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About The Maupin times. (Maupin, Or.) 1914-1930 | View Entire Issue (May 21, 1915)
r in m MAU Devoted to the Interests of Southern Wasco County T7 V7VT3 PIN J1MJL 11 HA V I,,.lw MAUPIN, SOUTHERN WASCO COUNTY, OREGON, MAY, 21, 1915 THRYRAR 1 Sn crilT in nv nun I i . . I Lmn, ... ; m m di uun "p'n j HtW HlliHM SOON TO BE CORRESPONDENTS Smock News G.W. Bargainholdt made a trip to Wapinitia Monday, returning the road grader and bringing home pome hog wire fencing for his farm. John Farlow and family spent Sunday at the J. W. Ayres home. E. E. Parrish made a trip to The Dalles last week expecting to pur chase an automobile, but returned by way of Sherar, arriving home Saturday noon with a big salmon instead. He reports the machine he expected tu get to have been sold shortly before "he arrived in The Dalles. One of the little boys of D. H, Miller, formerly of this place, now living in Dufur, was badly hurt one day last week while playing near a water wheel, getting in to uch a position as to be caught in the wheel and carried around It being necessary to reverse the movement of the wheel to get him out, A number of bones weie broken and other serious bruises sustained, Fred Bixel and family and Mrs. Jones were up from Wamic Mon day visiting with Mrs. Geo. Bed ford, Mrs. Leona Hull is spending a few days at Sherar visiting with friends. Some excellent work has been done on the upper White river grades the last two weeks with the grader and slip. Geo. Ledford has a field of rye that is all headed out and is notic ably taller than the fence. C. N. Faribw started to The Dalles Tuesday with a load of Maupin Won 6 to 3 The Maupin base ball team played Wamic Sunday and won to a score of 6 to 3. They played on me wamic diamond and a return game wity be played here a week from this coming Sundav. Notwithstanding the fact that several of the players had not practiced this season they played good ball and the coming game between the Maupin boys and the Antelope team next Sunday, at Antelope, will be one of the best of the series. wool. The Mulvaney sawmill crew have been kept busy lately getting out the timber and plank for the lower bridge across White liver, which was so far completed Tues day that the road grader was taken across. Mr. Mulvaney says he is prepared to get out any thing in the lumber product from the least moulding to the largest timbers. Mrs. Frank French is visiting with her parents, Mr, and Mrs, Ernest Gesh, on Badger creek. F. E. Spoor made a trip to Sher ar this week. A Christian Endeavor society has been organized at the church and quite an interest aroused. Mrs. Linda' Spoor is home from Warm Springs for a short time. A. F. Russell made a trip to Maupiu on horse back Sunday. C. H. Yockey will have straw berries ripe in a few days. COMPLETED ACROSS WHITE RIVER The bridge across White river was sufficiently completed this week to allow teams to cross over taking the road grader and tools across for some work yet necessary on this side. yet finished, and in a short time it will be ready for use. This road and bridge has beeri under consideration for nearly two years and will be a valuable C S. McCorkle was on the j convenience for a large number Flat and in Maupin this week soliciting subscriptions to cover the expense of completing the part the road on this side not of residents of the Wamic vicini ty, who heretofore have had to come around by Tygh Valley or Smock to get to Maupin. Wapinitia Items County School Supt. Clyde T. Bonney visited our school here Tuesday. He was accompanied by Mr. Harrington of the Indus trial club and Miss Bessie Bohtiey. Peter Olsen, otir road supervisor, moved his road implements up above Wapinitia about four miles, Wednesday, and will commence work there at once. r Bill Forman is the most popular ladies' man in this burg nowa days. He escorted a crowd to Maupin Sunday jn his auto, Those going were! Celia FHnn, Agnes Walters, lues Heartznfan and Harry Pratt. They contem plate another trip in the near fu ture. Selts Miller and Lester Crabtree and Mr. and Mrs. Allen spent Sunday on the Deschutes, where salmon are being caught. They returned Monday bringing home a bne lot of fish, Clyde Flinn, David Sharp, Bob and Archie Tapp left here Wednes day for a two days t,rip on the Dc schutes. Old Mr. Holland, who formerly lived here, isVut from The Dalles looking after business affairs. The Hartmah sawmill which has been shut down since last fall, will start planing Thursday. Seven horse buyers from France were here Tuesday buying horses for the French army; Criterion Chronicles Endeavor Picnic The Times, $1.50 a year. Pioneer Mercanti le Firm DOWN-LOW The Litchfield Down-Low built for lis hy the Litchfield Manufacturing Company and is Idw enough fof easy losing but high enough to avoid trouble; It has practically the same wider-clearance as the Litchfield Standard Spreader Which has been ibid for years. Come in and see for yourself that there is nothing experi mental or freakish about the Litchfield Down-Low Spreader. W.H. STAATS & CO. . 