The Maupin times. (Maupin, Or.) 1914-1930, April 09, 1915, Image 3

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    A Talking Machine
of $200 Quality
Pound of Feathers Weighs More
Than Pound of Lead.
Has Been Established as a Scientific
Tact Matter of Volume Is ths
Point That Must Be
The old joke, "Which Is heavier, a
f i Now for Only
Ji1 V.TKI 0
"The Car for the Country."
THE REO gives the utmost in quality and service at a
moderate price. By reason of its accessibility it is the most
economical car to overhaul lowest in fuel and upkeep.
Easy to operate, sturdy, reliable, and with an excess of
power that will carry you over any country road!
If there is no Reo dealer in your town, write to us for in
formation and Reo booklets, free.
PRICE $1050 F. 0. B. FACTORY.
Some territory now open for reliable agents.
Reo service all along the line from British Columbia to Panama-Pacific
Distributors for Pacific Northwest. F. W. VOGLER, President
Broadway at Couch St., Portland, Oregon.
New and Second-hand Aftents forThorand Excel
sior. Write forCataloprues-and Second-hand price
Lists. APEX BICYCLE CO., 124-126 12th Tl, Portland. Orecen
("VfcTtIA Tn and have your mouth examined,
vuiuc " I use the very latest scientific
painless methods. DR. A. W. KEENE,
S51H Washington St.. Portland.
Rubber Stamps for Fruit Boxes. Made on- short
est notice. Write. WHITE STAMP SEAL CO.,
Second ua aides, Portland, Oregon
Teaches the Trade 8 Weeks. Scalp, JJ
Face Massage a Specialty. Tools Free.
Positions Guaranteed. PAY while LEARNING.
193 Madison St, Portland, Oregon.
lUnftW givM abB0iute com.
fort and many cures; payments $1 week, with
money-back guarantee. Write for FREE book.
Jay W. Wilson, 802 Commercial Club Building,
Portland, Oregon.
When in need of good, reliable farm and dairy
help write or wire, our expense. Pioneer Employ
ment Company, 16 North Second Street, Portland,
Oregon. Established 16 years.
fct the best equipped, moat up-to-date and only
E radical Automobile scnooi in tne normwesi.
. & M. Auto Repair Co., 369 ibwtiiorM Arc ., Portland, Or
prices. Why pay $5 to $10
for a pair of glasses when
I can nt your eves with
1 first Quality lenses in a
Bold filled frame as low as $1.60? Chas. W. Good
man, 209 Morrison St., Portland, Ur. masses lu
ted by mail. Write for particulars.
14th and Washington Sti., Portland, Ore.
looms with bath, $1.50 per day. Rooms without
bath, 11.00 per day.
All Outside Rooms Fireproof Construction
Special Rates for permanent guesta.
Boss Finnegan, Mgr. Victor Brandt, Prop.
b no more necessary
than Smallpox. Army
experience has demonstrated
the almost miraculous effi
cacy, and harmlessnets, of Antityphoid Vaccination.
Be vaccinated NOW by your physician, you and
your family. It Is more Tital than house Insurance.
Ask your physician, druggist, or send for "Have
you bad Typhoid?" telling of Typhoid Vaccine,
results from use, and danger from Typhoid Carriers.
raoDticiN. vscciNis . ssauas undbr u. a, ov. ucimsi
Bad Habit to Cultivate.
The habit of dissipating every seri
ous thought by a suggestion of agree
able sensations Is as fatal to happi
ness as to virtue; for when amuse
ment Is uniformly substituted for ob
jects of moral and mental Interest,
we lose all that elevates our enjoy
ments above the scale of childish
pleasures. Anna Maria Porter.
pound of lead or a pound of feathers?"
