The Maupin Times Published Every Friday at Maupin, Oregon, A. L. DARNES, EDITOR Subscription; One Year, $1.50, Six Months 75cts, Three Months 50 Entered in the post office at Maupin, Oregon, as second class mail matter. We wish to correct what ap pean to be a wrong impression in regard to The Times and the k r . . . mi . . monitor, xnere never was any connection between the two in anyway. Sheep shearing began fit Maupin yesterday when the crew headed hy ''Bud" Smith, began removing the wool from the L. W. Mace Sheep. They have a crew of ,.bout ten men at present and will shear other bands at these pens after which the boys will all go to the upper country to finish the shearing season. T. L. Dunsmore and K. S. Stev ens of the Dalles, spent part of the week here writing insurance p-i farm and town property. They are agents for some of the best companies and have written a large amount in this section. ' Mrs. L. D. Kelly has the most up-to-date stock of millinery ever brought to Maupin. You shpuld call and get your choice early. School Notes The boys and girls are greatly enjoying base ball on the improved hall ground. In the removal of the Welter family the Literary Society loses its bright young president. J. L. VanWinkle, an experienc ed photographer from White Salm on, Washington, took three views of the school Wednesday, one of each room separately, and one of both rooms together with the school house in the background. In last week's notes the summit of Mt. Hood should have been lo cated in Sec. 23, T 2 S, instead of T 3 S. R 9 E. Maupin, in Rec. 32, T 4 S, II 14 E, is therefore 28 miles east audi? miles south of Mt. Hood From the city limits of Portland, Maupin is "3 miles east and 17 miles south. LOCALS All Around Town E. J. Styer will treat the public to ice cream Sunday. GARAGE Auto Passenger Service Auto Pelivery Truck Prepared for Long Trips or Outing Parties A Complete Line of Automobile Accessories MAUPIN, OREGON Maupin State Bank General Banking Business, Loans, Wheat Buying, Safety Deposit Boxes for Rent, Notary Public, Collections, Money Transmitted Cheaply by Drafts Your Patronage Solicited and Your ... . Interests Cared for . . , . 5- Pr:' -- .1 : .r- . . JllJk I A Uk:$ht (In lenient TO-fUiU! BJtfmS MID SLOS are designed by our Engineering Dept. and plans are furnished you FREE If you are planning a new farm building or a Home you had better "See Peter Kilburg about it" or (tear out along this line and mail) Tum-A-Lum Lumber Co., Maupin We are interested in your FREE PLANS for HOME'S -BARNS- SILOS-HOGSHEDS- SCHOOLS -CHURCHES and would like information on same. Name ... Address , Chas. Crofoot completed his plowing Tuesday, All optical work repaired by II. L, Emmons, Maupin. Mr. and Mrs. France Confer were in town Sunday, Roy Sluslier and wife were in town Tuesday evening. Get your drinks at Styer's new fountain. Dr. and Mrs. Hatfield art; at the Hotel Moad to remain a week or two. Fine watch repairing at Einnious, Maupin. Job Crabtee has been doing car penter work on the Flat several days. Try the sundaes and icecream at I Styer's. Mrs. L. D. Kelly and Miss Ikck- with were callers ju Tygh Tin-.-- clay afternoon. See those penny school tablets at Tallcott ' cash stote. Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Lucas of VVamic were business callers in Maupin Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. George Crofoot of the Victor vicinity were cullers in Maupin Monday. That wonderful drink, Tallcott's nectar. Johnie Carlton, a prominent rancher of the Hakeoven vicinity was a caller here WeduegfUy. I carry all kimjajn? stones for rings and pins Emmons the Jeweler. Totnmie Marshall, a well hjiown traveling salesman, was a guest of our local merchants Wednesday. Miss Riggles of Wapinitia spent the lateer part of last week visiting with Mrs. Job Crabtree. She re turned home Sunday. Get your Stationery, pens, pen cils and inks at Tallcolts cash store. W. II. Tallcott has been having a good run on ice cream. He car ries the famous Huxelwood of Port laud. Don't let the clock stand idle, bring it to me. Emmons the Jeweler. Mrs. Welter is out in the coun try spending a week with Mrs. Buzan while Mr. Welter is com pleting the shipping of their effects. Rev, Welter expects to leave today for outside points. Go to Fischer's Garage for all your automobile accessories, gaso line and storage of machine. What do you really think when you get a letter from a business house with a rubber stamp letter head ? Mr. lluzan of the Criterion section captured a family of ten coyote puppies about the size of kittens the first of the week and brought nine of them down, send ing them to the county clerk. The coyote bounty is now $3 a piece. You will always find that a pro gressive man has neat job work. Letterheads, envelopes, bill heads and curds. Notorial work at the Manpiu State bank, Don't forget Fischer's Garage at the end of the bridge. Tires, tubes und all accessories. Brides' boqttets are now taken from the onion patches at R, John son's. Ask the following ladies: Mrs, Crofoot, Mrs. Williams, Mrs. Harphan, Mrs. Hatfield and Mrs, Kelly. Postoflice Inspector J.uinbaugh arrived here Monday enrotUe to Simnasho and Wapiiu'tia, He went to Winnie and Tygh Valley Tues