The Maupin times. (Maupin, Or.) 1914-1930, April 16, 1915, Image 7

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It is a sure enemy to health,
strength and happiness. It
robs you of your appetite,
causes constipation, bilious
spells and a general rundown
condition. You can help
Nature conquer it by the
timely aid of
Stomach Bitters
It will help you bring back
the appetite, aid digestion
and promote health in a gen
eral way. For over 60 years
it has enjoyed public confi
dence. Try it Today. Avoid Substitutes
Use for Anthologlet.
The mistake Is in thinking that all
poetry is for all readers. On the con
trary the realm of poetry Is as wide
as the world, for the very-reaBon that
each man may find there Just what
he needs and leave the rest. The
thing Is to discover the poetry that
was meant for us, and perhaps the
best way to do that is to turn over the
pages of some well-made selection,
and see where our eyes get caught
and held. Richard Le Gallienne.
Constipation causes many serious
diseases. It is thoroughly cured bj
Doctor Pierce's Pleasant Pellets. One
a laxative, three for cathartic.
The Vast World.
A student of Erfurt, desiring to see
Nuremberg, departed with a friend on
a Journey thither. Before they had
walked half a mile, he asked his com
panion whether they should soon get
to Nuremberg, and was answered:
" 'Tis scarce likely, since we have only
Just left Erfurt." Having repeated the
question another half mile farther on,
and getting the same answer, he said:
"Let's give up the Journey and go
back, since the world's so vast!"
Luther's "Table Talk."
Got Hli Answer.
He "Why are you women alwayi
going to bargain sales in the hope oi
getting something for nothing?" She
"For the same reason you men are
always going to your poker clubs."
Dallas News.
Some Indication.
Mary "I'm positive Fred loves mo
and intends to make me his wife."
Helen "Why? Has he proposed yet?"
Mary "No; but he dislikes mother
more every time he sees her." Liver
pool Mercury.
All the Difference.
"In India a lac of rupees is a foi
tune." "And in America a lack of dol
lars is a misfortune." Boston Tran
Dally Thought.
The gods will give what Is most
suitable rather than what is most
pleasing; man is dearer to them than
he is to himself. Juvenal.
Another One.
"What are the two sexes, Alec?"
asked the teacher. "Masculine and
feline," answered Alec. Woman's
Home Companion.
Though SickanJ Suffering; At
Last Found Help in Lydia
E. Pinkham's Vegeta
ble Compound.
Richmond, Pa. -"When I started
taking Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable
Lorn pound 1 was in a
dreadfully rundown
state of health,
had internal trou
bles, and was so ex
tremely nervous and
prostrated that if I
had given in to my
feelings I would
have been in bed.
Ai it was I had
hardly strength at
times to be on my
feet and what I did do was by great
effort I could not sleep at night and
of course felt very bad in the morning,
and had steady headache.
"After taking the second bottle 1 uu
ticed that the headache was not so bad,
I rested better, and my nerves were
stronger. I continued its use until it
made a new woman of me, and now I
can hardly realize that I am able to do
so much as I do. Whenever I know any
woman in need of a good medicine I
highly praise Lydia E. Pinkham's Veg
etable Compound." Mrs. Frank
Clark, 3146 N. Tulip St, Richmond, Pa,
Women Ilare Been Telling Womea
for forty years how Lydia E. Pinkham's
Vegetable Compound has restored
health when suffering with female ills.
This accounts for the enormous demand
for it from coast to coast If you are
troubled with any ailment peculiar to
women why don't you try Lydia E.
Pinkham's Vegetable Compound T It
will pay you to do so. Lydia E. Pink
bam Medicine Co., Lynn, Mass.
Dummy Figures Used as Batter
and Catcher.
Really Ingenious Device That Seems
to Have Practical Points Elec
tricity Is the Motive Power
of the "Players."