Is not quite such a joke as It seems at
first glance. Archimedes taught us the
truth that a body Immersed In a liquid
or gas receives an upward push equal
to the weight of the liquid or the gas It
displaces. Suppose we arrange a bal
ance so that one of its arms can be
Introduced under the bell of an air
pump, and place upon each of Its arms
a weight, say one pound, both weights
made of the same size. They will ex
actly balance each other. If we ex
haust the air from under the bell, pro
ducing a vacuum, we remove the up
ward push, and the arm of the balance
that is in the vacuum descends. If
on the contrary we compress the air
under the bell we make the displaced
air weigh more and consequently the
upward push is Increased and this arm
of the balance ascends.
It Is manifest that the greater
amount of air displaced the greater
will be the upward push. Suppose now
we balance a pound of lead on one arm
and a pound of feathers on the other.
They will, of course, exactly equal
each other in ordinary air, for they
were both weighed in ordinary air.
Now let us put the whole apparatus,
Including both weights, under an air
pump. The pound of feathers dis
places far more air than the pound of
Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets cure
constipation. Constipation is the cause
of many diseases. Cure the cause and
you cure the disease, h-asy to taice.
Fireproof Wood.
To make wood fireproof, slake a
small quantity of fresh lime and add
water till it has the consistency of
cream, stir well and add one pound of
alum, 12 ounces of commercial potash
and about one pound of Stir
again and apply while hot. Two or
three coats will keep wood fireproof
for many monthB.
Slap at Chicago Culture.
Miss Ritta "Aren't you fond of dia
lect poetry, Mr. Drestbeeph?" Mr.
Drestbeeph (of the Chicago Browning
society) "Well, James Whltcomb
Riley and Eugene Field do very well;
but I came across some poems by a
fellow named Chaucer the other day,
ind he carried It too far." Life.
Many Uses for Cotton.
One hundred and eighty million
yards of cotton cloth carry cement
yearly to build the great office build
ings, and the electrical Industry of
the country yearly consumes four
hundred thousand pounds of cotton
In the Insulation processes.
Shake Into Your Shoes
Alien'. Foot-Ease, a powder for the feet. It cures
painful, swollen, smarting, sweating feet. Makes
new shoes easy. Sold by all Druggists and Shoe
8tores. Don't accept any substitute. Sample
FREE. Address A. S. Olmsted, Le Roy, K . Y.
The Important Question.
It will not be fashionable to steal
umbrellas the coming season, says an
expert on fashions or on umbrella
stealing, one forgets which. But will
it be fashionable to return some of
those stolen last season?
"19.000 "offered for certain
Inventions. Book "How to Obtain
(a Potent" and ""What to invent"
sent free. Send rough sketch for free
report as to patentability. Patents ad
vertised for sale at our expense In Man
ufacturers' Journnts,
fEsLUYeu 1034 F. St, Washington, D. C.
Have Healthy, Strong, Beautiful Eves
Oculists and Physicians used Murlue Eye
Remedy many years before It was offered aa a 17., Uul!iii.a Murina In Bllll fV,m.
O IDEAS Punded by Our Physicians and guaranteed
Care. Try It in your Eyes and in Baby's Eves-
No Smarting Just Eye Comfort. Buy Murine
of your Druggist accept no Substitute, and if
interested write for Book of the Eye Free.
Where He Came In.
A witty barrister, says an EngllBh
paper, who did not object to a joke at
his own expense, was asked, on re
turning from circuit, how he had got
on. "Well," was the reply, "I saved
the lives of two or three prisoners."
"Then you defended them for mur
der?" "No," was the rejoinder, "I
prosecuted them for It."
Some Love Lacking.
Helen was playing on the porch,
where she spied a white moth and
asked her mother to kill it Her moth
er said, "But, Helen, you ought to
love the poor little moth." "I do love
It, mother, but I don't love it enough."
Handicaps to Church.
The church is also handicapped by
the persevering person who gets con
verted every winter, but whose re
ligion won't keep through the sum
mer. Atchison Globe.
Avoid Despair.
If we are to escape the grip of de
spair, wrote Amiel, we must believe
either that the whole of things at least
is good, or that grief is a fatherly
grace, a purifying ordeal.
