The Maupin times. (Maupin, Or.) 1914-1930, May 14, 1915, Image 3

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    The Maupin Tirr
Published every Friday at Maupin,
Ove 'on
J. E, DiSBF.ow, fuMi-her
Subscription; One year, $1.50; six
month;,, 75 cents; tbne mouth-,, 50
Entered in the postoflice at
.Maupin, Oi"gta, n,s seeonJ class
The opening: of the Celilo ca
nal not only impresses one with
the wonderful developments
along the Columbia East, bnt a
trip down th'j river brings to
mind very forciably thewonder
"'il developments in the part twe
years and the great projects now
Leaving Portland one is im
pressed with the Columbia high
way with its beautiful scenery
pverlooking the mighty Colum
bia as it slowly winds its way
parrying on its waters the larg
est ocean steamers, laden with
the products of forest, river and
farm of the great northwest.
The sea wall and municipal
docks at Astoria, the hill docks
at Flayell and the north and
south jetties at the mouth of the
Columbia river, all of which are
now completed or under con
struction at a cost of $11,300,000.
While thinking of the wonder
ful developments along the Col
umbia, one must not lose sight
pf the playgrounds of the nprth-
west. Three and one-half hours'
ride from Portland brings us to
Seaside and Gearhart with their
miles of paved streets and fine
buildings and sewer system, and
surrounded by the rivers Wa
honna and Necanican, where
fishing may be indulged in and
the timber to the south affords
good hunting. While we have
these brilliant views near the
ocean, the possibilities and ad
vantages are not less brilliant in
Central Oregon.
Nine months ago when this
present European war commenc
ed, the very inhabitants of the
combating nations themselves
were shocked to know that in
our present supposedly high
state of civilization, the assasina
tion of a ruler would in any way
involve more than the guilty
parties or at most, be brought
into the arbitration court, but it
seems that civilization has van
ished altogether when a combat
ant will deliberately prey upon
and sink a possenger vessel car
rying hundreds of non-uniformed
citizens and people of non-combatant
powers. Such was the
fate of the Lusitania, sounding
the death toll nearly equal to
that of the Titanic pf two years
Remember when you have the
cash, that your home merchant
has trusted you when you need
ed credit, Why not continue to
patronize him?
G. L. Harphan, Prop,
H You Want to While Away an Hour or so There is
no Better Place Than Here. A Nice, Clean and En
joyable Amusement. - - . -
Maupin State Bank
General Banking Business, Loans, Wheat Buying, Safety
Deposit Boxes for Rent, Notary, Public,
Collections, Money Transmitted
Cheaply by Drafts
Your Patronage Solicited and Your
. . , . Interests Cared f or , . . .
V'r:.,.- i'..,- ..' tlin Ihmn
in.Mim Btftfi$ mid sos
are designed by our Engineering Dept. and plans are
furnished you FREE
If you are planning a new farm building or a Home
you had better
"See Peter Kilbtirg about it" or
(tear out along this line and mail)
Turn-A-Lum Lumber Co., Maupin
We are interested in your FREE PLANS for HOMES
and would like information on same.
All Around Town
All optical work repaired by
H. L. Enunous, Maupin.
Get your drinks at Styer's new
Fine watch repairing at Emmons,
Try the sundaes and icecream at
Styer's. , .
See those penny school tablets at
Tallcott's cash store.
That wonderful drink, Tallcott's
Mr, Tallcott now has some very
nice postcard views of Maupin. .
Notorial work at the Maupin
State bank.
Wallace Fargher and wife went
to The Dalles Saturday morning.
See the line of late fashion hats
hanlded by Mrs. L. D. Kelly.
James Brown, the well known
race horse man, went to Antelope
Saturday morning.
Don't let the . clock stand idle,
bring it to me.
Emmons the Teweler.
Chas. Dodge of Tygh Valley was
in The Dalles Saturday on business.
Don't forget Fischer's, Garage
at the end of the bridge. Tires,
tubes and all accessories.
The first tomb stone was placed
in the cemetery below Tygh last
week, marking the grave of Mr.
Iyitrley, a brother of Mr. Houser.
Mrs. L. D. Kelly has the most
up-to-date stock of millinery ever
brought to Maupin. You should
call and get your choice early.
Mrs. M. P. Isenberg left
Wednesday lor Wamic, where she
will visit- for a while with her
daughter, Mrs, J. W. Woodcock
and husband.