A machine for practicing baseball.
devised by an Ohio inventor, has two
life-size figures that take the part of
batter and catcher. An electric motor
puts "life" into their movements. Rods,
levers, Joints and springs contained
within the bodies of the dummies
cause them to maintain automatically
The Baseball-Playing Dummies and
the Mechanism That Makes Them
their end of the game as batter and
catcher. Here is how it is done:
In the abdomen of the catcher dum
my is a plate which when hit by the
baseball thrown by the player who is
practicing closes an electric circuit
and causes a bell or buzzer 4o ring.
The catcher's arms and hands are
mounted to move in and out on a hori
zontal plane. The batter, on the other
hand, moves his bat up and down.
To practice with this machine you
take a position about sixty feet from
the dummy batter and throw at his
bat, which extends over the home
plate; if the bat is hit, you can Jot
down one on the score card. Or, land
the ball in the abdomen of the catcher,
hit the registering plate and ring the
electrio bell, and a strike is credited
you. If the ball hits the batter or
catcher elsewhere than Intended, a
foul is counted.
The inventor insists that the dum
mies are not unlike natural persons in
performing their functions, although
some players might not approve of
the mode of "catching" the ball de
Rostand on the War.
In a delightful corner of the Pyre
nees a number of temporary hospitals
have been established. Quite often a
certain visitor of note comes to these
little hospitals, bringing to the wound
ed some small comforts, among which
are tobacco, cigarettes and chocolate.
He is clothed as a common soldier, al
though he wears hanging from his
neck the cross of a commander of the
Legion of Honor. This is Monsieur
Edmond Rostand, poet and playwright,
the hermit of Cambo, who thus pre
fers the uniform of an Infantryman
to the flannel Jacket of the mountain
proprietor or even the green coat of an
"Immortai." Not all of his "clients"
know who Is this distinguished visitor.
One of them describes him as "a man
who has not much hair on his head
and writes pieces." M. Rostand has
become fat. Our soldiers are getting
fat. All the letters from the front
certify this. M. Rostand has done like
wise and has done well. Le Crl de
Spooning Is Defined.
"Spooning" in the public play
grounds of Pittsburgh is to end If
plans of W. F. Ashe, superintendent of
the new city bureau of recreation are
put through. Instead, dances under
proper supervision and other healthful
social activities will be carried out.
"What is understood as spooning,"
Mr. Ashe says, "is Justifiable only
when it is the expression of the love
of a man for the woman who is to
become his wife or the woman for the
man who is to become her husband.
In young boys and girls it should be
discouraged. We shall have choral so
cieties for the boys and girls. Danc
ing and music will provide the sub
stitute for spooning."
Mall From a Shipwreck.
Echoes of the tragic fate of the Em
press of Ireland still come over the
waters. For example, a lady who was
at the time visiting in Canada wrote
to her sister In England. The letter
never arrived, but the sister came
back In due course. And now. all nn-
expectedly, her missive has been de
livered, stamped with the words: "Re
covered by divers from the wreck of
the Empress of Ireland." It speaks
well for the quality of the mall bags
when one says that the letter shows
scarcely any trace of Its eight months'
Immersion in the bed of the St Law
rence. Pall Mall Gazette.
With Precaution Lacking.
The Chicago bureau of safety tells
how men blasting a stump broke a
charged light wire on a pole. The
wire fell to the ground. The foreman
sent a man to the lighting company
to order the necessary repairs, but did
not place a guard over the wire. A
man took bold of the wire and was
"Safety first" requires that thought
ful precautions should be takes to
avoid such fatalities.
Apocryphal Story Told of Col. George
Harvey Not Remembered as
Peacham Boy.
A story apocryphal, perhaps, but
at any rate timely is going the
rounds of Park Row about Col. George
Harvey, the editor.
Colonel Harvey, according to this
story, visited his native Peacham a
short time after his first brilliant New
York success, and, on a cold winter
morning, entered the Peacham gen
eral store. But nobody, to his sur
prise, knew him.
Colonel Harvey, seated with the
Peacham veterans around the hot
stove, could not resist telling one or
two of his minor metropolitan suc
cessessuccesses which the Peacham-
ites beard in a cold silence.
"And I, too, am a Peacham boy," Bald
Colonel Harvey. "Yet nobody remem
bers me here. Strange!"
