The Maupin times. (Maupin, Or.) 1914-1930, March 26, 1915, Image 1

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Devoted to the Interests of Southern Wasco County
VOL. I, NO, 24
THE YEAR $1.50
peg PROJECT is
Joseph R' Keep, promoter of
itha; Clear Lake Irrigation Pro
ject, passed through town Mon
day on his way tq the head, pi
the proposed development. He
ptnted that the work will now be
tmshed vigorously and before
many months the long prayed
for water by the Juniper Flat
farmers will be a reality.
This irrigation project when
I ompleted will cover a large tract
. 1 the most fertile land in the
state of Oregon, and will be a
means of crop production second
to none. It will also bring into
cultivation a large area of raw
ground and stimulate the price
of farm lands that have hereto
fore stood below that of any
other part of the state.
An irrigation project of this
kind is a large undertaking and
while Mr. Keep has been ham
pred a number of times he has
never ceased in his efforts to
realize the dream of years and is
to be commended for the success
ot his labors.
Wamic Locals
Mrs. Fowler purchased a new
iqeubator which arrived last Satur
day evening,
Floyd Johnson made a success
ful round trip from Wamic to
Shearer Saturday and is since
making two trips a day with his
new auto truck. Mr. Morrow of
Tygh Valley has been acting as
(jliauffer and teaching Mr. Johnson
(he mechanical tricks of the ma-
We handle a line of Implements from the Smallest garden tool
to the largest farm machinery, 'We cary Rock Island gang
and sulky plows, disc harrows; drag harrows, and South Bend
Chilled Walking Plows - - -
We Can Supply Your Needs in Garden Seeds, Flower
Seeds or Anything in That Line -
We Cary the Litchfield Down-Low Spreader. This Machine is
Especially Built to meet conditions in this territory. We are
going to publish more about its merits in this space next week
Maupin Vaudeville
A slight variation in the line of
general amniuseineuts will take
place here next Friday, April 2nd.
A vaudeville performance u nder
the auspices of the local Artisan
Assembly, No,. 490, will be staged
on the above date ' and a general
admissjou of ten cents will be
charged excepting ladies bringing
boxes containing enough for two.
These boxes will he sold at fifty
cents each. A good time js assured
for all who attend and a free dauce
will be given after the., program.
Crystal Pratt completed a suc
cessful term of school at Pine
Grove Tuesday.
Mrs. Jones, who has been stay
ing with Mrs. Pierce over on Jum
per Flat auc taking care of her,
came home last week bringing
Mrs. Pierce with her.
Graudma Farlow spent the day
at the Geo. Childeis home Sunday.
The lower White river re-ad is
spedily uearing completion. An
appropriation has been secured
frm the county and two profes
sional powder men are at work.
It Is said that in oue blast recently
a ledga of rock twenty eight feet
long, estimated to weigh forty
hundred tons wag removed.
C. N. Farlow hai finished the
spring work on his mother's place
and has gone to the place purchas
ed from D. H. Miller, where his
brother has already a nice start
made in the plowing.
The juvenile officers made a trip
here a few days ago in responce to
a complaint on report regarding
some boys in this section, but
found everything satisfactory and
returned to The palles,
ou Ready For
Spring' Needs?
The W. H. Staata Mercantile
Co.'s store was . broken into
sometime Monday night by safe
blowers, f he safe was blown
open and about $80.00 in cash
taken, besides looting the store of
a quantity of tobacco cigarettes,
knives and razors. They also
took several watches from the
case of H. L. Emmons the jewel
er. The work was done by old
hands at the business without a
doubt, as he job wag very
cjeverly done, and no trace was
jef t by the, robber or robbers on
which to get a clew. They en
James brown was over from
Tygh Tuesday.
W. H. Cunninghain ws down
from the Flat Tuesday.
Ira Kesner lnde a trip tq Port-
land the first of the week.
G. F. Techner and wife were
down from their Wapinitia home
Mrs. E. N. Chastain. was in
Jiom their home on Juniper Flat,
E. Botlwell one of the substan
tial F(at farmers was dowu the
first of the week.
The subscription pripe of the
Times is $1.50 per year. Just
send in the money and we will try
to give you its full worth. '
Mrs. W. H. Aldridge returned
Monday evening from Blaylock,
where she has been visiting her
mother who was quite sick for
some time, but is now greatly im
proved. & CO.
tered the place by the frontdoor,
which has an vmusually compli
cated lock, ar,d once inside they
were comparatively safe from
They used nitro-glyc,erine and
to muffle, the sound, gathered a
number qf n,ew blankets which
were thrown over the safe and
ajthough several people were
sleeping in the close neighbor-;
hood no one was aware of any
thing out of the ordinary taking
place and no report was heard.
This is the first crime of the
kind committed in Maupin and
the scene of Monday nights work
has created qnite a sensation-'
Smock News
.. s
Roy Jacokes left last Tuesday
for his home at Ontario, Oregon.
He has been visaing for some time
with his sister, Mrs. Marion Far
low. The Boulder-ost-Creek Ditch
company held a directors' meeting
last Saturday night at Johu Far
lows, Horse wrangling started 011
Smock last Sunday at Marion
Farlows. Quite a crowd got there
and witnessed thegportof lqssoing(
rising and driving some cplts.
