mm MIDNIGHT'S FIRST LESSON FROM 8N0WBALL. "'Good morning," Bald Snowball, as be met Midnight the next morning after he had brought the kitten borne from the city; "hope you had a good sleep and that you (eel better this morning than you did yesterday when I saw you by the side of master's . "wagon." "I had a fine sleep," said Midnight, "for the bed was the softest I ever slept on, and there were no noises to disturb me, and I was warm all night, and that Is something I have not enjoyed for a long time." , Kit and Puff came In just then and aid "Good morning" to Snowball, but -did not notice Midnight. "Something the matter with your eyesight this morning?" asked Snow ball, as he noticed Kit and Puff had only said "Good morning" to him. "Can't you see that Midnight is here?" Kit and Puff knew well enough what Snowball meant, and not wishing to openly offend him, they said "Good morning" to Midnight, but In a very haughty way and without looking in his direction. "Are you going to breakfast?" they Bald, as they passed Snowball, and he kept on walking toward the kitchen. "I shall be there very shortly," said Snowball, and walked over to where Midnight was sitting. When he got over clone to the kitten lie sat down, and, after waiting for a minute, he said: "Do you know what a cat ought to be, above everything lseT" "I don't know that I do," said Mid night. "You see, I am not very old jet." ' "Well, your youth Is no disadvan tage," said Snowball; "but a cat firBt of all ought to be good. He ought to be truthful and honest, he ought not to take things that do not belong to him, and he ought to be kind and not teet angry. But next to being good, he fiught to be clean. My master says that cleanliness Is next to goodness, and, as he never told me, I don't know whether goodness comes first or not; hut, anyway, they are right next to each other. , "Now it Is perfectly plain to me that, however good a kitten you may be, you certainly are not clean. There Is mud on your paws that was there yesterday when I picked you up in the Btreet, and your mustache has cobwebs on It that I know you never got here, for mistress Is too neat to have cob Webs about her house." "I didn't suppose," Bald Midnight, 'that a little mud made any differ ence, and as for cobwebs I hadn't no ticed them at all." -Well," said Snowball, "last night I told you I was going to teach you to be a real cat, and I am going to begin by teaching you how necessary It Is to be clean. Breakfast Is ready In the kitchen, and I suppose that Kit and Puff are already eating theirs, but you cannot go into the kitchen and cannot have any breakfast until you "have all the mud off your whiskers imd until you are very much cleaner than you are now, and I do not want you ever again to come down to break fast without having thoroughly washed your face and brushed your coat." "How will I get the mud off?" asked hlidnight, "for I know It Is stuck on Tery hard. I got a lot of It on when a dray drove by and the wheels splashed a lot of dirty water on me." "Come out in the barn," said Snow ball, "and I will show you." When they got to the barn Snowball found a place on the side of the door where there was a rough board, and leaning hla body up against It he pushed as hard as he could, walking forward at the same time. "You try doing that a few times and aee If It doesn't feel good to your coat and clean It at the same time." Midnight tried It Bomewhat awk wardly three or four times, and then Snowball said: "Turn around and rub the other side." Midnight did as ho was told, and pretty soon all the mud was rubbed off. "Now," said Snowball, "you Bee that round hole In the door. That Is for us cats to go in and out when the door la closed. You go through there stand ing up Just as Btralght as you can and robbing your back bard against the top of the hole." Midnight followed this direction, and after a few trips through the hole he had rubbed all the mud off his back. "That's a little rougher treatment ' than you will have to have when you are once thoroughly cleaned," ex plained Snowball; "and now I want you to smooth your fur and wash your face." -How shall I do It?" asked Midnight. "With your tongue, this way," and Snowball began licking his Bleek fur, already glossy from the bath which he had taken as soon as he woke. "And yon wash your face like this," he ex plained, lapping his paw and rubbing hla face with it Midnight worked hard to do as 8nowball had shown him, and while 8now ball occasionally laughed when Afldnlght tried to lick a spot hard to et at and almost tipped over, he nev ertheless helped Midnight by giving film an occasional suggestion. At length Midnight had washed him self all over and looked at Snowball to see what he should do next. "You have done pretty well," said Snowball, "for a kitten that was as dirty as you were to start with, and I guess that we will go In to breakfast, but I want you to spend the day today In getting your coat in first-class con dition, and don't forget that hereafter no bath, no breakfaBt. A cat is never a good cat unless he Is a clean cat." And so