r If ' 1- ft'J f 11 5 i ft If ':fl. , 3 - mum ewa tem:sy f it ' 1 Hi M Le voted to r,i . y VOL. 1, NO. 23 MAUPIN, SOUTHERN WASCO COUNTY, ORECON. APRTL 23, 19 15 DESCHUTES HUT CAN NOT BE BEAT lkj Soda Fountain :PRftI WLniuam. ink nlllu. t A word to the fishermsn is sufficient. Daschates! The De se. utes and the big Doily Varden are synonyms. Arriving at Maupia you may divest yourself of all the cramped city habit? uid plunge into the vast area of country life and enjoy the free do: i that is known only to those who live away from the buza aVid hum of the city, There is no rarer sport than hooking one of the big trout of ;he Deschutes, measuring from 2 to nearly 00 inches, and get .Lghimto land. They are the earnest fish you ever angled for k and one trip here means another .he following year. The Deschutes river is knows r never to lower or raise so that it is noticableand the large amount of water, its swift current, and .sharp turns form many little eddies where you may see thara any clay drawing- out any numb er of the finny tribe. ricmeraber wlien planning for an outing make your preparations for a stay at "Muupin on the Deschutes. " E. ,1. Styer has just installed a' fine up-t)-date soda fountain and, fixtures. With a marble to;jj counter and the other arrange- i rnents ior sanitation he will soon be putting out ice cream and ,iai'J Ohio, an oil and coal ex coda waters of ali kinds in a way pert of i!0 years' experience j Farewell Sermon PREDICTED FOR WASLO THE YEAR $1.50 ilB liG l ' THE DESCHUTES' Dr. Wili. iir JLaatiugs cf Cie ve- , who is making a tou; of the west ?n the interest of eastern capital associated, :n- ; Sunday, April Z He and his; . I famiiy will socn leave to take up :.v Ut U.e Ush' test" Uieir residence in rt'iliamettcl L M- Simpson of Spokcce. ine expert explained that thejva);0 Mr. Welter will rrteml i a.anager of the Deschutes Power basir test is the burning of theiih(1 ,.nnrv,,.om, !lt p.,,.,!.,,,,-! A gas and oil on top of the sump barret in which the cuttings from the bottom of the well are that will be a relief from tha ol methods used. I li to rtfOTtn int f o '.- a riiwi r. f tho or that will .,-Hvo fnJ'v- asiocmaa, .n- , emptied. The right kind of a tin's S.uwday base ball paie. jvestigated .the property of the! 'it ash' test, ha - said, wouid indi- "1 !I!oavi3-May -oil cornpany at I)u- j cale the near presence of larjre ft:r last week. lis investigation j Uin of gas and oil. and declar of the property was for Poriiand m.t1 that the Ceavis-M.iy well capitalists who pavt' the right test. He said: Sundav between the Oufur tea rn . co n re - ti p .8 1 o imwnig meaey :n , lne color or tne on secured and tlreYttitpiM uiuc. l!oi;laeaH.s!t,,e Project. in J he tost iB chocolate, which have beca pracustng up. and will Inan interview with the! wouid indicate a iiigh grad. iironicie yesterday, Dr, .itcst-i'lhe ngnv km ot oil sands are Ball Gams &im!m Tht-r toMI a i!t and Cuhfot'iiis the 3th of May at which time he will learn the exact location where they will' make their fu tare home. While here i have nuule many waj,mi Iriends who are sor company, of Oiine Falls, was a business visitor here yesterday. Mr. Simpson rates that their property is located in the midst of the ;ro!d excitement in centra' On-flon. He states: ' It is. not a case of knowing- whether the 'ive a good game. Don' t fail tc attend and root for your team. ami 98 per cent punctuality. The roil of aonor l;i Uie present mouth is: Beulali Wtlui, Violet Miller, Nellie Stump, Willie Van. deipool, Louis Emmons, primary room: Iawience Hnrphan, Lewis May hew, Feme Mayhfcw, Paul Welter, Willie MeClure', Olive Turner, William Stump, George Scbocl Notes Thi report to County Supt, Bou nty for month eaJinp; April 16 shows: .Total caroiltnuut ,53; aver ae tnrollaieut 41 , irtmi;-: .O.e.Iy ' .tiiduney i j.j-.'cv.t-. vi tanli.K.'"