day, Mr, Mayhew .taking him in. hit car. Make final proof missioner Stewart, before Coin- Church Notice. Preaching services both morning and evening on the second and fourth Sundays of each month. Sabbath school nt 10 n. in. every Sunday. All are welcome to attend, N. Welter, pastor. Can You Do it. TEST TYPE. (1 of ytWH rfinirtnir mmHen bf lb in el fHttvtn in tmrtl il wl T( 1, '.t bf lUa vvr nlJ'iM'nttii irf 1 1 ,'nc.u,,( aril iMjyr ttir rynljlit U .,1.1 -1 i,l .. Jin if ,, ;ti m.rii .M Dr. C. II. Francis, Optic'cn Wapinitia Items CHAS.H. FRANCIS. M.D.jC.M MAUPIN, OREGON Mem. Coll, Phys. & Surg., Ontario Monday afternoon Mrs. Staats, Mrs. Goetchen, Mrs. Mayhew and Mrs. Harphan went down to Mr. Johnson's, bringing home a nice supply of water cress and green onions. With the abundance of water cress growing along the ra vines the people of this place need not want for f recto. It is jiist as proper for a pro gressive farmer to use farm station ery as for the business houses where you trade. Ernest If art man motored to The Dalles Tuesday. Fred Dammar and family made a trip to Maupin Sunday, L, V. Kelly was a county sent visitor the first of the week.i D''f Tallcott and family were in Maupin Sunday to see tin- b. : game. Mr. and Mrs. L. C. HeniKhan and Miss Lois Bcaty were in Maupin Sunday to witness the ball same. L. B. Lelly has added a new sulkey plow to his collection of farm implements, it having been brought out Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Bargee of Portlahd who have been visiting at the home of their son Karl Barzee of this place the past ten days left Sunday for Wasco to visit a daughter. Automobiles from Dufur and vi cinity passed through hero Mon day etjmnte for the Warm Springs, Among them were Geo. 0 1 j- and J family from Douglas county. B. V. Tapp and wife left here Monday for a two weeks' outing at 1 the Spring B, V. has been suffer-j ing from rheumatism this spring j and says he is going there and "soak it out.'' Mrs. Pratt and her son and daughter of .Salem arrived here Friday evening and are visiting at) the home of her daughter, Mrs. G-1 E. Wood. They expect to remain 1 about two weeks. j Next Sunday is rally day here in the Sunday .School and Y. P. S. E-: There will be an old fashioned! basket dinner at the church, and, every one is cordually invited to come and bring a well filled basket. Mrs. Minnie Hartmau and little daughter Crystal returnee! holiie Friday after spending a few days with Lincoln Hartmau at The Dalles Hospital. E. N. Hartmau; returned to The Dalles Friday to' stay wkh him. 1 Rev. Epley, president ofPhilcf-j math college, spent Saturday and Sunday here, occupying the pulpit at the church Sunday both morn ing and evening. His address in :the evening was on education and was very inspiring, out working in the college. ployed at the Mulvaney saw mill on Smock had the misfortune to get scalded by steam, about his face and chest last week. He was fixing the smoke stack when it fell off letting the steam strike him. He is getting along nicely, but is laid off from his work this week. Licentiate Minnesota Oregon and Prompt Service on Either Day or Night Calls Eyes tested, Glasses Fitted The Maupin Kany - Shop- E. J. Styer, Prop. Ice Cream, Ice Cream Cones, Sodas of all kinds. Anything you want in the soft drink line. We have just installed a first class soda fountain and can serve you wjth all the latest drinks. I7T , f II 1 3 we aiso crry a iuu CANDIES liae of tgy.uM ft:, t i n . .. .. i i 1 , U t V1 , i3d y LLJ Uu Ym Blacksmith Aad Wagonshop "FSALEY AND Horseshoeing, Blacksinithing and Wagonmak ing. All kinds of Repair Work that will suit With a Guarantee That Will Stick. Try us If your wagons, buggies or hacks need over? hauling, bring them in, we'll save ypu money 3rin$ Those Plow Shares to Sharpen We Sharpen Them While You Wait e Give me Your Order for Anything in the Harness Une, Sadies.. Bridles. Chaps, Spurs. Harness Dressing that will last, and, most anything else you want we will order for you and save you time and money. Bring your old harness in for those repairs they need, have it done right CLYDE OLIVER PROP. Mr. Epley is'ntE interest ot t lie il Cream Sunday at E. J. For Sai.k A thoroughbred Poland China Bi:!r, at Thomas Flanagan's ranch Maupin, Oregon. WANTED Position as threshing eugineer. Long experience, thor oughly capable. David W. Sharpe, Wapinitia. POOL AND BILLIARD PARLOR G. L. liarphan, Prop. It You Want to While Away an Hour or so There is no Better Place Than Here. A Nice, Clean and En joyable Amusement. - - MAUPIN OREGON pairs of j Trained : For Sale. -Two Russian wolf hounds for coyotes. Edwin -Mays, Maupin Oregon Ice Styer' W'c. trad Others follow. See the line of late fashion hats tpnt At. pnormmis evnpnsp vp h mlded by Mrs. L. I). Kelly. have secured a limited number of j large hand painted OIL PAINT. The subscription mice of u,e! INGS of Landscape aiid Marine t; ! , , lews, which are civir.g ub- send in the money and we will to give you its full worth. trv solutely free to our cus'.on ers. See us alout it. W. H. Staats & Co. That Are Meals The Kind We Always Serve At Reasonable Prices When in Town our Hotel Your Headquarters A Cordial Welcome to All MOTEL D. A. MOAD, Prop. BOARD AND ROOM BY THE DAY, WEEK 0