York Wilson, living on Whit
River near Tygh, has had made
by Mr, Fraley of that place a
strong rack 5 feet wide, i7 feet
long and 6 feet high with which to
haul wood.
The process of straightening,
cleaning and getting the type and
machinery in place which has been
underway the last few weeks in
The Times office is completed and
we Hie now ready to do that print
ing you need.
The Times would like to linve a
correspondent in every community
of Southern Wasco county. If
your locality is not represented
send us a sample letter, with your
name and address. We will send
you stationery. ,
Mr. Kaler of The Dalles spent
Saturday and Sunday here with
his son Ray Kaler. They put in
the time angling at the river and
Mrs. Kajler says they have had
fish till they are tired of them.
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Fleck who
have been visiting friends and rela
tives for several days, returned to
YamUrpool foi
The Confer brothers contributed
four loads of hogs to a shipment
nude from here Saturday.
A. A. Canfiekl, a hustling Cri'
teriou rancher was in town today,
and called at this office.
Mr, and Mrs. Geo. Yanderpool,
Mrs. A.. C. Moad and Pearl Tem
ple motored to Dufur Saturday.
J. W. Dickens, well known U
many citizens of this part of the
county, passed away at his Dufui
home a week ago last Sunday.
Mr. Pierey of Mosier was visit
ing the hrst of the- week at thf
home of his daughter, Mrs, Frank
Stuart, and spent some time fishing
on the Deschutes.
Mem. Coll, Phys. & Surg.,
Licentiate Minnesota and
Prompt Service on Either
Day or Night Calls
Eyes tested, Glasses Fitted
their home at Wamic,
and Mrs. T. A. Connolly, and Miss
Connolly of Maupin arrival litie
yesterday for a few da', s' visit with
friends. Chronicle May 7
We lead Others follow. Lis
ten! At enormous expense we
have secured a limited number of
large hand painted OIL PAINT
INGS of Landscape and Marine
Views, which-weare giving ab
solutely free to our customers.
See us about it. W. H. btaats &
Make final proof before Com- See Fraley and
tnissioner Stuart, auto accessories.
Jdhnie Staats returned from
Dufur Monday after a couple of
week's sojourn there.
Manoth Bronce Turkey eggs for
sale at $2 a setting, 10 eggs. II.
A. Muller, Tygh Valley, Ore. 712
Mr, Conkliu spent the week end
with his family in Portland, rer
turning Monday.
Maupin base ball team was re
organized Sunday, E, D. Kelly
having been appointed manager.
For Sale A thoroughbred
Poland China Boar, at Thomas
Flanagan's ranch Maupin, Oregon,
Go to Fischer's Garage for all
your automobile "accessories, gaso
line and storage of machine.
Alex Brandt, a first class me
chanic, hailing from Yakima is
employed in the Fischer garage.
Ice Cream Sunday at Iv. J.
Mrs, H. L. Morris and Mrs. Joe
Chastien, Jr. , made a trip to Sherar
night before last, the latter cap-
turing a salmon.
D. C. Jones, a former resident
of White river section, now of
Center Ridge, became owner of a
new Ford car a short time ago.
Local librarian, Mr. Tallcott, is
sending the books away today and
says he will have a new lot 011 his
shelves shortly.
The races and carnival are in
session at Antelope Thursday, Fri
day and Saturday of the present
Mr. Vanderpool brought his first
of the season's berries to town
Wednesday, presenting W. H.
Staats with a fine box of them,
L. D. Kelly went to The Dalles
Wednesday to bring home his new
7-passenger Cadillac car-he pur
chased this week.
John Brown from the Mays
ranch was in town Sunday and
Monday. He made a trip to Wap
initia Sunday.
' John Muir returned Sunday from
the Mays ranch, leaving her: again
Wednesday afternoon to partici
pate in the races at Antelope the
last three days of this week,
The Wamic regular base ball
team lost" a g;nr 2 to 4 in
favor of Dufur Sundcy, their sec
ond team also losing a game to
Tygh life same day.
The Maupin base ball boys will
play at Wamic Sunday at 2 o'clock
and expect a crowd of home fans
to be there to help win the game,
John Donaldson is having .some
improvement work done this week
in recostruction and addition work
on his residence. Job Crabtree is
doing the carpenter woik,
Mr, and Mrs. Foster of near
Ilillsboro arrived in Tygh yester
day to spend a couple months with
the kilter's parents, Mr. and Mrs.
E. C. Kiikpulerick.
Four school teacheis passed
through here Monday enroute to
their homesteads out in the direc
tion of the Bend countiy.