saying he led Midnight toward the kitchen. FACTS FOR NATURE LOVERS Almost Numberless Varieties of Ani mals and Insects Different Species Found Yearly, How many different animals are there in the world? No one knows exactly, but as nearly as can be estimated from the re searches of our best fauna experts and fauna means animals It Is said that there are about 600,000 of them, different kinds. Of course, there were nearly as many different kinds a great many years ago, but they were not known. In 1830 a man named Gunther made a list of all the known animal species at that time, and his figures were only 78,588. Another careful list of the different kinds of animals In the world was made In 1881. At that time we had discovered 311,563 different kinds. Scientists and explorers discover many different species of birds and animals every year. Mr. Roosevelt and his party discovered some new ones this year down In Brazil. How many kinds of bugs are there? By that I suppose you mean insects. Well, of course, there are ever and ever so many more Insects than ani mals. In 1905 a Mr. Sharper, a learned naturalist, made a list of 250,000 dif ferent insects and he declared at that time that he was certain he had not listed more than one-tenth of all the Insects in th world. If this Is true, and Mr. Sharper probably knows, it means that there are at least 2,500,000 different kinds of insects in the world. "At a snail's pace" is a common expression and usually signifies a very slow gait, but what do you suppose is the actual speed made by the snail In traveling? One foot In four minutes. Boy's Life. TOY CASTLE HELD TOGETHER Building Blocks, Designed by Indians Man, Will Resist Ordinary Assault Dovetail Securely, Toy castles, like dream castles, are not very stable. Nobody has devised a way to make the latter stand, but an Indiana man has designed a set of building blocks by means of which a toy castle can be built that will hold together under an ordinary assault. These blocks consist of top and base pieces and panels with grooves and projections that dovetail together. Each piece that is added contributes to the stability of the whole, and Toy Castle. when the entire structure has been put together It is a very substantial toy. It can be moved around from one part of the nurBery to another and the small architect, or rather builder, may crawl inside and "fight" from this vantage point without hav ing to " be too careful of where his feet strike. WHAT THE POOR BOY NEEDS Not Riches, But to "Feel the Need of a Better and Truer Life" Money Spoils the Youth, A Socialist recommends that every family should have $1,400 to $1,600 a year to help the children along to the high point of equal opportunity and success In the race of life. That is the worst sort of advice. A boy doesn't need a cent of money to help him along to true manhood and an honorable career, the Ohio State Journal observes. All he wants Is to feel the need of a truer and bet ter life, and if that is not sufficient money will not avail. Money will spoil any boy. It will make him the victim of the slightest obstacle or Inconvenience. If a man wants to spoil his son, let him have what money he wants. Send htm to college and let him there put on style and live extravagantly and he Is a "goner" sure. True schol arship as well as true manhood con sists In overcoming obstacles. Give a boy money, so he can float down stream to the tinkling of the soft guitar, and all that sort of thing, and be will be sure to land In the swamps where the mud pythons play. As a rule, It Is better to be born poor than rich. This Is not doctrine; It Is his tory. The Boy's Complaint "Oh, no; there aint any favorites in this family!" soliloquized Johnny. "Oh, not If I bite my fingernails, I catch It over my knuckles. But If the baby eats his whole, foot, they think lt'i cute." Boy's Life, GAP VENTILATION WAS TOO MUCH No Wonder Front Parlor Continued to Smell "Close" Summer Boarder Kept Window Open. "Good morning!" said Mrs. Northey, as she greeted her callers at the front door. "Come right into the parlor although I'm sure I'm most ashamed to ask anyone In after what my niece, Annie, from the city's been sayln'. What did she say? Why, she says to me a week ago, 'Auntie, this house smells terrible close this bad, foggy weather. You'd better do somethin' about it!' "So I got right to work, and yanked most every bit of furniture except the piano out on the porch, and then 1 swep', and I cleaned, and I beat, and when there wasn't a mite of dust or dirt on anythin', I shut things up again tlght's I could. But this mornln' Annie comes In and says the very same thing: 'Auntie, how awful close it does smell In here!' And there hadn't been a thing as far's I could see would git It close for a week. "I was clean discouraged, I tell you. But I've made up my mind now what the trouble us," continued Mrs. Northey, as she sunk her voice to a whisper and looked back cautiously over her shoulder. "We've got a summer boarder up In our front chamber. I've found out she keeps her window open a crack all the time, and I think