WOMEN FOR PEACE AT HAGUE MEETING CELILO CANAL TEST TRAGIC SCENE IN THE CARPATHIANS on uyr HTTUE Alfred Stead Describes Scenes in IS ENTIRE SUCCESS Village Under Fire. 1 Belgian Delegate Declares That Justice Must Be Done. Large Crowd Greets Yessels As Effect of Modem Shells It Told la They Meet in Lock. Vivid Description of the Ruin They Bring About Hat Pralte for Officers. t A battery arrives and remains sta THREE REFUSE SEATS ON PLATfORM Resolution Calls on All Nations to End Bloodshed on Permanent Basis Patriotism of People of War ring Nations Recognized. The Hague, Netherlands The wings of the dove of peace were ruffled Sat urday at the session of the Interna tional Congress of Women. At the instance of Dr. Augspurg.'of Munich, the entire Belgian delegation was invited to the platform. Only two women of the five present came from their box at the side of the stage and made their way to the platform. They were welcomed by the chairman, Miss Jane Addams, of Chicago, with both hands, but there was no hand shaking with the German delegations. In moving the final resolution, Mrs. Rosika, Schwimmer, president of the Hungarian Women's Suffrage associa tion, requested that all the delegates present stand one minute in silent prayer for peace. Mile. Hamer, of the Belgian delegation, thereupon asked permission to utter a few words. When this was granted she astounded her audience with the dramatic ex clamation: "I am Belgian before everything, and I cannot think as you do. There can be no peace without justice. The war must continue until the Belgians' wrongs have been righted. There must be no mediation except at the bar of justice." General sympathy for the suffering of the Belgians caused part of the au dience to break into cheers. On the motion of Miss Florence Hol brook, of Chicago, the word "justice" was inserted in the resolution, which reads: "The International Congress of Wo men of different nationalities, creeds, classes and parties is united in ex pressing sympathy with the suffering of all, whatever their nationality, who are fighting for their country, or who are laboring under the burden of war. Since the mass of the people of each of the countries now warring believe themselves to be fighting, not aggres sively, but in self-defense and for their national existence, it urges the governments of the world to put an end to this bloodshed and to begin peace negotiations; and it emphat ically demands that the peace which follows shall be permanent, and, there fore, based upon justice and principles which include those adopted by this congress." Half of City of Colon Destroyed by Disastrous Fire-Ten Killed Colon More than half Tthe city of Colon was swept by a disastrous fire which started shortly after 2 o'clock Saturday afternoon. Ten persons are known to be dead, including two native policemen and several hundred persons have been in jured, while between 10,000 and 12,000 others, mostly negroes, have been ren dered homeless. The loss is estimated at about $2, 000,000. The fire destroyed 22 city blocks. Many arrests have been made for looting. The town is now under guard of native police and two companies of the United States coast artillery, who aided in fighting the fires. Half the population have lost all their belongings. The fire started In the heart of the city and soon was beyond control of the native fire brigade. The wooden buildings, of which the town is almost excusllvely constructed, burned like tinder. Most of the largest stores in Colon, all of them carrying heavy stocks of merchandise, were directly in the path of the flames, The cause of the fire has not yet been learned. All the banks in the city were destroyed and part of the railway sta tion. $500,000 Gift Is Divided. Des Moines By the provisions of the will of William W. Brown, who was a wealthy cattle owner of Bend, Or., the conference of the Methodist Episcopal church in Oregon is to re ceive $500,000, to be used in the es tablishment of an industrial school for boys and a home, for aged ministers at Salem. Willamette University is also one of the beneficiaries. Bishop Kichard J. Oooke, or Portland, report ed the gift to the board of bishops at the afternoon session here Satur day. Austrians Again Rioting. London Serious rioting has occurred during the last few days at Trieste and Austrian geacoast towns, according to mail advices from Budapest received by the Post The disturbances have been due largely to further increase in food prices and a scarcity' of flour, resulting from large military requisi tions. The police on one occasion were reported to have charged a mob In a suburb of Trieste, killing several and wounding 800. PASSAGE COMPLETED IN THREE tiOURS Steamers J. N. Teal and Inland Em pire Have Honor of First Pas sageGovernment Spends 5 Millions On Great Work. Uninterrupted navigation between the Pacific Ocean and Lewiston, Idaho, more than