The Maupin times. (Maupin, Or.) 1914-1930, February 26, 1915, Image 3

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    A Real Foe
To Health is a
Weak Stomach
from this source arises
such ills as Poor Appetite,
Nausea, Heartburn, Indiges
tion Dyspepsia, Biliousness
anjl Constipation. You can
conquer and fortify the
system against such foes
by the timely use of
Be Sure You Get the 6enulne
Short-Winded but 8peedy.
"A dollar doesn't go as far as It used
"You very frequently sacrifice en
durance to speed," replied the engineer.
"You must remember that a dollar
goes much faster than It used to."
Washington Star.
Dave Houston, Prop. H. B. Thoranei, M(rr.
Thoroughly modern. 101 Roomi of comfort. Mod
erate Price. Three minutes' walk from Union
Depot. WriU for rates. 72 H. Sixth St, PORTLAND, OR,
Single Dial of Chronometer Re
cords It Ail.
Invention Both Mechanically Clever
and Artlitlo Has Been Awarded
Patent by the Authorities at
A chronometer, indicating on a sin
gle dial the time at any city In the
world, was recently awarded a pat
ent, according to Popular Mechanics,
Tobacco Habit Cured
Not only to users of pipe and cigars, but the
vicious cigarette habit Is overcome by using the
"NITRITE" treatment Price complete, postage
paid, f 1.00. Laue-Oavts Drat Co., Id and Yam
hill, Portland, Or. (When writing mention this
Much Interested.
"When the British attacked Wash
ington in 1813 all the congressmen
had to leave the city. Of course, they
came back later."
"Did they collect mileage both
ways?" eagerly inquired the congress
man addressed. Louisville Courier-Journal.
"Wimmen ain't got no sense of the
"How now?"
"You know that bulldog I got my
"She wants to name It Fifl." Kan
sas City Journal.
Dodging Responsibility.
"Yes," said Mr. Growcher. "I In
tend to keep up the Idea of Santa
Claus in my family as long as possi
ble." "What for?"
"I don't want the children to blame
me when they don't get Just the pres
ents they were looking for." Wash
ington Star.
Odd Clock Which Shows the Time ot
Every Place In the World.
The Instrument consists of a globe
of the earth inclosed In a glass dome,
around the circumference of' which
Is an hour and minute scale. Half
of the characters are In white and the
other half black, indicating day and
night The dome Is so mounted that
It revolves once every 24 hours, so
that If it is desired to know the time
at Parts, it is only necessary to fol
low a longitudinal line leading from
the position occupied by that city on
the globe to the dial. If the figure ap
pears in white, the hour which It rep
resents is that of day. A second dial
at the base of the Bphere shows the
local time, although this could be
read on the universal dial.
Paris Prices.
. "Your prices are higher than those
of others.'
"We dress our own beef, mum," said
the butcher by way of explanation.
"Dress your own beef, eh? Well,
you must think you're the Redfern of
the trade. Louisville courier journal.
Clinton Did you get In without
your wife hearing you last night?
Clubleigh No, nor without my hear
ing her, either. Boston Transcript
Quick Relief When
Utterly Worn Out
Getting the Blood in Order
Is Required By Most
People. -
If yon think yon have gone to smash ani
fit only for the discard, try 8. 8. 8. for the
blood. It will surprise you to know what
can be done for health once the blood 1
released of the excess of body wastes that
keep It from exercising Its full measure of
bodily repair.
If you feel played out, go to any aruf
tore and ask for a bottle of 8S.8, Here
I. m ..mMfl that rpffl At WOrlt U & tWinK-
Ilng; It Just naturally rushes right Jnte
your blood, scatters germs right and left,
np and down and sideways.
Ion feel better at once, not from a tin
slant, not from the action of drugs, but
from the rational effect of a natural meal-
The Ingredients In S. S. S. serve the
arttTe purpose of so stimulating the cellular
tissues of the body that they pick out from
the blood their own essential nutriment ana
ib. rrnelr work berins at once. The relief
Is general all over the system.
De not neglect to get a bottle of "
today. It will make yon feel better In lust
a few mlnntet. It Is prepared only In the
laboratory of The Swift Specific Co., 630
wlft Bldg., Atlanta, Ga. Bend for their
free book telling of the many atrang. con
ditions that afflict the human famllf tf
reason of Impoverished blood.
Russia's Monster Aeroplanes.
