The Maupin times. (Maupin, Or.) 1914-1930, June 04, 1915, Image 7

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KC is pure. KC is health
ful. It really does make
lighter, nicer biscuits, cakes
and pastry than the old
fashioned single acting
baking powders.
And you pay only
No baking powder
Sixty head of the finest bred Mares and
Colts, including' 3 to 5 year old Geldings, bred
for Saddlers and Racing. Will consider trade
in cheap land.
Forty head of extra large Jenneta with an
elegant Jack for herd header.
A Bargain for a Short Time
CauBe for Belling- is the herd law in Morrow
county, and the transforming of my 3000 acre
stock farm into a wheat field. 1 must close
out this stock. Will consider trade. What
have you got?
Lexington, Oregon.
Hep Criticltm.
Wee Mabel hud a little disagree
ment with her grandmother one day.
She was relating the affair next morn
ing to her parents and In conclusion
she said with a sigh, "Well, drandma
Is certainly a very tweer lady."
Wanted Point Remembered.
When little Billie was visiting at
lunch one day he had strawberries
and there were but a few on each
one's plate. Billie looked at the small
assortment at his place, then whis
pered: "Remember, Aunt Marie,
that I'm company."
CASE of Mrs. HAM
Declares Lydia E. Pinkham's
Vegetable Compound
Saved Her Life
and Sanity.
Shamrock, Mo. "I feel It my duty
to tell the public the condition of my
health before usms
your medicine. I had
falling, inflamma
tion and congestion,
female weakness,
pains in both sides,
backaches and bear
ing down pains, was
short of memory,
nervous, impatient,
passed sleepless
nights, and had
neither strength nor
energy. There was always a fear and
dread in my mind, I had cold, nervous,
weak spells, hot flashes over my body.
I had a place in my right side that was
eo sore that I could hardly bear the
weight of my clothes. I tried medicinei
and doctors, but they did me little good,
and I never expected to get out again.
I got Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable.
Compound and Blood Purifier, and I cer
tainly would have been in grave or in an
asylum if your medicines had not saved
me. But now I can work all day, sleep
well at night, eat anything I want, have
no hot flashes or weak, nervous spells.
All pains, aches, fears and dreads are
gone, my house, children and husband
are no longer neglected, as I am almost
entirely free of the bad symptoms I had
before taking your remedies, and all is
pleasure and happiness in my home."
Mrs. Josie Ham, R. F. D. 1, Box 22,
Shamrock, Missouri.
If you want special advice writ
Lydia E. Pinkham Medicine Co.,
(confidential) Lynn, Mass,
Satisfaction In Work.
All thinking men and women get
the main satisfactions of life, aside
from the domestic joys, out of the
productive work they do. Charles W.
from the
Mr. Addle Carttlnger, ot
Cedar SL, Calm, 111., wrote
Doctor Pierce follow t
1 send 31 cutt for your "Com
mon Sense Medical Adviser' for
my daughter wto ha. recently
married andlknowthe book will
beof much value to her. Shave
read and used for 25 yean the
valuable treatments contained
la the "Medical Adviier" and
have taken many bottles of Dr.
Fierce'! Favorite Preemption,
and have been restored tohealth
each time I used it. Itissgreat
remedy for women as a strength
builder, fine for the nerves and
general health. '
P. N. U.
No. 22, 11S
WHEN wrltiaf to advertisers, please I
' tioa this saper.
Dizzy f
Depressed 9
a fair price for it.
should sell for more.
all Neat, clean,
ornamental, conven
lent, cheap. Last, all
season, Madeol
metal, can'tspill or tip
over i will not coll or
Injur. . ny thing.
Guaranteed eHecttn
Sold by dealer., or
6 .ent br expreu pfo.
paid lor (1.
EAfiOlD SOHLH, ISO S.XaU An., Brooklyn, a. T.
His "Daughter-ln-Liw."
