The Maupin times. (Maupin, Or.) 1914-1930, February 26, 1915, Image 8

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    The Maupin Times
Published Every Friday at Maupin, Oregon,
-Subscription: One Year, $1.50, Six Months 75cts, Three Months 50
Entered in the post office at Maupin, Oregon, ai second mail
There is ' considerable talk of
B flour mill going in here in the
near future and we can speak
"without fear of contradiction
that there ia no better piace in
Oregon for Buch an enterprise.
There is unlimited water power
for all purposes. It has been said
that right here at Maupin there
could be developed about 40,000
horse power, then something like
3oo ft. above the river there are
numerous springs that can with
very little expense, be made
to furnish at least 500 horse
This is becoming a large wheat
country and alreaady the out-put
is several hundred thousand bush
els, with more raw land being
cultivated every yeah
.' These opportunities will hot
lie here very long before some
far-sighted people will take ad
vantage Of them.
Why eant we have a bath house ?
Now that we have a fine city
water system it is only a short
step to put in a bath tub,' and
there is some of us who would
take a bath every once in a while.
It will pay, so let's boost it along.
More rain lias bten falling the
last few days and the farmers are
all wearing a smile over the good
crop prospects.
Orover C. Slusher, the youngest
son of Mrs. W. H. Staats, was over
from their ranch home at Dufur
the first of the week.
A. J. and Tony Conroy were
here Monday to attend the band
bdys dance. They are farmers
from the Shaniko district.
Send The Times to your friends
and relatives. Let them knbw
you are living in a section that
is advancing and create an interest.
Tj. I
All on one Floor with the
easiest arrangements you
could imagine. .
Five Koorris and Bath
: ' 1 his house could Ee
changed slightly iu sever
al respects to suit vou
We'll Loan you our Large Plan Book
Ifyou'r thinking ot building 6r remodeling
Over 200 Designs of Modern Step
Saving Homes From Two Rooms up
I 41 'Ml St I & I
1 as e: r fir
See Peter Kilburg About it
Tum-a-Lum Lumber Co.
Quick, Dependable Service available a't Xii 1 lines
Careful driver attentive to Comfort of Passengers
E. A. MAVHEW, Prop.
Maupin State Bank
4 General Banking . Business, 'Loans,, Wheat Buying, Safety
'Deposit , Boxes for Reut, Notary Public,
Collections, Money Transmitted
Cheaply byDrafts
Year Patronage Solicited and Your
. interests tared tor . . . .
Jess Cray was over from Friend
About an inch and a half of rain
has fallen this week.
Geo, Woodruff was iu town
from his Tygh Valley ranch Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs Thos. connolly of
Flanagan were visitors the first of
the week.
Fine watch repairing at Rmmoiis,
Chas. Deemer, the international
harvester man was here the first of
the week.
Wess. Ray left for more interior
parts of the state, to be gone for
some time.
Roy Slusher and his wife are inj
town for a few days after enjoying
farm life for awhile,
There are a number of new home
steaders in this vicitiity and we are
glad to see them among us. Shake,
boys, and be one of us.
Mrs. W. It. Staats left for Port-
landThursday to attend to some im
portant business matters.
Willie fisher is very milch im
proved in health and will soon be
out among1iis boy chums again,
A. S. Minks one of the Buck
liollow farmers was in town Mon-
clay getting lined up for spring
crop work.
bout let the tlock stand idle.
bring it to me-.
Emmons the Jeweler.
t-x. .... v.. . . V
Miss rniins iisiier who is
teaching at Wapinitia was down
and spent Saturday and Sunday
Alpha Guyette,. of Tygh Ridge
was visiting his uccle the firstt of
the week.
W. H. Talcott has just recieved
a nice line of stationery for the
Tallcott cash store.
Peter Kilburg the Tum-a-Lnm
lumber man has been getting on a
lot of good juniper wood.
Richard Johnson is building a
flume for irrigation purposes on
his ranch just west of town.
Mrs, C. L. Harpau has been
quite sick for several days and is
still under the care of the doctor;
K. Miller was in town the first
of the week. He will soon leave
for an extended sojourn in Sher
man county.
Hurstel Hollis has just filed
on a homestead about rive miles
south of here. We are glad to
have such men in our community
and extend to him the glad hand
of welcome.
All optical work repaired by
' H. L. Emmons, Maupin.
The school is rejoicing over the
prospects of having the ground
graded and fenced iu time to plant
some garden,
The second grade has started a
new set of supplementary- books,
which they are reading in connect
ion wih their readers.
Mrs. Cunningham and Mr.
Wilbur Welters were school visitors
Friday afternoon.
The question chosen by the
debate club for their next meeting.
to he held March 5th, is; Resolved
that sailors endure greater hard.
ships than soldiers,
The two rooms celebrated
with her parents, E. J. Fisher and j Washington, s birthday jointly.
