The Maupin times. (Maupin, Or.) 1914-1930, March 05, 1915, Image 8

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The Maupin
I lines
Published Every Friday at Maupin, Oregon,
Subscription: One Year, $l.50,Six Months 75cts, Three Months 5(3
Entered in the post office at Maupin, Oregon, as second class
mail matter.
Sometimes when we sit down
land think over the situation,"
we feel that the people have be
come too familiar with the old
time phrases, "don't knock,"
"be a booster" and "throw away
j'our hammer." We find knock'
inn is unintetnional in many
Instances, brought about by try
ing to be too careful,' or econ
omical, or stingy. Now these
traits are alright when not car
ried to extremes, which we so
oiten flnd is the case, but we
should always try to study our
selves and strive to overcome '
any such extremes in our make
up. We should look ahead and
on the bright side, then the
f'ark hours will soon fail to put
in an appearance,
Among the other disagreeable
features in a great number of
small communities, is, that so
many men and women run to
their neighbors with every little
tale until finally they have told
something wherein they have
erred and will be taken to task.
Such a condition is lamentable,
but it is most always brought
about by building up a good mus
cle and not cultivating the mind.
The mind lies dormant and after
awhile large things can not be
considered. It i3 the cultivation
of these habits that sometimes
cause both the men and women
to teil the neighbors their little
business.shortcomings and even
advertise that some . of. their
own customers are this, or that,
or the other. ;
Anything that is god hearald it
abroad and cease-these little,
petty disputes. Stop being a
tale bearer, don't repeat what
the other has told y-ou, for they
are sure signs of ignorance and
illiteracy, keep your mind oc
cupied and you Will then he
worth while.
A PLAN ET. ' ": "l
ror ,. x "r- 'v t
.Overworked 'tlF; HU
Women L
All on one Floor with the
easiest arrangements you
could imagine. . .
Five Kooms and Bath
YV 1U1 WWW Atll V kbUl wuio
1 his house could be
changed slightly in sever
al respects to suit vou
We'll Loan you our Large Plan Book
Ifyou'r thinking ot building or remodeling
Over 20O Designs of Modern Step
Saving Homes From Two Rooms up
See Peter Kilburg About it
Tum-a-Lum Lumber Co.
Quick, Dependable Service available at Alt Times
To All Points
Careful driver attentive to Comfort of Passengers
E. A. MAYHEW, Prop.
Maupin State Bank
General Hanking Business, Loans, Wheat . Buying
Deposit Boxes for Rent, Notary Public,
Collections, Money Transmitted
Cheaply by Drafts
Your Patronage Soliciteu and Your
. " ; . Interests Cared for . . . .
Bob Davidson was in from
Flat Tuesday. '
Clarence Alexander and family
were in town Saturday
John Muir was down from the
Mays ranch Sunday.
Mrs. A. Locke has been indis
posed for several days.
Miss Glennis Derthick was a
visitor here Wednesday.
Clem Matthews, one of the sub
stantial Criterion district farmers
was a business visitor here Tues
day. . ;
F. M. Confer and wife were in
from their juniper Flat home
Frank Buzan one of the Bake
oven ranchmen was a visitor here
the first of the week.
Aura Buzan was in from the
Lindley farm a few days ago.
Jim Baxter was in a few days
ago from the Criterion country.
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Russell of
Smock Prarie have been visiting
Mr. Russell's sister, Mrs. phimilee,
this week.
Mrs. L. C. Wilhelm returned
from Portland, the first of the week,
where she had been visiting her
son .
If you want to sell your farm
come and see the Maupin Real
Estate Co. about it, they have all
kinds of buyers.
Do yon want a farm or home
stead? If so. call on the Maupin
Ileal Estate Co. office in the
Times building.
' The Artisans held another meet
ing last night for the purpose of in
itiating a number of new members.
Tlje lodge is growing very fast and
now is the time to join, as the
charter is still open.
Mrs. G. L. Ilarphan is improving
rapidly from her severe sick spell
and her many friends will be glad
to learn that she will soon be able
to be np again.
Subscription to any magazine
can be had. H. L. Emmons, Jr.
The Saturday night dances giv
en by the Maupin Concert Band,
still draw large crowds.
Ed Mays, of the Flanagan dis
rict, "brought ioo head of fine fat
hogs to this place Monday, where
lie loaded them out for the
Portland market.
All optical work repaired by
H, L. Emmons, Maupin,
Mrs. L. B. Kelly and son Floyd,
were in from their country home
Satuday on business matters.
Floyd has a wireless station at
their home and is able to receive or
send messages j(or quite a distance.
Peter Killnirg of the Tum-a-Lum
Lumber Co. has been adding a few
saies lately to tanners who are
making improvements. Pie reports
there will be quite a number of new
buildings started here in the near
Tonight the Artisans will have
their big time. Dancing wilt head
the program with a voting contest,
then the supper. Every one is. jn
vited to eorle nml enjoy them
selves with the Artisans. It is
free, so go lightly on your rations
at home and fill up here.
, The board of directors of the
I Maupin school district have let the
I ,t...,t r, ia.,t;., .. n, i,t
grounds to L, K. Oakley. The
grounds, are covered with rock
which will have to be removed and
several low places filled in from
dirt taken from the upper part of
: the two acre lot.