He turned warmly to an old man
with red chin whiskers striped with
"You," he said, "are George Slo
cum." He turned to another old man who
had very large, white, even false
"You are George R. Boone," he
Then he turned to the whole circle
of veterans round the stove and cried
"Somebody, surely, must remember
my name. Come now, think! It's
George George George "
"Wall, Jedgin' from them tales ye
bin a-givin' us," snorted an old fellow
In gum boots, "I reckon It hain"t
George Washin'ton, nohow."
Blondine Gerty Giddygad is the
most resourceful girl I know.
Brunetta In what way?
"The other day the young man she
is trying to land for a husband called
her attention to a spot of powder on
her nose."
"Well, well"
" 'And Gerty said: 1 always do that
every time I eat marshmallows.'"
Why She Changed.
Visitor Why, Aunt Chloe, I'm sur
prised to see that you have discarded
your corncob pipe and taken to chew
ing tobacco.
Aunt Chloe Yes, chile, ah had to.
Ah dun got afeard dat ah might get
mistaken foh one ob dem brainless
New York society women ef ah didn't
gib up smokin. Puck.
Locating the Injury.
Uncle John permitted Jamie to dis
charge his old army musket.
When the recoil of the gun nearly
knocked the youngster off his feet,
TJncle John inquired with a grin:
"Did it kick you?"
"No," replied Jamie, "but it gave me
an awful punch in the shoulder."
A Trifle Sore.
"How did you get so muddy?"
"Aw, I was foolish enough to spend
four hours in a damp field trying to
find a four-leaf clover."
"Then you think a four-leaf clovel
will bring one luck?"
"I did. But now I think anybody
lucky enough to find a four-leaf clover
doesn't need any additional luck."
How He Won.
First Business Man To what do
you attribute your success?
Second Business Man To the fact
that I was always first at the office.
For seventeen years I caught the 6:15
into town.
First Business Man Ah, I see. All
due to your early training. Columbia
Her Little Brother Say, Mame, I
believe If I wasn't here Mr. Wise,
there, would kiss you.
His Sister Mame For your Impu
dence, you must leave the room at
"Yes, Edgah's clgawets are all
marked with his monogram, don't you
"Does Edgah smoke to excess?"
"Oh, deah, no. It's more monogram-
mtng than It Is smoking, don't you
"Have you read the beautiful, new
set of books the agent persuaded you
to buy?"
"No. I haven't read any of them
yet. But I have looked at most of the
Nllly Willy.
Crawford Did you have any regu
lar schedule when you went on your
motoring tour?
Crabshaw Oh, no; we Just natural
ly stopped wherever the car happened
to have its breakdown. Judge,
Latest Talking-Machine
The equal in tone-quality of any $200 model
t? S?wa. P!tll7 for thoH who know tha mo
l?H ? ?f vU1fl,n lln. In tha home, but whe
cJasi ltnmL al0Ut pay'n $S0 t0T ftr,t'
..SlS?.il.A.tLk,nl .mehln that combine all of the
d-?2i . J? machine, that le eorreetly
wv'Sf? ?t"u117 ,'5nihJ that !e In every
heretofore? uUty of any flOO machine made
A.2 "J1.?1? w.e off thM eplendld new Instru
TZSf.i ,th.VTiPJ'", 2f "" b"' we Include with
each, absolutely without further charges, a collection of
i.,h At. thrVkof fhom tnle discs and the balance
c?..n m2k Vlir ln!lS lection, by Constantino,
ifhi??' 8cj,n-H1nt and other world-famou'l, ub,ni u,,pijr f mw
Atmimcn acnAAmawoj
' -aero owt9mf
Portland, Oregon
Write for
Oils and Greases
are the goods of QUALITY.
Oik and Greases (or AUTOMOBILES.
Oils and Greases for TRACTION and HARVESTERS
Oils and Greases for STEAM ENGINES.
Oil cornea In 1, 5, 15. 32 and 66 ffil. pkgs.