My husband and I had Just been
married and my small brother-in-law
overheard his mother refer to me as
"my daughter-in-law." A short time
after that the little fellow visited me
In my new home, and upon sending
him to the store the groceryman, see
ing he was a stranger, said: "Well, lit
tle boy, I have never seen you before.
Do you live In this neighborhood?"
"No, sir," said the child, "but my
daughter-in-law lives across
street and I am visiting her."
Odd Wedding Custom.
In northern Africa they have a way
of providing for the wedding of their
daughters that is interesting. When
the guests arrive a man at the door
receives the pence they give, and
writes it down in a book. This means
that when any of these guests have
a wedding the host will give each of
them Just what they gave him. Aa
it is, the guests pay for the wedding,
and each one has either already re
ceived as much as he gives or will
receive It later on.
Optimism Not Always Reassuring.
"I read with Intense interest," said
Noyes E. Brewmore, "the story of the
boy with a smile who worked his way
up rung by rung until he became pres
ident of a trust company. Personally,
however, whenever a man with a smile
approaches and gives me the glad
hand, I feel Instinctively that I am due
for a touch." Kansas City Star.
Try Murine Eye Remedy for Red, Weak, Watery
Byes and Granulated Eyelide; No Smarting
lust-Eye Comfort. Write for Book of the Bye
by mall Free. Murine Eye Kemedy Co., Chicago.
Human Nature.
It Is human nature to want to throw
something. The babe of yesterday
which started in by throwing Its dishes
on the floor is today throwing a ball,
tomorrow he will be throwing a brick
and it won't be long before he is a man
throwing the bull. Philadelphia In
quirer. Buying "On Tick."
Buying "on tick" Is not new slang.
but goes back to the seventeenth cen
tury. It is stated in a letter dated
1661: "The Mermaid Tavern Is late
ly broke, our ticks amounting to
1500." And In another document
little later It is said: "Every one
runs upon tick."
Stone That Is Elastic.
There Is a stone that is as flexible
as rubber and that, when set up on
edge In a thick plate, sways to and
fro In the wind like a piece of leath
er. This stone Is called ltakolumlte,
anr? the Scientific American says it
Is the mother rock of Brazilian dia
Dally Thought.
What we want is the old spirit of
our forefathers; the firm conviction
that not by criticism, but by sympathy
we must understand: what we want is
more reverence, more love, more hu
manity, more depth. P. W. Robertson,
Wasted Energy.
Some day the people who are con
cerned In conserving energy are go
ing to turn their attention to the
man who sits up all night working
out chess and checker problems.
"170MEN who are restless, with
v v constant change of position, ' 'fidget
iness," who are abnormally excitable or who
experience fainting or dizzy spells, or nervous
headache and wakefulness are usually sufferers
weaknesses ol their sex.
Favorite Prescription
is the soothing, cordial and womanly tonic that
brings about an invigorating calm to the nervous
system. Overcomes the weakness ana me arag
rrincr naina which resemble the Dains of rheu
Thousands of women in the past forty
years can bear witness to its benefits.
Tour dealer In medicine sells It In liquid or srnrsr
coated tablet form; or you can send 60one-cent stamps
for a trial box ot Dr. Pierce's Favorita Prescription
tablets. Address Dr. V. M. Pierce, Invalids' Hotel
and Sursical Institute, Buffalo, N. Y.
Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets Refalata aid Umforats
Sbmack, liver sad Bowels, Safar-Cutea1 Tiiy Gramlea,
HUHHIIH',"""" lllllllillimillllllllllllKIIIIMIUlin
Some Truth In This.
"Et some men," said Uncle Eben
"sot up as late o' nights thinkin' ai
dey does playln' cards dey'd go an' tell
it doctor dey bad Insomnia.
Five Centuries Ago English Warrior.
Fought Over the Territory That
Is Now the Scene of Euro
pean Warfare.