5 The recent rains have moistened the sod to a depth of eight inches, consequently new ground will he broken for a month yet. Truly 'tis good to live in such a well favored part of "Mother Earth." New homeseekers have been . in our midst recently and two have filed upon claims this week. All honest, well meaniug, home mak ing souls are welcome, as such will be gooQ citizens and a credit to any community, ly. B. DeCamp and Maurice Green returned from the irrigation project west of Maupin, reporting a dreary outlook for work at the present time. Among our citizens doing busi ness at Maupin the past week werei R. J. Buzan, E. H. Taylor B. 0. Noiker, A. A. Can field; Mr." and Mrs. Dale Bonney, Jeman Rockelo of Maupin made a business trip to the McLennan stock ranch last week. Kntensive preparations are beinj; made for the entertainment and picnic dinner to be given at the closing of our school on Friday, May 31, We are still listening tor those ? bells, which, as we have the re port, will peal out their joyous chimes at about four occasions in the near Future; Miller Bros, rcted as chairmen for the County Board on the new road extention. Mr. Dennirig and ' family of Ridgeway made two trips this week! via Criterion to Maupin with their Ford car. T. O. Miller, brother of Mail Carder J. K. Miller and Mrs. A. A. Canfielcl arrived here Friday from Sherman county; He wi 1 probably becdnie a permanent resi dent. The present lambing season has been bne of the best For years, oW ing to the abundance of feed and mild spring weather. Per coin ages range about the 100 mark. Our district road supervisor with, his crew of hustling road builders' would be welcome Visitors in this section of the country. Thanking him in advance, etc'. County Commissioners Claussen and Butler and Couhty Engineer Campbell were here recently re viewing the extention of the road from Criterion through Ridgeway to South Junction and the Cow Canyon road which leads into the! interior of Central fireonn. Th'p.i!m . gentlemen are entitled to much credit from the tax payers of Was co county, as they now personally inspect, view and survey proposed roads, contrary to former times, when a board of viewers was ap. pointed for each new project, then an inspection trip by nitinbeis of tin; County Court. Tims tWy are saving us about one half the ex penses of the old way and saving valuable time welt. (Wapinitia) A crowd of our young people went from here to Wamic Sunday, leaving here at 9 a, m. in four autos. They were entertained at the grove in Wamic by a fine pro. gram which the young people of that place had prepared, following which they all partook of a sumpt- uous basket dinner to which all did ample justice. Immediately after dinner a crowd gathered at the church where the Christian En deavors from here held an endeav or meeting followed bv a sermon by Rev. G. E. Wood of this place. Those taking the crowd in their autos were: Frank Battv. Robert Tapp, Gus Derthick, Harry Gable. All returned Sunday evening and report a spendid time. Outside Mention FLEET ON PACIFIC IS The weekly Chronicle gave the following account of some of the citizens of Southern Wasco county. Mrs. Wm. Shadley of Wamic was a visitor in The Dalles Thurs day. A. G. Harvey of Wamic made a business trip to this city Monday. H. II , Harphan of Wapinitia made a business trip to The Dalles Monday. Arthur Fargher and Ora Buzan were in The Dalles Tuesday look ing after business matters, Elmer Hammer of Wapinitia was a visitor In The Dalles the lat ter part of last week. Clarence Fargher of Flanagan was called to The Dalles the first of the week to look after business. Venz Bauer and famiiy and Jit. Hus Meyer and family were visit- ors at Tviih Vallev Suud ;iv Sun. ilay, attracted by the fishing. T. A, Connolly, wife and sister returned from The Dalles Sunday, where they have been visiting sev eral days. The following paragraphs aie exerpts from a letter addressed to the Maupin Commercial Club and may be of interest to our readers: First, every citizen will admit we need more protection on land and water on the Pacific coast, as our western states are tecom-' ing more populated each year and our industries developing bv the millions of dollars. Secondly, if we contribute to sustain a naval fleet on Ameri can waters, we should be entitl ed to a pro rato shore of on the Pacific coast. All branches of business in the western states would derive a financial benefit from an increas ed fleet on our waters. The necessary supplies for the commissary department of a fleet would reach out to every branch of industry in the sur rounding states. The farmer's products from his farm consist" ing of potatoes, milk, butter, eggs, etc. ; the cheese factories; the fruit growers; the flour mills; the merchants of all branches of business. Employ ment on railroads and steam boating would increase. Boot and shoe business would in crease. Tailoring establish ments and dry goods houses would be in greater demand. In fact a new era of prosperity would loom up amongst all branches of industry from the millions of dollars going out in circulation from the men com prising the enlisted crews of a good sized fleet. The object is certainly worthy of consideration Fence Eviul was in town with his new Maxwell Wednesday. Watch Our Window this Week For Display of World's Best Harvested Shoes Special at $3 and worth it Our New Lirte of Summer Straws NEXT WEEK ShattucR Bros, FISHER'S GARAGE 1 - L ' . a Auto Passenger Service Auto Delivery Truck Prepared for Long trips or Outing Parties A Complete Line of Automobile Accessories iV MAUPIN OREGON