Grease comes in 1, Vht 6, 10, 16, 2dlb. and up
Write us for prices and particulars.
tVw MirikiU 1216. 68FrdiSL,rnUei,0r.
nana -?ooj v OTt u.ssei joj
JI Saors Xjjedojd inq i.trrjo noi ou
pus 'jCuAMjSjq enqouiojnn u o;ui j
peaiR) pus di.qs strj a) peouej enf a
-jou ssenS I ipeSuinooerp eu je jnq
Ijsqjo err) 0) jopjoq euo tuoj; epi
eura v q)id el pus jbbjC jssi ersis
jno no pspueosep BjeddoqssBiS en,,,
'jemooq ujsjbs etrj pros 'de.
umox em petuoog jaddou.tsuQ
Testing Precious atones.
The science of optics has in the last
year or so given much aid to Jewelers
in making tests that are said to be ab
solutely conclusive as to the nature
of a gem. The refractive index, or the
power of bending light rays, is deter
mined as to precious stones in the
same way as that of the spectacle
lenses which the opticians sell.
Try Murine Bye Itemedy for Red, Weak, Water
Byes and Granulated Eyelids; No Hinarting
lusWKye Comfort. Write for Book of llie Eye
by mail Free. Murine Eye Remedy Co., Chicago.
More Dire Threat.
There was trouble in the back yard.
Six-year-old Billy had thrown a stone
at a boy in the next yard, who was
making vociferous threats. "If you
throw another stone," he yelled, "I'll
sick my dog on you!" "Huh!" replied
Billy. "If you come into my yard I'll
sick my mother on you!" Youth's
The Real American.
America is the land of labor and by
no means what the English call Lub
berland and the French Pays de Co
cagne, where the streets are said to be
paved with halt peck loaves, the
houses tiled with pancakes and where
the fowls fly about ready roasted, cry
ing, "Come, eat me." Franklin.
The Aurora.
The Northern Lights, or Aurora
Dorealls, are caused by the flow ol
positive electricity, off from the earth,
through the icy mlBts or clouds that
float above the poles, toward the plan
etary spaces. There is a close causal
connection between the aurora and the
"sun spots."
First In Resurrection.
In some districts of India the east
ern parts of cemeteries are regarded
as the most deBlrable. The choice is
based on the belief that the dead In
the eastern section will be the first
to leap from their graves, brush the
dust from their bones and proclaim
their readiness to ascend.
Information Desired.
Wonder who loses all the fault e?
erybody seems to find. Philadelphia
When you know physicians have
prescribed reslnol for 20 years In the
treatment of eczema and other itching,
burning, unsightly skin eruptions, and
have written thousands of reports say
ing: "It Is my regular prescription
for Itching," "Reslnol has produced
brlllant results,' "The result It gave
was marvelous In one of the worst
cases of eciema," etc., etc., doesn't It
make you feel that "this is the treat
ment I can rely on for MY skin
trouble?" The moment reslnol ointment
touches Itching skins, the Itching
"tnjn and healing begins. With the
aid of reslnol soap, it almost always
clears away every trace of eczema,
ringworm, pimples, or other torment
ing eruptions quickly, leaving the skin
:lear and healthy. Sold by all drug
lists. Adv.
actual photographs cf this and other
Business gives work to labor's
countless hands; business wipes the
tears from the eyes of widows and or
phans; business dimples with joy the
cheek of sorrow; business puts a roof
above the heads of the homeless; busi
ness ' covers the land with happy
homes; business will feed the hungry,
clothe the naked, educate the ignor
ant, enrich the world with art fill the
air with song. Ingersoll.
Too witty for the Lawyers.
A man was excused from a jury on
his plea that he was a pharmacist The
next man asking to be excused said he
had a similar reason, for he was a
"farm assistant." He was not excused,
but he got to hear no cases. The law
yers were afraid of blm. He was too
Aeld-Proof Corks.
Soak the corks in hot paraffin. This
will prevent the acids from eating
away the corks.
Dally Thought.
It Is not wealth or ancestry but hon
orable conduct and a noble disposition
that make men great. Ovid.
