The Maupin times. (Maupin, Or.) 1914-1930, April 02, 1915, Image 1

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Devoted to the Interests of Southern Wasco County
VOL 1, N0.25:
THE YEAR $1.50
A goodly number were preseut
fit the school house last Sunday
tifiruoon to hear the lecture on
the Soul, Hell and the Day of
Judgment. Prof. Irle explained
from the Bible what the soul is,
showing that it is not naturally
immortal, that hell is not a place
i'f eternal torment but simply the
ileath state into which we all have
to go as even Christ did, but from
which all are to be resurrected;
that during the gospel age, God has
not been trying to save the world,
but has been selecting and proving
the true church, the "little flock,"
who are to be changed to the spirit
nature and reign with Christ who
together during the next age( the
milenium, will help all mankind
who so desire tip to perfection, all
others going into the "second
death," oblivion; from which there
will be no resurrection; that the
day of judgment is a thousand
year day, the milenium, earth's
"golden age" during which all the
dead will gradually be raised, Sa
tan be bound, and all mankind will
be having their trial or judgment,
and by the end of which all sick
ness, sin, sorrow and death will
disappear, and the earth be a glori
ous paradise, and that this is the
true gospel, good news; as taught
by Christ and the apostles. Sev
eral kinds 6f literature were dis
tributed, including Dr. Edgar's
lecture on "Where Are the Dead?"
free to all upon application.
Postpone Event.
The entertainment or vaudeville
performance that was to be given
by the local Artisan assembly to
night will be postponed until next
Wednesday; April 7th.
The Litckfield DownLow built for us by the Litchfield
Manufacturing Company and is low enough for easy loading hut
high enough to avoid trouble. It has practically the same
under-cleararice as the Litchfield Standard Spreader Which has
been sold for years.
Come in and iee for yourself that there is nothing expert
mental or freakish about the Litchfield Down-Low Spreader.
Fischer and "Ford"
E. J. Fischer, the "Ford"
dealer for this section received
word a few days ago that a car
load of machines he had sold and
were on the road became mixed
up in transit somewhere and
went to another dealer.
The Ford people are putting
out 1000 cars every work day
and the demand is so great that
all orders coming in late are apt
to delay and the Ford seems to
be the car most in use, owing
to its being an all purpose ma
chine, besides the big saving in
price and up-keep.
Wapinitia Items
Mrs. E. M. Hartman spent from
Friday of last week until Tuesday
in The Dalles with her son Liucoln
who is in The Dalles Hospital.
She reports that he is slowly im
proving. Job Crabtree of Maupin was
looking after business interests
here Saturday;
People are wondering here lately
if this country has not changed
climates with Webfootj so many
fine rains lately.
Mrs. Hahnon, a W. C. T.'U.
lecturer and organizer spoke at the
church here Friday evening. A
large crowd was present and enjoy
ed her talk which was both inter
esting and instructive.
The little daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Godlup Tuschner has been
quite sick the past week.
W. B. Keene and wife e-f Port
land arrived here Friday evening
enroute to Keep's mill. Mr. Keene
and wife are both large holders in
the Clear Lake Irrigation Co.
They were accompanied by Mr.
and Mrs. Empey.
Mercantile Firm
The big water supply for the
farmers on Juniper Flat will be
ready in from 60 to 90 days.
Near that time the water will be
let into the big ditch that is al
ready completed to a distance of
about six miles from the outlet
of the storage reservoir. There
is a large cut to make near the
head of the ditch which will re
quire the removal of about 9000
yards of dirt. This work will be
rushed as fast as possible by the
new superintendent, W. B.
Keene, who is a man of large
experience in this kind of work
and comes well recommended
from the irrigation districts of
the famous Yakima country.
f his project, when completed,
will furnish water for 40,000 or
60,000 acres of land and the
magnitude of the undertaking
doesn't seem to be realized by a
great many of our people; owing
to the fact that they have lived
here and dry-farmed for so long,
with promises of water for years
until they have lost ihterest and
A special schobl meeting was
held at this place Saturday after
noon for the purpose of voting on
a Union High school. The people
here are very much interested in
this school for we realize that it will
not only benefit this burg but all
of Juniper Flat, thete being no
high school on the flat, and there
are those attending school here
now froni all three of the other
districts that have taken up this
niatter. The spirit of the people
here was well' hianifested in meet
ing from the fact that out of 49
votes cast, only 9 were against it.
& CO,
practically lost hope.
With Water on the ground that
is now yielding from 20 to 40
bushels of wheat to the acre, the
production will increase from 18
to 20 bushels more, with never a
fear of a dry year. Irrigation
also does away with all late
frosts eliminating that one bad
feature which occurs here every
four or five years.
