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About The Maupin times. (Maupin, Or.) 1914-1930 | View Entire Issue (April 30, 1915)
'S OF CURRENT WEEK Brief Resume of General News from All Around the World. Germans in Polnnd offer 10 roubles each to KuHHians who will deBert. Europe's purchase of leather good is stimulating the hide Industry. ' The French government has decided to adopt all children made orphans the war. General Villa is reported to be truth ering all available forcea for a final crucial struggle against the Carranza forces. When Russians evacuate towns Poland they break all windows, so that the Germans will find poor shelter from the cold. A celebration was held at the San Francisco exposition in commemora tion of the recovery from the earth quake and fire. Belgian prisoners in Prussia have oponed a regular university, many pro fessors being among them, who give lectures regularly. Both Russians and Austrians make desperate attacks upon each others1 positions in the Carpathians, all of which are repulsed. Two men were drowned in the Mc Kenzie river near Eugene, Or., while trying to lead some cattle across the river from a rowboat. French airmen drop bombs in many towns in the Black Forest country of Germany, and many women and child ren are reported killed or injured. Uermany has amended her sea prize rules and hereafter all goods consigned to neutrals from whom any of the al lies obtain supplies will be seized. A call has been received by the New xork war relief clearing house from France for artificial limbs for soldiers wounded during the early stages of the war. A Jewish philanthropist associated with many relief organizations in Lon don, declares that seven million Poles, or wnom two millions are Jews, are in dire need of food. Mario Lambardi, impressairo of the Lambardi Grand Opera company, died in Portland from an apoplectic stroke, He was well known in operatic circles in this country, Italy and in South American cities. The blockade of Germany by the al lies is preventing the latter from ob taining many necessary drugs, which are sent to the United States from Germany and then purchased here by tne warring nations. Governor Lister, of Washington, won nis ngnt against the emergency clause in the recent appropriation bills passed by the legislature of that state, ana tnereoy s.zou.uuuis made imme diately available for road building. The Tout Paris, a society journal of that city, publishea the names of 1500 Parisians killed on the battlefields up to r euruary 2D, including 20 generals, 667 other officers, 14 priests and 193 titled members of the aristocracy. The names of 200 Germans, Austrians and lurks are also published as "undesir able." Two Turkish destroyers are reported lost by coming in contact with Russian mines. isrman aeatroy own submarine in Dardanelles to prevent capture by lurks. Germany announces that advances of her lines in the west war zone have been made. Flacergold deposits of more than $1600 a pan is claimed to have been found in Alaska. T 1 1 ... nernn nas cioseu its tree war soup nouse because of the splendid econom ical improvement. Japan is said to be hard hit by the war, as the French demand for silks has materially declined. San Francisco refuses to bond itself for $34,500,000 to purchase the prop erties of the Spring Valley Water company. A Eugene, Or., man who became alarmed about the war, buried $500 in his garden, but has dug it up and de posited it in the bank. Many women in Portland sign peti tions to the city council to allow men the privilege to smoke in the three rear seats of the street cars. Twenty thousand fly traps will be part of the apparatus employed this year in the anti-fly campaign in Port land. The traps are to be made in the manual training departments of the public schools and will be distributed throughout the city. A government agricultural expert deel ares that the farmer derives no profit from growing oats, and that only two mills is made on a bushel of corn. Carranza soldiers fire on an Amer ican aeroplane which was flying near the border. Seventy shots are said to have been fired. The aircraft land ed safely. The damage suit of Theodore Roose velt, brought by William Barnes, a political boss of New York, is pro gressing at Syracuse. Barnes claims $50,000 for alleged libel. ROOSEVELT ON STAND ADMITS OFTEN CONSULTING BOSS PIATT Syracuse, N. Y. Theodore Roose velt admitted under cross-examination Tuesday In the suit for alleged libel which William Barnes has brought against him, that while governor he had freely consulted the "boss" -of the Republican party in New