of Wapiui
nitia is in The Dalles hospital for
au operation.
Don't let the clock stand idle,
bring it to me.
Emmons the Jeweler.
Mrs. R. F. Smith has returned
from Prineville after a visit with
her parents.
Go to Fischer s Garage for all
your automobile accessories, gaso.
line and storage of machine.
Herman Gesh and family were
guests at the C. H, Crofoot rest
dence Friday and Saturday.
Mrs. Earl Barzee of Wapinitia
visited over Sunday with her par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. G. L. Harp,
Mrs. R. H. Austin of Forest
Grove, passed through here flies.
day 011 lier homeward trip from a
visit with her daughter, Mrs. Wi
son of RidgeWay.
Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Mayhevv
motored to The Dalles yesterday
and will return Saturday, bringing
home their son, Adolphus, who
has been attending school theie.
Contractor Wilhelm and his ef
ficient helpers, Job Crabtree and
L. K. Oakley, went Up Monday to
work on the new bungalow of C.
E. Alexandee;
See Fraley and Vanderpool
auto accessories.
Henry Brown of . Ridgeway,
while chopping wood Tuesday, so
nearly amputated a couple toes,
that it Was necessary to remove
them; He arrived her that night
and under the care of Dr. Francis,
was ready to return home yester
Dave Donoaldson returned from
Warm Spring Wednesday morning-
I carry all kinds of stones for
rings and pins Emmons the
While driving his grand father':
car Tuesday, Van Moad ran ovei
Ray Kayler's dog.
Fred Townsend returned homt
with Frank Creager Wednesday
evening, in the latter's car.
Hankey and Jimmie Harphai.
went out to the latter's ranch Wed
nesday to do some plowing.
Miss Alice Beckwith and Gleni
Morris were married in The Dalle.'
Wednesday, Article next week.
The Artisans will hold a meet
ing tonight and all members shoitlc.
be present as important business h
to come up.
Geo. C'ofoiU of lu-av Victor w
in town Monday and says the 1
grippe is an umvelc uc caller a
his place this week.
Roy Slusher is fljing around
considerable in his new Ford cat
and is making a record of being a
very judicious driver.
The car of J. W- Ward got out
of commission Sunday while in
town for the game and was taken
to the garage for repairs.
Messers R. H. Drake aud W. R.
Lacey, who have been irt this city
the last two. weeks in the Interest
of Seaside and Geaf hart property,
eft Wednesday morning. Thest
gentlemen have made djiite a num
ber of friends here during their
short sojourh.
Avery Ashley aud wife were in
Maupin Sunday from the Matthew
ranch and spent a few days visit
ing with Mrs. Ashley's mother,
Mrs. Cunningham.
Got the Grip First, According to a Mer
cantile Recipe.
We hare found that when you ap
proach the person to shake handa 11
you will get the grip on their hand be
fore they have time to grip yours you
have gained ad advantage. The baud
hould be slipped well Into or over the
hand of the person you want to shake
with that Is, push the thumb and fore
finger of your hand well Into the
thumb and forefinger of the person
with whom you are Bhaklng. Do it
rather quickly, and the Instant you
feel that your hand la In place bring
the grip Into play Instantly. Don't
grip the hand hard enough to cause
pain to the person with whom you are
shaking, but yet give him a good, firm
grip. After you hove practiced a lit
tle you can tell Just about how hard
you can Squeeze without hurting the
other person.
Before your hands touch be sure that
you are looking the other person square
In the eye. Don't Wait until you have
hold of his hand, but watch his eye In
stantly, and If yon will watch the eye
of the other one very closely you will
notice that when you bring the grip
into play you can see a response In the
features of the other pewon.
Then It la a good Idea Immediately
when you feel your hand touch the
other person to place your left hand on
his elbow, not below the elbow, but
back of it, so as to be able to pull his
arm, as it were, toward yours. Don't
pull very hard, but Just be firm about
It Take hold of the elbow Joint with
just a little firmness. Of course these
things are all done practically at the
same time, and it will take a little
practice for yon to be able to do this
and get the best results. Merchants'
Trade Review.
Mem. Coll,
Phys. & Surg.,
Licentiate Minnesota and
Prompt Service on Either
Day or Night Calls
Eyes tested, Glasses Fitt - d
Can You Do It?
hii ''rom tk 1 roe cmk dOMMikcal.
ETorT't , 7,k, r""8 "wt" '"1l"t tt" lafics into tb t
4iCOMfKt lad Data will hi tnuiwl h. . ii. i -',
Dr. C. H. Francis, - Optician
The Times, $1,50 a year.
The Maupin Kandy
E. J. StyeR, Prop.
Ice Cream, Ice Cream Cones,
Sodas of all kinds. Anything
you want in the soft drink
We have just installed a
first class soda fountain and
can serve yoti with all the
latest drinks.
We also carry a full line of
Blacksmithiag, Wagonmaking and Auto
Horseshoeing, Blacksmithing and Wagonmak
ing'. Share grinding and sharpening. All kinds
bf Repair Work that will suit, With a Guarantee
That Will Stick. Try us If your wagons, bug
gies or. hacks need overhauling, bring them in, ,
we'll save you money,
We carry a full line of Automobile Supplies and
are prepared to do all kinds of Auto repair work
Maupin, Ore
Give me Your Order for Anything In the Harness Line,
Sadies, Bridles. 'Chaps, Spurs. Harness Dressing that
will last, and, most anything else you want we will order
for you and save you time and money. Bring our old
harneSs in for those repairs they heed-, have it Uce right
. The Changing Sky.
One of the most surprising results
of the cross motion of the fixed stars,
as projected on the background of the
sky, Is the gradual falling to pieces of
the familiar constellations. The stars
are moving in all sorts of directions,
some faster and some slower, and the
inevitable consequence must be that
in a few centuries the 'whole face of
the heavens will be so changed that
If we could come back again to onr
earthly .life we should not recognize
them. Qf course a very lonff period of
time required to produce a very
great transformation.
Buried With Dolls.
. In the Chinese morpie one of the
strange slRhts Is a number of life stie
dolls which are burled to accompany
the corpses as their servants to the
next world. They are doubtless a relic
of the rime when human. 'beings were
thus buri,"l 11s companions of the de
ceased. --Exchange.
"Sim ll.t
Is si; 11
Ruling Passion.
n.led to refuse him. but she
lover of haritaitu that she
whs that?"
mUim! so ctfEn whr! 'ue tnrn-
Fischer's Garage '(in the iscLuie
Averaging about two cents a tails in daily use,
cats are a ntcestty to eveVy business riufi, dociot,
salesman or furWr. And they sx'rve the famiU j i
as Well. Every man is his ot mtch;,iiic with ,
Ford. No 'need of hrgh-prictd exjtrts - A: i ;
After-Service for Ford Owners" is ;i -M
Buyers will share in profhs if we sell at retail 300,000
new Ford cars between August 1914 and August 1915.
Runabout $440; Touring Car $490; Town Cir $690;
Coupelet $750; Sedan $975, f. o. t. Detroit, with ail
ill m
On display and sale at E. J. FISCHER'S GARAGE.
solutely free to
our customers
;iwn that Rhe !' ') him op.
iee us about u.-
W. H. Staats &