The Maupin times. (Maupin, Or.) 1914-1930, June 04, 1915, Image 1

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    Devoted to the Interests of Southern Wasco County
VOL. 1, NO.
THE YEAR $1.50
School Notes
Chouinard's Island has finally
been decided upon as the place
for the picnic on the last day of
school, June 2j. It is a conveni
ent and beautiful spot and it is
hoped that as many parents . and
others as possible with plan to
get away from daily labor and
enjoy a day of rest and
recreation. There will be some
literary exercises, lunch and
athletic sports.
Violet Miller, Daphene and
Ghriatine Dyer and Nellie Ilarp
ham took examination Thrusday
and Friday. Mrs. F. D. Stuart
was examiner, and the examina
tion was held at her house.
The visitors at the school for
the past week were Mrs. E. A.
Mayhew, Mrs. Nellie Muir,
Ralph and Lora Delcos.
Wapinitia Items
The Hartman sawmill commenc
ed sawing Monday.
Charley Walker has taken unto
himself a brand new Ford auto,
and the way he's been making the
dust fly isn't slow. He purchased
through the local agent, E. J,
Fischer of Maupiu.
David Sharpe left here Monday
evening for Salem, going as dele
gate from the church here to atr
tend the general conference which
convened in that city June 2nd.
N. W. Flinn left here Tuesday
for Walkerville, where he is em
ployed by Chas. Walker putting in
logs for the Hartman sawmill.
Lona, Speichiugei, of The Dalles
who has been staying at the home
Of her aunt her, Mrs. E. V, Tapp,
and attending school the past win-
Daily without
Weekly Oregonian m
W. H
Several new buildings are un
der construction in this section.
E. A. Mayhew is having a
new modern residence put up on
his Juniper Flat farm. H. E.
Crofoot is working on it.
C. E. Alexander's modern
farm home near Victor is well
underway, the carpnters from
here having been working on it
several days.
Harrison Young and Fressie
Marvin are hauling lumber for
houses on their homesteads.
The Maupin residences of L.
K. Oakley and John Donaldson
have recently undergone renova
tion and painting and look fine.
'Mr. Donaldson's having had a
neat addition put on the side
toward the river.
The new bam on G. L. Harp
han's property is fast nearing;
ter left for her home Monday.
Archie Tapp accompanied her for
a visit wjt relatives.
Mrs. Olson and children of Lin
ton arrived here Friday to visit at
the home of her brother, Peter
School closed in the Oak Grove
district Friday and Harold Benja
min, the efficient teacher, left Sat
urday for the Willamette Valley.
Quite a number of the young
people from here attended the
play given at Wamic Saturday and
report it as just fine,
G. E. Wood has been appointed
as assessor for this district and is
around making his fri nelly calls
uow-a-days. '"
School closed here Friday. Miss
Fischer, the primary teacher, as-
i sisted by her pupils gave a splen
did entertainment in the evening.
The able manner in which she had
trained the little ones speaks well
jfor her. Among
j Maupiu attending,
those from
were K. J,
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Three weeks ago while down
at Sherar with a crowd from
Maupin after 1 salmon, Vernie
Roberts fell, snaging his left leg
between the knee and ancle on
a rock. Thinking it nothing
more than an ordinary bruise,
he continued his work until two
weeks ago when intense pain
and swelling made it nccesiury
to get a substitute to driva slag
and take a rest.
Mr. Rolwrts had been cor, fined
to his room since then until Sun
day, when he tritkj to walk with
crutches, causing, a relapse of
swelling, but is getting along
nicely again and hopes to- be on
duty soon-
During the incarceration of
Mr. Roberts, Job Crabtree, Ray
Kayler and G. L. Harphan have
each had a little experience car
rying Wapinitia mail.
Fischer, G. L- Harphan, L. D.
Kelly and their families having
come up'ju their cars.
B. V. Tapp has been laid up
the last few clays with a severe at
tack of Lumbago, but is some
what improved at present.
Memorial services were held at
the IJelly 'cemetery Sunday after
noon, Rev. G. F,. Wood delivering
the sermon.
Eiukie Tapp, Jr., was fishing at
Maupiu the first of the week.
Some cold winds now-ardays.
Gyassliofsfiera live .hattSKi tmt
quite thick on the Flat and it looks
as though if there is nothing done,
there may be a repetition of things
of last year. If tlfla country as a
whole would turn out to fight them
as was done in Kansas last year,
there might bz some show of sav
ing the crops. Advice has been
asked of the Oregon Agriculture
Isupin Times
Times $2.40
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Library Dooks
A number of books belonging
with the lot recently sent away
have not yet been returned and
the librarian would like to have
The books arriving the other
day are:
Ethics New Conscience and
an Ancient Evil, Adams; Old
Game, Blythe.
Sports-Battle of Base Ball,
'-Travel Year with a Whaler,
Burns;. Letters of a Woman
Homesteader, Stewart.
Biography-Mary Stuart, Birch
' History Panama Canal, Has?
Fiction -House in the Hedge,
Barbour; General John Regan,
Birmingham; Good Indian, Bow
er; Great Diamond Pipe, Buchan;
Shadow of a Crime, Caine; Mak
ing or Bobdy . mirnit, Chester:
Back Home. Cobb; William and 01 wnom are lea?ua vmeva, and
Bill, Cook and Morrison; Bronze a close lntesting game is ex
Buddah, Daniels; David Copper- Pected-
field, Dickens; Rose of Old St.