the fog and the damp smells has Just got into the house by her room, and that's why it smells close!" Youth's Companion. The Supreme Test "So you think Grace Brown is per fect, my son?" "Why, yes, mother." "Have you given her temper the supreme test?" "What's that," mother?" "Calling up the wrong number on the telephone with a cross operator at the other end and somebody trying to break In on the line." DUST AND DIRT. Johnson Say, old fellow, don't you miss your auto terribly since you sold It? Bronson Not as yet. You see, my wife's doing her fall housecleanlng and I get an exact auto effect from rug beating. Reformed. "Pa, Jimmy Green, the toughest fighter in our earn, has reformed. He says It's wrong to fight." "Do you believe him? "I would, but for one thing." "What's that?" "He never talked that way until he broke his arm." A Serious Conclusion. '7s your daughter still taking mu slo lessons?" . "No," replied Mr. Growcher. "Aft er hearing her sing and play lately, I have concluded that she doesn't need a teacher any more. What she wants is a censor." Deceptive Appearance. "You can't judge a man by his clothes." "No. Many a man with a fancy au tomobile gets all mussed up trying to run It himself." Ths Wise Fool. "There Is a time to work and a time to play, but you can't combine them," remarked the sage. "But suppose you are a musician?" asked the fool. Correct. "What is the most difficult disease you have to contend with?" asked the student "Imagination,'' replied the doctor. TOLD OF VUN HirJUtNBURG Many Anecdotes Concerning Famous German Strategist Are Being Put In Circulation. Of the telling of anecdotes about the doughty Field Marshal von Hin denburg there is no end just now In Germany. So huge Is the fame won by the victor of Tannenberg, Lodz, and the Masurian lakes that anybody who knows anything whatever about him, important or unimportant, is hurrying to have it printed in the German pa pers for the delectation ot Hinden burg devotees. Some of the things unearthed must be distinctly embarrassing to the grim old war dog. For instance, one newspaper has discovered a poem dat ing from 1886, written In the visitor's book of the castle ot Kynast In Si lesia, which Is declared to be the work of him who is now the ldoi ot Ger many The poem deals with the writ er's thoughts as he looked out from the tower of the castle over the land scape spread below As might be ex pected, Hindenburg saw in that land scape a possible battlefield, and wrote to that effect. Perusal of the verses leaves the impression that he is bet ter at fighting battles than writing about them. The field marshal's sister has also raked up from his past a poem. This one consists of exactly three lines, and is of a waggish nature. His Bis ter had made a sketch of him on the anniversary of the battle of Sedan, showing him comfortably Installed at his Prussian home, and her brother wrote under it the three line poem, which humorously contrasts the ex citement of the day on which he took part in that memorable battle with his peaceful laziness on the anniversary. Here is another Hindenburg anec dote recounted by his sister: After the battle of Tannenberg last August, when Hindenburg annihilated a Russian army opposed to him,' he went to church in a small village near the battlefield. When the services were over, hundreds of the villagers crowded about his automobile, shout ing their thanks to him for delivering them from the Russian Invaders, But the victor cut short their demonstra tions by pointing brusquely upward with his hand and saying: "Give thanks to him up there." Then he signaled to the chauffeur to speed away. Another 8hark Story. Passengers arriving at New York by the transatlantic liners bring strange stories, not all of which are based on the war. Some time ago a shark was swimming along In the wake of a ship catching all the refuse thrown over board. One of the sailors, who had a well-founded antipathy for all sharks, determined to try a new method ol scaring the shark away. With this end In view he procured an alarm clock, which he carefully wound and set to go off In 20 minutes. Then the sailor tied the clock to a rope and dropped It overboard. The shark In stantly swallowed It. When the alarm went off he was truly scared. The shark manifested this In various ways. He first stood on his hind legs and turned somersaults. The big fish final ly took refuge In flight, meanwhile lashing the water furiously with his tail. The other day this same shark was captured by the same ship. When the monster was drawn on deck by the triumphant crew it was discovered that he was the one who had swal lowed the clock. When he was cut open the alarm went off again. Canner and Commissariat. The unique position of the United btates as regards foodstuffs has Just been emphasized at a canners' con ventlon In Chicago. Famine is Im possible in this country, and more than that, at no season of the year are its inhabitants cut off from all the good things nature provides for man's sustenance. A wonderful range of climate makes it possible to have the year around green