The Maupin times. (Maupin, Or.) 1914-1930, April 30, 1915, Image 7

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On, cent pontage rate on letten Is
tguln being broiiKht Into prominence and
many high officials declare that It Is sure
to come In the near future. All classes
of business would be greatly benefited by
its adoption, and estimated statistics
Ihow there would be such an Increased
lemand for stumps that the apparent loss
If revenue would be more than made up.
It Is an Impossibility to place an esti
mated valua on health, It being a most
priceless possession but, perhaps you
have been careless or negligent and have
illowed weakness to develop until you
ire now In a badly run-down condition,
Kith poor appetite, Impaired digestion and
Constipated bowels.
In order to get back to health and
Itrength you must first help Nature re
Itore the Stomach, Liver and Bowels to
L normal condition. This suggests the
Irlendly aid of Hostetter'i Stomach Bit
ters. You will find It an excellent tonic,
appetizer and Btrength maker and well
worthy of your confidence.
It Is an absolutely pure medicine,
adapted to all ordinary family ailments,
ind your health will be greatly Improved
by giving It a fair trial at once. Be sure
rou get the genuine Hostetter's Stomach
Blttera with our Private Stamp over the
neck of Bottle.
Great Minds Had Same Thought.
"He gtveth Mb beloved sleep," la an
ancient Baying which la merely an
other expression of the thought that
he who lives a pure and upright life
will sleep aa a lovely and healthful
babe Bleeps. The mentally feverish
Lord Byron, sleepless and distraught,
wrote: " 'God bless the man who first
Invented Bleep.' Bo said Sancho Fanza
and bo say I." Thus giving a new Im
mortality to the Immortal creation ot
Cervantes, Spain's greatest writer.
"John L, Sullivan"
a 3-year-old Jack
raised on this farm.
Breeders of
Jacki; Thoroughbred
Saddle, Relay and
Running Horses;
Berkshire Hogs.
Lexington. Oregon.
$17.50 Per Ton
f. o. b. Warehouse
Full information furnished upon
418 Corbett Bldg.,
Phone East 6912. Portland, Or.
Europe's Richest City.
Which is the richest city in Europe?
Neither London or Paris nor Milan,
but Basle, the great Swiss railway cen
ter, Zurich, In a neighboring canton,
coming second. This Is proportionate
to the number ot inhabitants. Basle's
richest citizen boasts a fortune of $2,
500,000; another has $1,500,000, while
no fewer than 18 residents pay Income
tax on a round $1,000,000.
Have Healthy, Strong, Beautiful Eyes
Oculists aud Physicians used Murine Kye
Remedy many years before It was offered as a
Domestlo Eye Medlciue, Muriue la Still Com
pounded by Our Physicians and guaranteed
jy tliem an a Reliable Belief for Eyes that Need
3are. Try It In your Byes aud In Baby's Byes
No Smarting Just Eye Comfort. Buy Murine
if your Druggist accept no Substitute, and 11
iitererited write for Book of the Eye Free.
The Way of Life.
Life no doubt is paved with enjoy
ments, but we must all expect times
of anxiety, of suffering and of sorrow;
and when these come it is an Inesti
mable comfort to have some deep In
terest which will, at any rate to som
extent, enable us to escape from oup
selves. Sir John Lubbock.
Dr. Pierce's Pellets, small, sugar
coated, easy to take as candy, regulate
ind invigorate stomacn, liver ana cow
els and cure constipation.
Leaves as Fertilizer.
Thousands of bushels of first-class
fertilizer are wasted every fall when
the burning of the leaves begins.
These same leaves spread over the gar
dens and spaded under In the spring
would prove of great good, but tht
smoke given off in burning them pro
duces nothini but choking coughs.
Potted Plants.
When potting plants put a piece ol
coarse muslin over the hole In the
pot before putting In the bits of Btone
and sod, which keeps the drainage
good. The muslin prevents the earth
from washing away.
Dally Thought.
The golden moments In the stream
of life rush past us, and we see noth
ing but sand; the angels come to visit
us, and we only know them when
hey are gone. George Eliot.
To Fasten Labels On.
To fasten labels on bottles or cans,
ise a small piece of adhesive plaster,
rhlt will stick to any surface.
Should Not Have Expected Bull Flgnl
for $2 He Wat Paying for
Flrst-Clasa Room.