York state in reference to the appointment ofofli cials in the state government and var ious legislative and political matters. The "boss" named was Thomas ( Piatt, who at that time represented New York in the United States sen ate. The ex-president said he took the Bdvice of the senator in many mat ters, among them appointing a Dem ocrat to the ollice of tax commissioner to "please Grady," whom the Colonel described as a "lieutenant boss" of Richard Croker, then leader of Tam many Hall. ine testimony resulted from ques tions asueu atter letters or a series that passed between Colonel Roosevelt and Senator Piatt had been read to the jury. In these letters, both writers discussed all manner of political and legislative affairs. In one, Colonel Roosevelt asked the senator's advice about making speeches. In another, Senator Piatt told the Colonel he had received a copy of a bill introduced by Grady, in which the sen ator said he considered it inadvisabli to give Tammany from $3,000,000 to $12,000,000 on an appropriation to ex pend upon the water front of New York, as "it would simply be putting an unnecessary club in the hands of those people with which to knock brains out." With another letter, the colonel sent the senator a proof of his message to the legislature, which dealt with, among other things, public utilities, the franchise tax, the trusts, indus trial conditions and labor. The part dealing with the trusts, the colonel wrote, had been submitted to several "experts, ' including Elihu Root. Presi dent Hadley, Professor Jenks, of Cor neii, ana James a. dm, who was described in the letter as 'a big cor poration lawyer. Commander Gives Notice of Intent to Intern Cruiser Kronprinz Wilhelm Washington, D. C. Announcement from Newport News late Tuesday that the commander of the big German sea raider Kronprinz Wilhelm had given notice he would intern for the war without waiting expiration of the time allowed her by the United States government to make his ship wortny, was received with surprise and relief by government officials, The raider's action relieves the Navy department of the necessity of keeping watch over the Wilhelm and an eye on the cordon of allied ships off tne Virginia capes to assure the main tenance of American neutrality during the time the cruiser had been allowed to make repairs. It is understood that several days of that period still re mained. The Navy department had deter mined to permit the Wilhelm to take on 4500 tons of coal, and on the heels of reports from Newport News that the cruiser had begun to coal, came Lieutenant Captain Thierfelder's un expected announcement to the collector of the port. The German commander's communication was laconic and eave no reason for the internment as had the letter presented by Captain Thierichens when he interned the Prinz Eitel Friedrich, the first of the raiders to seek a haven in Hampton Koads. It was suggested here that Captain Thierfelder's announcement was made after he had received instructions from the German government through tne embassy here not to attempt a uasn tnrougn tne line ot hostile war ships off the capes. Heat Is Damaging Crops. Washington, D. C. A scorching heat wave is hovering over the East ern half of the United States from the Mississippi valley to the Atlantic coast, causing suffering in the cities and serious damage to wheat and other crops in the agricultural districts. Reports show new temperature records for April established as follows: Wash ington, D. C, and Richmond, Va.. 94 degrees; Toledo, O., 90; Grand Rapids, Mich., Cincinnati, O., and Elkins, W. Va., 88; Port Huron. Mich.. 86. and reen Bay, Wis., 84. Wireless Record Is Made. New York A new distune iwni-H this kind. for wireless telephony in railroad serv ice is claimed by officials of the Lacka wanna railroad. Communications bv ireless concerning the movement of Lackawanna trains were exchanged between railroad superintendents at Scranton, Pa., and Binghamton, N. 63 miles. Trains between those two cities were moved for several hours under orders sent or received by ireless. Oregon Hens Make Fine Record at Panama Fair Oregon Agricultural College, Cor vallis Having led in both the pen rec ords and the individual records for the past month in egg-laying at the Panama-Pacific Exposition has placed the O. A. C. flocks very close to the lead in both these divisions for the entire time of the contest. The three flocks entered by the college represent the White Leghorns, Barred Rocks and a pen of cross-reds, ten in each pen. The Leghorns took first place for the month ending April 15 with a rec ord of 