Mr. Crary an in.surauce.inan ;ud
a cousin of L. D, Kelly, visited
with Mr. Kelly Friday nd Satur-
Roy Slusher made a trip to
Dufur Wednesday of last week,
ir.d returned home Sunday, hav
ing walked most of the way home.
Mr. and Mis. Bert Hammer
were visiting in Maupin Wednes
day, having brought the hitter's
brother and Miss Riggles to meet
the morning train.
Can You Do It?
fVfTti of tyeilglit fequirinR twrertton by the nw ot f'TV' 1 .
nechoulci) uaJ c&u ht to correct til b) ibc iwoptr iiJiuitt!,u ti
lauin (hit Ilitir cf!--t Kill twmtirt'W oMiM THn prut i--,il. ' :..
St tilltcu irrchM f. jtn the tit It yoa (abaul do u tuu itutal ,r "li
lt iluu got fty 10 bo 1 rtttap npcUclct Thri ilUturt III rayi of rfit, liisi
titilrt n iir.lon. can: r (ail :ui ! i!iMfuiiil unit i'ljwr tU nt.,.. J11. Win
nitnwiitt li hotil work i ifa.iiii tiMIU-i fjj-ltujr tluii tfii tiwli'i rrt'Pi 11
dlscaauwt ud pia will b ptvn,'.tJ ;-! gliMM tUti
Or. C. II. Francis,
Optic an
Tk Maupin Kandy
E. J, Styer, Prop.
Ice Cream, Ice Cream Cones,
Sodas of all kinds. Anything
you -want in the soft drink
line. .
We have just installed a
first-class soda fountain and
can serye you with all the
latest drinks.
We also c?rry a full line of
Blacksmith And Wagonshop 1
Horseshoeing, Blaeksmithing; and Wagonmak
injr. All kinds of Repair Work that will suit
With a Guarantee That Will Stick. Try us
If your wagons, buggies or hacks need over
hauling, bring them in, we'll save you money
We carry a full line of Automobile Supplies and
are prepared to do all kinds of Auto repair work
Ermj Those Plow Sh&rss to Sharpen
We Sharper Them While You Wait
Give me Your Order for Anything in the Harness Line,
Sadies, Bridles, Chaps, Spurs. Harness Dressing that
will last, and, most anything else you want we will order
fur you and save you time and money. Bring your old
hiivnesj in for those repairs they need, have it done right
The rains of this week will be
a boom for Central Oregon farm
ing and agriculture. The hills
surrounding Maupin are taking
on the verdant look of early
spring and the farmers are aglow
with prosperity.
day while eiiiuute to Madras. He
is considering locating here.
See the Staats Mercantile Co.
f )i brushes. The Times purchas
ed one of I hem this wetk that is
dipei'i.a to M ii! Older n'odsiu'
ev:iy way mil one--les . in price.
While in Maupin lust week
Jim Mace was investigating the
advisability of starting an Irish
laundry in connection with the
Moad Hotel.
Elmer Muller and Otis Uerthick
came down from their Criterion
homesteads Fiiday, remaining for
the moving pictures in the even
ing. The three o'clock mail was de
Rhode Island has a new law
against posting advertisements I yed Tuesday until to o'clock
on trees and fences along public : m"1 ""e 10 a w"solu aim
highways. The same in Oregon , hlK,e ",e yj- U"L uu""
if enforced might improve the'th,; tille fl0111 T"e I)allt;S
appearance of the steel bridge! Clyde Williams, connected with
on the Deschutes here at Maup-; the Times s une time ago, tecently
in, which has been eNborately; wrote his in-itin.r that he has em
marked tip with crayon. '. plcj m. ni at Bakersaeld, Cal-
Fischer's Garage 'On the Deschutes'
I'roven, prac'ical value appeals to the buyer of a mo
tor car. More than 700,000 satisfied Ford owners
prove the practical value of Ford cars. In town or
country, in the professions or mi the farms, for busi
ness or pleasure, the Ford serves everybody. An
average allowance of two cents a mile keeps it going.
It's cheaper than walking.
Buyers will share in profits if we sell at retail 300,000
new Ford curs between August 1914 ami August 1915.
Runabout $440; Tinning Cat" i')o Town Car $690;
Cuiij elei, $7.50; Sedan $95, f. o. b. L'etiuit with ull
l (pipllielit .
dt,;iiv and sale at E. J. FiSCllcUVS GARAGE.