A good deal has been heard concern
ing the British and German aero
planes, but the great Sikorsky bi
planes used by the troops of the czar
have been rather overlooked. These
machines, invented by a famous Rus
sian named Sikorsky, are by far the
biggest aeroplanes being flown in the
war in fact, they are the largest in
the world. They stand 16 feet high.
and are about 100 feet wide. The
Sikorsky can carry almost as many
passengerB as an airship. Twenty
men can be accommodated in the
large passenger, cabin, which is con
structed of metal and contains numer
ous windows. In this machine three
engines are fitted, which give a total
of nearly 1,000 horsepower, for, ow
ing to the Sikorsky biplane weigh
ing in itself one and a half
tons, and having so large a crew to
carry, it demands high power to pull
it off the ground and keep it in the
The weight of the machine has ne
cessitated an elaborate landing
chassis, composed of numerous
springs and pneumatic tubes, so that
the huge biplane can alight safely on
rough ground at a speed of 60 miles
an hour. . .
Its Advantages Are Many, Where Such
an Apartment Is at the Command
of Housewife.
In case a woodshed Is available,
with an old stove that can be used
there, these should be pressed Into
service for washing during the winter
months. The woodshed as a wash
room would necessitate a washday
which is mild and sunshiny, but there
Is usually more than one such day in
each week; and when the health of
the family la at stake, the washing
can well be done on some other day
than Monday. At best, the woodshed
would be cold, hence the worker would
need a piece of old carpet or linoleum
and warm bricks or a soapstone to
protect her feet while standing at the
A small' bench on rollers, made the
same height as the wash bench, will
enable the housewife to move the filled
tubs about without any lifting. Such
preparations on the day previous are
necessary in order to shorten the proc
esses on washday and hasten the dry
ing of clothes, for the earlier in the
day that some of the clothes can be
put on the line, the less need there will
be for the remainder to lie wet in the
house or to be dried there.
In case a shed Is too cold for use in
all processes of washing, It should, be
used for those which send off much
steam, such as running clotheB through
the washing machine. Wringer, wash
bench, boiler, basket and hamper
should be kept in this shed rather
than carried from the cellar and back,
or rather than keep doors open while
carrying them from the smokehouse
to washroom, as is sometimes done.
Danger In Overcrowded Care.
Health Commissioner Ooldwatnr's
fight for the straphanger In Now York
la of vital interest to those who travel
about In all largo cities. "The wilful
crowding of cars," says the commis
sioner, "Is a serious offense against
public health and safety, It can be
readily demonstrated that throat af
fections, tuberculosis and like disease
are transmitted from person to per
son undor the conditions that exist In
subway and other passenger cars."
Heretofore the fight against over
crowding in the cars has usually been
waged on the score of discomfort If
it Is now to be carried on as a health
campaign, to safeguard the people
against infection and contagion, it will
probably be effective. Jersey City
"Let me see," said the young man,
thoughtfully, "I've got to buy some
flowerB, some confectionery and some
theater tickets, and "
"Doing mental arithmetic," inquired
the man at the next desk.
"No. Sentimental arithmetic."
Washington Star.'
Look Mother! If tongue la coated,
cleanse little bowels with "Cali
fornia Syrup of Figs."
Mothers can rest easy after giving
"California Syrup of Figs," because In
a few hours all the clogged-up waste,
sour bile and fermenting food gently
moves out of the bowels, and you have
a well, playful child again.
Sick children needn't be coaxed to
take this harmless "fruit laxative."
Millions of mothers keep it handy be
cause they know Its action on the
stomach, liver and bowels is prompt
and sure.
Ask your druggist for a 60-cent bot
tle of "California Syrup of Pigs,"
which contains directions for babies,
children of all ages and for grown-ups.
That VJcalt Bach
accompanied by pain here or there extreme nervousness
sleeplessness may be faint spells or spssma all are signals of
distress for a woman. She may be growing; from girlhood Into
womanhood passing from womanhood to motherhood or later
fullering from that change into middle life which leaves so many
wrecks of women. At any or all of theao perloda of a women'a li fa
aheahould take n tonic and nervine prescribed for just such case
by a physician of vast experience tn the diseases of woman.
Favorite Prescription FmH
has successfully treated mora cases In past forty years than any other known remedy.
can now be had In sugar-coated, tablet form as well as In the liquid. Sold by i
dealers or trial box by man on receipt oi eu cents in stamps.
Ml.. Rlluhatk Trfl.hl of Rarkalm. Cel.. In a raeant letter to Dr. Pierce said! "I 1
hnJianlnuiiiinhMltli lw..ahlnirmi iimti ii.ln..llov.rmv body and waaaonervousthatleould.