237 eggs, while, the Barred Rocks took second place with 225 eggs. The best individual showing was made by an O. A. C. cross-bred hen, which laid SO eggs in the 31 days. The fifth best record was that of the College Barred Rock biddy that pro duced 26 eggs. The Leghorns likewise took second place in the term race to date, with record of 560 eggs, first place going to tne Lanada flock of G. D. AdamB, with 607 eggs. The fourth place has been taken by the O. A. C. Barred Rocks and the fifth place by the crosses, the number of eggs laid by each pen being tiii ana bZi respectively. Second third and fourth places are now held in the individual term record by an O, A. C. cross with 83 eggs, another O, A. C. cross with 82 eggs, and an O, C. Leghorn with 81 eges. The official report from which these figures were taken says that no other exhibit on the ground attracts more attention from the thousands of daily visitors than this egg-laying contest with its fine flocks from different parts or tne world. Dairying Sure Road to Wealth, Declares Expert Oregon Agricultural College, Cor- vallis That the history of dairying has proven it to be a sure road to wealth, is the assertion of dairy ex perts of Oregon, Washington and other states, who occasionally address students and dairymen at the Oregon Agricultural college. As a means of wealth, dairying is said to furnish about the most steady and sure income of any farm product, and it also affords a renewal of soil fertility. In all these features dairying, particularly lends itself to profit because profit must be secured from those resources that are sure and steady. I he history of dairying in countries other than the United States affords evidence of the reliable character of dairying as a profit maker. Denmark, a country declaredby the speakers to have had an exhausted soil and an ex hausted people, has become through dairying one of the wealthiest and most productive of all foreign coun- Daylight Is Let Through Last Tunnel On New Coos Bay Line Eugene "Daylight" was broken last week in tunnel No. 7, the longest bore on the Willamette-Pacific. For 18 months compressed air drills have been bornig into Ijoth sides of this 4200-foot tunnel that pierces the di vide between the Umpqua and Coos Bay valleys. For two weeks the sounds of the drills could be heard from both sides and finally a shot opened the tunnel. This was the last tunnel on the line to be pierced. There are eight in all, the first being at Noti, 30 miles west of Eugene, and tthe last in the lake region north of Coos Bay. The last two tunnels are not completed, how ever, as a small bore preceeds a few feet ahead of the main body of the tunnel. A. O. Peterson, sub-contractor for Hauser & Hauser, arrived in Eugene, telling of the tunnel progress, and of the speed being made in the comple tion of the trestle work along the lakes. C. R. Broughton, bridge en gineer, accompanied him from Acme, where a large force of men has estab lished camps for the erection of the Siuslaw drawbridge. Dogs Shot on Sight in Baker to Prevent Epidemic of Rabies Baker So serious has become the rabies epidemic both in the city and, in the country that every effort is being made to stamp out the animals that might be affected. Chief of Poilce Jackson has armed all policemen with shotguns and revolvers and has given orders that all dogs be shot on sight unless muzzled. "We haven't time to remonstrate personally with owners of dogs." he said to his men. "There is too much danger from hydrophobia to take any chance and people who do not live up to the law will lose their pets." liunters and trappers will be em ployed to wage war on the coyotes in the Minam National forest, according to Ephriam Barnes, forest supervisor, who said that he had been requested by the United States Biological survey to furnish the names of men in this section most experienced in work of tries. The Danes are now a remark ably prosperous people and have reno vated their soils so that they are leav ing a valuable heritage to their pos terity. 