! 35; pr cent of aiteadaor-e 9 At tendance of go per cent is excel lout, but punctuality of only y s is poor. Just a few families need to .start their children about ten r.iin ( ' ?s eai iier. A '.'.Standard" school must have 92 per cent attend nee Helen L,ockJ was a visitor Tuss Isy aftenmoti. Tiie Literary Society' tjuestioi) ry to mse them ami , i!l wish ; is.t,K rcMr noL It is there them joy and success in their :.ew field. V .. Celebrate May Five ing3 was emphatic in his declara tion th.-.t there is every indica tion of oil at the Dufur property and 'he 3tated hois willing that presem and the only thing nec essary, I beheve, to make this an oil producing country is tc Jri!i deeper, and I believe that The time is pro win r near for the big Celilo Canal Celebration, Wednesday, May 5th. You anyone doubting his statement j not much of that will have to be should make flrrangvnienta to should investigate his ability and j done. I have adv ised Mr. Beavis J attend the opening at The Dalles reliability in tho matter of judg- j that iiot'iing- more should be on that date. ,',,ry nil nn.l ,,,-v,i -,.-Ar, .t., VJo I ,Wo i.i-.f-,.. I,, ft,, ,,-all II i - , . J'"!.'-ia. "ciu'cii, until tui. u "i lire men , UltiH 1)1 CDai iltlOtla Ht'C l)ell!t' is shut out.': .made at The Dalles to take care Woric has been stopped until i of the large crowd that will as-1 staled he thoroughly investigat ed the surface indications all over the Eight Mile distn'ct and ! the advice of as has been demonstrated by hundreds of assays made by as surers nil ovi.t the United States, but it is a case of saving the jrold." It is very tine "Hour'' mld and is said to be entreniely hard to save, However, the. company operating in the region claims to have perfected a pro ecus which will save a great per centage. Chronicle. gaming trie anuttmg out ot the. Idaho, Washington and Crcgcn wster. can be followed. i , Dr. Hastings i not financially imlJ- declare! them to be eciual to those of the-Pennsylvania :md West Virginia oil fields. "I put the Beavis-May well tiiiite'rusted in the neavis-iViavL J1r rli-hiep nps-l l.S t i a v . ic lit il.i I 1 1 J? ,1. A ....... 1 - f ' 1 ; . ' n i ..... n . i ; .'Cr "-"' " 01 lnv leals Aiiown. saio. nr. enpitat punishment in the I nittd Heatings, "and 1 ta;md that ev States bsftbutisficd' cry - indication Is that there is Ruby F.r.?e'.i, absent in the I now seepage oil present and that Wilhvretle valley since i;c5t fnll, 1 the b-i t mu?t be chiso to the t.;;au vhool here .-"'du last Wed-; main body of oil. We tested the r.ct'u'iy. ,cutnga ani watfr rrom the well ot prospecting ior the deposits, ; Mftupin is iii s.-tion 3;, T 4 c jand found they responded readi-1 of 0 1 thought to be there. Tt t:l'. :i:u! :ic tir-.ent uf V,t 1 - ' . . 1 " it; Ilaskins r-!semble from the three states, Mr. and Mrs, L. C. Heneghan were down in their big "Stude b.iker Six" todav. Hob Orabtree has. been busy for several days builuing a house for Win. Connolly on his ranch. Ice Cream Sinday ;i we'd. - Dalles Chronicle. The ol! prospects spoken of; above are close to the ground j belonging to Mr and Mrs. W. H. j Staats tb&t will soon have oil! derrLks erected for the purpose!,. Gee the line of hm- fahiion hats i'dSVei by Mrs. ! ). Kl!P , j Duke Moad returned from The ii- 1. 