I think that old ghosts must be astli
In Flanders, now that an English arm;
is encamped there again, with Edward
prince of Wales, on the headquarters
staff. Out of the mists of time there
must surely come some of those Eng
lish gentlemen and men-at-arms whc
more than five centuries ago cam
with another prince of Wales, called
Edward,' to fight against heavy odds
In and about all those towns In Bel
gium and France which, again, hav
become familiar In our mouths as
household words St. Omer, Ypres,
Arras, Soissons, Reims, St. Quentin,
Oravellnes, Dunkirk, Calais and Abbe
vllle, Lille and Armentieres.
Perhaps "Eye-Witness" knows the
names of those silent ghoBts, though
he has not yet written about them in
his dispatches, owing to the severity
of the censor. He knows, I am sure,
that among those who watched the
destruction of Cloth Hall were Sii
John Chandos "the flower of knight
hood" and Lord Thomas Percy, Sii
Godfrey de Harcourt and Lord Regin
ald Cobham, Lord Thomas Holland
and Lord Delawarr, Lord Robert Ne
ville, Lord Thomas Clifford, Lord
Bourchler, Lord Latimer, Sir Waltei
Manny "sans peur et sans reproche"
and many other knights and squires,
whom," as old Frolssart said, "I can
not now name."
The ancestors of British officers who
are now fighting in Flanders rode un
der their banners over the flat marsh
lands, they banqueted in many of the
grand halls which now He in ruins un
der the German eagle, they stormed
at the gates of many towns which are
now filled with British soldiers, their
lances glittered down many of the
roads where the winter sun now glints
upon the lances of French dragoons;
and with the chivalry of medieval
knighthood they did many acts ol
courtesy and valor and heroic adven
ture upon the same ground where the
men under Sir John French have up
held the old traditions of their breed
with no less courage. Also, according
to the way of war they, ravaged the
countryside through which they
passed, burned farmsteads and peas
ants' cots, swept It clean of all food,
looted Its treasures, and laid it waste,
so that there was desolation and fam
ine where the English army had
It was Lord Henry Spencer, bishop
of Norwich, who undertook the siege
of Ypres in the days when English
arrows sung with a shriller note than
the modern shell.
"Day after day," writes Frolssart
'the assault continued, but the place
still held out. At last the English, find
lng that they could not take the town
by storm, and that they had expended
all their artillery, resolved to have a
quantity of faggots collected with
which to fill up the ditches, so that
they might advance and fight hand
to-hand with the garrison, undermine
the walls, and. by throwing them
down, effect an entrance."
Every road and dyke round Ypres
was moistened with English blood In
those old days, and now, fighting side
by side instead of against the French
and the Flemings, English blood drips
down to the same soil, which is mixed
with the dust of heroic bones, of Eng
llsh arrowheads, of steel breastplates
and richly chased casque, and of all
the panoply of medieval knighthood.
now dissolved Into the chemistry of
the earth's graveyards.
If ghostly warriors keep the watches
of the night, Sir Charles Chandos, Sir
Walter Manny, Lord James Audley
Lord Reginald Cobham, and a thou
sand other knights of old renown, sa
lute the men who challenge death for
England. The Black Prince ralseB his
visor and kisses the sword hilt to Ed
ward, prince of Wales, who is walking
the same fields of fame and blood-
London Chronicle.
The Spaniard In Mexico.
When Cortez landed at Vera Cruz
and in honor of the day being "Good
Friday," gave the place the sacred
name, he set the style of Mexico for
the land to be called after saints and
sacred things rather than people. The
glory of the spirit of Crusader ap
pealed more to him than perpetuating
his own name as the cognomen of
country. Following in the wake of
this warlike Spaniard came troops of
friars, some of them pious and truly
noble, while others were no more hu
man than the average type of men of
that day and generation. A Catholic
priest, Hidalgo, occupies a prominent
place In the calendar of the country i
liberators; while dreams and vlslonB
actuated others to explore the country
and set up the cross.
Blnk't Good Luck.
