The Maupin times. (Maupin, Or.) 1914-1930, May 14, 1915, Image 1

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Devoted to the Interests of Southern Wasco County
VOL1, NO. 31
THE YEAR $1.50
Criterion Chronicles
L. N. Castor made final proof on
bis boniMteid on Saturday.
J. E. Miller attended Artjsans'
lodge at Maupln Friday night.
D. L. Rutherford and wife made
a business trip to Shaniko Monday
H. M. and Bert Knight moved
on to their claims for the summer
The merry click of corn planters
is heard from all points of the
compass at present.
Miss Bertha Henling's new bun
galow is nearly finished and is one
of the coziest in Wasco county.
Mrs, Otto Henling and Miss
Frances Klrsch left Saturday for a
visit to their parents at Stayton,
Regardless of the rainy day,
Sunday School was well attended
and Kood interest is shown in the
work here,
The calamity howler finds no
sympathetic audience at Criterion
hence there has been no repetition
of bi visit of a few Viars ago.
Mr. and Mrs. A. Henderson and
children who have been Visiting on
Juniper Flat and Kittgsley return
ed to their home recently.
f he recent showers here increas
ed the dimentions bf our citizen
farmers' broad smiles, making the
already good prospects better than
uite a number of our eitizens
are making good catches of cyotes;
Among those making recent cap
tures are E. McLennan 4, Ralph
Buzan 10, and C. G. Stogsberg
Ind E. H. Taylor 7. This good
Big Wheat Yield
Chas. H. Crofoot brought to
this office last Tuesday a sample
of fall sown wheat that measur
ed nearly three feet and was
headed to at least half its natur
al size. It is a 'new variety and
called Galgalus wheat.
Mr. Crofoot has over 80 acres
of this, fall sown, and and on a
test last year it withstood the
heavy frost and turned off 9
bushels more to the acre . than
Club wheat. He is the only
farmer that we know of in this
section growing the Galgalus
wheat and intends planting con
siderable more acreage next
work should continne. The $3
bonnty is none too much, compar
ed with the destruction the coyote
causes the farmer and stockman,
Chas. Castor and family return'
ed to their home at Yakima,
Wn., after several days visit with
his brother t. N. Mr. Castor is
wholesale buyer for the Coast Tra.
ding Co., of Tacoffla.'
C. A. Drus is completing a fine
new cottage. These new domiciles
are roomy enough for 1 'more than
one occupant." Let the good work
go oh and on
Among those doing business at
Maupln last week were R. H. De
Carap, J.- tt. Baxter, H. M. Green,
L. B. tJeCamp, J. E. Miller, A
A. Canfield, H. M. Knight, Miss
B. Henlifag and P. J. Kirschi
The big salmon run is now on
in the Deschutes river and at
Sherar Bridge the last few days
people from all over Wasco and
Sherman counties have cbme to
take advantage of the exciting
sport in the great catches made
at the falls. The catches are
made mostly at night in the run
way built for the salmon to pass
the falls, and over two hundred
people gathered at one time to
be in on the-annual spring run
of the famous Deschutes fish. ;
Those who went from Maupin
yesterday were: J. M. Conklin,
W. H. Staats, L. K. Oakley,
Frank Stuart, John Donalson,
Job Crabtree. John Moad, Vernie
Roberts and Ray Smith.
., , As the 0. W. train passed the
moulh of the river yesterday
they slowed down and the al
most inconceivable report of the
passengers was to the effect that
they could have crossed the river
on the backs of salmon This is
a yearly sight at the mouth of
the mighty Deschutes.
Little Mildred Richardson,
aged three years, passed away
at the home of ,Mr. and Mrs. H.
L. Richardson above Wapinitia
last Friday evening after a pneu
monia illness commencing April
7th. She was laid to rest in the
Kelly cemetery. Mildred was
cheerful and conscious until the
last and is indeed missed by her
fond parents and many voung
Card of Thanks
We desire to express heartfelt
thanks to the friends and neigh
bors who so kindly assisted us
during the illnes and death of our
little daughter, Mildred.
Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Richardson
mountains is open 'now for travel.
Five teams came through here
Sunday from the valley enroute to
The Dalles, among them, a Mr.
Knighten and family who lived iu
this vicinity about thirty years
Rev. Emerick of The Dalles ar
rived here Saturday and conduct
ed the last quarterly conference in
the church here Saturday evening.
David Sharpe Was elected delegate
to the annual conference which
convenes in Salem June and, Rob
ert Tapp was chosen as alternate.
Miss Lucile Risch, who formerly
taught the Oak Grove school pass
ed through here last week) enroute
to her father's home hear Dufur,
k .. ., i.-iu:. having- made the trio on horse
Among inose reccuuy uuuuiug
fences on their farms ate Ji G
Stogsberg, E. H. Taylor, Otto
tlenlingi Fred Hornquist and K,
H. DeCamp.
Wapinitia Items
Several fine rains have fallen
heie since Saturday.
The Oak Grove road across the
back from Harney county, where
she has a homestead.
Mildred, the little daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Richardson
who has been sick the past mouth
passed last Thursday evening
(Although it was known she had
been low, her death came as
great shock to her parents and the
community as she was thought to
l p------- 111 "
I Pioneer Mercantile Firm I
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be improving, being able to sit up
and be dressed in the afternoon be
fore the relapse came in the even
ing, She was three years, ten
mouths old, The sorrowing family
have the , sympathy, of this com
munity, JRev. G. E. Wood con
ducted the funeral services Satur
day morning at the Kelly church
and interment was made 111 tlie
Kelly cemetery.