vegetables and fruits grown In the open, and at prices in reach of the humblest nocketbonk This is supplemented by the art of tne canner, who successfully preserves the summer's surplus bountv aeainst the cold, gray dayB of winter and robs that season of any terror it might ever nave hem, so far as food is concerned. It is not alone famine that is avoid ed, but certain diseases once preva lent due to malnutrition incident rn a lack of proper food, have vanished rrom the United States. In this way the processes of preserving foods have also been useful in the matter of preservation of health. Laws of the Ancients. The oldest code of laws In the world has lately been added to the Baby lonlo collection of Yale university as a result of archeologlcal research. It includes 287 sections of the laws of Babylonia enacted during the reign of Hammurabi. Hammurabi was a contemporary of Abraham, and reigned from the year 2285 to the year 2242 B. C, according to well-authenticated records. The newly discovered laws are engraved upon a block of dlorlte rock about seven feet In length. Bible students will be interested to know that this old code contains many of the thoughts Incorporated in the Mosaic law, as re vealed In the book of Exodus, espe cially In the twentieth and twenty-first chapters, although according to ar cheologlcal proofs, It must have pre ceded Moses by more than two cen turies. A complete translation of this old code Is now being made, and will be published under the auspices of the Tale alumni association. COULDN'T FOOL H0BC KNIGHT OF THE ROAD WAS WISE OLD BIRD. Billy Sunday Tells Good Story of How Farmer Stopped Visits of Tramps Were Suspicious ot Effusive Welcome. Billy Sunday, the evangelist said at a fashionable reception In his honor In Philadelphia: "A good many people are mistrust ful of religion. I don't know why II Is, but there's a lot of people as mis trustful of religion and the religious as the tramp was mistrustful of the farmer. "'I don't know what to do about this tramp evil,' a farmer once said to me. 'I've put up signs about bewar ing of the man trap and look out foi the savage dog and take care of the spring gun, but it don't seem to do any good at all, Mr. Sunday. The tramps molest me something ter rible.' " 'Well, Brother Brown,' said I, 'you just put up a big sign reading, "All tramps welcomed at Brown's," and then, later on, let me know the result' "Brown thought I was Joking at first but when he saw I was in earnest he went Btralght off home and put up a big sign over his gate 'All tramps welcome here, John Brown' that you could read half a mile away. "I met him again the following year. He said the sign had worked like a miracle. Ever since he put It up he had only set eyes on one tramp and that had been by accident. He came on the tramp accidentally as the fellow stood under the sign, look ing up at it and reading it over and over with a kind of quizzical, sarcas tic smile playing about bis mouth. "'Hello!' says Farmer Brown, grin ning over the fence at the tramp very friendly. "The tramp sneered. Then he burst into a bitter laugh and said: . " 'Hello, mister. How many cop have you got hidden In there?' wny, none none at all," says Farmer Brown, In a hurt, surprised voice. "The tramp gave another bittei laugh. 'How many bulldogs have you got, then, mister?' " 'There ain't a dog about the place,' says the farmer. He opened the gate a little ways, but the tramp Jumped back, so scared like, the farmer closed It again out of pity. 'You can come In and see for yourself If you don'l believe me about the dogs,' he says. " 'Oh, yes, I know,' said the tramp. He was pale and shaking all ovet from the start he got when the gate opened. 'I know all about that,' he said; 'but tell me how many beat traps you've got Bet In there that would bite a poor fellow's leg off.' " 'Nary a bear trap,' said the farm er. 'Nary a bear trap.' " 'Has a man got to do a hard day'i work to get a measly meal of scraps?' burst out the tramp. '"Nothing of the kind said the farmer. 'You come right in, young fel low, and I'll give you a three-course hot supper for nothing, and if you want to stay all night we'll fix you up a warm bed on the floor by the kitch en fire.'. "The tramp stared hard at the farm er a minute and then he smiled a kind of pitying, patronizing smile and said: "'You can't work that little game on me.' This is my eleventh year on the road.' '"What gamer said Farmer Brown. 'What game are you talkln1 about?' " 'Puttin' rough on rata In the cof fee and sellln' our remains to the medical college for a dollar apiece, said the tramp, winking at the farm er. 