1 "Flat," today where he has been . doing farm work. Th'- !iliniiio;. price of the Time, is i.,-:o per year. Just Send hi Die monev stmt we will trv to gi '. i)U iis full vmith. Hood is in t T -f6. li o ot Ry section lines, how fur are two points ?part in a question some of! the scholars -are considering. Ton try it. V.. j. Styer will Itr-rt the public to ice cre.un Snn.hiv . ' hiyA ; ' ,v i i" t -spii.:i a ' ic : The Dulles this week. l-lioii Williiims was a btv-iie.: rv o pnj-i.tr.f'tr.a, . i'nr.;" The Dalli-s taking cire of hiei uilc'v. rrport is wr.v ' t tTC-vtri i it i 'V tit :.. ,,.... . !.-.;.!. '13 V ! M I ' ' Mi I lit i 'illll 1 tilM 1 1 1 '. 1 . 1 I t cctfioie! !y j Miss Alice Beeltuilli spoilt the.g tc.iv .iiiiOflv I;-. lone on Iv.u. li.er en W'eotifehf w,is a I I vi-.i'.ei in ( hi- i lubes the fi i M ! ih 'el; vv men ui! Wind ow e.'ii tin This Weak For Di's-p ay of ' "v''r I V 1) O , msmesci! vvoricl s &esl r) J f'KWtBB ifieFfiiiliilf: f if?! 'pi ,- 4 eeiipni !r in ...,.,x Harvester Moi gi i st ,1 .!.! V MDMHWnrnnN.i'ii.-'.iKira.iiiMiww wimiiihimhiumpii' .iiMndyajwn n.'.iWMrw JwiiiimywpwigCTiajaB f it tr V :ur. li. I'h Cn g at l. se home u: ; "Tai-1 bpeeias at 3 ana worth it ,n . h r -J ' ,J '!"' m' ' " '-.' .V k - f 1 " -T '',.'" 1 ' i" ! ; i 1-V- 'I ' V I'- S'j DOWN-LOW The LitclifisH Down-Lev huvA for ys H): le Litchfield Manufacturing Ccmpar.y and is low enough (or easy loading hut high enough to avoid trouble. It has practically the f-asne under-dearance as the Litchfield Standard Spreader Which has been sold for years. Come in and see for yourself thai there is nothing experi mental er freakish about the Litchfield Down-Low Spreader. W ri. D i Aft i er. tU -" ." y S: ; a --.:,! t... the eo'.mtv r.eal Ml.nhiv ft in their -r. 'M G'etm Morris was taken verv illii i;d Dr. i",Kvuoil was called Sunday, ff; j rnoi long to him, 'fi !' . ;-- , .''ii.-'.. T. J'.. Mo. ;.'.:se,i will Ifsvci'? Our W-w J,nie of iummcr' Straws NEXT WEEK 9 to . a v f..- Mo?.,el , i ii t n to visil W aoi J- 5l ;4- 'w -x. 1 w o 5 & ; her inotl.c i at thai pha e. bitt'.' I'nna Munis iiaU ih.- mis fo'lii' i- hie- a! :.i htm Wcdl.i.l-i- ; . : O ! .el ;.inl hurt le v ; e'l'i I ',' I ,11:1c yi.um u.iy. 1 ii! Tic: etiicrtail'inei.t e.v-eo ii,e I ;.aii:i-ihiy night by the I Hii'io Homr' a i Talent tonipauy, "'1 he Tthl Iliirvj . Faun" we'd at.eiiih 'l , e 1 C. i,i.' rii.n ji' t 31-1 i ! n, oil'n n'. ; 'he:; iv ,l h nhout ami eiiiiieuv ,:'.'i Ha., ut (..i.l i M. ill'- r. i'. T. K uo'.i 1 C.IO1OI1I lit ! Ml'! '-i !SS h. Ill , V 1. 1 o.oiil fj. mil' j'df -1 s i:-. Tygh Sue tt ueioe, n,e Villi Pi ("IS k with id!' : hi 1 . he seor 1 v.'ay 'and li 1 1 fff. man i V, . . vtay lo I ill u.lroa.! tn-siif ,vh'. t- !iu- li. I. Fe. il ls IK)-.' '! d'le t 'e ..11 h ne.i up.; li 'A'hhe cro.vsin; 2 , can 'lit eai a si ', "lit cf a tie :'--,it 1 . 1 ! : 1: '' his l ..h-ii... he i s: ;.i ; btlt w, Ml i! :m; hi- :.'.i! i r,.(.k and ii i . ,houKht two i,t tl e 1 i1 -,. Ite ... 1' - ! . t. -ih, i,,; aiiM Hie Hscher's Garage ((ct i!ie Dftschales' '! In-- 1 1 r niO .e v, uh a! ble r, ..hi,-, ii 1 r r'-.o 1:' .hi v i), " p'fpm.ii- 'I'-'l'V I -M-l e.. I, i . ti-r 1 i ,.; 1 Pie In,- p,n ei- ac! -1, Run. 1 eil iii i , I - ii -eiis ra il' sh.eiii.-, i. 111 pe-Pc-: e 11 i'-:"Mi, SVmi .5 I . it V 1 tar i , s ' 1! the sain" h pi. n t lien h, .t m .ii -! '1 ' !n ,' ' 1 e 1 , sell .:: i-.:.iil .ve ..- d Al-VOM : ; ; Too 0 I'm- ? 1 1. 1 1 1 : oil v. :.U I. J. FISCHrt.irS GARAGE f n )''' - " ';jj w li iil itr),wi.ii.inMwi.-imii ,1 mtatjfiw: .a aanwn n