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About The Maupin times. (Maupin, Or.) 1914-1930 | View Entire Issue (April 16, 1915)
MtiiTyral 1 mititW"ii.i' Maria Theresa strasse, Innsbruck I ' N many respects the Austrian Ty rol Is the most picturesque corner of Europe, says Thomas O'Hagan in the Detroit Free Press. It has, too. a beauty all Its own. Its chief city, Innsbruck, which was known by the name of Innspons In the days of Caesar, has a most charming situa tion. The snow-capped Bavarian Alps stand as sentinels at ita very gates. .. This gives It a royal setting. They are God's watch towers royal watch tow- ; rs on the earth. To many travelers Austria makes , greater appeal than Germany. In the first place, there is more variety and , Individuality in Its people. Then the . proud Hapsburg line reaches so far back and lights up the pages of his tory with so much splendor and vl- , cissltude of fortune, that you turn from the new realms of the earth to tile history-dowered castles of Aus tria which was great when Guelph and Ghlbelllne contended on the streets of . fair Florence. , There Is probably not a prouder people In Europe than the Austrlans. But, of course, in the Austrian empire are many races many tongues. The Hungarian, the Bohemian, the Croa tian, the Dalmatian, the Pole, the Ga- . llclan, the Tyrolean all these differ oue from the other. In the Tyrolean the Teuton and the Latin meet, and It Is an excellent blending. When you take, for Instance, the Teuton of the north of Germany, his character and temperament are too hard and cold and material to attract. Indeed, you cannot find In the Teuton of the north that warmth and radlutlon which mark the men and women of the Tyro lean valley. The climate, too, in the Tyrol seems to be a blending of Italy and Norway without the extreme ten- . denotes of either. The strength of the north and the tenderness of the south meet at Innsbruck and unite in a pleasing harmony. Known to Ancients as Rhaetla, The Tyrol as an ancient realm reaches very far In history. Together with a portion of eastern Switzerland the Tyrol was known to Greek and Roman writers as Rhaetla. Horace sings of "The Alpine Rhaetla long unmatched In fight." The Romans, who were a most practical people, built a road through the Tyrol as a thor oughfare between Italy and Germany. Perhaps the moBt dramatic episode or chapter In the history of the Tyrol Is that which centers around the name of Andreas Hofer. This chapter of Tyrolean history la known as the Pa- trlotlo war of 1809. Andreas Hofer Is to the Tyrolese what William Tell Is to the Swiss and Bruce and Wallace to every Scotchman. It is the time of the great Napoleon, when his conquering sword gleams lu triumph on every battlefield lu Europe, In 1S)5 the Austrlans were defeated at TJIm and a French army undor Mar shal Ney occupied Innsbruck. Then came the battle of AusterllU, which shattered the power of Austria and the trenty of Prt'ssburg, by which Tyrol and Vovnrlheru were given up to na varla, lu 1806 the Bavarians took for mnl possession of this new territory, The Tyrol people rose against their new masters, and the figure that stands out In bold relief In this im tlonnl rising Is Andreas Hofer, an Inn keeper of Snndyland, In the Passe valley. He forthwith went to Vienna, Interviewed the Archduke John, and returned to his home invested with full power as commander In chief of the national forces. This was in th beginning of April, 1809, and so well did Hofer lead his countrymen who flocked to his standard that before the end of April the Tyrol was again free except the fortress of Kufsteln, till occupied by the Bavarians. But at this moment Austria gave the command of the troops to Chan teler, who, In a few days, lost all that Hofer and his peasant army had won, On July (, 1809, Austria, vanquished at WiRram, was forced to sign the armistice of Znaira, and In this con vention the Tyrol was Ignored. Andreas Hofer, however, refused to abide by this convention, and, hidden way In an Impenetrable gorge, he aent from valley to valley his call to arms.' A price was placed on the bead of the rebel, and as Is always the case, a wretch was found to be tray Hofer's retreat. Four French offi cers and a battalion of infantry escort ed him as a prisoner to Mantua, where he was tried by court-martial and con demned to death. A platoon of sol diers carried out the death sentence, Hofer refusing either to have his eyes bandaged or to kneel down. Center of Art and Literature. Innsbruck Is a great intellectual cen ter. Its university, founded by the Emperor Leopold