We Serve first class meals,
Good, Clean Rooms and
Clean, Fresh Beds
Board by Day,'
. ,
Week or
B.D. Fraley
Horse Shoeing, Wagon
Making, General Repair
Work and all Work is done
Neat Strong and Guaranteed.
No Kick Coming if
Once Tried
Claude Wilson one of the pros
perous formers of Buck Hollow
was in attendance at the band boys
masquerade Monday night.
Mr. Richardson, sou of Grandma
Richardson, arrived from Idaho a
few days ago to be at the bedside
of his mother, who is Seriously ill.
I!ffie Gilfrey was over from the;
Buck liollow country Monday
She has a homestead there of 329 j
acres and will soon be labeled as;
Farmer''' Gilfrey. :
Subscription t6 any magazin'e
can be had. H. L. ErnrifonB, Jr,
G. W. Mallott just returned from;
the valley where he has been visit
ing for some time. He re'side"s in
tlie Bakeoven country, where he
has large laud holding.
B. D. Fraley, our geh'ial black
smith has just Installed 'a gasoline
et'igine'in his blacksmith shop. He
is preparing to put iu a trip ham
mer and 6theV machinery fu the
near tuture. 1 lie continual ring
of the anvil and exhaust of the
engine are signs of spring rush.
The traveling public library is
now 6pen to the people of this
sectjon. Anyone wishing a book
inquire 6f postmaster Talcot
After the book is out two Weeks,
two cents per day Will be charged
E. J. Fisher has 'just cotnpleted;
a .new automobile truck body and
will soou be ready to give fast
j service iu the truck and delivery
line. The workmanship on the new
body is equal to that turned out by
the best manufacturers which
speaks much for h'is new garage
We lead Others follow. Lis
ten! At enormous expense we
have secured a limited number of
large hapd painted ClL PAINT
INGS of Landscape and Marine
Views, which We are giving; ab
solutely free to our customers.
See us about it W. H. Staats &
after recess Monday afternoon,
with appropriate exercises consist
ing of recitations, essays, and
The roll of honor for the last
month Isi
Advanced Room: Ray Smith,
Violet Milled tester Crofoot,
Louis Fnimons.
Primary Room: Lora Goetjeiii
Fern Mayhew, Lewis May'irew
Earl Smithy Willie McClure.
Correspondents wanted to cov
er Southern Wasco county.
Free Af. E. Church Notes
Morning services first and
third Sunday of each week. Sum
day schdol at 10':00 a. m., every
Sunday and everybody is weh
com'e to attend all meetings.
Rev. W. Welte, pastor.
"Stem-. fColl, Phys. & Surg.,
Licentiate Minnesota and
Prompt Servicfe dn Either
Day or Night Calls
Eyei tested, Glasies Fitted
Can You Do It?
1 wwmw yK
hntalMArtiMlliaiMfilraU. T prtw w
tthtm trnttm m y I' r mm jk mi uk
tm MMKtty InimiMO N4bc wd met llipiL.
10 Duiia more
During this Year
Many new buildings on farms and in the
cities to be built in this vicinity during the
present year
A great many more new buildings for Maui'in are pit-dieted
both in town and in the country, The general feeling of I'-et-ter
times is rapidly spreading and with the advent cf sni ii g.
new jobs are opening up.
Many modem step-saving Homes are bM-g n-n cmnla ed.
A general improvement in the aichicture of the honr ! his
vicinity is being noticed, Tbe plan book which thn Tun a
Lnm Lumber Co. loan to prospective home builders cii-'ia'ns
over one hundred designs Df homes, all of which have bptn
huilt in the Northwest before, and have been desMul 1 y
Northwest Architects, so they are appropriate for this put
of the country.
Banis, General Purpose Barns, Horse Barns, find Dairy
Barns, are being contemplated. In the two story i-r.n ,
the special Tum-a-Lum Circle Roof or Gambrel r 'f. s n.
to be the two styles most favored. Both 0? these are self
supporting, and will be found in the special Tum-a-Lum
Plan Book.
The Tum-a-Lum Silo has been designed by their Engineers,
to be built of stock lumber from their free plans. They
have proven very satisfactory and are recommended over
stave silos for hot, dry climates. By reason of absence of
patents, they cost about one-half the cost of patented stnve
silos. ,
Hogsheds, Chicken Houses, Milkhouses, etc., will make im
a large part of the smaller type-' of building. Many of the
designs of these buildings which have proven most sHpic
tory elsewhere, are to be found in the free plans of th-1 I'um.
a-Lnm Lumber Co., as well as a number of model scliol
houses, of one room up.
At The Home of
Anywhere. Any
Time. My Rates
Aire Reasonable.
Careful Driving.
Maupin, Oregon.
Harness Repairing
Repairs for your Harness,
Shoes or anything' in my line
Save Money by coming' to me
with hour troubles
Clyde Oliver
That Are Meals
The Kind We Always vSere
At Reasonable Prices
( 'When in Town MAke our
Hotel '-Your Headquarter
A Cordial Welcome to Ail
D. A. MOAD,Prop.
i Dr. G H." Francis, Optician