I We lead Other follow. Lis
iten! At enormous expense we
have secured a limited number of
; large hand painted OIL PAINT
INGS of Landscape ami Mari"e
: Views, which we are giving ab
solutely free to our customers
tSee us about it. W. H. Staats &
Bud fjmith is now out on a farm
stead. It is all off with the sage
brush uow.
E. J. Fisher, agent for the Ford!
and Dodge machines, has already
sold a car lo id this seas m.
John L. Confer one of our pros
perous farmers was a business cal
ler the middle of the week.
Fine watch repairing at Emmons,
Mrs, Duke Moad returned from
Dufur the first of the week where
she has been visiting her parents.
H. Laschinger of Wapinitia left
for Portland Tuesday morning,
where he went to attend some bus
iness matters. On his return he
will ship a horse from there to The
Dalles and return the rest, of the
way on horse back,
E. J. Miller returned from a trip
to points on the North Bank road
a few days aeo. He and Mrs.
Miller are expecting to leave very
shortly for Washotigal, Wash.
A number of slides liaveoccured
on the O. W. E. R. & N. Co. road
the last week owing to the heavy
rains. The south bound train was
held np Sunday for about three
hours. '
Most of these evenings, when the
weather is not too bad you can see
a big sage brush fire on E. J. Fishers
liomestead. It is about three miles
away but it flashes out great pos
sibilities for E. J. when the land is
once cleared and in wheat.
Can You Do It?
Wamic Locals
A new daughter arrived at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. C, II.
Yockey, last week.
Little Velma Hinson is reported
quite ill with lagrippe.
Marrion Farlow has had Albert
Russel employed for some time
renovating and papering their
house on the Miller place.
Aalert Russel made a trip to
Maupiu the first of the week.
Mr, Waterhotise is conducting
revival meetings at the local church
Mr. Patterson, the principal of
the Wapinitia school, formerly of
the Sniock school was a Saturday
night visitor at the J. V. Ayers
home last week.
J. W. Ayers commenced plowing
Mouday the fl rst of March.
H. E. Woodcock of Wamic is
the proud father of a new baby
The Snow is almost all gone but
it is very wet underfoot. Snow
fell all day Saturday but melted as
fast as it fell.
The school here is doing some
fine work under the excellent super
vision of Mrs. Vinterstein. The
Smock school officers have been
fortunate in securing the ser
vices of Mrs. Winterstein who
holds state papers in both Oregon
and California and is highly recom
mended as a pedagogue.
A meeting of the Lost and
Boulder ditch Company couvetied
Vernie Thornton has been sick
the last fevV days but he is( reported
I cresfeM mptiftnf eaitrtfaa by the m of eetteta m
druMM corrected bj the proper J;4Kment of perfct
'Mtehasiul and fin bt to corrected b the DroMf iJ:jHnnl of urfertlv
1 Imijs that thro eflccti will be entirely ebriatort. Tan prist tbualj be rtad
t hiutt ache from the tjt If you unoul to ton ihoaiil wtar ipfcuclft.
It Aott rnl mf io boy chiap ipecticles. Thty distort the nyi of llxhl, limturb lb
Dgki of vision, oiih pain and diiwalort nil injart Hie eywieM -Vltita it
2mu7 to koUt wtik ur rrulipg autttr farther than Httta mcha from Ihr erw
In Bfiet to let dintiDtttt It ti aun sum ol fajlmr vium un,l mn. h ,in.u-.. .
imi jt will be pi even led by tumult pii of glum filtti '
Send The Times to your friends
and relatives. Let them know
you are living in a section that
is advancing and create an interest.
Dr. C. H. Francis,
Maupin Barber Shop
E, J. Styer, Prop.
Come in and get that shave
you need, or will need soon
Try us every day in the week
for Shave, Haircut or Shampoo
- Oregon
Anywhere, Any
Time. My Rates
Are Reasonable.
Careful Driving,
Maupin, - Oregon.
wn on tm
Blacksmith, Wagonmalier
iiorseshoeing, Biacksmithing and Wagonmak .
ing. All kinds of Repair Work that will suit
With a' Guarantee That Will Stick. Try us
If your wagons, buggies or hacks need over
hauling, bring them in, we'll save you money
Bring Those Plow Shares to Sharpen
We Sharpen Them While You Wait
Give me Your Order for Anything in the Harness Line,
Sadies, Bridles. Chaps, Spurs. Harness Dressing that
will last, and, most anything else you Want we will order
for you and save you time and money. Bring your old
harness in for these repairs they need, have it done right
Clyde Oliver
Free A. E. Church Notes.
Morning services first and
third Sunday of each week. Sun
day school at 10:00 a. m every
Sunday and everybody Is wel
come to attend all meetings.
Rev. W, Welter, pastor.
G.- JL. Ilarphan, Prop.
Ii You Want to While Away an Hour or so There is
no Better Place Than Here. A Nice, Clean and En
joyable Amusement. -- -
Mem. Coll, Phys. & Surg.,
Licentiate "Minnesota and
Prompt Service on Either
Day or Night Calls
Eyei tested, Classes Fitted
That Are Meals
The Kind We Always Serve
At Reasonable Prices
When in Town M-ke our
Hotel Your Headquarters
A Cordial Welcome to A"
D. A. MOAD, Prop.