THE MAU FIN M Lbt Devoted to the Interests of Southern Wasco County VOL. 1,. NO. 20 MAUPIN, SOUTHERN WASCO COUNTY, pREGON, FEBRUARY 26. J 915 THE YEAR $1.50 TO MOVE DEPOT It is reported that the Oregon ,Ti unk depot will soon be moved from its present location to a a point down the river where it 'will be much more convenient the public. The present site is about a quarter of mile above the bridge and is hard to reach owing to the steep hill leading up tp town. The new location will have abundance of ground for ware houses and other buildings" It is also stated that a flour mill is contemplatd by some Porrtlapd people and its location will be neir the new site. With these, and other improve: ments that are already assured Ataupjn will take on air of a yerr f'.irifty and up-to-date little city. Jack.Staats has becouit farmer the last few days. See those penny school tablets at Tallcott's cash stpre. Get your Stationery, pens, pen p Lis and inks at Tallcqtts cash store. Miss Thrall pne of the teachers in our public school here spent Sunday with the family of T' A. Connolly in Flanagan. Dr' El wood, f The Dalles was called here Tuesday to minister to Ben Cook. Mr. Cook is stopping with his sister Mrs. Richard Johnson. The. Shattuck Bros., have been handling a nics Jot of beef lately just as an accomodation to the pub lie owing to the absence of a meat market. One would pay here, better fry it somebody. ' Try! Sat. night band dances. Dr. Eshelman Here Dr. G. C, Eshelman, the su preme medical examiner for the United Artisans with headquart ers in Portland, was here Tues day and Wednesday and assisted R. H. Drake in completing the organization work here. The Doctor is quite well known in this part of the country, hav ing lived in The Dalles for a number of years prior to going to Portland. A BIG TIME- i AT MASK BALL Frauk Gcebel retuiued from a trip outside yesterday. Gus. Derthick was down on some business matters yesterday. Mrs.Uae Earzee of Wapinitia is here to be with her mother who Is quite sick. John Donaldson drove the stage for Vernie Roberts the first of the week, between here and Wapi- tiitia. John Muir left for the Mays ranch, Tuesday, where he goes to help them with the spring work. Duke Moad has been rambling around over the couq try for the last few days. If you have any real estate to trade or sell or if you want to buy, list it with the Maupin Real Estate Co, office in ,the Times building The Maupih Solo Club met last Tuesday evening at Kellys garage at the usual hour, 7 p. m. nine members were present. The first prize was won by ym. Hickman, second by R. F. Smith. mr. and Mrs. t,. Q. Henneghau were in town from their Juniper Flat name the first of the week. They now have to drive in as the roads are too muddy for their big car. The inasqiierade dance given by the band boys last Monday night, Feb. :2nd, was the biggest success of its kind this year. The boys have a band of twelve pieces and have just about completed the payments on all the instruments. Under the leadership of Geo. Vanderpool they have been pro gressing very rapidly and the music rendered last Monday nigljt was equal to the best anywhere. The dance continued until nearly niorn iug and every one seemed to en joy themselves. Prizes were award ed for the best sustained characters and the winners were. John Wil Hams representing Uncle Sain and Mrs. T. A. Connolly represent ing an qfficer. The "baud ladies', and are to be commended 011 the big spread vvhial required a great deal of labor and whfle they seemed to be LAKES LEASED TO The Jason Moore Company has filially got the legislature to ageer to a leas,e of the mineral lakes in Central Oregon and the pan of the Moore interests is to construct a line more then 250 mtles in length from the lakes to the mouth of the Deschutes river. They intend to erect a large hydro-electric plauf :and extract the commercially-valuable salfs from the piped waters of the lakes by an electrical process, which they have already developed by experi ments with water from the lakes shipped to the plant at Niagra Falls,. In connection with the ex traction of salts they will ship phosphate rock from Wyoming to tty: plant and manufacture com mercial fertilizers. The proposed investment is from $j,oop,pop to $10,000,000. The lease of the lakes rtius for growjng some tired before the end j 0 years. The bid of the Moore came they ever nisted that you have more qf this, or that until well, we dpnt blame them much, but we heard the dpctpr )iad a good night also. May Interest People E. G. Howe representing the Bankers Mortgage Corporation was here during the week inter viewing ihe business men. Their plan of making long time loans at a low rate of interest on approved security is becoming very popular all over the country. Mr. Howe will return in the near future,, at which time we will give a more com plete outline of their business policy. intrests was received after due pub lication and was accompanied by a certified check for $10,000 as a guarantee of good faith. Upon ratification of the contract the leases have three months ip which to put up a bond of $25'ooo which wilj be forfeitable if work is not commenced within three months thereafter or if the ytarly royalties are not paid. Deposit of the bond will permit them to draw down their check