J. Wade McGrath, one of the promt
nent hotel men In New York, used tc
be behind the' desks In several Ohlc
hotels before he became manager ol
the Hotel Hargrave. In one hotel neai
Cleveland one of his assistants ehowec
an absolute displeasure tor anythlnt
that looked like work.
One night a guest called up and it
an angry voice said: "There are f
couple of mice lighting up here!"
"What room have you?" Inquire!
the assistant languidly.
He was told and then he Inquired:
"What are you paying for It?"
"Two dollars," was the reply.
"Well, what do you expect for twt
dollars a bull fight?"
In Better Shape,
A tourist once happened to meet th
usual "oldest inhabitant" of a village
In the course of conversation h
asked the ancient his age.
"I be Just one hundred," was the re
"Well, I doubt if you'll see anothei
hundred years," said the tourist, trying
to make conversation.
"I don't know so much about that
master," was the hopeful response. "
be stronger now than when I startei
on my first hundred."
Advanced Ideas.
"I understood that you were strong
ly in favor of advanced Ideas."
"I am," replied Senator Sorghum
"Didn't you observe the interest 1
took in some of those appropriation
"But how do you they apply to the
advancement of learning?"
"They don't They apply to the ad
vancement of money to my constitu
The Lights Above.
"Nothing that art can do rivals the
works of nature," said the enthusiastic
youth. "What could be more beautiful
than the constellations?"
"They are pretty," assented the un
imaginative girl. "And yet, do yov
honestly think that a constellatior
gets to the popular intelligence like f
good, snappy electric light sign?"
Reggy You remind me of a beautl
ful butterfly. Miss Sweet.
Miss Sweet You may not be awan
that a butterfly is merely a post-gradu
ate caterpillar.
Where He Killed Them.
Church You say he has killed hli
Gotham Why, a dozen of 'em.
"How do you know?"
"I've seen him."
"In the movies."
"You never complain of the food anj
more," said the young married woman
"I'm afraid of showing my igno
ranee," replied her husband. "When
ever I taste something that seems par
ticularly queer I take It for granted
that it is some new kind of a salad.1
Easier Employment.
"I understand," said the letter car
rler, "that some of those ancients die
all their writing on rocks and bricks,
"Yes," replied the professor."
"Well, these times have their dlsad
vantages. But I'd rather be a lettei
carrier now than then."
Gypsies Study the Law.
Burglar Bill These gypsies don'
know anything. One of 'em told Gorj
Gub that he'd die on the gallows.
Dynamite Dan Well, didn't he?
Burglar Bill Naw; he died of ole
age while waitln' for a new trlaL
Wife's Question Made Broker Wonder
Whether He Might Not Have
Been Deceived.
A Wall street broker of English par
entage and an unusual name was talk
ing to Beveral other brokers, business
not being particularly rushing at the
"If anybody In this crowd has a
gold brick for sale," he said, "I wish
he would try to dispose of It to me
at a good figure. Why? Well, I'm
In the market since yesterday for
tbat sort of material.
"It happened this way. About 4
p. m. a very nice-appearing man of
the working class came Into my office
and asked for me. I saw him and
asked him his business. He told me
he had seen my name In the papers,
and as his name was the aame as
mine be thought, the names being
so unusual, he would call on me.
He was very unmistakably Eng
lish, and the similarity of names was
of some Interest, even though I hard
ly thought he was In my class. Still
he might have been a hnrd-up titled
nobleman working for bis living, as
some of the best ot them do rather
than sponge It off somebody else.
He talked along about his family
and where they lived and asked me
where mine came from and said he
had been living in Canada for fif
teen or twenty years, where his
father had gone from England. Times
were hard and he had come to this
country, where they were no softer
and well, it ended by his touching
me for $5. His name was good for
that, I thought, whether he was
wholly deserving or not
"When I went home In the eve
ning I told my wife about It and did
she applaud my respect for my fam
ily name? Not on your parish regis
ter she didn't. She looked at mo
critically and said: 'John, did the man
show you any papers to prove that
bis name was the same as yours?'
Right then I awoke, and If any of you
gents have a gold brick to sell will
you please pass it on to me?"
- On His Dignity.
Mrs. Harry Payne Whitney, who
has equipped a $250,000 field ambu
lance for the allies, told many inter
esting war stories during her recent
visit to America.