If anyone talked to me, but I had the good fortune to meet a nurse who had been cured br lr. Piera)
Prescription. 1 have never bad an occsiloa to eoneult a physician since am In exoeUsut seslteVT
Br. Pierre's Pleasant Pellets renlate stoi
liver and kowela-sawnr-eonied, tiny gr.sul
isaach, I
an Bias I
Dad's Bank Roll.
Willie Paw, what 'is a willowy
Paw A skinny girl who has a
wealthy father, my son. Cincinnati
Inexpensive Travel.
"I would I were a bird," she
"I would you were," said her hue
band. "You could go south for the
winter without its costing me sua
thing." Life.
One Who Does Much Sewing Should
See That It Is Always In
Perfect Condition.
When much machine work has
be done, filling the shuttle la a con
stant annoyance. This can be part
ly obviated by threading the shuttle
with finer cotton than that used on
the needle. The sewing will be quite
as strong, and the shuttle will not
need refilling half so often as it
would if threaded with the same num
ber of cotton as the needle, because
the spool will hold a great deal more
of the finer cotton.
If you want your sewing machine
to do satisfactory work, remember
that it needs to be kept clean. After
every ten hours' work it needs oil,
but all surpluB oil must be carefully
wiped off afterwards. Always work
it steadily, and never start or stop
with a Jerk.
One dressmaker, whose machines
are noted amongst her sewing girls
for their smooth and easy running,
oils them once in every three times
with paraffin instead of the usual oil.
Of course she is careful that the ma
chines are kept scrupulously clean. A
dirty machine can't be expected to do
good work.
When your machine Is not in use,
see that the wheels are left so that
the oil holes are at the top of the
hub. This will save clearing away
the superfluous oil, which trickles out
and causes the hub to catch the dust
Before you begin to sew take an
odd piece of material and stitch back
wards and forwards before commenc
ing ordinary work. If any oil works
up with the needle, as so frequently
happens after oiling or cleaning, It
will not spoil your material.
Treat a machine as a delicate In'
strument, and keep it away from
draughts and damp.
r. n. u.
No, 1 !
WREN writing te advertisers,
I tie this paper.
Mark Sullivan's Error.
Mark Sullivan, editor of Collier's
Weekly, was the Bpeaker of the eve
ning at a recent banquet given in
Detroit by the Adcraft club. He was
.the last on the program. It was no
ticeable that Mr. Sullivan spoke very
rapidly, though eloquently. His re
marks were brief, and afterwards it
was wondered by those who heard
htm. why he didn't speak longer.
"I omitted many things that I to
tended to say," said Mr. Sullivan to
a friend afterwards.
"Why?" the friend asked.
"It was so late," answered Mr. Sul
llvaa "It wasn't very .late," the friend re
plied, "and the audience was very
anxious to hear you."
"I looked at my watch when I got
up," said Sullivan, "and it was a quar
ter to 12. At that hour no one should
attempt to make a speech!"
"Heavens, man!" exclaimed the
friend, "you've got eastern standard
time. It was only a quarter of 11
Jhen you started."
Poor Comfort
Richard Croker, at a dinner at the
Democratic club, in New York, said
bf the war:
"Everybody Is telling the comba
tants in Europe what a regenerated
world it will be after the war is over
jno more armament firms, no more con
scription, no more race rivalry.
"But the way they are getting
killed off, the combatants must feel
about all this consolation like Tim
"Tim Grady lay in his sick bed
groaning and moaning.
"'Are ye very bad, Tim? asked his
" 'No.' said he. It's the doctor I'm
thinkln' of. What a bill ltll be, to
be sure, to be sure.'
" 'Shure, now, Tim,' said his wife).
There' the insurance money, alal
there r Washington Star.
To Cook Cabbage In Half an Hour.
Have plenty of salted boiling water.
In which a teaspoonful of soda has
been dissolved. Plunge the cabbage
In, top downward; leave it uncovered
and let it boil until tender. That will
be from twenty minutes to half an
hour. Take it out into a colander;
drain well, put into a hot dish; add
lots of butter, some salt 'and pepper
and serve at once. It will be as deli
cate as cauliflower and the color be
retained, as well as no unpleasant
odor over the house such as is always
associated with boiling cabbage. Try
t once.
Underdone Meat
If a Joint of meat should be too on
derdone to eat, and several slices have
been carved out, it can be cooked
again and served up as a fresh Joint
If the hole Is filled up with mashed
potatoes and cooked in a brisk oven
for an hour. The browned notatoes
will be much appreciated and the fact
that it is the second time of sending
it to table will not be noticed.
