The Maupin times. (Maupin, Or.) 1914-1930, December 30, 1914, Image 1

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Devoted to the Interests of Southern Wasco County
VOL j.,0.,8
- Wamic News Notes
The dance at Bill Gash's home
stead was a success.
The Xmas tree, at the Smock
church house was reported ex-
Gus Noble and family are visi
tors at M. P. Thornton's.
Mrs. Marion Farlow was a
Tygh Valley visitor this Week.
Hen Miller was a visitor at
M. P. Thornton's this week.
The weather i3 beginning to
moderate on the prairie.
G. W. Thornton : ann T. E.
Farlow are putting cp ice for
their summer use.
, The Xmas tree and entertain
ment at Wamic last week.
G. W. Thornton and wife have
been visiting at the Mrs. W. H.
Farlow home.
P. E. Spoor and Billy Gordon
went east oil a visit until spring.
The home gathering at M. P.
Thornton's was the scene of
much gaiety to all otl the 24th
and 25th.
Try! Sat. bight band dances. .
The band presented George
V&nderpool with beautiful eight
day cldck for Christmas gift.
; Seta! Sippi! I
School supplies have arrived
and I have opened a store to the
public ill the front room bf the'
postofhce and will offer the best
values for the lest money. To
those making a goodly purchase
we will give a premuim. Tablets
jc, 10c and 15c. High grade
box paper, i5c to 25c. o Penny
craydns. Penholders for 5c.
Pencil boxes, with individual
drinking cujps, all for 10c. Inks
of bes Quality 5c ah'd 10c.
77 57 0 .
WsiMdif Lim&t
School Notes
The tables that Mr. Kelly made
are being used and greatly ap
preciated. They are a reading
table in the high school room and
a sand table in the primary roam
The children in the primary
room had a short Christmas pro
gram Thursdry alternoon, con
sisting of recitations, songs and
a Christmas dialogue. The visi
tors were the pupils from Mr.
Irle's room.
Tom Smith, Nellie Harphan,
Van Moad and Jessie Williams,
have been absent from school
for several days.
Mrs. Goetjen, Mrs. Mayhew,
and Adolphus Mayhew, were
visitors at the school last week.
The pupils in the upper grades
have been taking their monthly
tests this week.
Roll of honor for month: Miss
Thrall's room; Leon Chouinard,
Marllda Chouinard, Lora Goetjen
Vera Goetjeh, Lawrence Harp
han, Mary Martin, Lewis and
Fern Mayhew, Earl Smith, Tom
Smith, Paul Welter and Willie
McClure. Mr". Irle's room: Guy
Fryman, John Moad, Louis Em
mons, Violet Miller, Naomi Smith
Willie Fisher, Lester Crofoot,
Beaulah Welter.
Ladies' Notions
Winter Necessities
If you want to feel In
Gbihfort For Winter
See Us
Hay GiexDsk!
Thought He Was Wad.
ThA late Count Je Lesseps was trav
eling on one occasion In a French rail
way train in a compartment with two
commercial travelers.
"I beg your pardon, sir," said one of
tbem "are you not a traveler?"
"Certainly J am," said the count
"We thought so! What is your line?'
"Isthmuses." '
"Wh-wb-what," asked the puzzled
commercial "what are they?"
"I am Introducing ship canals," said
De Lesseps gravely.
The commercial travelers feared that
they had fallen in with a lunatic and
were making preparations to escapt
When the count handed them his card
and put them at their ease.
Mads Him Sick.
A noted golfer one afternoon playep
rather badly. He turned to his caddii
after he had foozled a drive and Bait
In his genial way:
"This Isn't a pleasant spectacle fo
you. I'm as bad as a Scotch laird ai
fit. Andrews, the St. Andrews cao
dies are all old men, and one day wbei
this laird was In especially bad form
bis caddie, after nine holes of missed
hots and putts, shook his gray old
head, surrendered the laird's bag of
clubs to .another caddie and said:
' 'Ife'll no mind, laird? I made but t
poor breakfast this ffiornln', and I'm
bo in a condition to Stand any mail
b'V " .
Bird's Milk.
"I fed him with bird's milk." Thi
curious expression vfras used by the
Old sultan of Turkey, While a prisoner
on his way to Saloniki. with reference
to his brother Mohammed, his prede
cessor on the throne. Abdul Satnld
Was lamenting Ills own fate and till
ing his captors UdV little he deserved
It and bow kind he had been to his
brother. "I fed him with bird's milk,"
he said, as if that Were the greatest
kindness he coald show. What Is
bird's milk? Not the Turkish equiva
lent of tHe milk of human kindness,
but a European brand of condensed
milk bearing oh the can a picture of 8
bird oh a nest,
A time will come whert the sci
ence of destruction shall bend be
fore the arts of peace, when genius,
which inultiplies our powers, which
creates hew products, which diffuses
comfort and happiness among the
great mass of the peop'e, sha'l occu
py in the general estimation of man
kind that rank which reason and
common sense now assign it.
-& CO.
The editor enjoyed Christmas
dinner at the home of W. H.
Staats and wife
John DelleTiglie, of Portland,
purchased lot 22, in blk 24, thisj
week, of Mrs. Staats. Consider-;
ation $184.00- He expects to
lispose of all his holdings in
Portland and go into business
here in the near future.
Christmas passed off quietly
and Saturday found spring wa
ter in great demand.
A carload of flour arrived for
Shattuck Bros., Monday. This
is the second car this fall.