"The new English army is wonder
ful," she said at a studio tea In New
York. "The officers themselves are
surprised at the rapidity with which
the young English volunteer can be
trained into a splendid soldier. Of
course, though, amusing mistakes
often happen before the military rules
are mastered.
'An English officer told me of an In
cident which occurred in his regiment.
One day the colonel had to reprimand
severely a recruit. The next day this
recruit was on sentry duty when the
colonel passed by. Noticing that the
sentry failed to give him the usual
salute, the colonel intentionally passed
him a second and even a third time.
To his astonishment the salute was
each time omitted.
"'Do you know who I am?' the
colonel asked Indignantly.
" 'Yes, sir,' the sentry answered.
"'Don't you know you ought to sa
lute me, then?' pursued the colonel
"Aye, but,' said the sentry, 'thee
and me fell out yesterday.' "
For Love of the Work.
The Russia of today has no social
life, Us women have no thought of
dress and amusement. All are work
ing for their country, and an excep
tional number of the women of edu
cation in that country are specially
qualified to be of service to the
wounded soldiers. Speaking of her
country, the wife of a Russian at
tache In London Bald: "Perhaps the
women of Russia study medicine and
nursing more generally than is the
case elsewhere, for In Russia the
poorer classes look more naturally to
those who are blessed with a larger
share of this world's goods for care
and protection. This feeling is now
on the decline in towns, but in coun
try places, where doctors have rounds
of a hundred miles' radius, the poor
of a district, In the absence of the
medical man, are looked after and
tended by the daughters of the house
on whose estate they live. Thus every
young girl goes In for medicine be
cause she loves the work."
Swift Horses.
"Horses!" said the Yankee. "Guess
you can't talk to me about the horses,
I had an old mare, Maizypop, who
once licked our beBt express by a
couple of miles on a 30-mlle run to
"That's nothing," said the Cana
dian. "I was out on my farm one
day, about fifty miles from the house,
when a frightful storm came up.
turned the pony's head for home, and.
do you know, he raced the storm so
close for the last ten miles that I
didn't feel a drop, while my old dog,
only ten yards behind, had to swim
the whole distance." Pittsburgh
Should Have Sealed It,
Through some slight error In the use
of the old Hebrew letters It seems that
the official seal of Yale university has
been embellished with the motto,
"Blasphemers and Farmers," instead
of "Light and Truth." This may em
phaslze anew the old saying that a
little knowledge is a dangerous thing,
but the fearful mistake should never
have been exposed. If the wise ones
who detected the error had only main
tained a discreet silence there are
very few who would ever have known
the difference.
Favorite star.
From ancient days Regului has
beon one of the favorite stars of
mariners and so-called astrologers.
The ancient names designated It as
the king of stars. In Its apparent
passage through the path of the zodiac
the sun Is almost between us and
Regulus, and once a month the moon
la near it and at times comet direct
ly between It and our earthly vision,
or "occults" It. For this alone Regulus
ought to be one of the fascinating
stars at this time ot the year.
Act rnot covered oy Law.
In a negro district a member was on
trial, charged with stealing chickens.
The evidence went to show that the
defendant had been found with his
foot In a steel trap at the door ot the
hennery, while an empty tack lay near
by. The decision of the judge wat to
this effect. "D co't finds dat de 'fend
ant hadn't no criminal 'tentlont. Dah
halnt no law to p'vent a gemmen frum
puttln' his foot In a steel trap ef he
wants ter do It."
To those who have endured for
fears the itching torments of eczema
sr other such skin-eruptions, the relief
that the first use of reslnol ointment
ind reslnol soap gives Is perfectly in-
jredlble. After all the suffering they
have endured and all the useless treat
ments they spent good money for, they
annot believe anything so simple,
mild and inexpensive can stop the itch
ing and burning INSTANTLY! And
they find it still more wonderful that
the Improvement is permanent and
that reslnol really drives away the
eruption completely in a very short
time. Perhaps there Is a pleasant sur
prise like this in store for you. Res
lnol ointment and reslnol soap are sold
by all druggists. Adv.
Eyes of Fishes.
The eyes ot fishes are In constant
use except when they are asleep. Most
fishes have no eyelids, their eyes be
ing protected from Injury by a shiny
material or by a thick transparent
skin. The puffer, or swellflsh, which
habitually burrows In sand at the
bottom of the water, has eyelids which
cover the eyeballs when closed, the
lower eyelid being larger than the
All of Tomato Utilized.