1 ... . . . samples oi success are being re peated in our own country. In the states of Wisconsin, Minnesota and those further East, they have re deemed their soils from exhaustion through dairying. While doing this they have made substantial money profits, established a large trade dairy products, and perhaps best of all, have built up large dairy herds of won- dertul producing ability, From the fine, high producing dairy cattle from these herds many Western dairymen are now going to get founda tion stock for the improvement of their own herds. A lot of money from the West is streaming into the states of of Minnesota, New York and Wis consin in exchange for dairy sires de veloped through scientific breeding by progressive dairymen. Recess Lengthened and Farmers' Week Will Be First jn January Oregon Agricultural College, Cor- vallis Of great interest to farmers and homeseekers as well as to regular college students is the announcement that the next term of Farmers' and Conference Week will be held at the college during the first week of Janu ary. bince the instructors time as well as housing accommodations are needed by the thousands of people tak nig tne worn oi tne week, it is impos sible to conduct the exercises of the week while the regular degree work is in progress. Hence the Christmas re cess has been lengthened to January 10, permitting the regular students to pass their vacation at home, Another important change in the cal endar is the arrangement whereby commencement will be held prior to nnal examinations of the second semes ter for the three lower classes. This change will give the undergraduates an opportunity to attend commence ment exercises and at the same time to leave for home as soon as their last examination has been given. It has also been announceed that vocational students will have commencement recognition and will be given diplomas upon completing their course. Pioneer Women To Meet, Baker Old-time residents of East ern Uregon plan an organization. At a meeting held at the home of Mrs. M. F. Harper it was decided to ascertain me possiouiues oi navmg a pioneer society and to include the gathering of nistoncai data ot this part of the coun try. Mrs. Harper has been in this vi cinity 40 years, and has had several gatherings of the pioneer women with such success that the organization seems assured. If Baker old settlers take kindly to the plan, other cities will be asked to co-operate. Czar Loses 28 Trenches. Vienna The war office has issued the following: "Our troops, pursuing the enemy, occupied 26 Russian trenches which contained much war material. The Russians before Uzsok Pass, after their attack failed, re treated in full flight. We gained ground ot the southeast of Koziowa.' Relief Fund $25,000,000. London The national reilef fund of the Prince of Wales reached the total of 5,000,000 ($25,000,000). King George has opened with a donation of $2500 subscription list of the British committee for relief in Belgium. Park Along Road Planned. Hood River Citizens of the county, co-operating with the Commercial club, have begun a campaign to secure ade quate strips of land along the Neal Creek road leading from the Lower to the Upper Hood River valley and thus prevent the land along the route from being denuded of its growth of large fir trees. But few of the highways in the lower valley are lined with forest trees, and it is proposed to purchase outright this land and make a park of the area adjoining the highway. The land is not valuable for agriculture. Sunday Closing Stir. Tillamook As the closing of stores on Sunday in this city has caused con siderable discussion, District Attor ney T. H. Goyne has asked the attor ney general's office for an opinion as to the constitutionality of the Sunday closing law. The candy, cigar and drug stores have decided to remain open, and Mr. Goyne is determined to close them if the law is considered constitutional by the attorney general Farmers Demand Water. Baker More than 1000 acres are so involved in a water dispute north of here that State Water Superintendent Cochran at La Grande has been ap pealed to. a armers along laterals on the Baldock and Shaw ' ditches allege that the Sunnyslope irrigation farmers have been taking so much moisture from Powder River that a shortage is threatened in the r airview district Assistant Water Superintendent Hol land was sent from La Grande to make a survey. Oregon;Has;i7,000;Cars.' Salem Secretary of State Olcott announceds that approximately 17,000 automobiles, more than 2400 motorcy cles and 2300 chauffeurs have been furnished licenses this year, and he believed that motor vehicle registra tions for the entire year would reach 22,000. There were 16,347 motor ve hicles, 2898 motorcycles and 1800 chauffeurs registered last year. Mr. Olcott thinks the increase in chauffeur licenses is a result of the jitney bus. J Calf Has Only Three Legs. Roseburg E. Harper, of North Roseburg, is the owner of a calf hav ing only three legs. The calf was born a few days ago and is apparently in as good health as ita more fortunate brothers and sisters. The animal has only one front leg, which Mr. Harper says is somewhat larger than the leir of a normal calf. The calf displays no ill effect as a result of its deformity, and Mr. Harper believe it will live, ' NORTHWEST MARKET REPORTS. Portland Wheat Bluestem, $1.34 fortyfold, $1.31; club, $1.29; red Fife, $1.25; red Russian, $1.23; oats, No. 1 white feed, $33.50 ton; barley, No. 1 feed, $25.50; bran, $24.00; shorts, $24.50. Corn Whole, $35 ton; cracked, $36, Hay -Eastern Oregon timothy, $14 15; valley timothy, $12 12.60 grain hay, $1012; alfalfa, $12.50. 