BOO miles inland, has. been established. The heretofore insuperable barrier of rock that nature placed in the chan nel of the mighty Columbia where that stream cuts through the Cascade range, has been conquered. A vessel from the salt waters of the Pacific Wednesday passed successfully around that barrier into the upper channels of the Columbia and a vessel from the head of navigation on the Snake river passed successfully around it toward tidewater below. The Celilo canal, which has been ten years in building and upon which Uncle Sam has expended $5,000,000 has been opened. The opening, through, was wholly informal. It was merely preliminary to the formal opening, which will take place in the near future. But it tlem onstrated to the utmost satisfaction of the United States army engineers and to the advocates of open-river naviga tion thlt the Celilo waterway now is ready to receive traffic moving in either direction and that the further development of the Columbia River Basin, which has been retarded by the natural obstructions in the river, can proceed. To the steamer Inland Empire, one of the original open-river fleet, was given the honor of leading the way through the canal. She passed down the river, from east to west. The J. N. Teal, of the same fleet, went up the river, from west to east. It was the first time that a lower river boat ever entered the upper river. It was not the first time, though, that an upper river craft had passed into the lower river, as a num ber of vessels built up above have been Bent successfully over the rapids in periods of high water, but they nev er returned. The open canal now makes their return possible. Pay From Germany for Ship Frye Is To Be Accepted by United States Washington, D. C A second note from the United States government to Germany concerning the sinking of the American ship William P. Frye by the commerce raider Prinz Eitel Fried rich was dispatched to Berlin. It is understood to accept the German prop osition to compensate the owners of the , Frye, under the terms of the old Prussian-American treaties of 1799 and 1828, regardless of any prize court decision. These treaties provide that contra band belonging to the subjects of either party shall not be confiscated by the other in any case, but may be de tained or used only in consideration of payment of the full value. While willing to agree to payment of the Frye as proposed, it is under stood the United States stands by its original protest against the destruc tion of the ship as a violation of inter national law and again denies that the cargo of wheat consigned to a British port was contraband. No claim for the cargo was made because it was sold en route to British dealers. An effort is said to have been made in the later note to narrow the appli cation of the old treaties so that no precedent will be created warranting the lodgment under them in future of claims against the American govern ment under the favored nation clause. There have been varying consturctions in the past of the treaties and it has been contended at times that while they were in force they did not include all Germany. Canada Making Shells. Ottawa, Ont. The business of man ufacturing shells is assuming large proportions in Cauda, Minister of Militia Hughes says that 200 factories in the Dominion were engaged in this work. The orders are placed through a central committee and now amount to 175,000,000. Arrangements have been completed at Sydney, Nova Scotia, and at Sault Ste. Marie for refined copper and zinc, and the manufacture of brass for shells. Heretofore the refined materials have been obtained from the United States. Lassen Sprinkles Town. Cottonwood, Cal. -- Citizens awoke .Thursday morning to find the town covered with ashes from Lassen Peak, 40 miles away. Pans full of fine, salt- colored ashes were swept from the Bidewalks and figures and letters could be traced on roofs and all flat surfaces in the volcanic dust It has been ten days since Lassen Peak could be seen from here, as it has been obscured by clouds and haze. It is believed here that a big eruption has taken place. JJ" WW j0Sm Here Is a tragic and remarkable ind wounded are lying where they have been felled by the Russian bullets In nurses are seen active at their work of mercy and relief. ftesy .J$" V J lift iHijji 1, 'ill ji . Vi?3p5 J Wkh a 5 ' -jd3?JL ThiB photograph, taken by a member of Sir Thomas Lipton's party, shows march passing through the town of Piraeus. x MAJ. GEN. SIR J. S. COWANS One of the biggest Jobs of the Brit ish army Is that of the quartermaster general, whose duty It Is to see that svery soldier In Bervlce Is provided with all necessities of war, from a shoestring to big trench shelters. Sir I. S. Cowans, who fills this highly im portant position, is the third military member of the army council and has been working ceaselessly to cupply the