The Maupin times. (Maupin, Or.) 1914-1930, April 23, 1915, Image 8

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    T rr.
The Maupin Times
Published Every Friday at Maupin, Oregon,
Subscription: One Year, $1.50, Six Months 75cts, Three Months 50
Entered in the post office at Maupin, Oregon, as second class
mail matter. "
How about that fair for Maupin
this year? We have' heard of
3omtalkin regard to the same
hut no action has been taken so
far and it is getting late in the
season. A 'meeting should be
called right away and plans for
mulated if there is any intention
io pull off something of the kind.
Maupin should have a furni
ture and hardware store, a drug
.store and new hall. With a lit-
'.ie more ui me uuuBiiiJK Bpiiii,
and some inducements the town
would soon have these.
,; In selacting your associates,
f hoose your equal or bettar. Oth
erwise you will set just so high
rind there remain. '
Smock News
George Thornton is among the
sick. '
Mrs. Russell
Maupin last Monday.
George Duncan was a business
visitor at Dufur last week-
made a , trip tp
We have been haviug summer
weather here for the last week.
John Farlowis doing something.
Six teams in his field plowing.
A- F, Russejl and wife made a
trip to Maupin Saturday, return
ing Sunday,
The Boulder and Lost Creek
Ditch company held a meeting last
Saturday night. '
Mr. and Mrs. John Farlow were
visitors 'at the Marion Farlow
home last Sunday.
M. P. Thornton and family were
Sunday visitors at the home of
George Thornton.
Mrs, Nettie McMillian has been
visiting at the home of her son Mr.
Russell the past week.
Mrs. Neely was here from Hood
Rive to look over the Everett Em-
liierson place. She is thinking of
locating here.
Mrs. L, D. Kelly has the most
up-to-date stock of millinery ever
hi-onirht to Maupin. You should
call and get your choice early.
Auto Passenger Service Auto Delivery Truck
Prepared for Long Trips or Outing Parties
A Complete Line of Automobile Accessories
Maupin State Bank
Ceneral Banking Business, Loans, Wheat Buying, Safety
Deposit Boxes for Rent, Notary Tubbc,
Collections, Money Transmitted
Cheaply by Drafts
Your Patronage Solicited and Your
. Interests Cared tor ,
Follow up that Seed Corn
With a "Tum-A-Lum Low cost Silo," and investigate
this matter of ensilage on your own farm.
If you want further information on this silo question,
cost, etc. , or would like
Information on the -"Tum-A-Lum 11 Free Tlan Service in
Bains, Hogshcds, Milkhouses, Schools, Churches,
Or would like to see our big new Flan Book of Homes,
of over two hundred modern bungaluw Northwest step
saving Homes,
"See Peter Kilburg about it" or
(tear out along this line and mail)
Tum-A-Lum Lumber Co., Maupin
We would like information on your Homes, Bams, Hog
sheds, Milkhouses, Schools.
Tlease send us a copy of your big new Silo Folder Free.
All optical work repaired by
II. L. Emmons, Maupin.
Mrs. II. L. Morris was a Maupin
visitor Wednesday.'
Fine watch repairing at Emmons,
See those penny school tablets at
Tallcott's cash store.'
Sheriff Crisman spent Sunday at
Bakeoven and Flanagan.
Notorial work at the Maupin
State bank.
J. P, Abbott, wife aad children
were in The Dalles Tuesday.
G. L. Harphan has been confin
ed to his bed for several clays.
Get your Stationery, pens, pen
cils and inks at Tallcotts cash store.
Thos. Flanagan made a trip to1
The Dalles the first of the week.
.1 carry all kinds of stones for
rings and pins Emmons the
Hugh Mulkhis of Pufur was
over Tuesday with a load of drum
mers' trunks.
Jolfn Confer was attending to
business matters in town the mid
dle of the week.
Mrs. Ralph Buzan and Mrs. Roy
Crabtree wre in Tuesday trading
with our merchants.
Don't forget Fischer's Garage
at the end of the bridge. Tires,
tubes and all accessories,
Mrs. W H. Staats has been
staying with Mrs. Roy Slusher on
their farm for a few clays.
Miss Minerva Thrall, the pri
mary teacher here visited home
folk in The Dalles Sunday.
Don't let the clock stand idle,
bring it to me.
Emmqus the Jeweler,
Dr. Shannon and Charlie Van
Duyne drove over in the doctor's
car Wednesday from Tgh.
Go to Fischer's Garage for all
your automobile accessories, gaso
line and storage of machine.
Dr. Hatfield, H. L. Kmnions
and F- A- Mayhew motored
The Dalles last Friday night.
For Saik A thoroughbred
Poland China Boar, at Thomas
Flanagan's ranch Maupin, Oregon.
Mr. Gordon, one of the Ford
Motor Co. officials spent Wednesr
day here looking over the territory.
What do you really think when
you get a letter from a business
house with a rubber stamp letter
head ?
Ernest Hartman of the Hartmau
Mercantile Co. of Wapiuitia was
down a few davs ago on business
WANTED Position as threshing
engineer. Long experience, tnor
oughly capable. Dayid W. Sharpe,
You will always find that a pro
gressive man lias neat joo woik.
Letterheads, envelopes, bill heads
and cards.,.
Gus Derthick, Orange Spencer
and J... W, Derthick made a trip
up the Deschutes yesterday, re
turning today.
It is just as proper for a pro
gressive farmer to use farm station
ery as for the business houses
where you trade.
Peter Kilburg is now completing
the fence around the lumber yard
llr. and Mrs, Bates Shattuck,
Mr. and Mrs. D, A. Moad and II.
L. Emmons Jr. spent Sunday at
Two Springs on an outing and fish
ing trip.
Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Fargher
have been spending several days
with their two sons .Clarence and
Art., on their ranch a-few miles
above here.
E. W, Helm who )sas Jjeen trav
eling through this country for the
last four or five' yea'rs was here
yesterday chatting with his old
time friend W. H. Staats.
Roy Slusher and Jack Staats left
for Dufur Tuesday with titer new
drove of sheep. .We don't know
which one is the official' herder,
but presume they take turns.
Roy Slusher returned from Du
fur yesterday and brought' the re
port of eight coyotes being" killed
by he and his brothers on their
place near the town of Dufur.
E. M. Hartmau was on our
streets a few days ago. He has
been in The Dalles with his son
Lincoln who was taken to 1 he
Dalles some time ago for treat
ment. Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Fischer and
their daughter, Miss Dorothy,
went to Wapiuitia Friday in their
car to bring'Miss' Phillis down to
spend Saturday and Sunday, at
Make final proof before Com
missioner Stewart
Church Notice.
Preaching services both morning
and evening on the second and
fourth Sundays of each month.
Sabbath school at 10 a. in. every
Sunday. All are welcome to
N. Welter, pastor.
Can You Do It?
n bf th uh at pn-UrlM r jiurtlf
Dr. C. II. Francis,
Mem. Coll, Phys. & Surg.,
Licentiate Minnesota
Prompt Service on Either
Day or Night Calls
Eyes tested, Glasses Fitted
The Maupin Kandy
E. J. STYEg, Prop
Iee.Creara, IceCrearn Cones,
Sodas of alj' kinds. Anything
you want in the' soft drink
We have 'jus.t jimtalled a
first class soda fountain and
can serve' you with" all ths
5' latest drinks. 1
We also carry a full Hue of"
and L. C. Wilhelm is building Maupin . Mr
some large gates for the same
Mr. and Mrs. Sam Brown and
party motored up the Deschutes
Sunday and spent the day angling
for the famous Deschutes trout.
Mrs. E. A. Mayhew and Miss
Nellie Harphau accompanied Mr.
Mayhew to Wapiuitia last Monday
on one of his auto service trips.
For SALE. Two pairs of
The Wamic ball boys played the
Maupin team last Sunday and
"tooc the money." The, score
stood 14 to 9 and notwithstanding
the big score the game was a yery
interesting one,
AtV.ig Solo Club meet of last
Tuesday night "Bud" Smith won
first prize and the "boobv' prize
went to Dr. Franch;.' This club
mteik every Tuesday evening at L.
I). Kelly's place.
The base ball boys have been
putting the grounds near the
school house in shape for their
Sunday battle. They have erected
a grand stand and wilj have every
thing in good shape.
John Muir returned from Edwin
Mays' ranch jyhere he has been
fqr some time past.' He will re
main in Maupin at present and
to I may go to the Autelope fair to com
ipete in the wild horse ridings.
J. W. Derthick, a brother of
0. B. and A. A. Derthick has been
visiting on the "Flat" for a few,
days. He will leave for Washing
ton in a day or two, where he will 1
spend the balance of the summer.
F.M.Walters was .down from!
Wapiuitia after a shipment of,
Thoroughbred Plymoth Rock
chickens Tuesday. They came
from the Cooper Bros., the well
known chicken financiers of Wil
lamette valley.
Blaine Disbrow and his sister
Mellvina drove over to Maupin
from their Wamic home Wednes
day and visited with their sister
Miss Jessiline Disbrow who is now
one of the Times force. Thev re
turned the same clay.
County Judge Gunning, Com
missioner F. C. Clossen and Com
missior Roy Butler were here
Wednesday and had lunch at the
Moad Hotel. They were on a tour
of road inspection over the county
and continued on to Antelope.
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Fraley are
here from The Dalles visiting with
Mr. and Mrs. E. A, Mayhew.
They visited with their sr.ns at
Dufur and Tygh before coming to
Mayhew is a
and Mrs. Frahv.
Blacksmith And Wagonshop
Horseshoeing, Blaqksmithin'g and Wagonmak
ing. AH kinds of Hepuir Work that will suit.
With a' Guarantee That Will Stick. Try us
If your wagon?, buggies pr hacks need over
hauling, bring- them in, we'll save you money
Brinj Those Plcnv Shares to Sharpeh
We Sharpest Them While You Wait
Give me Your Order for Anything in the Harness Line, '
Sadies, Bridles, Chaps. Spurs. Harness Dressing that
will last, and, most anything else you want we will order
for you and save you time and money. Bring your old
harness in for those repairs they need, have it done, right ;..
G. L. Harphan, Prop.
It You Want to While Away an Hour or so There is
no Better Place Than Here. A Nice, Clean and En
joyable Amusement. -
daughter of Mr.
The moving picture show that
was advertised for last night and
tonight has been cancelled owing
to a break down of some kind.
The manager stated that he was to
return soon and give the people
the promised performance even
though he was some time about it.
We lead -Others follow. Lis-
Trainediten! At enormous expense- we
have secured a limited number of
large hand painted OIL PAINT-
INGS of Landscape and Marine
Views, which we are giving ab-
Russian wolf hounds
for coyotes.
Edwin Mays, Maupin Oregon
Mr R T. Rsinev. of Rnokalle
is visiting Mrs. Cook, her great Sfely free to our customers.
, , - , n See us about it. . H. Staats At
grauauiouier. mis. t,uutv issibj-;
ing with Mr. and Mrs. R. Johnson, i
That Are Meals ...
The Kind We Always Serve
At Reasonable Prices
'When in Town M.lke our . ,
Hotel Your Headquarters
A Cordial Welcome tq All
D. A. MOAD, Prop. v,,