for $ro,ooo OUR BIG . Mr. Kellog, ihe Oregon Moline v Plow Company, s man has been in town for a few days drumming np business. Dr. Crobin Appeals Dr.M. 15, Corbin who was tried Thursday in the justice of Ihe peace court before Uplines Ehrsain was given a sentence pf h fine of $75 and costs. The decision was rend ered Friday. Dr. C'"'bin was ar rested February io? on a charge of practicing without a license pre ferred by G. It. Jones. Tle charge practicing obsteries without license was dropped, Dr. Corbin took nn appeal to the circuit court. Dalles Optimist. Divide District, jjudge Bradshaw was in receipt of a telegram Saturday afternoon from Senator It'. R. Butler stating that the bill for the division of the seventh judicial district had passed tie senate and the district will hereafter be com posed of Wasco and Hood River counties while crook and the new county Of Jefferson caused by the divisionof Crook county at last fall's election will comprise the new eighteenth district. John Foley returned from the Dalles Thursday. Wm. Connolly and wife re. turned from The Dallesyester day where they spent a few days on business and pleasure combined- " G. H. and D. G. Stone of Port land arrived here this Morning looking for a flour mill location. They like this place for; its adyant-J ages and may decide to erect mill here. FOR NEXT FRIDAY Ovving to the bad weather that prevailed Wednesday night, the big time scheduled to take place by the New Artisan lodge was put overuntil a week from today, which will be their regular meet ing night, Frjday. An open meeting will be held and a supper served for all who come Friday, March 6th. A business meeting was held despite the rain and a committee appointed to prepare for the so cial event to take place on the night stated above. Everybody is invite4 to come and enjoy the big feast. . " ;, It is the intention of the man agernent to give a prize to the lady 'receiving the largest num ber of yptes in a popularity con test. The yotes will be sold at a cent apiece. Mr. Drake who has had charge of the organization work will rer main over for the next meeting and will keep things on the go. for a rousing time. Obituary LnffiiX Underclothing'. Mackinaws Blankets Ladies' Notions Winter Necessities If you want to feel In Comfort For Winter See Us Mw HKdky Gobdt I carry all kinds of stones for rings and pins Emmons the Je'weler. we haye number one schools Maupin as good a you wjll find anywhere. The cost of living is about the same in Maupin as in any other part of the country. Ieave your orders for smelt or a ! halibut with Styer. He will have 'a shipment in iiext Friday and you Several letters have conje to the 1 should order now. t W. H.STAATS & CO. Henry Nelson Deri hick, an early Oregon pioneer died at his home on Jackson St. The Dalles, Oregon, Friday, February 19th, at the age of 83 years, Mr, Derthick was well known over the state, having resided a number of years in both Eastern anu western uaegon. tie was born in Dunkirk, New York, June 12th, 1832, being the last of the family of Otis and Mary Derthick. He came with his parents from New York to Bel videre, near Chicago, where he received the greater part of his education, having graduated from St. Marys Academy of that place. In 1855 he crossed the plains, stopping in California where he lived for six years. While in Cali fornia he worked in the mines in which he was interested. In 1861 he came to Oregon and made his home in the Willamette Valley until I887 when he came to Wasco County. He was one of the first settlers to take a homestead on "Juniper Flat," near Maupin. This place was his home until eleven years ago when he retired from farming and moved to The Dalles where he was living at j the time of his death. j In 1862, one year after his ar- rival in Oreeon he was married ; to Susan E. Sumoter who sur vives. To this union five children- were born, four of whom are still living, Austin, Otis, Jasper and Mrs. F. M. Confer, all of Maupin, Nelson Derthick the youngest son having died in Wil- 1 ..a.- xr1iA. Wrtfrt. fVio 'family came to Wasco county. There ' are eight grand children and one 1 . a .1 u:i,l ' ; B C great, granu cmiu. Times in the Inst few days asking I for information about this country, one froi:i Canada and we wanl to give them the desired facts jtisl as they art- and would like to have tlifin all ItNTte here, for there' is lots of room and opportunity, -v. Note the advertisements in this issue. Trade at home and build up our resources, The band dances are becoming popular. That dance music is bringing them. A nine piece or chestra rests the band occasioily Saturday night band dances! J. Conklin of the state bank returned from pnrthrnd Tuesday morning where lie visited with his family fr a few days. Dr. C. II. Francis has been kept quite busy of bite, and has been handling some very serious eases, all of which are improving. W. H. Mcllaley, of The Dalles, spent two days of this week put' ting up a large windmill for Milt Morris,, Mr. . c !aley is the manufacturer of McIIaley's Gran u'atul whole wheal in The Dalles. iiBffillllDllflif llu ..11 u ituiiui Irani CENTRAL OREGON LINE Now is the Time to Equip Yourself For Spring owing Oliver Plows and Extras Carried in Stock Orders Taken for John Deere and Syracuse Plow Extras ShattucK Bros,