Packing Hint
In packing, handkerchiefs, under
linen and toilet articles should be ef
fectively protected from possible con
taminatlon from boots and clothes
Boots should, if possible, be packed
by themselves.
Sooner or later you will be wrong in every organ of your
body. It is a well known fact that over fc of airsicknesses
are caused by ailments of the digestive organs. If you have
theslighest suspicion that your stomach requires treatment,
don't delay a moment. Little ills soon grow into serious ills.
Golden Medical Discovery
soon rights the wrong. It helps the stomach digest the food and manu
facture nourishing blood. It has a tonic effect and soon enables the
stomach and heart to perform their functions in a natural, healthy
manner, without any outside aid.
As Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery contains neither alcohol nor
narcotics there is no reaction. For over forty years it has stood the test of both
use and abase and is today the greatest remedy of it kind in the world. Begin
now. Take it home today. Sold by Medicine Dealers in liquid or tablet form, or
end 60s to Dr. Pierce's Invalids Hotel, Buffalo, N. Y., for a trial box.
For Sic yoa eaa get the Cnmawi Sens Medical Adviser,
1008 pages cloth baud - te pay cost el ailing.
sW Writ Pr.T, JLItacs. BUI ale, M, Y. 0mmm
i FIAT rcna
This Is What Would Happen If
Pound of Lead and a Pound of
Feathers Were Weighed In a
lead, and if we exhaust the air we
shall find that, the upward push be
ing removed by the exhaustion of the
air, the pound of feathers descends
and the pound of lead ascends, prov
ing that the seeming paradox that a
pound of feathers weighs more than a
pound of lead, is no joke but a scien
tific fact.
Therefore Jt may scientifically he
said that of two substances having the
same weight and not the same volume,
that having the larger volume is really
the heavier.
8hoots Deer With Opium.
John Benham, a well-known Wiscon
sin guide, who had been commissioned
to capture a huge deer alive for a pri
vate game preserve near Hurley, Wis.,
has captured the biggest deer ever
taken alive In that state a six-prong,
300-pound buck by the simple expedi
ent of using opium pellets Instead of
the usual lead bullets In hunting. Ben
ham had a druggist make him the shot
he wanted a mixture of gum arable,
flour paste and opium. Then he went
to watch for the deer, which all of
the guides had, because of its size,
refused to allow hunters to kill. When
he saw the big fellow he cut loose
with his gun, and he caught up with
the deer two hours later, when it had
fallen asleep in some balsams. When
the deer woke up it had been boxed.
Brooklyn (Wis.) Dispatch to Detroit
Frea Press.
Mink Gets Big Trout.
While crossing the bridge over the
creek near H. P. Johnson's sawmill at
Bethany, Wayne county, New York,
George Bennett saw a mink dive
through the ice and catch a large
trout. Bennett called to Monroe Tyler,
at the mill, and the two men pelted
the mink with stones in an attempt to
capture him.
Bennett's dog assisted by chasing
the mink to his hole, from which the
two men dug him with pickaxes. When
the mink was finally killed he still re
tained the trout, which measured 14
Inches In length, In his mouth.
Ferocious Duck Nips Tramp,
"Beware of the Duck" is the sign
Edgar Wilhelm of New Freedom Is
preparing to tack to the yard gate. The
fowl, a particularly large one, has dele
gated to Itself the duties of a watch-
log. Its loud quacking gives warning
of the approach of a stranger, day or
night, and it savagely attacks intrud
ers, as a tramp who came recently to
the house to beg, has reason to know.
He was pinched In the seat of his trou
sers so painfully that he beat a hasty
retreat, the duck flying after him to
the gate. York (Pa.) Dispatch to Phil
adelphia Record.
Literary Note.
The first sentence of Henry James
novel has been published in book form.
It has been running as a serial and has
attracted much attention. Several of
the Sim manufacturers have been ap
proached with a view to turning It
Into a photoplay, but have declined on
the ground of expense, declaring thtt
It would take from fifteen to twenty
episodes to film It In its entirety.
Philadelphia Ledger.