I, in 1677, is recog nized as very strong in the depart ments of medicine and philosophy, The Jesuits have charge of the theo logical and philosophical departments, Here it was that the great historian of the popes, Professor Pastor, lec tured for many years before he was in vited to take a position in the Vatican I library by Pope Leo XIII. Professor Pastor still resides In Rome. Innsbruck has been a Bhrtne, too, for artists and literary men through the centuries because of the wealth of art, especially bronze statues, in Its churches. Its monuments and trlum phal arches greet the eye at every cor ner. The people of Innsbruck, too, are very fond of the drama and a local stock company puts on during the theatrical season many of Shake speare's plays, translated into German As you saunter through the narrow streets of the city you are Bhown many historic buildings. The Hot klrche, with Its many monuments, Is regarded as the Tyrolean Westminster abbey. The 28 colossal bronze statues once torch bearers surrounding the tomb of the Emperor Maximilian I, all have some real or fanciful connection with the house of Hapsburg. They differ In Btylo and merit, two of them Arthur of England and Theodorlc the Goth being of unusual beauty. and ascribed by many critics to Peter Vlscher. In Duke Frederick street there is an Inn, the Goldener Adlor (Golden Eagle), the oldest In the city, around which centers a good deal of history for In years agoue this house was pat rontzed by all the potentates and ce lebrities who passed through Inns bruck. Amongst its inmates have been the Emperor Joseph II, Louis king of Bavaria, Andreas Hofer, Heln- rich Heine and Goethe. I remember well that in company with several stu dents, I once strolled Into the Golden Eagle, thinking that perhaps through "stein" of good Tyrolean beer might catch something of the Infection of the genius of Goethe did some of his glorious spirit still abide there but alas! my trial was in vain, for came away bearing along with me not even "The Sorrows of Werther. Let me here bid farewell to the glo rlous Tyrol and Us kindly, genial and really good people. In their vales 1 still hear their yodels and see their children romping in picturesque cos tume. In the churches and before the wayside crosses I see beautiful testi mony that they are people of God." To Get Rid of a Cold. If you find you have caught cold in spite of precautions, nip It la the bud. The time to attack a cold In order to cure it is at its very start. At the first sniffle or the first cough bogln to fight It. Drink pleuty of fresh wator, eat lightly, and get plenty of sleep. Be fore going to bed take a hot bath and drink a hot lemonade. Then cover up warmly and be sure there la no draft between the windows and the door, but have the window open enough to get plenty of air In the room. This treatment will probably cause you to perspire freely, and you must be care ful not to throw off the covers and ex pose your overheated body to more cold. It this treatment is taken at the start and carefully adhered to. It will probably drive the cold right out of your system. But if you do not treat It at the very beginning It will have to run Its course gradually. Different Styles. "What did your wife say when you told her that bread was six cents loafr "She said that it all kinds of loaf were worth that much I'd hart good Income." . WORTH WHILE RECIPES 8AVORY METHODS OF PREPARING VARIOUS VIANDS. Tit-Bits to Serve With Game or Cold Meat New Ideas for Vegetables Combinations of Cheese and Sweets. Here are some worth while recipes and ways of preparing food that will give a different savor to the viands Take a small quantity of boiled cod. flake fine, add enough mayon naise to make spreading paste, spread on lettuce leaf between rye slices. Salmon and tunny fish may be fixed in the same way, or Instead of the may onnaise add enough catchup and sea soning to make the paste. Cold boiled lobster, cold boiled shrimp may be shredded or cut fine and prepared In the same way. Many will like them with the French dressing, however, rather than the mayonnaise. Game. Minced chicken, guinea fowl or turkey are good mixed with a tiny bit of chowchow, sweet pickle, current jelly or orange marmalade, as well as with good mayonnaise made with mustard. Meats. All cold meats, thinly sliced or minced, are acceptable with any of he dressings, or lightly spreading the bread with apple Bauce before lay ing on the sliced meat. Vegetables French peas that have been stewed, mashed to a paste, sea soned to taste, lighted with a little whipped cream and a