Browned Flour for Gravy.
Keep a quantity of browned flour
an hand for making gravy; you will
una it saves a great deal of time. Put
several spoonfuls evenly on the bot
tom of a baking pan and stir it over
i moderate fire until It becomes an
imber brown. Turn it into a bottle
nd keep for use.
Bran Geme,
One egg, one cupful flour, two cup
ftils bran, one teaspoonful salt three
Utblespoonfuls molasses, one table
ipoonful shortening, one teaspoonful
ioda, buttermilk to make a stiff bat
:er, raisins may be added if desired.
Bake 25 minutes.
Final Precaution.
"You treated the accusations with
silent contempt, ot course?"
"I did."
"And then with haughty indiffer
ence?" "Yes."
"Then you laughed them to scorn?"
"And finally repelled them with Just
"Then you'd better see a good crim
inal lawyer next." Philadelphia Led
Kola Tablets
have many friends who use them - gener'
tanic and for Kidney trouble, T-, pr box.
6 boxes for tl.OO. For sale by Laue-Davis Drug
Co. 3d and Yamhill Sta.. Portland, Ore.
"Her husband never leaves
house without her knowing It."
"How does she manage it?
"She buys him neckties that he
can't possibly tie without her assist
ance." Washington Star.
A Baltimore doctor suggests this
simple, but reliable and Inexpensive,
home treatment for people suffering
with eczema, ringworm, rashes, and
similar itching skin troubles.
At any reliable druggist's get a Jar
of Reslnol Ointment and a cake of
Resinol Soap. With the Reslnol Soap
and warm water bathe the affected
parts thoroughly, until they are free
from crusts and the skin is softened.
Dry very gently, spread on a thin layer
of the Reslnol Ointment, and cover
with a light bandage. This should be
done twice a day. Usually the dis
tressing Itching and burning stops
with the first treatment, and the skin
soon becomes clear and healthy again,
Shipping Fever
Influenza, Pinkeye.
Kpiaootlc, Distem
per and all noes
j a -r ana mroni uieens
cured, and ill others, no matter how "exposed," kept from
having any of theHe diseases with SPOHN'S LIQUID DIS
TEMPER CURE. Three to alx doses otten cure a case. One)
60-cent bottle guaranteed to do so. Hest thing for brood
mares: acts on the blood. 60 cents a bottle, $6 dozen bottle.
LM-uiorlBts and harness shopa or manufacturers aell it. Agents)
SPOHN MEDICAL CO, cw Goshen, hi
Convertible Watch.
A convertible watch recently de
vised Is provided with an ingenious
set of interchangeable attachments
that make the, one watch equivalent
to seven, so far as styles of wearing
are concerned. By means of these at
tachments it may be worn as a brace
let watch, as a moire, silk-elastic, or
leather-wristlet watch, as a silk or
chain-sautolr watch or as a chatelaine
brooch watch. Popular Mechanics
Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets reeu-
late and invigorate stomach, liver and
bowels. Sugar-coated, tiny granules.
H,asy to take as candy.
Father's Heart.
'urrylng to work
"You're not
"I'm not that."
"S'pose a duke like you don't mind
losing art an 'our."
'Look ere, Bill, our timekeeper s
daughter was married yesterday and
I tell you if e s there to time this
morn' 'e's no father's 'eart." Tld-Bits.
Try Mnriue Eye Keinedy for Red, Weak, Watery
Eyes and Granulated Kyellda: No Buiartiuff
usfc-aye uomiort. write lor book or me aye
y man jrree. Murine uye aemeuy uo., umcago.
Trapped.. ,
"Dick," eald his wife, as she poured
the breakfast coffee, "did you get any
mall this morning?
"Nothing but papers."
"Did you post that letter I gave you
"Strange you haven't received it. It
was addressed to you." Philadelphia
Public Ledger.
"Pape's Dlapepsln" makes Sick, 8our,
Gassy Stomachs surely fee! fine)
In five minutes.
It what you Just ate is louring oa
your Btomach or lies like a lump of
lead, refusing to digest, or you belch
gas, and ructate sour, undigested
food, or have a feeling ot dizziness,
heartburn, fullness, nausea, bad taste)
in mouth and stomach-headache, you
can get blessed relief in five minutes.
Put an end to stomach trouble forever
by getting a large fifty-cent case o
Pape's Dlapepsln from any drug store.