Free Trial
Offer, too
We know that tali machine will rive
the greatest satisfaction. We know that
It Is the eqial In tene quality of any 1300
talking machine now on the market. The
machine, witk the records, will be seat
anywhere In the State for FREE TRIAL.
If yen decide to keep It, yon can pay for
It on littlest, most convenient payments.
No better way can be devised of cenvlnc
Ing you of the superiority of ear talking
machine service. Write for actual photo,
graphs of this and other new models.
Supplied with it is an as
sortment of twenty select
tions, including the late rec
ords of popular hits and of
many world-famous artists,
such as Caruso, Constantino,
Melba, Schuman-Heink, Gad
ski, etc.
.E.mCK ft, OU&tUaHHIS
Broadway atAkWrJa.
The Nation's Largest Talking Machine Headq uartert, Broadway at Alder St., Portland, Ore
MEN'S 2.50 3 '3.50 '4.00 '4.50 '5 '5.50 SHOES
WOMEN'S '2.00 '2.50 '3.00 '3.50 & '4.00 SHOES
BOYS' ' 1 .75 '2 '2.50 '3.00 MISSES' '2.00 & '2.50
W. Ii. Doue-las shoeg are made of the bet donumtlc and ImnnHorl
iroineri, on uie iuiohc uiuueiat. curciiiiiy consiructtm ojr tlie mout
ex. port niiu iitttturu iiiverr, in mil uuuoirj, no ulnar maK6
oi equal prices, cap compete witn w. jl . uougias shoes for style,
wurauiauiuip uu quality, a comiurtaoie, easy wanting
uuc iiiey hit unaur)wioui
The S3. 00, S3. BO and M.OO shoes will give as good service
as other wakes coNting 14.00 to S5.00. The ft 4. 50, a 5. 00 and
vo.ou snoes compare favorably wim
other makes costlnar 0.00 to S8.0O. V
there are many men and women wear
shoes. Consult them and they will tell
Douglas shoes cannot be excelled for
mmm nvmmmi w. l. dousi..
rzwymm. v Avmmvs .hoarsoid
m mrm& m mmmmmM throu,h so
miMlia ,tor.s In th.
If you could vltilt the
TV. L. Douglas factory
at llrockton, Mass.!
and see how carefully
the shoes are made,
and the high grade
leathers used, yon
would then under
stand why they look
and fit better, hold
their shape and wear
longer than other
makes for the price.
When buylns W.L.
look lor HIS NAME
Wherever vou live
ing w.j,ijougiat
you time w, JU
the price.
Douelas rImmi
stamped on the bottom. Shoes thua Bt tun pud are always
worm tne pnoe paid tor tnetn. i- or 62 yeara W. L- DoiiKlaa has
guaranteed their value aud protected thewoHrer aefiUist bleb
prices (or Interior shoes by having tils NAME AND PRICE
stamped on the bottom before they leave the factory. Do not
be persuaded to take some other make claimed to be Just as
good. You are paying your mouey and are entitled to the best.
If your dealer cannot supply you, write for Illus
trated Catalog showing bow to order by mail.
W. L. Douglas, 310 Spark Nr., Brockton. Mass.
Gator more goods falter and brighter colors than any other dye. Every pACkage guaranteed to color Silk. Wool. Cotton and Mixed Goods at on. boiling. 10 ccnta
ajackagc. Write for free booklet "How to Dye and Mix Colon," calendar, blotters, etc. MONROE DRUG COMPANY. Department Z. Qulncy. Illinois
All Right In Heaven.
A lady of Somerset, England, be
wailed the loss of a somewhat ill-bred
but extremely wealthy neighbor, who
had been very liberal in his help to her
country charities. "Mr. X is dead,"
said she. "He was so good, and kind,
and helpful to me in all sorts of ways.
He was so vulgar, poor, dear fellow,
we could not know him In London,
but we Bhall meet him in heaven."
Workings or a Watch.