In the Expectant Period
Before the coming of the little one women need to be pos
sessed of all their natural strengfJi. Instead of being harassed
by forebodings and weakenea by nausea, sleeplessness,
or nervousness if you will bring to your aid
Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription
you will find that most of the suffer
ing will not make its appearunce.
Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription is the result of a life study of
ailments, disorders and irregularities peculiar to women. Its continued
supremacy in its particular field for more than forty years ia your
assurance of the benefit to be derived from its use.
Neither narcotics nor alcohol will be found in this vegetable prescrip
tion, in liquid or tablet form. Sold by druggists or a triul box will be
sent you by mail on receipt of 60 one-cent stamps.
Address Br. Pleree's Invalids Hotel, Buffalo. N. T.
Dr. Pleree's Pleasant PeUets resalate liver and bowels
Wonderful Blood Remedy
That Works in tho Tissues
Tha Very Latest Theory About How and Why th
Blood is
S. S. S. Means Pure Blood Which Insures Long Life and Health.
The srraat In m.. ...... . -.1
Phyalology now declare what has all
along been contended by (ha Hwlft lab
oratory that the norma of blood dlaordera
find lodgment In the Interstices of the tla.
And herein Is where B. 8. B. goes to
work rapidly, effectively and with, won
derfully noticeable results.
This famous blood purifier contains
medicinal components Just an vital ana
eisentlal to healthy blood aa the nutritive
elements of wheat, roant beef, and fata
and the sugars that make up our dally
As a matter of fact there Is one Ingre
dient In 8. 8. 8. which aervea tha active
purpose of stimulating each cellular part
of the body to the healthy and Judlcloua
election of its own eaaentlal nutriment.
That Is why It regenerates tha blxd sup.
ply; why It baa auch a tremendous In
fluenca In overcoming eciema, roan, pim
ple, and all skin amictlou.
Delivered, everywhere
In the state, tor
Free Trial
new models.
Keep Kids Kleen
The tnoit practical, healthful, playtime
garmcnti ever Invented for children 1
to 8 yean of are. Made In one piece
with drop back. Easily slipped on or
off. Emily washed. No ttrbl
elastic band! to nop circulation.
Made in blue denim, and blue and
white hickory tt.lpei for all the
year round. Also lighter weight
material for autnmer wear. All
garments trimmed with fast red or
blue Ealatea. Made In Dutch neck
with elbow aleevea and high
Deck and long sleeves.
75c the suit
If your dealer cannot aupply yon,
we will send thrm, charges prepaid
on receipt of price, 75c each.
A New
a kLtu
I Mad. By
VLevI Straus & Co., San Francisco
Keeps Butter Sweet.
Housekeepers who get butter by tha
lar or tub will find that a little char
coal placed in a paper bag and then
put Into the tub or jar will keep tha
butter sweet.
And In regenerating the tissues 8. 8. 8.
has a rapid and positive antidotal effect
upon all those Irritating Influences that
cause rheumatism, sure throat, weak
eyes, Ion of weight, thin pale cheeks, and
that weariness of muscle and nerve that
Is generally eiperlcnced, by all sufferer
with poisoned bluod.
Get a bottle of 8. 8. B. at any drug
store, and In a few day you will got only
feel bright, and energotlo, but you will be,
the picture of new Ufa.
B. B. S. I prepared only In the labora
tory of tha Swift Bpecino Co., SOI Hwlft
Hhlg, Atlanta, Oa. Who maintain a very
efficient Uedical Department, where ait
who have any blood disorder of a stub
born nature may write freely for advice
8. S. 8. Is sold everywhere by all drug
Ileware of all attempt to sell yon
something "Just as rood." Insist uuoa
B. H. B.
To expel stnmnrh and Intestinal worm from colts, as
well as older hows, use a remeily will nut "phvulc them
to death," hut will act aa a tunic. In this renpet t SPOHN'S
I uneuuHleil. Full Instruction In booklet with every buttle.
All druggist or manufacturer.
POHN MEDICAL CO., Goshen, Ind., U. S. A.