T7 TTTTa iiriL Devoted to the Interests of Southern Wasco County VOL. I, NO. 26 MAUPIN, SOUTHERN WASCO COUNTY, OREGON, APKIL 9, 1915 THE YEAR $1.50 PASSED AWAY Hi. mi i .i tv ivirs. tiiizaDetti mrpnan an early Oregon pioneer died Satur day morning in this city at the home of her son G. L. Harpan bhe was Miss Elizabeth Kaler before her maraiage, to John Harphan and was born in Ken tucky in 1821. Her parents moved to Missouri during the early imigration period west and later to Kansas. While in Kan sas she met and married Mr. Harphan and to this union was born eight children, two of whom were present at the time of her tath, G. L. and H. P. Harpan. She had been ill for several months and kept growing steadi ly worse until the end. The funeral services were preached in the Kelly church about eight U-iles from here by Rev. Wood. She was laid to rest in the Kelly cemetery whee a large number of friends gathered to witness the last sad rites and a deep feeling of sympathy was shown t3 the bereaved ones, Working on Canal W. B. Keene and J. R. Keep, of the Clear Lake Irrigation Co., were business visitors in Port land part of the week and made purchases of supplies, among them being over 6,000 feet of pipe, all to be used in the big project in course of construction. In last week's issue of the Times we spoke of the removal of 9,000 yards of dirt from the cut they are now working on. This should have read 29,000 yards and instead of there being only six miles of ditch completed from the intake, it should read nine miles. THE DALLES ID HAVE DIG Wapinitia Items George Endersby returned from Iowa last week after spending the winter there, A little son arrived at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Jobny Delco Mon day. All doing nicely, A sister of Mrs. Dee Wright ar rived here from the valley last week and is a guest at the Wright home. E. A. and Jim Hartman and Miss Crystal made a round trip to The Dalles , Wednesday in tlieit auto. Has Pneumonia. Mrs. O. B. Derthick has been very sick for the last week with pneumonia, Her condition was such that the Derthick school being taught by her daughter, Miss lea. lias been closed since Monday. A trained nurse from Portland arriv ed yesterday to take the place of Miss Clausin, a nurse from The Dalles, who was called home owing to the illness of her sister, While it is thought Mrs. Derthick is improving slowly she is still (quite weak and didn't rest so well last night, Her many friends were sorry to leaiu of her illness and anxious to hear of any improv-tnenti Carl aud Crystal Pratt of Wamic were guests at the Tanp home ' immense Wednesday night. Spring seeding is about complet ed in this vicinity. Fall sown grain is looking fine and there was nef better prospect for crops than tfaia year, Harry and Charlie Gable, Sice Wilson, Elmer Hauiner, Biuk Tapp, Jr., composed a party that left here Wednesday for The DalleSj making the trip in Gable's auto, Two acres of ground under cover.,, That's what the plans of the great building for the Libby, McNeill & Libby company call for. Some idea of the build ing to be erected, is gained by comparison with other large buildings of the city. It will be seven times longer than the city nan ana more tnan twice as wide. Three buildings as long and twice as wide as the main portion of the new high school building would not cover as much ground. Part of the build ing will be two stories high. This extra story will be 112 by 132 feet. The total floor space in the building will be 92,508 square feet. The peak of the roof will be 34 feet above the concrete floor, will be four feet attove the rail road tracks. It will take ap proximately 11,000 cubic yards of earth to make the fill on which the concrete floor will be laid. The supports for the floor will be concrete piers resting on bedrock. The great structure will be plainly visible from the North Bank railroad trains and on the peak of the building will be an sign with letters at least four feet high, which will proclaim to the traveling public ' the fact The Dalles has one of the finest canneries on the Pa cific coast. " The building will be painted in the Libby, McNeil & Libby colors, pearl gray with pure white trimmings. Besides the main building, en gine and boiler rooms, lavatory and wash rooms, there will be built a garage and an oil house. Two tanks for storage oil will hold 84,000 gallons. There will be other tanks for naptha, gaso line and lacquer, the latter being used to paint the cans to prevent corroding. There was considerable activi ty at the site of the building this morning. Some of the families living in the houses there moved out last week. There are many more who received notice this morning to move, and there was a great hustle and bustle over preparations. As soon as the few preliminary arrangements are made, a great gang of work men will be started tearing down the old buildings and clear ing the ground. R. B. Wilcox, the construction engineer, when asked how many ; men would be put to work, stat- ed'this morning that he could not tell, but that the number would probably be more than 150. -The Dalles Chronicle. DR. KELLY DIED Came in Bunches A goodly congregation, or com bination of Maupin's representa tive