13.60. Vegetables Cucumbers, hothouse, $1.251.75 per dozen; artichokes, 75c dozen; tomatoes, $6 crate; cabbage. 2J3Jc pound; celery, $4.50 crate cauliflower, 75c$1.25 dozen; head lettuce, $2.25 crate; spinach, 6c pound; rhubarb, lj2jc; asparagus, 7oc(&$l.Z5 dozen; eggplant, 25c pound peas, V4Jc; beans, I6(a)17jc; car rots, $1.50 sack; beets, $1.60; pars nips, $1.25; turnips, $1.75. Green Fruits Strawberries, $2.75 crate; apples, $11.75 box; cranber ries, $1112 barrel. Potatoes Old, $1.75 sack; new, 7 sc pound; sweet potatoes, 34c. Onions Oregon, selling price, 75c sack, country points; California, job bing price, ?r.75 crate. Eggs Fresh Oregon ranch, case count, 17J18c dozen. Poultry Hens, 16c; broilers, 25 z4c; fryers, 1820c; turkeys, dress ed, 2224c; live, 1820c; ducks. 12 13c; geese, 8j9c. Butter Creamery, prints, extras, 25c pound in case lots; Jc more in less than case lots; cubes, 2122c. Veal Fancy, llj12c pound. Pork Block, 1010Jc pound. Hops 1914 crop, nominal; tracts, 104lle. Wool Eastern Oregon, coarse, 22 25c pound; Eastern Oregon, fine, 16 ibc; valley, 28 Oh 30c: mohair. clip, 31321c. Cascara Bark Old and new, 44J pound. Cattle Best steers, $7.25 7.75 choice steers, $77.25; medium, $6.75 7; choice cows, $66.75; medium. $5 5.75; heifers, $5 6.25; bulls, $3.506; stags, $56.60. Hogs Light, $6.5007.80: heavy, ?ij.9Ut.75. Sheep Wethers, $7ffi8.25: ewes, ?67; lambs, $7.259.50. Seattle Wheat Bluestem. $1.33 fortyfold, $1.30; club, $1.28J; Fife, $1,284; red Russian, $1.23; barley jz&.ou ton. Tacoma The predicted advance potato prices came sooner than expect ed, the vegetable this week going to $35 a ton. Dealers say prices will go stui iarther upward and will in all probability reach $40 within the next few days. Dealers explain that other rises are certain because the holders in Eastern Washington are demanding $30 a ton for the tubers in the field. At that price it costs commission men here $33 to lay a ton down and they cannot sell with a reasonable profit at $35, they say. The supplies in East ern Washington are now pretty well cleaned up, it is reported. Local potato growers have become active again and are planting many times more spuds than they did last year. Ine local crop will not make its appearance until about the first of July. Bluestem is quoted at $1.33: forty- fold, $1.30; club, $1,284; red Fife, $1,284, and red Russian, $1.23. resh Meats Steers, 12 124c cows, 12c; heifers, 12(ffil24c: trimmed sides, 15Jc; combinations, 15c; Dia mond 1. U, 164c; yearlings, 15c ewes, 13c. Poultry Ducks, live, 10(ffil2c: hens. dressed, 1618c, live, 16c: sonnes. dressed, 22c, live, 1416c; squabs, live, S2. 50 a dozen, dressed. $6: tur keys, live, 18c, dressed, 28 30c geese, 20c. Butter Washington creamery, 24(3), Zbc; uregon, Zie. Eggs Fresh ranch, 1821c Vegetables Cabbage, Winning stadt, $3.25 cwt.; carrots, $1.501.65 sacK; beets, home grown, $11.25 turnips, $1.25; potatoes, Yakima, $34 35 ton; Idaho, $33; sweets, $4 cwt.; new potatoes, 7c pound: toma toes, $4.505 case; onions, green, 20c dozen; radishes, local, 20c dozen bunches; celery, $4ffl4.50: cauliflow- $2.25 crate; asparagus, Walla Walla, $1 box; green peas, 8ic pound, Yakima Growers to Pay. worth lakima The board of trus tees of the Yakima Fruitgrower's asso ciation adopted a resolution directing its officers to collect the assessment called for by the Growers' council for support of its work ; but only after sat isfactory evidence has been presented that at least 85 per cent of the fruit tonnage of the Pacific Northwest this season pays a similar contribution, Five fruit growers were elected as the Yakima members of the new board of trustees of the North Pacific Fruit Distributors. Mohair Prices on Down Grade. The course of the mohair market, as shown by the pool Bales already held in Oregon, is downward. The first pool sale of the year, a small one at Walker ten days ago. was at 321 cents. Then, on Monday, the Eddwille pool of 22,000 pounds brought 321 cents. Later the pool at Riddle was sold and it brought 314 cents. The Riddle pool was bought by a Southern Oregon dealer. Mohair dealers regard the market