Lincoln Hartiuan, Who has been
confined iu The Dalles Hospital
for several weeks, has sufficiently
recoved to be able to return to his
home here last Thursday and says
he is feeling fine,
A. F, Evick returned Thursday
from a business trip to Portland
and The Dalles. While away he
purchased a fine uew Maxwell anto
which will arrive this week,
Wedding bells will be ringing
here in the near future, An
noiincements later,
Sam Brown and family attended
the celebration at The Dalles last
I. J. Powell of Tygh Valley at
tended the quarterly conference
B. F. Foreman took a fine load
of hogs to Maupin Saturday.
Binkie and Archie Tapp made a
business trip to Dufur Tuesday.
Sheep shearing commenced on
the Abbott ranch Monday.
Mrs.. Walter Woodside has been
Oft the sick list the past week.
Shearing was finished at the
Gable rauch Saturday.
The salmon are now plentiful
down at Sherar and reports of fine
catches are numerous. James
Cook and W. H, Staats were down
there Tuesday night and Mr.
Staats returned exhibiting three
12 pounders, 32 inches long and a
Dollivarden of enormous size. He
said thtre were 80 people present
at 4 o'clock Wednesday morning
and 240 fish were captured, They
were allowed to ruu through and
there was no violation of the law.
Mr. R. Johnson brought his first
Strawberries of this season to town
Wednesday; sixteen boxes ot as
nice looking berries as you ever
saw. He presented the Times
force with a box of them, several
of which measured j inches in cir
cumference. Mr. Johnson says he
will bring a lot more in town to
Saturday afternoon "the team of
Lowell Noskin, of Criterion, be
came frightened by the peals of
thunder and made a run from the
0. W. R. & N. depot to the Mar
tin house, where they were caught
by Elmer Miller. No damage Was
done. The little boy was thrown
from the wagon when the team
started but escaped injury.
Thomas J, Corbet, who has
been in the employ of A. vV.
Fargher the- past three years,
died early Saturday morning at
The Dalles Hospital. Mr. Cor.
bett was well known in Wasco
county. .
M. J. Manning, a close friend
of Mr. Corbett, raced 109 miles
by automobile to reach his
friend's bedside, but Mr. Cor
bett died shortly before Mr.
Manning arrived.
The funeral took place from
the Catholic church Sunday af
ternoon at 4 o'clock. The pall
bearers were; M. J. Manning,
A. W. Fargher, Glenn 0. Allen,
T. A. Connolly, A. J, Conroy
and James Bannon. Interment
was in the Catholic cemetery,
Rev. Father Brongeest conduct
ing the services.
Mrs. Shannon was the recipient
the other day of a box of candy
from a daughter iu Sau Francisco,
With the cauday was a Fraiftett
walnut shell neatly laced together
with ribbon and containing fold
er of 50 pictures of exposition
The following names of people
in this section of the county are
tnong the jurors drawn fot- the
May term of court! C. E. Alex
ander, W. H. AUlridge, R.F.Smitb,
Maupin; A. M. Patison, A. H.
Gillis, 0. L. Paquet, Wamic; L. M.
Woodside, Frank Gabel, 0. P. We
belg, Wapinitia. n
Dr. Irvine and Geo. Endersby of
Wapinitia passed through "her
Monday enroute to Alaska, Mrs.
Irvine accoinpaning them as far as
Portland. They will provision at
Vancouver, British Columbia, pre
paratory for a two year's stay in
the interior from White Horse,
Alaska, mining iu British territory.
School Notes ,
Ray Smith has quit farming and
begun school again', and Harold
f .nrk has unit school and gone to
fanning on his father's homestead
about ten miles up the Deschutes.
The two rooms will close oh
June 25 and are considering a pic
nic for the last day.
Mr. Vanwinkle' Visited the
school Wednesday afternoon and
delivered the pictures he took last
the Utchfield D6M-LbW Wilt fdr tis W Litchfield
Manufacturing Company and is low enough lor easy loading but
high enough to avdid trouble. !t has practically the same
fifii eMearance a! the Litchfield Standard Spreader Which has
ficft sold for year.
Mb in imd see for ydurself that there is ndthing eiperr
htM or freakish ahbut the Utchfield DdWn-tow Spreader.
Watch Our
This Week For
Display bf
World's Best
Special at $3 and worth it
Our New Line of Summer Straws
Mr. E. E. Hammer and Miti
Eva Higgles passed through
here Weddesday morning from
Wapinitia 'enroute to The Dalles
where they were m'arned, tak-
fnc the afternoon train for Port-
isrid. They Will make a short
visit at the home 'of Mr. Ham
filer's 'mother at Estacada, after
whidh they Will be aVhonte to;
their f riendb in Portlarid.
Both young people are Veil
"knoWn 'in rttiia section knr? their
many Trrerids will 'Wish them ft
happy journey thrbvih life.
hattticll Bros
Hankey Ha'rphat wetft home 'to
lifs'falicb Saturday.
XtttO 'Passenger Service Auto Delivery Truck '
Prepared "for Long Trips 6r Outing Parties ; (
A C6mplete i.ine of Automobile Accessories -'