M. P. Thornton has been quite
sick for the past,, week,, but is re
ported improving now.
Mr. and Mrs. Heuson visited at
the home of Marion Farlow last
Sunday School and prayer meet
ing was held a the Smock Baptist
church last Sunday.
Lost, souie of Smock's muddy
roads. No reward is offered for
their return,
Idward Disbrow is till
sheep for Marion Farlow.
are doing fine. -
Everyone is, busy on
Ed you
fighting those buffalo naU.
The Smock base ball team or
eanized last Sunday. We wish
them all sorts of success tlijs sea
sou ,
A- R. Thornton and wife visited
at the Grant Ledford home last
Mrs. Geo. Childeis is on the
road to recovery.
Mr. Hull is some better, but
Mrs, Hull is bedfast again with
Mr. Hill was reported seriously
Fred D. Frazier of Dufnr speut
part of the week in our town and
may decide 011 locating here, He
purchased two lots here and Will
begin the construction of a house
right away, which means that he
is impressed with the future of
Ollie Bothwell was badly bruised
about the face last Monday. When
he opened the barn door a horse
standing close by kicked suddenly,
striking the door and the cross
brace hit him square in the face,
leaving some bad cuts and several
loose teeth.
Mrs. Lottie Hammoti, of New
bcrg, lectured here last Tuesday
night to a good sized audience.
She filled the appointment of Mrs.
Tenipleton Hatcher, who was to
have lectured her on that night,
but owing to sickness was unable
to reach here.
Visit Long Delayed
Mrs Ella Houston and her
daughter' ' Miss Mattie' arrived
here last Saturday to visit with
the families pf, Mr. A. A. and
0. B,. Dertbick. Mrs. Houston
is a sister, of Mrs. A. A. and
Mrs. O. B. Derthick and this is
the first time they had seen, one
another in over 30 years. They
have been visiting for some
time in Portland and San Diego,
Cal. and will leave tomorrow for
their home in Council, Idaho-
The two ladies were met in
The Dalles by Mr. A. A. Der
thick and made the trip from
there by automobile and were
very much pleased with the
country through which they
passed. While here they motor
ed over a large part qf Southern
Wasco County and will have
many memories of a visit filled
with pleasure.
Wapinitia Items
J. R. Keep arrived here Monday
with a crew of men and work will
be resumed at once, Mr. Keep
says it is their intention to com
plete, the ditch this summer.
Leslie Fliiiii was quite sick last
week but is much improved now.
I Lincoln Hartman was taken to
The Dalles Hospital last Wednes
day. Lu Hennegan took them in
in his car. We understood that
he went through an . pperation
which - was successful K. M.
Hartman is staying with him,
Fonce Evick has greatly improv
ing the looks of the hotel by put
ting a fence around it and laying n
new sidewalk.
Mrs, Listel, a sister of Mrs.
Frank Gable is quite sick at pres
ent. '
Mr. Wilson, a surveyor of Tygh
Valley, is engaged running out tne
lines for the new homesteaders on
the hills south of here.
Charles Devore made a business
trip to The Dalles last week.
G. H. Wood and wife were trans
acting business at Maupin Tliurs.
.Pete Olson had the misfortune to
get his ankle thrown out of place
Monday by jumping from the
Mr. Arnette and family from
Portland arrived here Wednesday
and will occupy the old Davis
Red Crown Gasoline
Wolfs Head And Zero
line Motor Oils on Hand
Goodyear Tires And Tubes
We can save you Money and Trouble
If it's all the same to you why not buy
your Tank Gas at Home - -
Shattuck BroSo
It was our good fortune a few
days ago to travel over the" best
portion of Wasco County, an,;
nestled close to the timbered
mountains, about fourteen miles
away, we came to the thriving
little city of Wapinitia. There
we met the most enterprising
people of this great wheat belt,
who'are marching in the line of
progress and doing their part in
developing a country that in
fertility of soil and perfection of
climate may be equaled but not
The Hartman Mercantile Co.,
is one of the largest firms this1
side of Portland, and sejls any
thing from the smallest article,
to a combined harvester. Ernes;
Hartman, is at the he,ad of the
concern and is considered one of
the most able business men in
the country.
The Evick General Merchan
dise business is another large
firm of that place carrying acom;
plete stock of almost anything
you can call for and is success
fully managed by Ponce Evick,
its proprietor.
The Wapinitia Hotel has been,
undergoing a big change lately
and is one of the leading hosteU
eries in this section. C. L. Nelson,
the proprietor is a wide-a-wake
hotel man deserving the patron,
age of the public.
There are a number of other
business houses here that are
worthy of mention but we will
delay the same until a later
house while he is employed on the
road. ,
Interesting Questions
What is the Soul? What is
Hell? What is the day of Judge
ment? These qqestions will be
discussed by Prof. Irle Jat the
schoolhouse at two o'clock Sun
day, March 28, Come and hear
some good news from the Bible
on these important but generally
misunderstood subjects.
I carry all kind3 of stones for
rings and pins Emmons the
See those penny school tablets at
Tallcott's cash store.