The Hartman family of Wapi
nitia, were shopping in Maupin,
A fine black cow was killed on
the Oregon Trunk track Christ
mas night. It belonged to Bud
Smith, and was a valuable milker
Hard luck Bud..
Mrs. John Donaldson, who has
been on the sick list, is improv
ing rapidly at this writing-
B. P. Fraley and family had
Christmas dinner with home
folks in .Tygh Valley. Ben's
patronage seems to follow him
around, as everyone from Man
pin had him busy Bhoeieg their
horses to get home.
Note the advertisements in this
issue, Tradfe at home and Imilil
up olilr feiiotirces.
i carry all kinds t)F stonbs for
rings and pins Emmons the
Mr. Merchant ot neighboring
towns? The columns of this pa
per a're open to you for advertis
ing. Your business appreciated.
All kinds of jewelry repaired
by Emmons the jewler.
Correspondents wanted to Cov
er Southern W'ascojiountv.
" Notice 1
Taken up .t the Mi'M-ae
ranch t the month of B;ike Ovt-u
... .i .i
crot-k, lijiei' momns ngo ana un!. Urown mate mule, w't.
: 1000 HS- Age two years. Own
! er may have same by paying ex
Ipense of keep and proving his pro
pi r.iy. Otherwise il passes into
j, my jiosession
A. riiilmleft.
" -,..)o It? ,.
Can reft Do It?
r Vrfirii f tydfM nqtrtt nrrKtlH fcj Ifet if K'! n partU
mm imi ww iinxi ii m iMtiT mtW nut plat t&mia Dml
Ji 4xi mil wj IB tFty liil,. ijviarlM TVf itUi lit vl .t
ijTMirr la auld ( ntraittD wilt' (uib tBa tfHr wliM
' pacta'!.
alaaaaakMl udpunUM ata4 by atitat fU ti (Uhh ntMd.
Dr. C. H. Francis, - Optician.
Free M. E. Church Note.
WcrnHhg service's first and
third Sunday of each week. Sun
day school at 10:00 a- m., every
Sunday and everybody is wel
come to a'tterid all meetings.
Rev. W. Welter, pastor.
"On Eya Optn."
Bonie yenr'i ago In London a Preticb
man stepped Into h biiDjdm and was
"Whera do you wish to goV
"One eya open," fee replied.
"Right," aild cabby, Who understood
'notbiiig 'and ilrore oft After a time,
larue queaUoa, aama reply. Finally
'tns drlrer deacended and demanded
farther lnformatloa
"Una eya open." atlll wan the h
awer. Cabby furious. A crowd aaaem
bled, policeman appeared on the
scene and demanded the whole story.
Then the mystery was solved. The
fare wanted to ba driven to 1 High
All Around Town
Dr. H. V. Hatfield was recent
ly married in Portland and is
honeymooning in Seattle and
writes W. H- Staats he will re
turn in the gentle spring time
and make Maupin his home. Con
nratulations are offered by his
many friends here.
While music was resounding
in Tygh Valley's spacious dance
hall and everyone participating
in a good time, Frank Creageri
with his Ford was having difficul
ty in progressing at the proper
speed near White River hill.
differential gear of course
had o go wrong, right near this
point. To make matters worse
the road was a glare of ice, and
FranJ having no chains it was a
gTV u ?"8engT
!lf7, e op f th.e radef
to Tygh Valley in the best of
, JB , , , ,
humor and E. J. Fisher came to
he rescue. Frank's car ,s at
Billy Heckman and Dolph
Moad are busy repairing the city
water system.
By subscribing for this paper
you build up Southern VV&sco
Anyttns frishihg to trae for
Iddh'o ranlih property, inquire at
this office.
Have you sampled those salted
fiuts just received at Styer's?
Try them and you'll want more.
I tarry all kinds bf stones for
rings and pins Emmons the
m m i i - m m . n m mm a vj . n . i . . t , i n
Just Arrived
mv 2nd Gar of
Try m SacK. Be Everlastingly Convinced
That Xfe Meals
the Kind We Alwaya Serve
When in Town MAke our
"llotel Your HeadquartetS
ACordial Welcome to All
D. A. MOAD, Prop.
0 2
L. Wilhelm had charge of the
Tum-a-lum yards during Peter
Kilburg's absence.
"Buck" Williams has just com
pleted a dog house and is looking
for the coon, that was rolling his
eyes at him while he peered into
a looking glass on Christmas.
James Flanigan and Clem
Matthews were down from Flan-
igan Sunday.
The Oregon Trunk will estah.
i;8h headquarters here for a sec
Uion crew, next week,
With troubles and cares thrown
windg oW H Ti
rei d Pthye
tjme ball Wednesd evening of
,ast Wflek Nq h Qr
mi8t could ever have existd in
the four walls of Maupin hall.
It was gotten up by several of the
. i. . ,
ladies for the band on three days
Q & ft fa , C08.
tumes and Weary Wilie Dolph
ed the event. Prizes were award
ed to Mr, Oakley and Mrs. Bud
Smith. Wnen our citizens get
out and make merry like this, its
the proper spirit, the kind;that
Kts there for the good of a town.
Wf nre glad to state it a good,
ivspectubie atid 'jolly' dance; no
itnvdv It-m beiriR indulged in.
List's have srme mure iuA j n b'
lees It wftkes up'the rlt?aui'iiel
spirit, cleanses the itnnfeiiinU1 t
mind and Jiakes
ai t) glad to boost for iheir lon.
Mingle together With a rtvling
of good fellowship in ,V,hi'' he
Beit by Every Test.
S? it"3H wfm