Italy harvests about 22,000 acres of
tomatoes yearly, and the wastage
amounts to practically nothing. The
skins and seeds, formerly discarded,
are now utilized, the former as stock
feed and the latter as a source ot oil.
The crude oil is suitable for soap
making and for lamps, and the refined
product is said to be edible.
True Greatness.
True greatness first of all is a thing
of the heart. It is all alive with ro
bust and generous sympathies. It is
neither behind Its age, and ahead ol
It only Just so far as to be able to
lead Its march, It cannot slumber, for
activity is a necessity ot its existence.
It is no reservoir, but a fountain.
Roswell D. Hitchcock.
III ill.K br Cuttir'l Blaoklsf Pllll. Low-Lflir-aVla
priced, fresh, reliable: preferred by
western siocKmen oecauee in.j pru-
a. m leot where other vaccinal ran.
1 B. a Write for booklet and testimonial!.
I T m IC-doie pkge. Blaoklel Pllll 11.00
' SO-dou pkge. Blackleg Pllll 4.00
Use any injector, but Cutter-l best.
Th. aunartnrtt of rut.tnr nmrlucta la rtna to over K
years of apertaltzing; in vaeeinei and lerumi only.
tnlllt on Cutter's. If unnMalnable, order direct.
T'lE CUTTER LABORATORY, Berkeley, California.
Animal Weather Prophets.
Regarded as weather prophets by
the natives, the "black howlers,"
largest of the Panamanian monkeys,
set up a roaring howl almost sugges
tive of the Hon for volume of sound.
They howl oftenest before or during
a storm, hence the native belief.
To Amateur Gardeners.
For amateur gardeners the surest
way to tell the weeds from the flowers
Is to pull them all out. The ones that
come up again are the weeds. Life.
One Reason for Lying.
Some people tell untruths because
they lack moral courage to retime to
answer questions which should not
be asked. Albany Journal.
Would Surely Help.
According to a decision by a hlgu
court hogs can be muzzled. If this de
cision could be applied to hogs teen In
iwell restaurants it would help some.
MEN'S 2.50 3 3.50 4.00 4.50 5 '5.50 SHOES
WOMEN'S 2.00 2.50 3.00 3.50 & '4.00 SHOES
BOYS' 1 .75 2 '2.50 3.00 MISSES' '2.00 & '2.50
TV. L, Douglas shoes are made of
ieat iters, on wie latest moiiu, c&romiij cunt true tea oy tne moit
expert last ana pattern roarers in uni
of equal prices, can compete with W.
workmanship ana quality, as coiniorutuie, easy walking
hoes thfy are muurpaflsed,
The 93.00, 93.50 and 94.00 shoes will give as good service
as other makes costing 94.00 to 95.00. The M.M.5.MOand
95.t0 shoes compare favorably with
other makes coming 90 00 to 9H.OO.
there are many men and women wear
shoes. Consult them and they will tell
Douglas shoes cannot be excelled for
When biiYlne W.L
look lorhliNAMK
tamped on the bottom. Bliofs thus tnnmuad are stwuya
worth the prire paid for them. For 32 ypars W L Dounias Im
Kuaranteea tholr value and protected the wearer ajfuinit htch
price for Inferior ihoea by havlr-g hli NAM K AND PKK'li
tamped on the bottom before they leave the factory, Lm not
be persuaded to take some other make claimed to be Just as
good. You are paying your money and are entitled to the heat.
If your dealer cannot supply you. write for Illus
trated Catalog showing how to order by mall.
W. I,. Oouiflas. 210 Hpark ttt., Hrorkton, Mass.
Color more goods faster and brighter colors than any
Write for free booklet "How to Dye
Is it possible there is a woman in this country who con
tinues to suffer without giving Lydia E. Pinkham's Vege
table Compound a trial after all the evidence that is con
tinually being published, which proves beyond contradic
tion that this grand old medicine has relieved more suffer
ing among women than any other one medicine in the world ?
We have published in the newspapers of the United States
more genuine testimonial letters than have ever been pub
lished in the interest of any other medicine for women
and every year we publish many new testimonials, all gen
uine and true. Here are three never before published :
From Mrs. S. T. Richmond, Providence, R. I.