BInks Isnt It about time out
daughter began to think about getting
married? She Is getting on and she'll
be an old maid the first thing she
Mrs. BInks Yes, but she'a me all
over again. I was the same way un
til my mother warned me that if I
was to marry at all I had no time to
BInks Um er I suppose so.
Mrs. BInks Yes, Indeed. I made
up my mind to take the first stick
that offered, and that very evening
you came.
But Now, Despite Her Pleas, He Does
Not See Why He Should Take Her
Back His Concise Explana
tion of His Reasons.
They had been deeply In love when
they married. That was ten years
ago. Much had happened In ten years,
and in their case they had drifted
apart At first there were little
scraps, mended with a kiss and a few
loving words. By degrees the rift be
came larger. She wanted the com
forts, If not the luxuries of life, and
told him many times of the, motor cars
and theater boxes she could have had
if she had married Tom, Dick or Harry
Instead of him. Once he used to.
weave stories of a tomorrow, but to
morrow never came, and finally the
friction became too much for him.
"You are never satisfied," he said
after one of their quarrels, according
to a New York letter to the Cincin
nati Enquirer. "You have no belief
in me. Perhaps I don't amount to
much. We don't get on. You remain
here and I'll find a place for myself.
I'll let you have enough to keep you
going $25 a week."
She agreed to this joyfully, and in a
few days he removed to a furnished
room not many blocks away. Each
week she received an envelope with
the stipulated amount In it. Other
wise they lived as Btrangers.
The man had only left himself
enough out of his salary to keep him
self alive. There waB no overplus for
amusements, and his chief recreation
was reading at the public library.
One evening, having finished his
evening paper, he took up a pencil and
began to draw on the edge. He had
a sense of humor and was making a
comic picture of something he had
lust read. He was fond of drawing
and had given much time to it before
his marriage. Then he took a sheet of
paper and drew several comic
sketches, and they amuBed him bo
much that Just for fun he sent one
to a comic paper. It was accepted
and the editor asked for more. He
kept on drawing, and in three years
had attained a reputation under the
name of "Scorn." Meanwhile his wife
lived on in the old house, perfectly
contented and only slightly curious
when her allowance was gradually in
creased. When one day the envelope
contained fifty dollars she decided to
go after him. She called at the place
where he had been employed when
they parted and asked to see him. The
clerk grinned.
"He left over a year ago.
She rushed to the house where he
had roomed, "He left over a year
ago," she was informed. Still the fifty
dollars arrived regularly.
In California lives a thin man who
Is something of a cynic. His reputa
tion as a comic artist is established
and money comes easily to him. Once
a pretty woman asked him why he
lived alone.
"I have a wife," he told her. "I left
her because she didn't believe In me,
I am never going back to her. It hurts
a man to be tied a bundle of pessim
ism In petticoats."
"And did she love you?" the pretty
woman asked.
"I hardly think so."
Once his agents wrote to him that
she wanted to know where he lived.
Tell her." he wrote, "that I am In
the Town of Tomorrow."
And she understood.
Want Market Commission.
California women are anxious to es
tablish a national marketing commis
sion as suggested by the United States
delegate to the International Institute
of Agriculture in Rome. According to
this plan, the president of the United
States will appoint the national mar-
president of an Influential chamber of
keting commission, consisting of the
commerce, the mayor of three of the
largest cities in the United States,
three members of the leading mail
order and department stores, a leading
railroad man. a parcel post man, a
leading banker, a leading workingman,
two congressmen, a senator, making
fourteen in all, and in addition to this
fifteen farmers from various sections
of the United States, making twenty
nine members of the commission.
There would also be state commis
sions, appointed by the governors, and
bo on down to township commissions
There would be places In each town
and city for sales, and farm produce
would be put on sale at different hours
in the week.
Barrle Puzzles Gaby Deslyi.