provisions, clothing, shelter, and, In fact, everything used by the three to four million soldiers In the field. Amber, Amber beads, amber combs, even amber pins, says Dame Fashion. We admire it, but who knows where it is found or what It is? Do you, sir, when the amber mouthpiece of your favorite pipe is stuck between your lips and you gaze contented Into the Are? Do you, madam, with your am ber beads on your white throat? Pine, and fir trees, centuries ago, poured out their sticky juices and as the gum oozed out, it flowed down to the tree roots where it lay deposited undis turbed for centuries 15 Jlrt picture of the horror and death of the GREEK SOLDIERS ON A ROUTE i--'jm m Till 0 'm?mm aumj TRENCH MAKERS PAUSE FOR LUNCHEON MSB BBBB flBBD Germans in Poland pause In their midday meal. PULjS " ' XWvT .,t This photograph of a dentist pulling a tooth from the mouth of a Ger man soldier In a trench Illustrates vividly the thoroughness with which the physical welfare of the kaiser's fighters battlefield as seen by women. Hie dead the Carpathians. AuBtrlaa Red Cross MARCH a body of Greek soldiers on a route , fl Q B a DD work of digging trenches for their TRENCHES My, la looked after. lip xlwl 1 Q S B I tlonary io. the main Btreet. The artil lerymen are gay. An airship passes overhead, two Bmoke spirals remain pendent in the air, and soon we cava news. A shrapnel bursts near the church on a tiled roof, making a red cloud of emoke; another into a houBd beside it, a yellow cloud this time; then a third right among the battery. Six borses are killed, and a caisson is perforated and splashed with blood. An artilleryman lies dead across bla gun. . i All the artillerymen retire with thelf guns toward us; only the overturned) caisson and the heap of horses remain. The dead artilleryman Is brought into the temporary hospital; there is noth ing to be done with him. The artillerymen are all quite cheeft ful. One goes back he was seated on the caisson when the shell struck to get his knapsack from the dead horse. He returns with it, triumphantly, blood-stained. Later be goes with two horses and brings back the caisson, i Some chasseurs come up the street. and there are more signals and more shells. The artilleryman beside me la bit on the head by a spent shrapnel bullet. The officer laughingly shows him a cabbage stump and says a man threw it at him. The buildings around the church are gradually becoming skeletons, and there are no longer any roofs. The farther end of the village is in ruins, but happily no fires break out. ! For dinner there were potatoes. None of the men liked peeling them, ialthough all were ready to go to the .cooking house under shell fire to fetcn the dinner. Soon a heavy exchange of fire be tween two batteries took place. Bits of bursting shell went Bkipping about. One went "plop" into a pool near by Some men were drawing water there. and went on unconcernedly. The officers made the men brave be cause they were absolutely fearless. The effect on the men of these brave officers was magical. From NoteB Ta ken by Alfred Stead In Harper's Weeto ly. HAIR OF ANIMALS USEFUL In Many Ways Man Finds Employment for the Bristle of Lower Order , of Beings. The hair of various animals la em ployed in many uses. The strongest pnd most durable of hair cloth la woven from the tails of horses. The) horsehair from the mane is twisted into ropes, and after being boiled and then dried in an oven Is untwisted ind In a half-matted condition employed for stuffing beds and cushions. The hair of cows is employed as binder for plaster; in Europe It la Isometimes woven into carpets or hose. jPig's hair is used In China for ha same purposes. The stiff hair or bris tles from the ridge of a hog's back made Into brushes for the hair, teeth and nails, as well as into brooms audi the larger painting and whitewashing: brushes. The finer paint brushes are) of the hair of the camel, Bable, badger, squirrel, marten, raccoon, goat, eta Quills of the crow, pigeon, goose turkey, or swan are also used. NEW LIFE-SAVING APPARATUS Can Be Folded Compactly and Easily and Quickly Opens When It It Needed. " The feature about this Invention la that it can easily be folded compactly or opened out to spherical form by the rotation of the handle, which op erates a series of semicircular rib on which the airtight covering la mounted. The user is supported by shoulder straps as shown. Fastenings are provided for holding the life pre server in spherical shape, and when secured in this way it is airtight. Popular Mechanics. Joke on the Hounds. C. T. Stiles prepared to take bis collection of stuffed birds from War ren to Boston, and gave two of the larger specimens, a fishhawk and a partridge, a bath in Quaboag river. Then, leaving them to dry, he went Into' the house to work on the pack ing case. When be returned he saw a pair of hounds disappear, each witli one 0! the birds In its mouth.