Providence, It. I." For tho benefit of women who suffer as I haro
done I wish to state what Lydia E. l'inkhara's Vegetable Compound
has done for me. I did some heavy lifting and the doctor said it
caused a displacement I have always been weak and I overworked
after my baby was born and inflammation set in, then nervous pros
tration, from which I did not recover until I had taken Lydia E. link
ham's Vegetable Compound. The Compound is my best friend and
when I hear of a. woman with troubles like mine I try to induce her
to take your medicine." Mrs. S. T. Kiciimond, 84 1'rogress Avenue,
Providence, 111
From Mrs. Maria Irwin, Peru, N.Y.
Pert, N.Y. Before I took Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com
pound I was very irregular and had much pain. I had lost three
children, and folt worn out all the time. Ihia splendid medicina
helped me as nothing else had done, and I am thankful every day
that I took it." Mrs. Maria Ibwin, K.F.D. 1, Peru, N.Y.
From Mrs. Jane D. Duncan, W. Quincy, Mass.
South Quinoy, Mass. The doctor said that I had organic trouble
and he doctored me for a long time and I did not get any relief. I
saw Lycua Ji. rinkham's Vegetable Compound ad
vertised and I tried it and found relief before I had 1
finished the first bottle. I continued taking it all
through middle life and am now a strong, healthy
woman ana earn my own living." Mrs. Jane U.
Duncan, Forest Avenue, West Quincy, Mass.
Lr-V (CONFIDENTIAL) LYNN, M ASS., forudvlce.
Your letter will be opened, read and answered
by a woman and held in strict conlldence.
agents wanted.
Worry and Nervous System.
Inasmuch aa worry la primarily a
disease of the mind, and Blnce every
portion of the body la Intimately con
nected with every other part of a net
work of nervous tissue of great com
plexity, we naturally seek for the
causes of these manifestations, first
of all, In the nervous system.
Are "Danger Signals" the human system's method of givirrr warn
ing that the blood has become impoverished and circulation poor.
In thiai condition the human body is almost powerless to resist the
more Berious illness. Don't delay. You need
Golden Medical Discovery
It gets to work immediately at the seat of your trouble the Stomach.
It lends a helping hand. Helps to digest the food. Tones up the stomach.
Soon brings back normal conditions. Food is properly assimilated and
turned into rich, red blood. Every organ is strengthened and every tissue
Made from roots taken from our great American forests. Try this '
remedy now. Sold by Medicine Dealers In liquid or tablet form or send 50c
to Dr. Pierce's Invalids Hotel, Buffalo, N. Y., lor trial box.
Yon can have the complete "Medical Adviser" of 1008 pages cloth
boundfree by seiidiug Dr. Pieice ale lor wrapping and mailing.
the best domestic and Imported
country, no other make
U . I o tig las shoes for style.
herever you II
Inn W.L.Iiouirlas
routoat w, Li,
the price
AND I'ltlf
TZZZfTWt - Willi 'IllJi IWdM
other dye Every package guaranteed to color Silk, Woof, Cotton and Mixed Goods at one boiling. 10 cents
and Mis Colors," calendar, blotters, etc MONfiOA
Pink Eye, Epizootic .
Shipping Fever,
and Catarrhal Fever
Sure cure and positive preventive, no matter how horse,
at any age are Inflicted or "exposed." Liquid, given on tho
tongue; acts on the blood and glunds; expelx the polsonou.
germs from the body. CureB Distemper In Doga and Sheep
und Cholera In Poultry. Largest Belling live stork remedy.
Cures La Grippe among human being, and is a fine Kidney
remedy. 60c and 1 a bottle; $!i and J10 a dozen. Cut thl
out. Keep It. Show to your druggist, who will get It for
you. Free Booklet, "Distemper, Causes and Cures." Special.
2lZltL Goshen, Ind., U. S. A.
Warsaw Swine Market.
Warsaw's swine market la one ot
the most original In the world, and
the first view obtained of It by th
traveler la startling. On the stone
paved market place the bodies ar
laid In Irregular rows, and here coma
the buyera to examine and purchase at
If you could visit the
W. L. Douglaa factory
at Brock ton , Mass.,
and see how carefully
the shoei are made,
and the high grade
leathers used, you
would then under
stand why they look
aud fit better, hold
Ui el r shape and wear
Longer than other
miik us for the price.
W. L. DougUu
hoes are sold
through BO
stores In the
rge cities
nd shoe
where. PUUG COMPANY. Department Z, Quincy, Ulax
AVI 1 &V