as entirely speculative. In view of the slack condition of the plush and dress goods trade many of them consider the present prices unwarranted. NAVY NEVER AS FIT AS 326 Vessels Available; 77 More Building or Authorized. UNITED STATES PREPARED FOR WAR New Guns Outrank Those of Any Nation Lessons Are Taken From Vera Cruz and European War. Aviation Being Developed. Washington, D, C. Secretary Dan iels Sunday night made public a letter he has written to President Garfield of Williams college, detailing the work in the navy during the past two years. Mr. Daniels wrote in reply to Mr. Gar field's request for material to meet statements that the United States is Unprepared for military emergencies. ExcerptB from the letter follow: "There are now in active service, fully commissioned, 225 vessels of all characters, which is 36 more than were fully commissioned when I be came secretary. There are also 101 vessels of various types, in reserve and in ordinary and uncommissioned, cap able of rendering service in war. We have under construction and authorized 77 vessels (nine dreadnaughts, 23 de stroyers, 38 submarines and seven aux iliaries) as compared with 54 vessels (five dreadnaughts, 14 destroyers, 23 submarines, three gunboats and nine auxiliaries) which were under 'con struction March 1, 1913. "All vessels in active service and in reserve are supplied with munitions of war. Within the last two years the quantity of . all has been steadily and greatly increased. For example, we have increased the number of mines on hand and in process of manu facture by 244 per cent and torpedoes by 90 per cent. By the enlargement of the naval powder factory we shall soon be able almost to double its former capacity, and like enlargement of the torpedo works and the equip-' ment of a plant to construct mines will still further increase the quantity of such stock, and the possession of these plants in times of emegency will en able the department to be in a better state of preparedness as regards the supply of ammunition than ever before. "The personnel of the navy is at present composed of 4355 line, staff and warrant officers and 53,171 enlist ed men. "For many years officers have writ ten and talked about the formation of advance base material and the practice of exercising landing parties of sea men and marines, but never until Jan uary last year was the navy thus ex ercized. Then, under instrructions from the department, Admiral Badger carried out a comprehensive exercise. in which the professional advantages gained by officers and men were in estimable. Shasta Limited Hits Automobile; Kills Four Children, Injures Driver Creswell, Or. The northbound Shasta Limited of the Southern Pacific company Sunday struck an automobile driven by F. E. Slv in front of his home here, smashed it to fragments and killed four small children who oc cupied the tonneau, besides injuring Mr. Sly so badly that it is thought he cannot recover. The dead: Beulah Morss. aeed 12: George Robinette, aeed 8: Vincent Treanor, aged 8; Dorothy Treanor, aged 6. Mr. Sly is an elderly man. He had just brought his automobile from the garage and alighted to open the gate leading to the Southern Pacific track, intending to cross the Pacific High way, when the four children came along on their way to Sunday school. They were invited to ride and clamb ered into the car. It was apparent that neither they nor Mr. Sly saw or heard the approaching train, for Mr. Sly got in and ran the automobile onto the track directly in front of it. lhe horrified witnesses, heard a crash and saw the automobile hurled high in the air and fall at one side of the track. The train sped on without stopping, its engnie crew unconscious of what had happened. Dankl Expects Long War. Geneva General Dankl, of the Aus trian army, is of the opinion that the war will not come to an end soon. This Austrian commander, who has been active in defending the Carpathian passes against the Russians, expressed this opinion to Major Tanner, of the Swiss army, who is also correspondent of the Basel Nachrichten. He declared the war would last for a long time, and said he could not fix even an approxi mate date for its end. He said also that the Swiss government had pre served its neutrlaity splendidly. Floods Recur in Texas. Austin, Tex. Another heavv rain swept Central Texas Sunday and the Colorado river and smaller streams, al ready swollen out of their banks, be gan rising rapidly. No additional deaths have been reported from the floods and the casualty list remained at 21, of which 14 occurred here. Prob ably a score of persons are missing. I