You realize In five minutes how need
less it is to suffer from indigestion,
dyspepsia or any stomach disorder.
It's the quickest, surest stomach doc
tor in the world. It's wonderfuL
Not In This War.
"What are you reading about?"
"The ruins of Pompeii."
"When was It bombarded?" Louis
ville Courier-Journal.
Thesarus Outdone.
Tommy Figgjam Paw, doesn't "re
verse" mean to "back?"
Paw Figgjam Surely.
Tommy Figgjam Then, what did
Uncle Bill mean when he said that he
busted up in business because he had
too many reverses and not enough
backing it? Chicago Post.
Wrong Woman.
Miss Hobbs I saw your wife yes
terday. Mr. Bobbs Did you? What did she
have to say?
Miss Hobbs Oh, nothing!
Mr. Bobbs That wasn't my wife.
Cure Sick Headache, Constipation,
Biliousness, Sour Stomach, Bad
Breath Candy Cathartic.
No odds how bad your liver, stom
ach or bowels; how much your head
aches, how miserable you are from
constipation, indigestion, biliousness
and sluggish bowels you always get
relief with Cascarets. They imme
diately cleanse and regulate the stom
ach, remove the sour, fermenting food
and foul gases; take the excess bile'
from the liver and carry off the con
stipated waste matter and poison from
the Intestines and bowels. A 10-cent
box from your druggist will keep your
liver and bowels clean; stomach sweet
and head clear for months. They work
while you sleep.
Comparatively Good.
"So you are going to be married,
"Yes, ma'am, and I'll be leaving you
next Tuesday."
"Well, I hope you are getting a good
"If he ain't better than the one
you've got I won't keep him long."
Detroit Free Press.
To Make 8uccotash In Winter.
Take small white beans, soak them
12 hours and then put them on to
Soil. When half done, add the corn
ind let them boll until soft when
idd butter, salt and pepper.
Found Wanting.
"Brudder Perkins, yo' been flghtln,'
I heah," said the colored minister.
"Yaas, Ah wuz."
"Doan yo' 'membah whut de Good
Book sez 'bout turnln' de odder
"Yaas, pahson; but he hit me on
mah nose, an' I'se only got one."
Livingston Lance.
More candidates for charity at
home. The pickpockets report that
they are suffering because so many
walletB are flat.
Persons suffer more from inexperienced
fitting than from hernia. Why not buy yesnt
trusses from experts? Try Laue-Davis Drug Cow
at ad and Yamhill, Portland. Ore., who are e
parts and know how.
Scene: English Training Camp.
Zealous Sentry Afraid I can't let
you go by without the password, elr!
Irate Officer But, confound you! I
tell you I've forgotten it. You know
me well enough, I'm Maj. Jones.
Sentry Can't help it, sir; must
have the password.
Voice from the guard tent Oh,
don't stand arguing all night, Bill;,
shoot 'lm. Tatler.
Matter of Sentiment
"Do you think a green Christmas Ua
"That color," replied Mr. Rafferty,.
"is one that can do nothing except la
the way of Improvement but I'll bo
drawn into no political argument"
Washington Star.
A mlud reader aided a chauffeur re
cently. Wonder If It was in deter
mining the wealth of his fares.
Rheumatism Sprains
Lumbago Sciatica
Why grin and bear all these ills when Sloan's
Liniment kills pain?
, " I have used your Liniment and can
Say it is fine. I have used it for sore
throat, strained shoulder, and it acted
like a charm." Allen Dunn, Rout 1,
Box 88, Pine Valley, Mitt.
" I am a painter and paperhanger by
trade, consequently up and down lad
ders. About two years ago my left knee
became lame and sore. It pained me at
nights at times till I could not rest, and
I was contemplating giving up my trade
on account of it when I chanced to think
of Sloan's Liniment. I had never tried
it before, and I am glad to state that
less than one 25o. bottle fixed me up
apparently as good as ever." Charlet C.
Campbell, Florence, Texas.
li in a kv MM
. All Dealers 25c
Send four cents la stamps for a free TRIAL BOTTLE.
DR. EARL S. SLOAN, Inc.. Philadelphia, Pa. Dept B
Crfof man food fait and brighter color than any tfMf dy Every package guaranteed t color Silk, Wool, Cotton ami Mised Goodi il i boiling. M mHtm
Write lot ff bcokkt Ho mtf mi Wm Cafef." caind, Motttra. etc. MONBOB DBUG COMPANY. Drpirtm-nt Z. jutncy.