Louis, Dillon; Count of Monte
Cristo, Dumas; Red Colonel. Ed
gar; Faith Doctor, Eggleston;
For Plain Women Only, Flem
ming; Honorable Peter Sterling,
Ford; Thoroughbreds, Fraser;
Miller of Old Church. Glasgow;
Adventures in Contentment,
Grayson; L' Abbe Constantine,
ITalswy; Heart of Princess Ozia,
Hope; Fathers of Men, Hornung;
End of the Road, Hyatt; Josce
lon Chesiro, Kennedy; Ward of
King Canute, Liljenerantz; Sov
erign Power, Luther; Rienzi,
Lytton,1 Graustarlu.McCutheojn;
Truxton King, McCutheon; Leti
tia, Nursery Corps, U. S, A,,
Martin; Lion's Brood, Osborne;
Hania, Sienkievisz; Quo Vadis,
Sienkievicz; Cuikied Age, 2 vol.,
Twain; Gentlemen of France,
Weyman; Virginian, Wister.
Outdoor Sports Field and For
est Handy Book, Beard.
Travel Hock of theBushveld,
Fitzpateriek; Little Light, Gaines
Biography Girls' Boook of
Famous Queens, Farmer.
Fiction Aladdin and the Won
derful Lamp, Lang; Tad Shel
don, Boy Scout, Wilson.
college at Corvallis, but have re
ceived no word yet.
The picnic at Oak Grove Satur
day was very well attended, al
though some of the schools that
were expected did not show up,
and Supt. of Public Instruction
Churchill was unable to be pn scnt.
A programe was rendered and
music was furnished by the Wapi
nitia band boys, A ball game was
the feature of interest in the after
noon, played between Maupin's
2nd team and the high school boys
here. The game was very iul cr
esting all the way through, but
the Wapinitia boys won by a score
of 16 to 8. They expect to play
again Saturday at Maupin.
Wamic Items.
Many persons were in attend
ance at the play given in the hall;
Saturday night by the high school
students and others. The pluyi
was a most interesting one and the'
IS songs, recitations, and tiuiMc by
the orchestra between the acts,;
f) I made a most charmimr entertain-'
j incut. A number came fiom
j Tygh and Wapiniiia to witness the
ti play which was given for the bene-
ill or me nign school
School closed here Friday and
the teachers left for their respec
tive homes.
Mrs. Nellie Nelson died at her
home on Happy Kidge Friday and
".va buried Suudav, Rev. Bmiliani
Thp Wnml, hnva
and played the locals ' another!?881 ugh fr ?ome conBU.mP
game, losing to Maupin 18 to 5,
The visitors seemed to be having
day off only making jom
point in the first half of the
game while Maupin had seven
When seeing that they were
losing ground too badly, Wamic
changed their pitcher twice, put
ting Marlin in place of floss and
vVoodcock later taking Marlin's
The local team: W. Miller e;
Morris p; K. Miller lb; C. Crab
tree 2b; Confer 3b; Bonney ss;
Chastain rf; Woodruff cf; R.
Crabtree If.
Next Sunday Maupin will be
host to the Antelope nine, some
conducting the funeral services. .
Floyd Fubanks drives a Fold
auto now, his father, J. II. En
banks, having purchased the car
recently at Maupin.
Several families front this phiee
are engaged in picking strawber
ries at Hood River,
Mr. and Mrs. J. E, Kennedy
will live on their ranch near White
liver, having moved there recently.
Several parties from here enjoyed
an outing at the Warm Springs the
past two weeks.
Htv. Bonhum of Tygh aecomr a
nied'by'Mrs, lionham delivered a
sermon here Sunday.
Smock New;
Alvin Thornton was in Waniic
on business Saturday,.
Marion Farhnv and family visit
ed with his mother Saturday, ' .
A. K. Russell made a trip to
Keep's mil this week.
M. P. Thornton and wile visited
9 9""Sfctf "5Sn.ti ""'Sau.
- ' . -
ShafttucK. Bro
Auto Passenger Service Auto Delivery Truck
Prepared for Long Trips or Outing Parties
A Complete Line of Automobile Accessories
Good Ideas
Why do not some of our pre
gressive farmers and gardeners
. n . i , i
WainUlH. EC
ition. One who hao not raised
!them tel1 h9W eood thfi
A good remedy for earache is
the juice of a table heet strained
and warmed and a half-teasiioon
ful poured in the ear. Grate the
Muzzle the dogs; dog days will
soon be here.
I am sitting where I can lo k
into a neighbor's yard and see
such beautiful roses that I won
der why every yard is not dec
orated in the same manner,
Roses are not expensive and re
easv to grow. For the busy
housewife they are much mora
satisfactory than annuals.
at the Russell ranch Sunday,
Born to Mr, and Mrs. A. F,
Russel, the 2gth, a son, Mother
and child gelling along fine.
There were hot times at the
Russell place Thursday, when as
Al was cleaning out the chicken
house, it caught fire. He got a
burn but put out the file,
A, It. Thornton, F, F, Spoor
and an unknown party went to
Maupin Friday, ( '
The Woodcock sawmill' started
up Wednesday and will be busy,
from now on.
' Among those from Smock at
tending the play at t Wamic Satur
day night weie"1trin Farlovv and
Qeorge A vies,
M. P. Thornton went to Waniic
Monday to his daughter, Mrs. '
G. F. Noble, who is spending a
few days visiting relatives.
Walter I.edioid calls at the Cal
Syioii home Sundays. ... .
Ask Mrs. Wilhelm, Mrs Oakley
and Mrs. Job Crabtree who the
three, new grass widows of Maupiu
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