male population stormed in on ye man behind The Times Sunday night, while he was en joying a light repast, consisting of a "pot" of eggs and some other things. They marched in one at a time headed by L. C. Wilhelm and on the arrival of the last man our kitchen space was entirely gone. They were: Contractor Wilhelm, Tum-A-Lum Kilburg, Postmaster Tallcott, U. S. Mail man Creager, Harness maker Oliver, Blacksmith Fraley, New Ford man Endersby, Bank er Stewart, and Clear Lake Supt. Keene. We enjoyed the visit after we Kvery thin is Sll"shilie liere- found no mob violence was in-1 John Farlow 1ms A. R.. Thorn- tended and one thing we do ton plowing for him. know, a jar of Jersey cream goes! K. Snoor ,,,,,,1- business Dr. H. W. Kelly well known in this vicininty died in The Dalles Wednesday, April 7.- He has been in Portland for the past two months for his health and gradual, ly grew worse, Dr. Kelly has practised in The Dalles for the last few years and at one time was a professor in sev eral of Wasco County's schools. He was very highly respected and spoken of by many as a good man of noble character. Card of Thauks We wish to thank aH those who so kindly assisted us during the sickness and death of our mother, Mrs. John Harphan. G. L. Harphan, II. P. Harphan, Bakeoven Items. tine in Toast making." Here's to you hoys, to you and I, we're short on milk now for Fraley 's cow's gone dry. Smock News Mrs. Mr. P. Thornton is again at her old home 011 Smock, They tell us the Wamic baseball boys were out getting the dianiand in order, Miss Lou Jones returned to the agency after a short visit with her mother and sisters. trip to The Dalles this week. Mrs. Wm. Stakely's mother is here visiting Mrs, Slakely. Mrs, Linda E. Spoor left for the agency this week where she will endeavor to teach the Indian girls sewing. Mr, and Mrs., Marion Farlow and small daughter made a "short visit at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Irvine last Sunday, C. N. Fallow and A. F, Russell made a trip to Dufur hist week. They enjoyed the muddy roads aud rain fine so they say. loneer Mercantile rirm Watkins t caine. oyerfrqiu ' Valley Monday returning J DOWN-LOW The Litchfield Down-Low built for us by the Litchfield Manufacturing Company and is low enough for easy loading but high enough to avoid trouble. It has practically the same under-clearance as the Litchfield Standard Spreader Which has been sold for years. Come in and see for yourself that there is nothing experi mental or freakish about the Litchfield Down-Low Spreader. W. H. STAATS & CO. Tygh Tuesday. j There is some talk of a baseball ' team being organized in this vicini ty. Maupin had better begin to! practice upi j F, H. Fryman is certainly doing! a fine piece of road work on the Fleming hill. J. B, Kidder Was over from Cri terion the first ol the week. ! 1 lie steieoptieon lecture given by County Supt. Bonney and Mr. Moris was well attended and en joyed by all. Gsorge Malatte has a new dog, large as a bear. A coyote will only niake one meal for it. jess Fleming has begun to sum mer fallow with his 1 2 plow Iraci 'inn oulfii. Fjthel Ble-.ikney vno is alk'iiding school at Slmiiko spent Faster at home; She went to Matipiii lo liliv a new Ee-'' r lint, f'lniiing to school Moiulay; The people out here ate feeling good because Uncle Sam is bring' ing their mail again, We have been without mail service over a year. Mrs. Lou Bleakney, F. S. Flem ing and Leonard Smith made a business trip to The Dalles this Veek. Frank Turner caused quite an excitement Easter Sunday when his overalls exploded. Frank had placed them in the boiler to re move the engine oil and gasolene with wliich they were coated. When they we're good and hot Frank raised the boiler lid when ''woof bang' 1 an explosion took place, the flames raising half way to the ceiling. Frank grabbed the boiler and in taking it out doors his hands were, badly burned-. Frank thinks greasy overalls will be alright after this. Tha overalls were a complete loss. Paul Smith of Maupin spent Easter with his Wife, Red Crown Gasoline 'olfsr Head And Zero- line Motor Oils on Hand Goodyear Tires And Tubes We can save you Money and Trouble If it's all the same to you why not tfuy your Tank Gas at Home ... SEE US ABOUT IT Jit not. Tazmsmmmmmma' ,;l -wji K II a font can t take votl." omued t ie Deacon as , say what you like, there can't take votl," omued slipped into his great coat. "What places do you mean?' Waterfall, the church clerk. "What two places? Wliy it heaven or to" "I presume voit'll admit. D young Pettigrew, "that there are som will roll up the Heavenly Turnpike ing. Now my" "Young man," said the Deacon, the lord the right ot way. It most of us to travel the road you limousine. But remember this, I the Democracy and the Ford is a is its supreme advantage. Place tTive it any work that any profei demands in the way of transport; goods. E. j. FISCHER, Dealer to? y e ouiy two places III e Deacon as he 111 askCd old Silas III n't take you to III COIl," reinnikerl 111 e other cars that I I without skidd- I I 'two things give I I I very clilhcult for eak of in a $5,000 : Ford is a car of III tility. The latter where you will, III on or occupation oil, it delivers the Maupin, Ore.