In the average watch the balance
Wheel vibrates 300 times a minute, 18,
004 times each hour, 432,000 times a
day, and 157,788,000 times a year. As
each vibration covers about one and
a half revolutions, the shaft on which
the balance wheel is mounted makes
266,682,000 revolutions in its bearings
each year.
Modern Term Misunderstood.
"What became of that rascally young
son of the Blowers?" "I understand
he is to take a course of ethics in one
of our modern penological institutions."
"There! And I heard he had been
sent to Jail." Baltimore American.
Worth Cultivating.
One of the most charming things in
girlhood is serenity. Margarot EL
$17.50 Per Ton
f.'o. b. Warehouse
Full Information furnished upon
418 Corbett Bldg.,
Phone East 6912. Portland, Or.
r. n. u.
No. 15, 1913
WHEN writing to advvUaan, plea
" tlo. this iMiwr.
You can pt-HVfnt this loathsome dlHeuae from running!
through your Btable an 1 cure iHl the colts suffering with tl
when vou begin the treatment. No matter how younfr.
SPOHN'8 la safe to use on any colt. It Is wonderful how Tl
prevents all distempers, no matter how eolts or horses at
any ti(?e are "exposed." All good druggists and turf good,
houses and manufacturers sell SPOHN'S nt 50 cents and (I
a bottle: $5 and $10 a dozen. SPOHN MEDICAL CO., Chem.
Ists and Bacteriologists. Go.hen, Ind., U. 8. A.
Peak of the Rhine.
Mm. Askum "So you took a trip
abroad last summer. Did you go up
the Rhine?" Mrs. Newrich "Right up
to the very top. What a splendid view
there 1; from the summit!" Boston
Jewish Marriage Custom.
In Jewish marriages the bride
stands on the right of the groom; it
is the custom of all other races for
the bride to stand on the left.
Dally Thought.
The key to every man la his thought
Sturdy and defying though he look, he
has a helm which he obeys, which is
the idea after which all his facts are
classified. He can be reformed only
by showing him a new idea which
commands his own. Emerson.
A Paradox.
The man who sells his honor deaV
In something 'that he has not got;
Touth's Companion.
Mysteries of Rheumatism
Practically Solved
Action in the Tissuss of a Remarkable Antidcia
S. S. S. Is a Regular Wizard
Rheumatism Is often the effect of some 1
other blood affliction that has left Its Ira.
press In the Joints, muscles and mucous
coverings of ths body. It works Into the
tissue cells, those tiny, little bodies In
which nutrition goes on. And it Is here
that a most remarkable medlclna known
as 8. S. S. does Its moat active and most
effective work.
Its action Is marvelous. Bed-rlddcn
rheumatics get on their feet as If by
magic. That cold, clammy sensation that
made you hug a red hot stove Is gone In
a twinkling. That excruciating pain that
made a feather lay as heavy as a ton of
coal on the ekU Is gone. Vou get up and
dance with glee.
Tour rheumatism is gone absolutely!
It Is an actual logical fact, that Swift's
Burs Bpeclno flushes your blood, gives
your entire blood circulation a fine
thorough bath. It Just naturally and In a
twinkling Irrigates every Atom la font
In Driving Out Rheumatism.
body. It rushes Into every cell, cause
every bone, muscle, ligament, tendon,
mucous surface and every nerve to thrill
with freedom, with health, with new
found springiness.
And best of all, B. S. S. though a pow
erful searching, overwhelming enemy to
pain and the causes ot rheumatism Is aa
pure as the dew on a peach blossom, aa
powerful as ths heroic works of nature,
as searching as the peremptory demand of
the most exact science.
Ask for and Insist upon getting S. 8. B,
the world's cure for rheumatism.
For private, personal advice on stub
born chronic rheumatism write at once
to the Bwlft Spcclflo Co., 803 Swift Build.
Ing, Atlanta, Ga, Their medical depart
ment Is famous on all blood diseases, and
Is equipped to make personal blood testa,
approved by the highest medical authori
ties. Get a bottle of 8. S. B. today. Thesj
away goes ruoumatlsm for all time