Miss Gaby Deslys' comments on Sir
James Barrie, in whose first venture
in musical burlesque the Farlslenne
is about to appear, makes piquant
reading. The lady complains that Sir
James is "strange author." Appar
ently, "he not like me to know what
he means. When he look glad then I
know I doing It all wrong, but if he
look trlste, then I know I doing It
right" Moreover, Mile. Deslys com
plains, and this Is really a grave In
dlctment, that she does not know
whether the author likes her dresses
or not, and that he Is of opinion that
she should do her hair with "nice lit
tle round bump at back."
A Gentle Hint.
"Sir, does your boy call his dog
"No; why do you ask that?"
"Oh, merely that I noticed
seems to like to make it howl"
mm &m j
ipij sl,oes s Whole F JItl
I At Fire Sale Prices! m II . .
I A Ul shoes' 10c Girls' Shoes 50c I! ll J
VJy Children's Shoes, 49c Ladies' Shoes, 75c I W lj
CV 1 Boys' Shoes, 50c Ken's Shoes, $1.00 1 U
DAVH Clint fA 229 Morrison Street,
Mushrooms Somewhat Neglected.
The artificial production of mush
rooms is carried on In Europe to an
extent never attempted here, though
the growing of them In America Is
rapidly increasing, mushroom "barns"
being available in cellars, caves,
stables, fields, outhouses of all kinds.
It 1b one of the many attractive spec
tacles of the great markets of Paris
to Bee high pyramids ot mushrooms,
fresh from the "farms," white as snow
and ot whose luscious edible qualities
there can be no doubt
Aiding the Memory.
Concentration and practice are the
chief needs In memorizing poetry and
dramatic lines. Competition seems to
be the best way to stimulate concen
tration In children if they are not suf
fering from nervous troubles, and
youngsters will find it most interest
ing to do these memory feats against
time. A race to learn a poem may be
as Interesting as a hundred-yard dash.
Adding columns of figures against
time is not only Interesting but 'ex
ceedingly practical.
Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets reeu-
late and invigorate stomach, liver and
bowels. Sugar-coated, tiny granules.
Easy to take as candy.
Bound to Be Seen.
Little Mr. Einstein, a traveling
salesman, found himself far away
from home, and naturally very lone
some. He knew not a soul in the ho
tel at which he was staying and be
decided that he must attract some at
tention at any cost Presently a bell
hop came through the lobby paging a
Mr. Murphy. "Mr. Murphy! " he shout
ed. At this point Mr. Einstein jumped
up and hollered: "Say, boy, vat Ini
tials?" Everybody's.
Tribute to the Ancient Romans.
The Avezzano region was not un
known to the Romans and the old
Roman roads across the mountains
may Btill be traced In places. A man
beside the way of whom the distance
was asked, replied: "By the Roman
road It Is bo far." Thomas Nelson
Page in Scrlbner's Magazine.
Her Way of Putting It.
"When I proposed to Blanche she
asked me if I was a new recruit."
What did she mean?" "She wanted
to know if I had ever participated Id
an engagement befor"." BoBton
Wise Kid.
' A confirmed tippler remarked In
the presence of hiB little son that at
one period he didn't touch a drop for
two years. "Pa," said the little fel
low, "was that your first two years?"
Hood Disorders
Quickly Driven Away
Astonishing Results With t!io Greatest Blood
Purifier Ever Discovered.
Strength, Power, Accomplishment are all Typified In S. S. S.
Borne blood disorders become deeply
rooted In the glands and tissues, and the
mistake Is made of resorting to draatio
drugs. These only aggravate by causing
other and worse troubles. A host of peo
ple know this to be true. They know
from painful experience.
To get right down Into where the blood
Is vitiated require S. B. 8. the greatest
blood purifier ever discovered.
This remarkable remedy contains one
Ingredient, the active purpose of which Is
to stimulate the tissues to the healthy
election of Its own essential nutriment
and the medicinal elements of this match
lees blood purifier are Just as essential to
well balanced-health as the nutritious
elements of the meats, grains, fats and
sugars of our dally food.