'Oh, no, Brownie, old boy! Oh, my, no! Not on your life! Ha, ha, ha! Aber! This Is my eleventh year on the road, I'm tellln' you.' "And the tramp took a cigar butt from the pocket of his ragged coat lit It with a sulphur match, and strutted jauntily away, his head near ly hidden In big smoke clouds." The Northeast Passage. Commander Vllkltskii, the discover er of Nicholas II. Land, set out last summer from Vladivostok on third attempt to make the northeast passage from the Paciflo to the At lantic. According to news recentlv received, he was wintered In Talmvr bay, to the west of Cape Chelyuskin. Here he has been in wireless communl cation with Captain Sverdrup, who sailed rrom European Russia last Bum mer In search of the mlssine Brussl- lov and Russanov expeditions, and has also wintered on the coast of the Tai myr peninsula. A note in Nature states that Vilkltskli proposed t send part of his crew to Sverdrun ship, In order to economize his sup plies, with a view to the possibility of not getting through the Ice next Bummer. Scientific American. Saving' Lives. The flEht tO Rave human ... In -- .- .. uin ui America has been eminently success- im curing tne last few years and loss from preventable dlspasA the has been materially reduced. Perhaiw the greatest improvement has been In ty pnoid fever, where sanitation and medical treatment have worked to gether to good effect In the field ot tuberculosis a great deal has been accomplished, although not as much was originally hoped for. In this dis ease It Is largely a case of money to get enough to give the victims of "the whits places" the treatment they need A Real Source of Health s the Stomach, but the most reliable barometer of your physical condition is the appe tite. If it is poor, you can look for an overworked and over- oaded condition of the Stomach, Liver and Bowels, which prevent them from properly performing their daily functions. A trial of HOSTETTER'S Stomach Bitters will help Nature restore normal strength and regularity through out the. entire system and thus help you maintain health. Try a bottle today. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Keep Kids Kleen Th most practical, healthful, playtime garment ever invented for children 1 to 8 yean of aic Made In one piece wito dro oactc. jeaaiiy supped on or off. Eiiiiy trained. No tight clastic bandi to atop circulation. Made In blue denim, and blue and white hickory atripei for ill the year round. Also lighter weight material for aummer wear. All Earmenti trimmed with fast red or , blue iilatea. Made in Dutch neck witn elbow sleeves and biga neck and long aieerea. 75c the suit If your dealer cannot iupply yon, we will lend them, charges prepaid on receipt of price, 7Sc each. A New ' FBFE H They Suit I lUrfJ Kip I Mad, By vi Strauss & Co., San Francisco Happy or Brave. When you cannot be happy, you Jan be brave. There are things no body can enjoy especially, aches, , pains, disappointments, unklndnesseB. and things of that sort. Nobody ex pects that you boys and girls can be just as happy over vour troubles as you are over vour blessings. But that does not excuse you for fretting and whimpering, Just as soon as things go wrong. If you cannot be happy, you can be brave. YOUR OWN DRUGGIST WILL TELL YOB Try Murine Eye Reined; (or Red, Weak, Water) Eyes and Granulated Eyelids; No Smarting ust-Bye Comfort. Write Jor Book of the Ky ty mall Free. Murine Bye Remedy Co., Chicago. Mental Overwork. In mental overwork the brain cells, being in constant use, are apt to le main alive after work has been aban doned. In this case sleep Is prevented. Worry has a like effect on the cerebral cells, and if anything worse. HOWARD K BURTON - Antajer and Ciemlrt, Leadville, Colorado. Spemmen prii'o,! Gold, Silver, Lend, SI. Gold, Silver, 16oi Gold 60o: Zina or Copper H. Mailing envelopes yA full price liut tent on ajipllratlon. Coutro) and Umpire vrorkio united, lief erenoei Carbonate National Bonk. Cheap Household Cement. Plaster of parts and gum arabio in the proportion of four parts plaster of parts to one of gum arabio makes a very good cement for mending china and other articles. The ingredients are mixed in a pulverized form, water added and used at once. If smoothed over with an old knife blade while soft this cement will be glossy and hard aa china when hard. AFTER SUFFERING TWO LONG YEARS Mrs. Aselin Was Restored to Health by Lydia E. Pink, ham's Vegetable Compound. Minneapolis, Minn. "After my little We was born I was sick with pains in my sides which the doctors said were caused by inflamma tion. I suffered a great deal every month and grew very thin. I was under the doctor's care for two long years without any benefit Finally after repeated sug gestions to try it we got Lydia E. Pink- ham's Vegetable Compound. After tak ing the third bottle of the Compound I was able to do my housework and today I am strong and healthy again. I will answer letters if anyone wishes to know about my case. "Mrs. Joseph Aselin, W6 Fourth Avenue, Minneapolis, Minn. Lydia E. Pinlcham's Vegetable Com pound, made from native roots and herbs, contains no narcotics or harmful drugs, and today holds the record of being the most successful remedy wa know for woman's ills. If you need such a medicine why don't you try it I If yon hare the slightest doubt that Lydia K. Plnkham's Vegeta ble Compound will help yon, write to Lydia E.Pinlcham MedicineCo. (confidential) Lynn,Massn for ad rice. Tour letter will be opened, read and answered by a woman, and held In strict confidence. fUOVERALLSl fXXL