teaspoonful of chopped ham or tongue make an ex cellent filling. The macedolne of vege tables, drained and finely chopped, mixed with mayonnaise, is good. Grated with onion with a little fine ly minced cold roast beef, pepper and salt and a few drops of mustard dress ing it is quite appetizing if one likes onion. Cheese and Sweets. Combinations with cream cheese which has been softened with whipped cream are nu merous. Little finely chopped pre served ginger and a tablespoonful of the sirup mixed to a spreading paste; puree of chestnuts mixed with the cheese, orange marmalade, bar-le-duc, a little of any of the preserved fruits, or finely chopped fresh fruit may be blended with the cheese. If needed, a little mayonnaise or whipped cream may be used to bind the paste. A little grated cheese sprinkled on tris cults, then placed in an oven for a minute or two to melt, with another triscult placed on it, are frail to carry out, but very nice sandwiches. Pumpkin Pudding. Into a pint of stewed pumpkin beat the whipped yolks of five eggs, two pints of milk, three-fourthB of a cupful of Bugar and half a teaspoonful- each of powdered mace, nutmeg and cinnamon. Last of all stir in lightly the Btiffly beaten whites of five eggs, turn the mixture Into a buttered pudding dish and bake until set Serve hot with a hard sauce. What Any Cook Knows. Never throw away cake, no mattei how dry but the next time you bake a custard slice it on top before putting into the oven. This makes a delicious caramel crust To remove fruit stains from table- clothB and serviettes apply powdered starch to the stained parts, and leave for several hours till all the discolora tion has been absorbed by the starch. Always put scrubbing brushes to dry with bristles face downward. This lengthens their lives considerably, as If dried the other way the moisture naturally soaks Into the wood and rots the bristles. Bread Pancackes. Cut the crusts from Btale bread and break In bits, cover with sour milk and set aside over night. In the morn ing add one level teaspoonful of soda to each pint of the bread and milk mixture; beat until it is smooth and foamy. You may need to add some sweet milk to make the batter thin enough. Season with salt and fry on griddle. If eggs are added to the above the cakes are much like omelets and are very fine with Jelly between them. Potatoes a la Milanese. Take as many potatoes as are re quired. Choose large ones, bake them till soft then cut off the tops and scoop out the lnsldes. Rub the potato thrnueh a sieve Bnd add a tablespoon.- ful of grated cheese, pepper and sail Melt one ounce of butter lu a stewpan, stir in the potatoes and make it hot, then fill the cases with It and put them In the oven for a few minutes. Serve very hot Crullers. Mix a cupful of sugar, three table- spoonfuls of butter, a cupful of cream, three cuptuls of flour sifted with two teaspoontula of salt If more flour Is needed tor a soft dough add It Roll the dough out and cut In two-Inch squares. Slash with a jagging Iron or a knife, try, drain and roll in sugar. Cheese Soup. Roast three large, green peppers, then throw them in cold water, and remove the skin. Shred them, then try In a spoonful of butter. Add two cuptuls of hot water and a little salt Just before serving, add a few rolled crackers and a cupful ot grated cheese Removing Egg 8talns from Silver, A pinch ot table salt taken between the thumb and finger and rubbed on the spot with the end ot the flngei will usually remove the darkest cgi stain from silver. EASY WAY TO FILTER WATER Simple and Comparatively Without Cost Excellent Lamp for the Sick roomTowel Brackets. It often happens that pump water is filled with sand cr gritty substance, and one must wait until it has settled before It is fit to use. If this is the case, an easy way to filter it is to take a rather fine sponge, just large enough to fit into the spout of the pump. Attach a wire to the sponge, so that when it is pushed up in the spout it can easily be removed. When the water runs through this sponge it will come out clear, for the sand will be collected by the sponge. Be sure not to get the sponge too large, or It will stop the flow of water. Take the sponge out at least twice a week and clean it thoroughly. A small lamp can be made for the sickroom by taking a bottle such as mucilage comes in and attaching to it by a wire a short piece of brass or copper tubing one-eighth of an inch In diameter. A thick piece of cotton cord makes the wick, and the chimney Is simply a tumbler with the bottom cut out. These lamps are safe and will burn without odor. Lard