Mot only this, but If from the presence
of some disturbing poison there Is a local
or general Interference of nutrition to
cause bolls, carbuncles, abscesses and
kindred troubles, 8. 8. B. so directs the
local cells, that this poison la rejected an4
1st and 2d,
A GENTS Sell Oresron-erown stock, the finest
there is; oik demand; Rood commiaaloac
SALEM NURSERY CO., Salem. Oregon.
at the best equipped, most up-to-date and only
practical Automobile School in the Northwest.
L.&M. Auto Repair Co.. 369 (Mm Am. Pwtkai 0
YOUNG HAN, BE A BARBER. Learn a Trade.
Be Independent Trade taught In eight week;
tools free. Commissions paid while learning;
positions secured. Write for free catalog.
MOHLER COLLEGES, Portland, 48 N. 2nd SW
Spokane, 226 Main Ave.; Seattle, 109 Main St
A guaranteed remedy for Colds and
La Grippe. Price 25c of your druggist
It's good. Take nothing else. Adv.
Dalles -Columbia Line
Stats of Washington, for The Dalles dally et.
Sunday 11 p. m. Leave Dalles daily . Monday
12 M. Steamers J. N. Teal. Inland Empire an
Twin Cities for Upper Columbia and Snake rhreff
points. Taylor SL Dock. TeL Main 613.
Willawlle tat CslimsU Kmc Tminf Ce Ptrtlua.
Eligible is a Graveside Orator.
"When I die," said Noyea E. Brew.
more, "I would like Tennyson J. Daft
to make a few remarks at my grave.
A man who can write such ambigu
jus poetry ought to be able to deliver
a well-sounding funeral oration with
out really exposing my true history."
Kansas City Star. 1
Same Bread.
The men and women who would b
willing to use the Constitution to
wrap a nickel's worth of liver In
would not halt at carrying their salt
mackerel home in the Declaration oi
Independence. Houston Post
Keep KidsKleen
The moit practical, healthful, playtime
firroenti ever Invented (or children 1
to 8 yean ol age. Made in one piece
with drop back. Easily lipped on or
off, Bail if warned. No tlfbl
elastic banda to nop circulation.
Made In blue denim, and blue and
white hickory ttripea for all the
year round. Alio lifhter welrbi
material (or lumtner wear All
garment! trimmed with fait red or
blue galatea. Made in Dutcb neck
wltb elbow ileevei and blgb
neck and long aleerea,
75c the suit
If your dealer cannot tupply you,
we will tend them, charrei prepaid
on receipt of price, 75c eacb.
A New TOW H They
Suit I IUjU Kip
Made By
i, Levi Strauss & Co, San Francisco
rL, f 1
Jogging Your Horses?
Your stallions, as well as your racing prospects, are shed
dins; their coats, or have done bo, and are susceptible to the
weather changes. Have on hand your "standby'1 SPOHN'8
COMPOUND. It has stood the test tor 17 years. All drug-
SlHtH sell It, or horse goods houses. Bottle, 60 cents and 1;
ozen, $5 and 110.
6POHN MEDICAL CO., Chemists, Goshen, Ind.
eliminated from their presence.
men, too, M. t). a. has such speolM
stimulation on these local cells as to pre
serve their mutual welfare and a propel
relative assistance to each other.
In a very brief time 8. 8. 8. has the
reconstructive process so under control
that remarkable changes are obseved. All
eruptive places heal, mysterious pains and
aches have disappeared, and from head te
foot there Is a conscious sensation of re
newed health.
From the fact that B. 8. 8. is purely
a botanical preparation, It Is accepted by
the weakest stomach and has (rest tools
Influence. Mot on drop of drugs or
minerals Is used In Its preparation. Ask
for 8. 8. 8. and Insist upon having It.
And If you desire skillful advice upon any
matter concerning the blood and skin
writ to The Swift SpectSo Co.. lOS Swift
Bldg, Atlanta, Ga, Do not allow some
zealous clerk to larrup the atmosphere In
eloquence over something "Just as good"
sa 0, S, S, Eewar of all cauntsrfeUsV