There is another fact to be
realized when the water is once
on the "Flat" and that is the
question of hay. There is a
great amount of shallow ground,
where the rocks are close to the
surface or in low places where
they can be removed or covered
over atid alfalfa raised which
would be a source of farm rev
enue that can hardly be estimat
ed. The increase in the price off
vour land will mnfP ttian Hnnhla I
through having an irrigation
system and you should do all in
yonr power to encourage the
promoters of the project and
thus assist yourselves.
U. S. Endersby is erecting a new
house and barn on his farm near
Calvin McCorkle has been quite
sick the past week. Dr; Shannon
of Tygh is attending him.
Mr. Moris, who is sent otit bv
the board of education lectured and
showed his stereopticon views here
Monday evening. A large crowd
of the parents as well as the chil
dren were present.
The W. C. T. U. was re-organ
ized here last Friddy evening with
Mrs. W. O. Wilson as president,
Sadie Bowen vice-president, Mrs.
Iy. Rice treasurer and Mrs. T. A.
Tapp, secretary.
Smock News
A- F. Russell and wife were to
their upper Smock ranch last Sun
day trying to riish the season by
planting potatoes.
Our Boulder-Lost Creek Ditch
company are getting ambitious.
They are going to work the ditch
and we will say that it needs it.
Mr. T. J. Hill is on the road to
recovery after a serious attack of
iagrippe and heait trouble coin
bined. Mr. ami Mrs. T. P. fen-nt are'
numbered atnong the sick this,
week , !
M. P. and A. R. Thornton have
been cutting wood for F. E. Spoor I
the past week.
Mrs. Lillian Farlow received
word that her grandmother Was
not expected to live more than a
few hours. Our sympathy is with
you Mrs. FarloW,
Mrs'. S. E. Thornton is expect
ed home the latter part of the
Mrs. James Johnson and soil
Houston moved to Tygh this
morning to take charge of the ho
tel. The latest report is the death of
the well known Mr. Harry Hull.
He has been ailing for a long time.
Asthma seemed to be the cause.
We will miss him much He
was well thought of and highly
respected. A wife and son survive
bun. Our greate'st sympathy is
.with them.
L- T. Woodside one of the pro
gressive farmers from .Wapinitia
was here yesterday on business.
Stereopticon Lecture
Mr. N. C. Moris, field ..worker
for the State Fair and Department
of public Instruction, accompanied
by County Sttpt. Bonney gave a
stereopticon lecture at the school
house Tuesday afternoon between
two severe showers. Mr. Bonney
managed the stereopticon and Mr.
Moris gave the lecture. The views
were largely of young people and
their industrial prospects and ex
hibits, chiefly in agriculture in
various parts of Oregon. Girls
were advised to learn cooking,
canning and serving, and boys to
learn pig raising, poultry raising,
dairying and gardening, and to
exhibit their products at the local
fair at Tygh next fall, The lec
ture should arotise greater interest
among the boys and girls iu the
several industries to the benefit of
themselves, their parents and the
comuuity. The gentlemen started
after four o'clock to drive to Cri
terian, twelve miles, to give the
lecture there that night.
W. H. Dufur and wife came
up from Portland Wdnesday
and Mrs. Dufuf has been visting
with Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Staats.
Mr. Dufur, who is a brother of
Mrs. Staats, continued on to
Pringle Falls, near Lapine, to
look after some valuable inter
It is the intention of Mr. Dufur
and his associates to develop the
wonderful power at these falls
and furnish electricity for both
lighting and manufacturing pur-poses.
Red Crown Gasoline
Wolfs Head And Zero
line Motor Oils qn Hand
Goodyear Tires And Tubes
We can save you Money and Trouble
If it's all the same to you why not buy
your Tank Gas at Home - -
ShattucK. Bros.
The Universal Car
Fdrd Runabout Fully Equipped
F. O.B. Maupin $5i5.oo
Ford Touring Car Fully Equipped
4 F. O. B. Maupin $565.ob
E. J. FISCHER, Dealer,
Maupin, Ore.
The head officials of the S. P.
& S. R. R. System passed
through here the first of the
week on a tour of inspection and
we learned that they were ir"
tending to stop over for the pur
pose of inspecting the new depot
site, but were called back to
Portland hurridly.
They were: F. A, Brainard,
Supt.; C D. Jenks, Gen. Mana
ger; A, M. Lupfer. Chief Engin
eer. ' . ,
Bakeoven Items.
John Karlan went to The Dalles
Monday on business,
Paul Smith was over Saturday
and Sunday from Juniper Flat.
Edwiu Mays made a business
trip to Shauiko last Friday.
C. E. Matthews1 was seen in this
part of the country Sunday 1
Mrs, A. T. Lindly Went t0
Maupin Tuesday..
Mi. stud Mrs, W. H. Aldridge
made a trip to Tygh Valley last
F. H. Ttyiuan, our road super
visor, is making sdme great im
provement on the road up this way.
F. S. Fleming drove about thir
ty head of horses and mules over
on the range south of here Wednes-.