oil will be found a good substitute for kero sene and will be less apt to smoke. ' Very serviceable brackets for a towel roller can be made by using or dinary wire hooks, as shown in the Illustration. The roller is made of wood a broom handle will do and two nails with the heads knocked off are inserted in the ends. These are put through the opening in the ends the hooks, so that the roller can revolve easily. When it is necessary change towels, spring the hooks apart and slip out the roller. HOUSEHOLD HINTS It is a needless waste of flre to keep stove red hot all the time. Rice with grated cheese over it makes a change as a luncheon dish. Turpentine Is said to restore the lost whiteness of ivory handles of cutlery. Bordered or plastered walls make an excellent background if stained a good color. Cream cheese and watercress will make a delicious sandwich for the lunch basket Sometimes merely bending new kinks into a hat make It look like a new shape. Charming footstool covers are made of gray linen worked in colored cross- stitch design. No fruit salad is complete without touch of color in the Bhape pf a maraschino cherry. A good meat salad is made with chopped cold meat and cold boiled potatoes, onion and parsley. Bread and butter, cheese and beans. nuts and sugar, are among the best foods for the hard worker. It is said that all kinds of natural- colored feathers can be washed luke-warm water and good white soap. Hints for Good Cooks, Salad dressing can be made of al most anything, but the best imitation of the genuine can be manufactured by taking two teacupfuls ot gasoline, pint of ammonia, three tablespoontuls of cod liver oil and a jigger of axle grease, There Is always one way sure to tell when an egg Is bad. Boll It soft and then open It with a common case knife or a spoon. If it is left long in doubt Peach Pie. Line pie plate with a rich pie crust and fill with peaches, either canned or fresh. Sweeten as desired and bake until nearly done. Then cover top with dots of currant jelly, or any tart jell and finish baking. Beat whites two eggs Btlff; stir in one-fourth cup ful sugar; spread over pie and brow With Your Pepper 8eeda, MVnen using green or red sweet pep pers save the sseds, which you find in large numbers inside the shell. Dry these on a plate and put them in a wide-necked bottle. They are delici ous tor giving test to soups, gravies, sauces, salad dressing and the like. To Clean a Carpet Sweeper. A very coarse scrubbing brush will be found the best thing for removing the threads, hairs, etc., which are so hard to get out ot the brushes ot a carpet sweeper. For Tar Stains. Tar stains mar be removed from cotton fabrics by covering the spots with butter and allowing it to remain for a few houra before washing. Flannel Dish Clothe. Try using white outing flannel for dish cloths. They are very durable, also softer tor glass and One china A 14 inch square is a food ilia, THE NEW 1915 REO "The Car that Carries You Safely." A Car of absolute dependability, consistent in daily perform ance, economical in fuel and upkeep; refined, improved and priced low because REO purchasing power and manufacturing con ditions make low price possible. Always ready to take the road, be it smooth or rough alert, eager with an excess of reserve power to meet any contingency. Visit with the nearest Reo dealer, or write to us for full, free information about this wonderful car. The Reo Four $1050. The Reo Six $1385 F. O. B. Factory. A LIMITED TERRITORY OPEN FOR RELIABLE AGENTS. Reo Service covers every mile of the way from the Canadian border to Mexico NORTHWEST AUTO CO., Distributors for Pacific Northwest. F. W. VOGLER, President Broadway at Couch St., Portland, Oregon. TTASN AUTOMOBILE REPAIRING AND DRIVING at the best equipped, most up-to-date and only practical Automobile School in the Northwest. Lu ec M. Auto ttepair Kjo., .w " "" - A FIGHT ON HlOrl prices. Why pay $5 to $10 for a pair of Rlasses when I can fit your eyes with flt nunlitv lenses in a gold filled frame as low as $1.60? Chas. W. Good man, 21(9 Morrison St., Portland, Or. Glasses fit ted by mail. Write for particulars. WEEKS' BREAK -UP-A-COLD TABLETS A puaranteed remedy for Colds and La Grippe; Price 25c of your druggist. It's good. Take nothing else. Adv. HOTEL CARLTON 14th and Washingion Sts., Portland, Ore. Rooms with bath, $1.60 per day. Rooms without bath, ii.w per aay. All Outside Rooms Fireproof Construction Special Rates for permanent guests. Eoss Finnegan, Mgr. Victor Brandt, Prop. BICYCLE BARGAINS ALL MAKES The only Btrictly Bicycle Salesroom and Re pair Shop in Portland. Price list on applica tion. Write 108 lath St., Corner Washington, SCOVILL'S CYCLERY One Penalty of Fame. The Victim "Ptomaine poisoning, ehT Well, I surely was a blame fool to eat the stuff." The Doctor "But, my dear sir, you can't establish your self as a recognized epicure without a touch of ptomaine now and then." Cleveland Plain Dealer. EAST OREGON JACK FARM R. F. SWAGGART, Prop. "John L. Sullivan" a 3-year-old Jack raised on this farm. Breeders of Jacks; Thoroughbred Saddle, Relay and Running Horses; Berkshire Bogs. Lexington, Oregon. TWO CARLOADS OF IVER JOHNSON BICYCLES To be closed out at Actual Cost We are going out of the Bicycle Busi ness and will sell at Retail all our High Crude Ivtr Johnson Wheels at the follow ing prices: Ladies' Roadster, Model 1487-L, complete with Coaster Brake. Mudguards and Tires, Regular $35 Wheels, st $25.00. Mens' Roadster, Model 1487, equipped as above, regular $33, at $25.00. Heavy Service Wheel. Model 1488-S. fully equipped. The Finest Wheel in America, regular $50. Special, $40.00. - This will be your only opportunity to get the Highest Grade Wheel manufactured at actual cost. All wheels fully guaranteed. H. T. HUDSON ARMS CO.. 110 Third SU Portland, Ore). DAMAGED WHEAT BARLEY AND OATS FOR HOG FEED $17.50 Per Ton f. o. b. Warehouse Full Information furnished upon application. WALTER A. GOSS, 418 Corbett Bldg., !W Eart 6911 Portland, Or. 9. N. O. No. 18, YVHEN srritiBc te etartJsan, please aes 11 tlea kts aaper. in For list of American firms employing AMERICAN LABOR in SOUTH AM ERIC A- send 1.00. Souli American Serving Co., B7, San Francisco, Cal. MOTORCYCLES and BICYCLES New and Second-hand Asrenta forThorand Excel Bior. Write for Catalogues and Second-hand prlci Lists. APEX BICYCLE CO., 124-126 12th TL, Portland, Orege. SAVE YOUR TEETH -n PniTIi j and have your mouthexaminen. VAUiic Ail j uga til0 very, iateHt Hdentiiic painless methods. DR. A. W. KEENK, 351 Washington St., Portland. PORTLAND BARBER COLLEGTj1 Teaches the Trade 8 Weeks. Scalp, J-J Face Massage a Specialty. Tools Free. Positions Guaranteed. PAY while LEARNING 293 Madison St, Portland. Oregon. CI TPTT TT?F"n The WILSON WA! nUriUnbU givea absolute com. fort and many cures; payment $1 week, wit! money-back guarantee. Write for FREE book Jay W. Wilson, 802 Commercial Club Building Portland, Oregon. HOWARD E. BTTRTON - Aimyor unit olomlrt, Ltwlville, Colorado. Sp6!imoii prices: bold, Sllvur. Laud, SI. Gold, Silver, 76o; Gold 60c; Zial orOoppor O. -Mulling envelope. d full price IM entonappllf'fttion. Control and Umpire worksO llolted. Iteforenoe: Uurboaate fiatloi insult to the Bee. An Insult to the bee Is to nsa the name to denote a crazy or erratic per son, as the bee Is possibly the most methodical of all insects, with tha possible exception of the ant. There fore the expression "He has bees in his bonnet" Is an offensive phrase ex cept that It may mean a buzzing in the head, such as president and other political aspirants are said to be af flicted with. "She's whiles crack brained and has a bee In her head" was not worthy rf "'"Vp.r Scott, though '' " :Aj.t v. Gnen hail been on u vmic at her grandmother's. Several days after, for disobedience, her mother said to her, "Sometimes, when little girls are naughty, their mothers give them away." Little Gwen looked troubled, then suddenly, with a bright smile, said, "Well, mother, If you are going to give me away, please give ms to grandma." Old English Public School. Harrow, tha famous English public school, was founded by John Lynn in 157L Rheumatism For Young and Old The acute agonizing pain of rheumatism is soothed at once by Sloan's Liniment. Do not rub it penetrates to the sore spot, bringing a comfort not dreamed of until tried. Get a bottle today. RHEUMATISM Her What Other Say. "I fcifhly rvoommeDd your Liniment M th bst remedy for rhpumatimn 1 ever uied. Before using it I spent I urge itimi of money trying to get relief of the misery and pnint in limbs and body, to I tried your Liniment both internal and eiternal and I found quick relief, and now am well and tironc Mio " Geo, Curtu, iii A', ttik St., SpnneUld, UL Hara'a Proof "T wish irt writ ftnH fell smm at fall I had down fourteen ttepa, and bruised my neck and hip vary bad. I could not sleep at all, I sent my wife for a 26 cent Dottle of your Liniment and in two days' tima 1 was on my feet Main." karU ttW. MttH Prvirit 4m., Si. Lu4, Uk SLOAN'S LINIMENT for neuralgia, sciatica, sprains and onuses. All DnrnUts, ISe. Send foar cent in ttempe for a TRIAL BOTTLE Dr. Earl S. Sloan. Inc. Dept. B. Philadelphia, Pa. I